9.9.24: SKULDUGGERY Long Term Prison for DS Think Connections STORM ending? PRAY

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ The text discusses the author’s dissatisfaction with the current political climate, mentioning concerns about potential foreign interference in elections and perceived corruption. The author also expresses hope for change and improvement, and highlights the importance of the upcoming elections. The text also includes references to various public figures and their roles in the political landscape, as well as the author’s belief in a battle between good and evil. The author ends by emphasizing the need for vigilance and accountability in future elections.
➡ This text discusses various political issues, including accusations of election fraud, criticisms of political figures like Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, and the author’s belief in a widespread corruption. It also mentions the author’s support for President Trump and his disapproval of the actions taken against him. The text ends with a promotion for a product called Kimchi One and a discussion about the author’s views on witchcraft and its association with evil.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including claims of witchcraft in cartoons, allegations against President Trump, and the sentencing of a woman for praying outside an abortion clinic. It also mentions a rainbow seen after a storm, interpreted as a sign from God, and the anticipation of riots from Antifa. The text ends with a country singer expressing her support for Trump and a discussion about what Trump said regarding the Charlottesville incident.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the debate over historical monuments, Alan Dershowitz’s political shift, the promotion of merchandise, the endorsement of President Trump by a Kennedy, concerns over child vaccinations, and sudden deaths of young individuals. The author expresses concern over the safety of vaccines and criticizes the push for statin use in children. The text also mentions the impact of COVID-19 and the author’s belief that it was used to manipulate the election.
➡ The US Air Force Academy requires full vaccine boosters for attendance. The unemployment rate rose to 7.9% in August, with American-born workers losing 1.3 million jobs while migrants gained 635,000 jobs. The affordability of homes is at an all-time low, with many families struggling to make ends meet. President Trump plans to create a government efficiency commission to conduct a financial and performance audit of the federal government, aiming to eliminate fraud and improper payments.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including claims about secret military operations, Elon Musk’s alleged connections to the U.S. Space Force, and Elton John’s endorsement of Trump being linked to darker implications. It also suggests that Elton John’s song “Yellow Brick Road” contains hidden messages about child trafficking. The text ends with a mention of an important archaeological find related to Israel’s history.
➡ The text discusses the historical figure King David, comparing his flaws and successes to those of President Trump. It criticizes those who judge Trump harshly while revering David, despite both having made mistakes. The text also encourages support for Trump, emphasizing his efforts to improve America. It ends with a prayer for truth, strength, and protection for those standing up against the system.


To every citizen who is sick and tired of the parasitic political class in Washington that sucks our country of its blood and treasure, November 5 will be your liberation day. November 5 this year will be the most important day in the history of our country because we’re not going to have a country anymore if we don’t win winter. Send out Kamala Harris. Do something. I have lots of hope. Good. And I truly believe incredible things are on the way. Well, the amount of information that is flowing through the airwaves and in our comms is overwhelming. We are seeing rainbows from Dan Scavino, letters to the D five from President Trump, warning them about future prison time, the deep state’s in trouble, references to tv shows, and so much more.

We have some comedy for you today also to lighten some of the mood as we enter the final months into the election. Lot to cover. Here we go. Three days ago, it started again. The Justice Department said Russia may be involved in our elections again. You see that, mister Congressman, great congressman from Texas. You see that? Russia. It’s Russia. And, you know, the whole world laughed at him this time. Two and a half years, not a phone call made to Russia, not anything to do with Russia except stopping their pipeline and lots of other things that these people approved.

And they said just the other day, the attorney general, we are looking at Russia. And I said, oh, no, it’s Russia, Russia, Russia all over again. But they don’t look at China and they don’t look at Iran. They look at Russia. I don’t know what it is with poor Russia, this very, but you know what? Russia would have never happened if I were president, attacking Ukraine would have never happened. How about that, huh? It’s always Russia, never China, Iran, you know, the two that they’re in bed with. So of course, the puppets are out. This, if you’re looking at your screen, we’ll show you.

Biden was replaced. And of course, Kamala was placed in there. Biden thrown in the trash. And somebody caught this because it was posted on social media by Elon Musk. If you look at the jacket that this puppet master has on, you’ll notice that he has the, what, demonic satanic symbolism on the jacket, which means that these guys are controlled by Satan. And just amazing how these references are played out for all of us to see. If anybody did not realize this was a battle against good versus evil, then Mandev, they need some wake up calls. Still.

Even so, because there is nothing but evil going after all of us and our freedoms. And so thought this was interesting to see. Haven’t seen him in a while. Jim Brewer with an interview, and he has some pretty good points. Here I was portraying the ridiculousness of what I’m watching. I’m watching the mayor of New York eating McDonald’s french fries. Probably the most unhealthy, disturbing food. If it is food going, mm mm. You mean I got free french fries? If I stick this needle in me, who’s not watching this going, oh, you know what? Maybe something’s weird going on.

How do you note I still staggers my thought process that anyone will still defend those times. I know. And they’ll still go, they use all the, you know, part of that. I did. I call it the cockatoos. The cockatoo, yeah. And what the cockatoos do is they, again, it’s hypnotized and it’s brainwashing. You’ll sit there and then you’ll just, you’ll, you think you know this information when all you’re doing is you just watch Bugs Bunny, and now you’re repeating the Bugs bunny. That’s all you’re doing. Threat to our democracy. Threat to our democracy. Weird, weird. They’re weird.

Like, oh, my God, you don’t even have a thought process of your own anymore. And I’m not saying I’m Trump or whoever. How do you watch Biden half the time and go, oh, yeah, there’s nothing wrong. All you. And then the day that it took a debate, it took a debate for him sounding like Ozzy. It took that for anyone blindly following, going, oh, yeah, maybe something’s wrong. Are you. Are you kidding me? We are in a war, period. No matter how you want to explain the war, it’s information war. It’s a spiritual war. It’s a war.

And they made it clear they have no issue taking your child out. They have no issue taking out your mother, your grandmother. They have no issue separating your home, your best friend, any of that. Before Trump was president, now many people questioned Hollywood or news. You trusted everything they said. Everyone trusted all pharmacies, all doctors, everything. That pendulum, in just seven years being, those roots were so deep planted. Yeah. For so long. Education, education, all of it is now flopping. Not just in America, across the whole world. No one’s taking it seriously anymore. And that they’re losing.

