Worlds Leading UFO Expert Sends Warning..The Greatest Deception Is COMING! | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ David Nino Rodriguez features L.A. Marzulli, an expert on UFOs and author of the book “Further Evidence”. He discusses the increasing evidence of UFO sightings and the potential for a deceptive alien agenda. Marzulli believes that the world is ripe for a significant event, possibly involving aliens, due to the current global tensions. He also suggests that the recent UFO disclosures could be part of a controlled narrative to prepare the public for this event.
➡ The text discusses the concept of ‘seed mingling’ from biblical narratives, suggesting that there are interdimensional entities creating hybrids with humans. It mentions the discovery of a 2000-year-old mummy skull with unusual DNA, hinting at possible evidence of this theory. The text also talks about the existence of supernatural phenomena and the need for more research and understanding in this area.
➡ The speaker believes that something or someone has always been present and plans to discuss this topic in depth at Nino’s They encourage everyone not to miss this discussion and look forward to seeing them there.


Folks, the moment we’ve all been waiting for, I have got the guy, the leading expert, L.A. Marzulli. I’ve had you on before a long, long time ago, man. I somehow lost a number that’s very common for me. But I got to tell you, L.A., you are the guy. You know, everybody else is having Stephen Greer, Billy Carson, all these people, the prophets of the new age, what’s coming? What I feel is a deception. You agree with me on this. That’s why I’m having you on. You’re warning people of what’s coming. Your boots on the ground.

You’re an author of the book, Further Evidence, and the documentary, UFO Disclosure. It’s a 10-part series. I’ve watched a few of the episodes, folks. It’s stellar. This guy is the guy. You also interviewed the soldier from the Kandahar Giant Experience, which is phenomenal. You’ve seen giant bones, correct? You’ve seen elongated skulls. They’ve been in your possession. You are the guy. You don’t just—yeah, okay, well, there you go. Need I say more, folks? It’s right there behind them. L.A., thank you so much for coming on. You know, it’s a pleasure. The honor is all mine, and thanks for having me back.

It’s great. You know, I have three sheets of paper here with questions that is not fit for FluffTube, okay? And you know, I know you’ve been censored on YouTube, and it’s just the way it is, but I really want to dig deep. I have a lot of questions for you. I was very excited about this interview. I’ve really been—I just did an interview with Beck Lover. He’s kind of making his way, his waves in the social media world, and we talked about the coming false prophets and who are going to be ushering in this deception.

It looks like pure deception, this alien agenda, and it fits everything that’s happening today. Where we’re at right now with the escalation of World War III, with all the polarization within America, the division, it seems like it’s ripe. It’s ripe right now for a coming Antichrist or a coming alien, you know, alien, this agenda that really take hold to take and really be pushed forward right now, and here we are. It’s ripe for the taking. Do you agree with that? Do you feel like we are finally there? Yeah, I think that we are in a window of time, which is absolutely unprecedented, and I’ve never seen anything like it.

The UFO phenomenon is real burgeoning, not going away. It’s something I say all the time on a weekly basis, and this thing is heating up. It all starts in 2017 with Commander David Fraver on Tucker Carlson. When Tucker Carlson asked Commander David Fraver, in your opinion, what was this tic-tac-shaped UFO that you saw, Fraver looks right at the camera and says, whatever it was, was not from this earth. That’s the game changer. You’ve got a qualified witness, a trained witness, an F-18 pilot, he’s a commander, credible witness, all day long, he’s not making this stuff up.

Fast forward to just a few months back with the congressional hearings, Representative Nancy Mace from South Carolina is interviewing as well as Commander David Fraver, but she’s focused on David Grush, and this is mind-boggling. She asks David Grush, who also, again, is ex-military, were UFOs retrieved? He says, yes, UFOs retrieved. Then she fills a follow-up question. Well, were there bodies we covered from these UFOs? And Grush looks right up at her, makes eye contact, and states this, yes, biologics were recovered. Then she does another follow-up question. Were these biologics human or non-human? Once again, Grush looks right up at her.

