Ep 3282b-[DS] Running Cover For Biden Until SummerTrap Failed[DS] Will Be Tried At The Ballot Box | X22 Report




➡ Dave from the X22 Report, in episode 3282, discusses the political landscape in 2024. He suggests that the “deep state” is protecting Biden until summer, but believes they will be held accountable in the elections. Dave also talks about a popular weight control supplement and its benefits. He further speculates on Biden’s cognitive abilities, Trump’s strategies for the 2024 election, and potential traps set by the “deep state” for Trump.
➡ Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President Joe Biden, and his associates were involved in business dealings with Chinese and Romanian entities. They received a large payment from a Chinese company after Joe Biden left office. This has raised questions about the Biden family’s connections and potential misuse of power. However, all payments stopped once Joe Biden was no longer vice president, and the evidence seems to point towards Joe Biden’s involvement.
➡ The article discusses concerns about the Biden administration’s handling of the U.S. border situation. It suggests that the administration is not interested in closing the border and is more focused on foreign affairs and money laundering. The article also mentions a significant increase in illegal migration since Biden took office, with a particular emphasis on Chinese nationals. It ends by suggesting that the administration may try to mandate citizens to house illegal immigrants if the situation continues to worsen.
➡ The text discusses various political and social issues. It talks about a potential impeachment vote, the IRS sending out letters to those with unpaid taxes, and President Biden’s controversial use of TikTok despite security concerns. It also discusses changes to Title IX policies under different administrations, and the potential backlash from the trans community and states. Lastly, it touches on the importance of the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms.
➡ The text talks about political tensions in Europe and the U.S., with governments trying to control those who disagree with them. It mentions a $96 billion foreign aid bill passed by U.S. senators, which some people think is a trap for Trump. The text also discusses the spending differences between the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), suggesting the RNC is misusing funds. Lastly, it talks about a legal case against Trump, with a complaint filed against New York Attorney General Letitia James for her handling of the investigation.
➡ The article discusses various political strategies and rumors surrounding Trump and Biden. It suggests that Trump is under pressure from multiple lawsuits, but is expected to fight back. The article also discusses speculation about Biden’s mental health and the possibility of him being replaced as a candidate. Lastly, it mentions concerns about potential interference in the 2024 election, suggesting that there might be attempts to postpone it or manipulate the results.
➡ The text suggests that there are concerns about the security of elections and the potential for manipulation through “invisible events” like cyberattacks or pandemics. It implies that these events could be used to disrupt or postpone elections. The author believes that a solution could be to use paper ballots, which are not connected to the internet or electricity, and therefore less vulnerable to foreign interference. The text also suggests that despite potential challenges, the people’s voice will be heard in the elections.


Report. My name is Dave in this episode 3282 bn today’s date is February 13, 2024 and the thought of the episode is deep state running cover for Biden until summer trap failed. Deep state will be tried at the ballot box. Talk about our health if your new year’s resolution is about health or fitness, you’re not alone. A recent study reveals 50% of Americans want to improve their fitness by exercising more this New Year’s and more specifically control their weight.

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Com once again, that is Trimwithx 22 dot or click the link in the description. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters, they are now running cover for Biden until the summer. And I do believe these corrupt politicians, they’re going to continually say that Biden, his mental ability, his cognitive ability, it’s absolutely incredible.

And we already see Schumer and many others already doing this. I mean, if he wanted to put this to rest, I’m talking about Biden and the Biden administration. If they wanted to put this to rest, why don’t they just have a cognitive test? Isn’t this what Trump did? They said, oh, his cognitive abilities is diminishing his age. So what did Trump do? He went out and he took a cognitive test and he proved them all wrong.

So if Biden actually wanted to put this to rest, he should do the same thing as Trump. But the question is, why aren’t they doing this? Because they know he would fail. And remember, they need him to be the nominee. They need him to get the delegates. They need him to be the guy they can’t have anyone else right now. This way they know what they’re dealing with and eventually what’s going to happen once he is the person, what’s going to happen? That’s when they’re going to switch him out.

And yes, along the way, he is going to break down and they’re going to continually tell everyone that everything is still fine. But there will be a point, and I do believe that point is when he actually becomes the nominee. That’s when everything will do, will actually switch and you’ll see a very big difference. But think about how panicked the deep state players are, because they know that Trump, he’s building momentum with the people.

The people are coming to his side. He’s losing the black voter, he’s losing the Latinos. With everything that’s going on, they are losing the people. Now, Trump, I do believe this is his strategy from the very, very beginning. Everything is based around the 2024 election. And he knew the only way to take back this country was to get the people on his side. The only way to get the people on the side is to actually show the people.

Look at the deep state agenda. Do you want this? Do you want open borders? Do you want a failing economy? Do you want war? I do believe these are the three main issues. Yes, we do have other things in this country that are going on where they’re pushing Dei, CRT, you name it. But these are going to be, I do believe the three main issues that people are going to be looking at in the end, and this is what they’re going to base everything on.

And Trump, the Patriots, they know this. And since the deep state players realize that he has the people, and they need to bring in more and more of these illegals, which are their foot soldiers, to make up the difference so they can try to cheat in the election, they know when this fails or if it fails, they need some type of insurance policy. And what are they doing? They are setting up insurance policies.

Remember, when the people say to Trump at the ballot box, we need to take the country back. We have tried the deep state. We watched the trial these last four years. We’ve made our decision. We need to take the country back. It doesn’t mean everything comes to a screeching hole and everything is fantastic. No, the deep state, they’re still out there. They don’t want to give up control.

