14 US Cities to Ban Meat, Dairy, and Private Cars by 2030

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14 US Cities Plan to Ban Meat, Dairy, and Private Cars by 2030

In yet another stupid and contentious move, 14 prominent American cities have set their sights on an ambitious goal: eliminating meat and dairy consumption and private car usage within just seven years.

These cities are part of the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” a global organization committed to tackling climate change.

Their radical targets, however, have sparked debates about personal freedom, practicality, and the extent of so-called “climate activism”.

Cities Commit to Dystopian Climate Goals

The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, comprised of nearly 100 cities worldwide, has established far-reaching environmental objectives in its report titled “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World.”

Their bizarre and overreaching goals include reducing meat and dairy consumption to zero kilograms, limiting clothing purchases to three new items per person annually, banning private vehicle ownership, and allowing just one short-haul flight every three years.

This organization, primarily funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg, boasts an American membership that encompasses major cities such as New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

The Elitist Dilemma

Critics argue that the C40’s objectives reflect a form of elitism reminiscent of historical sentiments that sought to limit the freedom of the working class.

These goals have stirred comparisons to an alleged quote from the Duke of Wellington opposing passenger railways for enabling lower-class mobility.

The parallel drawn suggests a similar mindset in the current climate agenda, where the choices and liberties of citizens are seen as potentially detrimental to environmental sustainability.

Emergence of “Climate Lockdowns” and Drastic Measures

Oddly enough, the realm of “climate activism” has extended its scope to concepts akin to the COVID-19 lockdowns.

Advocates of climate lockdowns propose various measures, ranging from confining individuals to their homes to restricting air travel.

Some even propose implementing a Universal Basic Income and capping personal income levels, another favorite tactic these geniuses have been waiting to enslave us with.

Obviously, the feasibility and effectiveness of these “strategies” remain subjects of intense debate.

Pushing the Boundaries of Climate Dystopianism

In a further twist, bioethicist Dr. Matthew Liao, associated with the World Economic Forum, has introduced unconventional ideas to combat climate change.

Liao’s completely dystopian proposals include (and he IS serious) “genetically modifying humans to develop meat allergies and physically reducing human size through eugenics or hormone treatments to minimize resource consumption”.


These propositions have intensified concerns about the ethical implications and personal liberties associated with such drastic interventions.

Challenging Personal Liberty and Historical Wisdom

Skepticism rightfully abounds regarding the feasibility and ethics of implementing radical climate measures.

The notion of a “maximum income level” has raised questions about its impact on individual rights and supposed carbon emission reduction.

Some argue that historical examples of restrictive policies should serve as cautionary tales, urging policymakers to consider the potential consequences before overhauling societal norms.

Meat: A Fundamental Component of Humanity

Human history is closely intertwined with meat consumption, dating back to the origins of humanity.

The act of communal hunting, which fostered cooperation and innovation, played a pivotal role in human evolution.

The dietary protein from meat was crucial in supporting the development of our energy-demanding brains.

While plant-based diets can meet energy requirements, animal protein continues to be an essential part of human nutrition and culinary enjoyment.

Upholding Personal Freedom and Culinary Pleasures:
Advocates of meat consumption emphasize that it’s not just about sustenance; it’s about savoring life’s culinary pleasures.

They assert that personal freedom should extend to individual dietary choices, without undue interference.

As long as nature provides game, rivers teem with fish, and forests echo with the calls of animals, the tradition of enjoying healthy animal protein in our diets will persist, irrespective of external pressures.

The idiotic aspirations of 14 American cities to eliminate meat, dairy, and private cars by 2030 stands as another ridiculous endeavor in their “fight against climate change”.

Obviously, the Left’s far-reaching goals have ignited debates about personal freedom, practicality, and the potential consequences of such radical measures.

No matter what laws they try to impose on the citizens of our great country, I will NOT let anyone deprive me of a cheeseburger and a milkshake.

Read the original story here:

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2030 car ban climate goals dairy dairy ban environmental targets ethical concerns meat meat ban personal freedom sustainability US cities

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