You Are About To Miss It (Dont Let This Happen) The Economic Ninja

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Economic Ninja



➡ The Economic Ninja is sharing his life experiences and how he overcame challenges like bullying and low self-esteem. He became a firefighter and started a YouTube channel to help others avoid financial traps and become successful. He warns that the next few years will be tough economically, with job losses and higher prices. He encourages everyone to believe in themselves and prepare for these challenges.
➡ A 77-year-old woman named Donna, who has survived cancer four times, bought a course to learn how to make extra money. She used to own a business and work as a computer programmer. Even though she found the course hard at first, she didn’t give up and is excited about what she’s learning. She wants to use her new skills to help other older and disabled people manage their lives better.
➡ This person is warning that the government might lower interest rates before the election, which could cause some people to lose their jobs. They suggest that people should start a side business, like selling unused items from their garage, to make extra money. They also share a personal story about how they became a millionaire by selling things on eBay, and how it allowed them to buy a toy they always wanted as a child. They encourage others to start their own businesses and not to get too attached to material things.
o➡ The speaker is encouraging people to prepare for tough times by starting a side business and saving money. He offers a real estate course and wants to share half of the sales with his students. He also plans to add more content to the course and believes that success depends on people’s willingness to try. He ends by thanking his audience and sharing his excitement about turning failures into success.


Hey, everybody. Economic ninja here. I hope you’re doing well. I hope the sound of the waves aren’t too annoying. If they are, let me know and I’ll move the camera. I was going to do a video outside, but there’s a storm coming and I thought it would be pretty fitting. It’s actually pretty windy. I found a spot where it isn’t very windy. Thank you, everyone. Thank you, Andrew, for being here.

Thank you, Neil. I want to talk about that storm because I think it’s very important. To say that our eyes have been opened in the last handful of years is an understatement. And we all know that there’s this massive storm coming, an economic collapse. We know there’s other things kind of come into this world that we don’t want. But my message has always been from the very beginning that there are some things you can stop, there are some things you can hold back.

There are other things you cannot hold back. You can’t stop. You can’t avoid them. So why wouldn’t you take advantage of them? I’ve got an email that I want to read from a subscriber, and I’m very grateful for this email. And this is why I started this channel, was to show people things that are coming ahead of what they ahead of time and then how to take advantage of them.

I truly believe in our country. I believe in humanity. I believe that even though there are a handful, a small group of small people, and I mean small because they are physically small, they want to destroy and hurt people and enslave them through financial bondage, I believe that the human spirit is stronger than that. Type one. If you agree with me, I want to show you opportunities, and I want you to become so successful.

I don’t want people to go through the hard times I went through. This is definitely going off track. Something about me. I was bullied horribly when I was young, and it put a lot of fear in me. As much as my father tried to help. How much can you help? You just got to go through it, right? My dad did help a lot, actually. But it started my life in fear.

And throughout my younger life, I was told that I would not accomplish much. The bullying led to horrible grades, a lot of insecurity. And throughout my life, the grades just got worse and worse. Academics, for me were not easy, and it wasn’t until I became a fireman that I really started to get some self confidence. Actually, that’s why it’s been so hard for me to leave. Being a firefighter, it has become my identity, which isn’t healthy.

But it wasn’t until I started gaining that self esteem that I started venturing out and trying new things and becoming successful and honestly. And I thank you so much for hitting the thumbs up to everyone that’s doing that right now because I want to get this message out. I started to become a success. Now, I went through times in life where I got cocky and I had to get knocked down a notch.

And quite frankly, that just happened again to me about a couple of months ago. But my passion never changed through my entire life, through being bullied, through becoming a firefighter, through gaining some self confidence, which I don’t have a ton of every day. More and more I do. I have to be honest with you, this channel has done so much to my self esteem just to be able to teach people things, how to make money, how to avoid traps financially, sometimes spiritually and above all spiritually, but mentally as well, because we get caught in these mental traps.

