
➡ Tesla has introduced a humanoid robot, Optimus, that can interact in real time and perform various tasks. The speaker, Carlos Cortez, shares his experiences and thoughts on a recent trip, including his belief in a man-made hurricane and political observations. He also discusses his concerns about the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential to replace jobs, and Elon Musk’s transhuman agenda. He relates these developments to biblical scriptures, suggesting a corruption of DNA and a transhuman agenda.
➡ The speaker discusses the concept of transhumanism, the idea of enhancing humans through technology, and its potential impact on society. He expresses concerns about the ethical implications, the potential for misuse, and the loss of individuality. He also warns against placing too much trust in technology or politicians, and emphasizes the importance of faith and personal values. Lastly, he suggests that these advancements could lead to a loss of jobs and a shift in the economy.
➡ The text discusses the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics on society. It suggests that while there may be benefits such as increased life expectancy and efficiency, there could also be negative effects like job loss and social division. The text also raises concerns about privacy and control, suggesting that AI could be used to monitor and control people’s lives. Finally, it warns about the potential for AI and robotics to replace human interaction and work, leading to a significant societal shift.
➡ The speaker expresses concern about societal changes, particularly the rise of artificial intelligence and what they perceive as a “transhuman agenda”. They believe these changes are negatively impacting society and encourage listeners to protect their families and stay strong. They also emphasize the importance of faith, prayer, and a relationship with Christ as a means to cope with these changes. Lastly, they promote their investment advice services and their book, “America First Retirement Plan”.


Not the cybercab or Robovan. Optimus robot is the thing that everyone is talking about the most right now. It is hard to believe that in just over 1 hour, Tesla has introduced three super products. But instead of the crowd focused on two new cars, the people at the event focused on Optimus because this is the first time they can talk in real time with a humanoid robot. It can answer questions in just 1 second of thinking. The important thing is that the answer is completely unprogrammed. It thinks and answers by itself, not stopping there. Tesla also showed a series of new actions of Optimus to prove that it is worth much more than the $20,000 that customers spend.

Homemaker ready. More equality. If we internalize the machines, if we integrate them into our bodies, they’ll make us more, equal, more efficiency, will work smarter, not harder. Less reliance on pharmaceuticals, longer life expansion, expectancy, greater knowledge base because we can tap into the hive mind or we can tap into their cloud, their server and access information right into our own mind. Check this out. Here’s the last one. There’s 12345. Here’s the 6th one. It’s interesting. It’s number six on the list, potentially ordained by goddess. Hey, guys, Carlos Cortez here with another episode of scriptures and Wall Street.

I am really excited about talking about this one particular topic. As you guys know, I just evacuated to North Carolina, to my parents home and now back. It took me 17 hours to make a ten hour trip, but on the way back was awesome because we left Tuesday. This is why I’m late on my podcast this week. Also has some technical difficulties. It looks like my house got struck by lightning and my studio was just out of whack and I recorded and it didn’t go through. So apologize for the technical difficulties, but I’m here. I wanted to go ahead and release something out with that.

Something that has been on my chest for a little bit. My mind, I had a lot of time to think about this on the way here and back from, I’m sorry. On the way to my parents house in north Carolina. And on the way back, those of you that actually care, um, we’re doing fine. In the hurricane, uh, we had a lot of trees down. A lot of trees down. Um, pretty, pretty bad. Fortunately, we were, uh, blessed and fortunate enough that we didn’t have any damages at home. So that’s a really, really huge thing. Uh, my family was safe since we evacuated.

Uh, can’t say that for, uh, my neighbors near the water. They got destroyed. Um, I’m about five, 6 miles away from a. From. From the water. So, um, or any major body water, uh, by design, by the way. Um, but, yeah, my prayers, my thoughts, my helping hand goes out to, um, all the people that didn’t fare well to the hurricane. Um, it is disgusting because I really feel like this was all planned. I really feel that this was a man made hurricane. And it’s crimes against humanity. It is crimes against humanity of what is going on.