There’s no body language, there’s no weirdness, it’s not looking away, looking right up at her. Man is telling the truth as he knows it. Looks right up at Representative Nancy Mace and says, non-human biologics. That is one of the major lines, and we’ve just crossed it. And now, Luis Elizondo is being threatened, as well as other whistleblowers are being threatened by the very powers that be, in my opinion, that want to keep this all under wraps and hidden from the American people. We’re watching this all play out, but I’ll tell you, in my opinion, one of the lines, and no one’s really talking about this, there’s a clip I show now in my presentations.

It’s AI, and it’s a woman talking, and you can’t tell. You can’t tell. You have no idea whether that’s real or not. And that, to me, there’s another line, the invisible line, when we entered into a nuclear age. That was a line that we crossed, humanity crossed, okay, all together, and we entered a nuclear age. This is something different, because you no longer, we, can no longer discern what’s true and what isn’t. Truth is fallen to the street, and that’s exactly where we are. And you can’t fix this anymore. Because of that, because of AI can create anything, and you can’t tell whether it’s real.

So how are we supposed to know what the truth is? We don’t know what the truth is. And that’s really problematic. So these congressional hearings with this UFO disclosure, do you think this is all being manipulated or orchestrated at the right time to come out during this time? I mean, because it seems to me like we’re like, oh, we’re having this breakthrough, but I believe it’s controlled. And people really are coming out and saying, you know, I did see this, I did see that, I know what I saw. But do you think that this is just the correct timing that they want us to have, as they push forward with this alien deception, this alien card that I think they’re getting ready to play? It’s a very, very complex question.

And no one, no one on this planet that I’m aware of, anyway, is going to tip their hand to use the card analogy and show you what the endgame is. The endgame is the full blown revealing of the so-called extraterrestrial presence. This is all where it’s going. Broad daylight, Mya Whitecraft over the cities of the world. That’s where it’s going. The question is, who is really controlling the narrative? Why is there this tension between the so-called whistleblowers and this hidden players, whoever they are, these actors who are the actors, the bad actors that are threatening the whistleblowers? Well, we don’t really know.

We’re not told. Luis Elizondo knows, I’m sure David Grush knows, but we’re not told. So there seems to be this push and pull between what you would call maybe the whistleblowers, the Whitehats, and the guys who are trying to keep all this deliberately obfuscated and hidden under wraps. That’s what we see. On the other hand, on the other hand, this could be a controlled dog and pony show, completely controlled, where they’re leeching. Notice they started with Commander David Fraber, 2017 Tucker Carlson show. Why Commander David Fraber? And why Tucker Carlson? Think about this.

Tucker Carlson’s audience in 2017 on Fox News primarily were conservative Christians. So they run this thing up the flagpole to see what the conservative Christian, the church-going people say about all this, not a ripple, not a stinking ripple. It’s a non-issue. Nobody says anything. My phone doesn’t ring. Pastures aren’t talking about it from the pulpit. It’s a non-issue. It’s like, what? He just stated on the record that whatever this thing was, was not from this earth and you people are still asleep and you’re not looking at this. So they keep reeling it out and they just to see what people, what the conservative Christian base will do.

So far, flat line. No reaction. No reaction, which is, you know, let’s just keep going up. Do you think that the conditioning has been placed for the last, I mean, if you look at the last decade, and I think even longer than a decade, I mean, way longer than that. You’ve seen Mars attacks in movies, Star Wars, Star Trek. They’ve been pushing this. I think they’ve been putting it in the open through movies, commercials, things like that. NASA, I have a lot of questions about NASA. But really the last, I don’t know, the last decade has been ancient aliens, you know, they’ve been pushing that narrative.

So they’ve, I think they’ve been priming the public or conditioning the public to accept this narrative. Do you agree? Absolutely. And I was on the first two seasons of ancient aliens, which is why we created our own film series to push back against the prevailing narrative. These are not space brothers from Epsilon Eridani or some far away planet. They have a very, very nefarious agenda. We published Karen Wilkinson’s book, stolen seed, evil harvest. She’s the temple, the main person that we interview and in the fourth film in our UFO series, it’s on abductions.

