Worst 2A Decision Ever?? Hawaii State Supreme Court: NO Right To Keep Bear Arms!! Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News

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➡ Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News takls about how the Hawaii state Supreme Court decided that people in Hawaii don’t have the right to carry guns, even though other big courts have said they do. This decision was made to keep peace and safety in Hawaii. The court believes that letting people carry guns freely can harm other important rights, like the right to live safely and happily. This decision is different from what’s written in Hawaii’s own constitution, which says people should be able to carry guns.


I’ve read a lot of cases in my life, a lot of rulings from some crazy judges. But what I read last night from the Hawaii state supreme Court blew my mind. You know, it came out really late last night. Tell me if you’ve been there. I was up in my, you know, room, sitting in bed, reading on my phone, and I passed out reading this, actually, the phone smashed me in the face.

It was pretty comical. But what the state supreme court ruled last night was that hawaiian citizens do not have a right to keep and bear arms in the state, rejecting the landmark decisions from the Supreme Court that said otherwise. You know, heller, McDonald, Keitano and Bruin. Yeah. And wait till you hear the reasoning from the court. First, I wanted to share a report that I learned recently from our sponsor at Lear capital.

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com. Big thanks to Lear capital for standing by what this channel does here. It means a lot. Let’s go back to the Hawaii state supreme Court. Now, they reversed a lower court’s decision. The lower court found that Christopher Wilson, who was charged with carrying a gun without a permit, the court said that that violated his second Amendment rights. Well, the state supreme court didn’t like that, and they overturned it.

They ruled that the state constitution provides no gun right protection whatsoever. And I even went to the state constitution of Hawaii, where I found article one, section 17, that says, and I will quote, stop me if you’ve heard this before, a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed end quote.

It’s in the state constitution for Hawaii. Now, like I said, the 53 page decision came out late last night. But here is what you need to know. The spirit of aloha clashes with a federally mandated lifestyle that lets citizens walk around with deadly weapons during day to day activities. The history of the Hawaiian Islands does not include a society where armed people move about the community to possibly combat the deadly aims of others.

The government’s interest in reducing firearm violence through reasonable weapons regulations has preserved peace and tranquility in Hawaii. A free wheeling right to carry guns in public degrades other constitutional rights. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness encompasses a right to freely and safely move in peace and tranquility. Laws regulating firearms in public preserve ordered liberty and advance these rights. There is no individual right to keep and bear arms under Article one, section 17.

So there is no constitutional right to carry a firearm in public for possible self defense. What? The spirit of aloha supersedes your rights in Hawaii. And I know there are some people in Hawaii that despise the mainland. I get that. And I don’t know. I’m not claiming to know everything about the history and the core beliefs of Hawaii. But what I am saying is that you have rights under the American Constitution, the US Constitution, and the Constitution of your state.

And your state supreme court has said, nah, nah, bro. Now, also, the court addressed the state constitution that I just read from. And what did they say about it? Here’s another quote. Quote. We read those words differently than the current United States Supreme Court. We hold that in Hawaii, there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm public. What? How much of a moonbad are these people? Here’s another quote from them.

Quote, bruin snubs federalism principles. Still, the United States Supreme Court does not strip states of all sovereignty to pass traditional police power laws designed to protect people. They also said Wilson has standing to challenge two laws, but those laws do not violate his federal constitutional rights. The court ruled that Wilson had no standing to challenge the state’s. Check this out. No standing to challenge the state’s gun carry permitting laws.

Why? Because he hadn’t applied for a permit, even though this case originated from a period before Bruin, when Hawai didn’t even issue permits to civilians. So we wouldn’t issue you a permit anyway. In fact, if you remember all the videos I did about Hawai, they keep records. For 20 years, there were no permits issued, open carry or concealed carry, so we wouldn’t do it anyway. But so the fact that you didn’t do that and you took your own rights paramount.

You wanted to protect yourself. You wanted to be your own first responder rather than to die because the government said so. You’re wrong. And you can’t challenge the laws where you wouldn’t have gotten a permit anyway. Poof. Wow. I can’t wait. I’m hoping, I assume, that this will be appealed. And I can’t wait until this Supreme Court gets that and reads that. Wow. I predict an ass kicking for Hawaii.

I really, really know. Every time I say, this is the most out there opinion I’ve ever read, eventually something comes along that just makes the previous one look civilized. Hawai, you just took the cake. Worst ruling I’ve ever read. Most comical ruling I’ve ever read. And I had to pinch myself and reread most of it this morning because it’s a hot, steaming pile of bullshit. Guys and gals.

Just wanted to bring you this one if you want the decision. The 53 pages, I’ll link it down below. If you really want to get angered, read it. If not, trust me, I gave you the big points. That’s some bs right there. Appreciate you all the bottom of my heart. Thank you for watching this channel. Be safe, stay vigilant, carry a gun. You know you have that right.

Don’t matter what any of your moonback politicians or state justices say, you have that right. It doesn’t come from paper. It comes from our creator. You’re born with the right to protect yourself. How is that so friggin hard to believe? For some of these people, it just. Man, it’s too early to start drinking, but whoo. I’ll see you in the next one. Take care. .

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Controversial gun control decisions in Hawaii Hawaii gun carry rights Hawaii state Supreme Court gun ruling Hawaii Supreme Court versus other courts on gun rights Hawaii's constitution and gun rights Hawaii's stance on gun control Hawaii's unique Impact of gun control on Hawaii's safety Right to live safely versus gun rights in Hawaii Supreme Court decisions on gun control

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