Trump Prepared For Election Interference, Think CISA, Judgement Day



Video Summarization

– A nationwide bank was hit with a cyberattack that exposed the private data of nearly half a million bank customers. An unauthorized party stole vulnerable information including Social Security numbers. You need a top-tier cybersecurity solution like Virtual Shield One to be your guardian in today’s digital world.

– Trump and the Patriots are forcing all of these people out of the shadows and into the light. I do believe they’re going to try to use COVID once again to manipulate the elections. They’ve already countered a lot of this. Now it’s time for the people to make a decision.

– Special counsel Jack Smith just dusted off the J Six committee report and slapped his name on it. But Trump, he needs to show the people who the true criminals really are. He needs to introduce the evidence.

– A bank was hit with a cyberattack that exposed the private data of nearly half a million bank customers. Virtual Shield One is an all-in-one identity protection suite that allows you to take control of your online data. You can get a 60-day risk-free trial of the service right now.

– Jack Smith indicted President Trump again today. John Solomon tells TITCHFIELD that he will release exculpatory documents tomorrow that boost Trump’s defense against the prosecutor. Charges against Trump also include the potential for the death penalty. People now are no longer trusting the government.

– The plan is coming full circle as we approach the 2024 election. People are going to see once and for all that the people are voting for Trump. The deep state will fight Trump with everything they have. It’s a show that is being put on for the people so they can make a decision in 2024.


Video Transcript

Report. My name is Dave in this episode 3130 BN. Today’s date is August 2, 2023, and the title of the episode is Trump Prepared for Election Interference. Think CISA judgment day.

Let’s talk about protecting yourself online. A nationwide bank was hit with a cyberattack that exposed the private data of nearly half a million bank customers. According to experts, unauthorized parties stole vulnerable information including Social Security numbers, full names, birth dates, and more.

This banking cyberattack was so harmful that the consumers affected were even recommended to get in contact with the data breach attorney. The bank also offered twelve months of credit monitoring service to victims whose Social Security numbers were affected. Unfortunately for those affected, the damage could have been minimized or even prevented with a quality cybersecurity service like Virtual Shield One.

Virtual Shield One is an all-in-one identity protection suite that allows you to take control of your online data, including identity protection fraud monitoring, Social Security protection, dark web monitoring, industry-leading VPN malware and ad blocking, online search data removal, up to 1 million worth of insurance coverage, and much more. With so many tools cybercriminals have at their disposal today, putting your identity, finances, and online privacy at risk, you need a top-tier cybersecurity solution like Virtual Shield One to be your guardian in today’s digital world. The best part of all this is that you can get a 60-day risk-free trial of Virtual Shield One right now, plus several additional free gifts using My link.

Similar services can cost over $400 a year, but you can secure all these premium services and more without the premium price by going to or by clicking the link in the description down below. Let’s get into the economic collapse.

Political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech, fake news, the puppet masters. They are now projecting everything that they have done onto Trump.

Now is this on purpose? I do believe so. Think about it. Every charge that’s being brought against Trump is everything that they have done.

CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, and Fox, they’re all covering it. Trump is a master of publicity. He knew if he put himself out there and charges were brought against him on everything the deep state has done, these networks would actually go ahead and report it and the people that watch these networks would watch it.

Why does he want this done? Because in the end, it’s all going to be turned on. The deep state players, everything that they’re doing to Trump right now with January 6 election fraud, the Presidential Records Act, you name it, is going to be turned on the deep state players in the end. But again, Trump needs to present his case.

He needs an equal opportunity to do this. He needs the people of this country to see it, not just the Republicans who are going along with him. He needs the people of this country to see this.

Those people that normally wouldn’t be paying attention, he needs them to pay attention. How do you get these people to pay attention? Well, Trump figured it out. I just put myself out there and guess what these networks will do? They will report on it.

They will repeat election fraud. They will repeat insurrection. They will repeat Presidential Records Act.

They will repeat Espionage Act. They will repeat sedition. They will repeat treason.

They will continually do this over and over and over and over until Trump is ready to turn the tables on the people. And everyone’s going to be agreeing, oh yes, I agree that’s sedition, oh yes, I agree, that’s an insurrection, oh yes, I agree that’s election fraud, oh yes, I agree, I agree, I agree. So when all of this turns around, and now you see Biden, Obama, Hillary Clinton, you see the fake news, you see the other corrupt politicians, you see the swamp creatures all doing everything that they agreed with, what are they going to say? I don’t agree with that now, I don’t think that’s sedition, I don’t think that’s cheating in the election, they can do that.

But it’s going to be very, very difficult actually. Trump has everyone where he wants them, and logical thinking people, doesn’t matter if you’re a Democrat or Republican. Most people are going to say, holy crap, I can see that now.

Now remember, Trump, he needs to produce this evidence to the people. He needs to show, and he’s been saying it for a very long time, that the elections in 2020, were rigged. And they were rigged.

It was done on purpose because Trump needed the president in place. He needed Obama in place. He needed to wake the people up.

