The Christopher COLUMBUS Story: Another Jewish Hoax?! | Stew Peters Network





➡ The Stew Peters Network text discusses various controversial topics, including accusations against Israel, the role of Jews in history, and the questioning of Christopher Columbus’s origins. It suggests that Columbus was Jewish and his voyage was funded by Jewish people, not the Spanish empire. The text also claims that Jews played a significant role in the slave trade and colonialism. Lastly, it criticizes the portrayal of history and the influence of Jews in world events.
➡ The author, a chemist, has spent over 30 years researching the Holocaust and has published 52 books on the topic. He has created an encyclopedia to make the information more accessible, but it was removed from Amazon and other online bookstores. He discusses how the narrative of history has been manipulated by powerful families and suggests we may be living atop the remains of a hidden advanced civilization. The text also includes information about health and wellness products, and the author’s concerns about censorship and the criminalization of questioning official narratives in some countries.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the imprisonment of people in Europe for challenging mainstream narratives, the questioning of historical events, and the future of humanity with artificial intelligence. It also touches on the importance of aligning investments with personal values, the political influence of Israel, and the promotion of independent music. The text ends with a discussion on the inconsistencies found in Holocaust studies.
➡ The text discusses the controversial topic of Holocaust studies, questioning the validity of some survivor accounts and suggesting that challenging these accounts can lead to backlash. The author compares the reverence for Holocaust survivors to a religion, where questioning is seen as sacrilege. The text also mentions the author’s personal experiences of being attacked for questioning survivor accounts and criticizes the German legal system for its handling of Holocaust denial cases.
➡ The speaker discusses facing societal and economic persecution due to their controversial beliefs and actions, including being banned from online payment platforms. They argue that certain historical events, particularly the Holocaust, are misrepresented and should be questioned and researched more thoroughly. They also express concern over perceived Jewish control and influence in various sectors, including the American government. Lastly, they promote a health supplement called Cardiomiracle and a health product for children called Z Spike Gummies.
➡ Stew Peters Network is asking for your support to keep his network running and continue producing documentaries. For $9 a month, you can join the Stu Crew and get early access to films, behind-the-scenes content, and more. This month, they’re partnering with Curable, a company that makes high-quality CBD products, to offer a spa collection package to one lucky subscriber. You can sign up at and use the promo code ‘Stu crew one’ for a $1 first month offer.



Netanyahu burns in hell. I hope him and his generals and the fairy government industry in born in hell. We are looking for babies, but there is no babies left. Maybe I killed a girl. She was twelve. But they’re looking for a baby. We’ll do whatever we need to do to defend ourselves. An investigation is underway into whether israeli forces blowing up the main drinking water reservoir in Rafa constitutes as a war crime. You cannot tell me to ever feel comfortable with 18,000 children being ruthlessly murdered. Let me hear you cheer. If you support Israel. The Jews are everywhere.

All the assistance of Trump Jews. All the assistance of sleepy Jews. Jews, Obama Jews. Everyone around there, Reform Jews, conservative Jews, Chabadnik, this. Today the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them. Everyone who dares uttering a word of criticism against Israel is accused of anti semitism. When I was very young, I was forced to participate in that in which I had to sacrifice an infant. And the purpose of sacrifices to what is to bring you? What? What are you sacrificing for? For power. Uh huh. Power. That film occupied coming exclusively to the Stu Peters network.

Go to stu, comma. Click on the Stu crew button to become a supporter of the network. We need you as we, of course, lose sponsors, walk away from certain sponsorship agreements as a result of my convictions at this network. So we need help. I’m not afraid to ask you for it. You guys have been very supportive. We appreciate it. Against, click on the Stu Cru button. Or if you’re viewing this video on Rumble, there is a red stew crew button right below this broadcast. You know, for years now, we’ve been berated every single October about how Christopher Columbus and the people who sailed to the new world with him were just a bunch of evil, white supremacist, christian nationalist psychopaths who wanted to slaughter poor, innocent Indians and establish a worldwide empire of whiteness.

And we’ve always been told that Columbus was an italian sailing on behalf of the spanish empire, who had been sent out by the king and the queen themselves on a voyage to India, only to get lost and discover the Americas. But of course, everyone knows that part just isn’t true. Nordic seafarers had been sailing to and from what came to be known as the north american continent for centuries before Columbus was ever even born. And Columbus discovering America isn’t the only part of his story that’s a complete and total lie. For centuries now, there have been rumors that Columbus wasn’t italian at all but that rather, he was a jew who wasn’t sailing on behalf of Spain, but was sailing on behalf of jewish interests and world domination.

