9.3.23: LT w/ Dr. Elliott: Public debts not declining time to invest and PRAY!



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➡ Dr. Kirk Elliott discusses current global events, including a UN decision to launch a “digital army” to combat misinformation, the revision of GDP growth numbers from 2.4% to 2.1%, criticism over such figures being manipulated, and concerns about the implications of another potential COVID lockdown on small businesses and the middle class who, according to Elliott, haven’t recovered adequately from the first pandemic.
➡ The text discusses potential economic challenges due to another round of lockdowns, the global shift towards central bank digital currencies, and the potential negative impacts on the U.S. dollar. The writer warns young people of potential future issues with social security, suggesting they prepare as if it won’t exist. They laud the growth in the silver market and recommend periodically changing one’s financial position to suit growing markets.
➡ The current financial landscape features a possible economic crisis in America due to increased retirement age and lower benefits, along with financial struggles among private companies. The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) are expanding, shifting global power balances. However, the addition of economically unstable countries to the block might result in their further expansion to stronger economies. There is concern over the US dollar’s value and fears of the Federal Reserve’s destruction, potentially leading to the rise of a parallel economy based on tangible assets like gold and silver, thereby helping people weather this financial storm.
➡ The text is expressing gratitude and prayer for protection, indicating a religious and appreciative conversation.


Well, it’s great to have Dr. Kirk Elliott back with us once again. You guys know that every time we have recording, we have new information and it just seems to continue to pour in and we don’t have enough time. It seems we could talk for hours about all that is happening around this Earth, especially revolving around our money and control of this Earth. Definitely feels like the enemy is trying to get a hold of all of us, control us all.

If you guys want to reach out to Dr. Elliot during this interview or anytime, andwinow.com Gold is where you can reach out to him and his team and they’ll get back to you within 24 to 48 hours and work with you. Absolutely amazing support.

So anyway, we have some good things to talk about today. What seems to be the big one for you this week, Dr. Elliott? There’s there’s a lot of big things I don’t know, but we’ll just start, right? So last week we talked about there was the UN. Agenda to actually their new decision to have a digital army to stop misinformation and disinformation, right? So the digital army is nothing other than artificial intelligence putting its tentacles out to the world, seeing if there’s anybody inadvertently or inadvertently saying things that are contrary to their view, and they call that hate speech. Since when is somebody’s opinion hate speech? Right? So it’s not. It’s just they might be talking about antivaxx stuff because there’s another COVID variant coming out of they might be talking about central bank digital currency like we talk about all the time. It doesn’t mean hatred, actually, in my opinion. It means helping. It means love. It means the opposite of it because we’re trying to help people, right?

Right. So here’s my point behind all that. The rules obviously don’t go both ways, right? So they’re just trying to silence people who don’t have this globalist communist fascist agenda for the whole world, right, to enslave everybody. The reason I say that is the economic numbers just came out, like a couple of days ago, second quarter GDP growth, and the government said it was 2.4%. They’ve had all quarter to actually figure this stuff out, right? So then they get it done because the second quarter so January, February, March, April, May, June, the end of the second quarter was the last day of June. So you’ve had all of July and part of August already for them to actually figure out the numbers, which all it should be is a spreadsheet. They figure it out.

Right, right. So they said the growth was 2.4%. That’s the number that they report. And the reason I’m bringing all of this up is because have you noticed how every time some kind of a number comes out that’s important that they revise it like three days later? So they did. They revised the second quarter GDP growth from 2.4 to 2.1. So they cover the 2.4 story saying, this is really great. We did better than we expected. And then they give out the real numbers like, three days later.

It’s like and what is it, crickets? Nobody says anything about anything because they don’t see if you can brag about some fake number. You don’t want to come in and say you made a mistake. But the fake number was always fake. They knew what the real number probably was, but they just go and revise it so they don’t get caught lying. They said, oh, new data came out, new intel. We just revised it down lower. But they never revise it up. They always revise it lower.

Right. Okay. All right. So wouldn’t you classify that as misinformation or disinformation? Yeah. Can I just pause you right there for a second? For some folks listening and for me, too, just a little bit? Could you tell me what GDP is? I mean, just a basic because I have no clue, to be honest with you. I couldn’t talk about it if I wanted to.

