Sheriff Mack Tells the Posse the Intent of the 3rd Amendment
Sheriff Mack joins Jack Mullen this week to discuss the CSPOA’s recent North Carolina event. He shares with the Posse his personal letter and surprising gift of support he received from North Carolina’s Congressman Chuck Edwards, who supports Sheriff Mack and the CSPOA’s mission.
Sheriff Mack also educates the Posse on what the real intent of the 3rd Amendment is and why the Founding Fathers included it in the Bill of Rights. He continues to explain the real reason it is still needed today.
The CSPOA is growing and Sheriff Mack tells the Posse how and why it is important to support the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association and continues to educate us on the actual powers our Sheriffs have over government tyranny. The only way to stop it is county by county and state by state.
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