It’s like they’re trying to stomp out 8 billion fires. Oh, my God. It’s like, stop this. Stop this podcaster. Bing, another one pops up. Stop this program. Bing, another. We’re losing all control. Sire, send out monkeypox. Do something. Send out Kamala Harris. Do something. I have lots of hope. Good. And I truly believe incredible things are on the way. Did you say? Yeah. And so it’s amazing how all of this is playing out. We need a little bit of humor from some of this, of course, because these guys are so on to what’s going on. Jim Burr has been trying to wake up the masses with his amazing humor and just love the guy.

He’s been doing great. And so, of course, you can see as I’m about to play this clip, President Trump was behind bulletproof glass. If you look on the screen there, you’ll notice that it surrounds him as he’s at the, right there in front of the stage with the crowd and he’s got his amazing airplane in the background and all the american flags there in Wisconsin. Now play this. And these endless wars. Endless wars, they never stop. You ever see these wars? They’re going for 14 years, 20 years. They’re fighting ISIS for 21 years. These people are something.

We knocked them out in two months, one month, actually. We had a good general there, General Razincain, General Raisin Kane. We have great generals. We have great leaders. We have great military. And they’re not going woke. You could put them in a room for two years and scream woke crap to them and they’d walk out and they wouldn’t be, they wouldn’t be changed. They’re not going woke. Don’t worry about our military. Fourth. Yep. Don’t worry about the military going woke. He’s promising that and I believe him. I mean, we’ve watched a lot of things happen on different military bases and most folks will say, yeah, they’re going woke here.

But I’ve, I’ve been watching and hearing from those that are in active duty, especially in the Marine Corps, and they’re telling me that things aren’t shaken up the way that they wanted it to. And there’s this sense that things are going to get changed pretty quickly when President Trump enters in to stop this wokeness that’s happening throughout the military, especially with my sons considering going into military, soon they’ll be heading to meps. Please keep them in your prayers. As we look at the crowd, you’ll notice during the swamp, 40 seven’s playing out, all of these folks showing up.

And on top of everything that’s been going on, President Trump sends out a letter to the evil ones. And it was big and this went out and everyone was sharing this like crazy throughout social media, President Trump said cease and desist. I, together with many attorneys and legal scholars, am watching the sanctity of the 2024 presidential election very closely, because I know better than most the rampant cheating and skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 presidential election. Now, I’m going to tell you, show you something here that somebody else caught. Skull. Douglary.

Dougary, actually, he put two L’s in there, and we believe that Skullduggery is spelled with one l. So he adds an extra l. Well, if you add an extra l, that goes to the D class. Every time you see a missing or an added l, you look for that l, and it means D class. Interesting, because we’re watching the D class happen. Now, it was disgrace to our nation, that election that was stolen. Therefore, the 2024 election, where votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny. And when I win, these people that cheated will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, which will include long term prison sentences.

That’s good. So that this depravity of justice does not happen again. We cannot let our country further devolve into a third world nation. And we won’t. Please be aware that this legal exposure. Guess where it’s going to go, folks, this is what he’s telling us. It extends to the lawyers, the evil lawyers, the political operatives, the donors, donated money to this cause. You’re in trouble now. Illegal voters and corrupt election officials, those involved in unscrupulous behavior, will be sought out, caught and prosecuted at levels unfortunately never seen before in our country. Prosecuted at levels unfortunately never seen before in our country.

And that would include Gitmo, folks. I’m adding that in there. Gitmo. Gitmo. If you have committed treason against our country, they put you in a military tribunal. Next thing you know, you’re done. It’s done quick. And they take you outside and they take care of it. You’re done. So these folks, that the evil ones, they think that they’re never going to have to pay for their evil. Well, now, this shows you why they so are so adamant doing everything they can to steal the election. Because if they know that President Trump steps in, their life is done, if it hasn’t already been taken out.

So he posted this. President Trump, grasshopper, caught this at 20 117. 20 117 on the board. What Fisa is about to D class, huh? Was the truth revealed regarding FISA and the dossier? All connected. Think connections. And then you got d five. Of course, President Trump showed that an interview by Tucker Carlson of an election expert indicates that 20% of the mail in ballots in Pennsylvania are fraudulent. Here we go again. Where is the us attorney general and FBI to investigate? Where is the Pennsylvania Republican Party? We will win Pennsylvania by a lot unless the Dems are allowed to cheat.

The RNC must activate now. Interesting to use that word, activate. As this has been playing out, folks, the New York Times actually put out, if the 2024 presidential election were held today, who would you vote for if the candidates were Kamala or President Trump? President Trump finally went above Kamala Harris on their fake polls, which means she’s getting demolished and they know it. And what happened to old Joe? If you’re looking at this one right here, weekend at Joe’s, seems like they continue to prop him up. And somebody had this for to share with everyone, showing how Kamala talks and how taking one of her speeches and adding one of the tv shows music onto it, which matches perfectly.

So you know how those lids are, because this is what I’m just going speak. Okay, so this is it. So you know how those lids on the Starbucks cups, they’re white, right? And so if you wear lipstick, they get all over the lid. And so then I find myself in meetings if I’m the only woman, and that’s kind of, I keep taking the lid off and having my cup out so that I don’t have that big lipstick mark on the lid. So I said, can we do something about the color of the lid? So that was that conversation.

Yeah. Interesting to have Castle Rock entertainment thrown in there at the very end, this joke that keeps playing out in front of us. Of course, the fakery and more. If you guys are looking at your screen for those that are watching instead of listening, you’ll notice that they posted pictures of Kamala as if she’s taking photos with fans in a some restaurant. Everybody’s waiting to see her and they’re smiling and laughing. Well, if you look at the very phone that’s being used, there’s nobody on there. It’s just a girl, and nobody’s on the phone. So what do they do? They photoshopped Kamala in there.

How many kids are excited to meet Kamala like that? Why do they have to photoshop her in there? What’s going on? Of course, George Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris have held power for 28 of the last 32 years. 28 out of the last 32 years. All five of them are blaming Trump for problems. And even better, they claim to have all the answers to fix America. That’s a good one to use on all of your friends and family. James woods. And now here’s the guy who waged an entire war based on utterly false information.