GDP is gross domestic product. So that is all of the products produced and consumed in a country. Right. So it’s everything that we produce in America, and there’s always, like, some kind of weird mechanics on there. It’s like, let’s say you’re buying a General Motors car, which is an American company, but half of it’s manufactured in Mexico. Is that going to go on Mexico’s GDP or America’s? Right? So you have GNP, gross national product. Gross domestic product. They vary it. But this is basically all the final products that would be classified as an American company, right. Because their sales tax revenues, all the tax revenues, the payroll taxes would actually be paid to Americans. Right. Okay. This is basically the general global measurement of a country’s growth and productivity. It would be how much did their GDP grow, their gross domestic product grow over the year, over the quarter, over the month, whatever. Right, okay. So they’d say it grew an annualized rate of 2.4%. Well, A, that stinks, because what’s inflation, unofficially, inflation is hovering at about 15% to 20%. Okay. It’s right in that ballpark. This is what I did my dissertation on and produced the algorithm for the Bureau of Labor Statistics, because the way they did it was wrong. Right. So we’re at 15% to 20%. So that is a function of everything. Inflation is just retail prices of what everybody buys. Gross domestic product is retail prices of what everybody consumes. So if the economy how do I explain it in most basic terms? So if inflation is hovering at 15%, let’s say, and that’s the measure of everything that we basically are paying money for, and gross domestic product is the retail measure of everything that we produce, you would think that gross domestic product would equal inflation. Okay? Because it’s just the same. We’re measuring the same thing, things that we’re producing versus things that we’re buying it’s the same products. Right. So then why is inflation so much higher than gross domestic product? It’s like, oh, because the economy is actually shrinking, that’s why. Right. So they don’t really want to get those numbers out, which is why they lie about the unemployment rate, which is why they lie about the inflation rate. And this is why it’s hard to compare apples to apples from month to month or quarter to quarter, year to year, because they keep reassessing the numbers and revising them after the fact, and then they don’t report it. Well, this one was reported, but nobody covered it because you don’t want to report that the economy is growing even slower than what we said. Guaranteed. If it were revised upward, they would actually brag about. Right. So they did. You’ve got it’s not equal standards. It’s not equal scales when they want to put people in jail in the United Kingdom for hate speech, which is nothing different than just it’s not saying, lt, I hate you because of your religion or because of your gender, because of your politics. Right. It’s like, I think that we put too much emphasis on zero carbon emissions, or what about the border crisis? What about immigration? All I could say is something like that you’re spreading misinformation and disinformation about those things that the globalists care so much about. So therefore, we’re going to shut down your social media profile and we’re going to find you or put you in jail. Right? It’s like, good grief. It’s not even a slam against anybody other than the government. And their policies might be stupid, right? But that’s all that we’re talking about. So you’ve got that kind of stuff going on. Now, the COVID 2.0, everywhere I look, it’s starting to be talked about again. I have a very bad feeling about it. Right. Lockdowns mask mandates, travel restrictions, probably again.

Well, the COVID 1.0, that almost put middle America and entrepreneurs out of business because they had to live on their savings and on their retirement while they were shut down and people couldn’t go out to eat. People couldn’t do anything. Right? It’s like movie theaters almost went out of business. And so what did they do? They lived on loans, they lived on credit cards. They just did whatever they could to survive and get through. Well, that pretty much wiped out all savings of entrepreneurs in the middle class and small business owners. Right. So if COVID 2.0 hits and they have restrictions again, in a world where there’s no guarantees, lt, this is basically my guarantee it will wipe out most of this sole proprietors, mom and pop small business in America because they’ve already used all of their savings. They haven’t had time to recover from it from the first pandemic. Right?

Right. And I heard two days ago that the new pandemic is much more they’re already spreading this information about it. Right. That it’s facing lockdowns 2.0. Here’s a quote. Experts say that this variant requires intense monitoring and vigilance that many of its predecessors did not. That’s because it has even greater potential to escape the antibodies that protect people from getting sick. So how could it escape the antibodies? Well, it’s because they want it to. I mean, it’s manufactured, right? So it’s because they’re not giving us the right thing. And soWhat they want is Lockdown 2.0 to create crisis, to allow people then to accept what they have coming. What they have coming as central bank digital currency and the complete loss of freedom, the complete change in the global economy, a complete change in everything that we know. With the dollar being the US reserve currency. If they want something else to come in, you’ve got to create havoc and crisis that’s so bad that people will want what you have.

