You Wont Believe This! Are You Being Lied To? Reverse Speech Therapy Revealed! | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots




➡ In this David Nino Rodriguez interview, Nino talks with Ron Sergi, an expert in reverse speech, a study that reveals subconscious thoughts through spoken words. Ron explains that as we speak, our subconscious mind also communicates in reverse. This concept was first documented by Alexander Graham Bell and later used by musicians for reverse masking, a technique where messages are intentionally hidden in music. The interview also discusses the potential of reverse speech in revealing hidden truths and its use by the Pentagon.
➡ The speaker discusses the concept of reverse speech, a technique that involves playing audio recordings backwards to reveal hidden messages. This method, which was first documented by Alexander Graham Bell and later developed by David Oates in the 1980s, is now easier to use thanks to digital technology. The speaker believes that reverse speech can be used as a powerful tool for truth-seeking and lie detection, even surpassing traditional methods like lie detector tests. However, he also warns about the potential misuse of this technique, such as its use in music to subliminally influence listeners.
➡ The text discusses the concept of ‘reverse speech’, where the subconscious thoughts of a person are revealed when their speech is played backwards. The author suggests that many popular artists, like Britney Spears and Justin Bieber, have used this method to express their struggles. The author also shares personal experiences with reverse speech, including a conversation with his daughter that revealed her unhappiness in their current living situation.
➡ The text is a conversation about a woman’s experience with homelessness and trash in her area, the purity of children’s consciousness, and an analysis of former President Trump’s inauguration speech using a technique called ‘reverse speech’. The speaker suggests that Trump’s reversed speech reveals his honesty and commitment to justice, and the conversation ends with a discussion about an unspecified ‘terrible incident’.
➡ The text discusses the concept of ‘reverse speech’, where the speaker’s subconscious thoughts are revealed. The speaker believes that this method can be used to uncover truth and intentions, and even suggests it could solve many problems if widely used. However, the speaker also acknowledges that interpretation can be subjective and some phrases may be misunderstood. The speaker also uses reverse speech for therapeutic purposes, helping friends understand their subconscious thoughts.
➡ The conversation revolves around the concept of ‘reverse speech’ and its spiritual implications. The speaker is amazed when a phrase he said in reverse, ‘lone wolf’, matches the hat he’s wearing. He believes this is a sign and plans to explore reverse speech further. The speaker also mentions his involvement with a company called Eleven, aiming to be the largest holistic health database, which includes reverse speech as one of its modalities.
➡ We’re creating a platform focused on holistic health, aiming to be a central hub for alternative healing methods. This platform is free for practitioners to join and aims to connect people with different health options, especially when conventional medicine isn’t enough. We’re like the Airbnb of holistic health, taking 11% of earnings only when money is made. Our goal is to change how people view health and wellness, and to make America healthy again.



See? All right, folks, welcome to Nino’s Corner tv. I’m doing this from my hotel room. I’m with Ron Sergi. Ron, searchy is a reverse speech. I’m saying reverse speech expert. I was about to say therapist, but that’d be completely wrong. Reverse speech expert. That basically you study the subconscious mind on what people are really trying to say. Correct? Right? Is that correct, Ron? That’s correct. Yeah. And your findings are nothing short of awesome. Right? Very revealing stuff. They will add another layer of information or data to whatever. Wow. And from my understanding, he’s done the reverse speech on me.

And I guess I’m going to find out what that is and see what’s going on in my subconscious right now. I’m wondering if it has to do with boxing. Seriously. But he’s going to reveal that live here with all of you. I don’t know what it is. I have no idea. But I’m brave enough to go ahead and go into these uncharted waters, folks. But first, folks, get your noble gold. Noble gold. Are you worried about the future of the US economy? Because we all are. With so much uncertainty in the air, it’s natural to fret about the security of your retirement savings.

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I thought you were going to talk about body language, how someone. Good stuff, too. But this, to me, is more intriguing because it’s something I’ve never even thought about. Reverse speech. When you say something like reverse speech, right? I think about back in the day, in the seventies, eighties, when you used to get a record and, like, play it backwards and you’d hear all this demonic shit. And I remember I’d be like, oh, man, is it devil worshippers? You’d get an iron maiden record or a metallica. Whatever, and play it backwards. You’d hear all kinds of crazy shit.

But now you’re saying, no, no, no, no. This is actually coming out in people’s regular speech, and they have no idea it’s subconscious. Absolutely. So people could just be giving themselves away constantly. It’s going on every single day, every single nanosecond that exists. So let me just. Let me explain something real quick. So our, our brain is split into two hemispheres. You got the left and right hemisphere, right? So it’s a dualistic tool. So you have, it’s polarized. It has two of everything. So you have two forms of dreaming. You can daydream or you can night dream.

You have two forms of sight. You have these two eyes here, but you also have a third eye, right? You have a third eye that everyone around the world, it’s the pineal gland that calls it the third eye. So you have two forms of sight. That’s your inner sight. We also have two forms of speech. So right now, as I’m talking to you, I’m using my left brain. It’s my conscious mind. It’s the forward speech. Simultaneously, as I’m speaking forward, my subconscious mind is speaking in reverse. So you have two forms of speech, but of course, the speech tandems on top of the forward.

So Alexander Graham Bell was the first one to scientifically document what I’m about to share today. And then Alistair Crowley wrote some things about this. And then you got a lot of the musicians that were jumping onto Crowley’s work, and they were putting stuff purposely in their music, and that’s called reverse masking. So there’s two forms of the reversals. Go ahead. So I’ve always understood that before a record gets put out or a cd gets put out, they do some spell ritual, spell magic on it to force the sales of it to make it hit number one or number two.