And just recently, spanish researchers performed some DNA testing, and they say that they can now confirm without a doubt that Columbus is a jew. The researchers say that, quote, we have DNA from Christopher Columbus, very partial, but sufficient. We have DNA from Hernando Colon, his son. In both the y chromosome male and the mitochondrial DNA transmitted by the mother of Hernando, there are traits compatible with jewish origin, end quote. And DNA evidence isn’t the only thing that points to Columbus being a jew, because it’s well known that in reality, his voyage wasn’t funded by the spanish empire.

According to a 2012 CNN report that was later picked up by the Times of Israel, quote, the Columbus voyage was not, as is commonly believed, funded by the deep pockets of Queen Isabella, but rather by two jewish people. And another prominent jew. Louis de Centago and Gabriel Sanchez advanced an interest free loan of 17,000 ducats from their own pockets to help pay for the voyage, as did Don Isaac Aberbaniel, Rabbi and jewish statesman, end quote. I. And what’s more is that the Times of Israel also reports that Columbus’s crew was made up almost entirely of Jews who had recently been expelled from Spain for, of course, being subversive.

So you may be wondering, why would a bunch of Jews set sail for the Americas and trigger a sequence of events that would lead european powers claiming new territory all over the so called new world? And the answer to the question is actually pretty simple. They did it because they knew that they could weaponize it. They did it because they knew that they could lay the groundwork for a system of colonialism that would pit european powers against each other in wars for new territory. And that they could quickly publicize the new world and then turn its residents against their cousins back in Europe? And of course, they knew that all of this would lead to the permanent poisoning of the european gene pool and that it would create a white disproportionate scattered around the world in a sea of blacks and browns.

Take a look at this video. Listen to what they’re actually saying, because this gives an excellent rundown on why a bunch of 15th century jews would want to discover new land that had already been discovered and then start raffling it off to european power. I just had a question regarding the slave trade. This is the first time hearing about jews being involved in the slave trade, ash. Imagine that. I know. Yeah, I know. I know. 2% of white people own slaves. Yeah, yeah. 2% of white people domestically own slaves. 78% of slave owners were jewish. They also own almost all of the slave ships.

That’s correct. Correct. So, like, over 40% of the jewish population owned slaves. Up. Up to 80 or more percent of total slavery domestically was jewish. And only 2% of white people actually had slaves. Even Mitch admits that all of the auctions where slaves were bought and sold never took place on jewish holidays because the majority of the merchants buying and selling slaves were jewish. So you said 40% of the entire jewish population of the slaves, or 40% of the slave owners, were jewish? No, 40% of the jewish population. And then up to 80% or more of the total slave owners were jewish.

Thomas himself was jewish. And the pope, who signed the doctrine of discovery was jewish. Like, literally, Pope Alexander VI, who signed the doctrine of discovery, which created the legality, the legal structure for all of colonialism and the entire transatlantic slave trade was jewish. Okay, so you’re hearing this from an american Jewish, by the way, Columbus was jewish. And Columbus’s ships were funded by three jews fleeing the spanish inquisition that Columbus discovered the new world. He came back. Under the current catholic rule, they were still deemed people. All of the ivory coasts, all the Americas, they were still considered people.

It wasn’t until Pope Alexander VI signed the path of bull that declared them heathens. And Pope Alexander VI only signed that papal bull to gain military aid from Spain and Portugal because he was under the. Under direct threat from the christian rulers of Europe, who were attempting to depose him and defrock him as pope because of the fact that he was a jewish pope who had effectively, he bought the papacy. So the discovery of the new world, in the long run, served to completely destroy christian european civilization. The Jews were playing the long game, and this has been lied about for over 500 years.

Columbus Day is just another jewish trick to promote a completely fake version of history, a bastardized version of history, and blame all of the world’s problems on white people, just like the Holocaust, which were also beaten over the head with every single day to justify the existence of the completely fake and homosexual nation state of Israel and justify the continued rape of white christian civilization at the hands of a bunch of eastern european Satanists who say that they are the descendants of the people who murdered Jesus. Few people are as knowledgeable about the long history of jewish trickery and the abuse of white people as our friend Germar Rudolph, who’s the author of the Holocaust Encyclopedia and founder of Holocaust dot.