Right, so we’re already talking about Lockdowns 2.0, which I think is going to kill the domestic economy, not just the domestic economy of pretty much most countries. This is getting really rough and I can’t stand it that they’re thinking about this again. Yeah, I always say that it’s probably because the election is coming up again. That’s what we always talk about. And so they need to kick it off just like they did last time. They were already practicing in September, October of 2019, getting ready for this next election. So they can do mail-in ballots and then they can mail in as many ballots as you want and before you know it, they do the counting and it’s over. So that was a big part of it for me. The other part was I was running a small business at the time and yeah, it almost destroyed everything that we were doing. And I talked to many of our counterparts that run the same type of business and several of them went under. So it was a very difficult time for all of us.

Yeah, it’s going to be difficult even more so because back then you probably had a little bit of savings because you already hadn’t gone through it once. Right. So I do think it’s going to be quite severe this time. I think they’re going to fight differently about it. I think they’re just going to force mandate lockdowns, get everybody to stay home. I mean, it’s going to be kind of brutal, I really do. And I’m just praying that we don’t even get to that point, that it doesn’t happen again. But it’s not looking like that’s going to be the case when you’ve got the big companies, the pharmaceutical companies already making a vaccine, which is weird to me. Okay, so I saw a story, it’s like, how can you make a vaccine for something that doesn’t exist yet? Right? Well, they’re making it and they’re saying it’s a super vaccine that will actually basically help with just about everything. Right. Any kind of a cold corona type virus. I mean, it’s supposed to help with all of it, right? Well, it’s not, but plus, they do know what’s going to be in it, which is why they got a head start on making the vaccine, right? It’s just so you’ve got that happening.

All of this is pointing towards economic struggle. America is going to struggle. We’re going into an election year when the government starts doling out money, people are going to vote for the party that’s doling out the most money, right? I mean, this is like Politics 101 kind of stuff. It goes way back to the Roman Republic where politicians started bribing people for votes, right, by giving, offering free grain. I mean, we do the same thing now, it’s different language. Instead of just saying, well, we’re going to give you free stuff for our vote, that’s the end result. But they say, oh, you vote for me, we’re going to get you health care, universal basic income, we’ll make sure that your benefits don’t come down. Right? I mean, all these fluffy stories, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. There’s just not.

So because there’s no such thing as a free lunch, another article that I read over the last couple of days, it’s called The Western World is about to Deliver some Very Bad news to Its Young Adults. If you wanted to share that on the screen, if you can. There it is. Okay, you’ve got it. So here’s where what’s the bad news? Well, last week we had the BRICS Nations meet, right? So they met and they decided we’re going to devalue the dollar, de dollarize, the whole world, by trading with each other in our own currencies in the BRICS Nations, which is 70% of the world’s population, right? So devastating to the dollar. We’re going to have to print our way out of it. There’s no escape. It’s going to cause massive amounts of inflation. Right? So then what’s the bad news for the younger generation? Well, here’s the bad news. So when you print money like there’s no tomorrow, it causes inflation. Prices go up. You have to raise rates to slow that down. Fewer people are working. But all of this causes a massive entitlement state, right? It’s like you got people asking for handouts everywhere. They just have to make ends meet. Some meet a Band Aid, some want it to be a lifestyle, right? But the point is, there’s a lot of money going out and nothing really coming back because people aren’t working, right? That’s very expensive.

So what we’re seeing, what’s going to be devastating to young people is with all of this almost a guarantee, with the inflationary pressures and rising interest rates that will be here for a while, they’re going to have to start raiding the Social Security trust fund just they’ve done before in economic hard times and say, oh, when it gets good again, we’ll just pay it back. Everyone’s going to retire at the s ame time anyways, right? So let’s just borrow it because we don’t want to raise the debt ceiling. We have expenditures, we have fiscal stimulus, blah, blah, blah. But this time they’re not going to be able to pay it back.

So I think here’s the warning to young people is when you prepare for retirement, pretend like there is no Social Security. What would you do differently now if you knew that there was no government subsidies coming in for your retirement? No Social Security, no Medicare, all of that? We would start saving up quite a bit. Right. And this is where I think that we are. I don’t think for young people, Social Security is really going to be around. I think they’re going to rate it so much because they need the money for other things, just like they’ve rated it before that. I think young people in an inflationary world where interest rates are rising, are going to have to think of life without Social Security, without a government retirement, which technically it’s not that much anyways. It’s not much as much as private retirements generally. But still, imagine a world where that’s not there, because I don’t think that it will be. I really don’t.