That’s what this is all about. And he needed overtime to prove that there was election fraud, that they overthrew the United States government and they overthrew the duly elected president. Throughout this period of time, people have seen many different things.

They’ve seen the affidavits from individuals that seen cheating. They’ve seen the documentary 2000 Mules. They’ve seen the FBI.

They’ve seen the Department of Justice. They’ve seen DHS. They’ve seen all these organizations.

They were involved in manipulating the elections, interfering in the election. Now you have the Department of Justice, who’s out front and center actually interfering with the election. And he needs people to understand what election interference is.

Now, since Jack Smith brought new charges against him, he is now going to produce additional evidence, which he couldn’t do before because he couldn’t legally inject this information. But now, since he’s being prosecuted for election fraud, he can now subpoena. Now he can introduce evidence.

Now people can see it. Now remember the fake news they’re going to report on all of this. People are going to watch this.

Now, when he produces this information, people are going to be shocked. They’re going to go, whoa, wait a minute. Yes, the fake news might try to block this out, but there’s going to be a problem with that because if they have time to charge him and talk about Trump, he also has equal time to actually tell his side of the story.

And this is according to an FCC rule. This is why Trump continually says, why did they wait two and a half years? They waited or he waited for two and a half years because he needed this law to come into effect. Now think about the charges that Jack Smith brought forth with election fraud.

He’s pointing to Sisa, he’s pointing to Sisa, and he’s saying that Sisa has already confirmed there was no election interference. It was a secure election. Now think about CISA, which actually put everything into place back in September 2020.

Wasn’t that Trump? Isn’t that very interesting that he did this right before the 2020 election? Now, was everything that he did, did he put it in place for that election or did he put it into place for 2024? Because when you start to read through CISA, there’s something very, very interesting in there. Remember we were talking about the military, remember when we were talking about using paper ballots? Remember when the military was going to make sure that the elections were secure? Well, lo and behold, guess what’s in the sister documents? Exactly that. We’ll be talking about that a little bit later.

But first, let’s talk about what’s happening with fake news because people are no longer paying attention the way they used to. Even with Fox News right now, they needed to remove Tucker because Tucker was telling the truth. Tucker wanted to produce and tell everyone what was really going on.

Now, the fake news doesn’t matter if it’s Fox, doesn’t matter if it’s MSNBC. Remember, they’re all owned by four or five different corporations. They’re all part of the same propaganda outlet, and they didn’t want people learning about this.

But you could see what’s happening with Fox News. Fox News, they’re losing the trust with conservatives right now. Rasmussen Reports put this out and said, since the departure of popular host Tucker Carlson in April, Fox News has now rated the most trusted cable news network by only a third of conservative voters.

So people are moving away from Fox News. They’re not looking at CNN, they’re not looking at MSNBC. People are moving away from all these networks.

And where are they looking? Most likely social media platforms. Most likely they’re looking at truth, they’re looking at Twitter, and they’re not looking at YouTube, because they’ll censor the information. So, people, they’re finding their way and they’re looking at certain things.

Now, I do believe as more and more censoring happens, people are going to look at social media platforms that do not censor. And the truth is out there. And I think a lot of people are going to come to true social I think a lot of people are going to come to rumble.

I think we’re going to see a flood of people coming to these platforms just like we saw people move to these platforms when all of a sudden accounts were shut down on Twitter, shut down on Facebook, shut down on Instagram, shut down on YouTube. And I think that is coming right now. Now in regards to Hunter Biden, we can see there is evidence like we’ve never seen before.

The people are seeing that the Bidens, are a crime family and there’s really no way around this anymore. They have people testifying saying that, yes, Joe Biden knew about Hunter Biden’s business. Actually, he was involved in the business deals.

He’s actually orchestrating this. Yes, Hunter took the money. Joe took the money.

They were all involved in all this. Truth Ninja put this out and said liberals and the media are out here making it sound like a wild ass conspiracy theory that Joe and Hunter Biden could have taken bribes. Meanwhile, the heads of both the CEFC and Barisma, their business partners have both been indicted for bribery.

Remember, brainwashing works in a way where you can’t accept the truth. People will continually reject it over and over and over. Those people that are extremely brainwashed, will not believe the truth.

They will actually reject it over and over and over. And I do believe this is the four to 6% that’s going to be lost. People are going to have to explain to them much, much later on what really happened here.

But logical thinking, people saying, okay I’m starting to see evidence. This doesn’t make any sense. What’s really going on here? And I’m talking about the DS, I’m talking about Republicans, I’m talking about independents.

They’re actually looking at this where they’re logically thinking saying, okay, I see what’s happening right now. I see the documented evidence, I see what’s happening. He is a criminal.

Yes, this is all real. And once again this individual should not be in this position. Remember this all leads to what? Election interference.

A criminal cheated in the election and they overthrew the United States government and the duly elected President. A cheater who has been dealing with China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Romania, and many other countries taking bribes, money laundering. And the people now are seeing this.