You have the central bank, you have the swamp creatures. You have these people that are unelected, that are still there. They haven’t disappeared. So what they really want to do is they know when Trump wins the election. Yes, they will try to cheat. Yes. They’ll try to postpone. And they know if all else fails, they’re going to have to set up some traps. And we talked about one of the traps yesterday with the funding of Ukraine, where they’ll be able to impeach Trump.

That’s not the only trap they’re going to set up. They’re going to set up many more traps because they understand when Trump gets into office they need ways to stop him. Think about what Hillary Clinton said when he came into office in 2016. They had the swamp creatures around him. They were able to stop him in doing certain things. And the swamp, well, they countered everything that Trump was trying to do.

Now, I do believe during these first four years, yes. Did he try to do certain things? Did he need certain things in place? Was he trying to make the world and the country a better place at that moment? No. I do believe he was setting it up for continuity of government. He was setting it up so people could see the difference between what he was doing compared to what the president was doing.

And he needed this for the 2024 election. But again, the swamp was there to shut everything that he was doing down. And I do believe when Trump wins the 2024 election, they know that they’re going to be removing, and I’m talking about the Patriots, they’re going to be removing the swamp. Trump has already let us know he already has a plan to do this, and they know that they won’t have that same ability.

Actually, Hillary Clinton complained about this. So now they’re trying to add these different traps to the laws to try to trap. Now, once again, is this going to work if they get one pass? Well, once again, if the proof comes out that the 2020 election was rigged and that they overthrew the United States government and the duly elected president, everything that they’ve done well is kind of null and void because once again, a lot of these people that were put into these positions, well, that goes along with the overthrow of the government and these elections wouldn’t be on the up and up.

So once again, they’re going to try to stop them. But I do believe Trump and the Patriots, they have many countermeasures in place. And remember, the House is there to block everything that they’re doing. They’re not there to bring people to justice. They’re not there to arrest people, because we still have a problem with the DOJ. We still have a problem with the FBI. Now, we know that they’re going after Alejandro Mayorkas once again.

They’re trying to impeach him. But again, what happens when it goes to the Senate? Will it be blocked? Most likely because who controls the Senate? Is it the Patriots? Absolutely not. But again, it will show that the House impeached him. We’ll be talking about that a little bit later. And we’ll also be talking about how Trump and the Patriots are going to have the deep state players tried at the ballot box and how their traps are failing right now.

And we can see that as every day passes, more and more evidence is coming out against Biden. Again, the house was there to produce and expose the criminal syndicate, expose Biden, how he was running a criminal organization right under Obama. Because I do believe in the end, everything leads to Obama. And we can see every day that passes, more information comes out. And the people are learning, hey, this person, he’s been running a criminal operation while he was vp.

And now people are seeing the two tier justice system. They’re seeing the criminal syndicate. They’re understanding that, wait a minute, this country is in pretty darn bad shape. The criminals are running this country. And the oversight committee, they have released another transcript. The interview with Rob Walker, a Biden family associate, linked to the Biden’s dealings with chinese and romanian entities. And this is what they put out. Around the time Hunter Biden and his associates received a 3 million payment from the CEFC entity, Joe Biden attended a CEFC meeting at the Four Seasons in DC.

CEFC chairman Ye Zhanming and other CEFC officials were in attendance. Hunter Biden and his associates work with CEFC, a chinese government linked energy company, began in February 2016, when Joe Biden was vice president of the United States. However, Hunter Biden and his associates were not paid until after Joe Biden left the office. Rob Walker admitted Hunter Biden’s last name would probably get in the door and had a letter he drafted to the CEFC director Zhang placed on Hunter Biden’s letterhead because he was the son of the vice president at the time and we could see that’s exactly what he did.

Rob Walker’s account, Robinson Walker LLC, received the 3 million payment from the CFC entity on March 1, 2017. The next day, he wired $1 million to James Gilear, a Biden family associate, and then over the course of several months, wired incremental payments to the Bidens. During the Obama Biden administration, Hunter Biden, Rob Walker and James Gilead had a lucrative contract with romanian businessman Gabriel Papa Vitui, who was under investigation, Walker was unable to articulate the services the partner provided for 180,000 monthly from the romanian businessman.

The payments abruptly ended shortly after Joe Biden left the vice presidency. Rob Walker testified that he maintained a close friendship with Hunter Biden since the Clinton administration. But their friendship abruptly ended after Hunter Biden refused to repay a $50,000 loan from Walker. So we could see that all the evidence now is pointing to Joe Biden. He was involved with this, they got the money, and as soon as he was no longer the vice president, everything pretty much came to an end.

Miranda Devine put this out on X and said, and here it is. The H to Zane letter from March 22, 2016, was an attachment on Hunter Biden’s laptop, previously inaccessible, but now it has been produced to the House Judiciary Committee by Hunter. Ex partner Rob Walker shows the relationship with the CEFC began during Joe Biden’s vice presidency. As Tony Babalinski always said, it’s just that Hunter, uncle Jim, Halle Biden and friends didn’t get paid until six weeks after Joe left office.

So once again, people are now seeing the connection. This is not working out well for the Bidens, and this is building and building and building and everything the fake news has said, everything that Joe Biden has said, it’s turning out once again to be a gigantic lie. They have been telling the big lie the entire time. And I do believe as the people see this, it’s not going to be that much of a stretch to understand that Obama has committed many, many crimes and treason against this country.

Because if this was happening under the Obama administration and the DOJ, the FBI never did anything. And here it is as clear as day. What do you think Obama did? And I do believe this is what’s opening the door for many, many people to understand that this country has been run from by a criminal syndicate. They’ve been using the government to make a lot of money, launder the money, and once again, they’re not working for we the people.

