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➡ Gerald Celente discusses various topics including the COVID-19 pandemic, political leaders, market trends, inflation rates, potential presidential candidates, international relations, and the energy industry on Trends Journal. He criticizes the military-industrial complex and suggests that funds could be better spent on scientific advancements. He also mentions the potential for tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles and the bankruptcy of Coach USA. Lastly, he encourages support for his publication, the Trends Journal, and promotes an upcoming rally for peace and freedom.

➡ The text discusses various global issues, including tensions between Russia and the West, the role of British journalists in American newsrooms, and conflicts in the Middle East. It criticizes the actions of various governments and individuals, and suggests that World War III has already begun. The author also calls for a peaceful rally and criticizes the revolving door of politics in Washington.


Hello, everybody, this is Gerald Celente. And it’s Thursday, June 13. If it was Friday, it’d be Friday the 13th. Friday the 13th. Oh, Black Friday. Friday. No, that’s another thing. Yeah, Friday the 13th. That’s a bad day. Friday the 13th. Friday the 13th. March 2020. That’s when Trump called a state of emergency to fight the COVID War. Fighting the COVID War. We’re fighting every little fucking scum, big prick. And I could say the other word, called it a war, one after another. That little clown boy, Boris Johnson, that the best cartoonist in the world, little shit scarlett scumbag prick from the UK.

The f U C K. Yeah, that little fucking clown. Every one of them called it a war. Yep, these are the scumbags running and ruining our lives. Little pieces of shit that throw at their crap that the masses swallow. Anyway, on to the markets. Yep, there they are. You got it. Check this one out. USSA. United Soviet States of America. Freedom. Fuck you. Political parasites in charge. If you don’t believe what we’re shoving down your throat, you believe in misinformation, which I call sexist, calling it misinformation. Why that’s degrading to this, which called gender misinformation or trans information.

Ah, fuck off. Anyway, the markets, that was down a bit. S p keeps going higher. Yep. Numbers came in for the inflation numbers a little lower than they thought, but gold goals down 2300, $4 number, it was over $100 more than that. So the bets now on the street that the Fed is not going to lower rates. I had bet the Fed would lower rates because we’re going into drag. Flation, flat economy and rising inflation. They’re going to pump it up before the election. But now what I’m seeing is that they want to bring down inflation because they’re going to say the economy is strong by the job numbers, et cetera, et cetera.

And the other thing is, will Trump be running against Biden? Meaning will Biden be there? Clayton Morris redacted. You got to check this cat out, man. He knows his stuff. I knew him when he was on Fox. Great show. And he just came out with a whole load of information that Biden might not be running. But again, it’s a toss up, because as I say, when all else fails, they take you to war and the wars are heating up. So what else do we got? The International Energy Agency says that they expect oil glut forecasts by the end of 2020s.

Okay, six years away. If the Israel war keeps heating up and all of this shit, the Ukraine war keeps heating up. You’re going to see oil prices boom to Brent crude being over $130 a barrel. And the EV failures are happening. Yeah, they’re big in China. They’re failing in the United States. They’re not doing what they said they could do. And again, once upon a time, there was a man by the name of Dwight D. Eisenhower. And, I don’t know, people say, oh, I hate Eisenhower because of this. This. I know everybody’s polishing, but not me.

I’ve been perfect all my life. You know? What, are you kidding? Anyway, Eisenhower’s farewell address, or one of his addresses, he says that the military industrial complex is robbing the nation of the genius of the scientists, sweat of the labors in the future of the children. 100% right. Five star general supreme command of the allied forces during world War two and two term president. I’m mentioning this because you could imagine rather than spending hundreds, hundreds of trillions of dollars since the end of world War two to the military industrial complex and wars, if that went into the genius of the scientists, we’d have energy clean.

We’d be living at the height. But no, we only got to fight wars that little cocksuckers keep losing. Little fucking arrogant pricks. How about that? Little scumbag betrayed us, huh? Oh, he’s working for a KKR. Is it KKK? Oh, yeah, look at the money they’re paying him. Yeah, the afghan troop surge. Yeah, blimpo, blimpo. Lloyd Austin killed people in Iraq and Afghanistan. Lost both wars. Huh. Anyway, so going on EU to impose heavy tariffs on chinese EV’s, you know, and it goes on China. EV stocks decline amid tariff concerns. Can China export machine keep running without the west? Sharp rise in levees prompts fear of reprisals by President Xi.

