Annual Registration Of Firearms?! | Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News




➡ Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News discusses a new law in California, Senate Bill 1160, which wants people to register their guns every year and pay a fee for it. This law is being pushed by Senator Portatino, who has been behind many of California’s gun control laws. The worry is that if this law passes in California, other states might follow. The video also promotes a new podcast called the Liberty Lounge, which will discuss issues affecting freedom in the U.S.


I’ve been telling y’all for years that what happens in certain fringe states will affect us all if we do not pay attention. And I want you to know about this one, because this is something some of the antigun states have been looking at for a while. Before I jump into that, I want to thank the sponsor of the video, and that’s Lear capital. And I also want you to check out their new report called $3200 gold.

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com to learn more. All right, y’all, before I tell you about what’s going on with this bill, I have a huge announcement to make. Tomorrow is Tuesday. Come on, watch work. The 20th, February 20, our new podcast, the Liberty Lounge podcast, goes live tomorrow. I’ll have links down below to the YouTube channel as well as the Spotify and Apple podcast link. You can get it wherever you listen to podcasts and download podcasts.

I’m looking forward to this. It’s a joint collab between myself, my friends Johnny B. And Anthony from armed scholar. And we’re also going to have many guests from our community and outside of our community. It’s an opportunity for us to talk about all things that affect our freedom in this country. And I think it’s going to be really fun. So check it out, please, and thank you for your consideration.

Now, here is something that I want you to know. There’s numerous bills that start in places like California and Massachusetts and New York that trickle down to the other anti gun states because they, ah, they got away with it. Now we should too, right after the Bruin decision that took place with all of the states that said, you know what? We’re going to make everything a sensitive place.

And here’s the next bill that I want you to be aware of, because this will start to trickle down and they want you to register every gun you have and pay to do it every single year. It’s Senate Bill 1160 in the state of California was introduced on Valentine’s Day by Senator Portatino, who loves freedom so much. He did this on Valentine’s Day. He’s the person behind many of California’s Antigun bills.

Here’s his press release for it said Senator Anthony Portatino introduced SB 1160 today, a measure that would require gun owners to annually register their firearms with the California Department of Justice. Here’s a quote. SB 1160 will give the state better data and help us understand how many firearms are in private hands and who owns them. Currently, we only have rough estimates on how many firearms are in California.

This important step toward registration will also increase accountability and responsible gun ownership as we collectively endeavor to increase public safety. SB 1160 would require every firearm in the state to be annually registered with the Department of Justice. An annual fee would be deposited into a special fund for the purpose of carrying out the administration and enforcement of the firearm registry. The bill would require the department to establish and maintain a system for the annual registration of firearms and make the registration information available to other law enforcement agencies.

SB 1160 also requires that reasonable efforts be made to notify firearms dealers, owners and the public about registration requirements. Under SB 1160, registration will not be deemed as evidence that the firearm is lawfully permitted or that the registrant is the lawful owner of the firearm. The measure will prohibit the possession of an unregistered firearm, a violation that would be punishable as an infraction. Yeah, no, criminals don’t follow law.

Another quote, this statute, which requires gun owners to register each firearm annually, is an important tool to remind all citizens of the civic responsibility that comes with owning a firearm. Indeed, the historic roots for this statute trace back to colonial America and serve as a reminder that with ownership comes responsibility. And that was attorney Brian Hennigan, who suggested the bill to the senator. And Senator Portertino, like I said, is California gun controller’s king.

During his time in the assembly, he successfully authorized local governments to prohibit the open carry of handguns and rifles in certain areas. And as a senator, he has raised the firearm purchase age in California to 21. He’s also authorized legislation related to firearm storage and gun purchase safeguards, as well as legislation that reduces the number of firearms an unlicensed individual is annually able to sell and the frequency with which they are able to sell.

Most recently, he authored legislation aimed at preventing tragic school shootings and the major gun reform measure that offers a new tool to combat the rise in gun violence to save lives, a private right of action, meaning you can get sued by private people. Last year, he partnered with Governor Newsom and Attorney General Bonza to enact SB two, which implements significant improvements to strengthen California’s existing concealed carry weapon laws.

And for those who are unaware, that is the sensitive places doctrine that I mentioned earlier. So this is the guy who is behind just about all of California’s gun control legitimately. And the new one is, hey, you’re going to have to register that gun every single year and pay us every single year. And if you don’t like it, it’s $1,000 fine. And this will not stop crime. There’s no criminal that’s going to say, I need to start following this.

And here’s $1,000 for each one of my guns that you don’t know about. And of course, this doesn’t apply to law enforcement and military personnel in the state. Yeah. And I’m sure it doesn’t apply to their private security or whoever they have keeping them safe. I wanted you to be aware of this. This is something that probably will pass in California. And you’re going to see Kathy Hochel in New York.

Go. And Michelle Luan Grisham in New Mexico. Go. And Maura Healy in Massachusetts. Go. And in Jersey. Hmm. And in. Hmm. You get the point. It’s time for us to pull together, get the news out, be aware of what’s going on. Kind of like the old join a die shirt. I don’t know why I can’t talk joint or die shirt. You can get that link below Tristar trading.

But want y’all to be aware, this is something that, as I was in Phoenix, I got to speak to several people that came from California to the event I was speaking at, and they were upset about this bill and even more upset than nobody knew about it. So here’s an effort to make sure people know about it like the video, and share it so more people understand what’s going on.

Subscribe to this channel if you want more hard hitting second amendment news every day. As long as I’m not traveling all day like I was yesterday. And also check out Liberty Lounge, link to the YouTube channel. The Apple podcast and the Spotify podcast are down below, it’s going to be a really, really good time. I look forward to seeing y’all over there on a long form conversation format.

Until we see each other again, be safe, stay vigilant, and carry a gun to keep you, your friends, your family, your community safe. It’s your right to do that. And it’s not a right given to us by the government. And it’s not even a right that’s given to us by the constitution. It’s already preexisting that. Take care, y’all. You, Samuel. .

See more of Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News on their Public Channel and the MPN Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News channel.


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