They’re working for themselves and other foreign governments and other deep state players. And this is why they’ve been going after Trump. This is why they’ve been pushing very, very hard to get Trump and to remove him from running for president, because they realize he’s seen all the classified information when he was in the White House. They know exactly what they have done. Why do you think Trump mentions it multiple times? And why do you think it’s all coming true right now? Do you really think the deep state players are in control? This information would never see the light of day if the deep state players were actually in control.

And that’s why I do believe we’re going to see a lot of information coming out about Obama. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that Biden, who’s supposed to be the most transparent resident ever, they are not releasing the transcript of him and her. And I don’t mean her. It’s Robert. Her. And now we have the oversight committee and they said we are giving the Justice Department until February 19 at 05:00 p.

m. To produce the transcript of Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert her and other documents, including in the report that relate to our impeachment inquiry. Americans deserve transparency about Biden’s mental state and his mishandling of classified documents. It’s strange how they don’t want to release that. But I do believe eventually it might be released to actually build that case that they need to remove Biden. And the Republicans, they will be going for an impeachment.

And I do believe what’s going to happen is the DS, they will then make their move to remove Biden because I don’t believe they want an entire impeachment going on because again, one will lead to another, which leads to another. And people start to figure out, hey, Hillary and Clinton is involved in this, Obama is involved in this, and many other swamp creatures are involved in this. And I don’t believe they want that information out there.

And I do believe this is why the DS will eventually take Biden out. But they need to keep him in there long enough to be the nominee and long enough to bring in their next person. And we could see we’re heading down this path right now. And this is why Biden won’t be taking the cognitive test anytime soon. This is way too early. If he took it now, they would have to use the 25th amendment.

Kamala would be the acting president in the month of February. It is way too early to do this. And I do believe they’re going to wait until Biden is the nominee. Now, like we said from the very beginning, I do believe they’re going to be setting up a lot of traps because again, yes, they’re going to cheat. Yes. They’re going to try to use the mail and bells.

Yes. They’re going to try to use the illegals. Yes. When all that fails, they’re going to try to postpone the elections and they’re going to take that to the next step because they’re going to say, okay, if he wins. Yes, we’re going to go to war, but we need certain things in place so we can trap him and try to impeach him again. And we need to make sure that he can’t take classified information back to Mar a Lago or any other place or even maybe declassify the information after he’s no longer president and the next person’s coming in.

Remember, the deep state players, they just don’t go away. They will fight into the end until they’re put into prison. So what are they doing right now? Well, think about it. Joe Biden was caught with classified information. He was a senator and vice president. It’s completely illegal under the presidential Records act, but they decided not to charge him. Know, he’s a frail old guy, can’t remember stuff, but he’s the president.

Does that make any sense? No. So Joe Biden, he decided to launch a task force, and we know it’s not Joe Biden. We know this is Obama aimed at addressing the systematic problem of mishandling classified information during the presidential transition. You mean like what he did? So the presidential Records transition task force will study past transitions that determine best practices for safeguarding classified information from an outgoing administration.

So let’s see, who would be the outgoing administration. All right. That’s the Biden administration. Because remember, yes, they have many different levels to make sure that Trump doesn’t win, but when he does win, they’re going to be the outgoing administration. And do you think they want to change the rules a little bit? Do you think they’re going to change things where it benefits them and maybe traps Trump in a certain way? Because, again, if they take their information with them after they lost and Trump maybe tries to go after them or the National Archives go after them, do they want certain safeguards and do they want to trap Trump in trying to get anything from them? Absolutely.

And I do believe they’re looking to protect themselves moving forward. And you can see that they’re setting up many different things to make sure that Trump cannot come after him. And they’re trying to trap Trump in certain ways where they can impeach him. But when you start to look at what’s going on, you can see Trump’s strategy. He wanted the people to see how evil these people are, how criminal they are, and what they’re really planning to do to this country.

And what they’re planning to do to this country is they’re planning to destroy it. And you could see it with the borders, you could see it with the economy and soon you’re going to see it with war. But what’s very interesting is that former Obama adviser Susan Rice, she is the central figure in the Biden administration’s approach to the border. Anyone really surprised about this? Anyone really surprised that the Obama swamp creatures, they’re all involved in having the border open, bringing in the Chinese, the Muslim Brotherhoods, the human traffickers, child traffickers, the terrorists? I don’t believe so.

And you can see that most of his team, I’m talking about Obama’s team, not Biden’s team, Obama’s team, they have been working to push their 16 year plan. And the people, they are seeing what the 16 year plan is. Destroy the economy, open the borders, infiltration from within, bring the country to war, have the country lose the war, and have the constitution finally removed. That is their plan in a nutshell.

And you can see this is why they really don’t care about the border. They never did. If Biden really wanted to shut the border, he could do it. Just reverse everything that he did, because he did it. When Trump was out of office, he came in and reversed everything that Trump had to open the border. So all he has to do is reverse it again to close the border.

But once again, they don’t want that to happen. And we can see that Schumer right now is rejecting this, Speaker Johnson’s call to add the border reform to the Ukraine bill. So they’re more interested in foreign countries, they’re more interested in money laundering than this country. Think about that for a second. They’re more interested in what’s going on around the world, money laundering, than the people of this country and shutting the border.

That’s what they’re really saying. And Trump, he put this out on true social. He said the following. The perverts at the failed Lincoln project, who I was told were left leaning rhinos that had lost their way in almost all of their financial support, just did an ad showing a grassy, calm and peaceful southern border, not an illegal migrant in sight, explaining what a great job crooked Joe Biden did in dealing with what has become just one of many Biden’s inspired country threatening problems facing the United States today.

