Let it be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight. This is great awakenings on globalfreedomtv. com. We are so glad that you’re joining us tonight. We’re going to be talking with Dr. James Fetzer about all of the things that have just occurred in Iowa. President Trump winning the Iowa caucus. What that means. There’s a video of Tucker Carlson, who gives a good synopsis.
We’ll play that as well as discussing some of the other issues that we’re exploring in the genocide of Gaza and Israel, the emergence of things in Ukraine, as well as a general pattern to how the world is shaping up and how the Democrats are losing their shape. Like the Transformer in the Star Trek series, the transporter room, they start to discombobulate and lose their shape. That’s what’s happening to the Democrats.
They’re losing their shape. They’re coming apart into puddles of fetus position, screaming complainers. So we’re going to explore all that with the Dr. James Fetzer. Jim, it’s good to have you on. Good to be talking with you again. Go ahead and give us your assessment of what’s happening. Jim Petzer yeah, Scott. I mean, just so I appear to be among the walking wounded, I had a couple biopsies on my forehead this morning so that just for everyone to know and be reassured, I thought maybe you had a Trump supporter hat on and some liberal leftist libtard reject went screaming mad like the vampire in the cross.
Well, I’ll tell you, I think the US and the UK have blown it by attacking Yemen, that this has now made US and UK assets free, open targets for the Houthis, which had previously been acting strictly in accordance with the laws of war. They had declared war on Israel. Interdicting these ships headed to Israel with cargo was totally legitimate under international law. But now the US and the UK have created a complete, total fiasco, and now no shippers are sending their cargo because they can all be attacked now virtually.
And in fact, Iran has now moved to reinforce Ahuthis in Yemen, which means that Iran and Yemen control the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Scot this is a major development and it gives them tremendous control and it puts Israel in a very desperate plight regarding supplies, shipping and the like. And I think it’s very good. I admire the Houthis beyond words, Scott. They are fierce warriors and they’ve taken the right stand for good.
You know, I think this is all very positive but philosophically stupid on the part of the US and the UK. Well, let’s refresh people’s memory. The Houthis in Yemen were subjected to a puppet of the Saudi Arabian US regime. Saudi Arabia has been in the pocket of the United States since the 1970s, when the Cold War was existing. Of course, Russia, the United States and the United States entered into a mutual defense agreement with essentially Saudi Arabia saying, we will always send our military and protect you if you sell your oil in us dollars.
That’s what created the petrodollar. So the US dollar was always in oil, oil was sold in us dollars. And that occurred from the 1970s up until presently. But presently. So what’s that? 50 years or so? Presently they’re weaning themselves off of the dollar and selling oil in other currencies, the ruble, the yen, I’m not sure how much of the euro. So Saudi Arabia is slowly departing and divorcing itself from dependency on the United States.
And the Houthis in know, I can’t remember exactly how it all happened. Overthrowing their puppet master, rejecting him and seeking out their own destiny. And we always have to come back to, you have a golden opportunity to applaud independence movements when they are simply seeking to live in accordance with their own sovereignty, their own religious values, their own customs and traditions. And the Houthis did that. The United States did that against Great Britain in 1776.
The Ukrainians, the Russians in eastern Ukraine, did the same thing by declaring independence from the nazi regime in Kiev that was put in in 2014. The Yemenis have done the same thing. And what happened when the Yemenis did that? The Saudis, with us backing, if not us instruction, started bombing and attacking and killing and starving the Yemenis until they couldn’t be cracked, they couldn’t be defeated, they just kept doggedly fighting.
And nothing the US did could defeat them either. And finally, it turned into a timeout, a peace deal, a forfeit, whatever it was, the Saudis and the Yemenis came to an agreement, came to a peace deal, and I think it was BRIcs and Russia and all of this multipolar world emerging. But now, with the US stepping in and bombing them, you’ve opened up Pandora’s box, and I think you’re going to refresh the Yemenis with this new vitality of, you know what? We were pissed at the United States for killing us and starving us for what, six, seven years? We never did anything.
But now we’re not only going to stand up for Gaza and defend the Palestinians, and we’re going to stop every israeli ship we got. But now that you’re bombing us again, we’re going to go after the United States for all of that injury they did to us for the last ten years. We’re not just going after you because of this situation. We’re going to go after you with a vengeance for everything you did to our people for ten years, because that’s something we’ve never had vengeance over.
And I think that’s going to materialize into a ferocity that we have never encountered, not even in the Taliban, not even in these afghan boy loving mountain people. The Yemenis are different because they’re right next door to Iran. They’re in a key geographical position to strangle the entire Red Sea, Suez Canal, Mediterranean, and you really can’t defeat them. They’re in the mountain regions and all sorts of other things.
So we’ve opened the Pandora’s box, and I think you’re going to witness a ferocity and a severity and a violence that is going to translate into military victories against the United States, sinking of ships. You’re going to see Qatar and CeNTcom getting hit, you’re going to see iraqi bases being hit twice as much. Syrian Bay. All of the US assets in this area are going to start to come under attack.
And it’s going to be like the chinese water torture, Jim, even if it’s one missile a day, but I think it’s going to be one missile a minute pretty soon because it’s psychological. If they can fire a missile a minute or an hour, it’s going to drive the US to some perplexing situations. But I’ll hand it to you for your presentation. Go ahead. Yes. Well, I just want to add, how many unwinnable wars does the United States want to fight? I mean, it’s crazy.
