THIS is What HAVING a DOG will DO…





➡ Peggy Hall from shares her experience of owning dogs and how they’ve brought joy, love, and also sorrow when they pass away. She discusses an article written by a fellow dog lover, Renee, about how dogs can lift your spirits. Peggy also talks about a collagen supplement that can help with aging and skin health. Lastly, she expresses gratitude for the support she’s received from her community during her time of grief over the loss of her dogs.
➡ Kathleen adopted an eight-year-old Shih Tzu named Molly after its owner passed away, and Sylvia, who Peggy met at a Trump rally, once adopted eight stray cats with her late husband. Peggy encourages people to vote in local elections to influence their communities, and mentions two animal rescue organizations in South Florida, Big Dog Ranch Rescue and Furry Friends. She ends by expressing gratitude for her supporters and advises everyone to take a break from the news and surround themselves with love and laughter.


Hey friends, Peggy Hall back with you from the What will having a dog do to your life? Well, I know what having dogs my entire life have done for my life. They’ve enriched it immensely. They have brought so much happiness and joy and love and yes, deep indescribable pain and sorrow when we lose them. So many of you have been sending me cards and letters over the many months that I have been experiencing grief in the loss of my teddy bear and Elsie within a week of each other. And that was back in May.

So we are into October now. That’s going on six months, May, June, July, August, up to five months. It seems like forever. And I want to share with you an amazing article that was written by a Healthy American. Here she is. Her name is Renee. I think we’re kind of like pen pals because she writes to me and has written a couple of letters. And next week, I want to share with you another story that she sent me. But in this broadcast, we’re going to talk about her newspaper article called Having a Dog Will Lift Your Spirit.

Let me know if you have a dog, if you ever had a dog, if you plan on getting one, and if you have cats, but we are basically dedicating this to dogs because that is what she has written about. And I do want to thank the sponsor of the video before we go any further. So this is over at And I’m telling you, having animals has helped me stay young, feeling and I want to look as good on the outside as I feel on the inside. And collagen basically, as you can see in the headline, may be the closest thing we have to a real fountain of youth.

I know this may not be for all of y’all. But for those who are interested, please listen because there are countless Americans who will waste time and energy and money this year, trying to look younger, reduce their wrinkles, but they really miss the actual problem, which is a decrease in the natural collagen reserves. So scientists have found that after the age of 20, your body produces about 12% less collagen each decade. And if you experience an excess of sagging skin or wrinkles in relation to your age, you may be collagen deficient.

Plus, knowing you should supplement collagen isn’t enough, you need to use the right types of quality sourced collagen to have the best chances of reducing the appearance of aging. So I love this amazing new collagen mixture that is designed to revitalize and rejuvenate the skin. Unlike typical collagen supplements found on the grocery store shelves, this is highly effective because it combines the five top critically important types of collagen for skin health. It’s formulated to help reduce visible signs of aging, reduce wrinkles, promote a youthful glow, and promote elasticity and skin hydration.

That sounds fantastic. So if you want to do your skin a favor, get it today. You’ll get it for 51% off, but I want you to go to I’ll have a link for you in the description box below. If you order today, you’ll get free VIP health and fitness coaching for life. And this is live. And you’ll get a free new ebook titled The 14 Foods for Amazing Skin. There’s also a 60-day satisfaction guarantee and free shipping. So basically, there’s no reason not to try it. If you’re interested, check it out in the description box below or simply go to

Friends, I have been able to weather the storms of my indescribable pain and unrelenting grief. Thanks to you. I have got an entire bin full of cards and letters that I have finally answered. And if you haven’t gotten it, check your mail because I am so grateful to thank you personally. And this letter came from Renee. She actually wrote me a personal letter that I’m going to share next week when I talk about a more detailed personal story that she wrote. But this was published in the newspaper and it’s called Having a Dog Will Lift Your Spirit.

Friends, I am going to read a few snippets from this newspaper article from my friend and healthy American, Renee. And then I will also have this link for you in my substack at I love this article. It is so encouraging. And I would love to hear from you. If you have a dog, if you had a dog, and if you intend, like I do, Lord willing, will have another dog in my life to be a companion for our little tabby to sorrow. So she says, few creatures that touch human life are as versatile and inspirational as the dog.

Experts in the art of living simply, dogs spend every moment of their lives in the singular now, neither fretting over the past nor worrying about the future. Twice now, she writes, I have adopted puppies, watch them grow with my family, spent millions of companionable moments with them, and then dealt with the grief and sadness that comes with their two sudden old age. Having recently lost our beautiful brindle hound Annie to liver cancer, I am awash in memories of her many virtues, not the least of which was her typical canine celebration every time we walked into the house.

It was as if she had no memory of this happening. So fresh and intense was her joyous welcome. Well, she goes on and on to talk about the different antics. She goes on to write about the tender virtues of her dog. And I would love for you to read this article that I will have linked for you at my sub stack. Thank you so much, Renee. I will share your other letter and article in an upcoming broadcast. I wanted to share a couple of other cards that came in, which really lifted my spirits.