He’s talking about Dick Cheney. A war that cost precious american lives and the lives of many innocent civilians. So what did Dick Cheney say? He said, quote, in our nation’s 248 year history, there has never been an individual who’s greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump. He tried to steal the last election, using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He can never be trusted with power again. As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship, to defend our constitution. That’s why I’ll be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.

They’re all in the same team, all the bushes, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Cheney’s, Harris. They’re on the same team. We catching on yet? Makes you sick, doesn’t it? Well, here’s something, it’ll help you out. Well, folks, if you heard of a gut check in the Marine Corps or military, you know, check to see if you’ve got a good abs. But, you know, sometimes we need one physically. A real gut healing. I’ve been experiencing wonderful results with my gut and overall health. With kimchi one, we have a war going on in our gut and we can strengthen that immune system there.

70% to 80% of the immune system is actually stored in your gut. Probiotic rich kimchi can help you fight bacterial infections, viruses, common illnesses, and serious chronic conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, skin conditions like eczema, urinary tract infections, and yeast infections. Kimchi is full of ingredients known to stimulate healthy immune functions, soothe digestive organs, nourish the gut, fight bacteria, and heal. One to three servings of kimchi a day decreases obesity and positively affects thyroid health. It also stabilizes your blood sugar. So get your kimchi one today in the description box below. 25% off your entire order with promo code AWK.

That’s promo code AWK. You get up to 50% off plus free shipping when you call in to order at 888-317-9941 get your kimchi one today in the description box below. I am a liberal. I don’t like it. It’s not fun. We all know that. It’s not fun. It’s a full time job. Conservatives, that must be so easy. You’re not learning any pronouns. You’re leaving your air conditioning on, you’re throwing all your garbage in one hole. I’m out of here. I’m like, did the compost go out? Is the compost out? How are the refugees? Are the refugees all right? What’s the air quality index today? I remember last year in New York, January 15, it was 75 degrees, and all of us New Yorkers, all of us liberal New Yorkers, we had to go outside and pretend that was bad.

We had to go out in a beautiful January day and be like, this sucks, right? Climate change. I mean, a t shirt. This is awful. Conservatives are like, wow, what a beautiful 75 degree Martin Luther King Day. I wasn’t gonna celebrate, but now I am. Oh, yes, we’ve got a lot of coming out, showing these people that are playing out in the masses, wondering how in the world to handle them. Well, you just have to have a good laugh sometimes even not let them bother you too much, even though we know that’s can be, that can be very, very difficult.

So everybody knows the Harris Biden Department of Justice is trying to throw President Trump in jail under Comrade Kamala. Christians and pro life activists are rotting in prison for the crime of praying in public. How about the people they’re arresting because they were praying in public? These people are sick. People like Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, good people, were locked up for following the advice of their lawyers. And as everyone knows, the Harris Biden DOJ is trying to throw me in jail. They want me in jail for the crime of exposing their corruption. We expose their corruption.

They go after the people that expose, not the people that do the corruption. The big news this week was that the Manhattan Da witch hunt against me has been postponed because everyone realizes that there’s no case. Because I did nothing wrong. Did nothing wrong. Political witch hunt. And again, to remind you, witch hunt, I always add on that witch is not supposed to be something that we are a part of at all. Witchcraft, if you look at and read your scriptures, it’s forbidden, it’s evil. And there’s many folks across the nation who got their witches together so they could cast spells on President Trump.

And one of the great, the number one witches in America is Hillary Clinton. If I read to you some of the things that I’ve seen and heard about what she’s done to children in the midst of other witches, you would be sick to your stomach. So we can never put that information out ever. But she’s a witch, and that’s why he calls it a witch hunt. And where do you get the witches from? That’s evil. Where does evil come from, Satan? Where do we get Satan from. How do we know who he is? We get it from the scriptures, the word of God.

We’re supposed to stay away from witchcraft. Any type of witchcraft that’s out there. You name it, you’ve heard about it, you’ve heard movies about it. We’re not supposed to entertain ourselves with that. But you know what? We’ve been blasted by it our entire life, since I was a child. Any Disney movie? Just about that. You see nowadays, even in the past five, six, seven decades, any cartoon that they put out has witchcraft. And they made us believe that it’s something good to play with. That’s why we have to be careful. And that’s what they’re doing. They’re casting spells on President Trump, and they use tv shows to do this.

Also, Trump destroyed, remember Eugene Carroll and brought up the episode of Law and Order, but she made up a story. It fabricated 100% that I attacked her at Bergdorf Goodman. You know, it’s very interesting. I don’t think they were allowed to use this either. Her favorite show is law and order, and there’s a almost exact story as her story in law and order about being attacked in the dressing room of a department. So I don’t know if they use the name of the store, but that’s her favorite show, law and order. She said that. Did anyone want to roleplay a rape with you in a public place? Yes, there was one.

A bit plain. And it was not her fantasy. It was mine. Okay. Yeah. Role play took place in the dressing room of Bergdorf’s while she was trying on lingerie. I would burst in, hold on. The dressing room of Bergdorf’s. There it is. There it is for all to see. And then what did she do? Let’s see. You don’t feel like a victim. I was not thrown on the ground and ravished, which. The word rape carries so many sexual connotations. This was not. This was not sexual. It just. It hurt. It just. What? It just. You know, I think most people think of rape as a.

I mean, it is a violent assault. It is not. I think most people think of rape as being sexy. Let’s take a short break. Think of the fantasies. We gotta take a quick break. If you can stick around, we’ll talk more on the other side. You’re fascinating to talk to. Has no idea what’s going on. This person right here doesn’t even look like the I, Jean Carroll, right, from. I believe this interview happened a few years ago. Almost looks like deep set at eyes inside of a mask. I don’t know. It’s just me. But anyway. Judge Kohler cotilly sentenced Paul Paulette Harlow, 75, of Kingston, Massachusetts, today to 24 months incarceration for praying outside an abortion clinic.