We have been talking about this book, holocaust dot. By the way, if you go there, I would recommend that you absolutely get a hard copy of that book because we know all of the tricks that are played with the Internet. You want a big discount on that book, comma. Use the promo code stoolikes books when you’re checking out. But Germar’s research into jewish lies has been so effective that he’s been persecuted by governments all over the world for decades, including his native Germany. For more on this, we’re now joined by guermal Rubel. We appreciate your time and all of the work that you’ve put into this.

The most comprehensive thing that I have ever set eyes on as it relates to an event that is still used today to justify an ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing and land grab and the greater Israel project and the annexing of territory that just does not belong to these people. This is the Israel of the Bible, and these are God’s chosen people. The amount of absurdities and falsehoods that we have been taught our entire lives, I mean, your works here, just really. It’s an eye opener. It’s meant to be. Yes. I have spent 30 plus years researching the issue, starting out as someone who believed in all the things that we were told in school and through the media.

And I had first doubts because as a chemist, I stumbled over a chemical argument of whether or not Zyklon B, the infamous product allegedly used to kill jews, would leave traces in walls that could be detected. So I went down that rabbit hole and have been on a discovery journey ever since. I’ve dedicated my life to investigating, researching the topic, and publishing a cutting edge research of it. And at the end of this journey, I would say I have published 52 hard hitting books on the topic. But it is so detailed that even I have a problem wrapping my head around it.

My little doggy here I have the need myself to get a concise summary, a way of making this information accessible. And that’s when I sat down earlier last year to actually put all this information into an encyclopedia where people can look up keywords and find the information that is largely suppressed. As you mentioned, the Internet has a shutdown button. We actually had it on Amazon for almost a year, and just a couple of months ago, I think they kicked it out. So you can’t get it from Amazon or their subsidiaries anymore. Other bookstores online may still have it, but more and more, it’s been taken offline now on holocaust

comma, we try to keep that open. Of course, we don’t know how much pressure is being put on domain name hosts and hosting companies and so forth. So far, so good. There’s a whole bunch of stories that have to be dug into, rethought, reconsidered, and in some cases, completely discarded. As modern Americans, we’ve been spoon fed this dumbed down, cartoonish, simplified version of history. It’s all fake. It’s all bull. Everything that we have been taught is part of a self serving narrative written by the people who will say and do anything to keep us on a leash.

Now, this version of history, some big name corrupt families like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and their many associates, are credited over and over and over again with propelling human development. Throughout the late 18 and early 19, hundreds, almost every major american city, was burnt to the ground. What if we really are quite literally living atop the ashes of an advanced civilization that’s been hidden from us for our entire lives? A lot of people, as they get older, they get frustrated because they start gaining fat and losing lean muscle. Well, that’s not your fault. Your body’s enzyme production naturally declines with age, which means it’s harder to break down protein and build muscle.

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Don’t miss the training. Again, myred you heard in maybe you’ve seen a couple of the teasers for our upcoming film occupied. In one of the most recent teasers, Kamala Harris says you know her definition of antisemitism. This is used to attack Holocaust, comma, have your book taken off of Amazon, shut down websites, nuke people off the Internet, scare people away from conversations, regardless of how blatant and obvious the truth is, you are just not allowed to question or, God forbid, criticize this group of people because they went through this event. What is one of the most glaring fallacies? Something that is really shocking that you had learned during your over 30 years of research, to put this comprehensive encyclopedia together.

The most striking example, in my view, and this is also something that every listener and viewer can actually use as an argument, is the way the mainstream themselves, mainstream historians themselves, have revised the history of the Maidani camp. Majeneg is a camp in the suburbs of Lublin, and it started out right at the end of the war with claims by the Soviets that the Germans killed there, up to 2 million people. After the war was over, that was downsized to 360,000, I think. And at the end of the collapse of the eastern bloc, that was again downgraded to 235,000 victims.

And then just in 2005, the new curator of the Majdanek museum revised it further, down to 78,000 victims. And initially, the mainstream claim, based on soviet research, when they quote unquote, liberated the camp, that there were seven homicidal gas chambers in the camp. If you look at what the museum claims there today, they maintain only two. So five of them were invented. This is all what the mainstream says. They have downgraded it from 2 million down to 78,000. So not even roughly 4% of the original figure. And five gas chambers have completely disappeared. So they indirectly admit that they’ve exaggerated and lied, and they corrected it, and we’re still exaggerating and lying and corrected it downward again.