And that’s what I want to talk to you about today, because there’s an email that I received and it was about something someone learned from me. And I want that knowledge to go out to everyone. And I’m always trying to find new ways to do it, through little quibs on my videos or information that I put out my past experiences that you don’t have to go through the crap I went through or to learn through my success, too.

So here’s the thing, and before I say the email, I have to say 2024 and 2025 are going to be very rough years economically. If you think this inflation is bad now, things are going to get really worse. Because even if they quail inflation, the way they do that is by making sure you get fired. I want you to understand that. Please. Like Jerome Powell and the Federal Reserve have said this before.

They said, we need unemployment to be higher. They want you fired because if less people have jobs, or if more people have to work two or three jobs just to make ends meet, they get stressed out. And what happens is they stop spending, they stop spending money into the real economy, into goods and services, which cause those to go down in price, similar to what’s happening right now with Ikea.

A year and a half ago, I told you it was going to start in travel and leisure, which it did. Now you see places like Spirit and JetBlue trying to merge because they’re going to collapse. Spirit’s going to collapse. Spirit airlines. And they’re like the cheapest, crappiest airline in the nation. Why? Because the people with the least amount of money that need to use that airline aren’t going on trips anymore.

It’s so obvious, right? So they’re imploding right now. I said it was going to start with that travel legion. Then it was going to move into furnishings and big screen tvs. And we’ve seen stacks in big box stores about what is it these tvs that can’t sell, they’re dropping in price. And then we see Ikea come out and say, hey, we’re going to drop our prices. Why? Because even the GDP of the nation showed last year that nobody’s buying furniture.

Who’s got money for furniture right now? The masses don’t. And I want to make sure that you make money, not lose money. But right now the Federal Reserve is telling they want you fired. Google is laying off, they’re announcing they’re going to be laying off 30,000 people just in their adsense. Why? Let me give you an example right now, not only on this channel, our channels, but YouTube and social media as a whole.

Right now, views are down. People are watching less. They’re doing other things. They’re not trying to learn how to make money. They’re not trying to learn what’s going on in the world. They’re doing other things. But not only that, Google said it’s because AI is going to take those jobs. Let me ask you this because I’m going to get to this email in a sec. How many of you? When I started doing the whole ninja nation thing, it was like a rallying cry.

I wanted people to have something to believe in. And all I want you to believe in is yourself and your ability to go and be successful. As all this crap happens this next year and the year after, you are going to be thrown. So much for a loop coming into this next election cycle. It’s going to be wild. There are, I believe, both sides of the party already using AI to fake recordings and telephone conversations.

Matter of fact, I’ve told you the story that there was somebody on this channel that had $100,000 stolen from them, from those, hmm. They’re thieves. I got to keep it clean. I’m sorry. The scammers underneath, I will never ask you for your money. I will never contact you or tell you I’m going to invest your money. I sell courses and sell a product to enrich people’s lives if they want to buy it.

But I never invest your money. I’m not a financial investor or a financial advisor. I’m an entrepreneur that’s been in like 22 side hustles. And these people, someone says, the goons. Yeah, they are goons. And someone had $100,000 stolen because they used AI to replicate my voice, to steal from them. So if they do it on a simple YouTube channel, they’re doing it in the mass media, and you’re going to be confused.

And the only thing that you need to know right now is you need to know yourself. Know thyself. This is not a joke. Now let me get to this email, and then I’m going to show you how to make some money. This I’m going to show you how to make money from. This is from. Let me get it down here, Donna. And, Donna, I want to say before I read this, because you don’t know I’m going to read this.

There’s nothing personal in it. I want to thank you so much for it. And if you wouldn’t mind sending me just a headshot of you, and I just put Donna an initial, I’d love to use this as a review, and then I would like to give you whatever course you want for free. Okay? So thank you so much. This is very important. And no matter how old you are, you need to listen to this, because this is going to not only save you in the next two years from what’s coming in this economic collapse, but a lot more.

Says, first off, thank you for your courses. I just purchased the side hustle course. I started watching the first three videos and I’m hooked. There is so much content in it, I had to take a break and fill out my list of likes, my background. This is the key right here. I am 77 years old, about the age of my father on Social Security. I own my home just recently because I sold the lot next to me, which I purchased in the late 90s.