And they really depend on the, the ceremony or ritual that’s involved. Push the. To push the record. I’ve always been told that I’ve never seen it in real life. I don’t know. That’s just hearsay. But we, but I’ve also heard that when you play us, I guess a record. A record backwards, you could hear subliminal messaging. Right. And spells. Now, am I on target with that? Is that, is that part of this? So, so the, the record, the, the words are already put down. So they’re, them casting a spell is kind of enveloping that what’s already put down.

So that’s just another layer of, it’s kind of like a fractal, you know, they’re, you know, so there’s, there’s the core, which is the verbiage, the reversal. It’s the forward singing, but that’s a little. That. Yes. That all exists. And they would have to know about this science that I’m about to talk about here, because people like John Lennon, this is, well, at this stage of the game, most people are aware of all this, but from my understanding and my belief, and we briefly spoke about this, Paul McCartney died in 66. And so the last three Beatle albums were absolutely saturated.

And allegedly, they’re saying. We have to say allegedly on. Sure. Yes, he allegedly had not survived the car crash. Right. And allegedly, John Lennon was putting in all these. It was, it’s called reverse masking. And from my understanding, I’ve listened to another piece of work, that it was George Harrison’s last testimony explaining why John was doing all that. Basically getting it off of his chest, that they were fooling the wall. So you’re saying, was he subconsciously doing this or was he purposely doing this? Exactly. He was purposely doing it, knowing it, knowing that the right brain, the subconscious, was going to pick all this up.

It’s like a subliminal message. Okay, so, but you would have to be some kind of genius to speak in your regular language and know that it could be reversed and then actually declare what you’re saying, you know, actually have a message there for people. That’s. You get what I’m saying? Like, to do that purposely would take a lot of talent. Right. A lot of, a lot of it was. So, um, this. So I want to make sure we keep the organic stuff and the reverse masking separate, because the reverse masking, you can almost hear the artificialness about it, whereas an organic reversal, which you’ll hear in a minute, it’s, it’s organic and you, and it just, there’s a different flow to it.

Whereas the reverse masking, it was, you could tell was put there, you know, it’s like they. Okay, I got you. So, but so that’s what, that’s what John Lennon was doing the reverse masking, correct? Yes, correct. Because he was putting that there. Correct. And we was part of our training. I trained with the premier reverse speech expert in the world. His name is David John Oates. He’s a wonderful man. He. He claims and shows some paper trail that he trained the Pentagon. And he went. And this was, like, in the late eighties. And then. And then after he trained them, they totally shut the door on him, you know? But he did show some.

They didn’t need him anymore. Exactly. Right. So they took this and ran with it. And much. And. Yes, pretty much, yeah. So what can you discover by using these methods of reverse speech? So what are you trying to find out exactly? Okay, let me. So let me just give you this short little storyline. Two minutes, and then it leads into what you’re asking. In the mid eighties, my, my. In the forties, my great grandfather invented a specific type of fingerprint powder. In photography today, it’s known as searchy fingerprinting. Most people on the east coast, police officers, they would know searchy forensics, searchy criminal research.

So then my grandfather preceded his work as a chemist and this. So in the eighties, when in my early teens, I would go to the shop where he was. We had a big family owned business, and about 20 family members all worked at the criminal research lab. So I’d frequent there and with my mom. And my grandfather had this amazing tape player, and he was playing stuff backwards. And then my mom and I would go home and talk about it and stuff. And that’s when she brought out all the Beatles things a lot. So that was my first introduction to reverse speech.

It was in my early teens with my family, and then. So your family was already well on board with this before you. You just. You just got. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Definitely my grandfather. Yeah. Is this something new that your family discovered, or is it. This is. Oh, no. Well, remember I mentioned you said David Oates, right? Well, Alexander Graham Bell was the first one to scientifically document this. So David Oates took off with all this in the early eighties. So it was probably like. I think I was about 14. Something like mid eighties is when I start to hear about it.

And at this point, people are already kind of spinning their albums backwards. But the whole thing with a vinyl album and a needle is like, you’re spinning that thing and you’re kind of thinking you’re hearing stuff and you don’t. You know? But today we have digital technology, so it makes it really what you’ll see in a second. And it makes it a lot easier to stretch things out, to speed it up or slow it down, and it makes it easier to hear the syllables. So if they say something like heart or hard, you know, that’s a big difference if they’re saying hard or heart.

So my question is, do you maybe. I mean, if you really look for. With what you’re trying to find, you’re gonna find it. You know what I mean? If you search hard, and if you’re gonna find. If you’re really looking into this and you’re really trying to discover something, you’re gonna find it. That’s just the way our consciousness works, right? I mean, if you’re. If you’re really digging deep and you wanna find something, if you get this, the words have gotta be there. You’re gonna find it. You get what I’m saying? Everyone’s talking. You’re not. Here’s.

Here’s something. Before we really get into all this, it takes a lot of time to do this. It’s very time consuming. You got to take the video, you got to convert it, you got to stretch it out, and you got to do all this stuff. It’s very time consuming. One of my dreams has always been to have teams of people and wait until you see some of the examples I’m going to give you. I mean, again, we don’t really necessarily need reversals with a lot of these people. They’re so damn evil. Right? As. As you would know.

But to have the reversal on top of that is just like it’s a slam dunk. It’s like they should be in shackles, like, to yesterday, you know? And so I I know. Like, the galvanic skin testing, the lie detector tests, reverse speech is actually a higher form of lie detector than that. Wow. So if anybody wanted to really find out what someone’s motives are or ambitions or, you know, ulterior motives, whatever, you could take a tape recorder with someone that you meet at a meeting or a job interview or someone you’re in a relationship with, and record them for about how long? Until you get something good.

