1.19.24: Awakening coordinated JP Morgan shock UFC vs. MSM VP Pick? Flynn doc WEF boom. Pray! With And We Know





➡ The And We Know channel discusses various political and social issues, including support for President Trump, criticism of critical race theory and transgender issues in schools, and the importance of respecting differing opinions. It also includes a UFC fighter’s strong stance against the mainstream media’s handling of transgender issues and a critique of Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau’s leadership.
➡ The text discusses various political and social issues in Canada and the United States. It criticizes the Canadian government for suppressing opposing views and limiting access to certain resources. It also discusses the possibility of various individuals running for president in the U.S., including Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. Lastly, it mentions issues related to immigration and healthcare in the U.S., and suggests that these problems are causing people to reconsider their political affiliations.
➡ The text discusses the potential return of President Trump and the changes he could bring to Washington, DC. It suggests that his return could expose corruption and bring unity within the Republican Party and the nation. The text also mentions a documentary about General Flynn and criticizes the mainstream media’s handling of sexual assault allegations. Lastly, it discusses the need for the next conservative president to challenge global elites on issues like immigration, public safety, climate change, China, and gender ideology.
➡ The speaker criticizes the shift from individual freedom to collectivism in Western societies, arguing that it causes more problems than it solves. He encourages business people not to be intimidated by political pressures and to continue contributing to society through their work. He also criticizes the state’s role, arguing that it often creates problems rather than solving them. Lastly, he discusses the misinformation around climate change and promotes a pet supplement company.
➡ The speaker is expressing their concerns about perceived corruption and injustice in the American government. They believe that people are being unfairly held in prison and that the government is suppressing free speech. They also discuss the importance of unity, using a story about a bundle of sticks to illustrate that people are stronger together. Lastly, they criticize what they see as harmful influences in the military and society, such as diversity training and political correctness.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the potential for a federal government to control money through a new currency, the impact of climate change on health and the economy, and the rise in sudden deaths among young people. It also criticizes the portrayal of Lucifer in a cartoon series. The author believes these issues are part of a larger spiritual and information war, and expresses a desire to protect children from these influences.
➡ The text emphasizes the importance of nurturing and protecting children from harmful influences, reminding us of our roles as family members. It encourages us to show love and kindness, even to those who may not be kind to us, mirroring the forgiveness shown by Christ. The text also highlights the need for vigilance against those who seek to harm or mislead us, and ends with a prayer for guidance, protection, and the strength to continue spreading truth. Lastly, it thanks the audience for their support and encourages them to continue following and sharing the message.


Give us help from trouble, for vain is the help of man. Through God we shall do valiantly, for he it is that shall tread down our enemies. Moloch, right? It is the ancient God in the Bible, Moloch. Or ball. B-A-L. It is a canaanite God of child sacrifice. Well, we’re going to experience some more huge promotion of President Trump in unexpected places like the WEF who thought that UFC going to see some there and more.

It has been quite a week already. The scorched earth scenarios are playing out. They’re working for good. Let’s go ahead and dive in. On day one, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and any other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content onto our children. I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate.

You won’t have one penny. And who can believe I have to even say, this is so ridiculous. I will keep men out of women’s sports. Can you believe? It’d be nice if he would transition that also into the military. But hey, we’re making waves, cutting out all the CRT, the transgender ideology and more that needs to go across the country and more. And just good to see him say things like this when they’re needed the most, especially in New Hampshire, out of all places.

And so, just wanted to remind you guys, we’re so excited and thankful for your support. We would just not be here if we didn’t thank you enough for how you’re continuing to hit the subscribe or follow button, the like and the share. You help us out in so many ways and we just want to make sure we say thanks and remind you if you haven’t hit that follow button, we’d really appreciate it there on Rumble, especially JP Morgan CEO.

Here’s one of the shockers. Jamie diamond says he didn’t like how Trump said things, but he was right about most things. People are growing. They’re hungry to grow. They’re innovating. It’s everywhere. It’s not just Silicon Valley. So we’ve got this great hand. But when people say MAGA, they’re actually looking at people voting for Trump and they think they’re voting and they’re basically scapegoating them that you are like him.

But I don’t think they’re voting for Trump because of his family values. If you look, just take a step back. Be honest. He was kind of right about NATO, kind of right about immigration. He grew the economy quite well, tax reform worked. He was right about some of China. I don’t like what he said China virus. He may have been right, and I don’t like how he said things, Mexico.

But he wasn’t wrong about some of these critical issues. And that’s why they’re voting for him. And I think people should be a little more respectful of our fellow citizens. And when you guys have people up here, you should always ask the why. Not like, it’s a binary thing. You’re supporting Trump, you’re not supporting Trump. Why are you supporting hard to hate 75 million of your fellow Americans? I agree.

The Democrats have done a pretty good job with the deplorables hugging onto their bibles and their beer and their guns. I mean, really, can we just stop that stuff and actually grow up and treat other people with respect and listen to them a little bit? And I do think the economy will affect, and I think this negative talk about MAGA is going to hurt Biden’s election campaign. How about that? Anybody in shock after hearing that or you’re wondering, what are we watching? CNBC.

He was right about NATO. He’s right about immigration. He’s right about China. His tax reforms worked. He grew the economy. Well, everybody just grow up here. He’s so natural. And so he looks really ticked off. Said, enough. I’m on this show. I’m letting you guys know. Enough already. I’m surprised they let the guy, the technical director back there going, hey, cut it. Cut the feed. Tell him that we had a cut off.