You know what’s interesting, and you won’t see this anywhere, but I can share my experience. What’s interesting is that when I was driving to North Carolina, mind you, there’s millions of cars on I 95. As soon as. As soon as I get out on that exit, I see nothing but Kamala signs. I see nothing but Kamala signs, blue signs. And my six year old was, like, flabbergasted. He was in disbelief. As soon as we take off an exit in 95 to go home, he was like, yo, papi, Kamala signed six years old, and it was blue, which is our favorite color, by.

By coincidence. I’m like, yeah, we don’t like that blue, Jacob. We don’t like that blue. But he was just blown away that he saw a Kamala sign that doesn’t even exist here in Florida. Like, I have never seen that. I don’t know any Kamala supporter, supporters in my inner circle, in my church, nowhere. I don’t understand. Like, who wants communism? Who wants to pay $8 for eggs? Who wants to pay $5 for gas? Like, why would you want that? Who wants to cut off the keystone pipeline and actually try to run economy that way? Or better yet, who wants to.

To incarcerate the black and latino men for having a bag of marijuana and put them. Give them, like, 20 year. 20 year sentences? Like, who wants that? It is. It is so ass backwards, man. It really is. But you know what’s really jacked up is I had this discernment going on, going up to North Carolina and back, and I had time to think, and I don’t know why, but I had this, like, I had this, like, dream, and I talked about it on Stu the other day. I had this dream that AI is going to go a whole nother level, and it made sense.

So this whole thing was just, like a computerized. What does this look like in 2080? What do we look like in 2080? What do we look like 100 years from now if God doesn’t show up? And what’s crazy is it’s happening now. It’s happening now. So this AI takeover is literally going to change your life, is going to replace your job. Even myself, even pretty much everyone, surgeons, doctors, anything that you can learn and get a license in will be replaced. So I would say maybe 70, 80% of our population will not have a job. There’s Elon Musk has an agenda to make you transhuman.

He is getting a kick out of that. And he’s basically wanting donning Trump, or maybe Trump’s in it. I don’t know. I don’t know. I’m. That’s above my pay grade. But what I’m. What I’m saying is that I’m just asking questions. I’m just being curious. They have this. This brain link, right? This brain link that. A chip in your brain and you can process your thoughts, it can go on a server, you can artificially, intelligently be smarter. So if we look into the scriptures, Satan has a huge, huge fascination to try to be like God. He can’t be God, but he wants to be like God.

And if we look at the history in the Bible, the reason why the archangel fell, he was the most beautiful angel, so much that his pride of got to him and that his wings, when they span music, came out of his wings. He was that beautiful. That’s why he’s, like the king of music. That’s why he. He gets all these, like, teenage teenagers through that. That catchy beat and every. And that whole culture, like, Satan loves music and he can put his presence in music. The other thing that I notice about this AI takeover is that there is always a corruption of DNA.

There’s always a corruption in DNA. And actually, let me look up the scripture real quick. So. Daniel 243, chapter 243. And whereas thou soweth iron mix with merry clay, thou shalt mingle themselves with the seed of men, but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. Again, basically, that’s the King James version, if you want, like the woke ESV version, where it’s easier to read. And whereas, though so is iron mix with merry clay, shall we mingle themselves with the seat of man, but they should not cleave to one another? Um, the way I read that, guys, is basically, and I’m.

I’m not into the harmonutics or harmonics of, you know, whereas. And thou, so is iron mixed with merry clay, thou shalt mingle themselves with the seed of men, but they shall not cleave one into another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. What’s interesting is that the Bible literally tells us that they’re going to try to transform us, they’re going to have a transhuman agenda and they’re going to be attempt on our DNA. The other thing is that obviously revelation 13 where it talks about the beast coming out of the sea. Here we go. The beast out of the sea.

The dragon stood on the shore of the sea and I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, ten crowns of its horns, one on each blasphemous name. The beast I saw saw resembled a leopard, but had felt like those of a bear in the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have a head fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.