Speaking of going after people after Harlow’s husband begged for mercy, expressing his fear that his wife could die in prison, the judge taunted that maybe Harlow would, quote, make an effort to remain alive because that is a, quote, tenet of Harlow’s religion. And so that judge that you’re looking at right there would be classified as a witch, and that would be a witch hunt. These folks are evil that we’re dealing with in our own country, our own backyard. But we’ve got many fighters out there, regardless of what’s playing out. And we’re wondering if we’re getting closer to the end because this video was given to us by Dan Scamino, junior.

And if you’re listening, it’s zooming in on a rainbow at the end of a storm. The storms softening up, right? You can see the soft rain in the lights. And then through that in the background, you’ll notice this beautiful rainbow. The rainbow sent by God almighty with the seven colors, not the six that the LGBTQ uses to steal from our almighty father and abuse it. Oh, no, that’s the real rainbow. In ultra Maga, Dean Erickson got a chance to meet him on the at sea with Lt. Cruise. He says this could be a huge calm from Dan Scavino.

His video has a time stamp of 914 pm Eastern Standard Time, 20 114, military time. Well, if you go to 20 114 on the cue board because that’s the military time that was used. Again, you go to the Q board, you look at drop number 2114. So it goes from zero. Add them up. Go all the way up to 20 114 because that was the 2114th post. On September 7, 2018, you’ll follow in this six year Delta on the nose. What does that mean? That means six years ago on September 7, 2018, you fast forward six years on the exact date.

The exact date. And Dan Scavino dropped it at 20 114 so that we would look at that number on the exact date at just happens to match, guys. Logical thinking. So the month September. The dots have connected over the last few years. Public learned and paneled regarding McCabe. Coincidence. Follow the connections. The dots have connected over the last few years. We have it all. President Trump always reminds us, we have it all and we caught them. We caught them all. Think NSA white hats division. Now a tweet from John Podesta. Saying, real witch hunt begins. And I’m showing you that tweet right here on the bottom right corner of your screen.

There it is. He put this out in 2018. Real witch hunt begins. The sleeper cells have awoken. Mm hmm. Member Podesta worships the devil to the sleeper cells have awoken, activated. Is there antifa being activated across the country, especially in New York, with all the National Guard that is in place? Have you guys seen that? A lot of pictures. A lot of videos have been playing out of National Guard setting up throughout York City. Is it true? Are those real videos? I’m also getting word, and I’ll read some in a moment about National Guard possibly setting up across the United States.

If schedule is known. They’re not telling us what the National Guard is doing in New York for a reason. Better prepared with the National Guard is in place. They are totally prepared. You got SIGINT, signals intelligence, which falls under the NSA. That’s part of the comms, National Security Agency, Central Security Service. I believe this is from Ultra Maga Dean Erickson. I believe Dan Scavino is telling us the storm is ending and starting to clear out as he’s showing us the rainbow. But except riots from Antifa, and we are very prepared. We have to be very prepared for what is about to come down.

Expect the riots from Antifa. There are uprisings around the country because they are cornered like rats. They have no escape. With signal intelligence. We have it all. And they’re upset because we have more folks that are stepping out in favor of President Trump. Here’s one for you. Check this out. From a country singer. My name again is Gretchen Wilson. I’m a midwesterner. I come from a very small town in southern Illinois. I grew up very much like Senator JD Vance. I had to work hard and fight my way out of poverty, just like many other Americans have done.

But this is what I was taught to do to earn my way. Since then, I’ve done the impossible. I am now a Grammy award winning country music artist, a producer, a songwriter, and most importantly, a mom. Now, back in the day, my family were all Kennedy Democrats, but that’s when the Democrats were on the side of the people. Once I started paying attention to what was really going on, I realized the democratic party left us. As a songwriter, I pay close attention to words, the words that are being used and the words that are not being used.

I urge all Americans to pay close attention to what you are hearing and not hearing from the media, because the issues that are most important for our survival are what we’re voting on. I’m here today to entertain you, but I’m also here today to show my support for the only team in this race that is telling you the truth. My story isn’t really that rare, but the american dream that I have been fortunate enough to find will most certainly be lost forever if we do not show up and vote for freedom in November. It is on us.

Let’s make sure we, the people do all we can to save our country by voting for President Trump. And JD Vance, thank you very much for your time. Thank you, Gretchen. Thank you, Brian. What a good job. Amazing. Thank you, Gretchen. What an amazing support there from Gretchen Wilson. If I have time near the end of this video, I’ll play a song that she, that I like politically uncorrect from her undressed live singing there on YouTube. I’ll play that for you if I get a chance here near the end. Now let’s connect some dots with others that are waking up like this one right here, Alan Dershowitz.

I’m shocked by this. I have good points. And this is after he says I’m running for president because Donald Trump said about the people in Charlottesville, there are fine people on both sides. Well, he didn’t say that. Let’s be very clear about that. I have an op ed in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal that made that whole thing very clear. He never said that. What he said is he condemns the neo Nazis. He condemns the people who said Jews will not replace us. He said there will fine people on both sides of the debate about whether to take down Robert E.

Lee’s statute. I know there are fine people on both sides of that debate because I’m on that side of that debate. I don’t believe we should be destroying statutes. I mean, there are reasonable alternatives. Put them in a museum with an explanation. Okay? But there are fine people on both sides of the whole debate about what you do with historical monuments. But there were no fine people at the debate at the standing outside of the convention center and screaming, Hamas will win, screaming, we are all Hamas, screaming, there was nothing wrong with October 7. What’s wrong with October 7? Somebody said, no, there aren’t fine people and they don’t make fine points.

And so I was disgusted at the Democratic National Convention. He was disgusted. And you know what? He’s been supporting and throwing his support at President Trump. Interesting, because if you look at the dots that we’ve looked at over the years to show Alan Dershowitz, he’s been put into submission. He’s working for Trump and the military. We know Dershowitz was lifelong Democrat. He was on Jeffrey Epstein’s island. He was Jeffrey Epstein’s attorney. We know Dershowitz was outed by the Epstein island victims and their testimony as having received massages. Massages is on the island. Massages? I can’t even say that.

On April 11, 2018. Q posted. Thank you, Allen. Thank you, Allen. Welcome aboard freedom. Therefore, I do believe we have received a clear evidence that points to the fact that Alan Dershowitz was put into submission way back in 2018, hence his turn towards Trump after being against him in the 2016 election cycle. Remember, he defended Trump in the 2020 impeachment trial. Now he’s suddenly leaving the democratic party. And there we are with the names of the folks that went to the island. And there we have Alan. Welcome aboard plane 17. Q. Pretty cool, folks. That reminds me that you can tune into and we know.com at any time.