The feed’s not working. Oh, my goodness. Cut to a commercial break. No, they let it play out. Amazing. I was in shock. Another one, kind of shocking was this guy here, Strickland, is a UFC fighter and went and cut out all of the language so that we could watch how he takes down a mainstream media guy who’s trying to set him up on a question about transgenders and more about LGBT.

Abcdefg. We’ve got a pretty supportive gay and lesbian community in this city. I did want to ask you about something you wrote a couple of years ago. You said, if I had a gay son, I would think I’d. Oh, look, another. I’m saying, in the swamp, you guys, the swamp. You’ve become a champion. You’ve become a star. And someone. Let me ask you something. Are you gay? No.

Let me know. Are you gay? Can I get an answer? Well, no, I’m asking. This is a part of the. Are you a gay man? I’m an ally of the community. Okay. If you had a son and he was like, you had a son, he was gay, you’d be. You don’t. You don’t want a grandkid. No problem with it. Oh, man. Well, dude, you’re a weak man. Dude, you’re part of the problem.

You elected Justin Trudeau when he sees the bank accounts like, you’re just pathetic. And the fact that you have no backbone. And has he shut down your country and seized bank accounts. You asked me some stupid, like, question, but I did want to ask. Also things you said about the trans community. You said, this tax October, when they announced the Bud light sponsorship, that you’d go so hard on Bud light in your next fight.

They’ll have to accept me or denounce me. When they know what. We’ll know what they stand for. This guy’s like, this canadian. Is not that canadian. Are you still going to use your fight time to kind of speak on that? Here’s the thing about Bud light. Ten years ago, to be trans was a mental illness. And now, all of a sudden, people like you have weaseled your way into the world.

You are an infection. You are the definition of weakness. Everything that is wrong with the world is because of you. And the best thing is, the world’s not buying it. The world is not saying, you know what? You’re right. Chicks have. The world’s not saying that. World’s saying, no, there are two genders. I don’t want my kids being taught about who they could in school. I don’t want my kids being taught about their sexual preference.

Like, dude, this guy is the enemy. You want to look at the enemy to our world? It’s that right there. It’s that guy right there. The enemy gives him some schooling. Of course. This guy out here, who knows who he is? I’d like to see his face as he’s making these comments, but he’s given us a nice little schooling there for this canadian mainstream media freak who tries to push their agenda by setting up questions to try to make you accept the question or make you nervous and make you run.

Instead of picking somebody who would run, they pick Strickland, who’s a UFC fighter. Most of these guys have had some really shocking backgrounds in their lives. That’s why they’re such great fighters that they are. You don’t mess with these guys. You think that you’re going to get this nice response. Oh, I’m sorry. I take back my comments about the fact that those that are transgender have mental problems and need help.

No, he’s not going to take that back. He’s going to let you know how he feels. So since we’re in Canada, you know, I had something pulled up for later, but I figured I’ll go ahead and show it now. Kevin O’Leary out of showing, basically schooling another mainstream media freak on Fox News. This guy has no clue what he’s doing on the right side. Don’t even know why he’s there, but must be one of their trained agents.

Anyway, so Kevin O’Leary blasts Trudeau for shady comments about Trump. Go back to your canadian roots. Prime Minister Trudeau has been very critical about the prospect this country could be on the verge of returning Donald Trump to power. He said that Trump is an isolationist. We’ve heard Kristen Agard saying much the same of the European Central bank, other leaders abroad who fear that prospect and say it would send the world backward.

What do you think of that? Well, I say these words with no disrespect. Canada. And I’m an investor. I look at it from that perspective. I’m canadian citizen. I’m an irish citizen, an Emirati citizen. Canada has one of the best natural resource bases on earth. It’s one of the richest countries on earth from a natural resource bases. It’s managed by idiots. Trudeau is the worst prime minister ever put in power.

Very successful politician, no executional skills. Hopefully we will thank him for his service within the next 18 months. It’s so important to Canada that he move on. And I mean no disrespect, but full disrespect. Very successful politician, incredibly weak manager. So you’d say, you argue he has not taken advantage of those resources. That’s what that comes down to, right? Oh, it’s much worse than that. I wouldn’t let him manage a candy store.

I’ll put you down as a maybe on the prime minister for the time there with Kevin O’Leary, his take on Canada. And then we saw this. Somebody put this out. Great meme about Canada. Hi, I’m canadian. Where we’re trying to make it almost impossible to get any kind of vitamins or supplementation, but it’s totally legal to have up to 2. 5 grams of heroin or methamphetamine. Hey, I’m canadian.

Where if you disagree with our political views, we’ll call you a white supremacist, freeze your bank accounts and beat you with horses in the street. Hey, I’m canadian, and we don’t like opposing views here. So you actually can’t even watch independent news media on social media platforms. And we’re about to take down podcasts and even Netflix shows that the government doesn’t like. Yes, hi, I’m canadian. Where it’s way easier to get medically assisted suicide than an MRI or psychotherapy.

Hi, I’m canadian. It’s really cold here. We have some of the coldest winters, which is why we are pursuing net zero because we actually use fossil fuels to heat our homes and we don’t have alternative ways of heating our process at work. Hi, I’m McKenadian, and if you’re a journalist that even thinks about interviewing one of our high ranking officials, you’ll go to prison about that. Putting out the Canada for all us to see, and also just making sure that the media continues to control them, take them down, not let them share anything there.

They’re having a lot of issues. And I’m thankful for Kevin O’Leary coming out stating what he needed to about that character. And so here we are. Washington compost. Do your own research is a good way to end up being wrong scientists. Explain why doing your own research leads to believing conspiracies don’t go down the rabbit hole, says the New York Times. And Forbes says why doing your own research may make you believe fake news.