We have four people who were taken, four people who were taken. They were abducted. They were taken. One of them was actually implanted. And we show this in our watcher series, we took out the implant. So for those with all due respect to people who say that there’s no physicality to this, they don’t know what they’re talking about. They have no idea what they’re talking about. Maybe they’re spreading disinformation. The physicality is absolutely real. It hails back to the Genesis 15 narrative, which talks about the mingling of the seed, whose seed, the fallen angel seed, the dragons, the shining one and the kash, and the seed of the woman.

Then you jump thousands of years in the future to Daniel, chapter 243. And what do you get? Their seed will mingle with the seed of men, but they will not cleave to them. Who the heck are they? Who is their seed mingling with the seed of men? The word cleave, and I say more that we get way back in Genesis, where a man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife. That’s a marriage union. No cleaving, no marriage. It’s not Genesis six. It’s like the days of Noah, Jesus warns us, but it’s not exactly like the days of Noah.

So there’s this mingling of the seed. They are creating hybrids. We’ve talked about in our films, we talk about hybrids in our fourth film on the abductions. These people are taken. End of story. Emile’s implant, we took the implant out. We had it tested in seal lab. So it’s so easy to sit there and go, Oh, there’s no physicality. This is all demonic delusion. Nonsense. Nonsense. You go to seal lab and use, and you look at the implant under a scanning electron microscope, and then we’ll talk. That’s real research. Anybody can say anything and stand up and say, well, I don’t believe that you’re entirely your opinion, but don’t tell me that people are not being taken.

And these implants, you know, it’s an evolution. This implant that we took out years ago was decades old. Emile was five years old when he got implanted. There’s no entrance wound to where the implant was. And when we tried to remove the implant, even though two weeks earlier, we had found the implant, metallic implant, where the x-ray showed it with the ultrasound one and Dr. Matriciana’s office. He was the surgeon. We found it in less than two minutes. He just put a little mark based on the x-ray. And there it was on the, on the ultrasound monitor.

Now it’s two weeks later. We try to remove this thing. We can’t find it. So it’s able to appear and disappear. Exactly. Well, it’s interdimensional. Basically, yes. One prayer, my prayer for Lord Holy Spirit taps me on the shoulder in the middle of all this, we have it on film, middle of all this and goes, you need to pray and you need to do it now. You need to take authority over this thing. I’m going to have room full of unbelievers, except for my business partner, the late Richard Shaw passed away five years ago, just a few days ago.

Unbelievable. It’s five years already. And so I go, guys, it’s going to sound really weird, but I’m going to pray and I’m going to do it now. I didn’t ask for permission. There was no moment of silence. I verbally out loud stated a prayer and it went something like this. Father, if there are forces which are cloaking this device, I pray that you would break their power and do it soon. You know, in less than two minutes, the implant comes back like this. It’s, it’s way in the back and all of a sudden it comes screaming forward like this.

Everybody goes, oh my gosh, what’s that? Dr. Matriciana goes, that’s the implant. Meanwhile, he’s looking at the ultrasound one, tapping it, looking at it, wondering, why is it working now? Everyone in that room encountered something extremely supernatural. And then three days later we were in seal lab. We cut the thing open. We looked at it under a scanning electron microscope. We had it tested. It was meteorite metal. I mean, what’s that doing in a guy’s leg? I mean, come on. Meteorite metal. Wow. Um, so there is an affair. I’ve even heard Tucker Carlson say that he believes that these things have a nefarious agenda that they’re not, that they are.

Could we say they’ve always been here in the Bible speaks of them because they want us to believe that they’re from their interplanetary, correct? Correct. What you’re saying is no more evidence is pointing towards interdimensional. Correct. Maybe they’re blending frequencies. They’re blending dimensions. They’re able to enter our dimension. They’re fooling us. They’re conning us. That’s, that’s where I’m going with this. Exactly. And we hold the same view. These are interdimensional entities with a very nefarious agenda, which hails back to the days of Noah, specifically Genesis three 15. And then later on, Genesis six, when the seed war completely erupts, people don’t get it.

