CRAZY!! Trumps Alleged Third Attempted Assassin Recognized And Called LIVE ON THIS SHOW!





➡ The hosts of Nino’s core corner tv discuss a third foiled assassination attempt on Trump, questioning who might be behind it and if the attempts are a distraction strategy. They also promote a health program by Dr. Steven Gundry, which helps people lose weight and improve their health by activating a specific process in the body. The hosts then return to the assassination topic, discussing the suspect’s background and the implausibility of his plan.
➡ The text discusses a man who was planning to cause harm at a political rally. The man had a high-capacity magazine for a pistol and was planning to get close to the event without being checked. The speakers speculate that he intended to carry out a mass shooting at the event, but was arrested and released on a $5,000 bail. They express concern about the security measures at such events and the potential for similar incidents in the future.
➡ The text is a conversation about Vem Miller, who is affiliated with the NRA and has a podcast. The speakers are surprised to discover they know him and have worked with him before. They discuss a situation where Miller was found with suspicious items in his car at a rally, but they believe it’s a misunderstanding as they know him to be a Trump supporter. They also discuss the impact of long-form podcasts and anticipate Trump’s appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast.
➡ The discussion suggests that traditional media like newspapers and network television are declining, with many people shifting to digital platforms like podcasts and streaming services. The conversation also touches on the changing landscape of Hollywood, with studios focusing more on series production for platforms like Netflix and Hulu. The group also discusses a controversial figure and his potential appearance on their show, and the conversation ends with speculation about political figures appearing on popular podcasts.
➡ The speaker discusses their confusion and frustration with current political events, expressing skepticism about the motivations and actions of certain politicians. They also express concern about potential manipulation in future elections, urging people to vote in person to prevent foul play. The speaker anticipates more chaos and unpredictability in the coming months, but encourages listeners to stay engaged and active in the political process.
➡ In this podcast, Ron discusses his channel, Untoldhistory TV, where he explores a wide range of topics including politics, religion, economics, and history. He emphasizes his commitment to thorough research and analysis. Meanwhile, Mel talks about his channel, XRP qfs team, which had to be cleaned up and restarted. Both hosts express a desire for platforms where they can speak freely.


What’s up, folks? Welcome to Nino’s core corner tv. I’m joined with Ron Fartain once again and now with Mel Carmine. So we got a little trio going here so it can be a little fun. Lots to talk about. Trump’s third assassination attempt. Some crazy guy, armed, tried to make it to the rally, got stopped. This is just getting out of hand. I mean, I got to tell you guys, aren’t you, I know you guys are thinking the same thing I am. It’s ballsy. Every time he gets out there to keep doing this, I mean, he’s putting himself in danger.

I know he’s being brave. I know he’s showing the country to fight, fight. But, man, I’m going to say I’m a little worried. Are you guys? I don’t know. I don’t know if who’s behind it is what you really got to ask? Because like you said earlier, they’re so disorganized. Who’s behind something that you would think that if it’s organized by the guys upstairs that it would be much more, you know, fine tuned, et cetera, et cetera. Right. Just Kennedy. Here we are, a third assassination attempted and it’s been foiled. The first one they missed. The second one missed.

The third one got arrested before he got even a shot off. So who’s, who’s organizing this? The polish mafia? Yeah. Yeah. Or are these just wacko lone wolves and are they purposely getting caught? It kind of reminds me of the border, you know, cartels will send loads to get caught and then ten more get by. So are they purposely letting these lone wackos get caught and then, boom, one get, one gets in and then we have that to blame. See, you get what? You get where I’m going with this? Like, yeah, that makes sense. That makes, that’s plausible.

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His digestive issues are gone. His health is fantastic, and he feels younger and healthier today than he did in his forties. His video has been watched by over 20 million people to date, and you can watch and learn more about forward slash nino the link is at the bottom of this video, folks. Get started on it and start dropping those pounds. Live a longer life, man. Ron. So, yeah, decoy. That’s what I’m saying. Could they just be, I mean, I’ve got to think there’s some strategy to this. Yeah, they could be lone wolfs, they could be lone wackos.

But I mean, it would seem to me this guy is just so accessible all the time. It would be easy to get him. Okay, so a couple of things that I’m, I mean, I just kind of, I was unaware of this until you made me aware of it recently, about 20 minutes ago. Just looking at the article here, I’m seeing, I’m looking at, I’m reading the New York Post article, and it says that the suspect was caught about a mile from the rally with phony entry passes. Um, but he was carrying a loaded shotgun and handgun and high capacity mag.

Okay, well, that’s not really going to do much. Um, I mean, unless he wants to get people at the. No, I mean, he’d have to, he’d have to, he’d have to be very, he’d have to be up close because, um, number one, um, a shotgun is a spread pattern and a handgun is for close up. So you would need something that was going to be a little bit more high powered for so that you could do something at distance. Secondly, a couple things that made that stand up to me is really, really weird here. It says, the suspect, identified as them, Miller, was intercepted by police.

