It is seriously this bad… | The Economic Ninja




➡ The Economic Ninja channel talks about how the economy is heading towards a major downturn, largely due to a collapse in commercial real estate. Many office buildings are becoming vacant and aren’t feasible to convert into residential spaces due to infrastructure issues. This is causing a financial strain on pension funds that have invested in these properties. The situation is serious and could lead to a crisis bigger than the one in 2007.


Economic ninja here. Things are getting so bad. This is seriously out of control. And most people, when I’m about to share this story with you, some people would dismiss and go, this is a one off event, or that person’s crazy. But hopefully most of you take this very serious and you start to see the signs of the times. And if you’re not preparing for this, if you’re not preparing for an epic downturn in the economy that is going to be driven in, and we’ll go down the history books as a commercial real estate default.

If you’re not ready for it, I don’t feel sorry for you. If you’re getting ready for it, type it down below. If you see this, this story is out of zero hedge. It is entitled, this is going to blow your mind. And you’re going to say, no way, this isn’t true. This is the title. Absolutely crazy. Vacant LA office tower to be torn down for just 30 new electric vehicle charging stations.

We are in the greatest collapse in our country’s history when it comes to commercial real estate. And it’s such a big deal. And I’ve been warning about it. I was the first person, and this isn’t to my horn, I just saw it differently than most people. I was the first person to talk about it on the Internet, even four months before the Evergrande collapse in China, their real estate sector.

And again, when I say commercial, I want you to be thinking not about only big office buildings. I want you to think about multifamily apartment complexes. You know, the kind that these real estate bros are always trying to tout, the syndicators trying to get you to invest in. You have no idea how big of a deal this is. This is how dark it’s gotten. Also, I want to remind everybody, this is the last day that the sale is running for the real estate or sorry for the side hustle.

Course, it goes back to normal price tomorrow. Last time you’re going to be hearing me about this for a while. So whoever gets in is in. And next month we start group coaching calls. So for whoever’s in, they’re going to get a discounted rate per month. So if you want to go look at that, the links down below, because we’re about to step it up a notch and we’re going to put together a community of business owners and side hustlers that are going to make more money than they’ve ever made.

And we are going to show you how to take that money and take back what the nation’s stolen from us. This is a nation of people, not a nation of government. But the scary thing is it’s getting to be that way. And it’s government policies that have caused the inflation that you’re seeing right now. It’s because of government policies that you’re not working a full time job right now or your full time job is not paying you enough to make ends meet because your insurance costs are going up, your food costs, electricity costs and this kind of example.

This is absolute insanity. So let’s read this story together, says Kyle Bass. The founder of Dallas based Heyman Capital Management explained last year that the office tower segment of the commercial real estate sector is in such dire straits that towers need to be demolished as demand isn’t returning. He also mentioned converting these towers into residential apartments may not be feasible in some cases and I’m going to tell you right now, it’s most cases it is not feasible because the mains were not put in right.

It’s not possible in 90% of office buildings. It has to do with the infrastructure that was laid down before that. And really when it comes down to also the parking, all right, it’s very simple. There are a lot of people with pie in the sky ambitions thinking you’re going to take all these office buildings and turn them into family units. Yeah. What you’re going to find is if you do do it, you’re not going to be able to cram 1000 people into one building.

It’ll be like 30, 40 because of the infrastructure that’s needed for it, the square footage, the electricity lines, the water mains, all of that kind of stuff, he says. It’s one asset class that just has to get redone and redone meaning demolished, Bast told Bloomberg in an interview in recent months. Vernado Realty Trust property near Madison Square their trust property near Madison Square Garden halted construction of a planned 61 floor office tower after Hotel Pennsylvania was demolished.

The unfolding commercial real estate crash forced Fornato to pause construction with new plans of temporarily converting the property into tennis courts for the US Open. The trend emerging for older towers is a complete teardown. However, building a new office tower is no longer a viable option considering the US market has years of elevated supply overhanging the market here’s a great visual from Morgan Stanley. It’s hard to show you, I don’t got the editing, but they show the years of supply of office buildings and they’re going up and up and up.

I did a story a while back about how Cal sters took out a $20 billion loan just as a band aid fix, because their commercial real estate portion of their portfolio for their retirees is hemorrhaging every month. It costs a certain amount to just keep that building going. It’s vacant. And they’re afraid that if they’re forced to sell those assets, see, that’s when it hits the books. And that’s what all of these pension funds are so afraid of.

