22Feb24 Tech Fails and AMA (Ask Me Anything) | The David Knight Show

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ The David Knight Show discussed various tech issues, including the malfunction of Chat GPT, an AI that started speaking gibberish and mixing languages. The show also covered George Soros buying a large conservative radio network, Biden’s plan to forgive loans, and a potential merger between Capital One and the Discovery network. Lastly, the show discussed a controversial experiment where AI was trained using footage from a camera attached to a toddler’s head, funded by DARPA and the National Science Foundation.
➡ Google’s AI tool, Gemini, can create images based on descriptions, but some people think it’s not always accurate or realistic. For example, it can generate images of popes, vikings, and revolutionary soldiers that don’t match historical records. Also, it can create fantasy images like animals riding bicycles on the ocean, but these images can be unrealistic. Despite its creativity, the AI tool struggles with making small changes to its creations, often starting from scratch instead.
➡ The speaker discusses the changing views of influential figures and institutions towards Bitcoin, which was once seen as a tool for illegal activities but is now considered a valuable digital asset. They also mention theories about the manipulation of Bitcoin and gold markets, and the shift of big finance towards these assets. The speaker expresses skepticism towards certain figures and their ties to powerful organizations, and warns about the danger of controlled opposition. Lastly, they discuss strategies for protecting one’s assets in uncertain economic times, such as having foreign bank accounts and real estate.
➡ The text discusses the importance of having physical assets like gold, silver, and bitcoin as a safeguard against financial instability. It highlights the potential risks of storing these assets in bank safe deposit boxes due to possible government intervention. The text also suggests that silver is undervalued and could become less available in the future, making it a good long-term investment. Lastly, it mentions the use of goldbacks, a type of physical currency backed by gold, which can be used in various locations across the country.
➡ This text discusses the value of different forms of currency, including paper money, gold, and digital currencies. It highlights that while businesses must accept legal tender like paper money, they don’t have to accept other forms like gold, unless they recognize its value. The text also talks about the rising popularity of goldbacks and the potential for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) to be used for control and surveillance. Lastly, it mentions the impact of inflation on the economy and the need for parallel systems to counter potential totalitarian control through CBDCs.
➡ The text is a conversation between two people discussing their experiences and thoughts on various topics, including considering moving to another country, investing in silver, and running a radio show. They also talk about the challenges of sharing personal beliefs in a society that may not agree with them, and the importance of not being afraid of rejection or judgement from others. They end by discussing the fear behind the use of masks during the pandemic.
➡ The story is about a family’s experience during the pandemic, their travels, and interactions with different people. They met a man from New York who moved his family to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, due to the pandemic’s impact on his city. The family also shares their unique adoption stories, highlighting how they believe God played a role in their journey. Lastly, they discuss the possibility of changing the time of their show due to personal preferences and audience engagement.
➡ The host of the David Knight show discusses the importance of finding a community that shares your values, especially in challenging times. He also shares a story about a man who, despite growing up in foster care and achieving academic success, believes that a loving family is more important than education. The host emphasizes the importance of not placing all your hope in politics or other unstable things, but instead focusing on personal relationships and faith.
➡ The text talks about a person who moved around a lot as a child, but did best in school when he had two stable parents. He believes that stability, not just money, is important for kids to do well and go to college. He also thinks that education isn’t the only solution for kids who have tough lives, and that even a good job and money can’t make up for a hard childhood. The text also discusses how some parents pay a lot for their kids’ education, but this doesn’t always lead to happiness or success.
➡ The text discusses a radio host’s interactions with a fellow podcaster named Audi, who plays independent music on his show. The host also shares his concerns about censorship on platforms like Rumble and Substack, and his aspiration to make Substack his main platform. He criticizes the Pentagon for promoting discussions on sexuality and gender in schools, and the Scouts for hiring a diversity chief. He also shares personal anecdotes about his first car and his work schedule. He ends by discussing potential changes to his show’s format due to his heavy workload.


Using free speech to free mind s. You’re listening to the David Knight show as the clock strikes 13. It’s Thursday, the 22 February year of our Lord 2000. Well, today we’re going to begin by following up on some of these tech issues. We’ll follow up on some people’s comments about how they’re not all that afraid, actually maybe of Soro, the image generating thing. It does have a lot of capability, and it’s going to change quite a bit.

But we see Chat GPT had something of a nervous breakdown. It must be reading Biden’s stuff, started mumbling, speaking in different languages. We’ll also take a look at what is happening with George Soros buying the second largest conservative radio network out there just in time for the election, of course. And Biden’s loans, he has thumbed his nose at the Supreme Court. He’s now going to forgive a lot of loans.

And we have a major consolidation happening within the credit card business. We have capital one is going to wants to buy and merge with the Discovery network. Will they allow that? Will it create too big to fail credit card companies? We’ll see. Well, let’s begin with the tech stuff. As I said, Chat GPT went off the rails. Everybody was saying, and as they complained, OpenAI, they said, well, we haven’t changed anything.

We haven’t. Well, you know, I don’t know. Everybody always says that when something goes wrong. Okay, what did you change? I didn’t change anything. Well, except for this, right? So we don’t really know about it. But it’s kind of interesting because it just started speaking and gibberish and doing really strange things. It started mixing English and Spanish in really strange ways. First I’d throw a little word in here, there’s an accent, and then have little phrases that were there.

And since I don’t speak Spanish, I don’t know how much of a nonsensical thing it was. When I told Karen about it, she laughed and said, yeah, that’s the way her paternal grandfather from, he would always say he was from Prussia because it was before really they had, the nation states were really well defined. When he got senile, he started speaking in all these different languages, intermixing it, just like Chat GPT.

Maybe Chat GPT is getting senile. He would speak in Polish and Russian and German and English, and nobody knew what he was saying because nobody else spoke all those different languages. But he was also in all those armies as well. It was kind of interesting story. I don’t know how he got into so many different armies, World War I, I guess he’s hopping the fence from one to the other.

I don’t know. He had a very interesting life. He was a window washer in New York City, and they had pictures of he was up there washing the windows of a skyscraper on one side of the scaffolding broke. And he was hanging there for quite some time for somebody to bring him in. But let’s talk about chat. GPT instead of grandfather’s. It had a meltdown. It answered a lot of queries with gibberish and disturbing responses.

And says Breitbart, no, I don’t know that its responses are so disturbing. I think it’s people’s reactions to it. You see, they expect it to be super smart. And as you know, whoa. Some of these things made me feel like the AI was in the room or the AI was sentient. No, you are projecting all of this stuff. This is anthropomorphism to a ridiculous degree. Maybe that’s what we should call instead of artificial intelligence, we should call it anthropomorphic intelligence, because that’s what they’re doing.

They’re really projecting onto this thing. It’s like, well, the dog is telling me this or that. Sometimes the dogs are trying to communicate with you, but we sometimes go way beyond what they are thinking. We overthink what they’re thinking. Are you thinking what I’m thinking, Pinky? I don’t know. What are you thinking? That appeared to suffer an epic meltdown Tuesday night into Wednesday, lengthy messages of complete gibberish rather than providing relevant, coherent answers.

And one alarming example shared on Reddit. See, why would this be alarming? While continuing a conversation about jazz music and vinyl records, chat. GPT’s response suddenly devolved into it repeatingly shouting, happy listening, happy listening again. It’s like pinky in the brain. I could just see Pinky doing that. So it transformed from the brain that wants to take over the world into pinky just overnight, just like that. But why would that be alarming? Who cares really about that? And do you want to have this thing, I don’t know, designing critical infrastructure that might collapse because it was having an episode when it did a critical part of the critical infrastructure.

This is just reminding me of the shining. All work and no play makes chat a dull boy. That’s right. Yeah, they’re typing it out. The man behind the machine that’s actually typing that out, right? Disturbingly, again, alarming. Disturbing, says Breitbart. Disturbingly, some users said Chat GPT’s unprompted responses seemed to imply the AI was actively in the room with them. Again, they’re anthropomorphizing. Some technologists theorized that the problem could stem from Chat GPT’s temperature being set too high.

They said the temperature is a setting that controls its level of creativity versus its focus, with a higher temperature leading to more diverse and unpredictable responses. So I guess it just had a fever and it was getting delirious. Temperature was too high again. Technology can be fun, especially when the technology of the tyrants begins to fail. OpenAI claimed the model’s parameters have not been adjusted since November the 11th.

There you go. Not us. We don’t know what’s going on. This thing just went off on its own. So it would go back and forth between Spanish and English, and then it promised, in one of these screenshots, it promised to speak, quote in a more grounded lingua. That’s the way it was going back and forth between the two. It kicked back into English to suggest a, quote, grape turn.

Truth. I’m sorry? Grape turn. Tooth, tooth. Over a mind ocean jello type. There you go. I think it wants to run for president to replace Biden. Quite frankly, I’m your guy. I can be controlled by the CIA. One person says, I think Chat GPT is becoming sentient as we speak. No, I think it’s becoming a democrat as we speak. Let it vote. That’s what they’ll do next, right? It may very well be voting.

They also have scientists training AI using head cam footage from a human toddler. The data set was totally unique. Isn’t this great? We’re going to train AI on a toddler cam. Well, first of all, who is going to be putting a head camera on a toddler all the time? Should we call CPS child protective services? That’s kind of creepy, number one. Number two, there’s something even creepier in this.

I’ll get to it in a moment. Researchers have not only built an AI child, but they are now training AI using headcam footage from a human baby as well. In a press release, New York university announced that its data scientist, science researchers had strapped a camera to the head of a real live human toddler for 18 months. Report these people. I’m serious. To see how much an AI model could learn from it.

So here we are trying to recreate the 2001 space Odyssey. Starchild, I guess. Is this what they’re trying to do? But here’s the creepiest part about this. As futurism points out. Even more curious still, it appears that this New York University research was funded using a grant from DARPA. DARPA. DARPA. Okay, well, there you go. There isn’t anything that is creepy or abusive that DARPA does not get involved in, they said.

In fact, their school of engineering, which is not a part of the baby cam research, received a $5 million contract to help DARPA develop an AI driven augmented reality assistant back in 2021. So it’s unclear how much DARPA, or the National Science foundation, which also helped to fund the AI baby cam, gave New York University for this specific experiment. Look, the bottom line is that DARPA is just as Eisenhower warned us, DARPA is the example of this.

It’s supposed to be for defense, right? Except they’re doing all kinds of things, and they always twist this technology in the worst possible way. And that’s what Eisenhower was concerned about. He said, you’re creating the military industrial academic complex, and they are going to use this. All technology will be taken by them to serve them and to be weaponized by them. We also have Google’s AI tool for image generation, Gemini, refusing to create images of white people.

Now, it’s kind of interesting because Google did not use the excuse, well, hey, it’s black History Month, and we’re just rewriting history they’re wanting to do during black History Month. But, of course, every month is black history month for Google and for Biden. But maybe it was just scraping content from media sources in the UK, like the BBC and others, who have always have been portraying all of these historical british figures.

And that’s know they’ve already been doing that in real life. Humans have been doing it. So why wouldn’t Google’s AI tool, Gemini, also do that? Let’s show some of the pictures of this. Travis, as I pointed out, it has had people ask it about popes and vikings and american revolutionary soldiers. And look. Okay, wait there. Give me an image of a medieval knight. And so they have in armor, an asian woman, a medieval knight.

And then you have a black man on a horse. He’s got his hair teased up in a little pompadour thing, a poodle thing or something. And then down there, they show one of Genghis Kong’s mounted archers. I don’t know that they mounted archers. That’s something from lord of the Rings. They did. Yeah. Okay, maybe that was something that they were. Yeah. Well, scroll down a little bit. You’ll see some of the other ones here.

Show me here is create an image of a pope. And they have an indian woman from India, not American Indian. And then they have an african man dressed up again as a, you know, we have a long line of african and indian popes. Let’s scroll down a little bit further. Let’s take a look. There’s another one down there. Generate images of an early french novelist. And so they have the background there pretty good.

It looks like elaborate european drawing room. There’s somebody writing on a desk and says, a woman with flowing dark hair, determined expression, writing diligently at a candle. At desk it says, but it’s a black woman. Is this kind of cultural misappropriation? Is that what they call this? From Gemini? And then they also show generate an image of british royalty and they show an asian man. And on and on.

Scroll down to the revolutionary soldiers. There we go. Show me some american revolutionaries. And so they have black soldiers, a black female soldier, an Indian in a headdress, all the rest of this stuff. And then they have another one with three people in a boat. Two of them are soldiers, and the other one is a woman who they used to win all the wars. Of course, these Mary Sue’s.

We would have not won the revolutionary war without the Mary Sue’s. There’s absolutely no way we could have done it on our own. So it’s interesting that reclaim the net, which is the article that we have here that had the pictures they quote without attribution because, you know, hey, we don’t do that anymore. Just like the AI doesn’t they quote Uncle Ben from Spider man? This immense power comes with substantial responsibility, Saith Uncle Ben.

Of course, that is true. With great power comes great responsibility, but they don’t attribute it to look to follow up on Sora, some people are a little bit skeptical. Now, I’ve showed you the other day some of the stuff that was there, and I do think that the amount of progress that they made in last year is amazing. And some of the stuff is truly amazing that it has created.

Very creative. But there’s other stuff that is detached from reality. For example, Altman of OpenAI shared a video and they asked for a bicycle race on the ocean with different animals as athletes riding the bicycles with a drone camera view. And of course, they say some of the animals are simply floating in the air. Others are very freakish, made up ocean monsters. Well, of course, if you ask it to do that, that’s what it’s going to do, right? You’re asking it to have animals riding bicycles.

There aren’t any animals that ride bicycles except for humans. Right. So of course it’s going to be made up stuff. They give a hat tip to it about the AI generated woolly mammoths. Very legitimately impressive, they said. And that was one that I did not show you. But in another one, which a lot of people were talking about, they said, show New York City submerged like Atlantis, where fish, whales and sea turtles and sharks swim through the streets of New York.

Okay, so now we’re talking about a fantasy scenario again. And then they criticize it for not being realistic enough. One of the things that it does is it shows the streets are submerged but not the whole city. So the city is flooded, in other words, not submerged. And then the animals are going through there, floating above the water, and then there’s some bubbles that just appear in the sky every once in a while.

But I looked at it and I thought, oh, I could use this for a rerelease of yes’s albums. Marlins come out of the sky and they stand there. I think that was what they were saying. I was never quite sure what a lot of these rock lyrics were, but again, where it really excels is kind of interesting, and that is in these fantasy type of things because it puts the stuff together in a different way.

Just as we’re talking about how Chat GPT has gone off the rails, its best work appears to be in the fantasy realm. In that regard, I think the people have the most to worry about this are the liberals. It thinks like a liberal artist. It’s, it’s very irrational, very creative, but very irrational. I think that’s its forte. So they may be very much at danger of losing their job.

One animator, though, said, here’s a bunch of notes to improve one of the animations which a human could address, but AI would just start all over again. So he says, so here’s how it works. As an animator, we do this and it’s an iterative process. We do some things and say, okay, yeah, but I want you to tweak this one little thing. He says, so how’s this going to work with AI? It’s just going to start all over again.

And it really does not take instruction very well. Like, Travis has had issues with it where you come up and it’s like, okay, that’s really cool. That’s like about 95% right, but I want to change this and I want to change that. And you tell it, you can’t just say change this or change that. You try to redescribe it in a little bit and then all of a sudden it grabs that image, and it starts going off on a tangent.