Yeah, paybacks a bitch. Now that Europe has announced tariffs on China made electric cars, the continent is bracing to see if the other shoe drops. Okay, as much as I can stand Trump, when he came out about tariffs and putting more of them on China, boy, did they attack them. But hey, bullshit, Biden’s doing it. It’s okay. And by the way, if I was president, I would put the tariffs back on that were there before they brought China into the World Trade Organization and before they began to change them in the 1970s. And I bring manufacturing back to America and make it a self sustaining economy, and that’s what China is doing.

There are 1.4 billion people. What is the United States? 332 million. They don’t need America. They’re increasing their business in Asia, in developing nations. South, South America. Yeah, they want to keep doing business here, but they’re becoming more self sustaining. Made in China. Same thing with Russia. Made in Russia. Look at the shit that everybody swallowed coming out of the mouth of bullshit. Biden. These sanctions we’re putting on Russia. Putin’s going to pay the price. No, they didn’t. They became more self sustaining. So all those countries that companies that left Russia, the Starbucks and all the other ones that ran out, the Russians took over.

America has all of the human and natural resources to be self sustaining, and so does Russia and China. I’m an american. America first. America only. I believe in the founding fathers, and I’ve read George Washington’s farewell address to not become involved in any foreign entanglements. What do you think the civil war started on? It was about trade between the south was selling more crap overseas than the north because they were selling it cheaper. It was all bullshit about slavery. It was unionization. Anyway, so there’s you going on in China, and we’re saying that the more sanctions they put on China, the worst.

It’s going to hurt. Companies that export product to China. They’re not going to want to buy them anymore. And you got a huge market over there. But again, a little bit of rose boy on this hot day. Chin chin. 100 years. Bloomberg Bus company Coach USA, owner of the mega bus brand and commuter bus line connecting New York and New Jersey, file for bankruptcy. Private equity firm variant equity advisors purchase coach USA from british bug company Stagecoach Group in April 2019. Yeah, a couple of months before the COVID war. Good shot, man. These private equity groups, these fucking scumbag pricks.

Private equity groups, venture capitalists, hedge funds. Oh, yeah. Look at a cover your trends journal a couple of days ago. Yep, you got it. The serfs of the robber Barons 2.0. And down below it says hedge funds, private equity groups, and venture capitalists. So ridership has partially recovered, but last year was only about 45% of pre pandemic levels. Wasn’t a fucking pandemic. They called it a pandemic. The World Horror Organization w. Or the World Health Organization. The World fucking Horror Organization called it a pandemic on March 11, when the grand total of 4215 people died in 2020 at 8 billion.

It was a lockdown by scumbags. Oh, and going back to scumbags, the. The scumbag that they’re gonna run to take Biden’s place will probably be godson Gavin, the little arrogant fucking prick from California. First one to lock down everything. I am a daddy’s boy. Look at me. Look how arrogant I am. My daddy worked for the Getty gang. He was a lawyer. I’m a piece of shit. And I’ll tell you what to do. Get back in your house while I dine at the french laundry for $400 a plate. Yeah, that’s scumbag. So going back, we’re mentioning this bank, this 45% of the traffic is down.

Office occupancy rate in America’s biggest cities, according to Castle systems, 50%. All the businesses that depended on commuters going out of business. All right, Karish. And now no one’s talking about the office building bus and the bank scope bust, but you can get it in your trends journal. We’re giving you what nobody, nobody in the world is giving you for the grand total of $2.56 a week. So support us because we’re supporting you. And I’m saying this because the more subscribers we have, the more we could do in the name of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness and freedom, peace and justice.

And don’t forget the rally, peace and freedom rally coming up September 28 in the four corners of freedom, right up here in Kingston, New York, where the seeds of democracy were signed. Charles. Charles. John and Crown Street, Scott Ritter, Judge Napolitano and others. We keep, keep giving you the names. We keep getting them, and we’re gonna have a, it’s just got, we run a million person march. We have to stop these wars. They’re ramping up the war. More 15s going into Ukraine. They’re crazy fucking pricks. And I can’t say the other word that want more war.