People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast. And they also worshiped the beast and asked, who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it? So here we are. Satan has relinquished his authority, limited authority to the beast, and people now are worshiping this beast that is blasphemous only because no one can kill it, no one could beat it. And they’re literally are timid and people pleasing to their fear, knowing that the blood of the lamb, that God almighty is ruler of everything, that fear comes from Satan. And so he says, two timothy one seven, I have not given you the spirit of fear, but of love and power.

Sound mind. Now, Carlos, why are you talking about all this stuff? What’s that to do with my money? That’s a great question because this show is called scriptures in Wall street for a reason. All this money making stuff, blah, blah, blah, doesn’t mean Jack squat if our heart isn’t in the right place, man, like, none of this matters. We are here unlimited time. We are here unlimited one. Borrowed time. Really? We’re here on borrowed time while they’re making this agenda. I don’t trust this Elon character. To me, he’s one of those like slime ball guys that he’s a weasel.

I mean, I don’t know how to explain it. He’s a smart weasel snake. And how that represents Trump. Well, I’ll let you decide that. I’m not against Trump, I’m not anti Trump, I’m pro God man. And if he’s the only one fighting for our values, then that’s where my vote is going and he’s America first. However, we cannot worship these politicians man, we cannot worship these politicians. Don’t put your faith. Don’t put your faith in any man. I’m sorry. And look, whether it’s pro vaccine or not, I don’t trust that cabinet or his cabinet that he has.

It is. They’re pushing an agenda like the left wing and right wing is still a part of the same bird. And. And to my. And to my discretion, I mean, to my discernment, I don’t think nothing will ever happen in Washington because of the pedophilia, because of the blackmail they all have within each other. This is why P. Diddy will get away with everything. Or there will be all these smaller incidents, or not smaller side incidents of people dying and mysteriously died suddenly, like this Liam guy. There will be distractions. We all know that. But how this pertains to your retirement, to me, it’s simple.

Because it goes deeper. And I’m going to pull up the charts because I may not even be able to have a job. Maybe there’s a robot smarter than me. Maybe. Maybe he could give you better advice than I could. Maybe he doesn’t even have a political agenda. Maybe he doesn’t. I mean, they’re not going to be vaccinated, so we have that in common. Right? But one thing you cannot replicate is the Holy Spirit is the soul, is emotional intelligence. And so, so much of financial advising is that is discernment. It is like, hey, yeah, I want to do the right thing.

Yes, I have some knowledge. Yes, I want to help you be a steward of your assets. But can a robot actually do that? Well, that’s up to you to decide because a robot AI based is not going to have a soul and the fruits of the spirit, it just won’t happen. So what I want to share with you is actually kind of dark, man. So talking about, like, this discernment I had, I started looking into transhumanism and just bear with me. I’ll bring it all together. I’ll bring it all together, guys. But here is from Exeter University.

It’s not the future. This is now. It is not the future. It is now. This is what’s happening now, guys. And this is a PDF, a white paper, actually, on what actually is happening right now. Transhumanism. Creating the ideal human through augmentation overview the belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by the means of science and technology. In a Mary from human and post human. What the heck is post human? A transhuman resembling a human in most respects, but who has powers and abilities beyond those standard humans.

So yes, they’re making smarter humans. Transhumanists most study examine the potential dangers of these technologies and their ethical consideration. Some examples trans humanism include anti aging and artificial intelligence. So we have chat GBT, we have Siri, we have Alexa already listening to me. That is crazy. So Siri says you need to unlock my iPhone first. So there you have it. I mean, it’s already here. It’s already here. I did not plan that. That literally my iPhone just spoke to me. It’s never done that before. This is pretty dark, man. Transhuman often represent in films as negative aspect of humanity shown as mad scientists where there is a negative plot twist causing damage.

