Youre Were the Class Clown and Will Always Be Broke… Anton Goes Off On Men That Always Complain

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels



➡ The speaker is urging listeners to grow up, stop being disruptive, and start taking responsibility for their actions. They criticize those who constantly seek attention, cause problems, and refuse to change their ways. The speaker encourages listeners to strive for success, respect, and maturity, rather than being a nuisance and a burden to others. They emphasize that it’s never too late to change and improve one’s life.
➡ The text emphasizes the importance of focusing on personal growth and responsibilities, such as health care, financial planning, and job stability, rather than spending excessive time on the internet or pursuing unrealistic dreams. It criticizes those who fail to mature, neglect their responsibilities, and continue to seek validation or success in areas where they lack talent or skill. The text encourages individuals to recognize their limitations, accept them, and focus on improving their lives in practical and meaningful ways.


Listen listen before we get started because we got a full show for y’all today and we got to get through these subjects It’s okay to want to join the crew It’s okay to always not want to stand out like a sore thumb It’s okay to then say you know what? They are pretty dope out there. I do want to subscribe. I do want to be a bag chaser I do want to be successful Y’all so busy trying to reject and this is why this thing you’ve been insubordinate your entire life your entire life You’ve been insubordinate you’ve been the person that had to be the class clown because you wasn’t getting enough tension at home You was the person that I was always wanted to stand out and you had to say the thing that was different even though You agreed with somebody right cuz it’s okay to have an uncomfortable conversation or disagreement But then you the person that people be like Here we go When Thanksgiving dinner is in and they know that you gonna be the pot problematic one They was discussing whether or not they even wanted to invite you but they had to invite you because technically you still family And you just always gonna be the the the nonsense the problematic child for the rest of your life Stop getting kicked out of school.

Stop getting kicked out of chat. Stop being muted. Stop being censored Stop thinking that you so deep and don’t nobody understand you know, you just retarded you dummy You’re just a dummy. You know what I’m saying? Like you always want to be the special one. Oh my god I’m gonna keep acting out because I haven’t got enough tension at all Everybody look at me. I want to be the class clown. Listen, listen, stop being the dummy. It’s a time and a place for everything It’s a time and a place for everything.

Don’t you want to be cool? Don’t you want to get money? Don’t you want to actually be involved in the conversations? Don’t you want people to actually take you serious and don’t just oh They’re gonna do with the stanky breath always coming in talking loud and making women uncomfortable Don’t you know that the reason that the crew don’t invite you to the meetups? Is because they know that when the ladies is in you always gonna be cock blocking and making stuff difficult Don’t be that person Grow up like you 30 you 28 you 27 you 40 you still trying to be the disagreeable one But I seen this old dude the other day Let me not get it.

You know me cuz I can get petty like I can get real real petty All of the girls always turn and laugh when you come in the room. Don’t be that dude Yes now Like listen people people don’t you want to get invited even if you don’t go you want to go to the cool kit? You want to go to the to the spot? You don’t want to go you want to be difficult you want to be broke lonely and by yourself and be in an incel For your entire life, and it only be the dudes most of the time, and we just gonna keep it on it It’d be the dudes.

You know I’m gonna make sure I hit the dislike, but maybe you’ve been broke your entire life You don’t want to do nothing different. You don’t want to change don’t want to evolve You don’t just want to just be a better person ah we always got to lay hands on this nigga at church Come up and get some prayer open up your mouth so the demons can run out a open up the door in the back So the demons can ghost has somewhere to go and they don’t go and jump on somebody else You got to be the pig in the Bible or the man that they got a heel Always got a problem always need prayer always need money always broke always complaining This always are always ass nigga in the chat or somewhere around Hanging around they don’t even let us just have fun I need to find a location so I can come and check out what’s wrong with you Don’t you want to have some pussy like don’t you want to have money don’t you want to get women? Don’t you want to beat half people like you? Your kids hey, then daddy is home not all man.

I’m so tired of Robert Your kids don’t even call you by daddy. They call you by your first name Robert. What you doing here? Why you keep bothering mama mama didn’t moved on with her life You know I’m saying like ain’t you tired of you ain’t you tired of being you like when you look in the mirror you like damn I hate that And then you want to put it on everybody else come on man grow up Grow up you better than that You’re better than whatever it was that you’ve lived this up to this point in your life There you keep getting fired Here come Robert he a part of the union.

We can’t get rid of me Tell Robert to grow up bro if you got a Robert in your circle a You got a Robert in your family And they and they always it’s always data crack head of the family They the ones that’s always rubbing on the little kids a little kids want to sit on hey come sit on my lap No, no, you got to grab your car. No Robert ain’t right here. Don’t understand. What’s wrong with uncle Robert uncle Robert is wrong His whole life. He just been a he just been a loser Can’t reach him No value add to the family.

He’s just a leper. Hey y’all we got to put some money together get Robert out of jail Robert need bill money mom everybody in the family won’t Robert outcast from the family But Grandmama love her baby. We got a Robert can’t get right We got to donate some money cuz Robert won’t take take his crazy medicine today Robert grow up You know I’m saying like and that’s that’s just the name that I made up cuz it’s always somebody Robert he he talking to a crackhead again Hey Robert addicted.

