Insurance Companies Deadly Secret – What They Dont Tell You | I Allegedly



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➡ I Allegedly talks about how the CEO of United Healthcare, Brian Thompson, was killed in New York City, with the words “Defend, deny, depose” written on the shell casings. The speaker shares a personal story about his girlfriend’s struggle with cancer and the constant denial of treatments by her insurance company, despite her having good insurance. He criticizes United Healthcare for frequently denying treatments and mentions that Thompson was under investigation for insider trading. The speaker concludes by warning listeners about the difficulties they may face with insurance companies when dealing with serious illnesses.



Hey, it’s Dan. Welcome back. This is I, Allegedly, and I’ve got a good one for you today because this is wild stuff with the CEO of United Healthcare being taken out. And, guys, I have a lot of experience in stuff like this, first of all, but please hit the like button, please subscribe to the channel, and today we have a sponsor, Patriot Gold, and I’ll talk about them in a bit. But Brian Thompson was 50 and he was gunned down in New York City, Midtown Manhattan. We’ve talked about that, talked about it extensively on the private channel, but here’s what’s wild.

On the shell casings, there was words written on that. Defend, deny, depose. Okay? Oh my gosh, I mean, it was crazy that this guy had words printed on this. Now, there was a book called Delayed, Denied, Deposed written by a man named Feynman who wrote this book, and I thought, well, this is crazy stuff right now. So, what you have is you have somebody that clearly had an axe to grind. And the insurance company, United Healthcare, now that I’ve looked at this, the number one insurance company to have things denied was United Healthcare.

Where’s the company? If you have insurance and you’re sick, you’re screwed. You’re going to face major, major delays and major, major problems. My girlfriend was a cancer patient, and she was a cancer patient. She got breast cancer in 2009, had surgeries, and then was considered cancer-free for six years until 2015, where she had a recurrence. It came back in a huge, huge way. And what’s wild about this is that when it came back, it came back with a vengeance. Head, brain, liver, lungs, back, everything. Done. Gave her two weeks to live during this time.

Now, one thing that she told me, and I just couldn’t believe it, she says, you’ve got to get ready for them to deny every single treatment that I have. And she had great insurance through Blue Shield, okay? And I was like, what do you mean, deny? Why are you going to be denied treatment? Sure enough, doctor orders an MRI, denied. Have to fight it. Going back and forth every time. She got every single piece of treatment that she wanted without a doubt. I mean, she got that, okay? So don’t think that she went without, because she surely didn’t.

At the end of the first year of treatment, now, think about this. She had a cancer recurrence, and I get the date wrong, but it was Memorial Day weekend of 2015. So what you have is you have a woman that would go into this extensive treatment, deathly ill during this time. The doctor that she got was this German doctor, Andrea Nancy, who was fantastic, and said, I’m going to do everything I can to fight this. Lisa got a drug called Progetta that they mixed as a cocktail. And again, the insurance company denied, denied, denied, and paid for it, okay? So she got this and responded to it.

And so much so that when they had medical conferences, the doctors would speak about her as a case study for, hey, you can heal these people. You can fix this. Now, we had no idea how sick she was. We knew she was really, really bad. But one thing that they did her because of her liver cancer was they gave her treatment every day via hydration infusions. And literally, guys, for eight months, every day, not four days a week, five days a week, every single day. We were at the hospital for three hours so she could get the hydration.

But it was like the Energizer Bunny. Now, our doctor said, listen, I want you to understand something. In Germany, they approved this for everybody. In the States, they denied us all the time. So get ready for a $25,000 to $50,000 bill that you’re going to have to fight at some point. Now, you just dealt with that stuff. You just dealt with it. Now, UnitedHealthcare would never have agreed to this, okay, according to these plans because people were dying. So Lisa was the case study. Lisa would have good days and bad days but lived seven and a half years and was lived the longest of any person that had those cancers.

And her lung cancer cleared up with the chemo, her brain cancer was subsided, and her bone cancer went away. Crazy stuff, guys. But again, treatment, good doctors. This bastard over at UnitedHealthcare, they denied so many different things. This guy was being investigated by the Justice Department for insider trading. This guy, I’m sorry. I’m sure he’s got a family. I’m sure he’s got a lot of disturbing things in his background. But this guy sounds like a kind of a degenerate. Nobody deserves what this guy got. But what you’re seeing and what I’ve told people, and I’ve had people write me over the last two years, Lisa died on Christmas Eve of 2022.

And it was an absolute success story because of how long she lived and the quality of life that she had. So these bastards of these insurance companies that do this, that don’t want to pay these people, this is shocking. A couple of cruise ships behind me that we’re going to go back on. This is St. Kitts, guys. It’s a beautiful little shopping district, you know, Caribbean town. Very muggy. It’s just nice. Everybody’s grateful. If you walk around with monkeys, your picture’s taken. It’s cool. But this guy, you know, there was a movie called The Rainmaker with Matt Damon and Claire Danes.

Matt Damon was really young during the time. Good movie. But the plot of the movie was Jackie LaMacha is played by a beautiful blonde. I can’t think of her name right now. Anyways, really attractive woman that worked for the company. That her job was to deny everybody. Deny, deny, deny. You know, delay, deny. You know, and turn down. It was just, it was ridiculous. This is what these people that go through this go through. Now, I tell everybody, and you get people, people that are successful in their lives, like, I mean, they’re corporate executives, they’re attorneys, they’re engineers, and you tell them this stuff and you say, Hey, listen, you’re about to have the fight of your life, not for the, for your illness, but for the BS with the insurance company.

