
➡ Gregory Mannarino discusses the current financial situation, predicting a new phase of hyper debt due to the actions of central banks, particularly the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank. He believes these institutions are creating vast amounts of cash to maintain the system, leading to a potential financial crisis. He also mentions the upcoming presidential election and its potential impact on the economy, suggesting that both candidates plan to work with the Federal Reserve to keep rates low. Manarino advises his audience to be aware of these developments and their potential consequences.



Okay everybody, here we go. It’s me, Gregor Manarino, Monday, October 14th, 2024, pre-market report. This is what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna put a few things together here for you, as I usually do, but we, you and I, have to start thinking just a few weeks ahead, what’s about to happen and how this is gonna change the financial situation here. It is gonna change. There’s just no doubt about it. I’m referring specifically to the presidential selection here. Now we understand for the most part what each of these things planned is.

It’s to obviously, vastly expand the debt. The debt is the enemy. Understand that? The enemy of the world today is central banks and they are fulfilling their goal to become what I have explained to you for over 10 years. The lender and buyer of last resort. And they’re gonna utilize every trick in their book and even things we, you can’t even imagine yet, to continue to pull cash into the system to maintain the solution. I think we’re on the same page with that. What we can count on, what we know for a fact is gonna happen, moving forward, is, how do I say this? A new phase of hyper debt moving forward.

Because again, it can’t stop. Not only can it not stop, it has to be pulled into the system exponentially more. In other words, every avenue, excuse, whatever thing they want to throw at us to keep this going is gonna happen here. Whether it’s war, we have to talk more about that, expanding war, creating this project, that project, making lies up out of the clear blue sky and telling you, well, you know, this is what we’re gonna do. Now we’re gonna talk. So what we understand is central banks here, none more so, none more so than the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank are working together in lockstep to bring us all to our knees, to assure our own destruction.

Again, we are no longer being led to our own demise. We’re leading ourselves, or at least they think we are. Most people are. There’s no doubt about it. They have no doubt, I have no doubt at all, that that’s exactly what’s going on here. And they’re laughing at us. So the European Central Bank is set for another interest rate cut. The Federal Reserve is moving in lockstep as well. This mechanism here, look, rates are already at historic low. Any freaking creature promising you lower rates is obviously working as closely as they can with the Federal Reserve to help them inflate.

Again, central banks, they can’t just say, hey, guess what everyone? We’re gonna keep rates low. They have to get into the market and make it happen. They do this by creating vast amounts of cash out of nothing, buy all the debt, monetize the debt, which actually, you know, look, man, I don’t know how many of you need to be brought up to speed on this, and I don’t think it’s too many of you that follow this blog, but this is how the government is actually funding itself via the Federal Reserve monetizing the debt.

Otherwise, we’d be in a mad max situation right now here in the United States and around the world. Now, with regard to what central banks are gonna do in lockstep, none more so than this one here, and the Fed is to drown us. Again, this is a destroyer. The destroyer here is hyper-debt, and they are not done. Anyway, let us move forward. So we understand another phenomenon that’s occurring that you and I nailed to the wall. Let’s talk about that for a moment. Well, all these other people, and I know there is a lot still talking about this month.

Well, it’s this month, people. It’s this month. The market’s gonna crash. There must be a dozen or so, maybe more so, videos about that, and I’ve gotten them all from you. I ignore this stuff, people. What I focus on is what I know is going on here, and that is, again, it’s hyper-debt. We’re seeing a phenomenon here that is just an incredible thing. Actually, since the dot-com bubble, you know this already. We haven’t seen a market go up this fast. That is hyper-debt propelling the market. Now, the promise here of artificially suppressed rates, central banks devaluing their currency on the back of, obviously, keeping rates artificially suppressed.

Puppets, whoever’s chosen to sit behind a resolute desk, will be assisting the Fed in full bore, hardcore, and fulfilling their goal. And we’re gonna talk more about that in a moment here. But anyway, what that’s doing is just have a look at a couple things. You know, look again, how far ahead of the curve we are. How about this one? A record 6.4 trillion is piling up in U.S. money market funds. Here’s another headline for you. Gonna love this one, of course. The market rally is broadening. Oh, imagine my shock.

Why? Is it because we’re fundamentally strong? Is it because our economy is booming? How about no? Here’s another one for you. A stock market upside breakout. An upside breakout? We’re already skyrocketing here. We don’t get pullbacks anymore. There’s no such thing. I mean, it’s just an incredible phenomenon to witness. And you know this, the faster, the faster that the world economy craters, the higher this market’s gonna go. Look, as long as they’re able to maintain this hyper-debt environment, which looks to me like it’s about to get a lot worse.