And if you hear excuses of these historians, why they have exaggerated and lied and supported those lies for decades, they said, well, during the soviet time, we could not really change the official stories because we were put under threat to have disciplinary actions done against us as historians. However, if you look into what the situation is now, Poland has introduced in 1998 a law, a penal law, threatening people with up to two years in prison if they contradict or challenge the official lie. So from disciplinary threats against historians to penal threats of prison time, it has gotten worse.

More and more countries have introduced these laws. So historians mostly are dependent on government subsidies and government funds because history is taught at schools and universities, so there’s not really a free market for it. These people are government, in plain language. So you’re telling me with. You’re telling me that people can actually go to prison for challenging or questioning the orthodox official narrative surrounding the Holocaust. In the meantime, we have more than 20. I think it’s 26 countries in the quote unquote western world, including Canada, as just introduced a couple of years ago, a law you can go up to two years in prison in Canada if you challenge the orthodox narrative.

There are less countries in Europe that don’t put people in prison than there are that do. So you can easily count the few countries that do not throw people in prison yet, and they’re actually minor countries like Iceland and Ireland and Bosnia Herzegovina and so forth. The big ones all throw people away into prison. We did a segment not too long ago when Elon Musk and Ben Shapiro went to Auschwitz, and they rolled out a big jumbotron screen and they played propaganda, fake videos, and they pretended to be sad and somber. And Elon even brought his little boy over there.

The problem with that is it’s all fake. And we’re not denying that atrocities occurred. Of course atrocities happened. Bad things happened on all fronts. It was a war. It was a world war. Of course people died and horrific things happened. But we also, during that segment, discussed an article from 1991 posted by the Chicago Tribune, which talks about the erasing of the inscriptions of the amount of people who were killed at Auschwitz. And then we question, and now you’re bringing up, you know, another instance in where these numbers have been constantly adjusted over time. So my question to you is, has the overall 6 million number been adjusted to reflect those? Yes, sir.

Wedding bells finally rang in the life of Margie Blake. Back from their honeymoon, she and Tim are headed for a life of wedded bliss. She could she please. She doesn’t take vaccines. When I look in her eyes, I don’t see no fluoride. She’s cold. Love that one. That is unjected gal. You can find good friend of the program. This is, this is the future. This is, this is the music. And can you even find an unjected gal anymore? It’s actually difficult to know if the person that you’re talking to really is a gal. These days.

We don’t know the definition of vaccine. We don’t know the definition of a woman. And I mean, we have to really take a look at the transgender and trans human movement now. It’s not only are you denying what gender you were born, but you can actually deny and change what species you are, which is what Elon Musk is talking about, doing or seeing all this irobot stuff actually come to life. Have you been to Elon’s ex account lately? I mean, he’s got the Wii robot vehicle and I mean, they’re going to change us. They’re going to just totally change us, Carlos.

I mean, that’s part of this satanic agenda, is it not? Yeah, it’s one way to have the answer to all the world’s problems. You got to think, like in revelation, where. Where it says that the Antichrist will be a half human, half robot. And so it’s in scripture as we’re living it out in the end times right now. And honestly, I was actually praying the other day, and I felt like the spirit of God was giving me a download. And I had a vision the other day as to not that I’m right or I’m wrong or you can call me crazy, but I literally saw us 2030 years from now, having some hybrid of humanity and artificial intelligence implants it in us as a robot.

And we didn’t know if we were transgender, transsexual. It all became a conglomerate cluster mess. And what ended up happening is they actually changed Social Security to realign the funds to trans humans. They changed the banking. They changed everything. They were able to implement a social credit score. They were able to implement all these things because you were transhuman. And so I feel like this is where it’s all going, and you look back into what you talk unoccupied, that’s coming out, which I’m excited to see in the zionist. That’s what they want to do. They want to eradicate the human race at the end of the day.

They want to eradicate us and make us vulnerable to Satan. They want us to worship Satan at the end of the day. And so we’re funding all of this, whether you like it or not. And so my job is to be that David and Goliath on Wall street, to bring scriptures on Wall street, the most corrupt street in the world, and literally just fight for what is still good left in America was still good left in our hearts and our. In our freedoms. And that’s my biggest passion, is to bring light to the darkness. And I understand that we get complacent, we get comfortable in our 401 ks and iras, but we’re really funding all of this.