The oversight committee responded to the fake news with their illusion of access and they said the following the Biden illusion of access apparently includes then VP Joe Biden talking with Hunter’s shady foreign business associate. 20-plus times letter of recommendation from VP Biden for Hunter’s business Chinese associate’s daughter dinners at Cafe Milano with the VP’s help from DC regarding a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma coffee with then VP Biden in Beijing. So is it an illusion of access? No, it’s actual access.

And there is hard proof. And all you need to do is look at the bank records, look at the tax returns, look at the investigation the IRS did compared to the oversight committee and you can see they came up with the same exact numbers they have the same exact things that the Bidens have done. Plus we have TechnoFog on X saying the proof 2015 Barisma emailed to Hunter Biden concerning their final goal the true purpose of their joint efforts targeting US policymakers to close down for any case pursuits against Burisma’s owner in Ukraine that tells you everything you need to know.

And yes, there is an email that they put out and that’s exactly what they wanted to do. And let me just read a portion of this. The scope of work should also include the organization of a visit of a number of widely recognized and influential current and former US policymakers to Ukraine in November aiming to conduct meetings with and bring positive signals, messages, and support.

On Nikolai’s issue to the Ukrainian top officials above with the ultimate purpose to close down any cases pursued against Nikolai in Ukraine. So right there that tells you everything you need to know. That is the proof.

And no matter what the fake news says, no matter what Biden says, it’s in writing. All the documents are in writing. The tax returns, the bank records, the emails, everything is documented in what they did.

And the people, they understand this. The people, they see it. The people realize that this person shouldn’t be in this position.

Rasmussen reports put this out and said GOP voters only in May 2023 75% think Biden’s impeachment standard has been met. 70% say Biden’s impeachment should begin, and 39% think their party is likely to do it. And then Rasmussen asked a question to impeach Biden.

Well, most voters don’t expect it, but during a survey, 53% of likely US voters believe that since becoming president biden has committed high crimes and misdemeanors that would justify Congress impeaching him, including 38% who say it’s very likely. And we can see that it is completely breaking down. The people now are seeing the crimes, the people are seeing exactly what they’ve done and this is why they’re going after Trump.

Remember, you hit the criminal syndicate, they’re going to hit back. But I do believe Trump and the Patriots, they knew they were going to do this. Trump is completely clean and what the deep state is doing.

They’re projecting all their crimes onto Trump. I do believe Trump, just like everything else, he’s baiting them in, he wants them to continually come after him. Why? Because it proves his case.

It allows him to inject evidence legally, it allows him to prove his case, and it allows the people of this country to see it all. Just like the people are seeing the border crisis, just like they’re seeing the illegals in New York sleeping on the streets. Just like the people seeing the disaster policies that the Biden administration has put forth.

Libs of TikTok put this out and said migrants have taken over the streets of Manhattan Mayor Eric Adam’s campaign on keeping New York City a sanctuary city for migrants. And you can see people are just sleeping on the streets right now because they have no place to go. And this is why Mayor Adams has hired a company to remove these people.

So think about it. These mayors and all these people are saying, oh yes, we want the illegals to come in. We’re going to be a sanctuary city.

Now he’s forcibly removing these people from his sanctuary city. He’s having these people sleep on the streets because they don’t have money. There’s the reality of all of it right there.

And the other thing that’s very interesting is that we can see that all those fake news pundits and all the corrupt politicians, all those people that were hitting against Sound of Freedom saying that there is no sex trafficking, child trafficking, like they’re saying, well, Operation Cross Country, the FBI located 200 victims of sex trafficking. 59 missing children and 194 people were arrested. So really, think about this for a second.

They just had a major operation and they shut this all down. Libs of TikTok put this out and said, but I was reliably informed by the media that child sex trafficking is a QAnon conspiracy. And Libs of TikTok shows all the different articles from Rolling Stones salon, from the Guardians saying, Sound of Freedom is a superhero movie for the dads with brain worms.

The Salon puts out. It’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. But the QAnon film spreading child trafficking hysteria is making bank.

So it’s not QAnon. First of all, there’s no such thing as QAnon, but this really exists. There was an operation that was called Operation Cross Country, and they nabbed all these people that were trafficking victims, children, and women.

So it does exist. Again, you have to remember all these people that are pushing against Sound of Freedom, all those people that are pushing against pizzagate. Most of these people, I would say the majority of these people, they’re involved in it.

This is why they don’t want people to know. And what’s very interesting is that Justin Trudeau, just like Bill Gates and the others, he decided to separate from his wife. Now, I do believe what these people are doing right now.

They believe that, hey, I don’t need to have the beard anymore. I don’t have to have this cover story anymore. I can show people exactly who I am because we’re in control of the situation.

The trans movement is getting out there. I want to show everyone. I don’t want to hide in the shadows anymore.

I want to show everyone who I really am. I’m tired of hiding. And I do believe what Trump and the Patriots are doing right now.

They’re forcing all of these people out of the shadows and into the light. And once again, let’s see what happens with Trust and Trudeau, remember, he was married for 18 years. So Bill Gates was married for a very long time.