You see, it’s like a bond. Right now, banks, their balance sheet is hurting because their held maturity loan portfolio, their bonds, they’re worth less than what they paid for them because people could go buy bonds at higher rates, right? Well, it isn’t really until they sell those bonds at a much lower price that they hit the balance sheet. And then it’s obvious they’ve got to go show their shareholders.

Well, that’s what all of these pension funds are afraid of. They’ve got all this commercial real estate. It’s costing them. It’s not making them money, it’s costing them money. And they’re sitting there going, crap, what do we do if we sell it? We’ve got to put that on the ten Q or the. Holy cow, this is going to be bad. So let’s hide it. Well, they can’t hide it because the ninja is going to go talk about it, see, find a news story and go plug it and tell people about it.

They just took a $20 billion loan just to go and put a band aid on it because that is actually better than selling for pennies on the dollar. Now, you also have to remember this. When they go take a loan out these companies to band Aid over at $20 billion, they got to pay that back in interest. That’s $20 billion, plus the cost of interest, plus the fees associated with that and management fees just to manage this debacle.

That is not going into pensioners pockets. It’s weakening the pension system. This is not a joke. However, most people, this is all they see. Hold on. It’s all they see. Everything is awesome. Everything’s so cool when the sun is all out. We are in a worse crisis than where we were in 2007. That means that as everything crashes down, you have the greatest opportunity to go out and crush it.

Are you going to sit on the sidelines and watch while you’re busy filing bankruptcy documents and paying for an attorney? Or are you going to be crushing it out there, making money and buying assets for pennies on the dollar from the people that are claiming bankruptcy? Let’s dive into this story. A little bit more and really to paint the picture of what is going on in the commercial real estate market.

And if you could do me a favor, real quick, shout out, you guys can join some of those Facebook groups, if you’re in Facebook or any of these online platforms, and join the groups that have to do with real estate, paste this link in there. Let’s shock them because most people, they’re too busy. Like, oh, my gosh. Real estate went up a percent on zero volume. This is exactly what happened in 2005, 2006, which led to the eight cris.

And this crisis is going to be way bigger. And what’s even blowing me away even more is everyone’s like, but yeah, the Dow and the SP are like record highs. Yeah, exactly. We have a national, and now it’s actually a worldwide inflationary event. That’s what all stock markets do. But here’s what’s crazy. I still have yet to find anybody, any traders that are keeping ahead of inflation, because most people that comprise of the money that goes into the Dow Jones, the s.

P, the NasdAq, it’s through index funds and their retirement system. It’s just money pushing in. They’re not seeing, they’re not active traders using technical analysis to go and crush it in stocks. Normally in my portfolio, my goal is to make about 10% a month. I don’t talk about that because I don’t want to have like a full on stock channel because I just do other things in my life.

That’s my goal. I want to make about over 100% a year. I want to double my money. That’s what we do. But most people don’t do that. They’re just going nine to five to their job and they’re going, oh, you match my funds. Of course. I think you should always do. The matching fund portion goes in before tax. You match funds, that’s guaranteed profit. But I don’t go put any more into that.

I know people that are maxing out those retirement accounts and they’re not investing in themselves. If they would just simply pay their house off, they would be so much farther ahead. But people, they’re gamblers. Most people are gamblers. In their mind. They’re not like laying it up. They’re not going for the easy shot that is going to guarantee them a win. That’s why people need to start businesses.

Right now, this commercial real estate sector is imploding. But here, let’s let the press tell you about it. So you say here, so what’s the trend at play? Here’s the trend at play. It’s to tear down older office buildings. But what comes next? We’ve seen this just recently, right? Well, ex user triple net investor, citing a recent note from real estate firm Costar, pointed out that a 68,000 square foot office tower at 81 21 Van Nuys Boulevard.

This is the office tower right here. There you go. We’re not talking a small piece of real estate, right? This is legit. This is in Los Angeles is slated for demolition. What comes next might be surprising. And it’s not a tower, but actually a very real possibility of a charging station for electric vehicles. Add electric vehicle charging to the list of new uses envisioned to replace underused offices across the United States.

Costar said. So you’ve got office towers being torn down in New York that now they’re going, we can’t build an office tower. There’s no one to rent it. So let’s build a tennis court. Now you’ve got in Los Angeles, on the other side of the country. So you got crazy in New York, crazy in California. Let’s tear it down and build Tesla charging stations. See, the collapse is so bad right now, and you’re getting a taste of it, type one.