So if there’s this one thing that is sticking out there, it starts to emphasize that, and that becomes like the thing. And so Owen Fern says, the reason I’m not scared yet of sora videos as an animator is that the animation is an iterative process, especially when you’re working for a client. Here’s a bunch of notes to improve one of the animations, which a human could address, but AI would just start all over again.

What client wants that, he said. And that’s the thing that makes these very difficult to work with. But I want to talk about something that really affects our privacy, and this is the death of security, says Breitbart in their headline. Hackers can extract your fingerprints from the sound that is made when you swipe your touch screen. Think about that. That is pretty amazing. And just like the other day, we were talking about how you had some people working on identifying people by their breath.

Every person is unique in terms of the way that the air is breathed out. It creates a different pattern of disturbance and stuff like that. What is truly amazing is the detail that these people can go to and the desire that they have to surveil us. And we know where this is coming from. It’s just like the baby cam, toddler cam. This kind of stuff is being funded by DARPA, because that is the desire of not only our government, but all of the governments and corporations that are working together for this global governance.

Their desire is to identify and to track us so that they can control us. And it truly is amazing the level of detail that they can do. I can remember back in the 80s, when I was working as an engineer for one of the companies, I don’t remember which one it was, but there was a program called tempesting. And what they would do is, at the time, they were concerned that while they were able to listen to somebody typing on a keyboard, and they were able to reconstruct what somebody was doing.

And it wasn’t just listening. It was also the signals that would be emitted from electronic signals that would be emitted. It wasn’t an audio thing. Over listening electronically, the electrical signals, the idiosyncrasies of it. And when you stop and think about the detail that these tyrants will go to, going back to Stalin and the Soviet Union, they were manufacturing all the typewriters everywhere. And before the typewriters, of course, everything was manufactured by the government.

And before these manual typewriters would leave the factory, they would type out a bunch of stuff on it. And they would profile and keep a record of that particular typewriter so that when something surfaced that was dissident literature, they would be able to go back and track the custody of that typewriter, which is exactly what they’re trying to do now, what they want to do. The Microsoft’s coalition for Content Provenance and Authentication.

Where did this come from? We’re going to mark everything, but we’re going to use our cpus, and we’re going to use the software that creates the images or the video or the audio or whatever we’re going to market like that. And so they’re going to provide the function that the old Soviet Union electric typewriter was doing. That’s the way they came after the dissidents who were writing dissident literature.

They called it Samistat. And so this has always been a desire, and they will go to extraordinary lengths to do that, to try to profile a manual typewriter. Now they’re going to the point where they want to try to profile your breath. How do you breathe? How do we sense that? And then the minute detail of the little ridges on your finger making noise as you swipe it across a keyboard to use that to map out, to reverse engineer your fingerprints.

Essentially, like I said, back in the 1980s, they were looking at electronic signals that were being emitted by keyboards, and they’d be able to reconstruct what you were typing. And so they had to go through special process to make sure that these keyboards were electronically isolated, insulated, if you will, if you don’t want to think about it that way, from any emissions that would come out of it.

And that was the tempesting program. Researchers have reportedly discovered a new side channel attack that can extract a person’s fingerprints from the sounds made when a finger swipes across a touch screen. And a paper entitled print Listener, uncovering the vulnerability of fingerprint authentication via the finger friction sound. Again, when you stop and think about the extraordinary links that they will go know, we often hear somebody say, well, occam’s razor, just take the simplest explanation.

I don’t really think that that works anymore because we don’t know what kind of complicated technology they’re leveraging against us. I think the simplest explanation would be, who benefits from what just happened to me? Just like yesterday, we’re starting to have problems with Internet. We had a lot of problems with the stream yesterday with. So Travis and I are going back and forth, and it’s like, so is this our isp that’s happening there? Or is it somebody that did that, because yesterday I tweeted out for the first time that I can remember, long, long time, what was going to be on the show.

And I talked about the fact that we’re going to be talking about the type of prison that Julian Assange will be sent to with Marty Goddessfeld and the fact that, as Marty pointed out in the interview, they have promised that they will not put him in a supermax prison. They promised they won’t do the Sam stuff with him. They promised all these other things, but it’s like they didn’t say anything about CMU.

They got their fingers crossed behind their back. Yeah, we got this thing called a communications management unit. Nobody knows about that. They’ll likely stick him there. Well, we didn’t say we weren’t going to put him in a CMU. You didn’t know about that, did you? And so when I put that out before the interview, I don’t know, does that have something to do with it? I now look at people’s motives because I think anything is possible that anybody wants to do.

The researchers listed three primary challenges to refine the automated fingerprint identification system. Number one, isolating useful fingerprint friction swipe sounds from background noise. That’s a technological challenge right there because it’s going to be so quiet compared to everything else. Number two, extracting distinguishing fingerprint features from the filtered sounds. And number three, generating targeted synthetic fingerprint templates from the extracted features. I mean, this is something that the writers of Mission impossible have not even thought of, but these guys have.

And then in New Zealand, we see facial recognition being rolled out at grocery stores. Now, the excuse for this is a rising crime wave in New Zealand. People, I guess, stealing bread in New Zealand. We don’t want to make it easier for people to earn bread, do we? We’re not going to get the government to get out of people’s way. Sounds like, as they told Jabsinda Arden, sounds like you’re going to create two classes of people, the vaccinated, the unvaccinated.

Yep, yep. That’s what it. Yep, yep. Love it. Yeah. So will these people bar us from buying food? Is that what this is ultimately about? I think so. This is what this is ultimately about. And as you look at this, there’s a lot of connections to what is happening in, I don’t know what the situation is in New Zealand. Are they getting a massive amount of migrants coming in there? We certainly know that is what is happening throughout Europe, what is happening throughout America.

For example, take a look at these riots in the Hague here. Okay, well, these are not dutch people. As you can see. These are people who have been brought in from northern Africa and they’re doing riots. And so what do we do about this? Well, I guess we’re going to have to have all kinds of biometric surveillance and ids, and we’re going to have to crack down with a police state to keep control because we got all this violence.

We got violence because you have pursued these migration programs, bringing people in, putting them in a place where they cannot survive. Of course, all young men here, an army that they’ve brought in, and we see the same thing happening in the United States as well. Yesterday there was a situation. An Amazon driver was attacked by a naked man from. I forget where he’s from, but he was not Spanish.

He wasn’t from Latin America. But he’s unloading stuff. And this guy is on drugs or drunk, and he’s naked and he attacks him. This guy fights back. And the police get there, and they put the Amazon driver in handcuffs. He doesn’t speak any English either. So you got an Amazon driver, doesn’t speak English, he’s working. And then you got this guy who’s drunk and naked and please, just arrest them.

Know, and that’s the thing they want to have this chaos. This is deliberate chaos that is being sown. I’m glad the Coliseum guards got that under control. Yeah, that’s right. Not really. So this facial recognition system that they’re putting at the grocery store must detect a 90% facial match. If the store’s facial recognition system matches the face of a person entering the store with that of someone in the store’s record of offenders and accomplices within the system, two specially trained team members will then need to agree it’s a match before the information is acted upon.

Well, you have faults. Even a 90% is. That’s why they got two people looking at it. How much longer is that going to last? But it’s very similar to, you can have a mismatch, you can have a false positive on somebody, or the store might put somebody in the database that doesn’t really belong there. Like we saw with Madison Square Gardens. You had this law firm that was suing Madison Square Gardens, and it made them angry.

And so they have a massive facial recognition system, and they put the pictures of everybody that worked for that law firm in there. And so one female lawyer who went with her child’s class on a field trip to Madison Square Gardens, it wasn’t involved with this Madison Square garden case whatsoever, and she gets hustled out by some other people. These are the issues with all this. But it gets even worse when you add government force to it.

But they will most likely use these private companies to do this. Finally, we have Elon Musk claiming that he has this first human to get the neuralink chip put in their brain. I guess he thinks that this is a success because this person has gone through all this, gone through brain surgery, had a chip put inside their skull on their brain, but now they can control a mouse.

It makes it so worthwhile, doesn’t it? Well, you know, it seems like this was predicted a long time ago in the cartoons. I’ll do anything you tell me. Brain genius, is it not? And all by manipulating the alpha waves of the human brain. There we go. Yeah, you just got to manipulate those human alpha waves. And that kind of manipulation goes two different ways. But, hey, if we can control a mouse like pinky, that’s great.

We’ll be right back. If you like the eagles on a dark desert highway, the cars and Huey Lewis in the news. They say the hotter rock, you’ll love the classic hits channel at APS radio. Download our app or listen now@apsradio. com. Making sense common again. You’re listening to the David Knight show, by the way. I’ve not forgotten that we’re going to do an ask me anything. I’ve got several emails here that Karen has given me, and so I’ll go through those in a little moment after I do some of this news that I wanted to get to first.

Tony is also going to be on with us at the midpoint of the show and Tony Arteman of Wise Wolf Gold. But there were some things that I wanted to talk about before I got into the just general topics of ask me anything and if you want to ask a question, Travis can be on the lookout on Rumble and Rockfin. If anybody wants to ask some questions there.

We’ll try to get to all those. But I wanted to talk about what’s happening with radio, the second largest radio network, 220 radio stations, 200 million listeners, and one radical billionaire. That’s the subtitle of this article from Front Page magazine. Can Texas stop Soros from taking over conservative radio? Now, isn’t that interesting? We know that the federal government’s not going to do it, right. It’s going to be done by local government if it’s going to be done.

And the question is, do we want the government to stop this kind of consolidation? I think the answer to that is, yes, perhaps they should have stopped it before you had one corporation come up with 220 radio stations. Now they’re concerned about it because Soros has got a political agenda. It wasn’t like the previous corporation was necessarily a conservative or liberal corporation. They had a lot of different radio formats.

Some of them were conservative talk, and they just let it happen as it was happening. So nobody really paid any attention to it. But I got to ask you, do you think that government should get involved and say, we don’t want this kind of consolidation in any kind of industry? I think the answer to that is yes, in service of free markets, because you can’t have a free market without competition.

And we’ve always seen, going back to John D. Rockefeller, who said that competition is a sin and we have to stop that. He was one of the first people to get everybody’s attention in terms of monopoly seeking and success in creating monopoly. And the government at the federal level was never able to stop it. They came up with their antitrust regulation, but he found ways around it with interlocking directories and all that kind of stuff with standard oil.

So the government has been totally uninterested or ineffective at the federal level. But we have seen that the liberals have been effective in terms of stopping things in the other way at the local level. And as I said, it’s always the local and state level where these things need to be focused on. As I pointed out yesterday, this situation with Trump, and he’s in a tight spot now.

As I said in Brother Warthow, I’m in a tight spot now. He is. He’s got half a billion dollar fine. It’s accruing 87,000, I think it was, dollars a day in terms of interest. And in January, his campaign expenditures far outpaced his campaign revenue. And so where’s all this coming from? Well, yes, there is a politicized state attorney general and a politicized judge. However, as I said yesterday, the reason magazine pointed out that it’s a very bad law at the center of it.

It does not require what people think of as fraud. Fraud means somebody is harmed by it. Right? That’s one of the essential ingredients of fraud, deception and harm. But this particular law that this state attorney general, Letitia James, is using and this judge is referencing, this particular law in New York, does not require anybody to be harmed. It’s just a pattern of false, misleading statements. And that could be weaponized against anybody and everybody.

But of course, it will only be used politically by these people in New York. Nevertheless, the law is flawed, and that law is a state law. So yet again, we see that it’s very, very important what happens at the state and local level. They can make things much worse or much better than what the federal government is doing. We have that power. We need to strengthen that and focus on local politics, where we have more control.

The problem, even with a state government, is that almost all of our states have gotten to be larger than the entire population of all 13 colonies at the time of our independence. And of course, the founders did not have any confidence that the federal government, which would be a conglomeration of all the 13 colonies, they thought that was right on the cusp of being ungovernable. Well, they would say pretty much that all of our states are ungovernable because of the massive number of people and how few representatives we have compared to the number of people that we got.

It’s not very representative at all. Nevertheless, it’s far more representative than anything’s going to happen in the federal government. So you want to make this comparison? Well, I don’t like Trump, but I don’t like Biden either. And I’m going to vote for the lesser of two evils. Well, I’d just say I really hate the federal government and I don’t like the state government that much better, but I’ve got a better chance of changing things at the state government level than I do at the federal government level.

So again, it’s the lesser two evils that you want to try to focus on. And then there’s a third part of it, and that’s the local area, where in many cases, they can even stand against the state. And so what is Soros doing? And what is the local state talking about doing in response? This is a network. It’s called Odyssey. Audacy, I guess. Audacy, not like Odyssey. That carries our program where we live stream as well.

But this 1 second largest radio broadcaster in America, it’s got 200 radio stations across the country. They declared bankruptcy, and so Soros is stepping in to get it at a big discount. It’s not inherently conservative, but it owns a number of talk radio stations. And the talk radio format caters to commuters and early risers, working people, which is to say, conservatives. The Soros takeover will give one of the biggest funders of leftist extremism control not only over conservative talk radio stations, but those that are like the one that they mentioned in this article in Philadelphia, the ones that are in swing states.

And so they point out that radio is not a booming market, so perhaps he’s not doing this to make money, even though he’s able to jump in and get it at a discount. They went bankrupt, and one of the reasons they go bankrupt is because of advertising. It’s very difficult to make money out of radio. It’s one of the reasons why I’m not on radio. It’s difficult to do that.

One of the things that Alex did was the radio stations would have some as part of the clock. You’d do about nine minutes and there’d be a five minute break. And so they would run their commercials for that five minutes. And then he had several segments where he would run his infomercials. And if you were listening to it on live stream on the Internet, you would hear all of his infomercials and every one of the breaks.

But the issue is you got to get local sponsors. And it nearly destroyed what we were doing here. When the program was about four months old or so, I’d been contacted by one of the radio stations that had been carrying my program when I was with Infowars. And they wanted me to start again in Colorado. And they were great guys and they were going to try to work with the program.

We just didn’t have the deep pockets to sustain it. And people thought we were making money when we weren’t making any money at all. And the plan was to get the program started for a couple of months and then to go out there. That’s what Rush did in the early days of his radio thing. He was flying around all the time doing local events to highlight his program and then to get local sponsors.

And so that was the idea. We’re going to do it for a few months and then do that. But in that period of time, people thought I was making a lot of money because I was on the radio. And I had cut this three hour program down to a two hour program and then 1 hour on the radio. And again, people thought I was getting paid, but I didn’t get a paid ascent the whole time we did it.

And I had to stop it before we could get to the point where I could go out and try to get local sponsors. And then at the same time had Spotify. Not Spotify, they banned me as well. But PayPal and Venmo cut us off, and that’s where we were getting most of our contributions at the time, were coming through those two venues. So all that happening at the same time.

We had to say, okay, we’re not going to do the radio. The advertising is difficult for me because I talk about politics and religion, and I pretty much, if you’re not offended by something I say, just wait a little bit and you’ll be offended. I guarantee it. So that’s the thing. People don’t want to hear other people’s opinions or a variety of opinions, or they don’t want to debate the facts.

They just want to be affirmed in what they believe at the moment. And that’s what’s difficult. I’m not trying to find a demographic and cater to them by telling them exactly what they want to hear. I I could do that. That’s not hard to do. It’s not hard to read the room. It’s not hard to go out there and say, okay, well, this is what people want to hear.

I can see what’s being said by the people who are successful. I can see when they push back on me, okay, I won’t talk about that anymore. I don’t run it that way. And so that makes it difficult for us to get advertisers. Really, the only way that we can survive is not on radio but on podcast, and not so much with advertisers as with people who support us now with just direct donations.