Remember, they visited Epstein. Bill Gates visited Epstein Island. Let’s see what happens with all these people and let’s see how comfortable they are and actually, let’s see if they show us who they really are.

I do believe that is definitely coming. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that we can see the Biden administration. They have announced a new global Health Security office without a single mention of COVID origins.

This is what the Department of State put out on X and said, we’re proud to be a leading contributor to improving global health. Our new Global Health Security and Diplomacy Bureau will focus exclusively on global health issues and will strengthen our ability to advance this key priority in the US. And countries around the world.

Now, I do believe this is all in coordination with the who. I do believe they’re going to try to use COVID once again. And you can see they’re already building this narrative.

What are they using COVID for? That’s right. They’re going to try to manipulate the elections. They’re going to push the pandemic.

They’re going to push anything they possibly can push so they can use mail-in ballots, drop boxes. Now, what’s going to happen, which I do believe is going to happen as they push this, they’re going to see that it’s not going to work. They’re going to see that a lot of the stuff that they’re trying to do is countered.

And that is going to push them to someplace else. But just take a look at what the Hill put out. This is their headline.

COVID summer surge. These areas just saw hospitalizations triple. Then they start to list all the different areas.

Southeast Texas Hospitalizations are up 100%. Northeast Oregon Hospitalizations up. Central Oklahoma Hospitalizations jumped 450%.

Hawaii County Hospitalizations are up 64%. Southern Nebraska Hospitalizations are up 125%. Mojave County Arizona Hospitalizations elevated.

Georgia Hospitalizations are up 67%. They’re trying to convince everyone that it’s back. It’s surging again, and we might need dropboxes and mail-in ballots.

But I do believe Trump and the Patriots what they’re going to do. They’ve already countered a lot of this because anything that the deep state is doing with ballot harvesting, and dropboxes, has already been taken care of in the swing states and many other areas. And this is not going to work.

They will try to implement it, but I think what is going to happen is they’re going to start to realize that this isn’t working and this is not going to give them the cheating that they had back in 2020, which means they’re going to actually shift everything and move in a completely different direction. They’re going to move in a direction where I do believe Trump and the Patriots want them to move, and that is delaying the election. We’ll be getting into that in just a minute because I do believe Trump, has planned for election interference.

Yes, he allowed the resident to win. They caught them in a sting operation. They caught everything that they did now throughout these last couple of years so people could wake up.

Now it’s time for the people to make a decision, for the people to take back this country. And Trump already set the plan in motion to make sure that the elections are secure, secure in a way that no one could ever imagine. He already has done it using CISA and the military.

We’ll be talking about that in just an SEC. But we could see that the deep state players, they’re using the same exact strategy on other opponents, just like Trump. We could see out in Michigan.

The Michigan democrat AG is following Joe Biden’s lead and indicting her former GOP opponent, Matthew Diperno. And again, you can see how this tyrannical government operates. They go after their political opponents, they throw them in jail.

We’ve seen this throughout history. Now you’re seeing it live, now you’re seeing it happen in real-time. And when you look back in time, what do you think history is going to say? You’re going to read through the history booklet and say, back in 2020, the tyrannical government of the day decided to cheat in the election and overthrow the United States government, overthrow the duly elected president.

And when the 2024 election came around, the same candidate, Trump decided, I’m going to run for President. And during his process of running for president, the same tyrannical government decided to press charges against him. The charges weren’t real.

Everything that they were doing was trying to remove the political opponent. This is what a tyrannical government looks like. We’ve seen it throughout history.

Just go back in time and this is what people are going to read and they’re going to go back in time going, wow, I can’t believe that happened. I can’t believe we had a tyrannical government. Just like during the first revolution.

That was the second revolution, and we had the same tyrannical government trying to destroy the country, take over the country, and they were imprisoning political opponents. Can you believe that happened? And people are going to go, yeah, I can, because it did happen and we could see it happening today. It’s very easy to see.

And Jack Smith and I do believe that everything that we’re witnessing, remember, it’s all on paper. Everything can be reversed. The Supreme Court can reverse it.

Actually, they reversed a lot of Jack Smith’s cases. And because he didn’t follow the rule of law, trump can have his impeachment expunged. Remember, this is all on paper.

But he needs to do this to show the people, to introduce the evidence, to show the people this is a tyrannical government, it’s a criminal syndicate, and he’s going to show the people what they did. Now what’s very interesting, the judge in the Trump J Six case is an Obama appointee and donor. Not really surprised about that.

And this individual also worked at the same law firm as Hunter Biden. So you could see that all this is set up, all this is prepared. And basically, they don’t really have a case.

They’re just using whatever they possibly have to go after Trump. Now, again, Trump is the bait. Remember, they’re not really after him, they’re really after us.

If they can do this to him, what do you think they can do to all of us? But Trump, he needs to show the people who the true criminals really are. He needs to introduce the evidence. Paul Sperry put this out and said, basically, special counsel Jack Smith just dusted off the J Six committee report and slapped his name on it.