That’s an excellent way of paying off your home. Buying a lot next door, subdividing it, or and selling it off later. I originally bought your prepare for the next housing crash because I want to downsize and move. I have owned a successful business in the past and had a good job as a computer programmer. So I want younger people to be thinking right now. Think about what you’re being told and then think about your excuses.

Start coming up with your excuses of why you’re not making money right now. Just go ahead and throw them down in the comment section. I want to see them. Your reasons, I’ll give you that reasons. And then I’ll tell you their excuses because you’re about to get them destroyed. Remember, this is Donna. She’s 77 years old as a result of multiple health challenges in the last few years.

Four time cancer survivor. That’s how my mom went and other health issues. I’ve been sidelined, but now I have my health pretty good for my age and I want to basically rejoin the human race again. I also decided to get into a side hustle on the real estate course. I found myself lost inside three lessons. You know what’s funny? Someone told me the other day, I don’t think I’ve ever had more than one half of 1%, even if that of the side hustle courses ever.

People ask for their money back because I give them money back guarantee right out of the real estate course. There’s like two and a half. I got to stop here and say, I had a lady emailed me the other day and she says, you are a manipulator. I feel that your emotional. What’s it called? I don’t even know her fancy words. Your emotions getting out of control are manipulating me.

So I want my money back now. She’d only watched three lessons and she said, I got to stop and tell you this. This is crazy. I’m going to be honest with you, how dumb some people are. She’s a real estate agent. I’m not saying all real estate agents are dumb. I was, though. I got to be honest, I was the worst real estate agent ever. You’re a scammer because you’re doing this super group.

I’m doing a group where I give all of my real estate courses and monthly group coaching calls. And I give this insane offer and I’ll put it down below, but I say at the end, if you’ve watched all my videos, went to watch twelve because I get to see them, right? Twelve of the super groups down below, and I’m limiting it to 50 people. I don’t know how many people have already bought it, but they’re all ex students, which is great.

It’s great news for me. I will personally give you in 30 days, I’ll give you your money back if you’ve watched less than half, but after a year you haven’t succeeded and saved five times the cost of this course. I will personally get on a call with you, look at your finances, and we will figure out what’s going on personally. That’s after all the group coaching sessions. Well, she says you’re a scammer.

I’m like, but you don’t have to buy the extra stuff. And I told her straight up, I’m like, this is why you will fail. You are going to be a failure. And she goes, well, I just want you to know that I contacted your silver guy, and your silver guy was higher priced than my guy, and you’re not a real. I think she said, I’m not a real Christian or something like that’s what most people say.

They just have no clue. And I said, well, my guy is a licensed broker, and there’s only one state in the country that forces gold and silver sales to be licensed. And she goes, I don’t know, that must be a real estate thing. And I go, well, you’re not that bright. Brokers. Licensed brokers have a lot more to do than just real estate. They sell stocks, bonds, gold and silver.

But again, we’re dealing with people that think they’re in the know and they don’t. And here’s Donna, 77 years old, four time cancer survivor, other health issues, past business owner, real estate owner, and she’s sitting there going, I’m jumping back in. I don’t care about my know, some of the other people that turn the course, they go, this is too much above me and I’m too old. I go, then you’ll fail your whole life.

It’s probably why you are where you’re at, because you accept the word no and you said it out of your own mouth here. Donna is going to absolutely destroy her future for the good. Like, she’s just going to go, whatever plans the enemy had for bad, she’s just going, I’m going to destroy them. I’m just going to sit there and I’m going to crush it the rest of my life.

I don’t let age stop me. I don’t let my health stop me. I don’t let what the president right now is doing in the country stop me. I don’t care what the mass media is doing. I’m going to go out and be a success. So she goes on to say she found herself lost inside of three lessons, stayed with it for a couple more lessons and stayed lost.

