Who Gets Lucky With Project Cloverleaf?



Project Cloverleaf. Ever Heard Of It?! 

If not, I am sure you are still being affected by it.

We have been hearing a lot about Projects that have been active in our world for most or all of our lives. 

One you may not have heard of is PROJECT CLOVERLEAF.

Dr. Edward Teller is the father of the hydrogen bomb and proponent of nukin inhabited coastlines. 

Project Cloverleaf was a joint US & Canada military operation with the focus of distributing chemicals in the atmosphere above both countries. 

Military tankers and private planes can be used to spray.

Airline companies bid on government contracts for chemtrails.

Here’s a doozy… 

EVERGREEN AIRLINES gets government contracts to spray chemtrails!

You know who Evergreen is, don’t you??

Once they have the contract, they are responsible for the “formulas” used to spray.

They can tweak these formulas based on the desired effect. 

But what is the desired effect? 

I mean the real desired effect, not the one they tell us?


Done in a way that will not spark any suspicion as to why so many people are dying or becoming sick.  

We are being sprayed with chemicals that weaken our immune systems, our brains, and our lives. 

And did you know they’re spraying lithium in the chemtrails as well??

NASA admits to spraying lithium in chemtrails. 

Oh and fun fact… They’ve also been adding lithium into the water supply for several years now.

No wonder people have been so docile and sheep-like. 

All these chemicals in turn make the people chronically sick to then depend on the pharmaceutical companies to help “make us better”. 

Which in turn, makes the elites a lot of money and keeps us enslaved to the system that feeds their need for power and greed. 

Could chemtrails be one of the reasons why more and more people have been getting sick this past decade?

What do they say the purpose of chemtrails are? 

They say it is to seed the atmosphere with weather modification chemicals for purposes of proactive environmental warfare, originally motivated by a climate change concern and to introduce highly humanly toxic metallic salts and aerosol fibers that facilitate atmospheric operations of HAARP technology – climate manipulation. 

But how could that ever be a good thing?! 

What are said to be in chemtrails? 

Well, there is said to be heavy metals, fungi, carbon, bacteria, viruses, smart dust, smart particles, nanoparticles, and whoever knows what else. 

I decided to look into what these chemicals can do to the body and found some very interesting things. 

When Carbon is inhaled, it goes into the lungs, dissolves in the water there, diffuses across the membrane and enters the bloodstream. This in turn lowers the blood pH in the body.  

Barium is a soluble salt. Very toxic to mammals when absorbed quickly from the gastrointestinal tract and deposited into the muscles, lungs, and bone. 

At high doses, it can affect the nervous system which can eventually lead to paralysis. very refractive – more than glass – is capable of transmitting digital or analog sound. – weakens human muscles (satellite charged- particle frequency weapons attacking a person 24 hours a day. Psychotronic weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction.)

Inhaled aluminum goes directly to the brain and is said to aid in the development of alzheimers – aluminum causes Alzheimer’s and dementia due to accumulation on the brain.

It can slow the growth in children because of the accumulation and absorption into the brain, liver, thyroid, and kidneys fights for the absorption with calcium. 

Aluminum is the prime receiver of electromagnetic signals – causing neurological damage. 

It’s crazy to think that what they spray in the air and what they put in our food can work together for our demise. 

For instance, let’s take a quick look at Glyphosate. 

Glyphosate is one of the main ingredients in genetically modified foods.

It stimulates the body to accept and absorb aluminum and when these two work together, they work to destroy gut flora. 

Aluminum deposits in the body act as receivers and transmitters in the pineal gland.

And, what binds with fluoride to calcify pineal gland? 


Aluminum has a special affinity for neurological tissue so it is not a coincidence that vaccines have very high levels of this neurotoxin.

It is Not a coincidence that aluminum is sprayed into the atmosphere.

It is Not a coincidence aluminum is in deodorant and products we put on our body. 

Not a coincidence glyphosate is in our food and fluoride is in our water and both work synergistically with aluminum

Is this starting to make a little more sense now? 

Just think of the Alzheimers and dementia statistics over the last 30 years. Bet they have increased like never before. 

How about cancer statistics? Up up and up. 

Another is Thorium – known to cause leukemia and other cancers. 

Besides the chemicals they spray on us for depopulation, they also spray for other reasons, like to make aircraft go undetected in the air. 

They spray Metal flakes that can make aerial craft invisible to radar and they also have Spoofer sprays which are colorful, magnetized plasmas used to cloak fighter jets

I mean common sense would tell you that those chemicals are also entering your body, how could they not?

Basically, the chemical they spray in our air, makes the air we breathe highly charged, electrically conductive plasma – laden with asbestos sized synthetic fibers and toxic metals.

How Is This Good For We The People?!

I can’t help but to wonder what, if anything our previous administrations have done in regards to this practice?  

Are we still currently being sprayed with all these chemicals or is it possible that we are being treated with things that could reverse the effects of the chemicals we’ve been sprayed with for so long? 

I really have no idea because some days when I look to the sky, I still clearly see the undisputable trail of chemicals in the sky. 

I guess all we can really do is educate ourselves on what is and has been happening for so long to us as humans and DETOX the heavy metals out of yourself and your family.

Consider researching ‘heavy metal detox’, Bryan 396 for info on nano detoxing and others from your own research. 

If you don’t do anything to get the stuff out of your body, then you will get exactly what you deserve in your future.

I will leave you with this chart to look over and contemplate. 

It shows you who does what and who benefits from such actions. 

Do you find any of this information shocking?

Thank you for sharing this post to help bring more awareness to others! 

I definitely had a few dots connect while researching this.


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4 thoughts on “Who Gets Lucky With Project Cloverleaf?

  1. Mindavies. says:

    OMG, that is frightening, now we can’t eat or drink,won’t be anyone left in the poor sector to help any survivors. God help us we can’t all afford fancy water ironisers and alkaline

  2. Fiteforrite1 says:

    This is pure evil. God help us. Let’s fight evil with everything we’ve got! God is on our side. We must act!!!

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