About what, a five minute recording, and then go back and play it. And then I found stuff with you in 20 seconds. Oh, gosh. Is this gonna be embarrassing? No. No, I would never. I would never do that. I would never say that. Or will we stop recording? I would never do that. And I’m absolutely. I’m gonna. I’m gonna put it out there. I don’t care. Let’s just. Let’s see what I’m really see somebody like you that’s putting it out there. Don’t care. We’re not going to find a lot of dark stuff with you. We’re going to find a lot of beautiful things with you, which I found, you know.

Oh, wow. Okay. And so, and so I just want everyone to know I’m not here to spotlight on people in the truth movement. I have a really good idea who to trust and who not to trust. I mentioned earlier where ShanNON I were and all that. But using this method, you can find out who not to trust really fast. My brother, we could end all lying on this earth today. And I don’t say that like, I really mean that. We could, we could easily get a team of reverse and there are, there, I have colleagues and stuff and we could do as much as we can do and we try to.

I personally like using it for therapy. I’m going to give you some examples. I also like what you mentioned. Like Shannon will say to me, hey, will you reverse this guy selling this product? Yeah, give it to me. You know, so I’ll go in and start listening. A lot of times people selling things, they don’t even believe it themselves, you know? You know, right there, bro. Go to a used car lot or they might believe it, but they don’t realize how detrimental it is. Yeah, yeah. And that will, that will come out too. You know, that will cut like.

Yeah, that will come out. To add a cancer patient. Have you done, have you done these on, have you run these? Obviously. I’m sure you have. This is going to be a really dumb question, but like, on Trump or Kamala, on Biden? All the above. Wow. Wow. Can you speaker one? I’m going to, I’m going to share with you in a few minutes some reversals of Trump that put me on my knees. Wow. Okay. Yeah. So you want to go ahead and start with that or what do you want to start with? Well, um. So, well, let me just, let me just say this one little thing here.

So as I was going through life in 93, my grandfather passed away. It was the same year as Waco. That always just that, just that year. I’ll never forget that year because I’m watching the branch Davidians as their in this compound and we got the world’s mightiest military surrounding them and they’re slowly starting to let the kids out in the buses and stuff. And then all of a sudden they start putting these bright lights on at night and playing this effing music, right? And I’m like, wow. Why are they sleep depriving these people? You know, it’s like you got a problem with one, two, or three guys in there or something.

You know, I knew David crush used to go and jog all the time. People talked about it. They couldn’t get him when he’s out jogging. You know, what are they doing here? And then, so in fast forward. So that affected me. And fast forward to 95 96 era, and I’m listening to our art bell show, which I used to love back then. And on comes this guy, David John Oates, talking about reverse speech. Well, that caught my attention. I knew about this, right? So I love listening to his program, you know, and I was like, oh, this was.

And all the different things that he would do. And then fast forward to 99. I’m living in Center City, Philadelphia at the time. In 99, I was given a copy. I was going to go to this lecture of this guy, Kurt Billings, and he was a CIA brat, a whistleblower. And he was talking on reverse speech and chemtrails. I’ve never heard about chemtrails. I knew about reverse speech, so I couldn’t make it. But a good friend of mine went, gave me a copy of the dvd, and I played it. Well, lo and behold, as he was, what he was doing was giving.

Showing examples of what they were doing at Waco. Wow. The music that they were pumping at night had subliminal reverse speech messages in them. So not only were they torturing these people, giving them sleep deprivation and loud music, but they’re putting into the music. And I don’t have a. At some point or whatever, I could get a copy of this to show this, but in the music, these Nancy Sinatra’s, these boots come knocking. They have. We have you trapped in the reversals. What? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And. And so that. Wow. That just, you know, for me, I was.

And then you’re. And then the subconscious picks that up. Correct. So you’re being. Not only you being sleep deprived, but your. Your subconscious is being tortured, too, that we’re coming in for you. So this. This takes me to. What the hell is in the music today, brother? I’m telling you, we don’t even listen to it in this house because it’s so demonic. It’s so. It’s. I mean, they’re. And they’re not even hiding it. I mean, it’s out in your. I mean, look at Eminem. Look at all the Taylor Swift. I mean, they are in their videos, visually showing this stuff, singing about it.

I can only. I mean, do they, do you even need reverse speech for their music anymore? You mean that? No, you don’t know. And then you only in reverse masking. They don’t even need to put stuff in. I mean, many of them are crying out for help. I’m not going to lie to you. You know, I mean, really, they’re crying out probably like Britney Spears, right? Britney Spears, Justin Bieber. I mean, you know, he’s talking about going to Diddy party for a Ferrari. Like he just wanted a Ferrari, but he had to go to a party, you know, and, but anywhat, in his reversals, he’s crying out for help, you know? What was he saying in his reversals? Help me soul is tired.

Stuff like that. A lot of that kind of stuff, but you don’t need the reversal. Was Britney saying the same stuff? I forget a lot of her stuff, but a lot of the very similar things, you could find all of that stuff just go to her Instagram page. I’m sorry, but it’s like, yeah, I, so, so let’s, let me just ask you another question. Would you say that in order for every artist to go mainstream now, I mean, it’s obviously gotten very demonic, but let’s say eighties, nineties, into the early two thousands, we could say there was a contract, a soul contract there, and they were scream.

So would you say when you reverse speech, all these artists, they were pretty much all screaming for help because they knew that they were under kind of a slave type of contract. I mean, are they all kind of regretful or. I’ve not listened to all of them. I focused on more the ones my kids were listening to so that I could show them, because they get it. They’re on board. Well, I used to. You’ll hear some of their reversals. Kids are amazing to reverse, by the way. Um, so, you know, a lot of the Celine Gomez, Justin, you know, all crying out for help.

Brittany, Ariana Grande was another one I remember doing with her. And, and they’ll say in a reversal, stuff like sold my soul or stuff like that, you know, so I remember seeing a Bob Dylan interview where he was saying that he made a deal with the devil. He was, you know, and he was talking about that just out in open, out in the open up front, just not hiding anything. And people would look at him and be like, he’s a figure of speech. He’s just kind of. No, he was, he was 100% legit, telling the truth.