Hold that thought for just a moment. Where do you really think the stock market’s gonna go? Do you really honestly believe the stock market’s gonna crash with, what, two weeks left of this month? Is it really gonna, is the stock market gonna crash within the next two weeks? How about no? Alright, now, after the selection, we need to talk. We need to talk. But for the next two weeks, there is no way, shape, or form. They’re gonna be, again, these people, and they really make me want to puke, I’ll be honest with you, who every month are calling for a crash, who are pointing at this date and this time, and they’ve been wrong a hundred percent of the time, how they have one person, one, who continues to follow their work is beyond me.

I just don’t understand it. I really don’t. It’s too easy. That’s, I mean, maybe they, I don’t know what they’re missing or what they’re trying to sell the people that follow their work. It’s too easy to understand. If we realize that, again, it’s the debt market which is driving everything, and I mean, I can’t stress that enough. If we realize that that element of the market is gonna be rigged to the highest order and beyond, and that means, what does it mean? It means cash is gonna make its way into the stock market.

Henceforth, why a record 6.4 trillion is piling up in money markets. Henceforth, why stock market upside breakout is just around the corner, although we’re in one now. Henceforth, why the stock market rally is broadening. It’s all about easy money. And the promises, literal promises, from Kamala and Trump that they’re gonna work with the Fed to keep rates suppressed and sell you their plan. Now, let’s talk. I want to, you know how I operate, Greg Manarino. I see a headline and I write things down. So, this is, you know, with Kamala here.

What Kamala Harris economic plan could mean for your future, debt super crisis. I just popped into my head. Now, look, let’s outline Kamala’s plan real quick. You know what Kamala’s plan is? It’s basically to throw hundreds, hundreds of billions of dollars at a problem that, no matter, she could throw trillions of dollars at this problem. Okay, what am I referring to? An economy in freefall around the world, not just here in the United States. You see, Kamala here, along with Trump, want to keep you in your box that the United States, we’re the greatest nation on earth.

Meanwhile, you know that we just had our, we’ve had our credit rating downgraded at least twice in the last just few years here. As you know, we’ve lost our status as the economic engine of the world. Now it happens to be Asia. Alright, but again, you know, look, both of these creatures, Kamala and Trump, are promising you they’re gonna bring back manufacturing. Really? How about manufacturing here? They can’t even, they don’t even have any factory orders right now. Manufacturing, factory activities, contracting. It’s been in contraction for a very, very long time.

But see, they don’t want you to know that they can’t tell you that. The jobs that have been lost, people, I’m gonna be, I got a big surprise for you. Ain’t coming back. Alright, but anyway, hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars thrown in. Where’s that cash come from? We don’t have it. It comes straight from the Federal Reserve and it helps them fulfill their plan. Now let’s talk about, let’s talk about this. Let’s talk about Trump’s plan. Trump’s, Trump to move fast on tariffs says Wall Street firm. Uh, you know, hold that thought.

So I know a lot of you believe the tariffs are the answer here and what you’re not allowed to know and what Kamala is not going to tell you is Trump’s tariffs. They’re already being enforced right now. The tariffs on China, they’ve never, Biden’s been utilizing that ever since he set foot in the Oval Office. Last year, he started re implementing Trump’s tariffs right under your nose. You weren’t allowed to know that one because it would look bad for him. But that’s the truth. You don’t believe me? Look it up for yourself.

Anyway, with regard to these tariffs here, do you know how this is going to play out? Do you have any idea? So let’s just back up for a moment. Hundreds of billions of dollars. That’s Kamala’s plan to and that would we get that cash from the Federal Reserve? How does that help you? It doesn’t. It buries us in debt, super debt and hyper debt. No. Trump’s plan is these tariffs here. How many of you recall what happened to the trade deficit during Trump’s tenure? You remember how this was going to work? Trump said it would actually help shrink the trade deficit.

What actually happened was the polar opposite. Imagine my shock. A politician lied to you and they continue to lie. Oh, wow. Oh, who would have guessed that one? Anyway, look man, trade deficits are going to explode. Debts and deficits are going to explode. Either plan. Either plan here, okay, is going to cause debts and deficits to hyper balloon. Now just sticking to Trump’s plan, who’s gonna make the difference up with regard to debts and deficits? Well, the same people that are gonna help Kamala. The Federal Reserve. They’re both working with the Federal Reserve here to make them stronger.