You know, it’s amazing how with all due respect to pastors, because a lot of great pastors out there in the trenches, I get it. Most pastors, when they go to seminary, they’re not taught this they’re taught the cepheid theory. So when you get to Genesis six, they completely skip over Genesis three 15. We will even discuss that. But Genesis three 15 is the gateway to the entire biblical narrative. And that’s the pre-incarnate Jesus in the garden of Eden, Adam and we over here, they’re terrified. They’ve decided with the serpent, the shining one. And Jesus says to the serpent, your seed, your offspring will be at war and enmity with the seed, the offspring of the woman.

That’s the entire Bible. And you know, it’s not taught in the churches. Most pastors don’t even know about it. And this, of course, is incredibly problematic. So when I when I see those skulls behind you there, and I see, yeah, there you go. Jeez, look at that thing. This is a model. This is. So when I see something like that, and how old is that? What would you estimate? We did, we did the carbon dating on this guy. This is a, we call it the baby skull. This was 1935 years old. And interestingly enough, the lab that did the testing will no longer test our material, because they say we are engaged in pseudoscience.

Why is it pseudoscience? Because it goes against their prevailing paradigm. They don’t want to think that maybe we are looking at something that’s genetic, that it’s a genetic anomaly, that the seed is mixing exactly what we see in Genesis 315. This was basically a 2000 year old mummy skull, which we unwrapped, and then we did DNA testing. The DNA testing showed that this particular individual originated in the Levant, U2E1, basically Eastern Europe, the whole Middle Eastern area. What’s that doing in Peru? And of course, the naysayers go, oh, it’s contaminated.

Well, if it was contaminated, why did three different labs, and I won’t name the labs, three different labs come up with the same result, U2E1. And if we had contaminated it in any way, then it would have shown nuclear DNA, no nuclear DNA, just mitochondrial DNA, the DNA coming from the maternal side, woman’s side. Which we can go back to the Bible in which she accepted the seed of the fallen. Yeah, from the fallen. And here we are. So I have so many questions I want to ask you, I really want to get really deep into this.

Folks, this kind of stuff, I mean, I know, Ellie, you know how it is. I’ve got this, we’re going to be talking about NASA, we’re going to be talking about the Vatican, we’re going to be talking about the grays, Alistair Crowley, I want to go into all of this. And I want to go really deep. Do you mind if we step out to the Nino’s corner TV and do this? Because I’m, you know, I’m all in. I got three pages of questions here. And these are these are something that I just don’t feel comfortable with.

I want to talk about abductions. I want to talk about if they’re trying to attain a soul. And these are things I want to get into. So folks, meet me over at Nino’s corner TV, we’re going to go eyeballs deep in this stuff right now. LA, where do people find you to get more, you know, information on this stuff? Watch the documentaries? Where do people find you? Well, if you if you want to get the hard DVDs, it’s LA LA You can stream all the films. There are now 30 films in our catalog that I host all 30 of them.

And you can go to for $4.99. You can stream any of the films that you see there for less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks. Folks, do your homework. It’s time to wake up. Do your homework. The common deception. It’s it’s on its way. It’s not coming. It’s it’s it’s here. I mean, we’re already having the hearings. People are already recording this stuff with their phones. You know, I watch LA I swear to you, I get my own education watching these, these, these trail cams, and looking at these cryptids, these these things that are, you know, you would never believe they’re out there in the national forest being caught on camera.

You know, I’ve talked to my friend Steve from how to hunt who’s shown me footage that I can’t talk about, but I saw with my own eyes, that is infrared footage, which would be very hard to fake. And I got to tell you, I think it’s here. I think I think they’ve been here all along. And we’ll talk more about that, folks. Meet us over at Nino’s We’re about to go really deep into this subject. You don’t want to miss this. All right. All right. I’ll see you there. [tr:trw].

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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2000-year-old mummy skull DNA Biblical narratives and interdimensional entities Deceptive alien agenda Global tensions and alien events Human-alien hybrids Increasing evidence of UFO sightings L.A. Marzulli UFO expert Nino's Corner Presence of unknown entities Seed mingling concept Supernatural phenomena research UFO disclosures and public preparation

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