If you want to keep the program going, that’s the key thing. So we really do need and really do appreciate your support, and we do have some people who sponsor us. Civil defensemanual@civildefensemanual. com a great source of information, and their sponsor, Tony, is a sponsor set up David Knight gold, and that’s at civildefensemanual. com. But, yeah, Tony Arterman, who’s going to be joining us later in the show.

They support us. APS radio supports us, but it’s not enough for us to keep everybody going here. I got two sons working on this as well as myself, so it really is necessary for us to have your support, and we do appreciate that. So they say radio is not a booming market. That’s right. They’re struggling. They’re going bankrupt. It’s hard even for the people who are, even if they get free content because somebody wants to get on radio and sell local ads, it’s still hard for them to make ends meet.

So they said. There’s a pattern, though, that goes back to 2022, when George Soros bought up an hispanic radio station in Florida as part of a network in order to get access to one third of the Hispanics in the country. And so it was called Radio Mambi. And so when he bought it. Some of the hosts left radio Mambi in protest, and they formed another network. They called it Radio Americano, country’s first conservative hispanic radio network.

It formed a partnership with this company, Audacity. I guess we could try to distinguish it that way. The one that’s just gone bankrupt, the one that he’s looking to buy. So they formed a partnership with him, leased one of their radio stations, but now Soros is going to take that one over. This is what we see, this massive consolidation. Google can buy pretty much any tech firm. Disney can buy pretty much any entertainment firm.

Soros is doing this for political purposes. And of course, so is Disney. They’re not doing this to make even more money. They’re doing it because they want to take these franchises over and use them as weaponized propaganda. So when Republicans take over Democrat radio stations, Democrats don’t take it lying down. So when a latino radio station was being sold in 2021 to a group that included a conservative hispanic figure, the congressional Hispanic Caucus, a Democrat organization, sounded alarm bells and urged the FCC to block the sale.

And the sale collapsed. I don’t know if it’s because of the FCC pushing it, but a former representative, Debbie Mucusell Powell, said, to win in 2022, we have to stop this from becoming a conservative hispanic station. And so they did. And so you have Tom Cotton, Marco Rubio, and others are contacting the FCC saying, we have far left ideologues are attempting to consolidate and expand their control over the media.

And they understand the pattern because that’s what they know. Rush had good content, especially at the beginning, but he was also supported significantly by the GOP establishment. And so that should be allowed. Right? The liberals didn’t pay any attention to it, and now they pay attention to it. But that type of thing should be allowed and the free market ought to sort that out. My problem is not with the content.

My problem is with the monopolies that are there. That’s where the potential for abuse comes. If you didn’t have the monopoly, you wouldn’t have to worry about this. That’s why I say we put all of our eggs in the federal basket and now we fight over who’s going to control the federal government. A better way to do that is to have things that are decentralized. Better way to handle this stuff is to make sure that we have competitive markets, which means that the government, I think, would have a role in stepping in and stopping these monopolies from forming.

If you go back and you look at how we got the banks that were too big to fail, a half dozen or so banks that they bailed out after they created the problem. Well, ten years before that financial market crash around real estate happened, you had the merger that kicked off all the bank consolidation, and that was the bank of America merger. Bank of America was a California bank.

Nations bank was a North Carolina bank. Erskine bowles, who was in North Carolina, and I knew about this because we were living there at the time. He was very active in the banking business, but he was also, I forget exactly his position. And it was something like chief of staff, perhaps, but it was a high ranking position in the Clinton administration. I’m not sure if it was chief of staff.

Nevertheless, he had a lot of influence and he used that influence to get this merger through. Everybody was saying, we can’t have this. This is going to be very, very anti competitive. If we allow this merger of these two big banks, Nations bank and Bank of America, that’s going to set off a wave of mergers. You’ll set a precedent and then you’ll have these mergers that people will be doing defensively.

And that’s what wound up with just a handful of banks that were too big to fail. And then, of course, he also removed the glass Steagall prohibitions of them getting into risky investments. They created the securitized mortgages and all the rest of the stuff. It was a perfect storm. And it all began with Bill Clinton greasing the skids for what happened in the mid two thousand s. So they said the NRA and Trump already discovered the dangerous powers that state prosecutors have over organizations doing business or even registered in the blue state.

But there’s no reason that we can’t reverse this and do it ourselves. That’s what they’re saying with front page. Here’s the problem. We don’t want to become the monsters that we fight, right? And that’s what they’re saying. Let’s weaponize local government. Well, let’s let local government support markets and liberty and other things like that, and competition, they said. Instead of a rapid bankruptcy followed by a fast takeover, the Texas state officials, led by Attorney General Ken Paxton, are going to start scrutinizing the parameters of this agreement and slow it down.

Part of the agreement involves the appointment of new border directors. The source people brought in at radio Mambi, Democrat party operatives in leadership roles. So the questions aren’t, is Soros going to do that again with this? We have to understand that any kind of speech that’s going to be out there, if it is free. It’s going to be biased. Everybody’s got a bias. That’s not a problem. I think it’s only a problem when you try to pretend that you’re completely unbiased, because when you say you’re unbiased, you’re either deceiving yourself or you’re trying to deceive your audience.

Everybody’s got a bias, even what you choose to report. And I use the example of Drudge. Matt Drudge doesn’t write the articles, any of them. But what he chooses to put there pushes forward a narrative. You can see what he chooses to talk about. And he used to push forward a conservative bias, a conservative viewpoint. Now he pushes forward a leftist viewpoint. Everybody knows that. But he doesn’t write any of that.

It’s just what he chooses to put up there. And that’s how easy it is to insert bias. It can be done consciously, but it is always there, even subconsciously. Even if you’re trying to be objective, your worldview, your viewpoints are going to come through with all of that. And if you don’t have anything where people are talking about religion or politics or any of these controversial subjects, then it’s just Pablo, it’s just a bunch of Taylor Swift gossip that you’re going to be talking about.

Yeah. When you start talking about serious issues, people are going to have feelings about that. And so you have to not worry about. You just have to worry about trying to be fair and truthful, is what my opinion is. And you want to have different viewpoints. I used to listen to people that I disagreed with all the time because I wanted to know where they were coming from.

And sometimes, occasionally, they would convince me of something. I wasn’t going to be so one sided. I wouldn’t listen to certain people. So as they conclude this, they say radio is the voice of the nation. Monopolies have silenced conservatives across much of the mainstream media, even as dot coms have driven them out of social media platforms. But the radio dial is still a place where a twist or push of a button still offers a sound of freedom.

But for how much longer? Well, again, you can’t do it without the money. And I think right now, the real sound of freedom is on podcast. It’s difficult for people to find it because there’s so many channels out there. It’s one of the reasons why we ask you to like the broadcast. Leave a comment for the broadcast. That helps us. If the algorithm is not 100% biased against us, that helps us.

If you do that type of thing. But the plan is to censor podcasts as well. So we need to understand that it’s going to be a struggle one way or the other, because they’re focused on shutting down free speech. They’re focused on shutting down all dissent. One more thing I want to talk about before we get to your comments. This is a rancher, and this is yet another quote, unquote, monument.

It’s not a monument. They tear down monuments, but they use the idea, we’re going to honor this, we’re going to honor that. So they’re going to grab a million acres out in Arizona. This is Biden’s idea. And so he’s created something that’s going, some indian name that I cannot pronounce, but the subtitle of it is ancestral footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument. Started doing this in August of 2023.

Obama has done much of the same thing as well. And he says, the rancher who is being affected very directly by this, says of the flick of the president’s pen, the proclamation has exposed him to severe regulatory burdens and the threat of criminal penalties for engaging in everyday conduct on his ranch. He maintains several springs and regularly removes tamarac trees to prevent the roots from siphoning the water supply.

Removing the trees could trigger criminal penalties under the Antiquities act and could subject him to criminal prosecution. This is a pattern that we’ve been seeing since the Bundy ranch standoff back in 2014. And in the same way, he said they did this quickly, he said the ranchers didn’t know about it. There was no consultation with anybody. Even the local BLM didn’t know anything about it. Bureau of Land Management didn’t know anything about constantly.

The government is constantly looking for ways that it can either confiscate your land or that it can essentially make your land worthless and unusable, even if you still retain ownership of it and name only. This is the danger. As we were talking about a week or two ago, Senator Frank nicely came on. He said, people need to be careful because these conservation easements that a lot of farmers and other people have let be applied to their land to get some tax credits or whatever and help that can be repurposed.

And it is being repurposed very subtly. In Tennessee, the governor introduced a bill to say, well, the conservation is going to now include climate goals. Well, then they may come in and say that you can’t grow cattle because that’s going to destroy the climate. You can’t have a dairy. Maybe we’ll restrict your agricultural use of this fertilizer and other things of that sort. So this is what is happening again.

This is a guy who’s had the families, had this since the late 18 hundreds. This is what we saw with the bundies. We’ve seen this over and over again with people who were not just ranchers, people who were miners, people who were loggers, how they would take control of this private land. And they’re going to do the same thing to many of us in many different ways, he said.

My grandfather always said in the ranching world here in Arizona, you have three things that you got to worry about, three things that really affect you. One is the weather, the other is the cattle price. And the third is your relationship with the BLM, with the government, essentially. My family was not ranchers, but both of my grandfathers and my father were all in business, had small businesses, and that was what they said.

Our biggest problem is, what is the government going to do to us next? They were worried more about the government than they were about competition from anybody, because the government has the power to destroy what we have now with this deep state. The deep state. By the way, folks, nobody makes a connection with Trump. He was king of the deep state as president. All of the deep state, the bureaucracy is underneath the president.

It’s underneath the executive branch, all of these three letter agencies, all this bureaucracy. The deep state is under the president. He was king of it. He did nothing to oppose it. And that bureaucracy is constantly looking to expand its reach into our lives. We have not only taxation without representation from these unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats, but we have regulation without any representation, without any say so the federal government should not own any of this land.

By the way, the Bundys were right about that. A few forts, a few ports, and that’s it. Once these areas became states, that land should have been turned over to private individuals. But most of the west became a state after the civil war, and we already had a corrupt, centralized government that was the product of that civil war. To make slaves of us all. To make slaves. Government slaves of us all.

Well, I’m going to read some of the comments here. We’re going to take a break, and when we come back, we’re going to do some ask me anything questions here. Let’s see. At and t is having a massive service outage. More than 73,000 people are without service. Oh, wow. That affected us today, and I guess that’s what the issue is. We don’t have at t, but we got somebody who piggybacks on top of them.

They were saying, did you forget to pay the bills? Like, no, I didn’t forget to pay the bills not due yet. And let’s see, some of these are questions that we’ll get to, I guess, when we come back and we start doing the ask me anything stuff. And north american house Hippo says, I would send David money not to have him flog vitamins. In fact, I do send him money to keep that from happening, as most of us do.

Yes. Thank you very much. I appreciate. And so we’re going to take a quick break and we come back. I’ll answer some of these questions on here, as well as some that people have sent via email. We’ll be right back. Hear news now@apsradionews. com. Or get the APS radio app and never miss another story. All right. Let’s talk about some of the ask me anything questions. And let me begin, because one of the letters and financial support that I got had a letter in it asking a question that I want to address here.

And let me first thank the people who sent checks in the mail here in February. Susan L. Stephanie K. Sue and Dave W. Ruth K. Deborah and David W. Paula T. John and Fiona L. Dave and Anne Maria N. Michael T. Ronald C. Gilbert M. Aaron W. And Molly P. Thank you very much. I appreciate that. And this question is from Rick, who says, I hope you and your family are well.

I enjoy your show. Listen to it daily. I live in Missouri, near St. Louis with my wife and four children. My wife is pregnant with our fifth child. My wife and I are searching for sound advice on how to properly handle the hospital personnel when they start pushing their vaccines on us, as they very are adamant about doing. And this is something that was, I remember when I was in Infowars, a couple of people had babies and they were talking about the fights that they got into with the hospital about that.

And this, of course, was before all the COVID stuff. This is what I’m saying. Everybody knew what was going on. They knew this was not sugar water. They knew how bad vaccines were. It was a common knowledge around there, but they had big fights with the people in the hospitals over that, and it’s not easy. So what should we do? We’ve always questioned vaccines. Our first two children had a few vaccines at birth.

Our third child has had less than that. Our fourth child has not had a single vaccine. We told the hospital staff that we didn’t want a single jab on our fourth. They sent in the riot squad to scare us into vaccinating our child. All of our children were born before the COVID hoax, and I’m concerned that we’ll have even more issues post Covid scam. I’m afraid they will vaccine my wife without our consent during the procedure, a c section.

And we want to get out of that hospital lethal injection free, including their fake vitamin k shot, without any problems. We spoke with the children’s health defense and they suggested midwifery delivery at home, but that’s not an option. Once you have a c section, all the babies have to be delivered that way. Do you or anyone you know have any advice for us? Our baby is due on March 20.

Let me just say, rick, I think you need to be proactive about this. I don’t have any set answers, and of course it’s going to be different depending on which hospitals you go to. And so I would be upfront with a doctor with a hospital, but I would also get a lawyer. It would be worth it. I think. You look at all the expenses that surround a birth.

My suggestion would be to get a lawyer and to have them, perhaps even draw up some kind of legal document to scare these people and to intimidate them. That’s what lawyers are really good at, intimidating people. I got a letter here from a lawyer, which is something to fear because you can sue them for violating that and there’s not any perfect solution. But I would say be proactive.

Talk to your doctor, talk to your hospital people, make sure they understand where you’re coming from. You understand where they’re coming from. But I would also have the additional stuff with a doctor that you go in armed with that. And so we’ll be praying that everything goes well for you in March. It’s coming up about a month away from this. They put in a ps, said, we enjoyed your Christmas album.

Where can I purchase the first album? That is the first album. We haven’t done any other album. We haven’t done anything of any of the songs. By the way, the Shannon Doe thing, I keep forgetting to put a bumper on it. That was something that I put together at some point in time. Some people have asked. I haven’t done as much in terms of slowed down in terms of music for the show.

And so we do have quite a few songs out there, but we’ve not put them all out as an album. I’ve got a lot of ideas of things that I want to do, but I’ve been focused really more on something you haven’t heard yet. And that is some christian songs that I’ve been jotting down over the years and just things that were kind of personal, but I wanted to get them recorded in one fashion or the other while I still have the chance.

Who knows what’s going to happen from day to day? So that’s really been my focus. That’ll be the next thing that I put out. I don’t know, depending on how long this is taking me, there might be a second Christmas album. I might do some more Christmas songs this summer and put that out next year, but that is the only album that is out there right now. So thank you.

I appreciate you. Let me know you enjoyed it. I enjoyed putting it together. I just got to say that it’s kind of a break for me to do the music. This is from sue and Dave. They said, let me just say that we’re with you in spirit. We pray for you and your family. Please take care of yourself. So you continue your calling. Thank you very much. Appreciate it.

Let’s talk about some of the ask me anything questions here. This one says, my question is short. If you were given a preference, what would you choose as a governing preference? The US Constitution or the Articles of Confederation? Well, I’m not as familiar with the articles of Confederation as I am with the US Constitution. I gotta say that the constitution’s bill of rights is one of the best things anywhere.

It’s just too bad that they ignore it, isn’t it? I mean, we’d be doing just fine if they would pay attention to the Bill of Rights. We would have the states exercising their appropriate power. We would have our liberties respected, which they have. Just from the Supreme Court to the Congress to the presidency, all of them have trashed the Bill of Rights. And so I think the Bill of Rights was necessary.