So if you knew that to be the case, what would you do? A, you would probably save up more every month, actually physically save money, which it’s hard for Americans to do, that we like to spend, but save up more than what you normally would because, hey, when you stop working, there’s no cash flow coming in unless you’ve saved up for it. Right? So I would do that, and I would start allocating into the strength of markets, which right now happens to be silver. And then gold would be second, probably stock market and real estate. They’re all hitting the skids lately, but they would generally be third and fourth. But actually allocate into Silver ride out this trend. Right. So then when you do need money to retire on down the road, whether that’s five years, ten years, 20 years, 30 years down the road, your private investments, everything that you worked hard to allocate into, it’s going to be there because it’s growing. Right.

So what we’ve seen in silver, even like six weeks ago, maybe don’t know the exact date, it’s like $22.50 an ounce, not even the low that it was at. It was like at 22, 50, and today it’s 25. Literally, it’s up over 11% in the last week and a half. Amazing, right? So you look at what it’s done over the last ten months. Well, lt it was 1797. Now this week it hit 25. That’s incredible. You look at what it’s done since March, 3 and a half years ago. So March of 2023 and a half years ago, silver was eleven point $91 an ounce. So it’s now 25. It’s up well over 100% in three and a half years. That’s incredible growth.

So if you want to retire down the road, whether that’s 10, 20, 30 years down the road and Social Security is not going to be there. The point is you had better allocate into something that’s growing and keep doing that and changing your position when the markets peak out and we go into something else, that’s growing. Right? I mean, that’s our goal. Buy low, sell high. Now, I’m not saying with certainty that don’t hear me wrong. I’m not saying that Social Security is going to run out for sure. For sure. But boy, the writing is on the wall when we see it in France. France, they had to put in massive austerity measures, raising the age of retirement by another three to five years, I think it was, and reducing benefits. SoThey raised the retirement age, lowered benefits. Those austerity measures caused riots in the street. Right? That’s what could happen in America. They just kind of do the same thing. It could be ugly. It could be really ugly.

So this is kind of the world we’re living in right now, right, where it’s not just governments that are running out of money, but private companies are running out of money. The cost of hiring, the cost of health care, the cost of everything is becoming very intrusive on business owners. And it’s almost unreasonable to think that they could actually pay for that stuff. Right? Right. This is the world we’re heading into. We need to prepare for that world because we can’t really change it. Right. However, we can identify it and adapt and act accordingly. And that’s what we help people do. Yeah.

I was noticing one of the big things we talked about last week entering into this week would be the bricks, right. And what was going on in that area. I wanted to show you a quick little somebody put this cartoon out, said it’s from 100 years. 1925 cartoon by Robert Miner of the changing the changing balance of power in the world coming to fruition after 100 years. This image went viral on social media after the recent BRICS summit. So there you have China, India and Africa overlooking US imperialism, the guys with the cracked whips and so definitely strong cartoon there, for sure. And amazing how they would have that prediction play out in front of us. And how long ago was that cartoon? They said a 1925 cartoon. Oh, my word. So almost 100 years ago and they already nailed it. China, India, south Africa. I mean, this is wild. That’s crazy. It’s like a prophetic cartoon, almost. They knew.

So what’s going on in that area? Have you seen anything on the BRICS side since they all I mean, not really. Since they joined Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Joined the BRICS nations Right, I’m sorry. But then you’ve got Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and Argentina. That start up January 1. So the tentacles are spreading, right? Well, here’s what I think is kind of the ugly side of that. Egypt one of those countries that start up the beginning of January. It’s not a strong economy, okay? They’ve got massive devaluation of their currency and it’s unstable. Iran? Well, have they ever been a strong economy? No. How about Ethiopia? Even worse, right? And Argentina is going through massive inflationary spiral yet again. They can never get out of it of their currency collapse. So you look at these, they happen to be big oil producing countries, but other than that, they’re really not all that great as far as adding things to the table that they can bring productivity wise and everything else because their economy is in shambles. But here’s where I don’t think that the BRICS nations really care, because you’re getting population, you’re getting a larger trade block, they might not bring anything useful to the table except people. And there’s power in numbers, right. I think what’s going to happen, the point of all that is, since their economies aren’t that strong, why would the BRICS nations want them? Well, they want them for the people, not because of the economy. So I think what they’re going to do is add other stronger economies pretty early on next year to compensate for the ones that should have been strong that they just added. So I don’t think we’ve even seen the beginning of the end of the cycle that we’re in of countries being added to the BRICS nations. I think it’s going to be a bloodbath for the US dollar. An absolute bloodbath. Yeah.

