YOU Are Having An Effect! Liberty Safe Trying To Stay Relevant

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➡ The speaker discusses Liberty Safe changing their policy concerning information sharing with the FBI and law enforcement due to consumer backlash. He criticizes a company for reposting his content as their own and asks viewers to respect original content creators. He concludes by expressing his gratitude towards his viewers and sponsor, CMMG, and asks to continue sharing his videos correctly.


Hey, everybody. Welcome back to the channel. I appreciate your time. Thank you for watching. We’re gonna bring you two things, two things to talk about here. The first is going to be liberty Safe must be feeling the pressure by the patriot community because they have changed their policy related to the FBI and law enforcement again. And I’m going to tell you that. And I also have a message to anybody in the industry who I’ll get to that.

Let’s just say I want to thank a viewer who caught a company in the industry reposting my content as their own. And I’ll have a message about that here. But I want to thank the sponsor of the video that’s CMMG. CMMG makes a ton of American stuff. Got to be careful how I say things. YouTube’s changing stuff all the time. You never know what’s free anymore when you’re on this platform.

But use code GNG ten and save a ton of money. When you happen to find their stuff, long, short, colors, calibers things, you know where to find them. Had a phenomenal time hanging with them at the Iraq Veteran event. And great people. Thank you for being friends of the channel as well as to the family. It means so much to me. All right, liberty Safe, we all know what happened to them.

They got caught with their pants down. And as people who have continued to dig, we’ve learned that they might not have been pro gun at all, that they have given a lot of money to Democrats and stuff like that. The side that wants to take away our right to keep bear arms. But I guess in the fallout of what they’ve done when they gave away the code, the Backdoor Safe code, which they shouldn’t have anyway, because when I buy something you no longer have possession of, it’s not your product.

They gave away the code to the FBI based off of a phone call. Wasn’t even a warrant, wasn’t even a subpoena. They just did it. So in the backlash, people have stopped buying their product and they have decided to make another change that went live on their website or actually on the social media and on their website 6 hours ago. Here it is on the screen. It says announcement regarding policy for FBI and law enforcement information demands.

Liberty Safe has implemented consumer privacy protections regarding law enforcement compulsory requests for information, including safe combinations. These policies codify Liberty SAFE’s position as an industry leader in protecting consumer privacy. Unless you have one of their safes and the FBI makes a phone call looking to get at your stuff. Liberty Safe will only release customer information to law enforcement agencies if all of the following conditions are met. One, a warrant, subpoena, national security letter, court order, or equivalent compulsory process must be provided that is specifically issued to Liberty Safe.

Number two, for requests for access codes or combinations, the compulsory process must specifically require that Liberty Safe release the combination or access code for a safe identified by its serial number and number three, if these first two conditions are met, the requested customer information must already exist within our system at the time of the request. If a customer has opted out of our retention of this information, we will be unable to comply with a compulsory process.

Liberty Safe has a process in place for customers to request the deletion of their code from our records. This process can be accessed at this website here. Except we’re prohibited by law, liberty Safe will notify customers of any request from a government or law enforcement agency for customer information in advance of our providing it, giving our customer an opportunity to challenge the compulsory process. In addition to these protections, if Liberty Safe determines that the compulsory process is deficient, liberty Safe will object, challenge and reject the request.

According to Joe Fail, Liberty Safe President and CEO, quote, we believe this policy is the strongest in our industry in protecting the rights of customers, and we appreciate the feedback we have received from many as we defined and communicated it. The details of the updated policies are available at this website here. You guys and gals, you’re being heard. Liberty Safe is doing everything now. They’re saying, look, we’re the strongest policy in the industry now at protecting our customers after we just gave away information all willy nilly.

And now we’re going to do the right thing. Trust us now. Please continue to buy our product. Please trust us now. All they had to do was not keep backdoor access codes. Other Safe companies have gone on record saying they don’t do it, never have done it, and never will do it. Yet there’s Liberty Safe looking to save their market share. Let me know what you think about Liberty Safe.

Now. Let’s get on to something, guys. When myself or any other creator here on any platform, when we say share this video, we literally mean share it so that more people can hear what’s going on, see what’s going on. We mean share the link to the video. We don’t mean download the information and re upload it as your own. I don’t think anybody with half a brain, business wise, would think that stealing someone’s content and putting it up as their own is in a way sharing the video.

And if you do think that, then consider this your kind correction. But stop. Maybe it was just this one video. Maybe it was just this one time, but don’t steal people’s hard work and portray it as your own. That’s not cool. That’s not cool at all. That’s all I’m going to say on that. Thank you to the viewer, you know who you are, who alerted me of this.

It was handled. The company did take it down, but I was in the process of working with YouTube to make sure it was taken down. Not a good look. Y’all appreciate each and every single one of you. Seriously. I can’t tell you how thankful I am that you all not only watch my videos, but inform others of what’s going on. So I ask you again to please share this information the right way.

The right way till we see each other again. Be safe, stay vigilant and carry a gun to keep you, your friends, your family, your community safe. I appreciate you all so much more than you know. I will see you on the next one. Take care. .


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