So I’m putting my hand out. Give us a call. We want to help. We want to diagnose what you have and help you understand that you’re funding this woke agenda that really wants to eradicate the human race. It’s your whole financial future. So, obviously, it’s really important that you invest with somebody whose values align. That’s why it’s fun for me when we come on and we talk about Cortez wealth management, because Carlos understands the issues at hand so well. He understands what climate we’re living in. And he operates his business the same way he walks his daily life, which is with faith and as a believer and a follower of Jesus Christ.

And, I mean, that’s why it’s obviously why your clients are so successful. It’s on the screen right there. Make it bigger over there, if you could. Yep, there it is. again, for Cortez wealth management. You can also call him in the office anytime you want to. 813-448-3446 is the phone number. Again. That’s 813-448-3446 Cortez wealth management. Know what you’re doing with your finances, because obviously Satan is coming for those, just like he’s coming for everything else, including your soul. Do not let him win. God wins. Cortez wealth management wins. 813-448-3446 or cortez more of the Stu Peters show continues straight ahead.

I grew up in a world where everything evolved around politically, everything evolved around Israel, and the power was amazing. Good morning, AipAc. Good morning. I will be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu later today, and President Obama will meet with him tomorrow. He once called me the first jewish president. Stand up for Israel and look out for the rights of the jewish people. I could be elected prime minister today. If I ever decided to give this up and go over to Israel, I would be elected very quickly. They have polls at 99%. When Israel is singled out because of anti jewish hatred, that is anti semitism.

I did not need to be a jew to be a Zionist, for I am. We’re going to take back our country and we’re going to make Israel great again. And we’re going to make Israel great again. We need to support Israel. No hands, ifs or but. So we have to save Israel. Look, you’re here for a reason. We have to save Israel. This is no longer games, you know. One of the best musical projects to come out of the dissident music scene in the last several years is the new album called Universal Basic awesome by Scott Armstrong.

It’s got a whole lot of songs on it that I love, a whole lot of teeth. Pushing back on the new world order, including the single we don’t need you no more. That one features John Bone and Rob do from Infowars, calling out the many pathetic musicians that sold their soul over to the COVID death shots. The hit single Unjected Gal, one of my favorites based on the unvaccinated dating app unjected. It’s a whole lot of fun. It’ll definitely get stuck in your head, so make sure you check out all of the album. That includes an unreleased bonus track, by the way, with the purchase of the album

that’s scott also has an awesome music video for each one of the songs on his YouTube channel. Just search rebunked records and let’s continue to take back the culture by listening to truly independent music and sharing it far and wide. Go to today. Again, dot just an article from 1991 posted by the Chicago Tribune which talks about the erasing of the inscriptions of the amount of people who were killed at Auschwitz. And then we question and now you’re bringing up, you know, another instance in where these numbers have been constantly adjusted over time.

So my question to you is, has the overall 6 million number been adjusted to reflect those revelations? If you actually took all the numbers that were bandied about right after the war and added them together, you would end up with 20 30 million victims. And the 6 million number has always been symbolic and there’s never really been a support for it until the early 1990s, when a mainstream collection of authors came up with a study and they claimed, of course, the result is 6 million. Not that it was predetermined, but after the research we have done, we say so.

So there is not really a connection between exaggerated victim numbers for all the chems and the actual total that is claimed. This is what you find in general in Holocaust studies, a disconnect between claims and reality, internal inconsistencies that are abound all over the place. So if you try to make sense out of the stories that are being told, it makes no sense. This is one of the core issues if you want to dig into it and understand it, to rummage through all the garbage that has filled this space called Holocaust studies and to find out what really is worthwhile keeping and what is just junk.

Looking through, I mean, right away here at the very beginning, you talk about absurd claims. Alleged victims, bystanders and perpetrators have made a seemingly endless list of silly, bizarre, nonsensical and outrageous assertions about their purported abuse as part of the orthodox Holocaust narrative. You go on to talk about some of these, and the encyclopedia outlines some of these claims. For example, a child survived six gassings in a chamber that never existed. So how do they get away with this stuff? Holocaust survivors are considered secular saints. The Holocaust needs to be seen as a religion. Nowadays. It has substituted all the other religions.