There’s some assumptions out there by those that I’ve read on my news reports that the BRICS is going to destroy the Federal Reserve. And if the Federal Reserve goes away, eventually the IRS, and then it would be almost a positive move on the side where we would have new leadership step in and say, okay, now that we’ve gotten rid of these evil folks at Federal Reserve, we can now establish a new economy, or whatever. So that’s where that parallel economy thing came up for me in our discussions. Maybe that’s what you were talking about, I’m not sure. So I try to look for a positive in all of this because we know God’s in control. And so what is your take on that type of comment?

So I think it’s a really good one. We always must never forget that God is in control, okay? Don’t ever forget that. Anybody watching this, don’t let the words that lt and I say strike fear into you when God tells us, don’t even care about the sparrows. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Today’s got enough troubles, right? So don’t worry. The point is, God’s got all of this and he always does. When you look at what’s manifesting itself, it is big, it is ominous, it can be scary, right? But don’t let it, because with that you’re still going to have even more banks that fail and we always have to start asking, well, is ours one of them? Right? Is it going to be one of them? You never know which bank is going to fail. But you look at the other countries that are actually leaving our support system of Petrodollar and going to BRICS. So we’ve identified the problem, right? Just look at it with pure logic, right? If you were in Florida this week and Hurricane Adelia or whatever it was called were blowing through and there’s this storm surge of 8ft and you live at 3ft above sea level, it’s like, okay, you’re going to be 5ft underwater. This doesn’t look good, right? You better get out of just now. Does it mean that you’re never going back home? Does it mean that things are never going to turn back to normal? No, it doesn’t. You just get out of harm’s way for a bit, then you go back to what you’re used to. Same thing with the economy, right? I think there’s going to be things that parallel that come up. So when I’m talking about a parallel economy, I’m talking about using silver as bartered. State chartered banks that get out of the Federal Reserve System, that states are already legislating, actually using just gold as legal tender. I mean that’s another option that states have already passed. So there’s this groundswell of grassroots support that’s coming. But what we have to do is act, get out of the path of this hurricane so it doesn’t mow us over. Right? This is what we’re doing when we allocate into gold and silver. We’re just putting it there for a bit because it’s private, tangible asset goes up during times of inflation. Then when things go back to normal and normalize again, we’ll lock in. Those profits will go back into stocks or bonds or something, right? So here’s where don’t fret. Don’t let stress cause you to not do the right thing. Don’t let fear engulf you because we’re just looking at it with logic. Okay? Well it makes sense. Just like if your normal advisor said, hey, you need to sell your Apple stock and go into Google and say, well why should we do that? Right? Well, because it’s got higher profit margins, they’ve got more sales and it’s just the right thing to do. It’s like, okay, great, well let’s do it then. See, nobody thinks about a change from stock to stock as being the end of the world thing, right? All I’m saying is we’re changing from paper to gold and silver because it’s actually just doing better and it’s safer. So don’t look at it any different than any other reallocation, right? Yeah.

It’s almost as if no matter what happens, how this plays out, all the news, whatever, we seem to always be able to go back to silver and gold as the one that outweighs it all throughout the entire Earth. And so that’s why you guys play an important role in this. I think you’re just growing so much and getting a message out and the Lord’s allowing this to happen. And guys, I just highly encourage you to reach out to Dr. Kirk Elliott and his team. And we know Gold, they will help you answer any questions you have that we can’t cover in the 20 to 30 minutes that we have. And it’s just been fabulous what you guys do, and I appreciate these updates. Definitely want to continue to increase our giving in this area also, so I appreciate you guys. I want to lift you up in prayer real quick before we go. Thanks, Heavenly Father, so much going on, and we just definitely know that you’re in control and we worship you. We love you, and we thank you for the guidance you continue to provide us in this strange, awkward world that seems to be pummeled by the enemy day in and day out. We just thank you for the comfort and rest and peace you provide us. Thank you for bringing Dr. Kirk Elliott together at such a time as this. Perfect timing to provide us a resource so that we can continue to live on this earth and trading.Please reformat this text into natural paragraphs for easy reading. Paragraphs should be no longer than five sentences. Please add a blank line after the last paragraph. Do not add any new text or punctuation. Do not summarize. Do not remove any text or censor. Here is the text:

and bartering and more. Please continue to protect his team and all of us. In Jesus’ name I pray.

Amen. Amen. Thanks once again, brother.

Appreciate it. You bet. It’s my pleasure.



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