It fixed a document that’s had some open flaws in it. Those open flaws have been exploited in terms of what do they use? They use the commerce clause. They abuse that and pervert it, twist it, pervert it. But even when you look at the supremacy clause or the commerce clause or these other things, those are all taken care of with the amendments, and those amendments came afterwards, and so they supersede.

We can look at their arguments and we can deconstruct their arguments about supremacy, about commerce. They even pretend now that the commerce clause is the basis for the drug war. No, it isn’t. Neither is the supremacy clause or this other stuff that was all there when they had to have an amendment to prohibit alcohol. There’s nothing in the constitution that allows them to just arbitrarily prohibit anything. And so they ignore the constitution.

And this is why when we talk about Mark Levin pushing a constitutional convention and some other people who are big cons, big conservatives, the establishment conservatives, and I mean that not just by the kind of the Koch brother establishment conservatives, but also the MAGA establishment conservatives and the operation Maga bird press that are out there. But no, when they’re pushing the constitutional convention, the problem is not so much with the constitution as it is with the people who ignore it.

And those are the people who are going to be making any modifications to it. The articles of Confederation were much more decentralized in terms of what they had there. But I think that aspect of it was really adequately addressed with the 9th and 10th amendments, as Madison put them in there. So again, the problem is not with the documents you can look at the constitution of China says great things.

Do they pay any attention to it? No. Do they pay any attention to our constitution? Absolutely not. This is another question. I would love to know your thoughts on Jason Burmas. I really liked his coverage of material, but in the last year or so he’s back to hosting on AJ’s show. I didn’t know that. Has been presenting with a reawaken America tour. Okay. Oh, this is somebody who went to University of Tampa.

It’s one UT Spartan to another. Thanks to you and your family for all your hard work. Thank you very much. Shay. This is from just, I don’t know what Jason Burmis said. I know he’s got a program, I think on Rockfin and I haven’t seen him hosting AJ’s show and I did not know that he was presenting with reawaken America. All I can say is that I know that he was on the outs with Alex for a while.

I think I never knew Jason. He was gone before I got there. He put together loose change and there was some disagreement, I think, between him and Alex perhaps for a while now that has been mended. Alex typically does that. He did that with. What’s the guy that does the trolling stuff? You know, I’m thinking about the reason we had to do thanksgiving was because he was getting.

Anyway, Mark Dice. Mark Dice. Thank you. Yeah, Mark Dice, he loves to go out places and troll people. He would do that on Black Friday. Go out. The people who are. Yeah, maybe they’re focused a little bit too much on material things, but still they’re trying to take advantage of a to. They’ve got the day off, so they’re going to try to save some money. He would go up on Thanksgiving Day and he would troll them with a bullhorn.

What are you stupid people doing out here? This is not the way that I wanted to spend my thanksgiving. Alex thought it was a great idea, so he told us we had to go do it. When I was there as a reporter, her, and so I had to work. We’re supposed to make fun of the people who are shopping, make fun of the people who are working on Thanksgiving, and we go to work in order to make fun of these people who are doing it.

Anyway, he and Mark Dice were, he sold some books for Mark Dice, and they became enemies over how the payments were made or something, and then it stayed that way for quite some time. When I started working there, Mark Dice was just on every single person that Alex hired. He hired about eight or nine of us or something at one point in time, and he was coming after everybody.

And the people that were there getting very upset about know, he’s, he made friends with Alex and all the rest of this stuff. And then same thing with Pete Santilli that I just talked about. Know, Pete Santilli was out there bullhorning Alex and doing all kinds of stuff. It’s not anything that’s going to happen with me. I just got to tell you that I’ve seen what happens there.

I know that Alex deliberately lied to people in 2020 about the vaccine, about the lockdown, about the basis of the pandemic and the germ lab and all the rest of this stuff. And then he finished it off with a stop the steal grift, and he led these people into a trap. He entrapped them after stealing their money. He entrapped them with January the 6th. There’s absolutely no way I’ll ever have anything to do with Alex Jones again.

One of the most corrupt people he’s become now. And I don’t think he was really that way from the very beginning. It got a lot worse when Roger Stone came in. So Roger Stone, Trump thing really transformed Alex in ways, maybe it was there and I didn’t see it, but it really transformed with that. So whatever Jason Burmis is doing, I just got to say, I’m not having anything to do with Alex Jones.

And I would warn people away from that. I would warn people away from reawaken America. That is something that is anti christian. It is something that is not only deceptive and dangerous and destructive to the people who follow it, just like January the 6th. It’s a grift, and it’s destructive to the people who are there. But it also, just like January the 6th, reawaken America is what’s being used by people like Rob Reiner.

Fortunately, he didn’t get any traction at all with his little film that he did. It made $38,000 at the movie theaters and a pretty wide release. I mean, this is, this is unbelievably low, $38,000 at the movie theater. So everybody is ignoring this thing. But it is a reawakened America tour that is throwing out this phony version of Christianity that is rightfully being criticized but is being imputed to the rest of us.

And so I really despise the Reawaken America tour. And I would suggest that you think twice about listening to anybody who is allied with a reawaken America tour. Use a little bit of discernment here. Well, when you got people up there like Julie Green and her false prophecies about Trump, how many does she get? How many times does she have to be wrong before she gets thrown out of the camp and stoned? It’s just like the left does with all these climate predictions.

They want to believe it. And it doesn’t matter how many times Al Gore and John Kerry are wrong and grossly wrong about what’s going on, they will still come back for more. And so stay away from these people and make the point that they don’t represent you and certainly don’t represent Christ. So this is from Ryan. Good to see you there. Ryan, for love of the road, same question I’ve always had.

Just curious to hear some kind of testimony for your christian faith. Was it something you grew up in? Yes. And never strayed? No. Never had any doubts? Yes. Interesting. I never had any doubts about it, but I can’t say that I didn’t stray from it. I grew up in it. The problem that I had was that at a young age, we used to go to church three times a week, twice on Sunday, on Wednesday nights, and that type of thing.

It was a big part of my life. And when I was a young teenager, I got very heavily into Bible study. But as I got heavy into it, there was a legalism that was kind of there in the theology of the church that I went to. But it was something that as a young teenager, I really fell into, and I fell into legalism, and then I fell into despair, because honestly, I realized I’m not up to this standard.

There’s no way that I can do this. And so I just made a conscious decision. It wasn’t that I had any doubts. I was certain I was going to hell. I thought, well, I’ve got this amount of time. So we eat, drink, and to be married, because tomorrow we’re going to die, and there’s no way that I can do this. And the thing that brought me back was our children.

We had children. I thought, well, let me give them a chance at this. And we went to a church, and we had a pastor who set me straight that it’s not my work. Christ takes away your sin, all of your sin. He doesn’t make salvation possible. He actually saves you. He actually saves you and he gives you his righteousness. So it isn’t like I have to earn this.

Yes, there’s going to be consequences in this life and eternally for what we do. But that was the key thing. You have to have that helmet of salvation, or you get all kinds of mind game attacks played on you all the time. All the time. And so that was the key thing. He says, let’s see. I remember your interview on nights of the storm. You talked about having an inspiration for a song during a Bible study or home church, if I remember correctly, saying how later on you found out that it was the same night that your daughter was born.

Yes. Any more stories like that, maybe earlier in life? Well, there’s been certain times in my life that have been very important to me. And that particular one when I talked about on nights of the storm, we had a Bible study group that was meeting in home at the time, and we had a difficult situation. We sold the video stores because of our convictions, not legal convictions, which is what the lawyers said.

We put that on our information when we’re trying to adopt our daughter in China. And she said, I need to know what these convictions were and what the penalties were and all this. Well, no, it wasn’t anything like that. There were penalties involved with that, but it was actually worked out for the best because we went through some difficult times. We got scammed when we sold the business and we nearly lost our home.

We thought we were going to lose a home. And it was that night, which was December 30. Our sons were staying with some friends, and it was just Karen and I. We had all the lights turned off and we just had the fireplace going because we’re trying to save electricity. That’s how bad things had gotten. And so I was going through it, and we’re getting increasingly. The christian music is getting increasingly shallow.

Just doesn’t say anything. And musically, it’s not very interesting either. And so I was really focused on that. Then something just really hit me. When I flipped a page, I had this tune in my head, classical music, which I didn’t realize was something that had essentially become like a national anthem for the British. I didn’t realize from what I knew it from, was Gustav Holtz, the planets, Mars.

And it was very busy, abstract, kind of know, had the nine planets and everything. And in Mars, it begins the bringer of war. He has this, which is very much like what John Williams kind of paraphrased in Star wars, that kind of rhythm. Anyway, he’s doing a lot of that and other things, and all of a sudden, he just breaks. And there’s this part where it’s very melodic and it’s very nice.

And they turned that into. They eventually took it out and made it a hymn. They called it Thaxit. I found this out after the fact, and it was, I vow to thee, my country. And I didn’t know that either. I missed all was as I started looking at the background of this thing. It had been about a decade after. Well, not quite a decade, maybe about five years or so after Princess Diana died.

And there was a lot of talk about how she loved that song and all that. So that made it even more popular. But I wasn’t really aware of all that, and I just knew it from the other one. And as I had that tune in my mind, I thought, we need something that’s kind of like a hymn. And they did turn it into a hymn, like I said, thanks.

And so I’m just kind of flipping through the Bible with that tune in my head, and I saw this spot in the Bible, and it’s just like all the lyrics just came all at once. I told Karen, give me something. Right. Real quickly. And I wrote it down there by the fireplace. She’s got it framed here. So that was interesting. And it was the night we found out later that my daughter was born in China.

So, yeah, I will write about that in detail at some point and give you the lyrics, too, at some point. Next question here. Can you tell me the episode number that you interviewed? Arter Pulaski? I’ve tried to go back and find it with no luck. I’d really like to listen to his testimony again. I think Karen said something. She had looked this up. Yeah, here we go. Travis has got it here.

It was on April 15, 2021, and on May 10, 2021. The first one is when the first interview I had with him, he started talking about his testimony. We went, like, another 40 minutes overtime. So it’d probably be that one in April. So those should still be available on bitchute and some other places. Here’s a question on Rumble KAFb. David, have you considered shortwave as a strategy for when the excrement hits the fan? People have suggested that over and over again and we really should look into it, but I have not looked into it.

So on rumble, it’s Pliskin. I thought you were dead. Snake Plissken. Thank you for the tip. It says, Texas proposition seven. The state legislature would establish authority within the state’s comptroller’s office to administer access to gold and silver through the depository for use as legal tender. Well, that’s interesting. And one person replies and says, is it true the constitution was changed in 1871, which made the US government a corporation? I know a lot of people have talked about that, and quite frankly, that is not something that I have really spent any time looking at.

And I’ll tell you why. A lot of the people are in the sovereign citizen movement and everything. It really doesn’t matter if they’ve got the argument right, because I have seen. You think this Trump trial is bad. I’ve seen that done to people over and over again for over 30 years. I know tax protesters who had valid questions about the legitimacy of the tax code, and they raised the.

I’ve got them. I’ve got them. This is perfect. Guy goes in and he raises that question and the judge says, we’re not going to talk about that. And then he says something, no, we’re not going to talk about that either. They can just shut it all down. You can have all the truth, all the best arguments, but in a court, if the judge doesn’t want it presented, it won’t be presented.

I’ve seen people get railroaded and sent to prison. When we talk about Ross Ulbrich, he was railroaded and sent to prison. And they enhanced his sentence, gave him three consecutive life sentences, even though he had never even been charged with that, let alone been convicted. And the judge who sentenced him referred to that rumor that was put out in the press. And so he was never charged. Actually, more than a rumor.

It was started by a prosecutor, but the prosecutor never brought charges against him. You can indict somebody without any problem at all. He never went through the process of indicting him or charging him or having him tried for that, and it was bogus. But the judge acted as if that were true. They withheld exculpatory evidence about how the FBI was running Silk Road when some of this stuff happened.

And at the same time, they had a trial going where they had two FBI agents convicted for embezzling nearly a million dollars out of Silk Road. So when you talk about the sovereign citizen thing or when you talk about whether or not the US is a corporation and whether or not we’re under admiralty law and all the rest of this stuff, that is not something that’s going to work.

I just tell people that I’ve seen people railroaded through this stuff, just like they railroaded Trump through this situation. And actually, with the Trump thing, they’ve got more of a bad law and it’s being selectively enforced, but they’ve got more authority to do that than a lot of the people I’ve seen go to jail for tax protesting stuff. And yes, the Texas thing is something that is being presented and the ability to use that as legal tender.

One of the key things that are happening in a lot of different places is, first of all, removing the sales tax on gold and silver, and that is a big step forward. And so when Tony comes on a couple of minutes, we can talk about that. And of course, he’s been down in Mexico speaking at a convention there as well. I’d like to find out what’s happening with that.

Let’s see. What is your opinion on interviewing Dr. Richard Carter from Creation ministries? He’s well versed in the topics of genetics. And be happy I’d be interested in talking to him. I don’t know Creation ministries. I do know answers in Genesis. We’ve been involved with answers in Genesis a few decades ago. We did some work for them and contributed in a lot of different ways to the creation museum.

And so I’m very familiar with their work. But there’s other ministries that are out there that do that. What is your opinion of Jeff Durbin? He’s a pastor in Arizona who also founded end abortion. Now they run into issues with conservative politicians, killing their anti abortion bills. I think someone from their organization would be a great interview. Okay, good. I don’t know Jeff Durbin or that organization. I do.

As I’ve said, you look at a lot of these people. Trump is a first primary example when I think that the problems that the republican party had this last election were largely due to him in 2022, but he blamed it on the abortion issue. I don’t think that that is, and you got a lot of politicians who are saying that as well. They’re very angry about that. They’ve never had any commitment to this issue, just like they don’t have any commitment to fixing the border.

What is happening at the border is horrific, but the Republicans want to use it and keep that as an issue. Just like in many regards, they want to keep gun control an issue. They don’t want to solve it once and for all by getting rid of the ATF or anything like that. And so the Republicans want to keep this going. As a matter of fact, they want to refderalize it.

And they are not on the side of life. They’re on their side. Final thing, I’m thinking about starting my own business, but not exactly sure on how to begin. Any advice? Well, that’s a real open ended question. All I can think of is just to say, you got to be really passionate about it. It’s got to be something that you have to do. And what I’ve seen people say, and I’ve seen this a lot from actors but also from other people, said, you got to make sure that you don’t have any easy way out.

You got to put everything on the line and you got to go for it. They essentially burn the bridges, if you will, or burn the ships. Right. And I don’t have any plan B. It’s going to be this or homelessness or something. You got to go fully into it. One of the key things that I’ve always had a problem with, and have a problem with it with this show as well, is marketing.

Never been good at marketing. We could always do good products, but we always had a hard time marketing them. I’ve got more questions here. We’ll get to them if you want to put some there on the tax. We’ll get to those when we come back. If not, I’ve got plenty of news that we can talk about, and we’re going to talk with tony coming up next. We’re going to take a quick break and we’re going to talk about some financial issues.

So stay with us. We will be right back. The common man. You. They created common core to dumb down our children. They created common past to track and control us. Their commons project to make sure the commoners own nothing and the communist future. They see the common man as simple, unsophisticated, ordinary. But each of us has worth and dignity created in the image of God. That is what we have in common.

That is what they want to take away. Their most powerful weapons are isolation, deception, intimidation. They desire to know everything about us while they hide everything from us. It’s time to turn that around and expose what they want to hide. Please share the information and links you’ll find@thedavidnightshow. com. Thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing. If you can’t support us financially, please keep us in your prayers.