Vietnam, even Korea, could be regarded as a draw, not an actual win. And Iraq was a mess. Afghanistan, a clear defeat. Libya got slaughtered, but that was brutal and that was attacking innocence, basically because Gaddafi did not put up a fight. And I don’t know, our place in world history is very bad. It’s sinking lower and lower by the day, Scott, and I think you’re correct in your assessment.
So what we have now is Trump wins the Iowa caucus in an historic landslide. Ramaswami has dropped out and has endorsed Trump. The Santa has finished second, which was significant because Haley had making an effort to come in third. Here are the actual percentages. Trump got 51% of the vote. DeSantis, 21, Haley, 19, Remiswamy, seven. The others, all less than 1%. I find Haley especially despicable. I do not like her.
She appears to be a liberal in conservative clothing. She has view after view that are inconsistent with any conservative outlook. DeSantis made a major effort. He visited every county in Iowa, and yet he came out low. And Trump’s margin of victory was historic, greater than ever before. He won virtually every county. You go back here and you can see the darker red for Trump, and then the yellow is DeSantis and Haley Green.
So you can see Haley seemed to have had one Trump. These are the percentage margins Trump had from 60% or more, 40 and so forth. So he won every county in Iowa, save one by record 30 point margin. Now, it was all going to happen. In terms of the polling, it’s crystal clear in the latest political circus that former President Trump is a big attraction, leaving his competitors in the dust.
The Iowa caucuses are shaping up to be a real yawner, with Trump holding a comma 36 point lead. And opposite is like watching a herd of turtles racing against a cheetah. Predictable and not very exciting. But wait, what about New Hampshire? Could that tide turn for Trump in the land of the free and the home of the brave? Some bold suggest Nikki Haley, former South Carolina governor, is gaining ground on Trump with only single digit market separating them.
It’s like watching a tug of war, with Haley making a surprising comeback. However, other surveys paint a different picture, showing Drum with a solid 20 point lead over Haley. Let’s not forget Chris Christie, by the way, who really he’s now resigned but endorsed Haley, who’s been camping out in New Hampshire, running a campaign that is anti Trump. As a vegan in a steakhouse, his presence could be a game chamber, with his supportive potentially flocking to Haley’s camp.
If he bows out, and I believe he actually already has, the big question is, will the Iowa result shake things up? In New Hampshire? Momentum’s fickle. The outcome could sway some granite state voters. If DeSantis were to pull off a stunner, he might get a second look at New Hampshire. But if Haley trumps to Santa in Iowa, her momentum could snowball, leaving him in the dust. Well, we saw how it played out.
Haley did not beat him. Meanwhile, other signs are Trump has a commanding lead across the country. Quite a recent poll commissioned by WDIVTV in the Detroit News, Michigan appears to be leaning republican. A survey of 600 probable voters indicate Trump leads Biden by an overwhelming eight points in the state. While some may contend 600 is an inadequate representation with a state with a population over 10 million. That lead remains substantial for Trump.
These numbers are very bad for any incumbent they report. A poll was conducted by the Glenn Garrett group. One of its founders had harsh remarks for Michigan Democrats. He proposed they raised concerns in the White House by requesting an explanation of their strategy for prevailing in the state, given the bleak electoral prospect for all incumbents, irrespective of political affiliation. Clearly this bull has a capacity caused concern within the Biden camp.
They may not talk about it publicly, but in private they are concerned. Particularly alarming is the surveys find a mere 17% hold a belief that he, Joe Biden, merits an additional term. This is the lowest rating in modern Michigan history for a prominent public office holder. Moreover, bond incorporating third party candidates drop lead at Greece at twelve points. But that brings way to 16 when the margin of error is taken into account.
Notably, Trump is also in a commanding lead in the republican primary, surpassing Haley and DeSantis by 50 points. On a national scale, the two candidates are tied for the lead, particularly in Michigan. Trump holds a 48 point advantage over his closest competitor to Santas. It’s abundantly clear Republicans in Michigan strongly support their former president. Now, Scott, I’d welcome your comments on that before we turn to Tucker, who has just wonderful, wonderful assessment of what’s going on, but your thoughts in terms of what I presented thus far? Well, Chris Christie is a traitor.
I know him personally from his weaponization of the Department of Justice and going after people that I knew that were in Citibank and prosecuting them. I won’t mention names because he was targeting other people. So he’s corrupt and he’s a fat job of the hut, sloppy, ugly person. Women especially, don’t like that. And there’s just something foul about him. He has endorsed Nikki Haley. So that should also disqualify Nikki Haley.
The fact that you have Chris Christie backing you, Niki Haley, a hindu indian woman, not a Christian. I don’t care what she says. And the fact is, her husband is an air force general. I’ve met her when I was in Washington. She’s a warmonger. She’s a puppet. Military industrial complex. We need to teach Iran a lesson and Russia a lesson. You want to go to war against the entire world? Nikki, the neocons want that.
The Jew, Zionists, Ashkenazis want that. I know why they want it is to destroy the United States as part of their long 100 year plan. But the american people don’t want that, and that’s why they voted for Donald Trump. We’re going to witness a refreshment of memory, a resurgence of the feelings and the attitudes towards Trump in the comparison to Biden. All of this is going to complement Trump.
And I think he instinctively is on the right path because his speech was a more softer speech. We all need to come. That I said from the beginning, that is how Trump needs to evolve. His communication is to be softer, is to be gentler. Don’t be an insulting, name calling, petty 13 year old. That’s why people are so disgusted and offended by him, that they need to be won back.