He might as well have made Liz Cheney his deputy prosecutor. And that’s all they’re doing. And they’re going to bring everyone around Trump, his administration, and they’re going to say that they all worked with Trump to push the election fraud, to push January 6.

And you can see they have named five co-conspirators, actually six co-conspirators, but they only name five. Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Sidney Powell, Jeffrey Clark. Let’s talk about protecting yourself online.

A nationwide bank was hit with a cyberattack that exposed the private data of nearly half a million bank customers. According to experts, unauthorized parties stole vulnerable information, including Social Security numbers, full names, birth dates, and more. This banking cyberattack was so harmful that the consumers affected were even recommended to get in contact with the data breach.

Attorney the bank also offered twelve months of credit monitoring service to victims whose Social Security numbers were affected. Unfortunately for those affected, the damage could have been minimized or even prevented with a quality cybersecurity service like Virtual Shield One. Virtual Shield One is an all-in-one identity protection suite that allows you to take control of your online data, including identity protection, fraud monitoring, Social Security protection, dark web monitoring, industry-leading VPN malware and ad blocking, online search data removal, up to-1 million worth of insurance coverage, and much more.

With so many tools cybercriminals have at their disposal today, putting your identity, finances, and online privacy at risk, you need a top-tier cybersecurity solution like Virtual Shield One to be your guardian in today’s digital world. The best part of all this is that you can get a 60-day risk-free trial of Virtual Shield One right now, plus several additional free gifts using My link. Similar services can cost over $400 a year, but you can secure all these premium services and more without the premium price by going to

X 22 or by clicking the link in the description down below. Kenneth Cheesebro and there is a 6th Co-conspirator, and this is a political consultant who helped implement a plan to submit fraudulent slates of presidential electors to obstruct the certification proceeding. So they’re naming everyone, anyone that’s close to Trump.

That’s what they’re going to do. Trump, he’s prepared and ready for all this. Trump, put this out on True Social.

He’s pointing to Real America’s voice, and it says, Jack Smith just got these documents two weeks ago. You think he might want to look at them a little more closely before he brought this indictment. Jack Smith indicted President Trump again today, but John Solomon tells sTITCHFIELD that he will release exculpatory documents tomorrow that boost Trump’s defense against the prosecutor.

These documents were compiled by former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik. So additional documents are going to be coming out. We know that Jack Smith was talking to Keric, and now we’re going to see things that are going to boost Trump’s defense.

Now, Trump did say something very interesting, and he said that he could face a combined 561 years in prison from the left’s witch hunt. So he’s out there letting everyone know from everything that they’re doing, all these different charges that they’re bringing up, he can spend 561 years, which really means that the deep state players, they can spend 561 years in prison for everything that they’ve done, because they’re projecting everything that they did onto Trump. And that reminds me of post 561 on January 19, 2018.

Down below it says Judgment Day. And I do believe Judgment Day is coming. And the other thing that’s very interesting is that Jack Smith’s charges against Trump also include the potential for the death penalty.

This is 18 USC, section two, four. One conspiracy against rights includes a penalty of up to ten years in federal prison. But it adds that if death results from the actions covered under this provision, the offender may be executed.

If two or more persons conspire to, injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any state, territory, commonwealth, possession, or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the constitutional laws of the United States or because of his having so exercised the same. If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway or on the premises of another with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured didn’t they do this during January 6? Remember, everything that they’re pushing on Trump is going to be pushed on them later because they’re the ones who actually did this. Sean Davis put this out and said, the Department of Justice is a domestic terror organization, and this country will not be a free country until it is defunded and dismantled in its entirety.

You cannot have freedom or democracy in a country when its corrupt security services are allowed to indict their opponents while covering up the crimes of their allies. Scott Adams on X put this out and said Trump is one indictment away from winning the black vote or at least a new high. Sounds like hyperbole, I know.

But here’s the winning message the legal system is broken for you, and it’s even broken for you. Me, I’ll fix it all for all of us. Now remember, as the deep state continually indicts Trump, half of the country is going to be highly skeptical of the government’s cases the next time they get called up for a federal criminal jury.

Surely the people are going to be very, very skeptical about the government because as they keep bringing indictment after indictment after indictment against Trump and people know it’s fake, that there’s no evidence to back this up, that people are going to be very leery about the government. Actually, the credibility of the Department of Justice, of the federal government, is now starting to waver. Just like the CDC, just like the FDA, just like the FBI, it’s all starting to happen.

And the people now are no longer trusting the government. Kat Turd put this out and said they impeach Trump for getting too close to discovering the Biden family’s treason. Absolutely.

Don Jr. Says, hey, has anyone noticed a pattern here? The corrupt bureaucrats of the Biden regime charged Trump literally the day after every single disastrous Biden crime family story. June 7 FBI releases documents to Congress alleging the Bidens took a 10 million bribe from Barisma.

June 8th Jack Smith indicts Trump in Mar a Lago Doc’s Case July 26 Hunter Biden goes to court and rejects sweetheart plea deal after it was revealed DOJ tried to give him blanket immunity from future prosecutions. July 27 Jack Smith adds more charges for Trump in Mar a Lago case.