Go to our website and we know.com dot. You can get all of our latest videos. You can go to our social media sites and so much more. You can find our Patriot light. The Patriot Light.com also has home politics, world news, markets and faith. You’ll find all of that and more amazing products there. If you go to shop dot and we know.com or just go to ammuno.com dot, you’ll find our merchandise. Our favorite t shirts are there. Fight for America tees. Our new mugs are available. You’ll see those and you’ll see all types of sweatshirts, hoodies, accessories, hats, tees and tanks for you.

Available. And we know merch. You’ll be wearing that gear. And before you know it, somebody will walk up to you and say, hey, I happen to watch that show also. And guess what? Then you’ll have new friend for the rest of your life. Here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear. For 19 years, I prayed every morning that God would put me in a position to end this calamity. This is a spiritual journey for me. I reached my decision through deep prayer, and I asked myself, what choices must I make to maximize my chances to save America’s children and restore national health? I felt that if I refused this opportunity, I would not be able to look myself in the mirror, knowing that I could could have saved lives of countless children.

President Trump has told me that he wants this to be his legacy. The most unifying theme for all Americans is that we all love our children. Ultimately, the only thing that will save our country and our children is, if we choose to love our kids more than we hate each other, make America healthy again. Of course, these ads are going out now and they’re hitting screens, they’re hitting social media and so much more. And I tell you what, it’s pretty exciting since Kennedy jumped on board, right? Explains how he’s extremely confident that Trump will empower Kennedy.

We will establish a panel of top experts to investigate what is causing the decades long increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases, including the autoimmune disorders, autism, obesity, infertility, and much more. And Bobby’s going to be very much involved in that. We’re going to get him involved because that’s what he likes. That’s what he’s great at. Isn’t it great to have a Kennedy with us? Isn’t that nice? And this is really, I mean, I don’t want to disrespect the rest of the family, but this has been the dominant Kennedy for the last 25 years. You know, we have a, he’s a great guy.

I’ve known him a long time. He’s a great guy. And he really wants what’s good for the country. And to have his endorsement is a very important thing. And Tulsi endorsed us, too, almost simultaneously. And we love Tulsi. She’s been fantastic. She’s a woman of great common sense. Actually, I’ve watched her for a long time. She has great common sense. I will ask great common sense, but you know what? I’ve been looking around and I noticed this, and I’ve got to share it with you guys today. This is a 15 month old child who 12 hours after getting his wellness check, it’s okay.

You can see his face. For those looking at the screen, fox. Foxy, right after you get the wellness check immunizations, and it looks like he’s barely there, barely moving, and it’s sickening. What in the world are they putting in our children? What are in all of these vaccines? Why would our children, our grandchildren? I know that many of you are probably praying for your children, that when they have grandchildren, please, begging them, please do not have them put these shots into the bodies of these children. Then it just breaks your heart as you’re staring at the screen, prayers go up for fox.

That’s the name of the child. And I just imagine what they’re going through as they’re driving to the ER. And I’m just going to beg my kids when they get married and call them kids still, they’re young adults. Please, when you guys have grandchildren. Just beg you, please do not fall for this demonic trip trick that’s been placed on all of us for so many years. Prescribed statins to kids as young as 15 to slash heart attacks. Top expert experts urge, as study shows, deadly damage starts in childhood. So this is in the UK. They want to give statins to kids as young as 15.

It’s called child abuse. Statins limit your body’s ability to manufacture coenzyme Q ten, which is necessary for the mitochondria in our cells to produce ATP energy. That’s why people taking statins have higher rates of heart failure, brain fog and overall sluggishness. Now they want the 15 year olds on them. So remember, we had to deal with COVID Here’s a reminder of what we had to deal with. Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion. Five years, three months and 17 days earlier, when President Trump mentioned this, that nobody knew a disease would be thrown on us.

Remember this, there may and likely will come a time in which we have both an airborne disease that is deadly. And in order for us to deal with that effectively, we have to put in place an infrastructure, not just here at home, but globally, that allows us to see it quickly, isolate it quickly, respond to it quickly, so that if and when a new strain of flu, like the spanish flu, crops up five years from now or a decade from now, we’ve made the investment and we’re further along to be able to catch it. Yeah, great memory, huh? Somebody grabbed this good job and tell you what, it just reminds us that it’s almost like he’s setting the table in a room and he says, this is what we’re going to do.

And the way he’s talking is if, you know something might happen or could happen, so we have to be ready for it. So of course they fund it, and then they know we know now how they used it to steal the election and the effect that it’s had on many people since they forced them to take the jabs. Not forced them, but basically, in a nutshell, made you feel like you had to take it or else. Well, those effects are still playing out for many to see. You got this guy, Florida high school football player, Chance, passed out away after he’s gone after collapsing during a game.

Wide receiver, defensive back at a high school, 18 years old, gone. Kathy Merrick suddenly, unexpectedly died after collapsing while giving a speech. We’ve been told it’s rude and ignorant to ask about her Covid vaccination. Status. We’re not. You know, you’re rude. How dare you ask for that? By the same people who demanded I disclose my medical stuff to during COVID Right? You will tell us what’s going on. Well, we’re. We want to know what’s going on with her. Oh, no. How dare you? You’re mean. Shows you their. Their hypocrisy. Then you had the US Air force cadet dying suddenly in her dorm room.

19 years old, record breaking runner. Competed with the academy track and field team. Found unconscious emts were unable to revive her. So I’m told, and let me know if I’m wrong below this video. But we’re told that the US Air Force Academy requires full vaccine boosters for attendance. Is that still in place? Wondering. So they called for Avery’s parents, Lieutenant Colonel. To demand her vax history from the military and conduct a reverse quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction for mRNA, as well as tissue straining to check for spike protein and blood antibodies. That’s from Lieutenant Colonel Teresa long calling for that.