Let’s see here. Miller is believed to be a member of a right wing anti government organization, according to Bianco. Okay, now marry that with the fact that he has a UCLA master’s degree. And I don’t know if he ran to it says that he ran for Nevada State assembly, but I’m curious to see what he ran as. First of all, nobody who went to UCLA on a master’s degree is going to be member of a right wing. Right. That just, that. That is. That’s like saying that, you know, hey, I’m. I’m. I’m oil and I’m going to.

And I’m going to mix with water. No, this does. That’s a word. That was a horrible. I butchered that. But you get the point. Burn. Burn. Or. Venn Miller was intercepted by police at a checkpoint about a half mile from the rally entrance. He was carrying a fake, phony press and vip passes. I mean, yeah, but he had. But. Okay, so, I mean, have you guys ever been to a Trump rally? Yeah. Just because you. Just cause you have vip passes doesn’t guarantee you’re going to get into the vip section. I mean, it gives. When the.

When it fills up, I mean, they count people. When it fills up, it’s full, you’re done. I mean, it’s. It’s first come, first serve, so. And if. I don’t know when he was caught, I’m unaware of this. It doesn’t say, but it said that he was, let’s see, was booked for possessing a loaded firearm and a high capacity magazine and was released after posting $5,000 bail. Released? Yeah. After posting what? A $5,000 bail? An attempt. Assassination attempt on a president. He. But he. Okay, so it wasn’t. I mean, he. It wasn’t. I think that’s hyper. Okay, look, I’m in Riverside county, okay? Chad Bianco is the sheriff of Riverside county, and his wife, I graduated with.

She and I graduated in the same class and at high school, literally, like, we were the same year. And I’ve never met. I’ve never met Chad, but we have. We have multiple friends that are close. I like. I have several friends that are good friends with him. He is. He’s political. Chad is political. And he does tend to say things that can be interpreted as hyperbolic. And I don’t know if you guys remember, it was a while back when he. There was a sheriff who was sitting in the car, and he was like, you know, I think it’s time that we elect a felon or we put a felon in the White House.

I don’t know if you guys remember the sheriff in uniform saying that on camera and then that going kind of viral. Yeah, that. I remember that. Actually, that was Bianco. That was Chad Bianco. So he’s known for having. He’s always wanted to, he’s. I personally believe that he wants to run for governor in California, and there’s a lot of rumors about that. And, you know, whether that happens or not, I don’t know. But he’s always wanted to be, he always wanted to be sheriff, and he’s now sheriff. So, um. But for him to say that, for him to say that this was a potential assassination attempt, it could have been, but it never, it never materialized that because they, they stopped him long before he could ever even try to do anything.

Yeah, but his, but his intention was to go there with fake passes, fake id, whatever he had, maybe get in and do the deed. Right? I mean, coming in there armed with vip passes, he wanted to get up close to the mister T. Maybe if you have a shot, and I’m not trying to be contentious, not at all. But I’m just saying you’re not going to get that close to Trump with a handgun and a shotgun and do any significant damage. You need to be at a distance, kind of like it was in Butler. I totally agree.

I totally agree. But my question is this. This guy’s coming in through normal channels. He’s going to go up to the front gate with a shotgun and a rifle and a high powered magazine. What was he thinking? I mean, metal detectors, a shotgun and a handgun, it doesn’t say anything about a. It isn’t. The only thing high capacity was the magazine. And I, from what I’m reading here, that high capacity magazine was for the pistol. So it could have been like a 30 35 map, 35 round mag for a glock. Okay, so he was going to plan on getting to the front entrance and not be checked and say, what are you doing with guns of the, the next president of the United States? I mean, what was he thinking? I’m just, I’m just trying to war game this.

He wasn’t. That’s, that’s the thing. I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you what I think this, what I think makes a lot more sense is I think he was going to do a mass shooting at the event. And that’s what I thought. That’s what I think. I. Yeah, that’s what I think. That’s more likely. Yeah, that’s what I think. Yeah. He’s not going to get into the event. No. Right. No, he’s not going to. He’s not going to be able to get that close to Mister T. I think he wanted to do, I think he wanted to do damage to people who are not as, who don’t think like him.

$5,000 bail. $5,000 bail and he’s out. Yeah. Well, okay, so, so basically what he got, what he probably got charged with. In fact, let me look him up here. I’m going to look him up on the Riverside county website. Share the screen. Yeah, let me. I just want. I want to get to Riverside county sheriff because he probably, I mean, obviously a, you know, a shotgun is going to spray, right? So you’re going to, you got to think and you just have to aim it in, like, a vicinity and, like you’re going to hit three, four or five people.

Right. So that would be mass casualties for me. Or he’s in the. Trying to hurt a lot of people and then he’ll probably make a few blasts with the shotgun and then boom, pack in the. I don’t know, man. I mean, this sounded to me like a mass shooting. That’s what this sounds like to me. Yes. Like he was there to destroy the rally, scare people. And that in itself, that could have been a strategic move for the other side. Right. The dark side to keep people at home saying, right, you mean scare people. Stop them going to rallies.