And they can be won back through, because people who are so hateful are very shallow. But shallow people are also very easily triggered and brought back and reconstituted. There’s almost a hypnotic check that you can do if you’re soft spoken, if you’re kind and reasonable and gentle. So he needs to shift his entire Persona, and I think he’s doing that. And I hope he continues, because the moment he becomes insulting is the moment he lowers himself, he becomes more petty.
He gives people a reason to reject him. So I really hope he’s got some good communication advisors besides our show that hopefully he sees. But the other thing, he needs to begin leading now, Jim, he needs to begin acting and speaking as if he is the president now. And that is a different framework. No one’s ever done that before. But that’s why it would work, because no one’s been ever in this predicament where we have a walking zombie child molester who’s opened up the southern border, who’s got us into a war against every muslim and arab country on the face of the planet, who has spent $111,000,000,000 wasting giving it to the ukrainian corrupt oligarchs that Biden has a personal criminal history with, as does his son, Hunter Biden, who abused young girls in Ukraine.
The election is Trump’s to lose, and he can always lose it if he goes off the wrong way. We know they’re going to try and fix it, but he needs to start leading now and saying, this is what the governors need to do. Governors, you need to send your national guard down to the border. Every state in this union should send its governors down to the border and stop the infiltration tomorrow and do that now.
And God willing, and the people willing, if they want me to be their president, I will sign that as an executive order. So he needs to start doing the solutions to the problem right now, because that’s what people are looking for. They want the border invasion shut off yesterday. He needs to present it. Here’s how you do it now. Go up and open up the oil fields in Alaska and elsewhere.
Let’s get the country flowing again. So get this prepared now, my word to the governors, get everything ready to go now. So come November eigth, we’re ready to rock. We’re opening up the fields. So he’s already presumptive. He’s already planning Russia. We’ll settle this. We’ll make all of this easy. Iran, we will temper down fires and heat. China, I’ve got a great relationship with China. I’ve got great relationship with North Korea.
Jim, if he begins to do that, he will also begin to, I think, cool the fires in a lot of these leaders and people will pick that up. So he needs to begin giving command decisions now as if he’s already president, which in a sense he already is. But that will win the hearts and minds of people who are kind of in the middle and even those against Trump when he says, this is what you do, Governor Abbot, this is what you need to do with your guard, and that will shut off the border, period.
Then it’ll draw the needle and people go, yeah, that’s a good idea. Forgetting his personality, but just good idea upon good idea upon good idea. Then it’s the ideas you’re voting for when Biden, he has nothing except we need to destroy every white person in this country in the name of equity, diversity, and whatever else that shit. Yeah, all that crap. Jim, I’ll hand it back to you.
Well, Scott, I think your advice is absolutely well taken. And his kinder and gentler acceptance or victory speech, I think, is following your suggestion, actually. I think you’re making excellent points. Now, Tucker did a masterful summary of reflecting on the situation we’re in, and I’m very pleased for us to share it with our audience here this evening. Let me play it right now. And here we go. This is Tucker Carlson giving us his assessment.
What would happen if we held an election the way that Americans used to do it just a few years ago? We should try that sometime. Here’s how it would work. Everyone would vote on the same day in person. You would show up and present an id, just like you do at the airport or the liquor store. Then you’d mark your preferences on a piece of paper. You do it manually.
There would be no electronic voting machines. There would be no dropboxes or absentee ballots. The poll workers would probably be people that you recognize from your own zip code. They’d be your neighbors. They would not be employees. Of Mark Zuckerberg from California. As for the names on the ballot, you would get to choose those yourself, as citizens do. In a democracy, judges wouldn’t be allowed to tell you who you can vote for and who you can’t vote for.
You’d get to decide. And then once you voted, nobody could order a stop to the vote counting. That would be illegal. So you would know the results of the election in just a few hours, and you would feel pretty confident that they were pretty real. That’s how we used to do it in this country. What would happen if we tried it again? Well, as it happens, the state of Iowa did that very thing last night.
They had their caucuses. That’s the first contest in the 2024 presidential cycle. It all felt very retro, very non third world, but the results were interesting. Here they are. Donald Trump won 51% of the vote. Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida got 21%. Nikki Haley got 19%. In other words, Donald Trump won decisively. At this point, it’s hard to see how he’s not the republican nominee, because he didn’t just win last night, he triumphed overwhelmingly by a historic margin.
Trump won the Iowa caucuses by about 30 points. That’s more than double the previous record that was set in 1988 by Bob Dole. So last night was not close. It was a shocking blowout. Trump did to Iowa what the vikings once did to the irish coast. Only smoldering huts remain. Chris Wallace looked like he was going to be sick. On the other channels, they cast about looking for an explanation for this unexpected calamity.
Here was NBC News’explanation. Here it comes. This is a state that is overrepresented by white christians that are going to participate in these caucuses, especially tonight. I today, earlier today, reached out to Robert Jones, Robbie Jones from the Public Religion Research Institute. Knowing that we were going to talk about Iowa and this is a hyper evangelical white state, I asked him, what do they get out of supporting Donald Trump? Because he keeps losing.
He keeps delivering losses and losses and losses, and he said the following. They see themselves as the rightful inheritors of this country, and Trump has promised to give it back to them. All the things that we think about, about electability, about what are people gaming out, none of that matters. When you believe that God has given you this country, that it is yours, and that everyone who is not a white, conservative christian is a fraudulent american.