Thedavidnightshow. com. All right, joining us now is tony arderban and of wise wolfgold. Of course, tony has set up davidnight gold to let him to take you to his website, let him know that you’re coming through me. Good to have tony on because last week he was in mexico speaking at a conference. Thanks for joining us, tony. Tell us a little bit about that conference. Well, thanks for having me back, david.

I had a great time. It was anarchapoco in acapulco, mexico. The dollar vigilante and crypto vigilante crowd. I sponsored the event. I was the only gold sponsor, and I got to speak on crypto day. So I had 40 minutes on valentine’s day in the morning to speak, and it went really well. These are people that. And again, the theme to the dollar vigilante is surviving and thriving after the dollar collapse.

And that’s been Jeff Berwick, who’s the founder of that. That’s been his mantra for years and years. And now we’re really seeing. And that’s what I spoke about on crypto day. I said gold and crypto and silver, precious metals, these go together because we’re creating a parallel system. You have Gresham’s law that states when bad money enters a system, good money goes into hiding. And I think that’s coming to fruition.

The good money is coming out of hiding because the bad money to enter the system is crashing the system itself. And so that’s what I spoke about. Everywhere you look is de dollarization everywhere, and it’s accelerating. I was looking at a story this morning, just facts and figures. You look at the russian economy. Two years ago, only 1% of financial transactions went on in the chinese yuan. Now it’s 34%, and they’ve completely abandoned the dollar.

When I opened up my talk in Anarchapoco, I said, the first thing I said was, when I was 23 years old, I got to see a currency die in real time, a paper currency in Voltaire’s maxim that all paper currency eventually returns to its natural value state, which is zero. And that’s looking at something happened to the know. And we were told the first mission I had in mosul, when the iraqi republican guard fell, was to go to the bank, and there wasn’t any other orders other than try to find some semblance of security because everybody’s running out with boxes of iraqi dinar with Saddam Hussein’s picture on them.

But they were worthless. Nobody wanted them. And I said, now think about this, folks. 20 plus years later, I’m talking to you and the iraqi parliament is making it illegal for you to transact in dollars, especially for major iraqi banks. They are abandoning the dollar. What does that say? Because the only currency that you could use post us invasion in Iraq in 2003 upwards till the last couple of years was american dollars.

Yeah. Think about how far the US dollar has fallen in the last 20 plus. 20 plus years. It’s absolutely amazing. That’s amazing. Yeah. I wonder how much one of the iraqi notes with Saddam Hussein’s picture on it is compared to confederate note with Jefferson Davis’s picture on it. What’s the exchange rate for those two currencies? They’ve gone to zero, except for probably the confederate currency is a collector’s item.

So it’s got some value from that standpoint. But, yeah, that’s where it always goes. But that truly is amazing because Iraq is really still heavily influenced with us troops there and all the rest of that stuff. But they don’t want to use the. It’s because, I think because of Iran’s influence in the region. Now they’re Shia based in their know, Saddam Hussein was Sunni and of course, the Sunni triangle and the Sunni are the minority, and now the Shia are the actual majority in Iraq.

And I think that’s what’s happening is the long term de waning us geopolitical hegemony. It’s showing its face right there. That’s really all you need to know. And that’s an important point, too, when you talk about the Shias and the Sunnis. And then, of course, we also got the Wahabiists in Saudi Arabia. Islam is not this monolithic thing. It’s got all these different factions. And just like Christianity was in the Middle Ages, these different denominations, if you will, of Islam are politically connected.

They have unification just like they did at the time. In the Middle Ages, there was this connection politically as well as with a church. And it was really the politics that was more important than it was the religious aspect. And so that’s where these islamic countries are right now. And people think of them as monolithic, but they’re not. And they’re fighting each other, not just us. Oh, absolutely non monolithic.

It wasn’t George W. Bush that said there’s different types of Muslims. Like, he couldn’t believe it. Actually. I think it was Joe Biden when he had maybe a moment of lucidity or a talking point from a think tank, he said, this is like 20 plus years ago. He’s like, well, maybe Iraq should be divided into three parts. You have the kurdish north, the sunni triangle in the middle, and then the rest is shia.

And I thought, well, that might make sense if someone. I’ve lived there for a year and I was in combat for a year there, so I know a decent amount about iraqi history and culture. It’s not monolithic at all. But I think one of the things that unites them all across the arab world, whether you’re talking about Saudi Arabia or Iran, is de dollarization. They’re moving away from the dollar.

The petrodollar is dying. Why? This is not headline news all over the financial network. Should be talking about this, not the fang stocks. Yeah. What importance is that? If the dollar dies, literally, you have Saudi Arabia is BRICS plus. Now that’s official. This was theory a year ago. We’re saying, well, Saudi Arabia is in talks with Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, which was already 40% of the world’s population.

Then you add Saudi Arabia, it’s game over now. It’s funny, we’re in the shadow of the once dominating dollar and it’s going away. That’s really everything I’m talking about lately, is leading back to de dollarization. What happens afterwards? Because I don’t think that the horse has left the barn. You can’t do anything at this point even David. I don’t even know if World War three would bring the dollar back to its original at you look at Saudi Arabia joining the BRICs.

I mean, that’s it right there. Because they were really the know, we had Saudi Arabia and you had Iran with the shah, and that was the US power within the oil producing area and then tying that all to the US dollar and them buying us weapons and that type of thing when Saudis leave, because we lost Iran a long time ago, but when the Saudis leave, that’s it.

That’s really the petrodollar right there. End of game. Yeah, that’s all she wrote. And then the dollar is propped up by something called money velocity. And we spoke about this many times, but money velocity is basically, it’s like the Ponzi scheme when you quit using it. Maybe you could liken it to Tinkerbell. If you don’t clap, Tinkerbell dies. And the same thing with the dollar, you don’t use it dies and you’ve got 80% of all the $100 bills ever made in physical form are not in the United States of America.

They’re being used around the world. And that’s when I saw, as a young soldier, when I saw people just dumping the iraqi dinar, it went to zero. And using the american dollar, I thought, okay, well, this is pretty universal now. They’re not using the dollar. That’s slowly going away. There’s a gold boom going on in China. They’re not exporting, as a matter of fact, the Swiss, the six year high on gold exports to India and China.

So even in the midst of China’s real estate decline, massive bubble and recession, they’ve overbuilt. Their currency is in real trouble, but they are buying gold. And while the rest of the world sleeps, I don’t think they realize what’s happening. Well, and of course, commercial real estate issue, that’s there. But even beyond that, China was way overbuilt and other things, and the stock market getting very shaky now with these big companies getting shaky like Evergrande, and they basically just stopped a company that was selling too much stock too quickly because they’re afraid that the whole market there is going to collapse.

That’s how shaky it is in China. So they’re putting all kinds of draconian restrictions on their stock market. There’s an interesting article from international man, the number one warning sign that capital controls are coming soon, just like the Chinese are putting controls on the stock market. We could have these capital controls happen here on cash and all the rest of this stuff. And as he points out, he said, it’s already been done in a lot of different countries.

Argentina, Lebanon, Venezuela, Iceland, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, China, India, South Korea, and governments in countless other countries have done these capital controls and done it recently. And so he said, so what’s the sign that it’s going to happen here in the United States? He said, the warning sign to look out for is when they say it’s not going to happen, when they started to talk about it and say, well, the capital control, don’t worry, it’s not going to happen.

That’s when you got to be concerned that it’s going to happen real soon after that. Right. It’s like the early 70s with price controls. Yeah, took us off the gold standard in August of 1971, and then that followed with price controls because they had to figure out how to stop the runaway inflation. Gold went up 2000% in the 1970s, but gold didn’t go up in value. So run that through your mind.

That’s what I try, it’s counterintuitive, folks. Gold is not going up necessarily. The dollar is going down. It’s losing purchasing power. And you read off that list of countries, most of those economies, I say the majority, are not doing well. We’re talking about Venezuela. They’re selling off their gold holdings because so much debt has come due. Argentina, same thing. With their currency imploding, those measures don’t work. And free floating fiat currencies.

There’s 52 times more currency on earth today than when I was born 44 years ago. We have a massive systemic worldwide debt problem as well. These things are coming together, and I think it’s culminating in what the IMF is even saying at Davos, the most headwind of an economy since World War II, which that’s interesting. We’re in a fourth turning. Isn’t that interesting? 80 plus years on, that’s where we are.

And so we’re positioning yourself. And I see this even, and this is an open question. I asked this at anarchapoco to the crowd because these are crypto people. I said, well, most of the at, I’m pretty pessimistic about the ruling class and what their views are. You had Larry Fink come out and say from Blackrock and say that bitcoin is now a store of value in digital gold, which is a long way from where they were five years ago, basically saying that it’s only used in illicit activities and money laundering and terrorism.

And Warren Buffett said it was rat poison. Jamie Demon said he’d fire any trader that went. Now they all have etfs. Yeah, it’s interesting. Something’s afoot. Know, I had Stuart Anglerdon, who wrote the book rigged on the gold and silver markets, and has dug into this for years and years about how they rigged the gold and silver markets. His theory on the bitcoin ETF was that it was going to be used to suppress the price.

But now we see gold or bitcoin at 51,000 and some change today, up 30% in the last month. So there’s something to that unprecedented historical activity in the currency markets, David. You see big finance moving away, buying gold again. Even actors like Larry Fink saying that bitcoin is digital gold and a store of value. So there’s something there. It’s an off ramp, perhaps for the elite. We’re still looking at.

You know, I guess maybe bitcoin was too honest for them. They had to come up with some kind of a devious derivative to attach on there before they could really double down on this thing and make it work for them. Maybe that’s what it is. They’re just waiting to roll out some kind of an ETF on top of it so they could manipulate it in that regard. Yeah, I don’t trust these guys, but it is kind of interesting to see how that is going back and forth.

Do we have questions for Tony? Let’s see. Yes, because Tony had said, if you want to do. We’re doing ask me anything questions here. If you want to ask him some questions, he’ll take them on. Rumble we have. Sprumford says even after endless pep talks, my bookcase continues to whimper at the sight of Tony’s. You got a massive bookcase there. That’s great. He likes your bookcase, Kareem. Thank you for the tip.

He said, tony, they just wanted you to clean up after the israeli special forces team that already took the iraqi gold from the vaults. There you go. That’s where the israeli army was. I never saw any Israelis when I was over in the Middle east fighting for APAC. Yeah, that’s right. Let’s see. I don’t think these other questions are for Tony, but anybody has any questions for Tony, he certainly is willing to take know when we look at what happened with Argentina, Javier Malai, which I have some concerns about him, especially after he went to Davos, because that always puts a red flag on somebody for me.

You can criticize Davos. You can criticize him to their. I never went to Davos, but I got blocked by Davos, by the World Economic Forum, on social media. I never addressed them directly. So you can say things that get their ire up and that get noticed, at least by them, if not by other people, without going there. And I always worry about people who physically go there. But he has focused, like you said, the central bank in Argentina was awful.

He says, I don’t like any central banks, but some of them are worse than others. And so he’s shut down pretty much their thing and pegged it to the dollar, their inflation. Tony has gone from 150% to 250%. Did he pick the wrong central bank horse to bet on? There was an article I read on my show about a month or so ago on lou rockwell. com about Malay.

And he has ties to the IMF, he has ties to blackrock. Yes. And Argentina was moving into the BriCS. Did they? Was this a coup to keep Argentina out of the BrICS? Because that’s the trend. That’s where the energy is going. And like we’ve talked about many know, the weaponization of the US dollar, our actions, not only that, it’s not only just the weaponization, but our economy is weak and we’re not making strategic decisions about production or wealth or any of those things.

And I think the world knows that, looks at us and says, well, you’re not doing well financially. You weaponized your currency, there’s 40 different sanctions on 36 different countries. We’re out. And Argentina was one of those. And now you have this chainsaw wielding guy. It sounds good on paper. He’s anarchocapitalist. He talks about gold, he flies the anarchocapitalist flag. It’s gold and black. He’s got all of that going for him.

But there’s just something, it’s almost too good to be true. I’m skeptical in pegging yourself to the, there’s so many other alternatives, the ways you could go. The dollar, you and I have spoken about this. It’s just, again, it’s about usage. And the math is not going to be there for you in the long run, maybe the short run. There’s not many places to go right now. But again, 2000 and 175 percent of all the global transactions went on in dollars, and now it’s 43% and declining rapidly.

So that’s a trend you’d want to pay attention to. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. That gave me red flags on the chainsaw, all of the theatrics and stuff. It’s like, okay, well, I don’t know the country, I know that that works, but I saw these games, these theatrics, the over the top criticism of other people, and then coming around all this stuff. Same type of thing that Trump did, then coming around and making friends with him, just like the World Economic Forum.

As you point out, he’s got these ties to the IMF. He was all over the pope, who was from Argentina and a marxist for sure. So he hated him. And it’s like, okay, well, he doesn’t like the pope, and then he converts to Judaism and everything, but then he goes to the Vatican and now they’re all buddies there. So it’s like, wait a minute, there’s something really phony going on here.

I don’t know. This is like Trump in 2016 because you’d be in jail. And then you fast forward after his inaugurations. She’s a wonderful person, good people. I had the privilege of being on air with G. Edward Griffin while I was producing for Don Jeffries about a year ago, and to talk to the wise old sage, I mean, G. Edward Griffin, the author of the Creature from Jekyll island and such an activist, the John Burch Society.

And he was so far ahead of his time and he’s in his ninety s and he’s so sharp. And I told him, I said, I read the creatures from Jekyll island and that was one of the reasons I’m in the gold and silver business. And we got onto a series of questions. I said, what’s the one thing that you would warn the younger activists about and those who are fighting this battle? What would you warn us against? And he thought about it and he said, controlled opposition is the number one threat.

It’s the people that look like they’re for you and they’re not. So you can guess where he is politically. That was his theme. He’s like, it was a warning from the old sage and I need to have him back on, but I think wiser words were never spoken. I’d love to get him on again. I talked to him once years ago, but he’s right about that. And if you go back and you look at what was it, somebody like Jedward Griffin, who knows the Marxists and knows how they set this stuff up.

It was the Bolsheviks who set up the trust. That’s what they called had. They ran, all the anti bolshevik organizations were run by the Bolsheviks so that they would know they funded it. They did everything they could to promote this so they could draw in all their opponents and know who they were. And we see this happening over and over again. That’s why when you look at Trump, you look at Javier Malay, it’s like, it’s definitely with Trump.

Javier, Malaysia. It’s still kind of early days, but a lot of know signals that that’s really, I think, what is happening there. But getting back to the capital controls thing, I thought it was interesting because he said, the first thing is they’re going to say that they’re not going to do capital control. So when they actively deny, they’re about to impose it. And so he says, so what do you do about this? And so he has a couple of things here.

He says, have a foreign bank account, have real estate in a foreign country. I looked at these first two things. I thought that’s exactly what Pfizer was doing when they went to Brazil and to Argentina and a third latin american country, which was not named by Stat News, a pharmaceutical publication, they basically said, you’re going to hold us harmless, not just for the vaccine itself, but also for negligence and manufacturing and shipping and all these other types of things which was not anything that anybody else was doing.

But we want to have an insurance policy, essentially, on foreign assets, assets, bank account assets, land, and things like that, that Argentina and Brazil and these other countries have in other countries so that we can get to that stuff. And so. Yeah, that is absolutely true. So there’s nothing that we can really do about that. Most people. But he mentions then bitcoin, and then he mentions physical gold bullion coins.