They didn’t happen to mention anything about the 18 million illegal aliens that will have invaded our country, many from prisons and mental institutions, by the end of the failed Biden administration. Nor did they talk about drugs pouring into the USA in amount so large that no one just three years ago would have thought it possible. Watch what happens to these failed Lincoln project screwballs and yes, they’re trying to gaslight the people.

They’re trying to make it look like, hey, there’s nothing going on at the border. But when you actually look at the border, you can see this very, very clearly of what’s really going on. And if you look at the statistics, you could see it very, very clearly. Mario nowfall put this out and said 2023. Illegal migration grows ten times in seven years. Go back to 2017. 310,000 people a year.

2000 and 2400 thousand people a year coming into this country. As soon as Biden comes into office, it jumped to 1. 9 million in 2021, 2. 7 million in 2022, 3. 2 million in 2023. So far this year, we’re almost up to a million people. Think about that. And what’s very interesting is 269 chinese nationals just crossed illegally into the United States just yesterday. Once again, you can see that something is going on.

There’s military aged men from all different countries, especially China. And right now, the border patrol encountered more than 20,000 from China so far in 24. That tells you everything you need to know. And the deep state players, they are now panicked over what is going on. And they realize, hey, listen, the cities, they won’t be able to keep this up. The people are getting pretty angry. We don’t have the money to support these amount of illegals, but there’s a lot more that’s going to be coming in.

So what do we got to do? Well, we need to convince the people of these cities, hey, you know what? It’s your responsibility to take these illegals in, and it’s your responsibility to house them. And they’re trying to normalize. It’s just like they’re trying to normalize pedophilia. So Boston right now, and same thing with New York, they’re telling people, open your doors. And even on the news, they’re saying, look, white women in the US took in a family of haitian migrants.

She says it’s really fun having them, and added she feels like having her own personal chef now. So they’re trying to convince the people that this is the way to go. It’s normal. You can have a personal chef, you can have a personal cleaning person, and they want the people to start to take these people in. But you know what’s going to happen? A lot of people are going to reject this.

Remember, they tried to force the people to take the vaccine. What happened? A lot of people rejected this and said, well, I’m not going to do it. And it’s un constitutional. So once the people decide to push back and there’s not enough people taking these illegals in, what do you think their next step is? Well, dictators are going to do what dictators do. They’re going to mandate it.

People say, well, they can’t do that. That’s going to violate the Constitution. It’s going to violate the third Amendment. Think about the deep state. Do they really care? Do they know how to play the game? Do they know that people are going to push lawsuits? Do they know it’s going to take time? Yes, they do. So they will push this in all these different areas just like they pushed everything else during COVID so I do believe what they’re going to do when they become very, very desperate and people aren’t doing what they need or not enough people are doing what they need them to do, they will then push this entire agenda and they will actually demand that people take it or they will be penalized somehow, some way.

Watch how this happens and watch how the people react. It’s going to be very, very interesting because the people, they’re not going to go along with this whatsoever. They’re going to push back very, very hard. And a lot of people are going to see the tyrannical government, especially in these areas. If New York tries it, Boston tries it, California, I think the people, they’re going to be very, very angry.

And you can see the minority groups in all the different areas. They understand we have a major border crisis. Latinos are seeing it. The black voters are seeing it. Rasputin reports put this out and said 74% say the border situation is a crisis. 74% see the border situation as an invasion. 71% approve of more border wall construction. 63% say border security is a vital national security interest. 54% say Trump is right about the wall.

And by the way, all these percentages are from black voters. Who do you think is going to get the black vote? Well, I think we know who. I think it’s going to be Trump and Biden, the DS. They’re losing the black vote, the latina vote, the asian vote. And the only people that they have are the people that don’t belong to this country. Really? Think about that for a second, because remember, these illegals, they’re not american citizens.

They don’t belong to this country. Those are the people that they have. They have lost the people of this country, and that’s all they have. And this is going to be a complete and utter disaster for them. But look, Texas, they’re building the wall. They’re shutting the border down. And they’re showing the people, they’re not just saying it, but they’re showing the people this is what a secure border looks like.

We’re doing what Trump did. We’re building the wall. We’re securing the border. And look how easy it is to stop it. Now people have a frame of reference now, people they understand. Okay, Trump, he said that the border wall would work. Trump said we can have a secure border. It’s very easy. Texas is showing everyone how it’s done. And now those people that are watching the border, what do you think they’re going to do? Hey, Biden, just do what Texas is doing.

It’s that easy. We can have the border completely shut down and secure. But again, the deep state players don’t want to do this. But we can see the House Republicans right now. They’re expected to bring another vote to the floor on the impeachment of Mayorcus. And Representative Lauren Bobert confirmed this. She said tonight the House will impeach Majorcas for his role in the evasion at the southern border and being willfully derelict in his duties.

Majorcas has released more than 6. 2 million illegals into our communities. He has lied, he has violated ten laws passed by Congress. And she’s absolutely right. Now, once again, they’re going to have to push this, and hopefully they do impeach him. But again, this has to go to where I do believe this has to go to the Senate. And again, will they complete the entire task? I don’t believe so.

But I can see the deep state players, the rhinos, I can see them getting involved like they did before. I know this time they’re bringing in Scalise. He had cancer treatment. He’s coming back, and I do believe he’s going to be voting yes. Let’s impeach mayorkas. But again, the deep state, the rhinos, the uniparty, they love to turn people. They like to use what they have on them and make them switch their votes.

