Shocking Study Reveals The Truth About Child Trafficking In The United States




Is child trafficking getting better or worse? 


It sure seems more and more people are being arrested for crimes relating to child sexual abuse. 


But is that just because there is MUCH MORE happening with it then before??


Well, check out this report…


Hundreds of Thousands of Parents in the U.S. Having their Children Kidnapped by the State at a Rate that Doubled in 6 Years


And almost every real survivor that is speaking out about child trafficking has said it’s been getting worse.


Beware of ‘influencers’ that tell you otherwise. 


And keep in mind, the above report was about child kidnapping done by the GOVERNMENT! (And yes even your “favorite governor” in Florida is responsible for many of these crimes against humanity)


To hear how deep the issues of systemic child trafficking go, watch the videos on as one example.


You can also listen to this interview to hear more: Shocking Story of Illuminati Bloodline Survivor, Ritual Abuse & Much More


This is just the tip of the iceberg.



Thank You For Sharing This Post & Continuing To Be An Advocate For The Children That Need You




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2 thoughts on “Shocking Study Reveals The Truth About Child Trafficking In The United States

  1. Emilian58 says:

    Ten proceder trwa od bardzo dawna! W wielu krajach świata. I dopuki nie będzie wysokich kar to się nigdy nie skończy.

    This has been going on for a very long time! In many countries of the world. And until there are high penalties, it will never end.

  2. Mike califf says:

    Child trafficking has been on the decline for the past few years, one of the largest trafficking rings was shut down when the Clinton family got their just rewards at guontominal bay. They were using the government as their source of young children which they sold all over the world.

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