Limitless struggling writer is given a nootropic allowing him to perfect recollection and express his positive biological enhancement. Films is divergent. Highlight the potential issues with tram humanism due to the mind control that is used to film through special serum. Another example is a black mirror that the entire history of shows enhancement that gets rid of the issue of forgetting, helping with diseases like dementia and Alzheimer. What did Elon Musk just say? He’s going to use it on a dementia patient to help him. This is already here. Science fiction fields assumption that all humans and defective and therefore the entire population of the world will be wiped out and started anew with the perfection that transhuman supposedly creates.

Transhumanism and pop culture brings up the question of perfection in each different film or show that are different in a way which the modification makes the person perfect. Nothing about scripture, completely satanic based. God said he made us in his image. There’s nothing freaking wrong with you. You don’t have to put a penis on your vagina. You don’t have to chop off your penis and say you’re a woman. God made you in his image. You are perfect the way you are. He’s given you the Holy Spirit. He’s given you abilities to impact others. He made you perfect.

I don’t care who you are. You have a gift. It is your responsibility to find it, to own it, to use it for the kingdom, period. So this is what Satan does. He wants to mimic and literally kill you. He wants to deceive you. This is all deceitfulness. We’re all going to be tricked into thinking that this is the norm. This is the norm to have humans, robots become one. And so it goes. It goes deeper, like this is what the government wants to do. This is why Fednow was created. This is why the vaccine was created.

This is why everything was created, so that you could conform. So they want to track, trace and control you to implement the project 2030 to create this new world government. If they can just make everybody transhuman, they immediately, immediately would have a one world government. And the Antichrist will be some transhuman. I used to think this was crazy, but then they started coming out with movies and like, whoa, I never thought about that. Like the surrogates. The surrogates. Your body is a shell. They call it a shell. Your actual body is a shell. So what they’re promoting is that you could never die.

Your conscious mind will be uploaded in a server, just like how AI is using your phone. When you get in your truck, it already knows you’re going to the rink, to the grocery store, to church, to practice, to wherever you go on a week to day basis. It knows your routine so that when you get in your truck, Apple Maps or Google Maps, whatever you’re using already says, hey, you’re 15 minutes away from the hockey rink. You’re ten minutes away from your church. You’re four minutes away from your school, from your kids school. Like, it just knows everything.

So this is going to be huge. And I want to talk about this on a podcast because I want you guys to know that God gives me these downloads and I feel like it’s holy spirit led. And then I do research and I’m. Everything falls into what we’re talking about. I kid you not. I go on Stu’s, I look up on rumble and look up at Stu stuff. He’s already talking about robots. We’re on the same page. Like, this is crazy. I did not believe. I could not believe what I just read here. So I want to go down this white paper.

Pros and cons of this tool. Look at this. More equality, more efficiency, less need. Reliance on pharmaceuticals, longer life expectancy, greater knowledge. And the last one, which is the 6th one, potentially ordained by God, what does Satan want to do? He wants to be godlike. So automatically, right here, bro, it’s telling you that they want to become godlike. It is like a lesbian that seeks pleasure using a plastic penis, a strap on. I don’t get it. It’s not natural. It’s not freaking natural. I don’t understand that. It’s a freaking demon. That’s what it is. It’s a demon.

It’s a confusion. It’s the spirit of confusion. I mean, if you read this white paper, man, like, this is nuts. I’m add this to the podcast this is freaking nuts. Enhanced class divide and big impact on economy due to lack of work and jobs. So they’re going to make everybody equal. They’re going to make everybody universal high income. They’re going to make everybody on the same page. Capitalism will be gone. Extending human life could be a greater strain on health care facilities, especially in poorer countries that already lack basic health services. So we’re going to live longer, but yet it’s going to be a strain on, on healthcare.

Higher unemployment due to living longer. Enhanced classified class divide on big impact might not be particularly sustainable through an electricity environment. Impact could be stepped towards eugenics. Now, the pros outweigh the consort in this graph. Longer life expectancy, more time spent with the loved ones, better health. You don’t have to rush through life less need reliance on pharmaceuticals, economic savings, more efficiency, quicker working potential for humans not to need to work altogether. Already AI using to improve laws, more quality, help those with disabilities, level out social class. Rape, ethnicity differences through personalized drugs also enhance those in poverty stricken areas, so lack of resources has less impact.