July 31 Hunter Biden’s former business partner testifies to Congress that Joe Biden was on over 20 calls with his son’s business partners and that Barisma execs pressured them to fire the prosecutor. August 1 Jack Smith indicts Trump again for January 6. Is anyone seeing the pattern? I do believe everyone’s seeing the pattern now.

What’s very interesting is that we can see Trump’s lawyer. He was out there letting everyone know that now Trump can subpoena. Everything has changed, and he can introduce evidence in regard to the 2020 election.

Everything that he couldn’t do before, he can do now. Remember, this is not about a four-year election. It’s not about just getting Trump elected.

His entire plan from the very, very beginning was to bring down the entire criminal syndicate, to expose it to the people. Have the people see the criminal syndicate, then have the people say, we want you to destroy it. We want you to bring them to justice.

We want Judgment Day. Just listen to Trump’s attorney, and he’s going to tell you what Trump can do now in 2020. Mr. Trump’s campaign had a few weeks to gear up and present evidence, and it was very difficult. We now have the ability in this case to issue our own subpoenas, and we will relitigate every single issue in the 2020 election in the context of this litigation. It gives President Trump an opportunity that he has never had before, which is to have subpoena power since January 6 in a way that can be exercised in federal court.

What you’re talking about? So now Trump has the opportunity that he never had before, which is to have subpoena power. Trump, put this out on True Social. He said the following.

Thank you to everyone. I’ve never had so much support on anything before. This unprecedented indictment of a former highly successful president and the leading candidate by far in both the Republican Party and the 2024 general election has awoken the world to the corruption, scandal, and failure that has taken place in the United States for the past three years.

America is a nation in decline, but we will make it great again, greater than ever before. I love you all. Now, remember, Trump, he needs everyone to see how they cheated in the election.

He needs everyone to see the criminal syndicate. He needs the criminal syndicate to continually push indictment after indictment after indictment. Remember, there are many different things happening at the same exact time as they push the indictments.

Do you think it’s hurting Trump or helping Trump? It’s helping Trump. More and more people are coming to his side. More and more people are behind him.

So eventually, what’s going to happen is that these indictments aren’t going to work. Now, are they going to try to throw him in jail? Are they going to try to convict him? Most likely. I do believe that is the next step.

I do believe that push is to have the rhinos say, well, this guy can’t be the nominee because he’s already winning. He’s actually already won. There’s no one even close to him.

So this is what they’re trying to do. But I do believe all this is going to fail because the people aren’t behind the Republican Party. The people are behind Trump.

Trump the man, the man that is going to drain the swamp, the man that is going to bring all these people to justice, the man that is going to restore America and have the people take America back. That is who the people are backing. And the deep state players, they’re going to be in trouble.

They will not be able to rig the election this time around. Actually, Sean Davis says this on X and says the following the 2020 election was rigged, and they’re trying to throw Trump in prison before the 2024 election because they’re not confident they’ll be able to rig that one. And he’s absolutely right.

They will not be able to rig. They’re going to try. They’re going to try to use the pandemic.

They’re going to try to use all different things. But Trump, the Patriots, they’ve already countered all this. They already figured out, okay, they’re going to try to do this, but we need to push them in the direction we want them to go.

We want them to delay the election. We want an attack on the infrastructure. We want the deep state to use some type of attack or something else to delay the elections, to hurt the infrastructure where people don’t have confidence in the election system.

That’s what Trump is trying to do. We’ll be getting to that in just a sec. Now Trump.

He put this out on truth social. He said the following why didn’t they bring this ridiculous case two and a half years ago? They wanted it right in the middle of my campaign. That’s why.

Well, there is another reason why they waited. And Karma Patriot explains, she put out a truth. And down below, she’s referring to the FCC revision effective March 14, 2022.

And it says Trump randomly meeting new criteria for a candidate without actually committing to run again seems like a very well-planned sneak attack. Within days, he publicly demanded equal time, which just happens to also be an FCC equal opportunities requirement. The only reason I see Trump following these guidelines so closely, he was knowingly and intentionally setting them up.

Maybe Barr’s 2000 mule slip was meant to go. Mainstream media must now comply and cannot censor an equal amount of primetime airtime. For Trump, the candidate that demanded equal time, all things under the Communications Act, including Section 230, are under the authority and rulemaking of the FCC.

But it wasn’t a Trump EO. It was an FCC rule for broadcast television licensing that trapped them. So Trump needs to get equal time right now.

Was he waiting for this opportunity? Did he wait two and a half years for this to come into force? It’s starting to seem that way, because now when they hit Trump, he’s going to say, well, I need my equal time. I need to defend myself. Now, Trump did put something else out on True Social that actually backs up him actually entering evidence.

He said the following I feel badly for Mike Pence, who is attracting no crowds, enthusiasm, or loyalty from people who, as a member of the Trump administration, should be loving him. He didn’t fight against election fraud, which we will now be easily able to prove based on the most recent fake indictment and information which will have to be made available to us. Finally, a really big deal.

