Sheriff Mack Answers: Can We Really Win This?- June 15, 2021 Update



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Sheriff Mack Answers: Can We Really Win This? June 15, 2021 Update

“Can we really win this?”

Sheriff Mack hears this question a lot from people.

He answered it in his recent CSPOA Posse webinar.

Six words say it all…

You will hear the clip below.

Be well,

“Do not try to make circumstances fit your plans. Make plans that fit the circumstances.”

Can We Really Win This? Sheriff Mack Answers In Six Short Words

That is such a great quote in that video.

Six words truly are timeless, as we are now seeing on this planet. 

And this quote from Sheriff Mack was great.

“Every time we work, we are experiencing faith.”

So true!

May you be blessed with even deeper faith in your actions today.

God Bless

P.S. Be sure to follow our Telegram channel here! 

Todays Tip

Tip of the day: Have faith in your actions! Read that again. Have faith IN your actions! Meaning, have faith inside yourself, while you are taking action.

Our actions are the main way we bring thoughts to physical reality. And when you take action, your thoughts influence your actions. This is why it is critical to have faith (believe, feel good etc) in your mission as you are taking the action. 

This is how you can help ensure the actions you take work out in the best possible way, so you get the best results.

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