Oh, the whites. You can see Chris Hayes just repeating himself. Just want to keep my job. I just want to keep my job. But they’re very upset. And at some point it’ll be interesting after all these many years to discover why a certain sort of person fears Donald Trump to the point of hysteria. There’s an awful lot going on there, much more than we publicly acknowledge. But in the meantime, it is enough to know who NBC News believes is at fault for yesterday’s history altering calamity in Iowa.
It was the whites. The christian whites. You knew that. And if you’re being honest, you can see why NBC is so upset. At this hour, millions of devout christian whites are streaming illegally over our borders, toting their blonde children and their prayer books. And in the process, they’re wrecking our schools and hospitals and cities and raising the cost of living and hiking the crime rate. We’re watching an invasion by the christian whites.
It’s scary, but it’s not just NBC that feels this way. Joe Biden’s entire reelection message is based on hating these dangerous christian whites. You heard it unmistakably in his speech last week to a black church in Charleston. You should watch the whole thing online if you’d like a preview of every democratic presidential campaign to come for the next generation. It’s the Robert Mugabe strategy. The real problem, Joe Biden explained, is the whites.
They did it. Never mind that white people’s life expectancy is dropping faster than any other group in America, thanks in large part to suicide, and that they will soon be a minority in the country their ancestors founded. If anything, these trends aren’t accelerating fast enough, says Mugabe Biden. There are too many white people. It’s their fault. So Democrats and media have been saying species of this for years, as you know.
And they say it both because apparently it works politically and because they sincerely believe it. And there’s no sign they plan to stop anytime in our lifetimes. But for now, they have a more pressing problem on their hands. That’s how to stop Donald Trump and his white christian campaign. And that’s a tough one, and it’s made tougher by last night’s results. Thankfully, they have a plan, and the plan is Nikki Haley.
Now, Haley, frankly, underperformed. Last night. They told us she was surging in Iowa. She was not surging. Nobody really likes her. She came in third by a thin margin. And that denies the media the chance to declare her the one true alternative to Donald Trump. But don’t expect them to give up on Nikki Haley. A Nikki Haley presidency is a lot like a war with Iran. It’s a terrible idea.
No normal person wants it. But because a small well funded group of extremely enthusiastic activists are determined to have it anyway. We are perpetually on the verge of getting it. The next skirmish in this ongoing battle is going to take place a week from today in New Hampshire. And hard as it is to believe, Nikki Haley could do pretty well there. She could even win the New Hampshire primary, potentially.
How’s that possible, you ask? Well, it’s taken a lot of coordinated effort and above all, an awful lot of money. Judging from available disclosures, Nikki Haley’s team is burning through about $3 million a week in New Hampshire. By contrast, Ron DeSantis seems to be spending zero there. Now, much of Haley’s money comes not from Republicans or conservatives, but from committed democratic partisans. Anti civilization activist Reed Hoffman, for example, is a major Haley supporter.
Reed Hoffman is the founder of LinkedIn. He’s a friend of Jeffrey Epstein’s. He was a visitor to Petto island. In fact, he’s also the guy who funded E. Jean Carroll’s sexual assault case against Donald Trump. Reed Hoffman is a democratic mega donor. In 2020, he gave a million dollars to David Brock’s American Bridge pack. That’s a group designed to physically harass republican candidates. Hoffman’s money has also helped to prop up the authoritarian governor of California, Gavin Newsom, as well as many others on approximately the same team.
So you know exactly who he is. What’s interesting is this cycle, Reed Hoffman is all in on Nikki Haley. His cash is paid for one of the most shameless propaganda operations in memory. So the very same people who told you four years ago that Joe Biden was a jovial, moderate grandfather is trying to return America to normal. Those same people are now trying to sell Nikki Haley as a conservative woman of principle.
And one of the most enthusiastic peddlers of this absurdity is the neoliberal governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu. He’s been stumping for Nikki Haley in multiple states. Now, you may not know much about Chris Sununu. He gets relatively little attention outside of New England. His charmlessness makes him a terrible tv guest, so they don’t put him on very often. But there’s probably no republican office holder in the country who hates Republicans more than Chris Nunu does.
At one point a few years ago, he complained that there were just too many whites in New Hampshire. Sununu has far more in common with Joe Biden than he does with the residents of, say, Coas county. Listen to Chris Sununu explain how Nikki Haley is the natural leader of conservative Republicans, because she’s got her bony finger directly on their pulse. When you put all that package together of experience, the fact that she is the wife of a combat veteran, the fact that she’s a mom, the fact that she brings some humanity to a lot of these very tough issues.
And most importantly, again, it’s not a big government solution out of Washington that were promised. She looks at every issue through the eyes of the voters, through the electorate. She looks at the issues through the eyes. She’s channeling you. Because the thing about Nikki Haley is she’s just totally real. She’s America’s most authentic person who somehow wound up in this phony business of politics, probably against her will.
She’s doing it for your sake. But Nikki Haley knows what republican voters care about because she feels it deeply in her soul. It’s reflexive. She leads from her gut. She sees the world through your eyes. Nikki Haley is not a bloodthirsty, power mad, feminist robot who takes millions in cash payoffs from the people who make weapons of mass destruction in exchange for promoting their wars. Oh, no, not at all.
Nikki Haley is one of us. We can trust her. Okay, Chris Sununu, you seem like an honest guy. We believe you. But will voters in New Hampshire, republican voters, believe Chris Sununu? Some of them probably will. Haley’s approval numbers among self described conservatives remain remarkably high. Why? Well, because she’s been endlessly promoted on the news outlets they watch and read. Thank you, Wall Street Journal. But those outlets are not telling them the truth.