So we’ll have to watch this very, very carefully and closely, and we’ll have to see if anyone switches their votes. If not, then hopefully they will impeach majorcas and show the country that, look, he lied, the border is not secure, and at least we got that out of this. But again, if you’re looking for total justice, I don’t think we’re going to see this as of yet. It’s showing the people that’s what’s important about this and actually showing the people look at the rhinos look, if they stop and they turn people and they have them switch their vote, I think the people are going to see this very, very clearly and it’s going to be completely obvious if they haven’t seen it already.

Let’s talk about tax relief. Do you owe back taxes? Pandemic relief is now over. Along with hiring thousands of new agents and field officers. The IRS has kicked off 2024 by sending over 5 million Payup letters to those who have unfiled tax returns or balances owed. Don’t waive your rights and speak with them on your own. They’re not your friends. Tax Network USA, a trusted tax relief firm, has saved over $1 billion in back taxes for their clients.

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Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that we could see Biden. He has gone on to TikTok, even though that he signed the law to ban the chinese spy app from government devices. But again, he’s becoming desperate. He needs to reach the young people. He needs Taylor Swift, and it looks like they’re heading in that direction. And people now are questioning his decision to go on TikTok.

Representative Greg stuby put this out on truth. He said the following Joe Biden’s hypocrisy knows no bounds. Biden signed the law to ban the chinese spy app from government devices because of its national security concerns. Now he brazenly jumps on the bandwagon himself. His promotion of the CCP app will only further normalize China’s left theft of our data and signals complicity in chinese propaganda targeting Americans youth. Remember Trump? He wanted this all banned.

He said, they’re spying on the people and this is a national security threat. So what did Biden do? Well, he became desperate. He knows he has to win the election somehow, some way, he needs to reach the young. So he doesn’t care if it’s a national security threat, he doesn’t care if he signed anything. It makes no difference to him. But we could see the deep state players.

What they’re going to do is they’re going to get their foot soldiers ready for what is coming. And you can see they’re already planning to do this. And when you look at what’s happening with the trans shooters and you look at what is going on with the trans community, you can see the deep state players. What they want to do is they want to make these people very, very angry, and they will push an agenda to make the trans community happy, knowing that the people of this country will reject it, the parents will reject it, states will reject it.

What do I mean by this? Well, title nine, for example. Title nine is the 1972 statute that protects girls and women’s athletics and prevents schools from tolerating sexual harassment or other sex discrimination. But in 2015, one bureaucrat in the Department of Education announced sweeping new title nine policy in a letter to a transgender rights activist, saying that the schools throughout the country also had to treat a person’s so called gender identity as conclusive for the purpose of assigning students to restrooms, locker rooms, shower facilities, housing athletic teams, and single sex classes.

When Trump won office in 2016, he swiftly set about to change the Department of Education’s inappropriate habit of regulating by letter. And in 2020, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos succeeded in actually enshrining title nine changes into law by announcing regulations that balance the need to eliminate sexual harassment with the need to protect due process. But in 2021, the Biden administration announced it would try to scrap DeVos’s title ix rules.

And the new approach taken by Biden goes far beyond merely undoing his predecessors policies. Instead, under Biden, the DOE is proposing to revive Obama’s old policies and treat title nine as if it was also covers sexual orientation and gender identification discrimination in schools throughout the United States. So basically, they’re going to reverse what Trump has done. Now, again, what’s going to happen with states? What’s going to happen with parents? What’s going to happen with the people of this country that reject this? Think about this for a second, because remember, Obama, he did this once before, and there was a lot of pushback.

Is it going to make the trans community very, very angry? Yes, it is. Look what’s happening out in Iowa. And mokeness put this out and said LGBTQ activists are occupying the Iowa state Capitol over a new bill to classify gender based on biology. So they know that states are going to push back. They know the people of this country are going to push back. Parents are going to push back.

And I do believe what they’re doing is they’re making the trans community very, very angry. Look, we’re all for you, and this is coming from the Biden administration. We want to do the right thing, but look at all these evil people out there that don’t like you. Look at all the evil people that don’t want you to have these things. And this is why you’re seeing the trans people start to shoot up different areas, just like we had at the church where this individual, who is pro Palestinian, who’s a trans, that person decided to go in and shoot people because this person was very, very angry because they believed the people were pushing against their rights.

And look at all the other shootings. Libs, the TikTok put this out on X and said Colorado spring shooter, non binary. Nashville school shooter, trans. Aberdeen shooter, trans. Denver school shooter, trans. Iowa school shooter, trans. Lakewood church shooter, trans. What does this tell you? It tells you everything you need to know. Now take this a step further. If they’re making these individuals angry and they’re going to do bad things, what do you think the illegals are going to do? They’re going to take what they’re doing and move it to the next level.

And this is why they’ve been trying to remove the weapons from the people. And they’ve been trying very, very hard because they knew a population that had the ability to protect themselves. Well, you can’t control that population. You can’t really hurt the population like the way you want to, and you can’t control what you want them to do. And if you’re trying to have them bow down to you, it’s much more difficult.

And what’s very interesting is that Julian’s rum, he put this out on X and said, long before the second amendment was formally enshrined in the constitution, it was well established in american minds. It’s one of the primary reasons our revolution was successful. Take a listen to this short clip. Because the British never expected the people to have weapons. Take a listen. Has miscalculated. Not only are most of the local farmers hostile to the british cause, worse, they are armed.

This was not anticipated by the British because Britain was not a country of an armed people. The ordinary people were not allowed to carry weapons. And the notion of an entire countryside of farmers turning out as muskets to fight was quite alien to the british rural scene. So once again, this tells you everything you need to know. Our founding fathers, after the war, and they had their families die and they lost their wealth and their farms.