This is this whole thing, the whole story. That’s what the left is all about. Equality, social injustices, um, universal healthcare, open borders, free as you are, education. This is what they’re about. And they’ll spin it and spin it and spin it so that they can mold you into what they want to do and how to program you. This is a very easy way for them to just program you. Let’s talk about the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast could be not a, not a chip, but it could be a chip in your brain.

It could be to the point where, hey, you’re going to die if you don’t accept, we’re going to kill you if you don’t accept our human trans robotic agenda. It could be that you can’t go to this church service, this liberal woke church. You cannot enter if you’re not transhuman. There will be a huge impact. Can you see what they could do if you’re not transhuman? You saw what they did with the vaccine. You saw how segregated we got because we were not vaccinated. Imagine what they’re going to do with Transhuman. This is going to be a massive, massive goal.

So I want to play this video here of this guy on tick tock. He tells us like it is, man. Elon Musk has a hard on for. For this. He is working overtime. Tesla has this robot and all the Tesla stores, they’re going to be doing house cleaning. It’s being introduced. I think they’re like 20,000. I don’t know how much they are, 25,000 or some of that. You can get one and they could clean your house. They can do all these things. You really trust it? Yeah. So there’s a lot of people from my last video saying that nothing’s coming, nothing’s gonna happen.

I’m paranoid. I don’t know what I’m talking about. I’m tell you, like this. This is where I’m working, okay? I read that. That’s where I’m working, working right now, the man who owns that company, I’ll say, Shelan Tusk. You know, y’all know. She find the rhyme, the rhythm. He has us working twelve hour shifts, seven days a week. I’m an electrician. I wire up all the machinery that they’re using to build the trucks. I’m wiring up all the machinery that they are using to build these robots, okay? We are working 12 hours, seven days a week.

I have worked for TikTok, I have worked for Amazon. I have worked for Samsung. I have worked for Fortune 500 companies all year. Nobody is pushing their people like this, okay? Twelve hour shifts. He is trying to complete this for something. I promise you, bro, soon as these robots go online, it will kill 80% of the job. Force all you people driving trucks in restaurants who don’t think this can happen. In Japan, they already have robot serving tables. They already have nurses that are being robotically projected from monitors to help patients. Your job is not safe, okay? 80% of the workforce will be killed by these robots as soon as he puts these AI’s inside of these robots, I promise you, bro, they will think, be smarter, faster, and they do not need to sleep, bro.

We call in. I called in three days ago because I worked six days straight. Robots don’t do that. And that’s what they are pushing for, bro, have you sitting at home with the real id, with your fed now, money taking, free governmental, universal income slave, bro. Victim to the system, bro. They do not want you out here moving how you want. They do not want you collecting resources. They don’t want. They don’t want you to do anything without their knowledge, bro. They want to track every transaction. They want to track your whereabouts. They want to know what you’re thinking, bro.

And all they want to do is monetize and commercialize that. It’s that mark of the beat. The mark of the beast is taking things that should not be for money or for sale and making them for sale like your soul love, things of that nature, bro. And y’all say that it’s not coming. Bro is right around the corner. I promise you, bro, this is coming. Where I’m working right now has proven that this man sends drones on the top of the buildings, drones inside the building, to count how many people are working at all times. This is not a game, bro.

I’m telling you, this is. This is just his company, bro. Imagine what they’re doing like Facebook. All these companies are together. They’re acting like they’re competitors. They’re not. They all have one agenda, bro, and each of them are doing their part, I promise you. I need y’all to really think about this, bro. They’re building bulletproof trucks with robots. I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but look it up. Recently, a guy just got pulled over in Dubai by a cybertruck police and it had a robot in it. And the robot gave him a ticket for using his phone and not being buckled up and they sent the fine to his phone.