You can desecrate christian symbols whichever way you like, you’re not going to get in trouble. But if you do that with the Holocaust, you get in trouble. So that’s the new religion, and the survivors are the saints, and you cannot doubt what they say. So it’s a sacrilege to doubt a survivor. I myself was at the gathering of, at the, like, 20 years ago at the Holocaust, the museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, where a survivor spoke, and she made a number of outrageous statements that were even contradicting mainstream narrative by mainstream historians. So she was going completely overboard with her claims, and we tried to challenge her on that.

Claiming that flames came out of chimneys, that soap was made out of the fat of killed jews, and so forth. That is even rejected by the mainstream. As we challenged her, the students, there were two classes that had come to this museum. They were sitting in there. The students got upset that we would challenge the survivor. She was there. We were not. How can we dare to challenge this nice lady? And they ended up attacking us physically. Physically, because they realized that we were just asking questions. And in my case, back then, 20 years ago, I had a still somewhat stronger german accent.

They asked me where I am from. I was from Germany, and I told them. And that then set them on a stage of turned them kind of into a lynch mob. We had to run into our car and drive away. They were going after us. So what is happening here is people are being inculcated within ideology. That is an ideology of hate, to take everything that is being said by survivor at face value, and to persecute everyone up to lynching them who actually dares to challenge it. So if you overgo now, it’s rare, because survivors are really old, but some still go about.

If you ever go into a convention and try to challenge them for what they say, you have to expect to be attacked by people. It’s such a sacrilege. As you have seen in former centuries. When you go into a church or a religious assembly, 304 or 500 years ago in Europe, and you challenge the priest about the dogmas of Christianity, you had it coming. And I would say it’s even worse because I can’t remember. There were witch hunts 500 years ago, but it was done by the state. It wasn’t like the entire population turning into a mob and going after you.

Yeah, and the church has been completely infiltrated and corrupted, too, after the introduction of the Schofield Bible translation. And so what happens is you now have, you know, pastors, protestant, evangelical, mainstream christian pastors, who have been indoctrinated with this, and they relentlessly just pump this in to their parishioners and to their congregation and to their churchgoers and to their church families. As a matter of fact, I have personally been approached by an insane man that calls himself a pastor by the name of Mike Montgomery, who berated me in front of my children and just yelling at me and telling me, don’t ever tell anybody that you’re a Christian again.

You’re going to hell. You’re destined for an eternity at the lake of fire for your stance on Israel and on the jewish people. And so I know how dangerous this is because people are being so misled. And we’ve been taught all of these things, Germar, to stay alive. Gassing victim, breathe through a keyhole in a gas chamber at the Philosterburg camp, where no homicidal gas chamber ever existed. We were taught about this. We were told all the way through high school, all the way through church, by the media, relentlessly just pounded over and over and over again.

Here we go. Murder by forcing Jews to lay down in excrement pits and then forcing other Jews to defecate on their faces until they suffocate. Can you imagine how many people must have had to simultaneously go to the bathroom? It’s just. It doesn’t even sound realistic. But this is what they’re in order to suffocate in a pit of excrement. How many Jews must it have taken to fill that pit that was sizable enough to focus? I wouldn’t even focus on the details. It’s just the absurdity, the what kind of thought processes must go through witness, quote, unquote, witness, to come up with stories like this that nobody will believe.

It makes no sense at all. And there’s, of course, it goes on for pages and pages. I’ve just added another one that Jews were thrown into concrete mixes until they were turned into pulp. And then this pulp was used to pave the roads in camps, and the camps were then called Jew Road. So you run into these things over and over again, and this is just the tip of the iceberg, but you see patterns in eyewitness accounts, hundreds of them. And this encyclopedia, in contrast to mainstream encyclopedias, distinguishes itself by actually putting the witness account in there.

We have more than 270 of the most relevant witness accounts on the Holocaust in there, summarizing them and showing what kind of a quality they are and what kind of stories they have told, how they contradict. Basically, to put it in a nutshell, they try to tell you that pigs can fly because the stories they tell are physically impossible and ludicrous. We’ve seen the weaponization of this event, obviously. I mean, I don’t have to name all of the ways I mentioned the pastor. People like Greg Locke will stand in front of a half a dozen stars of Remfan and demand that Gaza be turned into a parking lot and just murder innocent children who have nothing to do with Hamas, which, by the way, was founded by Israel, funded by the us taxpayer, a vision of the CIA.