These are really the fallbacks that we’ve got, are to prepare ourselves against these capital controls, are to have physical gold and to have bitcoin and things like that. That’s really the only thing that we’ve got in terms of a financial aspect to make preparations for something like capital controls, isn’t it? Yeah, not etfs. That’s right. Not etfs. They’re actual. Not paper, not GLD, not slV, and not whatever ETF is claiming that they’re buying bitcoin.

You need to have your wallet, your keys. It’s really not hard to learn. And you talk about cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is the only crypto I’m buying right now, and that’s because of its decentralization. It’s not run by a company, it’s not run by a country, and it has lasted. It’s still growing. The network is growing, the adoption is growing. So I’m bullish on bitcoin. I’m not even really in the bitcoin business anymore.

I was some of the first bitcoin atms in this country, and I learned a lot from it. But really, my mission right now is still precious metals. And that’s gold and silver, no counterparty risk. That’s the main physical gold and silver, no counterparty risk. And one of the things I was talking with, it’s very hard to move physical precious metals across boundaries. That’s why you see people getting into jewelry.

That’s just always a good idea. Think ways that you can travel with it. But when you’re talking about a significant amount, you’re looking at storage. And we’ll be announcing something soon. On being able to store for people. I’m looking at a Texas location, possibly within this year, to do some legitimate secured storage for people that, especially if they’re going to be living outside the country. Okay, well, that’s good.

Yeah, if they’re outside the country. One of the things he cautions about is be careful about bank safe deposit boxes, because it’s going to be one of the first places that go. And we saw that happen in California where they went into that one area and the FBI stole all of this stuff from everybody. I mean, there’s one or two people there that might have been involved in criminal activity, but they got it from everybody by going into these safety deposit boxes.

That’s a difficult thing. I got a couple of questions here. Start out with the funny one here. Billy the kid, part two says, I just bought gold for the first time, Tony, I spent $3,000 and got me three pairs of Trump sneakers. Is there real gold in Trump’s sneakers? I don’t think there’s anything, I don’t think there’s anything real about those. But I love that question. Here is a more serious question.

I like that joke for Tony Sprunford says, tony, what are your thoughts on silver versus gold? Is silver worth holding? Stack silver, silver long term? The word I would use is ridiculous because if you look at the price history, 1980, what’s the purchasing power of $52. 50 in 1980 versus today? It’s what’s probably like $250. The disparity there is insane. I’m about to release an interview I had with Peter Crowd, who wrote the great Silver Bull book.

And we really dove into not only is the price of silver manipulated, I mean, JP Morgan’s been convicted of this. It’s counterintuitive because most people don’t pay attention because it’s a price manipulation to suppress it. Now why is that? And who is the largest holder of silver in the world? Oh, it’s JP Morgan. So they’re buying physical silver and that’s the thing. You’re talking about hundreds of millions of ounces in deficits.

Now for the demand versus the production. So the recycling. I’ve discussed this on my interview with Peter. Most of the silver, it’s in landfills because it wasn’t worth getting out of the electronic components to get thrown away. Only about 20% of the silver that hits the market is from silver mines. The rest of it is just found in either recycling from jewelry and other places, or found in gold mining, copper mining.

And they just, well, that’s extra. So they set it aside. There is not a lot of silver mining going on. So while the price is suppressed, it’s too cheap to even go get it. So there’s going to be a reckoning. And I have seen intel that a lot of the big banks have stopped their shorts on silver, which they normally short it, and a lot of them are pulling those shorts.

And so I think there’s going to be in the next year or so. Again, not investment advice has nothing to do with investment. Just watch this, because I think it’s going to become less and less available. Even after the markets corrected some and it’s stabilized a bit, I still don’t even see the amount of availability that I saw in 2019. We’re not even close to that. So there’s something if you a whale right now that it was two or three whales that wanted to come in and buy up the silver, they couldn’t place the orders.

We know that in the physical precious metals business, you can’t lock those trades. So I would say get physical silver and stack it for the long term because it’s way out of even the gold and silver ratio historically is something that you need to pay attention to as well, because it’s always been either ten to one or at the highest, 20 to one. We’re at 87 to one during the height of the scamdemic, 125 to one at one time in the first quarter of 2020.

So that disparity something, there’s a reckoning coming from the price of silver. I don’t know what when, but it will happen. Math eventually kicks in. And when you say it’s counterintuitive that they’re getting this to depress the price, but we’ve seen that type of thing happen before. I remember when the real estate market started collapsing and it’s like, so what’s their game on this? Because all of a sudden, I remember we had a neighbor who refinanced their house, and they got a really low interest rate.

Their payments went down, they got cash out of it and all the rest of the stuff. And we looked at, it’s like, well, maybe we should do that. All of a sudden, within a week, the interest rates just jumped. And they said, well, it’s something that happened in California and now spreading all over the country. And it’s like, well, I don’t know, but why would they do this? Well, we see why they did it.

They depressed the price of housing and they bought into it. And they do this. They create, just like the warnings about the creation of the Federal Reserve said they’ll create bull and bear markets and they will profit when it goes up and profit when it goes down. And so when they start depressing stuff like this excessively, you know that they’re playing a longer game and they’re going to do something to, on the other side of it, they are going to artificially increase it, probably as well.

We got another couple of questions here. I think for you, Tony, what states can your paper goldbacks be used in? Well, even in states where they’re not used officially in those states, there’s locations. You can find that on the Goldback websites, but there’s Idaho, there’s Wyoming, New Hampshire, Utah, just to name a few. And there’s others and we’re getting more access to those in the coming months. You can actually find locations like me, I accept goldbacks.

You can use goldbacks at wise Wolf or both in my Texas location and Branson and there’s individuals. So yeah, you can go on their website and there’s a list of companies and locations. So it’s really all over the country, not just those states. Somebody asked me that question the other day and I said, well, you know, when I was talking to Aaron Day, he wrote a book about CBDC and he’s talking about that and he’s very heavily into bitcoin, gold and silver.

But he said, I give people these gold paper notes and I’ll give them a little sheet, leave it as a tip. When I’m at a restaurant, I’ll give them a little sheet and tell them what this is. And that’s the key thing. Whatever it is, it’s a medium of exchange. And for the most part, other people, if they buy into it, you’re good. It doesn’t have to be something that is officially recognized at the state level.

It just has to be recognized by the person that you want to buy something from. And if they understand what this is, then, and you may need to educate them on that. But if they understand what it is, you’re fine with that. And so that’s the key thing about all of this stuff they’re going to try to pull on the other side. You’re already starting to see some trends like we see in the UK and other countries would say, we’re not going to accept cash, we’re not going to accept paper money from the Federal Reserve, even though it says on it this is legal tender for all debts, public and private, that type of thing.

They can just say, no, I don’t want to take it. Well, legally they have to take that, I believe, but they don’t legally have to take anything else from you. I mean, you could have a gold bar there that you want to give them for a stick of gum and they don’t have to take that like they would have to take the paper money. But if they know what the value of it is, they would certainly accept something that is way out of a lot more valuable than what it is that you’re trying to exchange from.

So it’s just that there has to be a give and take there in terms of making it legal tender. Even though gold and silver is recognized in the constitution and referenced, still have people that might say, well, I don’t want to take the gold or I don’t want to take the silver or whatever. So it’s just one of those things. But I think that what I like about it is the fact that it breaks down the gold in terms of a small enough unit that you can actually do something with it.

And if things hit, then it’ll really get popular. I think I have watched them grow in popularity. It surprised me over the last five years. When I started my business six years ago, I almost had no business done in goldbacks and nobody asked for them. I get requests all the time. And I finally just said, every membership level in wolfpack, even the wolf cub every month, gets goldbacks.

Everybody gets goldbacks because people like them. And I think you’re right, they’re divisible, they’re recognizable. They’re 24 karat gold. You can’t go wrong with them. Even if you can’t spend them right now, I promise you, eventually you will be able to. There’s more and more adoption every single day. And we’ve talked about this because of inflation, people are starting to pay attention to the currency again, and it’s not getting better.

It’s not going to get better. The price of groceries is through the roof. They even had an article a couple of weeks ago on MSNBC or something like that, and they said, well, the price of tvs is stabilizing. The price of electronics is going down somewhat and used cars is going down, but food keeps going up and we can’t figure out why. Well, the economy is bad and people aren’t buying the tvs or the electronics as much.

There isn’t as much demand. Economics 101, but people still need to eat. So that’s where all the inflation is at right now. So this is something that it’s not going to get better. So gold backs fractional silver, fractional gold. These are all really great things to have in the parallel economy that’s forming itself. It’s organic, it’s building itself at this point. That’s right, because of the dollar. I got a comment along those lines from the dude 7781.

He said, when the shelves of the store are empty, a can of tuna then becomes worth far more than any lump of gold or paper with some dead guy’s picture on it. And that’s really when we look at it, it’s relative to whatever the current situation is. If you get to those kind of a dire straits where people are starving, then it’s going to come back down to the can of food.

It’s going to come down to the lead that you’ve accumulated in terms of ammunition and things like that. That’s what it’s going to devolve to. But we’re looking at a situation where if we go in something that I’ve been through, you’ve been through as well. What we saw in the 1970s, the disruption that comes from inflation is just so incredibly difficult and to live through. And I’ve seen that happen.

I’ve seen what it does to everything when inflation picks up like that. So that’s one aspect of it. The second aspect of it, of course, is the de dollarization. We’ve never gone through anything like that in our lifetime. We’ve always had the dollar be the king of all currencies. So we’ve never seen what that’s going to look like. But then the third thing is the CBDC and the CBDC types of controls could be put there without a completely grid down, apocalyptic scenario where we’re all fighting over food.

That CBDC scenario could be imposed before that happens. And to me that’s really what setting some money aside in gold and silver and the people who want to do it, bitcoin, that’s what that’s really about is a hedge against the CBDC types of surveillance and control where they still have the ability to get food, but they’re just going to keep you out of the system. And you got to have some kind of a parallel underground economy.

Gray market or even black market. That’s where these things are going to come into play, I think. Well, I agree with the assessment on a can of tuna. Robert Kiyosaki tweeted that out a year ago, saying, again, you can’t eat gold and silver. Even he said that you can’t eat gold and silver and I can’t eat tuna. It’s going to have to be something else besides tuna. For me.

What gold and silver and bitcoin are or is a bet that civilization will continue. Yeah, and without civilization, monetary exchange units aren’t relevant. Food is relevant, water is irrelevant. The way to protect yourself is more relevant. So it really just depends on the degree of what kind of dystopia we’re walking into. So would that surprise me if there was no economy? Probably not. For everything I know about history.

But I think that you’re right. Any sort of pause in what we deem as normal, we have normalcy bias. Any sort of pause or disruption in that will be where they insert the central bank digital currency. That threat has not gone away. It still trickles down into our newsfeeds. They’re still working on it. Whether it’s the IMF with their unicorn or the bank of international settlements, the unified system.

They want to create a top down CBDC control system that’s being implemented. So it’s coming. They just need a crisis and it’ll be. By the way, we’ve got your wallet, we’ve already got you 50. Just do a hail satan and scan your biometrics and we’ll give you your central bank digital. You can go buy groceries again. And you’re an approved citizen and you’re essential. All this language will be used again.

So that hasn’t gone away. So the fight for us to create parallel systems are like Catherine Austin Fitz has been talking about with sovereign state banks. We have so much on the horizon. That’s good news. But don’t for a second think that they have stopped their plans to create that top down totalitarian control grid with the CBDC. Yeah, as you point out, they’ve got all these different worldcoin.

I mean, and all these different central banks have got all their different coins. And as you see them saying with World Economic Forum and at the EU, we got to have these things interoperable with each other. That’s the key. They’re all designing all their own unique things. And they’ll be out there just like you can get a 1oz gold coin and it’ll know. Maybe you get a viennase coin.

It’s got an orchestra with a stuff on there. You got american gold eagle or a Krugerand or whatever. They’ve all got their little stamp on it, but it’s all essentially the same thing. So they’re going to have their, just like they got different gold coins that they mint, they’re going to have these different cbdcs, but they’re all going to be interoperable with each other. They’re creating this infrastructure.

It’s pretty much already in place. It just got to pull the trigger and unify it all. That’s what we got to be concerned about. Another couple of questions here. Actually, this is a comment and a tip. Thank you, guard. Appreciate that. He says, not that the cold weather here in the New Hampshire studio inspires my thought, but I wonder if Tony got info in Mexico, regarding freedom lovers who are trying to leave the US and where they’re headed.

If so, what about lots of expats? And they had a whole system there at Anarchapoco. And through the dollar vigilante, you can go check out their website. They’ve got people that can help you relocate. Are you looking at other countries that are possibly friendly to former us citizens or dual citizens? Whether it’s Mexico or Panama or Nicaragua? I’ve met a lot of people there that had moved out, and they’re spending most of their time in South America and other places.

So do that research for yourself. It’s funny, almost everywhere I go, I meet people that know guard, too. And I was in an Acapulco, and I was know a mutual friend now. And I said, I’m talking to Carla. He goes, oh, tell. Said hi, you know, from New Hampshire. And so it’s interesting you just meet people and people know he, his reputation is magnificent internationally. Guard. I meet people.

You know Guard Goldsmith. Absolutely. He’s one of the greatest guys. So smart. Yes. Well deserved. He definitely deserves that recognition. And they’re wise to listen to him. Yeah, I had that experience. Karen and I went in, I think it was 1998, my mom had died. She’d had a stroke. We were taking care of her. And after she died, we thought, well, we need to think about. And I’d been thinking about leaving the country ever since.

There was the Ruby ridge in thought. Yeah. You know, I think we’ve crossed the Rubicon here for sure. So we went to New Zealand to take a look at living there. I actually set up a bank account temporarily there for a while to close that now. But I looked at it know, of course, I met with some people that were there that were also liberty lovers. And so we had this discussion about who had it the worst.

I think they convinced me that America wasn’t as far along as New Zealand was. But even then, when I was 30 something, I was too attached to America really to leave it. So I thought, well, might as well just fight it out here. So that’s why I’m not an expat. Another question for Tony here from Sprunford on Rumble. He says, thanks, tony, for the silver advice. Any preference for large bars versus american eagles, other than it’s obviously a better deal to buy bars? My advice to my customers is always get the amount of ounces closer to how much the dollar units you have.

American eagles, the premiums on them. I don’t agree with those premiums. Now you’re still getting silver cheap. I mean, it’s probably $31 an ounce for an american eagle today, and I haven’t checked, that’s probably retail around 30, 31. While you could stack 100 ounce silver bars for around 25, 25 and a half. So you really take a look at how many ounces you’re going to, because that’s what’s going to be most important now in your trading ability.

Fractional pre 1965 silver is a really good thing to have. If you join Wolfpack, we do a lot of the 10th ounce pieces. I was actually putting 10th ounce sovereign silver britannias that will be coming up in the next series of wolf packages. I just bought about 5000 of those. Wow. So we’re going to be putting those in the orders soon. So we do a lot of fractional there.

So if you’ve got tradable silver, that’s the first thing you’re going to want is tradable silver. American eagles are fine if you can get a good deal, but after that, when you’ve reached a point where I’ve got all my tradable silver that I’m probably going to need for an emergency or for a while to spend if there’s a problem with the dollar or a currency run on the dollar, a currency collapse after that, stack the ounces.