I mean, look, regardless, we know what they’re going to try to do in November. We all know they’ve. The books are cooked, so that’s why they’re so lazy and that’s why they’re so arrogant. But that doesn’t mean they’re not actively trying to take this guy out, which we’re watching unfold. And every other rally now, you know, this is getting, this is getting insane. But I think this one was, I’d have to guess, is he, this guy was going to try to cause some carnage there at the rally. That’s what I’m thinking. I’m trying to find some stuff here about him just because I want to.

He was taken to the John J. Benoye detention center. Where is that? Let’s turn it around. You know, what if it was the other way around where somebody showed up to a Kamala Harris rally today with the same situation? You think she’ll. Rallies are completely manufactured. We know. Right. But you would know that if that did happen, that’d be all over MSM, it’d be all over every damn network, and that person would be in jail for life. They would not be getting out. Exactly. There’s no $5,000 bail. There’s no $5 billion bail. Right. You’re dying in jail.

Right. You’re right. So tells you. It tells you who really is in charge of all the bad shit. Right. That’s really strange. It’s not. There’s nothing showing up with his name in the information system at all. Pretty insane. Yeah. I’m looking at the Riverside county, like, inmate lookup, and there’s no way that. I mean, he was. I guess you can’t post bail on a weekend, so. So he just went in, turn around, and got out. I mean, apparently, that’s insane. To. I was just trying to find out what he was charged with because a $5,000. Okay, so the way.

The. The way that it works is, is that whenever you get. If you have a charge, your. The. The charge with the most expensive bail amount is what it is. So if his. If his most expensive bail amount was $5,000, it’s not a really significant charge. It’s basically. It’s probably. Probably what he got charged with was possession of a loaded weapon in his car. And, I mean, that’s actually. That’s like, a misdemeanor. That’s not a felony. And it. But it. He still get arrested for it because of his proximity to trump and. And. And that event.

But if it’s a $5,000 bail, all you got to do is post a $500 bond. Yeah, because it’s only 10%. Right, exactly. That’s crazy. That’s. That’s, uh. I mean, I wouldn’t say, uh, this is like an. You know, this is. Nothing compares to butler, Pennsylvania. But the fact that the. There, they keep trying. I mean, they’re getting. I mean, how, you know, every time I ever go to a rally, I always look around. I think to myself, I’ve been to three of them, and I’ve always thought, like, how is there no cuckoo bird here? Like, there.

There has to be at least one disgruntled leftist that’s connected and do some kind of carnage. They didn’t even check me when I was like, if I really wanted to, I could have done whatever, I could have smuggled in whatever I wanted to. At the one at the Corpus Christi Ted, the Texas rally, I was like, man, this is. This is kind of weak. Like, I wasn’t impressed. I was not impressed with the security there. I think anybody with a little bit of an imagination can get the job done, and that’s scary to me. And right now, is it possible that the.

The security has been infiltrated as well? In other words? See, that’s where. See, that’s where I go with this. I’m like, this is this is much bigger than just people being incompetent to me. And I’m sure it is for you, too, as well. I mean, without having to go into too much detail on, on fluff, too. But, I mean, my audience knows what I’m, what I’m putting down here. I mean, it’s, it’s that what I worry about is there’s other methods. I’ve had John Carmen on the United States, a secret service for Carter and Ford, and he said, man, there’s little resin pellets, I mean, you know, with shellfish poison on it, that you could just, there are no bigger than the end of a pin, a ballpoint pin.

And you hit, you get that in your skin, you’re done, man. You have a heart attack, you’re over. It’s over. Game overdose. What about his food? What about his, his sodas, his whatever? I mean, just one compromised person in its game, over. And I mean, and they’re actively trying to get this guy. So I’m not saying he’s being careless, but he sure is putting him out there a hell of a lot more than I think he should this close to the election. I don’t know. Well, I, man, I think the more he’s out there and the more, the more threats he undergoes, I think the more he appeals to the people is like, look, these people want to do me harm, and I’m going to go out there and do it.

I, you know, some people could say that’s reckless abandon. Other people could say that. Look, he’s braving the storm, and he’s, he’s not going to allow them to intimidate him. And so, I mean, I can see it from both angles. But hold on, Ron. I mean, it’s like Juanito always says, he’s baiting the bull. He’s baiting the bull. He wants them to commit on something, so he’s constantly insulting them on his truth, social posts. He’s constantly calling them names. Uh, he’s constantly getting up there in the rallies and, and making fun of them individually. I mean, he’s constantly baiting them, pissing them off, and I think it’s done.

I think that is strategy to make them commit to a bigger move. It seems like to me, to double down, triple down. You know what I mean? Yeah. Well, the one thing that I like, the fact that they actually, I said this way, way in the beginning on the first shooting, I said he needs to have redesigned the stage where they could drive with the, with the limo underneath the stage with the bulletproof car go. He goes up the stairs. He’s on stage, but he’s protected by bulletproof glass. And when he’s done, he’s not going to be touching anybody.