Little fucking warhorse with. I’m doing everything I can. I’m a warrior for the prince of peace. I’m a fighter. I’m a fighter. I attack the attacker and we’re getting attacked. I want a peaceful rally. Mercer snaps up UK pension specialists again. The big is getting bigger. The scumbag private equity groups. Anyway, restrictions on Moscow exchange and Russia banks. Fate of the ruble. Key takeaways from new major us sanctions. The us government announced a new wave of sanctions against Russia on Tuesday, targeting its energy, metals, and mining industries. Going on and on and on. Right, so now Vedev, the former president west has declared, quote, war without rules on Russia.

Okay, this thing is heating up big time. Have more of it in the trends journal. But the facts are right there. He goes on to say Moscow should use every opportunity to, quote, inflict maximum damage on western nations that have declared, quote, a war without rules on Russia. Are they afraid that we would transfer our arms to the enemies of the western world? We should send every kind of weapon except nuclear for now. And they’re afraid of anarchy and crime waves in large cities. We should help disrupt the municipal authorities. Moscow should cliterate their energy infrastructure, industry, transport, banking and social services, instill fear over an imminent collapse of all critical infrastructure.

He said all right. He’s the deputy chair of the Russian Security Council. It keeps going on. World War three has begun. There’s going to be a false flag event, like. Like the Pearl harbor kind of thing, like that. 911. When a little ballist little prick with a dick this big, little Georgie Bush, we’re gonna get that guy on sign up. And loud and dead or alive. I’m a daddy’s boy born on third base. 28. A home run. I’m a little stupid. Fucking shit. And 90% of american people swallowed it. 90%. Look up the facts. Yeah. There’s gonna be a false flag event.

American newsrooms look across the pond for leaders. This is a front page story, not a french business. Front page story in the New York Times on Monday. Look, a port. Yeah. British journalists lead key american newsrooms. Little fucking british pricks. Little scumbags from the country that we, the people fought against in the american revolution are now the top heads of what they call journalists. All. The sun never sets on the british empire. We slaughter people all over the world. Oh, yeah. And don’t forget, his Majesty’s government in the Balfour Declaration declared that the land in Palestine is going to the jewish people.

Yo, there’s scumbags. Yeah. You ready for this? Us newsrooms are in trouble. Are the british journalists the answer? Yep. Another article. Newspaper industry people are not reading his stuff. Will Lewis bluntly told a room of american journalists on Monday as the british media executive announced the overhaul of the Washington Post newsroom just months before a pivotal election. Yep, you got it. That’s why you subscribe to the Trends Journal. We are free. Nobody. The Washington Post lost $77 million last year for publishing shit because they’re little low life prestitutes, little meteor whores that get paid to put out by their corporate pimps and their government or masters.

Nobody is giving you what we’re giving you. Nowhere, anywhere. So floating aid pier off Gaza is hobbled by rough seas. Isn’t that nice? Language from the Wall Street Journal? Another fucking failure by the scumbag military who can’t what hasn’t won a war since World War Two. Waste about $250 million of our money to build a bullshit thing that took over three fucking months that did nothing that we said would be a failure in the trends journal when they announced it. You know how we knew? Because they’re losers by their dj shall know them. Gaza ceasefire plan and balance as us says Hamas proposed changes.

You know what that is from BBC morning warning. Bullshit alert, BBC bullshit and western media bullshit. Because Hamas has been saying that they never changed the deal. Israel never agreed to it. This guy, senior MOS official said on June 12 yesterday, speaking on Al Araba TV, that Blinken was part of the problem, not the solution. In Gaza is everything that we presented. We affirmed our commitment to what was presented on May 5 to the mediators and we did not talk about any new ideas or proposals. He reiterated that Hamas stance that it was Israel that was rejecting proposals and accused the US administration of going along with his close ally, quote, to invade any commitment.