I will complete it. I just need to do research on the material you presented so far so I can understand what you are presenting on the side. Hustle. Course, it made sense to me right away and excites me a lot. I know I will get way more out of it than it cost me. Just so you guys know, I’m putting down below the lowest price it’s ever been, which is $199 a link to it.

If you guys want to be a part of it. I am going to start adding in about three months more content, and I’m going to start adding sections on how to start specific side hustles as well. Because I want you to become stupid successful, okay? I don’t want your identity to be your employer like mine was being a firefighter. I want your identity to be you, your success and your past failures.

That’s your identity. That’s mine. I want to find my identity in Christ. And quite frankly, it’s very hard. I’m trying every day, but I’m made up of my past failures and success. And my goal is that I have more success than failure. And my other goal is that every time I fail, I don’t repeat that failure. Never again. Sometimes a couple of times it took three of the exact same failures to slap me out of something.

It’s a big deal. She goes on to say, I just felt I needed to let you know that this course is great for senior citizens who are done with the corporate world but still want a paying something to fill time and get interacting with people again. I hope this encourages you to keep putting out courses. My thing is to help the seniors and disabled to manage their lives and environment better.

I went through a lot and along the way figured out how to manage my life and environment to make it easier with handicaps and also to help encourage people to keep trying. It can get better. Maybe I can make a way to help in that regard, in addition to money making side hustle, best wishes for your personal endeavors, and I keep you and your family in my prayers.

Donna, I want to give you the real estate crash masterclass. So I’m going to enroll you so that you can attend these. What is it? Sorry, I get emotional. But you know what? Screw. Who cares? Because this world wasn’t built on stoic behavior. Nothing great in my life came by being dead serious. Emotion is what drives you. Passion drives you. Passion keeps you going. Excitement. I believe so many people are about to miss it.

During this crash, 80% of the s and P 500, or, sorry, Fortune 500 companies, the top ones, 80% of them, were started during recessions. During hard times, they get the best labor because they get the largest labor pool to pick from. Think about what’s going on right now. People can’t get higher. Good lawyers, they don’t have people that are hungry. Government’s out spending money feeding them. But there’s a day where the government’s going to stop.

That’s going to stop. Products are expensive because of inflation, because of rampant speculation in money markets, plus low interest rates, that’s now stopping. I know the Fed may lower rates and it’s going to be this much and it’s going to freak a bunch of people out and they’re going to get all excited and Twitter painted and then they’re going to take it away and they’re going to spike them.

Why? Because inflation is still running well over 2%. We’re what I, what, 2829? Something like that. You don’t understand. They didn’t fix it. They’re going to lower it right before the election. They’re going to freak a bunch of people out and go, yay. And there’s going to be some morons out there say, see ninja wrong. And I’m like, I actually told you. I told everybody on the real estate ninja channel, if you haven’t seen it, please go check it out.

I warned everyone 30 days before the Fed came out and said they’re going to pencil in rate cuts three times. I kept that video timestamp. I’m not going to do the editing and show all that stuff until later. But it’s there. It’s something. The title is about the Fed pivoting or the Fed’s plan, the Fed’s trap or it’s a trap, something like that. And I put it out in November, beginning of November, and they’re going to trap everyone.

They’ve done this four times since 1972. And the upswing on that interest rate, get ready. And if you’re not ready with a side hustle or the knowledge on how to start a business or make some extra money and you get laid off, I don’t want to see people commenting down below. I see it all the time. Well, you were right. I got laid off. And I’m like, okay, hopefully you did something before that.

You started some kind of business. I know it sounds funny, but right now, while people are still seriously confused, all you have to do is go into your Garage, look at everything in your garage that you haven’t used for the last year, and say, I’m going to sell it and then sell some of it in a garage sale, which goes for pennies on the dollar. Sell some of it on Facebook, marketplace or poshmark or whatever, and then you take that money and you say, what sold the fastest? What did everybody call me about? What did I have? Oh, yeah, that camping gear.

All right, I’m going to go to a garage sale this week with my money. I’m going to go buy some camping gear. I’m going to do it again and then I’m going to do it again. And before I know it, I got a $1,000 made, $20,000 in 19. No, sorry, the year 2000, selling electric trains on eBay that I would go on Craigslist for, or go on garage sales for and buy used and sell them on eBay.