Nikki Haley is not a conservative. That’s not a slam on her. It’s just a fact. Nikki Haley is a committed neoliberal, just like her creepy little friend Chris Sununu. And it’s measurable, for example, how many republican primary voters support the wave of illegal immigration that is currently destroying our country. Not many do. But Nikki Healey does. Illegal aliens are not criminals, she once explained to her friends at the Aspen Institute.
We can’t disrespect them. How dare you disrespect them. We should give them amnesty. Reed Hoffman agrees with that, and that may explain why he sent her so much money. Then there’s issue of BLM. Consider that. Did republican primary voters support the rioting and looting and killing that enveloped this country after George Floyd died three and a half years ago? They didn’t seem to support it, but Nikki Haley did support it.
Quote, it’s important to understand that the death of George Floyd was personal and painful for many. In order to heal, it needs to be personal and painful for everyone. Nikki Haley wrote that on Twitter as the fires were burning, Nikki Haley wanted the rest of us to suffer because some armed robber died of a drug od after passing a counterfeit bill at a convenience store in Minneapolis. And in the end, we did suffer for it.
We suffered very badly. Nothing in this country has been the same since. But Nikki Haley has never apologized for that. She meant what she said. Then you’ve got to wonder if normal people, if Republicans, for example, still want to spend billions more to the corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine. At one time, a lot of Republicans did want to send more money to Ukraine. But at this point, now that we have the evidence of what the results are, they probably have some reservations about that.
By the time the Ukraine catastrophe reaches its depressing and inevitable conclusion, the United States, its taxpayers, will likely be on the hook for half a trillion dollars, all in. So it’s fair to ask, what did they get in return for all that money? Well, we got an entire generation of dead Ukrainians. We got a completely obliterated Ukraine, and above all, we got a much weaker and much poorer America.
We got pointless suffering and death and destruction, and that’s all we got. But it wasn’t enough death and destruction for Nikki Haley. For reasons that surely have nothing to do with her deep financial ties to the weapons industry. Nikki Haley demands that we keep the slaughter going in Ukraine and send billions more, more than Congress has appropriated, even if we have to cut current programs to pay for it.
Nikki Haley didn’t just think that or dream it. She said it out loud. So how is that the reasonable, much less conservative position on foreign policy? It’s not. It’s insane. Nor is establishing a vaccine registry for Americans a conservative idea. Nikki Haley tried to do that, too, as a member of the South Carolina legislature. And maybe most ominously, Nikki Haley buys into the anti human, anti science precepts behind the Green New Deal.
Haley has said repeatedly that she accepts the terms of the so called climate debate as devised by the forces currently trying to destroy the west. Haley has declared climate change a, quote, national security issue. That’s a position that further politicizes the US military, something we very much don’t need. Haley has suggested she be willing to accept more waves of so called climate refugees from the world’s poorest, most backward countries.
The idea there is we displace these people from their ancestral homes in Africa and the Middle east by our selfish use of air conditioning and Chevy Tahoe’s. Therefore, we have a moral obligation to import them here, along with their extended families, and immediately give them free housing and health care for generations because it’s only fair Nikki Haley accepts that idea as reasonable. Needless to say, most republican primary voters don’t think that’s reasonable at all.
They think it’s crazy and destructive because it is. Not that they’ll have a chance to complain about any of this if Nikki Haley ever became president. As she explained recently, people should not be allowed to express their opinions on the Internet without first registering with the government. That’s not exactly the constitutional position on free speech. That’s the north korean position on free speech. But whatever. Nikki Haley is our Margaret Thatcher.
Yay, girl power. You wonder how many republican voters could ever fall for something like that. Some of them probably will. The ones who haven’t bothered to learn the details. In New Hampshire, it’s not going to take a lot of those. New Hampshire has an open primary system, and that means that nonreplicans get to help choose the republican nominee next week. Estimates suggest that 40%, maybe more, of all primary voters in the republican primary will not be Republicans.
So who will they be? Well, they’ll be liberals. Like this one. Yeah. I’m still undecided on who I’m voting for. I’m a Democrat. But I think Biden’s cool to be in office. And I watched the republican debate, and I think Haley, I definitely don’t agree with a lot of her platform, but I think she has a lot of momentum behind her, and I think she’s much more capable than both Trump and Biden.
Wow. You mentioned that you’re a Democrat, that Joe Biden’s a little bit too old. If it came down to Nikki Hurley versus Joe Biden, which way would you lean on? I think I’m still undecided on that. I definitely agree a lot more with Biden’s platform, but I think Haley’s more capable of the job. That poor girl. She’ll be embarrassed by that tape at some point. But she went on in that video to explain that the issues that she cares most about in the world are, quote, climate and transgenderism.
So that’s where she is politically. And if Nikki Haley wins the primary next week, it will be because of people like the woman you just saw. They are the real Nikki Haley voters. Now, if Nikki Haley wins or even does very well in New Hampshire, it’ll be a big story, of course, and we’ll hear a lot about it. But then what happens? It’s a long primary process. New Hampshire is just one small, heavily wooded state out of 50.
Will Republicans in other states back. Nikki Haley, too. Will she win a string of these? Well, they’re not going to vote for her voluntarily. Haley can only become the republican nominee if republican primary voters have no one else to vote for. So the plan works like this. Ron DeSantis drops out after losing a few contests in a row. He simply runs out of money and has to head back to Florida.