And theyve been enabled, and theyve been given weapons, much like Iran, with pallets of cash. And I mean, all of these other things, theyre creations of the intel apparatus, is what they are. And so we see pastors, and we see the government and intel agencies and the military industrial complex and the american war empire and the genocidal israeli war machine, and we see politicians that are bought off and paid for by AIPAC, with the exception of representative Thomas Massey. How have you been attacked and what dangers have been brought to your doorstep as a result of putting this together? Well, it’s, of course, 35 years of research I have been dragged into court in Germany.

And Germany is a peculiar country when it comes to penal law. And this topic in Germany, first of all, the defense has no right to introduce any evidence. Only the prosecution and the judges can introduce evidence. So the defense has to ask a judge to introduce evidence. But then when it comes to this topic, it is actually, in Germany, illegal to motion a judge to introduce evidence that can support the views of the defendants, because that would amount to denying the Holocaust or denying an aspect of it in court in a public session. So you’re not allowed to even file a motion.

And moreover, if you speak out anyway and want to file a motion and explain the emotion, the reasoning, then the court will muzzle you, give you gag order, you’re not allowed to talk anymore. So everything has to be done in writing. So you’re facing a country then on top that doesn’t keep any records for the court proceedings. So at the end, the court can claim whatever they want that happened in the courtroom and can make up, can make up everything. So it’s a complete framework of kangaroo system that Germany has. It’s an absolute horror show that’s worse than barbaric.

But they have rigged their system to enable them completely to do political trials. I was sentenced there in two trials, and then I spent 44 months in total, and I had house searches, confiscations. At the end of it, I left Germany, and I don’t ever plan on going back because there have been 14 arrest ones out for me, two of which by now expired. Two are still active that have been expanded to Europe. So I’m not getting anywhere close to that continent. So that’s government prosecution. I’ve never been physically attacked by anyone. The persecution on a societal level amounts to getting excluded from all good society.

When you’re in a sailing club and they find out who or what you are, suddenly get thrown out. So you can’t basically never be a member of anything, if you dare, anyway, make friends. You have to expect that a few years down the road, you lose it all. That’s been part of my life. There’s, of course, an economic persecution of having bank accounts closed, assets frozen or confiscated, and the denial of accepting payments. Nowadays, plastic payment over the Internet that processes deny services and, you know, the big ones. PayPal has banned me for a lifetime, wise has banned me for a lifetime, and then the list goes on.

So it is economically difficult in this country. You don’t get in trouble with the law, but everything else, you’ll get fair game. Anyhow, it’s difficult. So one thing that you’re not allowed to talk about, it’s the one thing that you’re not allowed to research. It’s the one thing that you’re not allowed to question. It’s the one thing that you’re not allowed to criticize. And so I think that it’s absolutely obvious that this is exactly what we need to be looking into. Researching, investigating and questioning. That’s one of my motivators, actually. If the government, particularly in Germany, but now we’re talking about 26 states all over the world, if they put so much energy on suppressing this one topic.

There has never been in the history of mankind a tendency in so many countries to regulate the writing of history by penal law. Not even the Soviet Union had that. But we have it now in many western countries. So there must be something fishy, if that what they tell is true, can stand by itself, if it has evidence to support it. It doesn’t need the penal law, only lies need the penal law to. To prevail. And yes, well, for your contributions here, we now have the ability to have a comprehensive, fact based, witness backed challenge of these events and documentation.

Because when these people come at you, most people will shut down and they’ll cower and they’ll capitulate. Well, you now have a, the information, the factual information that you need to arm yourself with the truth, which is the absolute most important thing that you can do, whether it hurts somebody’s feelings or not. The most important thing is the truth. Karen Martin Murphy, thank you so much for making the time to be here today with us. We really appreciate it, and we appreciate your hard work on this. My pleasure. Thank you for having had me. Yeah, of course.

And, you know, the ADL, they claim that they’re nothing, that they’re not jewish, that they’re not fighting on behalf of Jews. They come out, I have an entire page dedicated to me dot. But, I mean, you can go and you can look at their own website. These people are just liars. You can go and you can look. Pull it up right now. Pull up the about us page on the ADL and put that on the screen real quick for us. Look at that. Their whole mission is to stop the defamation of the jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.