They didn’t sit around a table and say, you know something? We need weapons for hunting. No, we need weapons. So this never, ever happens again. And the people have the ability to fight against a tyrannical government, have the right to fight against dictators, have a right to protect their families, have a right to protect themselves from anyone that wants to do them harm. And I do believe this is what the founding fathers were thinking at that time.

And they weren’t really thinking about hunting, because back then, it wasn’t like you had a supermarket where you just went and you bought food and the meat was there, you had to go hunting. So that was given. Back then, nobody really thought about that. They were thinking on a different level because they just went through a revolution. But you can see the deep state players. They are now going to be coming after those people that do not agree with them.

Remember, Trump has always said, listen, I’m just in the way. If they remove me, they’re coming after you, because everything they’re doing to me is what they want to do to you. And you can see already, this is already beginning out in Europe. Germany’s interior minister, Faser, wants to trace right wing extremists financing and plans an early recognition unit to detect far right and foreign disinformation campaigns. The left green liberal government is also planning a democracy promotion law to combat hate speech.

And those who mock the state must be dealt with by a strong state. Sounds like democracy. Sounds like they’re for the people. No. Anyone that goes up against them, they’re taking them down. That’s pretty much what this is. And you can see that Europe is going to be doing this because they know the people aren’t going to agree with what’s about to happen. You can see the farmers, they’re already pushing back.

They’re already protesting. What do you think the rest of the people are going to do in this country? In all these countries, I should say. And in this country, eventually, they’re going to push back. And this is why they’re trying to control all this. But in the end, it’s going to fail, just like what they tried to do with Trump, where they set up a trap. Right now, 70 senators have passed a $96 billion foreign aid bill without a cent for America.

And yes, we had many Republicans vote for this because they are part of the deep state, they’re part of the uniparty, part of the rhinos, and they need their money laundering. They don’t care about the United States, they don’t care about the border. And I think they’re making this very, very clear. Charlie Kirk put this out and said 22 of the republican senators worked all night to approve more deficit spending to send to Ukraine, Gaza and Taiwan.

They were not willing to work that hard to secure the border or hold the Biden regime’s runaway spending in check before Thanksgiving or Christmas. Isn’t it interesting that they picked this time period during the Super bowl, why everyone was busy to actually vote on these things? The vague put this out and said, here’s the game. And many Republicans are falling for the trap. In 2019, they impeached Trump for withholding Ukraine funding over the objection of career experts.

The current Ukraine bill sends dollars, many dollars, to the exact same DoD fund and the same career experts will support spending it. If Trump tries to pause that funding to negotiate an end to the Ukraine war, they will use the toxic funding bill as leverage to impeach again, shame on every Republican who votes for this bill. They’ll be responsible for the outcome when it happens. So once again, they’re trying to trap Trump like we said yesterday.

But again, this is going to fail. JD Vance put this out and said this morning, the american last caucus got 61 billion a package out of the Senate. But they paid dearly for this small win. The House won’t pass the current bill. We must fix our country before devoting more resources to Ukraine. That’s our message. And the fight goes on. And Speaker Mike Johnson has made it clear he will not consider the Senate plan to send 60 billion to Ukraine.

The total 95 billion package for Ukraine and Israel and others is dead on arrival in the House. Yes, it was a trap to force Trump to keep funding the war in Ukraine because again, what did they want? They wanted war and they were setting up an insurance policy. But once again, this has completely failed. Just like the Republic National Committee, they have failed. And I do believe Trump is winning in this case.

And it looks like Rona McDaniel, she’ll be resigning, even though she put out a letter saying that she’s not going to resign. But Trump, he’s already endorsed Michael Watley, chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, to replace Rona McDaniel as the Republican National Committee. And he has also endorsed his daughter in law, Laura Trump, as co chair. Now, I do believe they’re putting Michael Watley in there and Laura Trump in there because when Michael Watley doesn’t do what he needs to be done, I do believe they have Lara there to actually fill the position.

I do believe he needs to do this at this point to keep certain people happy. But I think in the long run, we know that certain individuals won’t do what they’re supposed to be doing. And I do believe this is why he has Lara there as an insurance policy. Because when that person needs to be removed, who’s going to take the place? She is. And I do believe this was set up and they’re ready to go with all of this.

And what’s very interesting, when you look at the breakdown of the spending categories between the RNC and the DNC, it is very, very different. Look at the floral arrangements. RNC spend 70,000 DNC 795 consultants RNC spent a million DNC spent 114,000 RNC for office supplies 297,000 DNC 45,000 limousines RNC 263,000 DNC 7000. It goes on and on and on. So the organization has outspent the DDC in areas such as floor arrangement consultant, office supplies, limousines, you name it.

And the DNC, that, what did they do? They channeled their funds into voter file maintenance and get out the vote texting campaigns. They were focused on cheating in the elections. And the RNC, they didn’t care about cheating in the elections because they were using the RNC for money laundering and paying themselves big money. Think about this for a second. And now Trump is about to change all of that.

And is the deep state pissed off? Is the rhinos pissed off? Of course they are. And yes, they’ll continually fight back. But what’s very interesting is we could see that Angoron, he’s about to make a ruling. And Trump continually tells everyone that he did absolutely nothing wrong. And he put this out on truth. And he said the following. This trophy was given to me by Deutsche bank because they were so proud of the loan they made.

They had the best lawyers, the smartest loan officers, and were thrilled to do business with Trump. Interest was fully paid every month. No payment ever missed, never received a default notice. And if interest came due on a weekend, I paid it on Friday. The loan was paid off far ahead of schedule, except for me. Because of the corrupt DOJ, FBI, and racist New York state attorney general. There were no victims.

