Kamalas Fox News Interview Trainwreck! Bret Baier Humiliates Her By Just Asking Relevant Questions | Mark Dice





➡ Mark Dice talks about how Kamala Harris was interviewed on Fox News where she discussed issues like immigration, the economy, and the housing crisis. She was questioned about the number of illegal immigrants released into the country during her administration and the reversal of Trump’s border policies. Harris defended her administration’s actions, stating that the immigration system is broken and needs fixing. However, the interviewer criticized her for not addressing the issues directly and for the country’s current state under her and President Biden’s leadership.



Kamala Harris had her big sit-down interview with Fox News Wednesday night which was an even bigger embarrassment for her than we expected and even she and her team Expected that this was going to happen, but they still did it anyway, and I’ll tell you why in a moment Here is Brett Baer starting off with one of the most pressing issues of the election Which is intertwined with the other pressing issue with the economy because immigration illegal immigration the invasion of our country and the failing economy are very closely intertwined along with the housing crisis and Our tax dollars being wasted on the illegals.

And so here he is Being a real journalist asking her a real question You know voters tell pollsters all over the country and here in Pennsylvania that Immigration is one of the key issues that they’re looking at this election and specifically the influx of illegal immigrants from more than 150 countries How many illegal immigrants would you Estimate your administration has released into the country over the last three and a half years Well, I’m glad you raised the issue of immigration because I agree with you It is it is a topic of discussion that people want to rightly have Notice she didn’t call it a problem.

It’s just a topic of discussion that people want to have and You know what I’m gonna talk about. Yeah, but you’re just a number Do you think it’s 1 million 3 million Brett? Let’s just get to the point Okay The point is the point is that we’ve been invaded you’ve allowed it and encouraged it and it’s collapsing our country in every possible way culturally and economically That we have a broken immigration system that needs to be repaired in the Democrats mind The broken system is that they’re not able to give them citizenship fast enough Of course the Democrats denied Donald Trump’s border wall while pouring cat was billions of dollars at the Ford country sent to Israel and into Ukraine That’s the problem in the Democrats mind is not that they’re actually coming It’s that they’re not able to get green cards and citizenship fast enough So your Homeland Security Secretary said that 85% of that for him.

I’m not finished. I’m speaking I’m speaking We have a we have 6 million people have been released into the country and let me just finish I’ll get to the question I promise you I was beginning to answer and when when you came into office your administration immediately reversed a number of Trump border most significantly the policy that required illegal immigrants to be detained through deportation either in the u.s Or in Mexico and you switch that policy. They were released from custody awaiting trial. So instead Included in those were a large number of single men adult men who went on to commit heinous crimes So looking back, do you regret the decision? To terminate remain in Mexico at the beginning of your administration at the beginning of our administration within practically hours of taking the oath The first bill that we offered congress was a bill to expedite welcoming the invaders here to have more federal resources and more federal officers set up there to quote process them to Welcome them here.

Stay tuned because there’s plenty more in this video But real quick subscribe to my channel if you’re new here and the reason why she did this interview knowing it was going to be a complete embarrassment in its full context is Because now the liberal media can take a couple little short clips of her Repeating her talking points and then claim that she’s so brave that she even went on Fox News But they’re never going to show the actual questions that she was asked or The clips in their full context credit to Bret Baier because he didn’t let her filibuster and when she tried to change the subject and repeated her talking points and He would press her again and you said repeatedly that the border was secure when in your mind, did it start becoming a crisis? I think it we’ve had a broken immigration system transcending by the way, Donald Trump’s administration even before Let’s let’s all be honest about that.

I have no pride In saying that this is a perfect immigration system. I’ve been clear. I think we all are That it needs to be fixed We need we need the border wall We need to round up the illegals and we need to deport them immediately I was just down at the border Border agents and they will tell you and i’m sure you probably I know you investigate and you are a serious journalist that we’re being invaded by hundreds of thousands a month month after month year after year But they also just endorsed Donald Trump and said you’ve been quote a failure with border security Why do you think they said that? Talking about the border patrol.