He also, Hamdan also demanded guarantees to mediators to ensure that Israel does, quote, not evade its responsibilities. Then you have another article by BBC. Hamas rebuffs blink and blame for elusive ceasefire Hamas is pushed back after being criticized by us secretary of state bullshit blinking. What do you mean bullshit blinking? My daddy was the ambassador to Hungary. My uncle was the ambassador to Belgium. I went to Dalton, I went to Harvard. I’m a member of the club. I’m a little cock sucker that’s been sucking off the public tit since the early nineties. Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? Yep, Gaza ceasefire plan and balance as us says, Hamas proposed changes.

Total lie, total lie, total lie. And now this just came out from the times of Israel. Negotiations stuck on Hamas demand for Israel upfront commitment to a permanent truce. Why? How dare they want a permanent truce? Don’t you remember the last deal they did when they brought the hostages? Gave like over a hundred. As soon as the deal was over in a couple of days Israel’s destroyed the fucking place. Killed about 40,000 people, wounded about almost a hundred thousand destroyed Gaza. Why would they want a permanent ceasefire? How dare they? What else we got? Ah. 215 rockets fired at north after IDF killing the most senior Hezbollah officer yet.

Hezbollah launched some 215 rockets and several major missiles, more missiles and drones at northern Israel on Wednesday in what it said was a response to the killing of the senior commander. And they call it the terror group. Hamas. Hezbollah. They’re not a terror group. These are the people that threw out Israel after they invaded Lebanon. But that’s the language that they use that we don’t use. If the enemy is screaming and moaning about what had happened in northern Palestine. Let him prepare himself to cry and wail. This is the said Khalid Abdullah at a funeral procession in Beirut.

Yep. We said, this is going to happen. As Israel keeps getting more and more condemned for their genocidal war. They’re going to keep ramping it up. When all else fails, they take you to war. We said they’re going to keep ramping it up. We said they’re going to keep ramping it up. And they’re ramping it up. Minister Gantz, national Unity Party. Benny Gantz. Benny, Benny. Bullshit. Said today that if Hezbollah does not stop attacking Israel, quote, Lebanon should burn. So in other words, kill all the people in Lebanon. Hey, Benny Gantz said. So how dare Hezbollah attack Israel after Israel is killed.

Over a hundred people involved with Hezbollah since the war began following Hamas October 7 attack. Yep. But those are only facts, and they don’t give them to you. Hezbollah. I was wrong. Hezbollah has named 342 members who have been killed by Israel during the ongoing scrimmages. Israel can kill who they want. They’re the chosen people. Like America. All right. World War three has begun. Get it in your head. Get it in your head. We need a million people march to stop this. September 28. The four corners of freedom, John and Crown street. More information be coming out.

Judge Napolitano, Scott Ridd of Walmart. He committed. Yep. And what else do we have here? A lot more here. Chiquita. Libel. Held libel for killing during war in Colombia. I’m Chiquita banana, and I come to say I’ll kill anybody in any way. I want to steal your land, then plant for free. So go and kill everybody for me. Yeah, that’s Shaquita. This shit’s been going on. Read. Read wars, a racket. Read that book. It’s true. I got it right here by Smedley Butler talks about it, that every one of these fucking wars are for the rich.

Members of Congress take jobs paying as much as $4 million. Was that a politico? Yep. The revolving door in Washington is perhaps the most pernicious form of corruption. It is illegal. I don’t know who wrote this, actually. It is illegal for incumbents to receive direct financial rewards from the interest groups that lobby them daily. But financial rewards are often delayed until retirement. Yep. So right here, former representative Mike Rogers. $987,000. Yeah. One after another. One after another. It’s a crime syndicate that people call a government. So check out the interview I did yesterday with Judge Napolitano.

Very important Celenti and the judge. It’s right here on the, on the YouTube channel. And hit that, that button there, you know, to subscribe button so you could get, we get more viewers because there’s going to be a time, we’re getting shadow banned as it is. Put that button up there if you can. There we go. All right. Thanks for tuning in, and we’ll see you soon. Bye.

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Chinese electric vehicles tariffs Coach USA bankruptcy discussion energy industry trends Gerald Celenti COVID-19 pandemic discussion global inflation rates commentary international relations insights market trends analysis by Gerald Celenti military-industrial complex criticism peace and freedom rally promotion political leaders critique by Gerald Celenti potential presidential candidates discussion scientific advancements funding suggestion Trends Journal support

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