He just goes right back down underneath the stage, gets in his car, and gets the hell out of Dodge. And they moved in that direction to some extent. Okay, but the reality. The reality is you don’t know what these people have. Look, if they can infiltrate the security system, what’s to say that they can’t put a time bomb underneath the stage? For example, some seafood explosives. These guys have unlimited power and money. I mean, how does it. How does a drone not attack Mar a Lago? You get where I’m going with this? Yeah. At this point.

At this point, they’ve been caught with their pants down, red handed. But do you think they really care? Do you guys point singers at who? Points fingers at who. Sorry. I can see it. Yeah. Okay, so them. Miller. Maybe that’s why I was looking. Maybe that’s why nothing showed up. Because his name is Vem Miller. Not Vern, but Vern. Vem Miller received a bachelor’s degree in English and american literature with a concentration in creative writing from UCLA. Okay, I’m sorry. Somebody who is in english and american lit and a concentration in creative writing is going to be a Republican.

I don’t know. Highly suspicious. And investigated journalism from UCLA. Sorry. Miller produced american happens and a podcast called Blood Money. Miller has been a. Affiliated with the NRA. Okay, well, just because he’s affiliated with the NRA doesn’t mean that he’s a. I mean, doesn’t mean that he’s like. Wait a minute. Then Miller is the guy that went to the actual thing with the guns and everything. He’s the guy? Yeah, he was. He was at Juanito’s thing. What do you mean he was there, bro? I did a podcast with this guy. Get out of here. America happens.

Yeah, he just sent me a podcast that he did on the Bundys. Not a podcast, but a documentary that I posted on my rumble channel. No way. That’s the guy. I’ll share this with you. This is from. Can you get a picture of this guy if it’s. I got Ben’s number on my phone. Dude, call him right now. Call him right now. Right now. Dude, I’m serious. Call Mel. Call him right now. I am. Call him right now. Put him to the mic because he’s obviously out. Let’s do. This would be huge. Oh, my God. This is him, bro.

Look, I’m not shitting you. Look at the name on that fucking thing. What does that say? Are you kidding? Call him. Calling him. Don’t tell him you’re on a podcast, though. I won’t. This is wild. I mean, I I doubt he’ll answer. Thanks for calling. If I’m not answering the phone, it’s probably because I think it’s, like, annoying telemarketer. So please, uh, text me. Text me. The texting is always best. And just introduce yourself. I don’t have your phone number. I will speak to you all soon. Thanks. Are you fucking kidding me? Are you kidding me? Seriously? I posted this wild.

Do me a favor, dude. It’s Mel Carmine. Give me a buzz back right away. I posted the link events on the podcast. Jeez, they don’t call me Carmine the connector for nothing. This is wild, bro. I’m sorry. This is crazy. I hope he called you back. Well, that’s the piece I would tell your editor to put in the front, because the audience is gonna be glued. Just take that little piece and say, yeah, I’m going with it. That’s insanity, Mel. Check your. Check your text messages from you. Yeah, I just sent you. I just can’t even believe what I just witnessed right now.

That’s insane. Good eye. So you did a podcast with this guy? Hell, yeah. That. That link that I sent you has his picture. That’s him, bro. Oh, are you kidding? Look at this. While you guys. You guys talk, I’m gonna. I’m gonna be busy trying to find the podcast I did with him, because I’m pretty sure I have it on my rumble channel. Let me just. Let me just say this. How. How is it. Okay? Is it not possible that this is a. This is mistaken identity and that, you know, hey, guns. And he was there, you know, but they’re making a story out of something.

That’s a possibility too, because it could be that he’s a Trump supporter. But let me tell you, this guy loved having me on his podcast, and we’ve been going back and forth, and I was planning on going back on his podcast simply because when I did a podcast with him, he’s only got 6000 something people on his channel. My podcast on his channel on Rumble, got, like, 65,000 views in, like, two days. He’s like, mel, you got to come back again because you’re good luck for me. I’m like. Like, okay, I’m interviewing the guy, President Trump.

I don’t think. I say, and I don’t think that that was the case. I actually think that, if anything, I think that he probably was just. He was there to go to the rally, and he probably. He probably didn’t mean anybody any harm. He just had stuff in his car because he probably does this. This is wild. I mean. Okay, so it wasn’t on him. He wasn’t walking in with it. It was just in his car. Right, but he had fake vip passes in, a fake. Allegedly. We don’t know that. That’s what they’re saying. So he could just.

Fact. We just. We just know. I mean, right? I mean, we don’t know. We don’t know. We don’t know. There’s a lot more that needs. We need to get a hold of him. Look, I know the guy not well, but I know well enough to make a wild prediction that I don’t think this guy would go to a rally to assassinate Donald Trump, because I know for a fact that them is pro Trump, not anti Trump. Okay? That’s why I’m saying I think that. I think the fact that they. Just because they stopped him and searched his car or whatever, that doesn’t mean that he had those there to go and.