Oh, world, do the research for you. And so reminds me of something on the intel board unplugged from fake news, false reality, propaganda, armor of the Democrat party. Think for yourself. Research for yourself. Find the truth. Don’t be a pawn in their sick game. You guys remember that we’re a failing nation. No, you’re a failure as a politician and a failure in so many other ways. More like a disgrace.

Well, a failure. A failure disgrace. I mean, here’s a guy that, again, he’s talking about January 6 being peaceful. Nothing peaceful about it. Calling the rioters peaceful protesters. They go in and they beat the hell out of cops because I guess he just doesn’t give a damn about police officers. He makes fun of prisoners of war. Yeah. So there they are, all that propaganda, constantly being reminded that these guys, these guys have no idea what they’re doing.

And my hope, someday they’re taken away and they’re put out for the public to see what they’ve done and their crimes against humanity. So before we move on, just wanted to let you know what you can do for your health. Okay. Imagine you’re at your doctor’s office. Your doctor glances up from your chart and says, hey, whatever you’re doing, keep it up. That’s the field of greens better health promise.

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It doesn’t mean that’s who you go with. I could see other people. That would be great. I’d love to see a JD vance. I’d love to see a Tucker Carlson. I’d love to see people who are just principally in alignment as well as aggressive. You actually need a fighter. The Republicans in Washington, DC are weak. You can have the House, the Senate, and they’ll still roll over. Don, is your dad serious about Tucker Carlson? Are those rumors serious? Listen, that clearly would be on the table, right? I mean, they’re very friendly.

I think they agree on virtually all of these things. They certainly agree on stopping the never ending wars. And so I would love to see that happen. And that would certainly be a contender. Ben Carson, those rumors legit? Ben’s great. I mean, what a great american. Someone who was just steadfast and loyal throughout all of the insanity of the last years. I’d love to see that. Ben’s almost too nice for politics.

That may be the only problem. Can you withstand the insanity that’s in there? But I’d love to see a Ben Carson in there. That might be a good thing, but no way. Nikki Haley? Well, that’s my opinion. I don’t make these decisions, but I don’t think that’s currently really on the table. But your father listens to you. Your father listens to you. His family, maybe more than anyone else.

I’ve been pretty involved in the political game for quite some time. And I think, more importantly, I actually, let’s say, live with the base. I hang out with the base. Those are my people. Those are my friends. I’m not the New York City rubber chicken dinner charity circuit guy. I hunt and fish and travel with real Americans, and I think I have a pretty good understanding of where they’re at.

Let me ask you happened to read his book, Don Jr’s, and, yeah, his dad had him go out and work with the construction workers so he’d understand what it was like, what they were going through. He got a chance to meet people that work hard, try to put food on the table, pay the bills and more so he’d understand what their struggles are. It’s really interesting, his book and reading about it and picking a vp.

A lot of folks are speculating on many different names. Another one that came up was Elise Stefanik, was another one that I saw floating around. So it’s going to be really interesting to see who’s actually placed in that position. It’s going to be a big announcement someday. And in the meantime, we’re seeing all types of. We know that once he went, he’s going to win big. One of those reasons would be this one.

When Trump was in the South Bronx, here’s what happened. Keep saying it, and I don’t care what people say, they can get mad at me. If Trump was in office, this would have never went down. Trump 2024. They just had a Trump rally in the South Bronx. South Bronx, South Bronx. And that’s all Latins and blacks there. Latins and blacks got tired of the Democrats scheming us and lying to us.

And the Republicans said, we told you so. We’ve told you so. We played this before. Just a reminder again on how this is playing out. Of course, the migrant crisis is a big one that’s waking folks up, import more fake refugees and put all of our hospitals into bankruptcy. Migrant crisis plunges Denver’s main public hospital deep into the red after patients received $130,000,000 of treatments they were unable to pay for.

Yeah, it’s just going to get worse and worse for all of these cities that say, just open the borders. Let them all in, let everything play out the way it’s supposed to while this is going on. Also, we had this happen. The Fulton county judge scheduled a hearing for February 15 on the motion to disqualify District Attorney Fanny Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade, also at issues the motion to dismiss the RICO case against Trump at all.

DA Willis and Wade have yet to file with the court their response to the allegations that they’re having an affair. So a lot of things happening, putting President Trump up for victory one day at a time. We’re seeing this. And there was a warning given by cash Patel to Roseanne Barr. And the difference between any other presidential cycle and this one is not only is it Donald Trump’s agenda that’s leading out winning America saw it and the world got a taste of it in the first administration.

And if we weren’t kneecapped by the deep state government gangsters that we had to fight internally, we would have gotten twice as much done in the Trump administration. And I think as much as that excites us and Trump supporters, I think it scares the opposition doubly so, because they know if he comes in with this kind of momentum and support, he is going to irrevocably change Washington, DC and the swamp.

And people in government who have used it as a bridge to financial wealth and fame are terrified. Yep. They are terrified. A lot of folks are going to be in huge trouble. The exposure is coming for many. He’s playing this out. And, you know, all the things the swap is doing, one of those I forgot to mention is they’re trying to use this, Jean Carol, that something happened with President Trump and her, that he sexually molested her.

Or know, it’s funny, somebody put this meme out. They didn’t believe Paula Jones. There’s a picture of her in her right with old Clinton. They didn’t believe the mainstream media. Tara Reid, who said that old Biden was coming after her and sexually assaulting her. But the mainstream media, they believe Eugene Carroll, you can see the pictures and the difference in that one. All of this is unraveling. Folks are going to wake up.