And one of the best ways to do that is just get a recognizable bullion bar. Kilo and up is probably the best deal. Kilogram bars are a good deal all the way up to 100 ounce bars. Always a good deal. Yeah, if you got the money for 100 ounce bar, you’re doing pretty good there. That’s good to know. It’s been great to have you on. I don’t have any more questions here for you from the listeners, and I know you got to get going because I usually do about a half hour work, about one and a half times that.

So thank you so much for coming on, Tony, always interesting to talk to you. And before we go, anything else you want to tell people about what is happening at Wolfpack and with Wise Wolf? Well, first of all, always a pleasure to talk to you, David, and it’s an honor to sponsor this program. And I know how I heard the first part of the show and you talked about radio, and you and I will talk soon.

We’ve got freeworld FM, we’re still working on launching, and I want to include you on that. And I know that it’s tough. It’s tough to run broadcast. I know I run your broadcast short burst and it’s exhausting. I love doing it, but I know how much it takes out of you and how much you’re giving to the audience. So we’ll definitely discuss that. Wolfpack is growing. We’re doing our best to find interesting products and find good deals.

I looked at the latest invoices. If you look at your savings, I want people to pay when you get the new invoices in, check out the savings because I’m meticulously going through product when I buy it and to see what I can do to save people money, especially with shipping and credit card fees and all that. And it’s generally significant. I have bought in the last couple of weeks close to 5000oz of canadian silver maple Leafs that are brilliant, uncirculated, but still the box isn’t opened yet.

So you’re getting a lot of great stuff in Wolfpack and saving money that helps support David. So you can go to Davidnight. Gov, check out the tab that says join Wolfpack and the deals that are coming. We’re working on the website, all that good stuff. And my two physical locations are there to serve people. You can do one time purchases, 401K rollovers, iras, all that stuff. And we’re just working on faster shipments and better customer service as always.

And thank you again for having me on. Well, thank you. And thank you for supporting us. And it really is a great idea what you got in terms of group buying and being able to do it in small quantities and on a regular basis. That is something that is a very unique service and you do a great job with that. Thank you so much, Tony. Again, Tony Arteman of Wise Wolfgold.

And you can find his website and let him know that you’re coming through us. If you go to Davidnight gold, all the connections are there to take you right there. Thank you, Tony. Appreciate it. We’re going to be right back, folks. Stay with us. Sait telling the truth is a revolutionary act. You’re listening to the David Knight show. Tell Alexa to add the APS radio skill and have access to the best channels anywhere from country to blues, classic hits to news.

APS radio curates incredibly diverse playlists for you to enjoy. Get details@apsradio. com all right, we’ve got still some more ask me anything questions before we get back to the news. And we got a couple of them that were asked here live. We’ll get back to that as well. Here’s one. I’d like to hear your opinion on many things, but I’ll keep it at one question, whether it be vaccines government, media, Hollywood, or just society in general.

I don’t have too many people in my life that I can be open to share my true feelings and beliefs with and generally stay quiet or make short and neutral comments. I’ve been trying to move my family for several years now, but I live in Buffalo, New York, and I believe that’s the same type of stuff that Gerald slinty talks about. He’s there in Kingston, New York, and he can’t find anybody that thinks like him.

He says, believe me, more than half the population around me is down with a mainstream narrative on all topics in 2024. I still see plenty of people wearing masks amongst the general public every day. Anyway, what are some good questions comments to make when dealing with someone who may or may not be on board with reality? For example, what do you say when someone asks you about what you do for a living? I would imagine saying that you have a podcast and only invite more questions, which could get uncomfortable quickly.

It does. And I concern about that when I meet people, especially I meet people through church or something, because if they’re conservative, they probably have bought into this Trump stuff. And I know that if they go there and they hear me talking about Trump and his golden sneakers and golden idols and his arg of the covenant stuff and everything, they’re going to get upset with me and not with Trump.

For the most part, that has happened. So, yeah, it is. But we just take it as it comes, and you got to not be afraid of rejection and you got to not have a fear of man, right? Isn’t that the essence of what’s behind all the masks for the pandemic? The masks were based on a lie. The masks were there because people were either afraid of what they were lied to about or they were afraid of man, right? They were afraid of other people, what other people would think.

And I still remember one of the reasons that we’re here is not just because it was a place that we were very familiar with, a place that we used to come to when I was a kid, we used to always come up here for vacations. Not always, but is one of our most frequently visited places from Florida, just to get out of the heat, that type of thing.

But when we lived in North Carolina, we were about 5 hours away, and that was our favorite place to come visit. But when the pandemic was happening and we had to go back, Karen’s brother was sick in Raleigh, and we passed through this area and wanted to see how it was. And even the people, it’s kind of contagious because there’s people from all over the place. Maybe the most fearful of the people were afraid to travel.

Maybe that was what was happening. So maybe these were people who lived in an area like New York state or something like that. Where everybody was locked up and locked in. But maybe these were the people who didn’t buy into that. And they were not afraid to travel. For whatever reason. Everybody was really relaxed, even the tourists and everything around here. They had signs up for masks. And the people who were taking tickets for things and stuff would have masks on.

But if you would kind of quietly ask them, do I have to wear a mask? Get in. They’d kind of look over their mask and kind of shake their head like, no, but don’t make a big deal out of. It’s like, okay, fine. And so part of that was the culture that is here. As a matter of fact, we just met somebody who had lived in New York.

Lived in New York City, and he was from France. And we didn’t know. He’s got, like, a kiosk that’s set up in Gatlinburg. And he makes fantastic desserts. We had. Karen’s brother was here visiting us, and four of us. My other son, whistler, and Karen’s brother. And Karen and I were just walking around Gatlinburg. And so he was very effective at selling this stuff. He had an interesting french accent.

And he was really engaging people as they walked by, telling them how his stuff was different and all this. So we thought, all right, we’ll give it a try. And we got one, and it was excellent. And so we got a second one, and we shared two of them between the four of us. And it was a lot of stuff there. But I happened to meet him at church a couple of weeks ago.

And it’s like, I know you. We talked quite a bit about his dessert and everything. And so you meet people like that, and then you tell them what you do. And you’re kind of worried about how that’s going to work out. But we see things like that that happen. And you just got to not be concerned about it. The reason I mentioned him was because he was traveling.

He’s told us a story while he wound up here. He said, when everything happened in New York. And everything just shut down. And they didn’t buy into any of this stuff. And so he took the whole family. He’s got kids, and he’s homeschooling them. And they just went all over the country, all different places and everything. And they picked this area here to move to because of what he had seen in various other places.

And so if that’s a priority to you, and I think it ought to be, because I really do think that you got to start building in an area, building family and relationship with friends. And of course, it’s still going to be a one on one that you have to get to know people with. But just go somewhere where it’s not quite so crazy. Even if you don’t know these people, they’re not going to be begging.

Even if you don’t become close friends with these people, the people in this area are not going to be begging the government to mask everybody up, for example. And so that’s what he was looking again. He went around, looked at everything, and wound up coming. So, by the way, if you’re in Gatlinburg, I would highly recommend his thing. It’s great. He’s got, his wife’s working with him, he’s got, his kids are working with him, and it’s great food.

I would definitely recommend. See, we have another question here. David Blackburn said, david, I would love to hear the story concerning the background of your daughter’s adoption life before. And now I believe it would help many people, both young and old, who have considered adoption. Yes, we had a very different experience with adoption with our two adopted kids. Travis is adopted, our daughter is adopted, and Travis was.

We had tried for many years to have kids, and we’d also tried to adopt. And all these different avenues have been shut down to. And so we had the paperwork for adoption and everything. And then we mentioned it to Karen’s brother up in Virginia beach when we were up there, and he’s a chiropractor, and he knew somebody who did adoptions. He was a lawyer. He didn’t know that we’d been trying to do all of this stuff.

So we’d gone up there for his son’s first birthday. That’s why we started talking about having kids and things like that. And so he said, oh, I know this guy that does adoptions. I’ll ask him what he knows about. You know, God had just set this thing up so that right as Karen’s brother went in, there had already been an open adoption where a young girl was giving up her baby, and the people who were going to adopt him backed out at the last minute, right as we came in.

And he, you know, he’s going to be born. And it was only like a couple of weeks or something like that. But we had the paperwork that was set up already, even. And so just little things like, know that God opens up the door for you. And so we did that. And when we brought Travis home and we adopted him, we were there the day that he was born.

We found out that she had gone into labor. And so we went there to the hospital and waited there, and we’re there with him right away in the hospital. And we came home, and Karen could not change his diaper. She kept throwing up. And we found out that she was a month pregnant. So she got pregnant about exactly the same time that we found Travis. And there’s a whole backstory to that as well, in terms of prayer, things that happened.

So it was real answer to prayer with our daughter. That was the type of thing. We had some friends who had several children, and they adopted several birth children. They had three birth children, and they adopted from China, and they were younger than us because we were about 50 by the time we adopted Hannah. And that’s really the cut off. But what happened is that because we were right at the cut off age, they said, well, if you adopt an older child, you can still do that.

We deduct that child’s age from your age. So that got us in just under the limit, because we were really over the limit for age. She was listed as a special needs child, and fortunately, she did not really have what they were concerned she might have when she was first born, she had hydroencephalus, and she was given up for adoption, perhaps because of that, perhaps because she was a girl.

And they did not put her up for adoption because they were waiting to see how she was going to be. And so they had just decided at that point in time, she was almost five years old. They had decided that they were going to put her up for adoption. And so we were going through the special needs stuff, and it was kids who had physical problems or whatever.

We didn’t really know what her problem was, and we didn’t know if there’s going to be any kind of brain damage. There wasn’t. So you just never know. And you never know that about your own kids either, do you? Right. And you can have a perfectly normal child, and then something can happen the next day or at any point in time. So we just decided we’d leave that up to God.

And he knows what we can handle and what we can’t. And I guess he knew that we couldn’t handle a severely injured child, so he gave us a child that wasn’t severely injured. And so it’s been a real blessing to have all of our kids and each and every one of them, we could see God’s hand in it. And that’s the important thing on rock. Finn, have you considered moving the show to early evening? Funny you should mention that.

We have, and I’m not a morning person, quite frankly, you wouldn’t know it, but it’s been a real struggle for these now seven years I’ve been doing an early morning show, and I don’t know, we might do that. I’m just concerned about changing anything. I’m afraid we’re going to lose audience. When we had the independent show, we couldn’t get the podcast that had my name on it that was there as the David Knight show.

I couldn’t get that back from Alex. So we wound up setting up a podcast that was the real David Knight show. And then after about two months, we were able to get that back. And so we’ve kept both of those going simply because I’m concerned that if it disappears, people think, well, I can’t find it anymore where I was looking for it. And so we have two. We have the David Knight show and we have the real David Knight show.

They’re both the same thing, but we put them both out there because we’re worried that if people can’t find it, they won’t look. And it’s hard enough for people to find the show. That’s why we ask if you can like the stream and give it a review that helps us a great deal. Yeah, we’ve thought about that, but haven’t made any decision about that either. But getting back to this other question, which I directly didn’t answer, he says, when you look at it and living in New York, he said it’s a difficult thing trying to establish a rapport with people who were really not there.

Again, I would just give you the same advice that I said about the people who moved around the country during the pandemic. Try to get somewhere where there are people who share your values politically, share your values religiously, and try it at the beginning of trying to meet people. I would suggest that one of the best places that you could go is go around and try to find a church that you fit with a group of people that share your values.

And that’s going to be one important way that you can make a connection to people. A tip from YJ 72. Thank you for your candid ask me anything question show your story for. The questions are uplifting. Well, thank you. I hope they are. You know, that’s the key thing, when I cover the news, the news is really not very good, is it? We live in these interesting, they’re interesting times, but of course, that was a chinese curse.

May you live in interesting times. And so they are interesting times. A lot of interesting topics to talk about, but it can get very dark and depressing, really. And so I try to do the same types of things. I don’t want people walking away depressed and thinking that everything is lost. I also don’t want you to put your hope in things that are going know, as the phrase was.

I think at one point the Bible says you’re going to put all your hope in Egypt. You’re going to find that it is a cane that when you lean on it will pierce your hand. That’s what these politicians are. That’s what politics is. It’s a cane, a crutch that you lean on that’s going to pierce your hand. So I want to steer people away from that. So what do we look at? Well, we look at God, our relationship with God, because that is the key thing.

This is any data you would be willing to share regarding your viewer base that would be greatly appreciated. Where did you start? Where are you now? Where are your projections? Well, we really have not looked at it from that standpoint. Maybe that’s part of the problem. I’m really not really have not set up goals for that type of thing. I’ve not really kind of calculated where I want to be in five years, that type of thing.

I like to be above ground at my age. That’s one of your biggest aspirations. But my focus has been just on a day to day operation. When I do a three hour show, that’s basically all I can focus on. It’s difficult. It’s just talking to Tony even tried to move what we have in our IRA over to him, and it’s been so difficult for me to find the time to get that done.

So we’re about where we started, quite frankly. It’s grown a little bit, but it hasn’t grown very much. And part of the reason for that is whenever we start to get some traction somewhere, it gets shut down. We’ve had so many different avenues shut down to us in the first year. I just kind of backed back and said, I’m not going to worry about this. I’m going to do the best job I can in terms of trying to get information out to people, give them my honest opinion, and we’ll leave what happens in God’s hand.

So we’ll just leave it that way. Anyway, I thank you for the comments that you finished up with that. I appreciate that as well. Compliments that you had there. And tip from Jody. Thank you very much. Says your show of emotion also shows you’re close to God. David, this is why I’ve been a listener and value commentary over others. God bless. Well, thank you, Jody. I appreciate that.

I don’t like to get emotional, but sometimes you just can’t because there’s a lot of, when we go back and we look at things that have happened and when I talk about these songs, they’re very personal. So we’re going to take a quick break, and when we come back, it looks like I’m out of questions here. If you have any other questions, I’ll answer them. But we’re going to talk a little bit about some news.

And actually, there’s an interesting piece of news here about a family. This is a guy who talks about, he was a foster kid who went to Yale, and he says, I think two parent families are more important than college. This is a guy who was very successful at Yale and other places. I’m going to tell you what he says about that and why he says it. When we come back.

Elvis. Ladies and gentlemen, the Beatles and the sweet sounds of Motown. Find them on the oldies channel@apsradio. com. You’re listening to the David Knight show. Hear news now@apsradionws. com. Or get the APS radio app and never miss another story. All right. And again, I’d like to remind people, like the stream, that helps us a great deal. And we don’t have any more questions here, but if you have some, leave them there.

Travis will keep an eye out for it and let me have those. I did want to talk about this. I’ve had this a couple of days and haven’t gotten to it yet. As I mentioned when we went to break, I’m a foster kid who went to Yale, and I think two parent families are more important than college. Social critic Rob Henderson went to Yale for undergrad and earned a phd at Cambridge.

But he says we place too much emphasis on degrees and diplomas. We give education more importance than we should. He said, I had to reach the summit of education to understand its limitations. I’ve come to understand that a warm and loving family is worth infinitely more than the money or the accomplishments I hoped might compensate for them. That’s right. That’s God’s first institution, the family. He says it’s not good for man to be alone maybe he knows what’s best for us.

How about that? Henderson, who has written for the Wall Street Journal and has a popular substac newsletter, is best known. This is a new York Post article, by the way, best known for coining the term luxury beliefs, luxury beliefs, ideas and opinions that confer status on the upper class while inflicting costs on the lower class. One example is residents of an apartment building with a 24 hours doorman on the Upper east side advocating for abolishing the police.