Yeah. And that would be a good reversal to do because he’s talking in forward about selling his soul. So there’s different characteristics about reverse speech that we learned. So I eventually went and started getting after all this stuff and the Kurt Billings and what, see what they did at Waco and all. I finally said, you know, I got to go and train with this guy, David Oates, and I finally started training with him. And you start to learn the different categories of reverse speech. There’s what, first of all, you have to find out whether the person is being congruent or incongruent.

And one of the first reversals that always stuck with me is I’m talking to somebody and they said they were talking about how they love to eat pizza, but in reverse, right where they say, I love. And the reversal is always going to be right on top of the forward. Like when you’re talking about something, the reversal of that something is going to be right there. That reversal is not going to end up somewhere else down the road. It’s always going to be right on top of the forward, or whatever the person’s talking about. The subconscious is going to be right on top of it, whatever that topic is.

So this person was saying, I love to eat pizza, right at the rate where she says, I love in reverse. She says, hate it. So I. So I said, hey, I let her listen to the reversal. So what’s going on here? You say you love to eat pizza, but you clearly don’t like to eat pizza because. Oh, no. You know why? Because it rips my stomach up. I have a problem with the sauce and all this kind of stuff. So she loves to eat it, but the subconscious say, don’t do it. Wow. You know what I mean? Wow.

So let’s say. Let’s say I say something like, I love you, and someone else says, I love you. Another person says, I love you. You play all three of us back, we’re all saying something different in reverse speech, even though we’re saying the same phrase, the same words. That’s a fantastic question. And, yep, you’re going to get. If you had 20 people saying the same thing, you’re going to get 20 different reversals. It has nothing to do with words backwards or the sound backwards or nothing. It has everything to do with what the right brain wants to talk about.

So how does it. How does it do that? How does it implement that into the words? And everyone’s different. So if I said, that’s God, with the same cadence, the same words as someone else, we’re going to come out different. When you reverse speech, when you reverse play it. Is there a certain. Okay, is there a certain way you play this back? A certain slow motion or slow motor? So, yeah, so we do. Like I said, we don’t have the vinyl albums anymore. It’s all digital now. And so it makes it easy to. You’re listening to something and then you get an ear for it, right? And you’re like, oh, something was said there and you start honing in on it, you start bringing it out, right? And you can.

And you can slow it down and speed it up. And so going back and forth with fast and slow makes a lot easier to start picking things up clear. And. And you know who would really. Who this would help a lot are parents that have infants. So this is. That’s one of the first. That’s one of the first ones I’m gonna play for you. Matter of fact, let’s start off with that. We’re gonna start off with that. Okay, so, see, I didn’t even know this, folks. I just. All right, so. So, yes, so, children, make sure you.

And you know how to use this. You use zoom. Okay, cool. All right, so this is really cool. Children, before they can speak in forward, actually speak in reverse. And these are some of the examples that my teacher, David Oates, shares on the Internet. You can go to his channel. David, John Oates down here, and you can listen to a lot of this stuff. So let me hear. Let me play this. So it’s a four month year old baby. Now the backward. All right. You hear that? He was saying, hello. He’s four months old, for God’s sake.

He’s not going to sing a song to you. So here’s a nine month reaching for a tape recorder. And these are all David’s children, I believe, when they were young. He’s saying, what’s that? Yeah, cuz he’s reaching for the taper. Yeah. So he’s playing that. And then right on top of that is. What’s that? Wow. Yeah, 14 months. That was his daughter. What? Can you hear that? Yeah. Creepy. It is. And it’s funny, you know, because you listen to some of this. It is kind of creepy until you start hearing yourself and then you’re like, wow, this is kind of amazing.

Wow. Yeah, yeah, no, this is. Keep going, bro. This is a fascinating. Fascinating what? Fade the ducks. Feed the dogs. Feed the bugs. Yeah, feed the bugs. Just love to be a face. Just love to be a face. You hear that? Just love to be a friend. Just love to be a friend. Yeah, just love your face, right wow. Yeah. Okay, so children are a lot of fun. I’ll give you an example of my daughter. I would imagine with children, you never really find anything nefarious or evil in there, right? I mean. Well, yeah, rarely. Yeah.

So I was in 2019. I was having a hell of a time. I was living in Center City. I’m a trumper. I had a thriving business. Majority of my clientele were all liberal, and they just absolutely attacked me, you know? And I just. I was going through a really heck of a time. I was, you know, it was having a hard time, and I knew I had to get out of the city. It just. And this was 2019. This port of shit hit the fan, right? So I knew I had to get out of the city, and I was talking to my said, lily, sit down and talk to me a little bit about, you know, your experience here.

And because I don’t want you to be upset. I want you to be happy. I hate me. I hate me. So she says she hates being home. Wow. Yeah. She’s talking about, I just want. This is when you move, correct? Well, this is right before we move. Okay. So this is. This is before you made the decision to move. And she’s saying, I want you to be happy speaking about you, but really consciously, she’s saying, I’m not happy here either. Right. So when I listen to this dude, it just crushed me, you know? It’s like, I had to get out of here, but I really needed to get out of here, you know? And.

And so children are. Children are amazing. I’ll. Let’s see. I’ll give you one or two more of her. Oh, yeah, that’s right. I’m sorry. Um, this was funny. So we were having an issue with homeless, and she. They put trash on the ground, so everywhere we look, there’s trash on the ground. Mama shower. Shit. Believe where we. Valid. So she says, enough horseshit, lily. Where are we? Valus. Valus is a bag. If you look up the word valus and remember, often we talk in metaphors. That’s something I didn’t mention. Okay, so she’s just talking about how she’s going for a walk, and there’s a lot of, you know, you’re getting a lot of homeless where we were.