So the representative of Texas, Pete Sessions, who nominated Avery for the academy, said she hopes of becoming a pilot physical therapist. This is sadhgurtainous. Still playing out for all of us to see. So buckle up for the vaccine murderers. We’re working with Robert Kennedy junior, says President Trump. And we’ll take on corruption at the FDA, the CDC, World Health Organization, and other institutions of public health that are dominated by corporate power. That was from President Trump in that speech in Wisconsin. We want everything. The real unemployment rate rose to 7.9% in August. Did you know that? 7.9%.

Our country’s going down. Last month alone, american born workers lost 1.3 million jobs, and migrants gained 635,000 jobs in a single month. Every job that we’ve gained has been replaced not by american citizens, but by illegal migrants. Did you know that every job that was created over the last fairly short period of time was taken by illegal migrants? And I will tell you this. The black population and the hispanic population are being decimated by these people coming in. Unchecked, unbalanced. They’re coming in and they’re taking the black population and the hispanic population jobs. And next is going to be unions.

You watch the unions suffer. The auto workers are not going to exist in a year and a half or two years because of what that fool did. Who’s the head of the auto workers? He’s a fool calling out the fools. Of course, CJ and Tony shows us this. Employment among foreign born workers has increased 4.4 million since pre pandemic and is back to trend. While jobs among native born Americans have fallen 833,000 over that same time. Literally no progress in five years. And you’re looking at that chart on your screen. Remember when the press lost its collective mind? When Trump said, very accurately, that over 100% of the job games under Biden were for illegals and other foreigners? Well, 635,000.

The job gains were foreign born in August, while 101 1,325,000 native born Americans lost their job. Not a typo. We typically post a job loss in August due to seasonal labor, but this is still a huge number compared to past years. Here’s the key. Since pre Covid all the net job gains, 4.4 million have gone to foreign born workers, while jobs among native born Americans, they fall in 833,000. Mass immigration incentivizes businesses to hire cheap, near slave labor at rock bottom prices. And dissent is disincentivizes. Paying living wages to native born workers an absolute travesty. We’ve been talking about this with our money and more.

If you missed our interview yesterday with doctor Kirk Elliott, we talked about the biggest real estate correction in decades. Manufacturing numbers are dropping. Silver’s up 100% in nearly four years. And this discussion was about all that’s been happening lately. And of course, the Dow dropping 600 points beginning in September. And we’ve got the housing bubble biggest that they’ve ever seen before. It is unbelievable, the things that we discussed there with Doctor Kirk Elliott. You don’t want to miss this interview. Here’s a clip from that. Oh, my word. What? And this guy looks at source of funds, use of funds, the allocation between different things, everything the government spends, all that the government brings in.

He looks at the budget for the United States and he said, this is bad. This is going to be really bad. Because down further in this article, there’s a chart that shows the affordability of homes is at the all time low. All time low, meaning you have your wages, right, the money that you make every month, and the percentage that you actually spend on your mortgage payments is as high as it’s ever been. Literally. People already living hand to mouth, they can’t afford to make ends meet. They have to. Most families in America have to make this hard choice of, do we eat or do we go out to eat, or should we just, uh.

Well, we can’t afford to pay our rent or our mortgage. And what, and so all of this playing out more for us to understand exactly what we can do to change the way that we think about money and more. And that’s why you can reach out to him with the, uh, his questions on precious metals. That’s what he deals with. And he helps folks with. You can reach out to him and we know.com gold and have a conversation like I’ve had with them also. And so amazing things are playing out, folks. And I wanted to read this wire from only drops q two tsr with a lot happening.

President Trump has been letting us know on that. And before I show you that, I want to let you in on something, I just noticed that Kendrick Lamar, he’s aiming at the pedos like Drake with his lyrics. That’s a singing guy. He’s, he has 17 Grammys, not 18, not 16 Grammys. He’s put 17 Grammys. This guy is going to now headline the 2025 Super bowl native. Just learning. This morning, Kendrick Lamar will be headlining the 2025 Super bowl halftime show. While this will be the rapper’s first time headlining on the NFL’s biggest stage, he did perform as a special guest at the 2022 halftime show alongside Doctor Dre and Snoop Dogg.

Lamar has won 17 grammys and won a Pulitzer Prize for his 2017 album, the 2025 2017 album, 17 grammys. And he’s the one that aims and goes after the Pedos like Drake. Interesting that he’s going to be headlining the Super bowl halftime show. What in the world’s going on? How is this playing out? You know, many intelligent Anon said that Vivek was in the presidential race because he was playing a role for Trump in the military as a proxy to say the things to do, you know, to the right that Trump couldn’t remember. He was out there saying all the stuff in the debates that Trump couldn’t, they wouldn’t let him on the stage and all that stuff during debates.

Remember, many intelligent Anon said that Tucker Carlson was fired from Fox because he was playing a role for Trump in the military as the largest independent journalist in the world. Many intelligence nons said that RFK was in the presidential race because he was playing a role for Trump in the military as a proxy to say the things to the left that Trump couldn’t. Tonight, of course, this was in Anaheim a few few days ago. You saw the white hats merge all three narratives on the stage for the next phase. They were all together, Tucker Vivek and RFK junior, on the stage together in front of thousands and thousands of people inside a stadium.

Total control, brilliantly executed. Makes you wonder what type of operation is going on. Well, there’s wires in fourth at the suggestion of Elon Musk, who has given me his complete and total endorsement. That’s nice. He’s a smart guy. He knows what he’s doing. Doing. He knows what he’s doing. Very much appreciated. I will create a government efficiency commission task with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms we need to do. It. Can’t go on the way we are now. And Elon, because he’s not very busy, has agreed to task force.

If he has the time, he’ll be a good one to do it, but he’s agreed to do it in 2022. Fraud and improper payments alone cost taxpayers an estimated hundreds of billions of dollars. As the first order of business, this commission will develop an action plan to totally eliminate fraud and improper payments within six months. Wires military sources reach out to Hell’s Angels military vets and gives important comms. The democratic state Colorado is looking to arrest Hell’s Angels if they go after the Venezuela gangs. Although the Hell’s Angels have moved munitions through Denver, Colorado, and have linked up with several 1% bikers outlaw clubs in the state.