That could happen. And at that point, liberal donors swing as a block behind Nikki Haley, giving her bottomless resources. That’s already happening right now. And then, critically, Donald Trump goes to jail. And that could happen, too, to be honest. And at that point, bam. Nikki Haley wins the republican nomination by default. Now, it’s not a foolproof plan. A lot could go wrong, but at this point, it’s the only plan.
It’s all that democrats have. Joe Biden is going to have a very hard time getting reelected, much less serving another term. It’s impossible to imagine that. Yet the party cannot replace him because that would leave Kamala Harris, who is even more unpopular than he is. Because Harris is a member of the new master race. She cannot be booted off a presidential ticket. She must be shown maximum respect at all times, no matter what she says or does.
And so that means the Democratic Party is stuck with two fatally unpopular candidates. It’s their doing, of course, but it’s a massive problem they can’t get out of it. So their only option at this point is to run a Republican who has the same views as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. And that is exactly what they’re doing right now, no matter what they tell you. And that candidate’s name is Nikki Haley.
Free speech is bigger than any one person or any one. Organic societies are well done. Well said, Gemma. Yeah, I think it was just brilliant, Scott, and that Tucker is doing a lot of good work here. I miss having him regularly on Fox, but he’s not letting the nation go. He’s making great efforts, I think, with considerable success. Now, the Democrat response has been ludicrous. You saw joy Reed with nonsense.
Know the atypicality of Iowa, where every state could be said, typical, unless it had exactly the same representation across the United States. And what are they coming up with in the result? Well, they’re fabricating a lot of issues and making absurd comments. Here you have Bernie Sanders, of all people, declaring a Trump reelection would be the end of democracy. Now, remember, he’s talking about reelection. Why was it Trump’s election? The end of democracy? If Trump were going to end democracy, why didn’t it happen, then we had Trump in office.
Democracy did not end. Here’s some of his comments. It would be the end of democracy, functional democracy, he said in his interview if Trump were reelected. He said he thinks another route of Trump as president would be a lot more extreme than the first. He’s made that clear. There’s a lot of personal bitterness. He’s a bitter man, having gone through four indictments, humiliated. He’s going to take it out on his enemies.
We’ve got to explain to the american people what that means to them, what the collapse of american democracy will mean to all of us. Sanders’words echo those of Biden made in a recent campaign speech, during which he said Trump return to the presidency would risk american democracy. The president highlighted the January 6 attack on the Capitol in an attempt to cement a point about Trump and other Republicans espousing a kind of extremism that was seen by the world on that day.
Donald Trump’s campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future. He’s willing to sacrifice democracy to put himself in power, Biden said in his feet, taking place near Valley porch the day before the third anniversary of the January 6 event. Biden also said Trump’s fault claims about the 2020 election could never stand up in court. The legal path just took Trump back to the truth, that I’d won the election and he was a loser.
Scud. This is so ridiculous and self serving. We have so many revelation about January 6. The FBI was deeply involved. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shermer were running the shot. It turns out that General Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, used his influence to keep the National Guard from turning out when the commander in chief had asked that be done. It’s all outrageous. Scott, we knew Biden was a fraud.
We know it’s not even the real Joe Biden. We know it’s some actor wearing a mask. We know he has a different shape and size ahead. He has different ears. He has different handwriting. His social behavior and interaction are completely different. I find all this insulting beyond belief in Bernie Sanders. You know, there was a time when I thought he was an admirable guy. Now I think he’s just a despicable cat, just an old codger who’s lost his way and turned senile like the president, and he’s poor.
Your thoughts? Well, the Covid-19 shot is always the indicator of is the needle going towards dementia and death and all of that. And if they got the shot, then they’re on that trajectory. So that’s the first thing to understand, and I think he’s got it and all that that helps people go, okay, now we know he’s worthless. He’s gone. He’s a dead man walking. Bernie Sanders is a communist.
And they always try and cloak communism and authoritarianism and totalitarianism and their fascism in democracy. This is a democracy, but they really believe it’s a platonic. We are the politicians at the top of the pyramid and they always like to believe that. And the oligarchs seduce them into doing that. Oh, you’re so brilliant, Bernie Sanders. Let me give you a million dollars. And by the way, I need you to do this, this and this because you’re so brilliant, not because of the million dollars.
That’s how the oligarchs control the rudder of the. So, you know when Bernie Sanders says Trump’s looking to the past, he who forgets history is doomed to repeat it. Right? I can’t remember. I think it was Voltaire who said that. No, Santiana. Santiana. Thank you. So you have to look to the past to see what mistakes, what errors, what policies have been done that are going to affect and if not, destroy our future.
The biggest one is the opening of the border and invading our country and all sorts of other things that have been materialized. So that Democrat girl is funny to watch because her and millions of others in the independents in this country, like her half wit bobblehead, they’re just stupid imbeciles walking around. They don’t have a clue about anything. Totally incompetent boobs. I mean, a real shame that this country has turned in to produce such pathetic human beings.
But they do determine the elections, right? They decide in a fair election, 50% plus one. So they have to be won in courted. And they’re very easy. Here’s the key, Jim. Here I’m going to give what Donald Trump, if he uses this, this magical line, he will win every single fight he goes to, every single polling place, every single voter, every single speech he gives. If he says this line, he will win everything.