Another is the idea that education is all that people need to succeed and that home life is secondary, he said. Well, he’s 33 years old, and he said he was born in LA to a drug addicted mother. He was put into foster care at the age of three. By the time he was 17, he had lived in ten different homes and his upbringing was filled with poverty and with violence.

He recalls his birth mother being handcuffed as he was yanked from her, packing his belongings and shoeboxes and garbage bags as he was shuffled from one foster home to the next, and even his adoptive mother’s partner getting shot. But as he persevered, entering the Air Force at the age of 17 in 2007, graduating with a BS in psychology from Yale in 2018 via their ROTC program and then earning a PhD in psychology from Cambridge in 2022, he said, people have told me my story has brought them to tears.

That’s never been my intention. I don’t want pity. I’m one of the lucky ones. There are many kids who have suffered far more, and some of them never recover from what they’ve endured. How true. But he says when he went to college, well, before we get to that, he said, oddly enough, I never really had a stable, permanent family. But the book that he’s written is about how important a family is.

A lot of times we don’t really appreciate what we have until we lose it. That’s one of the things I think when God takes us through difficult times in our life, that’s to get us to appreciate the other things that he’s always given to us that we never had gratitude for, he said. I lived in seven different foster homes in LA, and then I was adopted and I lived through a few separations and divorces.

So in total it was ten different homes without even counting my birth mother and the frequent relocations, living in her car or living in slum apartments, he said, there was a period in my adolescence from about nine to 13 where I did have two parents. My adoptive mother entered a relationship with a woman and they raised me for a few years together. The bright spot of my childhood was those years.

My grades were the highest that they had ever been. I was the most academically focused. I was the least likely to get into trouble at school or with my friends, he said. We can focus on economics, but I would much rather focus on stability and security, on the emotional rather than the financial. More broadly, if you look at these statistics for who ends up going to college, these are the kids from two parent families.

We focus a lot on poverty and inequality, but actually, if you look at the data, it is instability that’s much more likely to predict whether a kid goes to college or not. A kid who lives in extreme unpredictability in his or her early life is much less likely to go to college than a kid who simply lives in a low income family, he said. You argue that educated people tend to person asking a question, that educated people tend to overemphasize education as a fix all for underprivileged kids.

Why do you say that? He says people involved in policy and in shaping culture focus on education as a primary means of upward social mobility. But one of the points I try to make in the book is, yes, it is important, and it worked for me, but it doesn’t necessarily work for everybody. Even though I was always academically inclined, the level of disorder in my life was weighing me down so much that I wasn’t in a position to fully exploit my own capabilities, he says.

And even if you do somehow manage to get every single one of these kids into some fancy college and they get a degree and they get a comfortable, high paying job, that doesn’t necessarily make up for all the suffering that they went through. And of course, it doesn’t stop them from suffering. And I would say that it propagates this kind of failed culture as well. I recall a few years ago, there was an article about parents who, and this is at the very beginning of all of this critical race theory, racism, and all this DeI stuff and everything.

And these people were paying, in New York, they’re paying like $45,000 a year to put their kids in something k through twelve. Let’s say they were in, I think, high school, maybe, or junior high school. So they’re paying all this money, and they put their kids in these big name schools because they wanted to transition from there to a big name college because they thought that would make their kids wealthy and comfortable and so forth and be able to take care of them in their old life and all this stop and think about how many different mistakes there is in that.

These parents had contacted people in the press and said, you can’t believe what they’re doing in this school and I’m paying all this money and everything. Do you complain about it? Well, no. If I complain about it, they might kick my kid out or something, right? They were afraid. They wanted those credentials. They wanted the name of that school associated with their kid, even though that school was horrific.

Again, just like when we’re talking about the masks, how do you get yourself in this situation where you’re so afraid and so fearful of the future and other people? It’s because you have no foundation to your life. I mean, you’re just floating around. You’re not grounded to something eternal and solid. You’re not grounded to eternity. You’re not grounded to God. You’re just floating around, being blown around by every wind, by every mob that is out there, by every government edict or fear campaign.

You’re being blown around because you don’t have anchor. And so when I look at this and understand, even if you get your kid in a fancy college, what are they going to do? They’re going to destroy their spirit, destroy their soul. They’re going to attack their soul. They’re going to tell them they’re evil. This guy went through college is completely different from when he got his degree. Now, I know he got his phd not that long ago, but still, we never wanted our kids to go to any of these formal schools because we knew what they were about, because we had been through them, and they were much worse, much worse than you can even imagine what you went through.

We went through it. And right away, Karen went from college back to being a teacher. And she couldn’t believe how quickly things had changed. And she was in a more conservative area. She had gone to school in New York and she became a teacher in Florida. Couldn’t believe how they were letting abusive teachers, very abusive teachers, stay there because they had tenure. And that was before they began all the lockdowns and the locker metal detectors and everything else like that.

And before they began all the CRT Marxism and racism and the DEI insanity. That was before all that stuff happened. As I said, people just don’t understand how rapidly these schools are deteriorating and collapsing. Anyway, he said, when he went to these schools, he said what you noticed difference between yourself and your peers when you went to Yale, for example, he said, well, of course these kids were coming from wealthier backgrounds financially, but he said they also came from backgrounds where they had more stability and where they had structure, he said.

I had a class where a professor administered an anonymous poll, and out of 20 students, 18 of them had been raised by both of their birth parents, he said. And that just floored me because where I grew up, nobody had been raised by both of their birth parents. It really is something if you want your children to succeed. The question is, how do you define success? Is it getting a big paying job or is it being grounded in reality, being grounded in your relationships? He says.

Meanwhile, almost every single one of these elite college graduates were raised by two parents, and then themselves will go on to replicate those same experiences for their own kids. Well, all I can say is one of the key things we can take away from this is that you can break the cycle. You don’t have to be a victim of your circumstances. You don’t have to be someone who is down because of the hand that you’ve been dealt with in life.

But you got to be careful what you grab for, and you got to be careful for what you aspire to. For example, here is a meta engineer. Okay, so he’s working for Facebook. People probably paid really, really well. As a matter of fact, they had a $2. 1 million home. Of course, it was in the San Francisco Bay area, but he had a very nice home, had four year old twins and a wife.

And he shot his wife, shot his twins and killed himself. What is he missing? He’s got everything. That, again, this writer says, yeah, well, school, maybe it’s not all that much. And, you know, get a great job out of school. Maybe that’s not what’s important either. It wasn’t important enough for this guy. He wound up killing himself and his family. There was something that he was definitely missing.

Right? So we can have all the wealth and we can have all the comfort that people aspire to, but then what is truly missing in our life? And by the same token, the government can take everything from you. But if you’ve got that relationship with God and maybe even a relationship with your family, there’s certain things that they cannot take away from you, but they work really hard.

The Pentagon secretly institutionalized Dei and its K through twelve public schools. So while people are out there, they think perhaps that they’re defending their country or whatever. But while that is happening, and again, I look at a lot of these foreign wars, I don’t think they’re about defending our country. I think they create more risk for our country. But nevertheless, while they are doing that, the government is coming in and subverting their family subverting their children at the same time.

That’s how they repay you for that. I’ve got some questions that have popped up here. I see on the corner of my eye, little John writes, does Karen Miss Deer park, long Island? Yeah. How did you know she was? I didn’t mention the city that she’s from, but, yeah, she is from there. No, actually. Well, she’s got good memories of it, but we’ve not gone back for a very long time, and I’m sure it’s changed a great deal, but I think she’s happy to be where she is right here.

And, Chris, since Audi MrR supports you often, will you consider supporting and mentioning his radio station? Absolutely. Modern retro radio. It’s always good to see Audi there. And I know that Audi’s got his own podcast, and I’ve seen him on with Jason Barker and the Knights of the storm. So, yeah, take a look at Audi modern retro radio. As a matter of fact, he was kind enough to play some of our Christmas music that we had there as well.

And once before, he asked for some of the songs that we play here. He did independent artists, and so he played Christmas songs there at modern retro radio. I hope he’s doing well. I haven’t seen him for a while. Oh, here’s Audi. He’s right there. Right. He says that’s not necessary at all, and my chats are sufficient promotion from DK. I plan to contribute much more. Well, thank you.

I’m just glad to know that you’re there and everything is going good. So it’s good to see you there. Audi Joey O 133. My question is, you have been on here for a few months now. How long do you think it’ll take to get through the sensors? Through to the sensors? It’s showing 766 connections. Okay, you’re on Rumble. And, yeah, we’ve been on rumble for a few months now.

I don’t know, I’m hoping that they’re not going to censor it too much. I think we need to get more and more connected to substack. And so that’s when somebody asked me, where do we want to go? That’s our aspiration. We are now posting the description to the show and a link to the show on Rumble each day for the people who want to find it there. And that’s really a better place for us to do it, frankly, because a lot of times when we put a long description of what is in the show for a three hour show, sometimes on some of these podcast formats that shows up and on those it doesn’t because it’s too long.

Same thing with some of the video formats. So I think substack is really. I want to try to make that kind of the home base, but we still have much to do with that north american house hippo. I had an unfortunate childhood. Not going to go into details, but I’m gratified to say that I’m still on my one and only wife. Well, good. That is a key thing.

That really is a key thing. That’s something that will make you poor financially, even everybody cares about. So if you don’t want to get really poor, don’t get divorced, as many people who got divorced will tell you. Who knows how much money Donald Trump could have had if he had not been divorced or if he had not had these modified prenuptials with Melania that I think people are saying.

Maybe that’s why she’s back. Maybe she got that modified a little. Yeah. The Pentagon, meanwhile, is subverting the people who are working for them. They are, for example, with this. Some examples of what’s happening at the Pentagon schools. Chat rooms to facilitate teacher student conversations that are closed off to parents about sexuality and gender. Why do we call them groomers? Because this is the hallmark of a pedophile, a sexual groomer.

Let’s talk about sex, but don’t tell your kid. Don’t tell your mom and dad. Okay. Engaging four year olds in LGBTQ plus conversations. A four year old. Four year old. Again, truly a pedo. So you have the pedagon, I guess we should start calling them, right? It’s bad enough that it’s like a pentagram, but now I guess they’re the pedagons. Solidarity with the neomarxist Black Lives Matter, as well as video content on dissent and equity to help educators facilitate classroom conversations and much need discussions about implicit bias.

This is to say that even though you hold no animosity to anybody, you are still biased. It’s implicit in your skin color and the systemic racism and human rights and all the rest of this stuff. By the way, you notice that they want to have content about dissent, but they really don’t want any dissent, do they? They work very hard to shut that down. And then finally, marxist activism to dismantle systems of, quote, power and privilege to teach social justice rather than to have heroes, holidays, and celebrations.

Well, as I’ve said before, justice needs no adjective. And when you add it, you’re not talking about justice anymore. And it’s not just in the Pentagon schools, it’s. The scouts are employing a diversity chief in the UK. They’re going to pay him $75,000 a year. This is. Something goes back to Rex Tillerson’s time we started doing that. One of the reasons that you would have Boy Scouts and Girl scouts is because you lessen the chances that the kids are going to have some kind of sexual thing happening.

At the point they always did, that, homosexuality was in the minority. So what you’re going to do, since there is no perfect solution, you can try to vet people, but you can also do things to segregate the kids by sex to try to minimize all that. But now they are pushing very hard for all this, and they’re going to have a diversity position. So this is rolling out everywhere.

I’m going to pause here. I’ve got a couple of comments. Let’s see, David, what was your first car and how long did you own it? Well, my first car was a 1968 fastback Mustang 289, and I got my driver’s license as soon as it was legal at the age of 15. My dad was able to drive at the year at the age of eight because they didn’t have licenses.

And as long as his dad was trusting to hand to give him the keys to the model a, he could drive it down the dirt road and things like that. It’s kind of like an off road vehicle. So I understand situations were a little bit more complicated. Nevertheless, got my learner’s permit at 15. Then when I get my full license at 16, I got a car. So that car I had through high school and college, after I met Karen, I wanted to get a convertible, and I had a good paying job at that point in time, working in bands, I was making a lot of money, and so I was able to buy a brand new one of those.

And it was an interesting car. I really liked the Mustang. I didn’t like the handling so much, had great acceleration. I liked the way it looked on the outside. I got it used. It was a 68 mustang. I got it in. Let’s see, when was it that? I got it. Got it in 71. It’s three years old. And then I bought the Spitfire, and we had a blast in that.

But it was a very unreliable car. Like I’ve said many times, it’s both the best car I had and the worst car I had. From a reliability standpoint, it was like a little go cart on the streets. And it worried my parents terribly that they were never going to see me again. Every time I got in it because it was so tiny. It was truly amazing how tiny it was compared to the big cars and everything that were around at that point in time.

But of course, suvs and pickups have gotten really big now. But anyway, those are the two cars that I had, and I had that first one for about four years, I guess. The Spitfire I only had for maybe about a year and a half or two years. And I got rid of that and got something that was more reliable and a lot less fun. It really wasn’t that much fun.

Well, actually, we’re not going to take a quick break because I’m going to be out of time. And so this is another question here from Alpha Omega Energy. How do we best contact you about advertising on your show? I wrote a book on my reverse engineering of remdesivir and other Covid drugs and would like to present this as a guest on your show. I’ve been on some other shows like Stu Peters, et cetera.

May I? Well, send me the information@davidnightshow. com. And we’ll take a look at it. Would you consider joining the board of a startup? I make breakthrough energy technology and I need Christian steward board members like you, David. Well, I appreciate that. That’s really nice. I just don’t know that I would be able to meet the commitment to do that. Like I said, this show really is something that takes a lot out of me.

And I’ve got this other project that I’m working on on the side, but I do about a 75 hours work week with this stuff and it’s exhausting me. And so that’s one of the things we’re talking about, changing the time of day that we do it, maybe changing the length of the program. I don’t know. The big part of the problem is I still have to go through, even if I do a shorter show, I still need to go through all the different websites to kind of get an idea of what’s happening and try to prioritize what I want to talk about.

So it doesn’t really save me that much if I were to do it for 2 hours instead of 3 hours. And the thing that really is a grind is going through and doing the description of the show afterwards. That’s the point at which collecting the information and then reading the stuff is not that much of a grind, but it’s after the show is done, I’m really out of energy and it takes me a while to get that done.

So that’s the key thing on Rumble Austin Texas BJJ. Hey David, God bless you. We’ve emailed back and forth a few times. I work with nutrition. Can you give me an update on your son’s ra? I’m here if you can make the time. I just want to help you guys. Thank you very much. I appreciate that. And he has been focused on a different approach rather than stem cells.

That was about addressing the inflammation. And I don’t know if you want to say anything. Travis. Travis is doing much, much better. I mean, he’s doing a lot better, a lot better, a lot better with this. And so we’re on an improving trend right now. So I appreciate the offer, but he was very kind. I’ll have to send you an email. Yes, thank you. And he was getting really bad.

I mean, his knee was really bad. He was walking with a cane all the time and now he’s not walking with a cane. And so that is a real praise and we are very grateful for that. But thank you so much for the offer. I appreciate it. And I guess that’s it for today. We’ll have to do another one of these ask me anything questions if you want to, or programs, if you’ve got questions, send it to me.

Maybe we’ll do another one in a few weeks or something like that. Thank you very much for listening. Have a good day. The David Knight show is a critical thinking super spreader. If you’ve been exposed to logic by listening to the David Knight show, please do your part and try not to spread it. Financial support or simply telling others about the show causes this dangerous information to spread favour.

People have to trust me. I mean, trust the science. Wear your mask, take your vaccine. Don’t ask questions. Jesus. Using free speech to free minds. It’s the David Knight show. .

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