It just takes memes sometimes to show us how this is playing out for all of us to see. And so in that President Trump had an interview with Sean Hannity, here’s something he had to say. Congress, they lied to everybody. Two impeachments that went nowhere. They went absolutely nowhere. But I mean, if I were a softer individual, and I’ll tell you something, Ron DeSantis or Nikki or anybody else, if they were in my position, if they were here, they would have been hit just as hard.

These people play tough, much tougher than the Republicans play. And the Republicans have to get tougher. But Nikki would. I know Nikki very well. She worked for me for a long time. She would not be able to handle that position. She would not be able to handle the onslaught. With all of that being said, within the Republican Party, I want to bring unity, and within the nation, I want to bring unity.

And, you know, unity is going to come from success. Because when we had this country, prior to Covid, and then even after Covid, but especially prior to Covid, the China virus coming in, we had the most successful country ever in history. There’s never been anything like it, what we did. And, you know, the other side was calling me and they were coming to me. They wanted to talk.

It was all coming together. Success will bring everybody under the same tent. Success will bring everybody together under the same tent. Time to get tougher. He looks tough in this interview and he’s letting folks have it. And I tell you what, it’s going to come down to it, where these tough players are going to have to stand up, make things happen, and we’re going to get all the way to the election.

It’s going to play out wonderfully. In the meantime, some of these folks that have been fighting for us for a long time would be General Flynn. He’s got, actually has a documentary about his life coming out. Wanted to play this trailer for it sounds rolling. All three cameras. We’re good. Is there any regrets that you have in life? I should sit here and say, yeah, I got a lot of regrets.

But when I look back on my life and I understand the lives that were lost, I mean, I’m sitting here with you and I can tell my story. Former national security advisor lieutenant general Michael Flanag pleaded guilty today for lying to the FBI. He was one of the most respected generals in the military. He was, by definition, the most dangerous possible person for Donald Trump to hire. Only brilliant military career serving, gathering 33 why was he being so a.

Michael Flyn told the truth and faced life. How about that documentary coming out? It’s going to be absolute phenomenal. We’ll have to keep up with this and find out when it’s released. General Flyn is definitely letting folks know what it’s all about. Folks, we’re at amwino. com. You know that we have the patriotlight. com. Also for you on our social media sites, we have ocupdates on Facebook. You can reach out to each other there.

Instagram oc 28. They’re all in the description box below and on our website, amwino. com. Don’t forget that you can head over to shop amwino. com also. And that’s where you’re going to find our sweatshirts, hoodies, accessories, hats, tees and tanks and more. And you could find all of this on our website. So absolutely amazing. We’ve got some great deals. Jamie and Angie, always working hard to provide for you.

Here’s some more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear. Laughable that you would or anyone would. So here’s heritage. President going scorched earth on global elites, the World Economic Forum. Here you go. Describe Davos as protecting liberal democracy. It’s equally standing up for it. It’s equally laughable to use the word dictatorship at Davos and aim that at President Trump. In fact, I think that’s absurd. But I’m a step aside from that constructive criticism and instead answer your question.

And I’m going to be substantive here. President Trump, if he’s the next president, for that matter, I think whoever the next conservative president is going to take on the power of the elites, which I’ve mentioned earlier. But the thing that I want to drive home here, the very reason that I’m here at Davos, is to explain to many people in this room and who are watching, with all due respect, nothing personal, but that you’re part of the problem.

Political elites tell the average people on three or four or five issues that the reality is x, when in fact, reality is y. Take immigration, elites tell us that open borders and even illegal immigration are okay. The average person tells us in the United States that both rob them of the american way of life. They’re right. President Trump will take that on on behalf of the average American.

Elites also tell us that public safety isn’t a problem in big american cities. Just travel to New York or Washington or Dallas, Texas, the average person will tell you that the lack of public safety damages not just the american way of life, but their life. President Trump will take that on. Thirdly, I guess the favorite at the World Economic Forum is climate change. Elites tell us that we have this existential crisis with so called climate change, so much so that climate alarmism is probably the greatest cause for mental health crisis in the world.

The solutions the average person know based on climate change are far worse and more harmful and cost more human lives, especially in Europe, during the time that you need heating, than do the problem and the problems themselves. Fourth, two more here, Robin. The fourth, China. The number one adversary, not just to the United States, but to free people on planet Earth. Not only do we at Davos not say that we give the Chinese Communist Party a platform, count on President Trump ending that nonsense.

And fifth, as we sit here, another supranational organization, the World Health Organization, is discussing foisting gender ideology upon the global south. These are practices that are under review, if not being rejected by countries in northern Europe. The new president, especially, Vids. President Trump, will, as you like to say, trust the science. He will understand the basic biological reality of manhood and womanhood. And do you know why? Not because of retribution.

Not because he’s a dictator, but because he has the power of the american people behind him. And it’s connected to Senator Portman’s excellent point that in addition to needing a vigorous executive, we look forward to having the popular will inform both the House and Senate in 2025 to pass laws on all of those issues and many others. Ultimately, Robin, I think President Trump, if in fact he wins a second term, is going to be inspired by the wise words of Javier Milet, who said that he was in power not to guide sheep, but to awaken lions.

That’s what the average american and the average free person on planet Earth wants out of leaders. Now, who enjoyed that one? That was phenomenal. That was phenomenal. Did he work on that? Did he make sure that he had all those points ready to go over and over again so when he sat there, he could let them have it? And hopefully he stood around and talked to the right people, especially if he met Javier Milier of Argentina.

He actually had some things to say, given his speech to everyone in that room. Absolutely phenomenal. Good afternoon. Thank you very much. Today, I’m here to tell you that the western world is in danger, and it is endangered because those who are supposed to have to defend the values of the west are co opted by a vision of the world that inexperably leads to socialism and thereby to poverty.