I think they’re frustrated and I get it. They want support They want support and that’s what that border security bill would have done No, they want the invasion to stop. They want the border wall built finished sealed Put a motor around it filled with alligators Here he is asking her response to The fact that the majority of americans realize and are very concerned that the country is Well to put it lightly on the wrong path more than 70 percent of people tell the country is on the wrong track They say the country is on the wrong track if it’s on the wrong 79 percent track That track follows three and a half years of you being vice president and president biden being president That is what they’re saying 79 percent of them Why are they saying that if you’re turning the page you’ve been in office for three and a half years? And donald trump has been running for office But you’ve been the person held in the office You and I both know what i’m talking about you and I both know what i’m talking about What are you talking about? What i’m talking about is that over the last decade? People have become but Listen, donald trump hasn’t been the president for nearly four years But her response to why the country is gone to hell is because of donald trump And here she was asked donald trump is such a terrible person if he has destroyed our democracy It is such a threat to our democracy if he is the reincarnation of hillar Why does half of the country support him? Why if he’s as bad as you say that half of this country Is now supporting this person who could be the 47th president of the united states.

Why is that happening? This is an election for president of the united states. It’s not supposed to be easy I know but it’s not supposed to be it is not supposed to be a cakewalk for anyone. So are they misguided the 50 percent? Are they stupid? Oh god, I would never say that about the american people And in fact, are they deplorable if you listen to donald trump if you watch any of his rallies He’s the one who tends to demean and be little Well, he’s just being honest because let’s face it.

There are a lot of stupid people in our country Obviously nearly half of them and diminish The american people he’s the one who talks about an enemy within within an enemy within Yes, there are millions and millions and millions of them the foreign illegal invaders not to mention the marxists in congress suggesting he would turn the american military on the american people I’m, sorry But the 30 plus million illegal aliens occupying our country and the marxist democrats who have seized power in washington d.c Aren’t americans at one point. She lost her composure and started gnashing her teeth Virtually yelling at bret bear because she’s obviously way in over her head as all dei hires Eventually find themselves because they’re obviously not qualified for the job Talked about locking people up because they disagree with him.

This is a democracy And in in a democracy The president of the united states in the united states of america should be willing to be able to handle Criticism without saying he’d lock people up for doing it Actually, it is your president smith who is trying to lock up donald trump for His freedom of speech it gets even better even though She showed up 15 minutes late to the interview in order to try to Whittle it down to just 15 or 20 minutes instead of the 30 minutes that her team had initially agreed to When bret bear asked her about old joe’s lack of mental faculties You’ve called donald trump He’s misguided you say now he’s unstable.

He is unstable. He’s not well, you say he’s mentally not stable He’s not let me ask you this You told many interviewers that joe biden was on his game that ran around circles on his staff When did you first notice that president biden’s mental faculties appeared diminished? Joe biden I have watched in from the oval office to the situation room And he has the judgment And the experiment and experience to do exactly what he has done in making very important decisions On behalf of the american people Which is why the democrat party forced him out of the race because He obviously wasn’t qualified to be a candidate.

Joe biden is not on the ballot. I understand Donald trump After george cluny said within a few minutes of talking to president biden at a fundraiser that he thought this was not the same joe biden That we saw on the debate stage Donald trump is donald trump Donald trump. Donald trump. Donald trump. I understand You met with him at least once a week for three and a half years. You didn’t have any concerns I think the american people have a concern about donald trump, which is why the people who know him best This interview and the liver media trying to spin it as if it was somehow a victory on her part will possibly likely Dominate the news cycle for the next 24 hours as we see Desperate attempts like this to try to tell their audience how amazing she was.

I think it’s a win for that campaign I totally agree. I sure I think the strategy from harris was a google strategy She wanted fox viewers to start to google some of the things she was saying Because some of the comments she was making in this interview are foreign to the fox audience For example general mark millie saying trump is a fascist to the core. That’s barely been covered on fox news We don’t care. We all know about it We hear it every day So she was able to get some of those talking points in this was the most adversarial interview Kamala harris has probably ever done instead of getting the debate trump again And a lot of viewers are going to go away saying wow she’s willing to do that That’s a sign of toughness and strength Like I said, that’s the reason she did the interview Knowing that she was going to look like a fool in its full context because nobody watches fox news Is going to even consider voting for her? But the media can deceptively edit the clips and then just editorialize about how amazing how strong she was Standing in the face of even fox news.

I’m mark dice Thanks for watching subscribe to my channel for new here and check back on a regular basis And if you’re a regular viewer, please share my videos on your social media accounts and give me a shout out Encouraging people to come and check out the channel. So hopefully someday maybe possibly we can get up to two million subscribers So thanks for all your support stay tuned and I will see you soon You

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