I promise you, bro, these cars are not for normal civilians. You do not make bulletproof trucks for civilians. He is going to supply and fleet out the military and the police force, bro. We will not be able to run and hide. They’ve already stopped making v eight engines and trucks. And the chargers are no more hellcats or hemisphere being produced. They’re all v sixes. We will not be able to escape this shit, bro. I promise you, bro, these robots are going to take your job. They’re going to be police forced. They’re going to be the new revolution, bro.

And we are going to be on our asses like idiocracy, I promise. Next is AI base. Next is put in a chip in your brain so you can become transhuman. Like, there’s going to be a push in this decade to be transhuman. It will be normal. It would be like the Internet taking over everything. We already been implemented now, I mean, we started with a modem, right? We became. We became addicted to the Internet. It changed the way we shop. It changed how we run businesses. You could be in the other side of the world and run a company through email.

You could buy digital assets and send money over the Internet. You could start your car over the Internet. You could shut your doors over the Internet. You can alarm your system. You can do banking. You can do financials. You could actually get financial consulting over the Internet. You could get pharmaceuticals treatment over the Internet. There’s a lot of things you can do and now it’s been condensed to the phone where we could control our whole lives through our phone. Imagine what is going to happen when they push this agenda. What is going to happen to your money? Are you funding this? And so right now, the markets are not even considering AI.

They’re not even. They’re not even. I’m sorry. They are considering AI, but they’re not even. They’re not even implementing it. There’s a lot of manipulations. AI has taken off, obviously, Tesla. We’ll look at Tesla and some other AI based companies like Nvidia. But I just had to. I just had to show you this, man. Ordained by God. Ordained by goddesse. Oh, man, this is. This is deep, man. This is not good. And so there’s videos of, like, you can have a companion with a doll that. That you can choose to have sex with and, like, even has, like, fluids to make it easier to have sex with.

I mean, it’s just crazy. It’s all AI based. And yeah, their companion dolls, it’s just. It’s just terrible, man. Like, what is going on? So now they’re replacing companions with these dolls, and that is going to be the norm going into it. And what’s crazier is that some weird people are actually getting off that it is a doll and that is not human. So almost like a bestiality thing, but with robots. And I don’t. Dude, this is like, this is bogging me, man. So I was driving North Carolina and driving back and. And I was seeing all this unfold and discerning so much, I had to talk about it like it wasn’t financially related, but it really is, because your retirement could be a lot different.

Actually, your retirement will be different with this whole agenda. And so you have my word that I will do my best to protect our God fearing patriots, to give you an outlet, an information source, an educational source on how this pertains to us. How do us God fearing people protect our wealth from a manipulated stock market, from a manipulated trans human agenda? It was transgendered. Now, because we don’t know what a left wing or right wing or a penis or vagina is anymore. Like, people are confused because that’s what they’re teaching in our schools. And this is why Satan goes after the young kids.

This is why. So they can start brainwashing them into thinking that this is normal and it’s not normal. This is. This is actually pretty scary. More so than ever, you literally have to have a relationship with Christ. This is the only way to backstop all this. It’s not the greatest stock tip I can give you. It’s not TMF. It’s not TLT. It’s not some insurance contract. It’s not precious metals. Quit worrying about the money. This is bigger than the money. This is your life. This is what’s changing everything. This is what’s wrong with everything is this transhuman agenda.

I’m just sick of all of it, man. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to pray for our country. We’re going to pray for our schools. We’re going to pray for our youth. We’re going to pray for us. And we need to be alarmed and aware, not alarm, but aware that this is happening before our own eyes. You got p. Diddy, you got hurricanes. You got the election. They want to steal the election. They want to increase all these things to promote this agenda. It gets deep, Mandy. It gets really, really deep. And Elon Musk is at the forefront of all this.