And, you know, she’s. She’s like, this is horseshit. This is bullshit. Like, pick it up, put it back. You know, nobody wants. Right. Yeah. At the time, she’s, like, 7878 years old or so. Yeah, she’s. Yeah, exactly. So, um. And I could just go on forever about the kids. Um, let’s keep this going now. But yeah, kids are amazing. Um, they’re very. Their consciousness is very pure. So it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s. And it’s a lot of fun with the infants, of course. Uh, let me bring you to. We’ll do some more of the heavier stuff, and then we’ll go back to the therapy stuff.

So let’s play Mister T. All right, so this is, this is, this is the man, the myth, the legend, Mister T, the real POTUS. And this was his inauguration speech. And this is my teacher reversing him. And so play a couple for that. Okay. Let’s go on and take a listen. Let’s have a look at the inauguration. So here we have reversal number one by Donald John Trump. Do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute that. And have an interesting person to start off with. We’ve had a few comments on YouTube about what this means. I’ll tell you what they are.

Vercel says I’ll see in the lawsuit. I’ll see in the lawsuit. I’ll see in the lawsuit. Yeah, sure. Yeah, lawsuit. Okay. Well, I didn’t really know what it meant either, but some people reckon, oh, he’s gonna be. He’s gonna face execution. The office. He’s going to be strong on crime. You know, there’ll be legal action happening. He’s going to be strong on treaties. I got you. Yeah. And he’s. He’s thinking in business terms. See, when a businessman fights, he fights with lawsuits and subpoenas and legal actions. Very good. Yeah, yeah. Seeking business terms. So he’s going to.

He’s going to fight for justice. He’s going to fight for what is right. And he’s going to use the law to his advantage. So he’s stating his and purpose as he begins. Fascinating. Very good analysis. Yeah, yeah, sure. And here we have another one. Well, got quite a few. So here’s the next one. Reserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States. The constitution of the United States. So help me God. So help me God. Congratulations, mister president. And this one uses the metaphor. It’s actually quite profound once you understand what the metaphor means. So he says in the verse, I give my horse no good.

Play horse. And again. Oh, interesting. Yeah. Two ways you can look. Well, there’s probably more than two. There always is. Reversals. But on a straight translation of a metaphor, a horse is to move forward with spiritual strength. So I’m going to give my strength and my energy I’m going to give my soul to America. Or you can think of the general say, I’m going to hand over my horse. I’m going to give all that, that I am on this mission that I have. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Fits perfectly. Remarkable. Yeah, it does. Yeah. Quite an amazing reversal.

Yep. Okay, next one along. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your trials. And while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land. Another profound whistle. I’ll bless your vow. You hear that one? Where does he want to skip? Up to another one that’s more along. Here we go. One home and one glorious destiny. Talking about our destiny. And he said that was. And it said, see a road now? And it said, zero. No. Hmm. Yeah. That said zero. No. Wonderful. Reverse.

What interesting, uh, interesting language David does. These are so. You get the gist. Yeah, I get it now. Yeah, I do. I do understand that. I just. I mean, I’m wondering if there’s a. There’s a fraction of this where you. You can. You’re hearing what you want to hear. Does that make sense? People have said that for a long time. I’ve heard that. And again, if you take his class or you get into the training, you’re seeing. You’re blowing up. You’re blowing up the sine wave, right? And you’re seeing, like, where all the syllables and stuff are, so you can’t really project what you want, you know? I know.

I know. Because it sounds. I mean, this just shows me how much. How really complicated the mind is. Or should we say, how simplified the mind is. I mean, if it’s. If I. If. If you can just reverse. And with today’s technology, this has gotten so much easier to. Where. If you know how to work the software, you can find out the true motives behind somebody quite easily, quite easily, by doing this. If someone was just trained how to do this. It’s a slam dunk, brother. It’s a slam dunk. Now, let me ask you this. How long have you been training in this? Well, training.

Well, I’ve been through the training. That was back in 2018 is when I officially went into the training. But don’t forget, I’ve been around this my whole life, you know, so I’m used to hearing things, and. Yeah, there’s a lot of mumbo jumbo in there. Don’t get me wrong. There’s a lot of. And then you think, oh, I hear something. And that’s what, you know, some people are like projecting. Like, oh, I wanted to, I wanted to say this, but once you really get into the nook and cranny, is there everything, the nut and bolts, you can’t really, it’s like.

But a lot, but a lot of them are not so obvious. Like, you have to have an ear for this. And then slow it down and then magnify it. Right? And then play back. And then someone can be like, oh, yes, that’s what he’s saying. And then you dive deep into what it means. It can mean something like the definition of horse. Like, I’ll give them my horse or whatever he says. Uh, I would have just been like, all right, that’s kind of, obviously, that’s just a word there that he said that backwards. Whatever, it’s no big deal.

But when you look into the definition of it, you understand what it means. And it actually means a lot. Correct. Because again, we’re talking in metaphors, right? Your horse, like, if you have a dream book, your horse is your spirit, you know? So he’s given us his spirit. He’s going to take the slings and arrows for us. He’s going to leave his unbelievable life and he’s going to actually take the slings and arrows just like he’s been saying he’s going to do the whole time. So the one thing about Mister T that I can say that is absolutely amazing.

And I love being around maybe uneducated, I don’t want to be nasty here, but uneducated, people who always say he lies, he’s such a liar. He lies 19 million times. All this stupid talk. We can’t find any lies with Mister T. He is the most honest. Matter of fact, David is quoted on record saying, my teacher, he’s the most honest politician. Politic. Politic. He’s the most honest politician that he’s ever reversed. Well, he’s not really a politician. We all know that, right? Right. Trump’s a straight shooter. You might not like what he’s saying forward, but he’s being honest with you.