And people would sit there and go, what? You’re kidding. And then, no, no, no, Dan, not going to have that problem. I negotiate million dollar deals every day. You get people like that, that then gets stunned that they get turned down. Now, my lawyer girlfriend, put the fear of God in people. Not that she ever threatened to sue anybody, but they were just worried because she was a super intelligent woman and saw this, but this bastard, this guy, that company went out and denied people. But to have the shell cases have that on it, that is unbelievable, guys.

It’s unbelievable. So I’m telling you guys, absolutely suck. And there’s more to this story. Now they’re starting to investigate and they have pictures of the killer’s face because a lot of cities, places like this, are loaded with cameras, guys, and you walk around. So if people that are filming in New York City, then that guy, because he pulled up his mask, pulled down his mask, and they got a good shot of this guy’s face. But was it some family member? Was it that world? Was it doing good in the world that you’re going to fix the wrongs of the world? But the number one denial of all claims was UnitedHealthcare.

I’m telling you guys, if you have UnitedHealthcare, it’s time to change your insurance company. I would do that right now because the company’s financially upside down. And now that you know that they’re upside down, change your insurance today. Get rid of them, OK? Talk to an agent that sells multiple policies. Look at how they pay claims. No one plans on getting a heart attack. No one plans on breaking a leg. But people, as we get older, men do stupid things. OK, I’m talking to us right now where they are. I got to ride my bike 90 miles in a day and then fall off of it, OK? You want a bungee jump? You want to go motorcycle with your buddies out in the middle of the desert? I had a buddy, Dave, who ended up getting airlifted from an accident in the middle of the desert.

His legs have never been the same since, guys. Remember that, OK? So protect yourself, OK? One of the things I wanted to talk about was, we’re talking about secession of these states that want to leave the Union. Go ahead, do it, do it. You know, my state, California, they talk about how, you know, hey, listen, these rules have to be followed with the new administration. We’re just going to secede from the Union. Go ahead. California is so broke right now that from the unemployment, from COVID, they owe from the loans. They take out loans to pay people.

From that, they owe $20 billion if they stiff the federal government on. Do you think you’re going to run your own country in California? They do. They think they’re going to do this. But understand this, the majority of our debt in California is like the federal government. It’s the exact same thing. We owe so much on interest. We owe so much on deferred payments for people that are retiring. It’s completely mad. It’s complete madness. So you haven’t seen anything yet, guys. But if you are a loved one, I am telling you this right now, take it from me, OK? I just renewed my insurance.

And you know what I did? I owe to the platinum policy so I can go anywhere I want. I’m not planning on getting sick. I’m not sick, guys. I’m just a fat ass, OK? So with that, I’m going to work on that. But here’s the thing. I will never forget this. And the agent and I sat there and talked about this. From November to May of that year, we sat down and, hey, Lisa, do you want to see how much has been paid on your claim and on his 85-inch screen inside his office? Now, once again, end of May, November 15th, we were looking at this.

We don’t know when the bill cut off, but the number, we both talked about this again a week ago, $955,000, what they paid already on her claim. No one can afford cancer. No one can afford to get sick. In America, you’re broke. But if you choose the wrong insurance company, you’re dead, OK? Remember that, OK? So don’t want to be graphic on this, but I have to be, OK? So please protect yourself, protect your family, guys. Do that, OK? Let’s talk about our sponsor, Patriot Gold Group. As you worry about protecting yourself and your family, you need to protect yourself and your retirement.

The best thing to do is do what central banks are doing, and that is buying gold and silver at a record clip right now. Silver has gone up 40% this year. The number one asset class from everything has been precious metals. You don’t want to miss out on this. Contact them today, 888-330-1431. Get a free investor guide. Have them answer all your questions. If you don’t want to call, just fill out the link below and get some information sent to you. It’s fantastic. The company has been number one rated for eight years in a row, and there’s good reason for that.

But do what everybody else is doing, and that is buying gold. Again, phone number 888-330-1431. Contact Patriot Gold today before it’s due. I’m going to finish this video with these last few things. In the town square, you get your picture with, and I said, can I take the monkey home? And they said, no, cannot. So I would have brought you guys the eye allegedly, monkey, monkey man. Anyways, last few stories to finish this video. Mr. Thompson, first of all, is under DOJ investigation. I found another article about this from the New York Post.

This guy’s got a world of hurt coming his way, but he’s not here to answer anything, so that’s interesting. Great article out of Fast Company, which is insane. It’s completely ridiculous. It says, full employment, empty wallet. We don’t have full employment, guys. We have empty wallets, I believe that, in empty buildings and businesses shuttering. Even in this resort town, you have a lot of places that are closed. It’s just that simple, and you can’t make it. A lot of people own multiple shops. Don’t say anything. Don’t give discounts. You want a better discount again, come here.

So needless to say, it’s all different all over the world, guys. Even on a resort island like this, people have no money. Now, what happens when you don’t pay a credit card bill? Well, people with Capital One are finding out at a record clip right now, and it climbed in October to the highest rate it’s been since the great financial reset, okay? And that is 4.48%. So it’s fast approaching 5% of people with a Capital One card that pull it out are not paying the bill right now. That is staggering, guys.

It’s absolutely monumental when you hear figures like that. It’s too much, but nobody wants to sit there and talk about how bad things are. But you know, you’ve got full employment. Who believes that? I’m telling you, people write stories like that, and I just get furious with these people because of the fact that they don’t tell the truth to say the least, okay? So please hit the like button. Please subscribe to the channel. I really enjoyed this vacation. I needed a reset, and it’s been nice working while I’m here doing the research.

I met a lot of cool people, and that’s the thing. When I go out and go to different places, I’m always asking questions and talking to people. You should do the same thing. So if you want to email me, it’s hello at, onward and upward. I appreciate each and every one of you guys. I have a huge announcement coming in the next few days, and I will see you very soon. [tr:trw].

See more of I Allegedly on their Public Channel and the MPN I Allegedly channel.



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