I have a friend that has made his entire life, him and his wife, going to thrift stores. They pray as they go into the store and they go, what do I buy, lord? And he tells them as they’re walking around, buy that, buy that, buy that. And he sells it on eBay. He’s made his living, he owns his home. He’s a successful man. Even though he wants to be more successful, he’s going to absolutely blow up this year.

He’s going to start a YouTube channel and he’s going to blow up. And yes, I’m going to have him teach part of the side hustle course just on that because I need different perspectives. And he’s already told me he’s going to do it. He’s going to start a YouTube channel and watch. This guy is. His name’s Brandon. He’s going to have 50,000 subs in probably the first few months.

Watch this happen when it starts the channel officially, and he’s got like ten videos, I’m going to share it because that’s what I want to do. I want to help other channels explode. I want other channels to get bigger. I want people to become more successful. But you got to have some skin in the game. You don’t need to go buy a fancy course to. Well, actually, my course isn’t that fancy, see, but it does have good info.

But I mean, I just told you the first, like, four videos, how to have a successful garage sale, how to sell your stuff, and then go flip it. And all you have to do, it’s that simple. Figure out what sold fast. And you know what the cool thing is? When you sell your crap in your garage and something sells real fast. It took you a while to sell this or that, but these tools sold really fast.

You’re like, why owned those tools? I like tools. I owned that camping gear. I like camping. So now you get to go and buy stuff that you like that you’re like, oh, I’ll go use it this weekend and then I’ll sell it. I have friends that are making tens and tens of thousands of dollars selling cars that they like wrenching on and using for a little while. And they flip them.

They’ve got, like, four or five cars, and they’ve always got all of them for sale. I did that. What is it? That car crash course. A while back, I bought a car for $28,000 for sure, 25,000. Undervalue. Right now, I could turn around and sell it and make $20,000, $20,000 profit. I’m not going to because I don’t need to. Well, actually, I think I am going to do it.

I keep throwing that back and forth because there’s no emotional attachment to this stuff. It’s just stuff. And you can make tons of money and you can buy more stuff and you can make more money off of that. Here’s another thing I got to say, and I’m going to put links to both the super group, the real estate master course. There’s 50 slots available up until March 1, okay.

Because I want my first group coaching call. I want to go through everybody’s questions, okay? Thank you so much, Stacey, for the super. Uh, my mom. I wanted this toy when I was young. It was called a space warp roller coaster, a marble roller coaster. I wanted it so bad. And when I was probably twelve years old, we were in toys R us. How many people remember toys R us type? Two, if you remember that.

I used to love going to toys R us, and my mom would take us to go window shopping because we didn’t have a lot of money and we definitely didn’t have money for toys. A lot of Toys. My mom was really good at going to garage sales, and she would give us $3 and, okay, you get to go to a garage sale, and we’d all go to the garage sales, and we felt rich because I had the choice of what I wanted to buy.

I was given, like, $3 when I was younger, and my mom taught me a lot because she was a hustler. She always had little businesses and side hustles. She was great. I hope her best friend Lori’s on right now watching. Hi, Lori. I guarantee you Lori’s son’s watching Albert. But I went into this toys r us, and I begged her for this marble roller coaster. It was $50.

The more expensive ones were 80. And my mom, I remember. I remember that day like it was yesterday. How many of you guys remember this? You want something so bad as a young child and you get the. No, we don’t have the money. I had forgotten about that day until I was 24, 25. I became a millionaire. I just recently became a millionaire on paper because it was real estate holdings.

My assets had exceeded a million dollars after liabilities. I have to say that because I don’t think a lot of people know that how that works. And I was still selling stuff on eBay. I was a millionaire still selling electric trains I couldn’t pass up. I would go and buy like $400 worth of trains and sell them for two g’s. I just couldn’t pass it up because my money, my time, even though I was a millionaire back then, and that was a lot back then, it’s not a lot nowadays, million dollars, but I want to show people how to make it.