Unfortunately, in recent decades, motivated by some well meaning individuals willing to help others, and others motivated by the wish to belong to a privileged caste, the main leaders of the western world have abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism. We’re here to tell you that collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world. Rather, they are the root cause.

Do, believe me, no one better place than us Argentines to testify to these two points. Absolutely brilliant. He continues with this one. The state is not the solution. In concluding, I would like to leave a message for all business people here and for those who are not here in person, but are following from around the world. Do not be intimidated. Intimidated either by the political caste or by parasites who live off the state.

Do not surrender to a political class that only wants to stay in power and retain its privileges. You are social benefactors, your heroes. You’re the creators of the most extraordinary period of prosperity we’ve ever seen. Let no one tell you that your ambition is immoral. If you make money, it’s because you offer a better product at a better price, thereby contributing to general well being. Do not surrender to the advance of the state.

The state is not the solution. The state is the problem itself. You are the true protagonists of this story. And rest assured that as from today, Argentina is your staunch, unconditional ally. Thank you very much, and long live freedom. How about gets it? Looks like they’re clapping. Are they clapping? Is Klaus Schwab looking around and shaking his coat and saying, I want everyone that clapped to come to our room.

We’re going to give them a beat down, make sure that they’re not happy for clapping for this person. How dare he go against us and show up and make these comments? Or are we watching a movie? And part of this movie is taking us to the precipice, getting us all on the entire earth to realize what they planned for us. And now the slow wake up call of allowing the right folks to step in and give these speeches.

Or is Javier Mille who he says he is? We were given these warnings about the WEF who and all these world planning systems, and how they tried to deceive us and steal our money and more. 1992 found this gem, Paul Harvey, warning that the climate change claims were lies. And 30 years later, we’re fighting against globalists. Thank you, Fraser, for putting this out, using that narrative to usher in the new world order.

And with the willing complicity of headline hungry media. A recent crisis of the month had to do with global warming. An ozone hole is opening up over the United States, we were told, the effects of which were already measurable in an increase in skin cancer. On the contrary, destroying chlorine around the polar vortex has been declining since January. A major objective of a recent shuttle mission was to determine the scope and scale of the so called ozone whole.

And the silence since has been deafening from those whose livelihood depends on creating crises. Recent data from the upper atmosphere research satellites affirms that any problem is less. It’s not greater. Ozone levels fluctuate all of the time partly because of volcanic activity and solar flares. But MIT’s technology review has made an exhaustive study of worldwide ocean temperatures since 1851 has concluded that there appears to have been little or no global warming over the past century.

In fact, the net rise in world surface temperature during the last century, which was about 1%, almost all occurred before 1940, and that was before aerosols, and that has since been reversed. Former NASA chief Robert Jostro and former scripts director William Nirenberg, past president of the American Academy of Sciences Frederick Sykes all have concluded in a scathing rebuke of those who make money by predicting global warming. Quote if we allow ourselves to be influenced by press release, we could spend a trillion dollars over the next decade destroying what’s left of the american economy in an utterly unnecessary attempt to repeal the industrial revolution.

How about that? Calling it out in 1992. Man, I miss Paul Harvey. Grew up listening to him. Had a lot of folks sharing so much about the stuff that he put out. Absolutely brilliant. Are you searching for the perfect products for your dog, cat, horse or even yourself? Look no further than ltpetclub 247. Com, your one stop destination for all immune boosting supplements. At ltpetclub 247. Com we understand that your pets are like family.

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Com. So visit ltpetclub 247 dot in the description box below. Folks, now that we’re back, I just want to make sure we get right into what grasshopper caught here recently with some more comms. The boss confirmations they call it. Remember our special gift to DRF MnMtl regarding Durham made him a graphic showing the awakening equals coordinated every detail accounted scenario planned for. Enjoy the show adding we’ll get a 1224 confirmed today or shortly.

And so all of this played out. If you look at this, as they put it together, it’s amazing where they connect. Their 1224. Confirmation comes together here with the 1224. Every scenario planned for. Enjoy the show coordinated, the awakening, every detail accounted for. Don’t forget that as we continue to move forward and these details play out in front of us day in and day out, I figured we needed some of these reminders.

One of those that was posted by Jack Straw was just to remember January eigth or 18th, 2021, and what we were told about the transition to military power. Remember by saying what the current threat level is. Do you have what you need in place to counter it? Good morning, sir. I do believe we have everything. If I can first say happy holiday for Dr. Martin Luther King. And please allow me to say how proud I am of the almost 25,000 national guardsmen who have come in from all 50 states and territories to help support the secret service and the police departments with a peaceful transition of military power.

By saying what the current threat, peaceful transition to military power. Executive orders signed. President Trump got a 21 gun salute after he got off Air Force one. Biden flies in on some weird looking plane. He gets a funeral gun salute as he goes to the tomb of the unknown soldier. All that I put together way back when, if you go look it up, somebody actually looked it up, who I met at the bowling alley said he was shocked at the amount of detail in there showing how this was all playing out.

There’s scenarios playing out every single day. One of those Scotty Marr put together where this guy, as we continue to see the wake up call, we see the enemy using all he can to destroy the people in America and destroy their will to fight for our country. This guy gave a speech, he had to leave the country because of j six. And was inspiring. Asked quite a lot, do I miss America? You’re damn right.

I miss home. I miss my environment. I miss my friends, my family, living on the river, living near the ocean, being surrounded by people who cared about me, having a net to fall back on. And here I have nothing. I have very few friends. I have no family. It’s me against the world. But let’s talk about this. You see, people like to comment. They like to say things like that I am a traitor for leaving the United States of America.