Trump military intelligence had warned Hells Angels of George Soros installed regime in Colorado, having plans to use the RICO act to arrest them. Remember, I was telling you guys last week, I had a funny feeling that if the Hells Angels went in and started messing around with these guys in the apartments from Venezuela, that things could get out of hand and they would use that against us as Americans. Remember, we talked about that. So it looks like somebody’s getting some inside information for us on that. So now through Trump confirmation and several news agencies in Denver confirming Venezuela gains controlling the apartments.

And yet democratic news outlets as Google and half of the police departments and government are denying Venezuela gains controlling the apartments. I’ve actually seen videos of guys on YouTube going to those apartments, very apartments, and asking what’s going on? I saw another guy doing an interview. I forgot who it was. I think it was Benny Johnson that went there. And he said, can you show me what’s going on? And he had a talk with the landlord that was there. Behind the scenes, Trump’s military ice DHS go after the Venezuela gangs in several states. These important movements were pushed immediately to keep Hell’s angels out of being prosecuted for the RICO acts and deep state trying to create wars between us citizens and Venezuela gangs brought in by the DNC and United nations globalist operations.

It’s good they were warned. Hopefully they were they pulled away and said, nope, we’re not going to get involved with this. When military wires, with the military wires relayed to top Hills Angels heads, a stand down was initiated. Though the 1% outlaws biker gangs have moved military grade weapons through states and have emergency operations in place. There is massive panic through the state of Colorado, California and other democratic states that Elon Musk is coming to take control of the government. I just played that video for you and give a full audit of the United States democratic cities.

I’ve been telling you for a long time, Musk is connected to United States Space Force intelligence and they have the most advanced world systems and to secret super AI, quantum quilts, computers that has been taken to ask the data, the data of the United States and world. Now Trump military is going to use Musk to go after the deep state us government and all firing up the audit that’s already been done and continue building a supreme case. Do you remember Trump told you was going to restructure the government and fire thousands of people in the government? Oh, yeah.

Looking forward to that. Last week we had comms that military operations were happening in the east coast in several areas and regions. Currently, military operations are centered around New York. Last week, a huge meeting and warnings were sent out to three letter agencies in preparation for emergency events. There’s a lot happening. Patriots, stay close. Stay in the word. These people are being exposed. Every single day, they’re being exposed. And one of those that I wanted to show you as we get close to the end of this video is something that would shock many, and that would be Elton John.

You know, he’s just endorsed Trump. And so many folks are confused. They’re like, well, wait a minute, what’s going on? Why do we have more and more of these strange endorsements playing out? And Elton John is another one that’s from the evil side. And I’m going to show you this. As we get close to the end of this, I wanted to show you, trader girl Q showed us Elton John endorsing Trump is an evil pedophile member of the Bohemian Grove. He is also part of the CIA and was born in England and knighted by the evil Queen Elizabeth II herself.

The fact that the mainstream media is name dropping him at this point in the game shows you. It shows you that we are literally at the precipice and the end is near. I’m going to show you just a couple pictures here. Okay. Remember wizards and warlocks? Alice in Wonderland was on the Q drop. Yellow Brick Road was on the Q drop from December 22, 2017. There’s Elton John stepping onto the Yellow Brick road on the album cover. Alice street community Gardens. A treasure for all. Mad hatter Alice cocktail experience, San Francisco gate. There’s a map for you to see.

The yellow brick road from Bohemian Grove all the way down to the Golden Gate bridge. Do you guys see that map? Yellow Brick Road. Let me see if I can zoom that in. Yeah, just a little bit. To the Golden Grape bridge. Golden Gate Bridge. Why do I show you that? Because I’m going to read this to you. Elton John’s began his farewell yellow Brick Road tour September 8, 2018. Queen Elizabeth died September 8. How many coincidences before mathematically impossible, folks? How many? How many times do we have to over and over again show things? And people say, I just don’t know if it’s adding up.

We are starting to understand it even more so now. The yellow brick road has been permanently shut down. Enjoy Gitmo, Elton John, and the other treasonous pedophiles. The yellow brick road goes from San Francisco to Bohemian Grove. You guys don’t know what Bohemian Grove is? That’s the place where all the top elites from the world gather in the middle of the woods, and they worship Satan. The tunnels go underground from Alcatraz, Treasure Island, Golden Gate Bridge, and the presidio into the city. The government shut down Alcatraz with the help of Robert F. Kennedy to utilize it as their own secret import export of the west coast without tedious inspections.

What happens to little girls and boys when they find themselves in the underground city of San Francisco along the yellow brick road, I imagine, is not as wonderful as children’s movies would have it appear, according to the lyrics. And goodbye yellow Brick Road. It’s a very scary place to be. The lyrics of Elton John song Yellow Brick Road allude to children being sold like property, being used as gifts for elites to play with. Do you guys get this? I know it’s hard for many to understand. I know it’s difficult to read these things and listen to them, but this is a fight for our children.

It has been from the very beginning. They’re being trafficked. For years, Satan has had a foothold on our children, and they’ve been used and abused by him, and they’ve had to be systematically taken out. And one of the first things President Trump did when he became president was signing executive order. All these folks with crimes against humanity, crimes against children would be taken out. The album cover played on the yellow brick road from wizard of Oz. It showed the red shoes. The red ruby slippers have a much darker meaning than what appears. Research the Red Leather shoe club.

Notice the road on the album cover has hairpin turns similar to Lombard street in San Francisco. Q only has one post mentioned in San Francisco. Q Post 2305 it specifically mentions Moscone center in San Francisco. It’s directly next to children’s museum and across from Alice Street Gardens, right by the Bay Bridge to Treasure Island. Alice falls down a rabbit hole and finds herself in another world. This is a scary rabbit hole. Enter at your own risk. When Golden Gate Bridge collapse, it will surface the bodies of all the scarifies of their hidden playground. No false idols.

Prepare to be terrified. Why did he endorse Trump? Elton John. I believe it’s more symbolism. From Operation Mockingbird, Elton sings the song Rocket man. There was a shooting incident on I 75 in Kentucky this week. This weekend. King Charles is 75, born November 1411.5. Remember, remember the 5 November king should die any minute. Q post 75 when the president of the United States returns from his trip, the world will be a different place. Will Trump needs an alibi not be blamed for the nuclear fallout and events about to take place? Right? That said, whatever false flag they have planned for Trump in the next few days will surely make DJT rocket.