If you agree that you see this and you’re excited about it, because you should be foaming at the mouth, fired up. The building costs so much to maintain right now that it’s cheaper to spend the money to demolish it and put some Tesla charging stations on there right? Now. Think about this. There’s a casino for sale. I was noticing because I’m looking at real estate like crazy, right? Watching all the trends, getting things for new lessons for all of my real estate courses.

And there’s one in, was it Carson, Nevada? Carson City, Nevada. And they’re asking $16 million for this casino. All the bones there, it’s solid. It’s $16 million. I’m looking at how much money I could make off that if I do a couple of things, and I’m like, right now, that money is not there, I believe we’re going to be able to pick that place up for four and a half, 5 million in the middle of this crash and then turn that into an awesome event place.

Not joking now. I’m not going to go out and buy that one. Like, I’m giving just numbers. I’m blanking on the name of the building. And it’s right downtown, Carson City. And it’s amazing for me to see these things. And it blows me away that more people don’t see it. All right, so you’ve got this building. What could it be used for? I’m sure there are a lot of people that don’t understand real estate that would say, well, you could use that for housing.

I guess you could house migrants in it. They’re doing that everywhere else. But like, hey, there you go. It’s cheaper to tear it down now because there’s nobody there to rent it. Nobody. And what’s even crazier, most people would say that aren’t really investors at all. They would say, well, why don’t you just lower your prices? Well, there’s a threshold, you see, and that’s what pension funds are having a problem with right now.

Yeah, sure, you can lower your prices all day long, but there’s a cost basis. There’s a cost of keeping the electricity on and keeping the maintenance of that building. Buildings die when they don’t have a life force in them. Type two, if you know what I mean. Have you ever been in a house that just hasn’t been lived in in just a month and it just starts to fall apart? That’s crazy.

That has to do with frequency. Frequency that actually comes out of the human body, the human spirit. When the human spirit leaves, it’s scary how fast things decay. And what we need to do right now is focus on that spirit and we need to turn it the right direction. Where is your spirit leading you right now? What’s your gut telling you? Does your gut tell you that things are falling apart? Mine is my alarm bells are flashing.

But I’m not going to sit and hide in a bunker and go eat emergency food. It’s good to have emergency food. It’s good. Everyone should have some. We should all have a generator and be prepared for hard times. I’ve got water filter and all that stuff. I got all that stuff, but enough’s enough. Now you go live. Now you go crush it. Now you go dominate. See, our country wasn’t built on a bunch of slackers or a bunch of people that hid and were scared.

They’re built by amazing men and women that raise good families with strong ambitions and a goal. And right now, the mainstream media, they don’t want you to have ambitions. They don’t want you to have goals. They want you to sit around and just do what they say. Do you agree with that? Let me know down in the comments. Fire up right now. You should be getting fired up.

If you aren’t getting ready to be laid off, you’re going to have a thrill. You are going to have a thrill. Even the companies that are profitable in 2023 and right now in 2024 have already announced their plans to lay off. You have no idea what’s coming. This is the point where everybody’s dancing. Everyone’s stoked. Like, look at, I got a million dollars. Do you know how many people I knew had a million dollars in 2007 in their 401 ks, only to watch half of it go, boom, gone? And they didn’t have a plan? It’s like Mike Tyson says, everyone’s got a plan until you get punched in the face.

I’ve been punched in the face before, multiple times. It still happens today. But if you got a plan, you get punched and you got something to fall back on. How many people don’t have something to fall back on? You’re having a hard time just making it. Well, you know what? If you don’t strap on right now, strap up and do something about your situation, and you start working seven days a week, you’re going to be screwed.

That’s the truth. And it’s time for some hard truth. This is absolutely insane. I think it’s time right now for people to wake up. Thank you to the super chat. Whoever gave it to me, sorry, they’re flying by me so fast. I think it’s so important right now that people wake up to the reality of this world. Start a side business. Start a side hustle. Get a second job if you don’t want to start a side hustle.

But it’s so easy. Look, today’s the last day of the sale. It goes back to normal price tomorrow and then we’re going to start the group coaching sessions there. I’m so excited. I’m so excited to show you guys how to crush it even further. Go in depth. My students are amazing. To any of the students watching right now. Tell a story down below. It’s awesome. I hope you have a great day.

The economic ninja is out. .

See more of The Economic Ninja on their Public Channel and the MPN The Economic Ninja channel.


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