And here it is from an army psyop guy. I know we will win. We will make America great again through strength and diplomacy. Diplomacy. Diplomacy. Let us remember, we’re Americans. We invented diplomacy. We’re the experts at soft power and influencing other nations. We have forgotten diplomacy. Under the Biden administration, they are ruining and racking and threatening and waging war and firing missiles and going stark raving mad. And people like Nikki Haley and all these others want to take us down this path.
Of madness and war and destruction, and the american people don’t want that. What do the american people want? The more if he mentions those two things, what do the american people want? Or this is what I’m hearing from the american people. This is what the american people want. They want diplomacy. They want strength, but they want diplomacy. That’s what Reagan was. You and I remember when Ronald Reagan ascended with the president of Gorbachev in the 1980s.
I think it was in Iceland, Reichevik Iceland, when Reagan met with Gorbachev. And Reagan skipped up those stairs like a big, handsome Hollywood guy in a black suit, and he was 30 years older than Gorbachev, and he puts his arm around Gorbachev. That was diplomacy. That was Reagan, that was America. That’s why we all loved Reagan, because he embodied what Americans loved about themselves and their country. A relaxed, handsome, socially gifted, hanging around, able to talk with Johnny Carson and all the rest of it.
Yeah, there’s some dark stuff behind there, but for the most part, on a surface level, we always have to come back to, what are the average Americans see and know? They don’t know any of the deep stuff that we talk about. They don’t know any of these real. The gears that are running. They don’t know there’s a little man behind the curtain or a deep state behind the curtain.
They just kind of a big. This is what’s happening in the world. Trump has an opportunity if he says, we’re going to fix the problem in Ukraine and Russia with strength and diplomacy. And the reason I raise this is because a lot of these interviews, Trump’s up there and he’s saying, we’re going to fix this Ukraine thing with Russia through strength. That’s the wrong thing to say, Mr.
Trump. We’ve heard that before. We’ve had that for 20 freaking years from George Bush, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, and your military industrial complex traders like Millie and the rest that wouldn’t let us get out of Afghanistan, wouldn’t let us get out of Syria, betrayed the president, all because of strength. So he needs to pivot. And, yeah, 1ft is strength. You want men trained to be military efficient leaders and good soldiers, not to be rainbow flag sodomite faggots that don’t know the difference between a man and a woman.
That’s not strength. That’s madness. But strength is old fashioned, rugged, manly military training and character. But diplomacy is everything. Diplomacy is the gentleman is the scholar, is what Putin is. Putin is the embodiment of diplomacy. And look how many pieces on the checkerboard. He has picked up Saudi Arabia, China, Iran, Africa, Vietnam, North Korea, all over the globe. The majority of the nations, the only nations that are not on Putin and Russia’s side are the british, UK, because they’re all a bunch of woke psychopaths.
Now, there’s no more british customs and traditions but the UK and Germany and France and the United States and Canada and Australia, that are all in this delusion, this bubblegum mentality of some future transhuman Star wars, Star Trek sort of world where you could just punch a couple keys into a wall and food and gas and everything you need to live is going to come out. It’s a fantasy.
And then, of course, you’ve got the zionist jewish element, like this. Tucker mentioned the guy who’s the founder of LinkedIn, that should tell everybody, get out of LinkedIn or be careful with it, because it’s a Mossad operation to gather intelligence. But all of this stuff that’s materializing, Trump has an opportunity to do good. Now, I’ll end it by saying, if I put on my cynical hat, if I put on my wariness hat, I would say, if Trump doesn’t adjust and include diplomacy, and he thinks that, well, we’ll just send a million men and tanks and airplanes into Ukraine and dare know they’ll stand down.
If he does that, he’s very stupid, because Russia will not back down. Russia is prepared to go to war against Biden and against Trump. They’re not going to back go. They’re Russians, they’re not Americans, they’re not French, they’re not Germans, they’re Russians. Different breed, different mind, different culture. They’re conservative, extraordinarily cold weather people. They’re not into the popularism. They don’t have gay nightclubs and all the stuff that Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, I think they’re all connected with the Chabad Lubovich, too.
The Jews building tunnels in Brooklyn where they rape babies. That’s the other thing that’s just popped up, all of this stuff. Trump, he better be humble and smart and be diplomatic, because, and I hope and pray is. But if he’s not, Jim, if he starts to say this, well, this is a mandate. The people have given me a mandate to build our military and go and impress upon every nation.
Hey, we’re back. You better do what we say. You better back down, you better do this, you better do that. If he thinks that’s going to be a winning trajectory, he’s going to drive the ship right into the iceberg and it will crash everything. The world is ready to go to war against the United States. And Trump can, if he goes the smart way and uses diplomacy and really starts emphasizing that and does the soft power and does the soft tone, you will see all of this going his way.
Now, let me just finalize thing Tucker said, this other alternative plan to the Democrats to get Nikki Haley. Instantly, when I heard that, I thought, is she going to make Gavin Newsom her vice presidential vice president? Is there something there in the mix? Are they going to try and kill Trump? Are they going to try and arrest him? Are they going to kill him in jail like they did the chilean american journalist that was just taken into a ukrainian jail and killed and betrayed? All of these things are in play, but ultimately, we need to be prepared for the Democrats trying to overthrow the table.
You will see the Democrats begin to descend into a madness in this hysteria. And you saw a glimpse of it with that silly black woman. I have to laugh at these silly black women, like, know, complaining about whites and all that. But what does she do, Jim? She gets a hair dye job and dyes her hair blonde like you’re german, scandinavian, swedish. No black woman is blonde hair, baby.