The VP had power that Mike didn’t understand. But after the election, the Rhinos and Dems changed the law, taking that power away. I do believe this was set up from the very beginning.

I do believe they wanted this all to play out. And remember, we are watching a show. There are actors in this second revolution.

They would gladly give up their reputation. They would gladly sacrifice for the country. Just like going back to the Revolutionary War when the farmers, the people who are fighting for this country, gave up their farms, they sacrificed, they gave up their lives, they gave up their families, they gave up their wealth.

Do you think these people aren’t giving up their reputation? You think they have a problem with giving up their reputation for the country. Remember when Trump said, we’re going to have a garden of heroes? Who do you think is going to be in the Garden of Heroes? Yes, people from the past. But remember, this is the second revolution.

This is an information war that we’re in right now. If it’s an information war, we’re watching people take hits with information. And what does that mean, these people? In the end, when people look back on history, they gave everything to save this country.

And I do believe that’s exactly what is happening right now. Now, we could see the deep-state players. They’re a little worried, and they’re worried that Trump has grown in strength and the people are behind him.

Remember, the deep state, they’re not stupid. They know what’s going on. And even though this is a plan, I do believe there are certain individuals like Obama, Biden, and the rest, they’re the ones who are still struggling here.

They think they’re in control. And Trump, he’s allowing them to show everyone who they really are. Why interfere with an enemy while they’re in the process of destroying themselves? And what’s very interesting is that Obama is now warning that Trump’s political strength is very, very strong.

The people are behind him. This is coming from the Washington Post. Obama, at a private lunch with President Biden earlier this summer, voiced concern about Donald Trump’s political strengths, including an intensely loyal following, a Trump-friendly conservative media ecosystem, and a polarized country.

They’re worried that the people are with Trump, that he has the people. They no longer have the people. They no longer have control of the narrative.

The people aren’t asleep. Trump has the people. Now, if Trump has the people, what are they going to do in the elections? How are they going to cheat? How are they going to override hundreds of millions of people? It’s not 70 million.

It’s not 80 million. We’re talking hundreds of millions of people. It’s going to be completely impossible.

I do believe Trump, and the Patriots, have trapped them in all this. Now, what’s very interesting is that Jack Smith, went ahead and he indicted Trump. And in the indictment, in Trump’s indictment, cites the agency that backed the 2020 election censorship efforts as best positioned to know the facts.

That agency is CISA. So let me just read a portion of this. Jack Smith claims in his most recent indictment of Trump is one in which he alleges Trump knew his claims of election fraud were wrong, and he pushed them anyway.

Smith claims the Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency CISA, whose existence the defendants signed into law to protect the nation’s cybersecurity infrastructure from attack, joined an official multi-agency statement that there was no evidence of any voting system had been compromised, and that declared the 2020 election the most secure in American history. Days later, after the CISA director, whom the defendant had appointed, announced publicly that election security experts were in agreement that claims of computer-based election fraud were unsubstantiated. The defendant fired him.

Now think about this. Trump signed this into law. CISA said there was no election interference whatsoever.

Was this set up so they would push election interference? Why would you have an agency stop them? Not if you’re trying to catch them in the act, you wouldn’t. But think about it. Trump set this up in September 2020.

And I want to go back to post 4857 because Trump keeps saying that this time around in 2024, the people are going to make a decision. The deep state is going to win or the people are going to win. Now I do believe from the multiple posts and from what the World Economic Forum has said, they’re going to try to delay the election.

I do believe now since the election system is part of the infrastructure, they’re going to hit the election system to delay the elections. What happens when that happens? Well, that is an act of war. And when you go to the CISA Gov site and you look at what happens if the infrastructure is attacked, they tell you what is going to happen next.

So let me go to post 4857. This is October 14, 2020. There was a link that was given and it’s to

And let me just read what it says down below. It says, read both carefully. Well, at the time when most of us were reading, we probably didn’t understand what we were reading, saying, okay, CISA has this ability to protect the elections.

But now everything’s becoming a lot clearer because now you can see exactly what was set up. So let me read two paragraphs down and the third paragraph gives it away. The FBI and CISA have not identified any threats to date capable of preventing Americans from voting or changing vote tallies for the 2020 election.

Key sentence right there. Capable of preventing Americans from voting. Remember that any attempt tracked by the FBI and CISA have remained localized and were blocked minimal or easily mitigated.

The FBI and CISA have no reporting to suggest cyber activity has prevented a registered voter from casting a ballot, compromised the integrity of any ballot cast, or affected the accuracy of voter registration information. However, and this is the good part even if actors did achieve such an impact, the public should be aware that election officials have multiple safeguards and plans in place, such as provisional ballots to ensure registered voters can cast ballots, paper backups, and backup poll books to limit the impact and recover from a cyber incident with minimal disruption in voting. Think about this for a second.