And I say it’s not a lot because it’s more prevalent. There’s cheap credit out there. So my point being is that my mom brought up that story because I’m like, mom, mom, I totally forgot, and I don’t. This room full of electric trains and toys that I was selling, and I would get to play with them. I’m 25 years old, firefighter, and I’m playing with these toys. I’m just looking, building models and stuff, and my mom started crying, like, what’s wrong? What’s wrong? And she starts crying and she goes, I never could buy that toy for you.

And I totally forgot. I’m like, what are you talking about? She goes, she pointed out the space warp game. She remembered. My mom remembered. She brought me way back in time to that moment where I was a little kid again, begging for a toy on the shelf of toys r us. And she goes, I remember you begged for that, and we didn’t have the money, and it killed me to say no to you.

She’s all, I thought that you building that. It was a pretty advanced puzzle. Sorry. She goes, I really wanted to get that for you. I said, bob, and I opened up this chest. I’m all I have, every single wand I’ve been reselling them. I get to mess with them and then sell them. Couldn’t believe it, man. I started crying about it. I want to teach my kids and your kids and you to be able to never say no, only say no to help a child because they learn how to do it themselves.

But I don’t want to hear no’s from any of you. There’s hard times coming ahead. Are you getting ready for it? Are you starting a side business? Are you being meek with your money? Are you saving money? Are you getting out of debt? The other day, I told all of my students in the real estate course, I said, look, I want to give you 50% of all the sales.

I said, I’m going to give you the affiliate link. If you’re passionate about this course. I not only want to give you the finances to go out and or the knowledge to go out and buy homes and real estate during this crash, I want to give you the finances. If this course has changed your life, go sell it. You get 50%. And I’m covering the fees on teachable.

So I’m actually making like 45% or 46%. I don’t remember the number, but I want to give everybody the opportunity. But I want to hone in on the people that are hungry, the people that are going to be successful, because not everyone will be successful. Not everyone here type three, if you agree with this, not everyone here will be a success that watches this video because they’re just not going to try.

They’re going to come up with excuses. I think to everyone that has been watching that new channel that’s been popping up called this will make you rich, if you don’t mind hashtagging it down below, this will make you rich. And hashtag, this will make you rich channel, I would really appreciate it. We’re going to do some things on that channel that will blow some people’s minds in the near future.

I’m going to add a lot more content in this next year to the crash course. I’m sorry, to everybody that bought the real estate crash course that can’t afford the super group, that’s totally fine. Guess what? I’ve already got four new videos coming up in the next couple of months. I’m going to continue putting stuff on there. I’m going to continue exceeding your expectations, doing the best financial education possible to inspire you.

I want to give you every tool you can have to be a success. But the one tool I can’t give you is you going out and actually doing it. It’s all in your hands. Are you going to be ready for this crash or not? I’m going to put links down below to the master course. There’s still some slots left for the month of February and then the lowest price ever on the side, hustle course, $199.

And just know that once you buy it, every lesson that goes on later in this year. So absolutely included. All right, with that being said, I thank you so much for watching. Sorry for getting emotional. But life’s a journey and it’s exciting when you look back on it and see that your failures turned into something successful. And that’s what I want for you. And it was a Donna that shared this story.

Donna, please go back and listen to this. I want to enroll you in the $2,500 master course. I want you to not be lost. All right? Have a great day. Thank you so much, Tom, for the super chat. You guys are crushing it. Oh, and I just went jogging last night past one of you guys. It was awesome. Sorry I couldn’t stop and say hi. You can see I was overworking, so just jogging.

All right, with that being said, the economic ninja is out. .

See more of The Economic Ninja on their Public Channel and the MPN The Economic Ninja channel.


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becoming a millionaire by selling on eBay government lowering interest rates helping older and disabled people learning new skills in old age life experiences of a firefighter overcoming bullying and low self-esteem preparing for economic challenges preparing for tough times starting a real estate starting a side business for extra income starting a YouTube channel for financial advice surviving cancer four times

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