So Elton John, rocket man, DJT stock rocket. Trump knows. He knows that Elton John is a pedo. There’s a spiritual awakening happening. The lyrics for Yellow Brick Road. If you guys go look at him, when are you going to come down? When are you going to land? I should have stayed on the farm. I should have listened to my old Mandev. Sounds like a child singing. You know you can’t hold me forever. I didn’t sign up with you. I’m not a present for your friends to open. This boy’s too young to be singing the blues. So goodbye Yellow Brick Road, where the dogs of society howl.

You can’t plant me in your penthouse. I’m going back to my plow, back to the howling old owl in the woods. That’s the bohemian grove, guys. The bohemian grove has the giant owl, so he put in the lyrics. Back to the howling old how owl in the woods, hunting the horny back toad. They do hunting of children there, folks. Oh, I finally decided my future lies beyond the yellow brick road. What do you think you’ll do then? I’ll bet they’ll shoot down the plane. I’ll take you a couple of vodka and tonics to set you on your feet again.

Maybe you’ll get a replacement. There’s plenty like me to be found mongrels who ain’t got a penny sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground, folks, do you understand? Do you understand what’s playing out? Do you realize what we’re up against? It’s biblical. Taken out of evil. Speaking of biblical, there’s an artifact that described as Israel’s most important archaeological find ever to go on display in the United States. The large rock features several lines of text describing the victory of an aramaic king over a king of the house of David. The writings corroborate passages from the Hebrew Bible.

For centuries, scholars had either dismissed King David as mythological figures or disputed the era in which they ruled over the Israelites. As told in the Bible, the discovery of the steel caused an earthquake in the archaeological community. McDonald said it vanquished the common belief that King David was a fictional character and bolstered the credibility of the Bible as a valuable historical source. This is just one reason that is one of the most important archaeological discoveries ever found. King David was real. King David was in the word of God. And how do most folks know King David? They know him as King David the Boyenne, or the young man who faced Goliath.

How many times do you hear in movies or you hear in tv shows or you hear in UFC fighting? This is another David versus Goliath. He’s well known. He’s also known for the king who took another man’s wife, married her after killing the woman’s husband, who was a general that served him when he was a kingdom. So most people remember David and they talk about him, and they also share in the word of God that David was a man after God’s own heart, and yet he was a man who failed miserably many times over. But it’s interesting because those people that belong to Christ, who claim to be christians, that are out there bashing President Trump, that fall under the brainwashing of whatever denomination that they’re under, and they say, well, President Trump’s just a bad man.

He did this bad thing to a woman when he grabbed her, blah, blah, blah. And he’s been married two or three times, and he’s this and he’s that. And all they do is point out all of his faults. But you don’t, you know what? They won’t be preaching that or talking about that at Sunday school about David. Oh, they’ll bring up that he made mistakes and then he was forgiven, and he cried out to the Lord. And it’s in the psalms, how his bones were hurting and all that. But they don’t have go after him. King David is revered among many in the church context, but yet they go after President Trump because he’s not perfect.

They bash him. Remember that next time somebody claims they’re a Christian and they want to go after President Trump who’s doing all he can to rescue our country, our nation, chosen by God, I believe. So get everyone you know and vote. We want a landslide that’s too big to rig on November 5. We will save our economy. We will rescue our middle class. We will reclaim our sovereignty and restore our borders. We will put America first and we will take back our country together. We will, will make America powerful again. We will make America wealthy again.

We will make America healthy again. Thank you, Bobby. Thank you, Bobby. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. We will make America free again. And we will make America great again. Thank you very much, Wisconsin. God bless you. God bless you. Many are coming to these rallies with the hope that the swamp is drained. Many are attending these rallies knowing the truth about what’s going on with our children, knowing what’s going on with the deep state and just how evil they were and taking out all of our young folks, lying to us about the jabs.

Many follow President Trump because they realize that he’s fighting for the working man and woman every single day. Many are a part of this every single day. And I promised I was going to play a little bit of Gretchen Wilson before we close. I almost forgot. But I’m going to play a little bit here from politically uncorrected on the totem pole. I’m for the underdog, God bless his soul. And I’m for the guys still pulling third shift and the single mom raising her kids. Now for the preachers, I’m for the sinner who finally believes. And I’m for the farmer with dirt on his hands and the soldiers who fight for this lane.

And I’m for the Bible and I’m for the flood and I’m for the working man. I’m just one Lenny can’t get no respect politically uncraft. Merle Haggard sang this song with me on my record. He wasn’t able to make it to the jam session tonight, so we’ve asked brother Bobby to fill in for us. Guess my opinion is all out of style all but don’t get me started cause I can get right and I’ll make a fight for the forefathers plan the world already knows where I stand and I’m for the working man. Oh heck, I’m just one of many can’t get no respect for nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad.

Let’s pray. Heavenly father, thank you for all that you have done in our lives. Thank you for those that are standing up for truth, that are standing up against the system that’s been pushed on them. Even like Gretchen Wilson who stood up there boldly in front of all those folks that probably helped publish her records. Who knows the bravery that she displayed for our nation in supporting a president who’s supporting and helping our children day in and day out. Thank you for her and ask for her protection for others that are making moves. For Robert F.

Kennedy Junior, his protection. For Vivek Ramaswamy, for Tulsi Gabbard, Tucker Carlson. Thank you for their stance. We ask that you would continue to open our eyes to the truth, help out our own families, our own small piece of land that we are in day in and day out around surrounded by people who need a touch from you. Maybe through prayer, maybe it’s an act of kindness that we be emboldened and given the energy and the strength to be used by you to bring another smile, another some more comfort to those that need need comfort. Today. You’re a good God.

I thank you for sending your son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins. Thank you that he’s alive and well now doing a mighty work in all of our lives. Praise your holy name. We ask all this in the name of Christ Jesus Christ, our savior, Yeshua. Amen and amen. Folks, thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you for all of your love and support. Thank you for hitting the subscribe button and the follow button and we wouldn’t be here without you. We got some great announcements coming up pretty soon for an event or two next year.

Working on those and we look forward to sharing those with you and hopefully meeting all of you someday soon. For now, this lt saying semper fi with M. We know signing out the working man in your we’re just so many can’t get no respect. None done. Politically humorous Radhe.

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