Maybe you don’t see it yet. Hopefully you wake it up. Now what do you guys think about this Scott Besant guy? This hedge fund manager who’s gonna be working with Trump, apparently, if Trump is selected, to help implement these tariffs that are gonna help the Fed get stronger. Do you think that this guy, what do I do here? Do you think that this guy has your best interest in mind or his own? He’s already a multi multi multi billionaire. His interest and the interest of his firm. Or you come first. Do you come before his firm? You think that’s gonna happen? You think he’s gonna put you before himself, his family, and his firm? You know the answer to that.

You’re not that stupid. Now let me show you something else here. The United States is now deploying a multi-billion dollar anti-missile system to Israel. Oh, that’s not the whole story. They’re going to be manned by US troops. Yeah, just as you and I would have expected to see. So yes, the United States is directly involved in this war. We have blood in the game and they don’t care if those people’s blood and guts get splattered all over the place. So another multi-billion dollar. Where does that cash come from? Oh yes, it comes from the Fed too because we don’t have it.

All this cash comes from the Fed. You know that we’re the most, the United States is the laughingstock of this world, okay? We’re the most indebted nation in the history, but with the most indebted servants, or should I say slaves, citizenry in the history of the world. But that’s gonna change when Kamala takes office, right? Oh, and Trump takes office? People look man, we got to start thinking ahead a little bit. What we’re gonna see moving forward, we’re already in a hyper debt crisis situation, but if you think that’s done, if you think Kamala’s plan is gonna fix it, you think Trump’s plan is gonna fix it? No, absolutely not.

They’re gonna work as close as they can with the Fed to help the Fed fulfill their goal, just like this guy is, just like this guy is. He’s gonna help the Fed too, because again, to make up the debt and deficits from these tariffs that we’re gonna see here, and don’t, oh, oh you don’t believe me. Look at the last tenure, that’s how well it worked, and look at Biden right now. Same thing, Trump’s tariffs are in effect right now. Oh, you’re not supposed to know that, but yes they are. What’s happening to deaths and deficits? They’re hyper ballooning, but it’s all gonna change.

You know it is. What do you think about all this? What do you think really people? Come on man, it’s your move. Now it’s time for you to make your move if you haven’t yet, and I know you have. If you’ve been with me for any later time, you’re already in the right spots. People look man, the beauty, the absolute beauty of what you and I have been doing here, is we don’t have to deviate. We don’t have to change. I’ve already told you this. We are so on target. We’ve been in that place for quite a long time, and we’re laughing.

We’re laughing. But I can just say this man, we are being eliminated. I’ve been telling you this right now how long. This is an extermination. This is an extinction level of men from the middle class. Period the end. And there is no way out, because we have no one to stop the Fed. The Fed is in full control, and they’ve got puppets promising you lower rates, who are obviously playing right into the Fed, selling you their plan. And you know what that means? That means we lose, unless we take action, and we are taking action.

Again, betting against the debt, becoming our own central banks, realizing, look man, you knew all this. You knew this already, all this stuff, with regard to the stock market going higher, trillions of dollars making its way into the market. Don’t take Greg Manarino’s word for it here. Look at Bloomberg. Stock market breakout. It’s already breaking out. Rally is gonna continue. Yeah, let’s see. Let’s just see where this goes. I think it’s a no-brainer here. I mean, zero. You don’t even need one functioning, brand-style people to understand this here. But again, man, what does it mean for you and me again? Staying the course, buying the dips in this market, becoming our own central banks, owning silver.

My favorite asset of all time, gold. My second commodities. Cryptocurrencies as well across the board. Come on, man. Come on, man. We got it. We got this down. We’re invincible, as far as I’m concerned. All right, people. Look, I’m gonna let you go. I want you to think about what I said here. Central banks coordinating their efforts to bring us to our freaking knees. Lying to us about inflation. How’s this one from the other day? Consumer price increases in September, coming hotter than estimates. But whose estimate, man? Not yours or mine.

We knew this already. And the lies, the deceptions, the propaganda, the look here, the don’t look over there. Interesting times. We’re living in people. Very, very interesting times. All right, look, I’m gonna let you go. People, I will see all of you later. 4 or 5 p.m. Eastern for the live stream. I really do hope to see you there. Have your questions ready for me. Let’s just do this, all right? We got this. Love you all. Until we meet again later, please take care of yourselves and each other, okay?


See more of Gregory Mannarino on their Public Channel and the MPN Gregory Mannarino channel.


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