And do any harm. I I’m blown away that, you know, this guy doesn’t shock me. Wow. Gosh, I hope he calls you back. Maybe it could be just a big misunderstanding, right? It could be. I mean, it could be. I mean, if you say you know the guy and you did a podcast with. He leans to the right, and then you take that with the. With the, um. With the. With the hyperbolic nature of the, you know, of what Bianco can. Has been known to do, you know? And again, I’m not. Listen, I have nothing but love for Bianco.

He’s been a fabulous sheriff for Riverside County. I mean, the only. The only mistake that I. That he made and he paid dearly for was when he kneeled in. In 2020. He kneeled for. At a BLM crowd, and he caught so much black for that. But he has since made up for that in spades by. By bucking Newsom. Well, let’s switch gears, man. I’m pretty. Just blown away by this right now, but, hey, well, Joe Rogan’s having Trump on his podcast would. You know, I. You know, I kind of feel like I was one of the only podcasters at the time that called Joe Rogan out on this, but not that he paid attention or anything like that, but I was like, you know, Joe Rogan, show us who you are.

Everyone’s picking a lane. You had Kennedy. I mean, the country right now is at stake. I know you’re friends with Dana White. I was like this. But look, he’s doing it. He’s actually bringing Donald Trump on. So here are the questions he might face. Trump is confirmed. Trump has confirmed his appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast. Podcast. Questions regarding presidency are expected. And Internet believes this will be a major campaign booster. I can’t read today. Thousand percent. Listen, you know what? Okay. So I can’t, I can’t. I can’t imagine Joe Rogan, like, sticking it to him. I would imagine.

I would picture. It’s gonna be a friendly, a pretty friendly podcast, don’t you? Maybe. I. But I think. I think Rogan is gonna ask him some difficult questions. But I don’t think it’s gonna be like, I mean, I’m gonna be too terrible. But, you know, I have. I don’t know if you remember me telling you this day, but I predicted about six months ago that Trump and a lot of the conservatives that were running were all going to be starting to do these long form podcasts. Yeah, we talked about that. Right. And he went on Sean Kelly.

I mean, Sean Ryan’s as well, my buddy. So, yeah. Boom. And now he’s doing Joe Rogan. Right. And I also think he did Lex Friedman, if I remember correctly. And I mean, there are several people out there that are doing, like, the long form podcast thing. And that, in many ways, is so much more. I mean, he did it with, he did it with Tucker and, you know, because Tucker, for all intents and purposes, is now a long form podcaster. Yeah. You know, and that is that media and modality is so much more impactful than what you do and turn on the night.

Then, you know, 60 minutes or something, those. That’s garbage because you get, within an hour, you have, like 40 minutes of time that you get to do, and the rest of 20 minutes is commercials. Whereas if you do a long form podcast, you can do an hour, and that’s like doing almost 2 hours of. Of a tv show. Right. I agree with that. I think. I think it’s a good move. It’s a move in the right direction. It’s the future. I think MSM is going to go away. I think that’s done. I think we got about five to ten years left of that crap.

And then I think the future is going to be nothing but podcasting. I think that’s where this is all going. What do you guys think? I agree. I think. I think network television is on its last leg. I mean, shoot. Look. And look at the change in Hollywood. I mean, you know, there’s hardly any movies that are coming out in theaters because, you know, there’s so many theaters around me that have closed down because now what people are doing, or now what studios are doing is they’re making these. They’re making like, ten series or, you know, a ten episode series where they can tell a story over a bigger, longer time, over, you know, in 1 hour increments.

Or they can do a full production and then send it to the theater, but then bring it back out, you know, bring it out on the, you know, Paramount TV or Netflix or Hulu or. I mean, any one of these. That. There’s so many of these things people don’t get there. They don’t watch television anymore. They just don’t. I ran into a friend of mine that writes for the El Paso Times, and he was. I saw him at the. The mall. I was going in to eat lunch, and I saw him. I was like, wait, man.

I won’t say his name, but I was like, man, I haven’t seen you in a long time. Used to be a sports writer for me when I was boxing. And I was like, he’s like, he looked bad. He looked like he was in a bad place. He’s like, man, it’s dying, Dave. The whole, you know, everyone’s off finding new jobs, just dying. He was there. I had to look, start looking for a new job, man. I was like, oh, boy, I’m so sorry to hear that. I mean, but I was actually surprised that it lasted this long because, you know, the only person that reads the newspaper that I know of is my dad, and my dad’s 89 years old.

No, but I don’t ever see anybody reading the newspaper anymore. I don’t see it. And I don’t know who’s watching the local news. I don’t. Every turn. Every time I turn on the FM radio just to see if something’s on. Commercial, commercial, commercial, commercial, commercial, commercial. There’s nothing to listen to on there. No. Why would anybody spend time reading the newspaper, watching local news or FM radio? It’s. Guys, I found the fucking video. Play it. Share it. I’ll let you share it. We’ll share screen. You should be allowed to share screen. Yeah. And what’s his video? The while he’s doing that, I just wanted to say that, you know, you here, I’ll always.