Why are you bleaching your hair blonde? There’s no black person on the face of the planet who’s blonde. There’s no asian person who’s blonde. Yet you, the white hating, hyper white state of Iowa, the white people are the danger. And she’s got a couple. Doesn’t they look like jewish guys next to. She’s, she’s on this bandwagon of how white people know the problem and they want know take back the country.
And she bleaches her hair white to make her look like a white person. Jim, the white people in this country are not looking to take control and become fascist nazi dictators over every other person, every other race, but they are looking to affirm. This country was built upon the ideas and the work of our ancestors going back to 1776, even going back to 1492. And we are not going to allow those pillars to be destroyed, those statues to be torn down, and those traditional conservative values to be spray painted over with the pornographic, debaucherous, spray paint ruinous language of wokeism, of equity, inclusion and diversity, like you said.
So people are rising up to affirm it. I think it’ll be a quiet affirmation of Donald Trump, but he has to be wise and understand, because carpet baggers are going to slip in behind Trump like they did last time. That was his downfall is he had all of these carpet bagging, disloyal traitors and bush flunkies in his administration. If he thinks he has a mandate to go to war, or at least puff up his chest and take the military around the world, he’s stupid and he’s wrong.
He doesn’t have a mandate to that. In fact, he has a mandate to do the opposite. He has a mandate from the american people to develop diplomacy, to pull us out of wars that we have no business in. To say we’re done with this, we’re going to cash in our chips, we’re leaving the table. We’re not going to enter into a conflict or a war with Iran, with Iraq, with Syria, with Yemen, with Somalia, with Egypt, with Turkey, all at the same time.
We’re not going to do that trumpet better. Be smart and realize that’s the only winning course to do. You can be diplomatic, but don’t be dumb and think you’re going to pick a fight with people who have nothing to lose. They’re already in the stone age. And don’t think strength is everything. It’s not. Strength has got us into the problem that we’re in because we’ve forgotten the other side of the coin, which is diplomacy.
If he uses the word diplomacy, if he lives, diplomacy, if he masters diplomacy domestically and in foreign policy, this election is his to lose. And in my opinion, he will win as long as he’s alive and as long as these election processes are counted by hand, if need be, because we can never trust an other electronic voting machine. And every county should declare it will not use these electronic voting machines.
So you got to put another few hours into counting. So what? The difference is an authentic count that is not interrupted and that yields the actual ballots that have been produced and brought by people in the ballot, a house and mail in ballots, fine, register it ahead of time. Military or old people that can’t get to the place, fine. But no more, and never again can we allow what the, and Trump allowed this to happen last time by allowing these governors to get away with the mail in ballots.
And what Gavin Newsom ended it, stole the election from him. So, Jim, I’ll end it there and hand it back to you. Well, I think you’re right. He was in trouble from the beginning with the establishment because he wanted to be friends with Russia. His message hasn’t changed, Scott. Diplomacy will be the motif of his administration. I think you’ve got it exactly right. It actually delineated the path that he will follow I predict with great confidence.
Excellent commentary, my friend. Just excellent. And again, a pleasure to join you on these shows. Well, Jim, it’s an honor to have you. I hope and pray that Trump follows this trajectory, and I hope and pray that he has advisors like you, like myself, like others that can guide him and give him the language. In my experience in Washington, having been out there for 1415 years, I was surrounded by uncreative people.
A lot of very few moral, christian, earthy, grounded people, a lot of carpet baggers, a lot of lustful people, and it is a swamp. It attracts flies. So he needs moral people. And I’ll say this, too, and I think we need to always be saying this again and again. You and I know this, but Trump, as I said in December of 2017 when I sent him the memo, he needs an inspector general Tsar.
An inspector general Tsar picks up the phone and calls every inspector general at every federal agency, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Treasury, Department of Labor, CIA, FBI, Department of Justice, every federal agency that Trump has his appointed person, the inspector general SAR, can communicate with the inspector general and say, there’s waste, fraud, and abuse in your agency, and here’s what we want you to investigate.
Here are the people, here are the desks, here are the computers. Here’s everything. And we need to go after these people. Doesn’t mean you’re going to throw them all in jail unless they’ve been doing some serious election interference and fraud and things like that. But the inspector general Tsar has the ability to command the inspector generals to investigate waste, fraud, and abuse. And they can suspend federal workers like that.
I’ve seen it. I’ve done it. I’ll be right with you. I’m just finishing this. Can. They can do all sorts of corrective measures. So that’s the other thing I hope he does. Jim, we’re going to end it there. Let me give you any last 1 minute for any closing thoughts you may have. Go ahead. Oh, Scott, I think you’ve covered it really well, and I think we have a great future ahead.
I do believe he is going to be restored to office and is the best hope for writing the ship of state. Amen. Well, let us pray, and let us help and support where we can. And let us be men of integrity with intelligent, wise ideas that recognize the world is not the United States. The world has been made by God and every tribe and every government in every nation on every continent around the world, God created to pursue its own particular destiny.
And we are not the policeman or the high priest or any other authority figure that can order, bully or abuse these countries. We can choose who we trade with, who we don’t. But we should have a radical shift to, what did we say before? Not an isolationist, but a non interventionist. The more we go on that and the more we challenge and replace this military industrial complex with simply a military that secures the borders in the land of the continental United States, the more similar we will be to the model that the founding fathers originally envisioned.
Jim, it’s a pleasure to have you on. God bless you. Thank you for joining us in globalfreedomtv. com. We will see you again. Thank you. Tong, our producer, God bless you. Good night. .
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