Yeah, he out there scratching on that thing. No Robert stole the microwaves again grow up Robert Uncle Robert is all off don’t don’t be robbed. Don’t be um don’t be uncle Robert Uncle Chester is here again All of the girls keep running from You cuter you that you to do that keep asking women every time that they say I got a boyfriend I’m married Some of them don’t be married. Some of them don’t have a boyfriend. It’s a defense mechanism Come on read the signs. You don’t want that always say but can’t you have friends? Are you happy? No, they’re not happy.

They just don’t want you It’s not that they’re not happy. They just not interested in what you’re offering, sir Keep walking up to women and a wife beater and BBB’s on your head you to drag Hey, you happy you still talking to that nigga You can’t you have friends No, you’ve been saying that since high school the line never worked. It didn’t work in middle school. It didn’t work in high school It didn’t work in college. It didn’t work at the job It doesn’t work as an adult as a 40 50 year old man.

Stop asking women Are you happy and can you have friends if she was in a relationship, but she still wanted to talk to you She wouldn’t have told you that she was in a situation ship read the room nickel read the room Keep doing the same thing over and not getting the results Hey, hey, hey, hey, man. Let’s go. Hi that smoke if you still hollering that holes and you 50 it’s over It’s over bro. Ain’t no hoes available for you 50 and Hollis is homeless 50 and Hollis is Homeless say it with me now.

I need to get a 401k I don’t want to be dog If you still trying to figure out your life and you still trying to be a rapper and you 50 it’s over fam You’re not gonna do no shows You sound like cool hurt ain’t nobody checking for you. No festivals are in your future You’re gonna have to get a job post offices hiring door dashes dashing Stop fam. Hey, man. I need a chick to hold me down. Let’s go 50 50 if you 50 and you’re going 50 50 It’s over.

It’s it. That’s done, bro 50 going 50 is over. That’s crazy. That’s diabolical. You got to grow up fam Yeah, man Hey, if you if you still going and passing if you sharing sharing trees what to do if you going back to bed Hey, let if you come in in the room and say let me hit that and you 40 It’s over for you fam. If you can’t go and get your own pack you done You got bigger things to worry about bro. You need to go and get a colonoscopy You need to go and check for cancer.

We got to make sure that your health care coverage is together You got to go and flood your 401k You got ketchup contributions that you got to work on in your life It’s some real grown man shit that you should be focused on instead of focusing on and a lot of you niggas be sitting on The internet for seven. Come on, man. Let’s just go ahead and get into it Y’all be sitting on the internet for seven eight six seven eight hours and you’ll be having 437 views is done. It’s just like being a rapper, bro If you’ve been trying to do this content creation thing for the last seven years and you still only got nine hundred subscribers And you only get in seven hundred views on a seven hour stream the math ain’t adding up Listen, that’s not for you.

You’re not talented in that you got some other other stuff that you need to work on You got some other stuff that you need to focus on still tell a why y’all not support Cuz it’s a bad product. You’re not good at this This ain’t your lane This ain’t your lane fam. Why y’all always ain’t never supporting Cuz cuz we don’t want to tell you listen, you’re not good You still at the corner beatbox a man spit a 50 spit a verse. Yo, yo, yo, yo Are you need a job the word of the day is J-o-b You need to go ahead and let it go give your life over to the Lord Terry for the Holy Ghost Get baptized get saved sanctified filled with the Holy Ghost and turn your life over to God.

That’s it You done. We got no more use for you. You keep talking about you ain’t voting want to join in the conversation Yeah, man, he’s hoes ain’t nothing. What is you talking about bro? Anybody listening to you? You know anybody come to see you Otis You done you’re never gonna be mainstream. You’re never gonna make it. You need a job. You need to work hard And Make sure that you’re doing the best thing that possible in order to volunteer you can you can get a whole new start stop talking You know, I just got my passport.

I’m a passport bro, bro You 50 You still buying put let me stop. All right, y’all listen, we got to go ahead and get started with the show I’m just saying I’m just it’s time for some of us to grow up You are in no position to hold women accountable You are in no position to be having conversations and trying to coach people you are in no position to be sitting here Talking about what people shouldn’t shouldn’t do with their lives You are in no position to be sitting here and evaluating pop people’s finances and pocket watch it Lead that to the professionals lead that to the people that’s really really great at what they do And I’m just saying man, it’s time to grow up We are tired of looking at the laggards of our community We’ve been watching you since high school You showing up to the reunion and somebody else’s car still trying to impress people that don’t give a f about you Nobody cares about what you’ve accomplished in the last 10 years that you didn’t accomplish in the last 30 They’re not gonna look at you at the high school reunion and say yeah, man, you know what? You really are a good guy.

You’re the same you was when you graduated at 18 years old Trying to join a fraternity at 50 you 50 man Leave it alone. Let it go. You got up. You got a calling on your life That’s to move the chairs get them bathrooms clean and make sure that you can beg your employer for 401k and benefits And I want my fries hot. I want my fries hot as hell Listen, don’t give me them old fries. Give me the new fries. Oh Nigga at the club still trying to get hoes You still shooting your shots in a DM.

You 50 you’re supposed to have grandkids running around in this bitch Come on man. Grow up, bro. Yeah, man. Y’all ready to go hit the spot

See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.


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accepting personal limitations criticism of attention seekers criticism of immaturity and neglect focusing on personal responsibilities importance of change and improvement importance of health care and financial planning importance of maturity improving job stability versus internet time personal growth and responsibility recognizing personal limitations seeking validation and success stop being disruptive striving for success and respect taking responsibility for actions

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