But let’s talk about why I left the United States of America. You see, I left the United States of America because there are injustices occurring and they’re being committed by the United States government against citizens who are being held without bond, against their constitutional rights, stripping them of their constitutional rights via the Patriot act for simply entering a building that they were told that they could enter by Capitol police.

And I recorded this, and I had evidence of this. And what happened? I got a knock on my door from the FBI. They seized everything. Everything. All of my accounts, over a million followers. Everything’s gone. Because they didn’t want you, the average citizen, to realize their corruption. They didn’t want you to realize that they’re holding people without bond indefinitely in solitary confinement. So they took all of the evidence so that you couldn’t view.

So you can call me a traitor, that’s fine. But deep down, we all know that true patriots continue to speak out. And I risked everything. I gave up everything. I gave up the river, the beach, the friends, the family to come to another country so that I could speak out against the injustice being committed against these people held in prisons. Call me a traitor. Call me what you will.

It’s fine. I don’t care. I’m happy you’re here. I’m free here. I don’t have the FBI knocking on my door, and the government isn’t persecuting me. And the government here, believe it or not, whether you want to believe it or not, the government here isn’t arresting people for speaking out against them. You can believe CNN. You can believe Teddy’s cousins, uncles, daddies, sisters, best friends, information that it’s misinformation.

Or you can wake up to the realization that the american government is not your friend. That’s right. Antheus put this out, and Scotty compiled all this bundle of sticks. An old man had a set of quarrelsome sons, always fighting with one another on the point of death. He summoned his sons around him to give some parting advice. He ordered his servants to bring in a bundle of sticks wrapped together.

To his eldest son. He commanded. Break it. The son, strained and strained, but with all his efforts, was unable to break the bundle. Each son, in turn tried, but none of them was successful. Untie the bundle, said the father, and each of you take a stick. When they had done so, he called out to them. Now break. And each stick was easily broken. You see my meaning? Said their father.

Individually, you can easily be conquered, but together, you are invincible. Union gives strength. Chaos coordinator. Hashtag the people have arrived. Hashtag making history. And so, as we go into more of the things that are actually heading out through all of our minds, we know day in and day out President Trump is going to get attacked. We know that. We know the schemes that are being done behind closed doors.

It’s very deceptive. We’re going to have to stay on top of this. Keep the comms going. Each of us working together to ensure that they do not get the upper hand. Awaken out live trust. Everyone is paying attention to the setup. Hashtag precedent. Trump. P-R-E-C-E-D-E-N-T. Trump. Steve friend says the feds flagged Americans bank records for purchases involving MAGA, involving Trump, involving Bible and bass. Pro shop. The FBI is the stazi.

The county or the country cannot continue with this level of political weaponization. Defund the FBI. All of this day in and day out, has us wondering how this is going to work out. We hope that J six stuff finally comes out. Showing what they did behind the scenes. Man, I hope they walk everyone in. That was on that wooze news video that we showed, every detail he pulled to put that video together.

Everyone that was involved in that play, march them out into the public, show everything they did behind the scenes to set us up and all the amount of pain brought on true people who love their country. Remember they had these bombs that they placed out there. Smart. Has anyone ever pointed out the J six pipe bombs look almost identical to the ones the FBI uses in training? Look at the end cap and timer sent into human events from a source.

There’s your pipe bomb on the left for J six. And on the right, FBI training materials. Almost completely. The same person who discovered J six pipe bomb in Washington, DC was an undercover Capitol police officer, says Gateway Pundit. All a setup day in all, setting up everyone using their mainstream media puppets to destroy us. MJ Truth showed us this space force comes out with the Brandon act, which ensures service members have access to mental health assistance.

Well, that’s interesting. They call it the Brandon Act. Brandon equals let’s go, Brandon, let’s go. Brandon equals Joe Biden. Mental health equals Joe Biden. Who’s the real commander in chief? It’s called, we do a little trolling. And then the Space Force commander Matt Lomier testifies after being fired for bringing awareness to marxist and DEi teachings that are subverting and weakening the military. Morning. My name is Matt Lomire, and I’m an Air Force Academy graduate, former f 15 C fighter pilot, and was a lieutenant colonel and commander in the Space Force.

In 2021, I was fired from my command for writing a book trying to reverse the trend of the overt politicization of the uniform services. Specifically, I criticized the military’s diversity, equity and inclusion trainings, which at my own base were illegally occurring despite an executive order from the commander in chief. The diversity, equity, and inclusion industry is steeped in critical race theory and is rooted in anti american marxist ideology.

I watched DEI trainings divide our troops ideologically and in some cases sow the seeds of animosity toward the very country they had sworn an oath to defend. Before writing that book, I submitted a formal written complaint to the Space Force inspector general’s office detailing that such violations were occurring, including illegal race based discrimination. But my complaint was never investigated and was later dismissed by then Lieutenant General Stephen Whiting, whom the Senate just confirmed for his fourth star.

After two months, I received a written dismissal of my complaint from General Whiting. Personally, I have always advocated for a non political military work environment. Today, I’m here to testify about the ongoing marxist inspired efforts to subvert and weaken our military and broader american society. We often refer to these efforts as wokism, but it is also a culture war. Yet even in this committee, there are differing views about whether there is such a thing as a culture war underway.

Some members of this committee have been outspoken critics of DEI initiatives to include CRT drag shows on military bases, trans activism, LGBTQ pride celebrations, and woke military recruiting videos, all things that are visible components of an ongoing culture war. Ranking member Garcia, as he just mentioned, on the other hand, and asserted as recently as two weeks ago, says that the culture wars are quote unquote phony and are merely a political talking point of republicans.

