This past Saturday night while in Indiana visiting a couple of my YouTube subscribers. These people are business owners. They’re straight up citizens. They’re very successful in life. And while we were in their backyard after nightfall, suddenly, out of the wood line, which their property abuts, a nature preserve that goes on for hundreds of thousands of acres, we heard what sounded like a wolf, a wild cat, and an owl all at the same time. One animal was making all these noises and the woman was the one that noticed it. I ran and grabbed a. I grabbed a camera and I set up a GoPro and this thing, while moving what appeared to be about 5 to 7 miles in under a half an hour through the woods in the dark, was making all sorts of ruckus.
It sounded absolutely crazy. And there are no neighbors out in this area at all. So this isn’t domestic animals, things of that nature. This was an absolute trip. I had no intentions of catching this. I wasn’t looking for Bigfoot. I was simply visiting some people and Bigfoot apparently visited us. So leave your comments below. This is not a clickbait video. This is the real deal. Here we go. Also, I’ve added video because all I have is audio. I’m adding some video from my actual Bigfoot searching myself. So it does apply, but the audio and video are not anything to do with each other.
This was all taken at night time, one continuous shot. So here it is. You heard that, right? Absolutely. It sounded like a coyote, a wolf, and then an owl all at the same time. First time was ladder. Wow. I was not looking for that. That’s holy. I’m going to have to break out the thermals later. Maybe he watches YouTube and he knows I’m here. He’s like, that dude’s. I can’t believe I had a witness. Usually I just don’t say anything. Every time they do it, it it Indiana, right outside of an enormous conservation area, and there was three of us.
This thing started off sounding like an owl, then a coyote, then a wolf. And as soon as the neighborhood animals, the sparse neighborhood animals started barking and such, it started barking and then it did the classic Sierra sounds noise. This is insane. It’s insane. And it’s traveled quite a distance. It started way over there and went way out there. And there’s no cars around here. This. I’m out in the middle of nowhere.