Oh, that’s him. Yeah. Tomorrow, because I’m actually doing a podcast with him. Sherry Jackson Lewis hearns versant from Black Swan, capitalist Jake Flavor. Patrick Riley from CEO from Financial Reaper. Fun. That’s him, right, Tim? That’s him. Yeah. Full place on the blockchain. This turkey would have been out of the oven. The XRP would have been worth, you know, hundreds. That’s him, right? That’s exactly. Yeah. He might be a little heavier set in that picture that you showed me, Ron, but that’s definitely him. This is crazy. This is kind of, listen, this is really wild. Do you know, do you know not to change subjects, guys.

You ever hear of a guy’s story by then, Bill? Yes. He was down in Central America, right? I ended up moving to Costa Rica, and I was living in Escazoo from Escazzoo. I had a major pickup with my landlord, so we moved to Lake Aranol. Okay. And I could tell you that I was living in this house. All of a sudden. I’m watching. I’m watching Dateline, right? Bill, the guy, people in Panama was buying their properties up. He wasn’t actually buying it. He was finagling the paperwork, whatever, getting them to sign a them and bury them directly in their backyard and take over the properties, you know.

You know where he lived? Next door to you. Next door to you. He lived in the same house that I rented in Lake arena. Oh, my gosh. One degree of separation of these people. Oh, my goodness. This is crazy. Yeah, I just. I’m glad, Mel, that I live across the country from you. Well, I’ll tell you what, this, this definitely took a crazy turn for podcasting. Wow. This is different. Well, I’ll say that I don’t think that that was a assassination attempt. I don’t think that was a third assassination attempt. I’ll. I’m. I don’t think this is a guy that’s going to assassinate Donald Trump because he’s very right wing, he’s anti establishment, he’s anti democratic, slash whatever you want to.

I let us starts with a c. Okay. Right, right. So he showed up with guns that he carries it, that he has in his car all the time anyway, and he got busted for really using a fake id and fake passes or whatever it was. Was it a fake idea? What was it? Allegedly alleged, right, but it. Was it an id? I don’t know. I mean, that’s still pretty wild and crazy to me, to be honest. But who knows? He was probably more angry that he didn’t get to go to the Trump rally than anything. Yeah, probably.

It’s, it’s, it’s pretty crazy stuff. Oh, man. I hope you get him on so we can bring him on, but obviously, he’s probably talking to lawyers right now. Oh, I’m sure that I could definitely get him on. Would you like to have him? Yeah, let’s do it for fluff tube. Let’s do it for here. Yeah, absolutely. Maybe I could send him the link right now. Say, hey, we’re on right now. Would you like to make an appearance? Try it. I doubt he’s talking to anybody right now. If I was him, I’d be lawyering up. I mean, I would.

Yeah, sure. He’s in a lot of trouble. I doubt he’s going to talk to anybody. Yeah, let me. Let me send them a text message. Ron, do me a favor and text any chance you can come on the Nino Rodriguez show right now? I’ll send you a link if you’re available, let me know. Ron. Send me a picture of him, a mug shot of him, or whatever the picture was, if you check. I texted you. I texted the ballot PDA thing. This is. It’s slash v E m underscore Miller. M I l l. You sent it to me.

Yeah, I sent it. I texted it to you. Now I muted my phone specifically. Don’t even say that. Yeah, yeah. Wow. Needless to say, I got. I’m holding the phone in case it vibrates. Wow. This is pretty crazy. Well, let’s see if this guy comes around. I’d like to see if you’d like to make a guest appearance on the nino show. That’d be pretty crazy. That would be wild. I mean, we get to the bottom it right here, but I guarantee you he’s. He’s up to his eyeballs in trouble right now. He ain’t talking to anybody.

Well, and I have to say I stand corrected. Thinking that he went to UCLA and was a lefty. I stand. I stand corrected. I was. That was me making a statement based on stereotype, so I shouldn’t have done that. So this is pretty crazy. I’m going to send them the link just for shits and giggles, guys. Seriously. Wouldn’t that be something nuts? I have to say. I have to say that is pretty freaking crazy. That’s one of the weirdest things that’s ever happened on a podcast. I have to say. That’s probably the most bizarre thing I’ve ever.

I’ve ever experienced on a. On a show with any. There’s a reason why you invited me this morning. Yeah. I felt it. I felt it. So this is weird. This would be top three weirdest things. Number one or what? Probably in the top three for sure. Definitely. Yeah. Thanks, Mel. Oh, my gosh, man. I just, I don’t even know what to say about that. That’s just so crazy. I bet. I’d like to hear from my audience on this one. What do you all think? Yeah, put a comment down below and let me know. What is this not one of the craziest podcast experiences you’ve ever had? For me, it is.