There were only happy bankers. But despite a perfect loan, I was sued by the incompetent, radical left New York state AG, Letitia Peekaboo James. Under a statute that was never used for this before, and where I am not even entitled to a jury, a liberal Democrat judge with all Trump haters surrounding him is going to make this very important decision. If I had a jury, I would win easily.

But regardless, this is a case that should never have been brought. Election interference. And he’s absolutely right. And then he retrews something very interesting from Elise Stefanak, and this is what she said. I just filed an official bar complaint with the Committee on Professional Standards against New York Attorney General Letitia James for violation of the rules of professional conduct. Let me just read a portion of this. As a representative of New York committed to upholding the integrity of our legal system, I found New York Attorney General Letitia James handling of this investigation and trial of President Trump nothing short of shameful.

It is evident that Attorney general James violated fundamental principles of fairness and impartiality by engaging in relentless lawfare campaign against Trump, marked by over 50 prejudicial comments on social media during just the five weeks of the trial. It’s been her explicit mission since she announced her run for office to go after Trump. Such behavior not only undermines the integrity of the legal process, but also violates the rules of professional conduct to which James, as a licensed attorney, is bound.

While all Americans possess the right to express their opinions on matters of public interest, attorneys, particularly state attorney generals, are held to a higher standard due to their unique role as officers of the court. Her conduct not only constitutes a breach of her professional responsibility, but also risks irreparable harm to the public’s already eroding trust in our legal institutions. I urge the attorney Grievance Committee to immediately conduct a thorough investigation and take appropriate disciplinary actions, including the immediate interim suspension, disbandment or suspension of Attorney General James to uphold the integrity of our legal profession and ensure justice is served impartially.

Now, why is this all coming out? I do believe Angorin is about to make his ruling and he is probably going to hit Trump with a very big number and he’s going to push the idea that he committed fraud. Now, I do believe this is all set up to hit Letitia James. But again, why have they waited to release this? Because Nikki Haley is on standby. They’re going to hit Trump over and over.

First they started with Eugene Carroll with $83 million. Now he’s going to get hit with something like four, five, 6700 million, maybe even more. They’re going to try to make Trump quit. They’re going to put so much pressure on him and they want him to quit. And once again, they’re also counting on what the Supreme Court says with the Colorado ballot. Now, I do believe this is all going to fail.

Trump is not going to bow out. He’s not going to say, oh, okay, you got me. I do believe he’s going to push back and he already is, because you can see Elise Stefanak is already pushing back and she’s now telling the grievance board, you need to take a look at James. And I do believe most likely they will because there’s a lot of evidence against her. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that it looks like Fannie Willis.

She is heading to court and Trump is planning to troll and make an appearance at the Georgia hearing on Fanny Willis for her improper relationship with lead prosecutor. Now, this would be very, very interesting. And actually, the judge says that it is possible that it could lead to disqualification. But let’s see how this all plays out. This is going to be very interesting. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that we could see, and this is coming from Kyle Cheney.

Chief Justice Roberts is giving Jack Smith until Tuesday, February 20 at 04:00 p. m. To respond to Trump’s call to stay the immunity ruling that would restart his DC trial. Let’s see what the Supreme Court does with this. Let’s see what Jack Smith does with this. Because in the end, if the Supreme Court does rule that Trump doesn’t have immunity, well, then everyone else is in trouble. And if Trump wins the election, he has the ability to pardon himself.

Does Obama? Does Biden? Does Hillary Clinton, does any of these people? No, they don’t. It means they would be screwed. And you can see the deep state players, they are now covering for Biden. And I do believe they’ll continue to cover for Biden until the summer. What am I talking about? I’m talking about Biden’s mental acuity. We already have Schumer out there saying that Biden’s mental acuity is great.

We have the White House press secretary out there saying that he’s as sharp as attack. There’s no problem with it whatsoever. And they even brought back John Stewart to push the narrative that both Biden and Trump are. Hmm, that’s very interesting. Patriots aren’t controlling. X put this out and said they brought John Stewart back to push the narrative that both Joe Biden and Trump are too old to run for president.

This is the best they got. They know that Biden is a vegetable. All they can do now is say yes. But Trump is old, too. Trump is as sharp as ever and americans know it. It’s one of the many reasons why he has more enthusiasm behind the candidacy than any other American in history. And Biden has none. So they need to keep this going until the summer. They will use the age of Trump and Biden.

Trump will most likely challenge Biden to take a cognitive test. But again, the deep state players, they’re going to protect him. And Trump will say, listen, I took one. Yes, I’m that age, but I took a cognitive test. Why don’t you just clear all this up and take one? Well, they don’t want him to take one and they’ll cover for him this entire time. But in the end, what we’re going to see is once he gets the nominee, all of a sudden his mental ability will start to break down very, very quickly.

And eventually what they’ll probably do is they’ll have him take a cognitive test. And this is when the deep state players then say, oh, you know what? He can’t run for president and he might not even be able to be the president right now. So, yeah, we’re going to have to use the 25th amendment to get rid of him and we’re going to have to find a different candidate.

And that’s when they’ll probably sneak one in. And we could see that this is building and building and building right now. Now, there was rumors, or should we call it fake news that Trump was going to pick RFK Jr. As his running mate. Well, Trump on truth, he put this out and he’s referring to a Breitbart article and says fake news. Trump campaign bashes Fox News for false report about RFK Jr.

As a running mate, says, never will it happen. Then Trump responded to this and said he is by far the most radical left person running for office, maybe ever. Look at his environmental program and close up the USA. And yes, once again, these people like to put out a lot of fake news. And Trump, he just countered that completely. And we can see the deep state players, they are now panicking over all of this because they realize they are losing the people or they’ve already lost a lot of the people.