How can Trump be sure that the elections are going to be secure and transparent when the country is attacked? And he keeps mentioning World War Three. How do we get into World War II? Do we just say, hey, we want to join or does the country have to be attacked? Like Pearl Harbor, the country needs to be attacked. How can Trump know that these elections are going to be secure? Well, he put this together.

He said, if the election infrastructure is attacked, we will use paper ballots, we will use backup ballots, we will use backup poll books. We will not use electronic voting systems. Who’s going to secure the votes? Who’s going to make sure that no one is cheating with the paper? Is it going to be the FBI? Is it going to be CISA employees on the ground? Or is it going to be the military? Because the United States was just attacked.

The military is going to say, okay, we’re going to guard the election because it’s part of the infrastructure. We were attacked, and we need to vote for a president. So now we’re using paper ballots, we’re using backup poll books.

We’re not using the machines. And the military is watching all of this. That’s how you secure the election.

Let’s go to post 4951, November 12, 2020. Down below it says the following how do you safeguard the US? Elections post-POTUS.

After Trump. Is this after Trump? Yes. Is he commander in chief? Yes.

How do you remove foreign interference and corruption and install U. S. Owned voter ID laws and other safeguards? Now, if we’re using backup poll books, we’re using paper ballots.

The military is watching over this. Is foreign interference removed from the elections? Yes. Are we using voter IDs? Yes.

You have to come with an ID. You need to prove who you are. It had to be this way.

Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light. Trump has prepped everything to make sure the elections are never, ever interfered with again. He wants the people in 2024 to have a voice.

He wants the people to show the deep state, show the world, this is the guy we want. We want him to drain the swamp. We want him to bring these people to justice.

This is the man. And that is exactly what is happening. He’s already put this down.

It’s already documented, and we’re already going down this path. Now, remember, the deep state, they’re going to fight back. The deep state is going to push as hard as it possibly can.

And once again, yes, they’re going to push war because we’re going to be attacked. They’re going to push chaos on the streets because, remember, they can’t cheat in the election. So there has to be chaos, and they’re going to build this up.

Now, what’s very interesting is that all of a sudden, there was some type of active shooter in the Senate building. Now, did they catch him? Not as I’m recording this. We’ll have to see who it is or if it was just a false alarm.

But I do believe what they’re going to do is they’re going to build this up and try to convince everyone that it is a Trump supporter. The Trump supporters are angry that Biden isn’t arrested or impeached. The Trump supporters are angry that Trump is getting indicted.

Yes, they will try to start something. Yes, they will try to start a civil war. Yes, they will do all of these things.

But in the end, it will fail like everything else. And Trump, he put out a message letting everyone know that we’re going to win the election. We’re going to take the country back.

Take a listen. Everything the deep state has done to me, I will never give up on America. Mark my words.

In 2024, we will win back the White House. We will make America great again. I have no doubt about it.

They come at me from left, they come at me from right. The Rhinos. The Communists.

The Marxists. The Fascists. We will not only survive, we will be stronger than ever before.

We’re fighting a fight like nobody ever thought possible, and we’re winning. We won in 2016. We had a rigged election in 2020 but got more votes than any sitting president.

We’re going to win like never before, and we’re going to make America great again. I can truly say, I believe, better than ever before. Thank you for all of your support and for all of your prayers.

And that’s why Trump continually says that this time they’re not going to rig the elections. This time the elections are going to be secure. This time, we’re going to take back the country.

This time, your voice, your vote is going to be heard, and everyone is going to be heard. And when the deep state sees how many people are voting for Trump, when the people of this country see how many people are voting for Trump, that is going to send a clear message. It might even be the shot heard around the world that the people are backing Trump to bring down the deep-state players.

And people are going to see once and for all that the people are voting for Trump. And the people want Trump. And I do believe the entire plan is coming full circle right now as we approach the 2024 election.

Now, once again, yes, the deep state, they’re going to fight Trump with everything they have. Trump, he’s baiting them in. He wants them to do this.

He’s showing the American people, the people they are the jury in the court of public opinion, and he needs the people to see it all. He needs the people to bypass the fake news. He needs the people to see the actual evidence.

He needs the people to understand what the criminal syndicate is and the crimes they have committed and how they cheated, how they performed the insurrection on January 6 and November 3. He needs the people to see that. Look, they also released the pandemic, the virus, to cheat in the 2020 election.

He needs the people to see all of this so they can actually cast their vote with evidence where the people can say, okay, I’ve seen enough. I know exactly what’s going on. Now I can cast my vote without the manipulation, without the fake news, with hard evidence showing what the criminal syndicate actually is.

And I do believe this is why this is being done right now. A lot of people looking at this, freaking out. A lot of people are all scared.

Remember Trump, the military, they planned this from the very beginning. It’s a show that is being put on, and the people are watching it for the people so they can make a decision in 2024. Trump is going to make sure the elections are secure.

He’s already done it with CISA. He already has the military activated because of the insurrection. He just needs to explain it to the people.

And that is coming up. Trump, the Patriots, they’re in complete and utter control. Listen, everyone.

Thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot, Sam.


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