It’s nothing if not incredible for a member of this subcommittee to assert that culture wars are phony, while another member who’s not present at the moment of this committee is a member of the so called progressive squad was herself a Black Lives Matter organizer and activist, an organization whose publicly avowed ideology is Marxism and whose activist ambition is social and cultural revolution. Service members who wear the uniform of their country do not want to see these things in the military workplace.

They don’t want to see them at their bases. In most cases, this is true regardless of their race or their political worldview. Despite that reality, Pentagon officials requested $140,000,000 to expand woke diversity initiatives in fiscal year 2024, double what it’s been the previous two years. There are few things taxpayers such as myself feel less essential to the mission of the United States military than expanding diversity mandates and indoctrination.

And now an important point. Such aggressively opposed ideological worldviews competing for institutionalization through policy epitomizes and formalizes what is properly termed a culture war. The fact that these debates now infect the US military workplace is an offense to people like me, who love their country and all people, regardless of their race, gender, sexual preference or background. One of the big things going into military bases, talking with troops from diverse military backgrounds, air force, Marine corps, Navy, they’re not happy and they share it openly.

When I ask them questions about this and they’re not ashamed or afraid to bring up their thoughts about it, it’s sickening. It’s one of the big reasons that two of my sons don’t want to go in. They’re waiting for President Trump to take over and hopefully get rid of all this. And then they’ll probably want to serve because they said they want to be like their dad. Sad what they’re doing to our military.

Also sad is, remember the United Airlines doing their little deal well, this is Scott Kirby. Scott Kirby, the CEO of United. He’s a drag queen and has been incorporating drag into United Airlines. This video should tell you everything that you need to know. Scott Kirby, wearing drag, doing dances about as evil as you can get, demonic, mental. They need to be put into support and find out why they are like this, what happened in their backgrounds and in their life, to make them turn into something so embarrassing, so shocking.

These folks need help. They truly do. And so we’re going to go into this part right here, CBDC. And tonight I’m also making another promise to protect Americans from government tyranny. As your president, I will never allow the creation of a central bank. Digital currency, you know about. I didn’t know, you know, so very well. New Hampshire, very smart people, very current. You know what they’re doing. Such a currency would give a federal government, our federal government, the absolute control over your money.

They could take your money, you wouldn’t even know it was gone. This would be a dangerous threat to freedom, and I will stop it from coming to America. Imagine the CBDC, if it was implemented. And all those folks that went to j six, the millions of people that showed up there, they got a picture of all their faces, scanned it, find out who you are. They shut your bank account down because you were there.

Imagine the amount of power that would give the enemy. He knows about that. We talk about that with Dr. Kirk Elliott. If you missed that interview, we had an interview Sunday. Here’s a clip from that. Just talking about all the things going on in 2024 this year. Cost of borrowing, and nobody can afford to pay cash for houses, so they have to finance them. It’s like, wait, here’s a pickle.

Because banks have run out of money. They’re not really lending out money for houses unless you have this magnificent credit score of like over 800 or something like that. It’s like, who can actually even qualify for a house? We talk about a lot of stuff in that interview. Definitely check it out. And also, we’ve got a new one coming up this Sunday for you. So excited that he continues to do these interviews with us.

You can reach out to him and we gold in the description box below if you need help and want to talk to him. It’s right there other ways that of course they’re trying to destroy us. MJ Truth showed us this clip. This is John Kerry’s daughter Vanessa Carey wants to ban fossil fuels and literally lays out the context for the who pandemic treaty. Pandemic preparedness plan will work to take away U.

S. Sovereignty. I cannot think of a topic more urgent actually, than the intersection of climate change and health. And I apologize that my back is to some folks, the climate crisis is a health crisis fundamentally, and that actually means it is a crisis, therefore also of our stability, our security, our economic growth and our fundamental future as a globe. When we think about it, health is fundamental to everything that we are trying to do.

The country, like Zambia, is now shutting down its schools because of a cholera outbreak. That is from increased rainfall. Malaria is spreading in areas where it’s been eradicated or removed in many of these countries. We are losing progress against our sustainable development goals. We have put billions of dollars towards those goals and we’re truly losing progress. We’re now about to see the statistics of the deaths that we’re seeing by 2050 is more than double what these statistics used to be.

Where are those deaths coming from? What about the climate, the way that they’re manipulating? Are you referring to the canadian wildfires that coincidentally all start at the same time? Referring to the largest wildfire in the history of Greece that was started in 79 by 79 people who were arrested? Are you referring to the line of fires that were hundreds of coincidences and was an attack? Are you referring to climate crisis change predicted by communist news network after they got Trump out of office? Let’s finish.

This is not a future problem. Though we always talk in future numbers, this is a problem happening here and now. Today, 2023 was an apocalyptic year in terms of extreme weather events and what we’ve seen happen that is about to get worse. We are on a target now for 2. 4 degrees celsius. Optimistically, if we come out of cop and we hold it, we could stay a little bit lower.

But we’re really at a crisis and it’s going to come down to two things. We have to phase out fossil fuels because this is a crisis of burning fossil fuels as she flew in on her probably private jet. And we have to mobilize more money, not only to the mitigation, but to the adaptation and the resilience so that we can offset what is happening and protect communities. Doesn’t make sense at all.

Speaks all the big words, says, yeah, we need more money. Just I heard that. Get rid of sovereignty, get all the nations together, make up this make believe thing called climate change or whatever crisis they want to call it, and then say, hey, we’re going to join it together and make it the health pandemic. Our health is affected. People are dying like crazy. Well, yeah, they’re dying. You got that right.