You know, you might not just play it backwards. Well, you know, your daddy might tell you to go clean your room and you’re gonna get butt hurt, but you know, he’s be, they’re up front, they’re in your face, you know, and. All right, well, let me, so let me give you some examples of the assassination. Oh, yeah, I was gonna actually ask you to play that. That’s okay. So this is. Okay, so let me skip that one. Hold on a second. Let me go to this one. Let’s go to Miss Kim here. What was your reaction when you saw the events unfold on Saturday? Shock.

And then concern, obviously, for the former president. This is an event that should have never happened. I haven’t finished it. I haven’t finished it. I haven’t finished it. Right. Oh, it gets better. It gets better. The perimeter encompassed the area that we needed to secure for the event that we had on that day. What happened is a terrible incident and should never happen. I nodded. Our human with the darthen. She gave the nod. She gave the nod. Right, right. I thought you would. I have to agree. There’s something here, man. And we are obviously going to make sure that, moving forward, we take whatever lessons that come out of this and adjust accordingly.

Saddam, she mucked her deals in the cellar. They screwed up. The assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump on July 13 is the most significant operational failure of the secret service in decades, and I am keeping him and his family in my thoughts. Sure you are. Stuff. She keeps them in his thoughts, but meanwhile, her subconscious. She wants to stuff them. Wow. This is what we’re dealing. Okay, so I’ll play one more. We are fully cooperating with ongoing investigations. You would not. So she’s saying she’s cooperating, but her subconscious is you are not. Wow. So that.

That’s a classic incongruent reversal. She’s not. She’s saying one thing one way, but she’s saying something else the other way. All right, so let’s. I mean, this is all. I mean, when I’m. When I’m listening to this, it’s almost like the spiritual side of them speaking out. It is. It. So there’s a point of us, you know, we spoke a little bit earlier, and, you know, all that merkaba and all that kind of stuff. So a large portion of us believe this is the higher self. That’s where I’m going with this. Yeah, yeah. And I’m right with you because, you know, you got.

You got your gut instincts. You got that discernment in the heart. Right. The heart coherence. Right. You got your spiritual center, but then you have, what I feel is like the higher self, you know? Yeah. And that’s where I’m going with this. I think I. This is the spiritual side of them. Speaking subconsciously through them. Yep, it absolutely is. Now, granted, I’m only giving you .001% of, you know, of an example. Could you imagine? Could you? Absolutely. Now, you would have to have, at least, I feel, three reverse speech people doing one person so that they could.

So that, you know, one person is hearing something, and the other two could go in and validate exactly. If they’re hearing those exact words. You know, if you had a team, if you had teams of reverse speech people reversing all these people, we wouldn’t have no more problems. We would know what products are safe, who’s being honest to us, you know, it on and on and on. Like, it’s. It’s a game changer. There’s a few things I feel, markers that God gives us. There’s. There’s some things that I’m kind of iffy on. Like, I’m like, I don’t know if I really heard that or, you know, you’d just be hearing what you want to hear, but some of it is so blatant.

Sure. Yeah, yeah. It’s just. It’s just wild. And I think the true intention behind their speech is there. That’s what I’m looking at. The true intention. Yeah. So let’s say. Let’s say we throw out the iffy ones. Throw them out. You know, we got. We could spend hours on this lady. Yes, we could. And how many times would you would, you know, stuff them and all this stuff that would. You have to need to be like, I think that maybe she’s not the best intentions, right? 100%. Yeah, no, I’m with you on that. Wow. So that’s really, you know.

Now let’s get rid of her. We’ll go into this character. Oh, boy. Get we here for Tim Walls. Oh, Mister Fray oh, mister Pray oh, Mister Pray and it is so good to be here with so many incredible leaders, including my dear friends, Senator Catherine Cortez Masto. Know what that means? But they hid near a monster, Senator Jackie Rosen. So they have a problem with this person she just announced. Right? So there’s worry. She’s saying, Senator Jackie whatever she goes, and there’s worry. Before I was elected a United States senator, I was an elected attorney general, and before that, district attorney.

You know what I also noticed about Kamala is that she has that a bedroom voice talk that women that have played the game a long time all have. It’s like that Jezebel bedroom voice. You get what I’m saying? Like, that. The way they speak to men. Like the way, I guess you could say, a Las Vegas type of escort speaks to a man. It’s the same kind of tune or the same kind of flow, right? You get what I’m saying? Yep. That’s the way they talk. That’s the way. And. Well, trust me, I know. It’s hypnotic.

Yeah. It’s. It’s a bedroom Lowell. Like, it’s a bedroom Lowell voice that only that I’ve ever seen, really, escorts use. You know what I mean? Or women that have that Jezebel attachment to them, that spirit. And I. And that’s all I. You know, I know this because in my twenties, that’s. I dated a lot of them, you know? Well, I mean, we won’t tell all that I pick it up about her. I pick it up. Trust me. Um, how much time do we have? Because I got so many reversals. I do a few more. Okay, we’ll do a few more.

Her. I’m gonna do Robert. Kenny, I got to do your. I’m going to do yours. Okay. Yeah. In this campaign, I will proudly put my record against his every day of the week. Every day of the week. Deal with me in your ritzy. Deal with me at your ritzy. You would be in your ritzyx, right? So you get the gist there. Let’s go to Robert. Let’s do some positive ones. Okay. My throat was much worse, and I went to Japan with Cheryl about six months ago and had a novel surgery that they only do in Kyoto.