Well, you. Okay, so you wanted to talk about the. You wanted to talk about that. And then there was a couple other things you wanted to talk about. If I remember, Joe Rogan is definitely a big, I’m actually very happy he’s having Trump on a, you know, is he gonna have Kamala on as well? Is it just Trump speaker one? Probably just trump speaker one. I don’t think, I don’t think Kamala is, I mean, they’re doing everything they can to keep her out, you know, and, I mean, when they came out and said, I think, I don’t know if we talked about this the other day, but when they come out and say that they don’t have any money, that FEMA’s out of money, I mean, who in their right mind is going to say that? I mean, that’s saying they’re in their right mind.

You want to talk about. You’re giving them a lot of credit by saying they’re not right mind? No, I’m, no, I’m talking from a political, strategic standpoint here. Why would. No, nobody in their right mind would say that. That’s so I just, I just don’t think that that’s, I mean, to me, when I see stuff like that, it makes me think there are forces out there that are operating on the good side for us because that’s like, I mean, why? Why would you do that? What? I think other options are exhausted now. I think they’re improvising and I think they don’t, I think they’re arrogant in the sense that they’re, you know, they’re also at the point where they’re like, well, we could just do whatever we want anyway.

There is really, there’s that, too. It’s like they’re going to shove it in our faces and say, that’s what I think they’re going to try to do. They’re going to be like animals. So big deal. Well. Oh, you thought you were going to come out and override us. Whatever. Think you talk about, you talk about Kamala. And I, you know, I remember when, you remember when hw came out. Hw and w both came out in support of, in 16, and now you’ve got Cheney, both Dick and his daughter coming out in support of Kamala. I mean, what, what does that tell you? And, and the, and the Democrats for the longest time, I mean, they, they were very rightfully so, were hated on, uh, on Dick Cheney, basically.

Like, he was the personification of evil. How in the world are they celebrating the fact that they have his endorsement now? I mean, talk about hypocrisy. I just, it’s, it’s baffling. I mean, things just, things are so disjointed and make so no sense to me. I’m looking at stuff and I’m thinking, I’m scratching my head. I’m like, what’s going on here? Yeah, absolutely. Guys, not to get off track, wouldn’t it be funny if you hear ding here in the next couple minutes and he’s here? Oh, I love it. That’d be huge. That’s why I’m waiting. We’re waiting for you, man.

Come on down. I’m trying to fill, fill, still fill us up with something and hopefully he responds to you well. I think that, well, let’s just continue talking about this for a second. I think that, absolutely. I think the media is starting to turn on Kamala. I think people are just like, man, this is just, they’re even realizing it’s ridiculous. Like, they can’t blame anyone for voting for Mister T. They’re even the hardest left. You know, Democrat is finally at the point now where they’re be, they’re beyond their wits. They’re like, man, I can’t get behind this.

Like, this is even too ridiculous. But do you think they get finagle the bagel with the machines this time around? Yeah. Yes, yes. Yeah, about that. But I don’t think it’s gonna, I don’t think it’s gonna pass. I don’t think people are gonna put up for it or put up with it. They’re like, no way. No way. I’ll make an arrangement next week in person, paper ballot. And I want a copy of my ballot, right? Yeah. Yeah. I always do. What happened? Person. And I take a picture of it. I take a picture of the ballot and then I, and then I, and then I submit it.

Be interesting. I tell you what, man, I think the fireworks are just starting. I think going into the late part of October, November, I mean, if October was red October, then we know November is going to be much crazier. Right? I mean, this is all, I think every month is just going to escalate, escalate, escalate, escalate to the pimple pops. And I think, okay, so two schools of thought here and it could be one of the other or neither. I. But one is they do everything they can to prevent, prevent the. That they want. Prevent the result of t winning by, by, you know, doing underhanded things like they did in 20 or they allow t to win and then try to cause so much chaos with civil unrest and things like that.

So it’s like, you know, prevents him from getting in because everything is in such disarray. Yeah, I agree. And then they blame it on him. Blame the chaos and confusion on him and see, look on him. On him and his supporters. Kind of like with, with six. Yeah, I agree with you completely. Let me ask you guys one question. Let me ask you guys one question. Let’s say they’re able to finagle the bagel. She gets in and this guy, Tim, whatever his name is, is the vp guy who wants tampons in the boys room. Okay. In all the schools.

Okay. They get in and they stay in for three months. What happens? I think that’s a possibility. I think, I think even before I think, I think, I think, I think this doesn’t start getting really crazy until about October 20, 25th. Just, just a little small prediction for me. I’m going to say things start getting really weird because then escalates. Escalates into November. I think we’re still. Do you guys remember the video that was done with Jerome Corsi? When he did, he gave like about a 15 minutes speech. He was doing something with Alex Jones and he gave like a 15 minutes speech and he was, that was the one where he said that Mister T was recruited by the military and that the military had made.