At least she was telling the truth there. Snoop Dogg’s daughter Corey, 24, reveals she suffered a severe stroke. Earth of Berlin President Kate Bernstein dies unspectly age 43. Canadian national pole vault record holder Sean Barber dies at 29. Warriors assistant coach Dejan Milojevic dies of heart attack. Milojevic, a healthy 27 year old father of three, died of the flu. These were his first symptoms. This time doctors took his symptoms more seriously, but his condition quickly became more severe.

They put them on a ventilator and eventually in a coma. Robert Thomas said he died on January 6, leaving behind an eight year old daughter as well as an eleven month old boy and a one month old girl. These jabs, these gene therapy shots are murdering young folks. Ronald Powell, 32 years old USA former NFL football player linebacker died suddenly due to a medical emergency. Molly of Halifax county passed away from stage four lung cancer at just the age of 30, leaves behind a nine year old son.

Molly never smoked a day in her life. She was forced to take the COVID jab for her job and believed, along with doctors, it was the cause of her illness. Messages attached are from Molly’s best friends. We’re seeing these over and over again. It’s breaking our hearts. Breaking our hearts. Sudden and unexpected at too baffled on x if all of a sudden these sudden deaths were unvaccinated individuals, you can guarantee every news headline would read unvaccinated person has died suddenly.

Yet another unvaxed person has died suddenly. There is absolutely no doubt about it. They’d put that out every single day. Trouble for these criminals is all these deaths just do not follow the criminal narrative. Brilliant. We’re in the midst of a spiritual battle, spiritual warfare, information war. Every day we’ve got these demons trying to talk into these pieces of trash in the universities, these folks that think that they can run the brains of all of our children, telling us that there’s no God, telling us to believe that science knows everything.

They don’t. Trying to make them worship science. They don’t. Trying to take all of our sovereignty away. WF finally gets what they needed, a great speech to destroy them. Another great speech from heritage president. I mean, it just seems like more and more we’re starting to see everything unravel. But no matter what, they’re going to continue to come after our children. Part of that would be a cartoon series on prime video, trying to rewrite the history of creation and the fall of Lucifer.

Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates known as heaven. It was ruled by beings of pure light, angels that worshipped good and shielded all from evil. Lucifer was one of these angels. He was a dreamer with fantastical ideas for all of creation. But he was seen as a troublemaker by the elders of heaven. For they felt his way of thinking was dangerous to the order of their world.

So he watched as the angels began to expand the universe in their ways. From the dust of earth they created Adam and Lilith, equals as the first of mankind. But despite this, Adam demanded control, and Lilith refused to submit to his will. She fled the garden, drawn in by her fierce independence. Lucifer found her and the two rebellious dreamers fell deeply in love. Together, they wished to share the magic of free will with humanity, offering the fruit of knowledge to Adam’s new bride, Eve, who gladly accepted.

But this gift came with a curse. For with this single act of disobedience, evil finally found its way into earth. With it, a new realm of darkness and sin. And the order heaven had worked to maintain was shattered. As punishment for their reckless act, Heaven cast Lucifer and his love into the dark pit he had created, never allowing him to see the good that came from humanity, only the cruel and the wicked ashamed.

Lucifer lost his will to dream. But Lilith thrives, empowering demonkind with her voice and her songs. And as the numbers of hell grew, so did its power. Threatened by this, heaven made a truly heartless decision. That every year they would send down an army, an extermination to ensure hell and its sinners could never rise against them. But Lilith’s hope remained, and her dream was passed down to their precious daughter, the princess of hell.

Don’t worry, mom. I’ll make you proud. Yeah, it’s a cartoon. And in the background, if you’re looking at your video, you’ll see the all seeing eye strategically placed for all of the children to see that. Watch this and say, oh, it’s just a cartoon. Lucifer the victim, feminist demon Lilith replaces Eve. This is the kind of trash that they’re feeding our children day in and day out. We have to be careful and watch for our children.

Love them, nurture them, give them everything that they need to make it in this world and more. I wanted to end this today with something I saw since we’re talking about children and nurturing and loving them. And I just wanted to go out this weekend with a reminder that some of the small things we do for our children will last a lifetime. As they’re trying to destroy the family, they’re trying to destroy anything that has resemblance of godly character.

And more, we have to remember the responsibility we hold as parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, sons, daughters and more. This will touch your heart. Nothing rise. If it tell me I wake, it’ll be all. And if we can’t stop the don’t have to love I will not forgive Lord, for nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you once again for taking care of us, watching over us, answering prayer, allowing victories to happen this week, taking care of folks, protecting them as they go into. We have to reveal to them that they have not received the power from Almighty God and that their days are numbered for trying to take over this earth. We ask that you continue to guide and direct our thoughts, our mouths, our minds and everything that we do, trying to reach out to the neighbors, trying to reach out to those who are hurting, to those that need a loving, just a loving hug, a prayer and more.

This year seems to be playing out as one of a lot of unveiling, a lot of truths that are going to come out, that are going to affect many, many folks around us. And we just ask that we would have the grace to love on those who have been so hateful and mean to us that we would be able to return in a sense the way that Christ did on the cross.

Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do. Another difficult day, never difficult week for many is coming and we know that we have to be prepared and stayed prayed up for all of this. So we ask that you continue to just guide and direct us, protect us from the enemy who wants to destroy those who are out telling the truth and who care for their nation and their rights.

We ask all this in the name of Christ our savior. Amen. Amen. Folks, thank you for tuning in. Thank you so much for your love, your guidance, your notes and more. And we just ask that you continue to hit that subscribe follow button and share and the like button. We definitely appreciate that. For now, this is Lt. St. Semperfy with them we know signing out. .

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