This beautiful one, I’m not sure if I showed you before, but this I love because of this little Bambi. And after Teddy and Elsie passed away, we saw a doe and her well, we saw the yes, the mom and her baby that we were calling Bambi in our backyard. It was absolutely amazing. They curled up and slept exactly where Teddy and Elsie had. Well, Elsie was not outside, but exactly where Teddy had been. She writes, Dear Peggy and David, I was so sorry to hear about the passing of both precious Elsie and Teddy.

I feel your sadness. And she said, I sang to my angel cat Lucy as she died 10 years ago. Know that you are in our prayers in him, Karen and Dan. Thank you so very much. I appreciate it. And this was a nice little note from Randy who says, Dear Peggy and pastor David, losing a furry family member is never easy. I have lost several and it hurts every time. Praying for comfort and God’s perfect peace for you and your family. Thank you for all you do. Love your sister in Christ, Randy.

I really appreciate that. Here’s another precious one. And this comes from Cynthia. Dear Peggy and pastor David, they may no longer be by your side, but they will always be in your heart. I am so sorry about Elsie and Teddy. I know how pets can leave a big hole in your hearts when they leave and leave a hole in your hearts and in your home. It is never easy to say goodbye to people or animals that we love. Pets bring us so much love and company. They truly are the epitome of unconditional love.

Elsie and Teddy were blessed to have such a loving home and you were both blessed by their sweet and loving personalities. I can tell by the photos and seeing Teddy in your videos. My thoughts and prayers have been with you much love, Cynthia. Thank you so much. I’m sharing these cards and letters with you because so many of you have written to me with your grief, with your loss, and I want you to receive the support and caring as I have. We are the healthy American community. We’re here to support each other.

Please let me know in a comment if you are suffering any type of loss and let us know how we can pray for you. A couple of more here. This came from Kathleen, beautiful sympathy card, which says those we love are never really lost to us for their special love lives on. That is so true. May the light of love and the warmth of memories bring peace to your world in this time of sorrow. She says, dear Peggy, I should have thanked you before for the enormous help you have given us over the last four years.

So this card is to do that and to say God bless you for your hard work and courage that you share with all of us. But the death of your dear pets has been as sad for your followers and audience as the loss of our own furry friends. My husband and I lost our male Shih Tzu unexpectedly last November and we were devastated. We decided that that was our last pet. We lasted four months and we just couldn’t stand the silence and missing his presence. In February, we adopted an eight-year-old female Shih Tzu whose owner had died.

The love we had for all our dog, all our dogs is now shared with Molly who saved us as much as we saved her. I highly recommend it. Love Kathleen. Kathleen, your card has meant so much to me. Friends, I have so many more to share with you. Well, let me do one more. These are little kitty cats. Look at this. Eight kitty cats on the counter. That sounds like a dream to me. I would love to have a house full of cats and dogs. And this comes from Sylvia who I met in person.

She says, Dear Peggy, I send condolences on the passing of Elsie and Teddy bear. It is truly excruciating emotional pain. I know the photograph on this card is when my late husband and I had eight adopted stray cats in 1988. They were the joy of our lives. They’re all passed over the rainbow bridge by now, of course, plus a few more. I know that you love animals because I saw you at a Trump rally in Huntington Beach at the pier. I actually was speaking at that event a few years ago.

You spotted a couple standing next to me with a little red wagon. And there were four small dogs wearing tiny little mega hats in the wagon. It was adorable. You stopped and got a kick out of them. I’ve got to find that photo because I’m pretty sure that I took a photo of that. They were absolutely adorable. She writes, I have been an activist in Huntington Beach for the past few years. We finally got a conservative majority on the city council. So all y’all that don’t vote in your local elections, you need to vote for those people that you want to represent you.

Yes, there may be some corruption at the local level. I’m not just talking about presidential elections or selections as the case may be, but for heaven’s sake, why not vote for those initiatives and propositions that are being put on the ballot in your local area? In some of these smaller places, these elections are just a few hundred votes in one way or another. So she says we got a conservative majority. Imagine if people didn’t vote in Huntington Beach, it totally could have gone like the rest of Orange County. She says the woman who was in Huntington Beach is my friend and she’s on the council and she’s absolutely brilliant.

She’s behind the scenes, but she knows every detail of every issue, especially grassroots, sending you much love, Sylvia. Thank you, Sylvia. I’m going to end on this note. I’ve got so many more cards and letters to share. They’re not all about pet loss, but I did want to talk about that because yesterday I shared with you and I hope you’ll watch the video, places where you can donate to the animals and the animal rescue groups that have been impacted, not only by Hurricane Helene, but also Milton. There are a couple that I know personally in South Florida.

These are organizations that I have visited. One is called Big Dog Ranch Rescue, and the other is Furry Friends, and I will leave links for you as well. Also over at my substack, I hope you have a wonderful weekend, everyone. Take a break from the weather news. Take a break from all the news. Surround yourself with love and laughter, a lightheartedness. Look at all of the great people that are doing great work that are not falling for all of the hogwash. That’s where I put my attention and I’m so grateful for all of you.

You lift my spirits, you help me and have helped me get through these difficult times. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, that with you by my side, we are marching this all the way to heaven. See you soon, everybody. [tr:trw].

See more of The Healthy American Peggy Hall on their Public Channel and the MPN The Healthy American Peggy Hall channel.


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