Yeah, yeah, worse. So he’s the Wolfenhe, the soul wolf. Yum, yum. Like, he just had something that really helped him. That the value I am trying to promote are the exact values that my father and my uncle would have promoted. I’ve written books about my family. I’ve studied them. The walk. I am in a dove. You know? So she’s walking the path of a dove. What’s the dove? Representation of peace and. Right. That’s where I feel like you’re hearing what you want to hear on that one. Sure. And that’s where. This is a prime example of where you would have to be into the reverse speech program to really see the whole thing.

And really, there’s some that are so obvious. You know? It’s true. Yeah, there. It’s true. And again, you could. You could take an hour of somebody’s speech and throw out, like, 30 of the reverse. This one, to me, is debatable, especially the soul wolf one. I mean, that doesn’t seem good to me, but to you, it does do one more just because I hear them a lot. What specifically would you do to lower inflation? Well, number one, I’m gonna. I’m going to wind down the american empire and start. We’ve spent $8 trillion on the Iraq war.

Bob monogram being like, no, I’ll find the crime. We lied now. So if you listen to it a couple times, close your eyes, you’ll hear those words pretty clearly. And the Iraq war. Yeah. If you had earphones on, you could really hear that out, you know? I hear that. And plus, you know, he’s got broken up. He’s got broken up forward speech, too. You know, so it’s amazing that this is coming out like that for him. So let me go. Let me do. So one of the things that I want to bring to your audience’s attention is reverse speech.

Yes. We could use it to find out who’s lying or not. But for me, reverse speech is for therapy and give you an example. You’re using it for the good. Yeah, I’m using it with my friends and, you know, people having some issues. So I’ll go in and ask them. Oh, here we go. I used to. I used to record all my friends phone calls. I used to have the app. They didn’t. Well, you know, I would do that, and then I would do some reversals on them, and I would send them the reversals. They’d be like, dude, I’m not fucking calling you no more.

This is my good buddy rich. He’s in my men’s group, and he was. He was in conflict because his wife decided to, and he just did not want to take that route. So we wanted to go in and find out some stuff. I’m trying to find the one that I really loved that he did. Oh, yeah. Here we go. So he’s talking about his wife and my unwillingness. So, Samuel, open out. Hear that? Yeah. So basically, yeah. He doesn’t want to do that. It’s his unwillingness to do that. But his subconscious is saying, just send love.

Just send love to her now. That’s the only answer. There is no. In this situation. Wow. Just send love. Now, let me see what. So, like, the true intention is being said, even though. Wow. Yeah. There’s something common. And so he’s talking about something’s about to happen. Right, right. I’m not really sure what he’s saying. I can get myself visit. I’m not sure what that I have to go back and read. This was a little while two years ago. I did these with him. That wasn’t the greatest, but there’s. I forgot. I have to go back and relisten to these.

I’ll give you. Let’s do yours real quick. Okay. So, um, this is from Juanito. What do you think? You said, I have no idea what that says right there. I know. I said Juanito. Yeah. So then after that. Okay, that was the Ford, obviously. But then you say, you know, this is a good one. Actually, dude, I can’t. I can’t decipher that. You actually say what? Me? Lone wolf. You’re a lone wolf, and that’s what I’m wearing on my hat right now. Are you really? Yeah, look at it, okay. It’s hard to see. It’s, like, glaring.

Oh, my God. Yeah, there you go. Dude, I did this. I did this this morning. That’s crazy. Look. Yeah, yeah. You’re the low. I mean, there’s not a lot of Nino’s out there right now helping in the way that you are. You’re crazy. That’s what I’m worried. That’s his hat. You see what it says? I do. Yeah. Well, there you go, bro. That was the first one I got on you, so. That wild. If that’s not helping you, I’m kind of freaked out right now. I’m kind of freaked out right now. All right, let’s do another one that you did.

What did you say? Here. Oh, yeah. Okay. This was pretty good. Yeah. So you’re talking about noble gold. I’m wearing the hat that says the lone wolfenhe by rolling over your existence. Yeah. And you say it in your reversal. That’s for you. That was your. That was your message to you right now to show you this is real. Wow. If you don’t get any, I didn’t know you’re gonna wear that hat. Dude, I couldn’t even see that damn thing. You didn’t even know. Yeah, I could make this shit up. I can’t do your reversal for you.

This is your voice. Yeah. Wow. Dude, I’m. Throw them back big time. So right here, you’re talking about noble gold. You say. You talk about, um. It’s going to erupt. Okay. I forget where I had wrote it all down this morning, but I can’t find the Darren things, the lone wolf one. I’m so blown away. Yeah, but this one here is pretty good, too, because you’re. You can clearly hear that things are gonna erupt. You’re talking about noble gold. What’s the intention about the noble gold? Helping people, their financial situation. Right, right. Because shit’s gonna hit the fan.

Right? You’re saying that by rolling over your existence, just something. It will erupt. I have. Right, right. No, it’s gonna. Evil. It’s not like evil will erupt. That’s what it is. Just evil. It will erupt. That’s exactly what it is. I. Yeah, that’s what it is. It’s something like that. Just evil erupt. Yeah. But again, you’re talking, and it’s. It’s. It’s on contrast to what you’re talking about in the forward. Right? That. That’s a congruent reversal. And you really gotta ear for this. You do. And again, once you have things set up now I do my reversals on a separate computer, so I couldn’t jump back.

And, you know, I was just. I was too nervous. I was going to try to pull the whole program out, and that’s. I need. It was for all the crash, because Zoom’s going and the things, and. But we certainly could down the road, like, offline, we could talk about some things, maybe, and if you have some concerns, you know, we could always go in. Well, I know that. That Juan has talked to me about this stuff before. I told him that someone reached out to me about this, and he was. It’s real. It’s real. You know, the three letter agencies really study this stuff, and they do.