And I do believe the ds are next because think about what’s happening around the country. Think about the economy, think about war. And we already see the young generation. They are now all for Trump, especially young men. Charlie Kirk put this out and said, young men understand what is at stake if the trend continues. Young men are going to shock the world in November. Keep working. And you see a lot of the youth out in South Carolina.

They are all for Trump. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we know that the deep state players, they’re panicking over the elections. They realize that they’re going to have to try to stop Trump in many different ways. And they’re already doing this. And in the end, Trump has let everyone know that, yes, this is a trial, and yes, the people, they are the jury, and the people that are on trial right now, they are the deep state players.

And Trump is showing the people who they are, what they are, what the system is, how it’s a criminal organization. And he wants the people, in the end, to make the decision, should we try and convict these people at the ballot box? He wants the people to make that decision. And the people, what do they got to do? They got to vote these people out. And we could see, this is what Trump has been saying.

Karma Patriot put this out and said Trump, Biden will be tried by the ballot box. There’ll be no revenge. Seeking to turn down the weaponization of justice and politics, despite four indictments by his political rivals, Trump vowed no revenge against Biden. Now, is Trump going to go after Biden? Is Trump going to go after Obama? No. I do believe this is going to be done on a completely different level.

I do believe Trump is not going to be going after them, because again, look at the optics, it will look political. I do believe from the crimes that they have committed, and since they’ve committed treason, they overthrew the United States government, they overthrew the duly elected president. The revenge will be coming from a different direction, and it won’t be coming from Trump directly. And I do believe it’s going to be coming from the military, because when you commit treason against the United States, you have military tribunals.

But once again, the deep state players, they’re going to do whatever they possibly can to stop Trump. And I do believe in the end, what they’re going to try to do is they’re going to try to postpone the elections. And I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a attack, and I don’t mean every single city and every single town, your lights are going to go out, you’re going to have no water.

I do believe they’ll make it look pretty darn good. You have small towns, maybe one city or two where the power is out, almost like back in 2003 when the eastern seaboard, when the power went out. They will make it look good. They will make it look like it’s a real cyberattack. And they will let everyone know that, listen, it was a foreign entity, and we can see that this is already building, and a foreign entity hit the United States, and they might have inserted something into the election system like malware.

Now, we already know the FBI, they already reported on this. They already talked about the routers and how they had to zap some of the malware and clean it all up. Now, I do believe that this is in preparation for the 2024 election, and I do believe Trump needs to secure the elections one way or another. Remember, the election systems, they were developed not for we, the people.

They were developed for the deep state players so they can cheat in the election. And they expanded their cheating system with mail in ballots back in 2020. So to use their system today, it wouldn’t allow the people to actually have a vote. So I do believe Trump of the patriots, they need to secure the elections one way or another. And I do believe this is why they’re allowing the deep state players to go down this path.

And, yes, their entire mission is to bring us to war. Trump has told us about this going back, like, a year and a half already. And if they’re going to bring us to war, that means the country needs to be attacked one way or another. And they like to use invisible events. What do I mean by that? Well, if you look at Covid, that was an invisible event.

Did you see the virus? No, you didn’t. Can they tell you anything they wanted to tell you? And you would believe it, because, again, it’s an invisible event. So if they told you it was spreading and people were dying, people all had it. You have to stay in your house. Well, they used an invisible event on you. Think about a cyberattack. Is that invisible? If they shut down a couple of towns, they shut down a city, which they can do very, very easily.

Can they convince you it was a cyberattack? Yes, it’s another invisible event. And if it looks good, well, it looks like it’s actually happening, even though they’re the ones who are actually doing it. If they tell you the election system has been infiltrated and it’s part of the infrastructure and we can’t use it, would you be convinced of that? If you saw water systems and you saw electric go out? Yes, you would.

They’re using an invisible event. And when they tell you, since the election system has been compromised, we need to postpone the election, can they push this with an invisible event? Of course they can. But I do believe Trump and the patriots, they’re counting on this, because once again, I do believe there is a backup plan in CISA and everything else. And I do believe the military, since the United States has been attacked, they would then step in.

And I don’t believe within the constitution, the elections are postponed, canceled, or anything else, which means we would have to use a different method to protect the elections. And how do you protect it from foreign actors? Remember, the deep state has been telling us that foreign actors cyberattacked, they introduced malware. So how do we protect the elections? Well, we need to use something that’s not connected to the Internet, not connected to electricity, and we need to use something where foreign actors, they don’t have the ability to remotely change anything.

And that would be paper. And I do believe that’s where we’re headed right now. And the plan is very, very easy to understand. And Trump actually retruthed Roberto Trump, and it’s a meme. And it says, it’s really not that complicated. There’s one side that shows Trump and it says prosperity and peace, and the other side shows Biden, poverty and war. Think about the 16 year plan. Crash the economy, bring us to war.

Trump is going to do the opposite. So you’re going to have the Biden administration, the fake news, Obama and the rest talking about war. Trump is going to tell everyone, no, we can have peace. And I do believe as people see the economy falling apart, as we’re approaching war, since the country was attacked, and he’s saying, we can have peace, all you got to do is elect me.

I do believe the people will come out and elect Trump, no problem. And if the elections are guarded by the National Guard, guarded by the military, and we’re using paper, we’re using voter ids, I do believe the people’s voice is going to hurt. And I do believe Trump, he wants the deep state to know, look, I’ve got the people. Look at the results. I just didn’t win by a couple of votes or a couple of electoral votes.

I won. I completely destroyed you and I have the people, and we’re coming after you, but not in the way that you think. And I do believe he is prepared and ready. And the people are getting prepared and ready, and they will be ready on election day. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared.

Thanks a lot. .

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