But yet here we are. We have Trump. And don’t get me wrong, I am a fan of Trump. I am going to vote for Trump. But I do not trust this AI takeover. And this is coming, it’s happening right now, and you have to pick your poison. It’s like, do you want socialism and high inflation and world war three, potentially, or do you want to AI take over and you got to pick your poison? I’m not here to judge, but I’m here to tell you the facts. And the fact is, is that this guy wants to ruin the human race.

Bill Gates, you track, trace, and control. You manipulate you, because at the core of it is satanic. I don’t have a market update for you guys. I just wanted to have a conversation about this, to be on the lookout, to have awareness that this is happening right now. Protect your kids, protect your hearts and your minds, but be strong. Be strong about it, because this is happening, guys. This is like, this is here, and there’s movies out there about it, and they want to pursue it. They want to push this. With that being said, guys, I do.

I do like to pray. And then this Saturday, I’m behind. I’m going to do nothing but a market update. I’ll try not to talk about the AI takeover and the robots, but I definitely want to pray. So. Dear heavenly Father, we come to your grace, lord. We come to you because you’re almighty. You’re all knowing. You already knew that Satan wants to alter our DNA because he’s here to kill, devour, and destroy. He’s here to destroy families. He’s here to make our lives miserable so we can be miserable with him. But lord, our soul belongs to you, not to him.

And for everyone that’s listening right now, I pray that their soul is written in the book of life. And if they’re not, I pray that they reach out and say, I am a sinner, I need you lord. Forgive me for my sins. Let me walk away and repent so that you can lead me to the cross so that I have eternal life with you, not eternal damnation with Satan. And lord, many people do not even believe in you, that you even exist. So I pray that the Holy Spirit will just smack them in the face, let them know that you are real, you are goddesse.

I know what you’ve done for me. You saved me on, on deathbed. You changed my life during COVID You made me a better man. Even though I am a sinner, you still come before me and you hold me in your hand like you say in your bible. God, we thank you Lord for America. We thank you Lord that it’s hurting right now because only you, only you and your grace could help us. So Jesus, I just pray that you don’t lift your hand off our country. I know you don’t. You still have us in the palm of your hand.

I pray for our future leaders, Lord, that they could fall on your grace, Lord, that every knee will bow. And Lord, that they can resist the temptation of the money, the fame and the power, that all that becomes adulterize, that our country becomes first, that your grace becomes the premier umbrella over everything and then our country. Lord, I ask for forgiveness for my sins. I ask for that you hope you keep me humble. Lord, I ask that, that anyone that’s listened to this, Lord, you know their problems. I just pray Lord, that your holy spirit can help them, Lord, that they could seek your face, turn from their wicked ways and you would heal our land.

That you would heal them as well, Lord, and their family. We thank you God for our hurricanes that didn’t kill us. And I pray for the people that lost during this wicked hurricane that was evil designed by evil. We thank you Lord for protecting this, this podcast and the student network and all the networks I’m on. God, thank you Lord for your Holy Spirit. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen. Well guys, thank you so much. Don’t forget to like and subscribe our channel on scriptures and Wall street also and Stu Peters network as well in other networks.

But don’t forget to our main channel is our backup channel, which is going to be our main channel is scriptures on Wall street, on Rumble. Don’t forget to like and subscribe there. I appreciate that. Also, if you need investment advice and give us a call, 813-448-3446 you can also reach us at cortez dot. If you would like to download a free guide, you can go to, fill out that questionnaire, let us know what you have, email it back to us and somebody will reach out to you and we’ll give you a consultation. We also will give you a complimentary book if you’d like, which is the book I wrote, America first retirement plan.

I need to update it because now there’s this whole AI takeover. I think I did mention it, but I really would like to write another one on how that’s going to affect our everyday retirement. But God bless you guys. I appreciate it. Don’t forget to like and subscribe scriptures and Wall street, and you can go to right now and download a free guide. Well, I appreciate it and we’ll talk soon.

See more of Stew Peters Network on their Public Channel and the MPN Stew Peters Network channel.


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