They do a lot of work within this type of. Type of criteria. Right? Like, this is not hokey pokey, you know, there’s actually substance to this. And actually, like, I’m still kind of thrown back about the lone wolf one, because I am. Whatever that was, that just happened right now that you. You said, I said the lone wolf, and then I’m wearing the hat. The lone wolf. The synchronicity of that happening right now as well. See, I look at that as a spiritual level. I look at that as, like, mathematically. How did that just happen on this podcast to where.

Right when you said that I’m wearing that, the lone wolf. That’s for you, brother. That was your message. Yeah, that’s. That’s for you. So, um, you know, I know we’re gonna get towards the end of this, and we could just go on for absolute. I’m blown away right now with that. That particular. If I got anything out of this, it was that, and I just. I don’t even know what to think. I told you, once you listen to yourself, you’re gonna change. Yeah, but you could have never knew that I was wearing. Gonna be wearing a hat.

I. That says the lone wolf on it. Wow. And plus, I’m not gonna. I’m not that good to. I’m not John Lennon. Yeah. I can’t put the words in there, you know, but we, you know, one of the things, though, I think I might have mentioned to you that, you know, I launched this company with a group of friends. It’s called eleven. And we’re working with Clay Clark. And we’ve been blessed to get to, you know, go to the reawakening tour. We launched the company up in Detroit in June. And I had a lot of fun going around and interviewing a lot of people, which I’m still in the process of doing some reversals on some of that stuff.

People might run from you. Hey, listen, if they run, they have something to hide. You’re not exactly. You’re not running. So. I mean, listen, I’m tired of being lied to, you know, I’m tired of this bullshit. We all are. I’m with you, dude. I’m with you. And, you know, the confirmation for me, and if I got anything out of this, it’s a. I believe this is spiritual. Everything is spiritual. 1000%. The confirmation I just got right now was the lone wolf that you heard in that message. And I’m wearing the. And it says lone wolf on my cap, dude.

How do you. We didn’t orchestrate this. We didn’t plan this. I just did it this blown away right now. But I am. I really. I mean, this is something that I believe in. It’s. It’s a gift from goddess. You know, back in like, 2010, I was at a conference and somebody brought up Jim Hummel and mms. I thought that was a gift from God. It was so cheap and it was so profound to help people with their health. I feel like God gives us these gems down the road, you know? And reverse speech, to me, was always like one of those gems, you know? And, folks, there’s something to this because I just got confirmation right now.

I was kind of iffy about it up until this point, up until the lone wolf part of this segment. Now, I am going to look into this further. I’m interested in this. There’s something to this. I believe our subconscious speaks through our words. Absolutely. And it’s a spiritual level. It was just confirmed to me right now. And I know the people, the audience watching, there’s no denying what just happened right now. I, uh, I gotta say I am. I’m gonna look into this more and. Ron Searchy, ladies and gentlemen. Ron Searchy reverse speech. Where do people find you, Ron? So the best place to go

that’s el e v three e l e v three we’re onboarding practitioners right now. This website this company, we’re looking to become the largest database of holistic health. So reverse speech, we just launched with 60 some modalities. Massage, chiropractic, copying, you know, a whole litany of amazing modalities. Reverse speech just happens to be one of the modalities that we’re launching with. And so we’re, we need a lot of help. We’re being, we got a lot of pushback going against with big pharmaceutical. You know, if anyone is inclined to come and help us, you can go to and go to.

And sign up. It’s free to sign up. It’s, you know, just in saying that we are, the whole thing about eleven and the way it came to me is this whole divine thing. It’s matter of fact. I really feel like it’s somewhere down the road. You should speak to the founder, Lori Curtin. She, she had a near death experience, so God came to her and gave this project to her. So I already had an incredible life and all this stuff going on and she saw some of the work I was doing and reached out to me, she pitched this concept to me and I thought it was just one of the most divine possible things and so.

But we need some help. We’ve gotten a lot of pushback. We’ve been, I’ve been working on this for seven years now. And reverse speech is just one of the modalities that you can find there. And you can find me throughout there too. And in closing too, you know, it’s like, we know that the shit is about to really hit the fan hundred percent. Yeah. But what’s on the other side? You know, what, what is coming on the other side is like, wow, it’s incredible. I mean, you know, we could talk about med beds and that kind of stuff.

And I’m already talking and connecting with people on those levels with these particular types of quantum light healing modalities. And so we are looking to become a hub for all things holistic health. So that when we get on the other side, God forbid you get diagnosed with something and you’re inundated with allopathic medicine, conventional medicine. Well, we want to give you that option on the other side of things. There’s a lot of holistic stuff out there for people. And so I think they’re starting to come out right now actually, because humanity, you know, has no choice.

We can’t trust western medicine anymore. And there’s a lot of doctors that are brave and coming out and saying, look, you know, there’s other methods, alternatives here so we want to make. We want to make America healthy again, right? Yeah. And our last thing is it’s free for practitioners to come and sign up. We are a platform to help connect people, you know, and. But one way you can look at it is we are the Airbnb of holistic health. So there’s no money out of pocket until money comes in pocket. We take an 11% of that and, you know, we’re just really help trying to help heal the world and help change people’s concept of the way they look at health and wellness.

Beautiful, Ron. Thank you so much. Ron. Searchy folks. Wow. elev three, the number for the trinity. I’ll put that down there at the bottom, folks. Go down to the description box below and click on the link and get started. Ron, thank you so much for joining me. This has been, this has been incredible. My pleasure, brother. My pleasure. Thank you so much for all you’re doing. You got it. And you too, Ron. Thank you. Thank you.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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Alexander Graham Bell reverse speech Audio recordings played backwards Concept of David Oates reverse speech digital technology in reverse speech lie detection with reverse speech Nino and Ron Sergi interview Pentagon use of reverse speech reverse masking in music reverse speech expert subconscious thoughts through spoken words subliminal influence in music truth-seeking through reverse speech

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