They were. They were making preparations. Careful with this. I know I am. The military was making preparations to remove a certain individual and then they changed their mind, had recruited somebody to run and he did win. And he did run and won. And so that they. So my thing is, is that. And see, I personally believe that the, the, the 16 election was. I think it was done. I think they prevented the, the foul play. I agree. And that was the first big win. You know, the big, the big play that. And then all of this now has just been exposed, exposed, exposed leading to this.

But the point I’m making is that they can prevent the foul play and won. They can prevent a, with the foul play and others. I agree with you on that. I agree with you on that. Let’s see. I mean, Jan Halper put something out that was pretty damn informative. I mean, Juan didn’t agree with a lot of it, but with most, well, with some of it, but he agreed with most of it. And, but I think that that’s definitely, look, we could, could November 5 come and it’s a landslide and everything’s just like, wow, this was just epic.

Yes, I’m a, but I’m, I’m expecting some hanky pankies, some foul play, some kind of hole. And I understand that, brother, and I say this with all respect, I think everybody does, because that’s all they’ve been doing. And so I think, I think people are black pilled to the level where they just think, oh, well, it doesn’t matter what I do, it’s just, it’s all. Anyway. Yeah, I agree. So I think that’s the wrong attitude to have. I think people still need to get out there and actually go and, and, and manually do it, man. They need to manually go into the booth and, and, you know, mark the ballot.

That’s what they have to do. That I’ve been told, I’ve been told to go day of, you know, cuz that, because that way they cannot, they have to completely just improvise from there. They don’t have anything to go up. They can kind of dictate what’s gonna happen with early people doing this. Yes and no. It depends, it depends, you know, for me, because I, you know, I, where I go, it’s like a five hour drive. It would be difficult for me to do that, you know, day of. But, uh, um. But what, I tell you what, it’s a good thing I listened to Juanito.

He said to put a few clauses in the contract. Is this going to interfere with the quantum summit, March 8 and 9th, right in Cape Canaveral. And I did follow his lead. I put a few clauses in case that, you know, they. Who told you first to do it in March? Well, you. We were gonna do it in May, then we went to march. We went to march and went back to later than I said. Next year. Later in the year, though. Yes. You said May would have been a better time. I don’t know, you know, look, who knows? Whatever happens, whatever happens, I hope.

And everybody gets out of their way, because, you know, you and I are not going to stop them with nine millimeter pistols. You can stick those up with the sun doesn’t shine. Yeah, I agree. Right. I totally agree with you. I mean, this is going to be interesting. Let’s do another podcast soon. I got to go watch the Dallas game. Matt. My dodge is wrong. I can’t believe what just happened on this podcast. Thank you, Mel. Yeah, thanks for bringing it. Hey, listen, I was sleeping in the same bed, Bill. You understand that? Creepy. That was when I learned that fact.

And I looked at Amber, I said, we’re sleeping in the same bed, Bill. That is pretty wild shit. That’s creepy. That’s all right, guys. Where can people find you, Ron? Untoldhistory tv takes you right to my rumble channel. And, yeah, that’s where you can find me. And, I mean, you know, I, when I come on here and do stuff with you, I try to keep it, you know, soft for the, for the fluff tube audience. But when you get to my stuff on my channel, you know, I’m talking about, there’s nothing that I don’t talk about.

I mean, I’ll talk about geopolitics, politics, religion, economics, crypto history. I mean, I talk about everything, and I try to do it in such a way because they’re all those things are interconnected, so. And there’s really nothing that I won’t talk about. And I probably take some controversial positions, but I don’t take those positions because I’m just trying to be controversial. I take those positions because I’ve studied everything, and I look at things, and I see. I see patterns where other people may not. So I feel like I’m in a pretty good position to be able to make good judgments and quality analysis, so.

But that’s. This is me, Mel. Where do they find you? Right here, man. XRP qfs team all together on rumble. And you could put a number one in front of it. We had to take all the videos down. I. So we took them all down, man. We had to do what we had to do. You had to clean house a little bit. Yeah, we did exactly just that. And with a number two at the end, which is the other YouTube channel, my backup channel. Let me ask you a question, champ, before we go. When you go on Nino’s corner, let’s say, for example, if we had, like, some sensitive stuff to talk here that we weren’t able to talk here, and we go to, over to your Nino’s corner, you able to go live on that or.

No, on rumble or on tv? Nino’s corner. Oh, yeah. You know what? I’ve never done it, but I’m pretty sure I can. I just have to call the tech team. I would either have to add it, or I could probably do it. I just never done it. Never done it. That’s a good. That’s something I want to bring up to them because I think they did tell me that I could do that. So that’s something I should do. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. That. I mean, I. Because I’m moving in that direction. I’m not going to call it Mel’s Corner or Carmine’s corner.

I might call it something completely different, but I’m moving in that direction to really build something where I could talk freely and, you know, they can go. You have to. You got to have that, man. Yeah, you got to. We all do. All right, fellas. Thank you for joining me. All right, folks. Leave a comment down below. Like, share and subscribe, folks. And hit the notifications button. Later, guys. Thank you, brother. Bye bye. Later.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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