And they do all of this in the name of the Holocaust, which it’s widely known and accepted that at this point has been completely lied about everything that they’re doing to control and to occupy not just the american governmental apparatus, not just the intelligence agency apparatus, not just the CIA, not just Mossad, not just mi six, all of our unelected bureaucracies, the State Department, the people who make decisions about how many children the american war empire is going to go and murder at the behest of this, May 14, 1948, founded secular nation state of Israel. These arbitrary borders that were just plopped in the middle of the Middle east, which is the front lines of the military industrial complex where all of the bodies are buried.

And you’re not allowed to question or criticize any of it. No, no. You just keep paying because that’s the Israel of the Bible. You just keep forgiving and making excuses over and over again because these people went through this event, this atrocity, the Holocaust, it’s all fake. It’s all lied about. And this single event has been used to amass more power and more control and more occupation finances. Guermar mentioned not being able to use PayPal for life. Janet Yellen, a Jew, controls the fed. Alejandro Mayorkas, a Jew, controls the Department of Homeland Security and is currently facilitating the largest physical invasion that a country has ever seen.

This is an occupation by proxy, not just of the american government, but society wide in the entire west, and a cockroachian infestation of humanity. It’s dangerous and it absolutely needs to be talked about. So again, go to dot. Holocaust comma. If you go and you get the physical copy, which I would highly recommend that you have it, we talked about what they can do with the Internet. They can get rid of all of this. What you’re looking at on the screen right now. Go to holocaust dot. Use the promo code stu likes books at checkout because I do.

And particularly I’m in love with this one, which is why you see it here on the desk every single day. Holocaust use the promo code stu likesbooks at checkout. Arm yourself with the truth and the information that you, you need. It’s a must. We’ll be right back. I’m going to ask you for your undivided attention because I’m going to tell you about what could possibly be the most important life saving supplement that I have ever talked about. It’s called cardiomiracle. Each serving of cardiomiracle has a combination of over 50 high quality ingredients, including a huge variety of fruits, vegetables, amino acids, and herbs, all of which come together to promote your body’s ability to produce nitric oxide.

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But because of our commitment to the truth, whether it’s uncomfortable or not, we are going to tell it. And so that comes with a tremendous sacrifice monetarily to keep the network on the air and to keep us independent and to keep the films, the life saving documentaries coming. We, of course, need funding, and that’s why we’re asking you for dollar nine a month. If you go over to stu dot, there’s a Stu crew button right there. You click on that red button, it’ll direct you to my locals page where you can sign up for dollar nine per month, dollar one for your first month so that you can try it out.

$90 for a full year will give you two months off if you pay for the full year in advance. Now, as part of that, you receive benefits, of course, early access to films, sneak peeks at teasers, behind the scenes content, my off the record segments where I talk more in detail about all of the things going on, from weaponized weather to alleged assassination attempts to, you know, kinetic confrontation with Iran, the military industrial complex, Israel. All of these things that are all hitting us all at one time. We don’t have enough time in every single day’s show to address those things.

So I have an off the record segment, plus giveaways. And this month, our featured spotlighted sponsor, which we want to do because these sponsors have remained brave, they’ve remained courageous, and they’ve remained committed to the truth, life saving truth that we do here. And this month, spotlighted sponsor is curable. Millions of Americans suffer from dry or red skin, aches and pains, muscle soreness, even melanoma. And that’s why our friends at Curable will be our spotlight sponsor for October. Now, at the end of this month, curable was going to give away an amazing spa collection package to one of our locals subscription holders.

The package will include a bundle of high quality CBD infused products that treat your body with the best american grown CBD on the market today. As a matter of fact, the hemp fields are right up the road in the country, Hampton, Minnesota from our studio. So if you sign up today and you’re a subscription holder or one time donation giver, actually during the month of the giveaway, you’ll be entered to win. And this month’s gift is a basket filled with two spa bath bombs, two spa chapsticks Epsom soaks CBD spa body lotion hand creams body creams booty scrub all you have to do is head over to

again, that’s dot go to sign up click on the Stu Cru button. We also offer a coupon code for locals when you’re signing up, give your first month for only a dollar when you hit that Stu Cru button, just use the promo code Stu crew one and it will reduce your first month to $1. So please visit our amazing spotlight sponsors comma. That’s kuribl to get some of the best CBD products available. And curable is offering a special deal for all of our viewers. 20% off at checkout with the code stu 20. So don’t miss all this opportunity.

Head on over to locals by hitting the Stu crew tab. You can find it at stu or here on Rumble. Don’t miss out on the amazing giveaways, the extra content, helping us stay online and delivering the truth that no one else will.

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