Worlds Biggest Welfare Queen (Maxima) Pushes ID to Get Govt Benefits: The David Knight Show

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ The David Knight Show talks about top business people around the world are worried about fake news and arguments in society. It talks about important leaders, like the head of the European Commission and the queen of the Netherlands, who want to use digital ID cards. These cards could track things like if you’ve had your shots. The article says these leaders might not be telling the truth and could be trying to control people. It also talks about a new idea for taxes all over the world to help with climate change, but the writer doesn’t agree with it.

➡ The article also raises concerns that some leaders might be influenced by big international groups. It talks about a man named Malai, the president of Argentina, and his work with the World Economic Forum. It points out how some leaders say they’ll do one thing and then do something else. For example, Malai said he supported the Paris climate agreement after he got elected. The article finishes by warning us to be careful about who we trust and to always question what we hear.


Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, dear Klaus, your annual global risk report makes for a stunning and sobering read. For the global business community, the top concern for the next two years is not conflict or climate. It is disinformation and misinformation, followed closely by polarization within our society. In a world of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. You are listening to the David Knight show. That was the president of the European Commission, and I figured out finally how to pronounce her name.

Ursula fond of lying. That’s it. Ursula, fond of lying. She will lie to you, and she will make sure that you cannot speak the truth, that she’s going to shut you down. And of course, she’s one of many. One of many of these people. We got a queen now who is talking about how we all need biometric id as well from Davos. This happened over the weekend. Biometric digital id cards could track vaccination status, says the dutch queen Maxima.

Oh, okay. That’s a good name for an authoritarian dictator. Maxima. Maxima. I imagine there’s been many other maximas before this one. They were maximum leader Tsar. All the rest of this know. Here’s the question I have. Why should a queen of the Netherlands or a king of Britain? Why should they have any say about our. Think of the Monty Python holograph, who elected you king? We’re an autonomous collective here in the United States and other areas, so we’re not really too interested in what kings and queens have to say about us.

She is described by Breitbart as a longtime social justice campaigner working with the UN and all the rest of this. And so, in a panel discussion to talk about financial inclusion, this is just the opposite. You’re going to have to have an id to have financial inclusion. And she says, when you look at poor people, they really need to be able to have some sort of ids so that they can get their government checks and all the rest of stuff.

And I immediately thought, so what kind of an id does the queen of the Netherlands or the king of Britain, what kind of an id do they present to get their government welfare checks? The biggest welfare louts in the world are these kings and queens, right? Do they have to have an id? They have to go down to some office, show their id, and get their multimillion dollar check? Of course not.

And who are the real welfare queens here? Right? It’s not these poor people that she’s trying to tag and bag. She’s the welfare queen. She’s on the public dole and so is Charles and all the rest of them. Why do we put up with people like this? And Ursula, fond of lying. She said, when I started this job, it’s actually just a couple countries. Here, let me play the whole clip for you.

I’ve got what she has to say. Here’s the queen waxing on just like Bill Gates about how important it is for people to have the id because the id is going to be their ticket to welfare. Although she doesn’t need an id for her welfare. Why? Because in order to open an account, you need to have an. And, oh, she shows her id to open account. There were actually very little countries in Africa or Latin America that had one ubiquitous type of id.

And certainly that it was digital and certainly that was biometric. And we’ve really worked with all our partners to actually help that being to grow this. And the interesting part of it is that, yes, it is very necessary for financial services, but not only, it’s also good for school enrollment, it’s also good for health. Who actually got a vaccination or not? It’s very good to actually get your subsidies from the government.

So this has not only effect to the financial services, it’s a very important issue. Yeah, it’s good to get your subsidies from the government. So she must have one of these things because she gets a lot of subsidies from the government. What a hypocrite these people are. And of course, it’s not just good for this, it’s good for everything. You’re not going to do anything without that id.

And this is what they’ve been saying all along. I don’t know how they think they’re going to rebuild trust. The dutch queen has also been one of the leading proponents of CBDCs and she does it in the name of quote unquote, financial inclusion. What double speak. What orwellian double speak that is. And of course this is Bill Gates has been saying all along he’s had id. 2020, which is really where they kicked this stuff off, was in 2020.

And he kept saying, you got to have all these different, the poor people for their subsidies for their health care, they need to have an id. And all the rest of this stuff, they would open a bank account. And I’m sure that the queen, and whenever she wants to open a bank account, they want to see her digital id. So Davos is demanding coordinated system of carbon taxes that is worldwide.

And of course that’s what they want. This is always what the climate stuff is about. It’s always problem solution. You have to have a global problem and then a global tax for that. That’s what the climate stuff is all about, because you can’t have a government without a tax. Ultimately, right now, they have been funding their globalist agenda by essentially selling shares to these multinational corporations, these backroom deals where they become stakeholders.

As I said before, they’ve got the ideas and the agendas that the UN and then the World Economic Forum and these other globalist organizations will come in and start to try to come up with strategies to enact that agenda. But they really do need the money and also the technology. These corporations, in exchange for that, they become stakeholders. They get into buy their way into it. They’re essentially buying a dukedom or they’re buying the old fashioned feudalism that we’re looking at here.

These people are not winning this stuff as a handout from the king because of battle or something, or even because of loyalty and opposing another king trying to take the throne. But they’re establishing this global throne and they’re getting paid for it. But in the long term, they want to have taxes to support this. And of course, to be able to redistribute wealth globally, because that’s what these people are.

They’re not socialists. They’re Marxists and they’re all about the redistribution of wealth like every other marxist. It’s not from the rich people to the poor people, it’s from the poor people to the rich people. That’s the way the Marxists redistribute everything, especially taking it from the middle class. And so they’re trying to redistribute wealth, they say, to poor countries from western countries, but they’re really trying to redistribute all the wealth to themselves.

The climate change agenda can only be fully obtained if international carbon taxes are implemented on a global population, said the saudi arabian finance minister. Another example came 2023, when egyptian president Abdel Fata el Sissy. The sissy reminds me of quick drama grab. Well, this is El Sissy. He doesn’t hit you with the head with a guitar, he just slaps you with a limp wrist. He says hunger is a price worth paying for a country’s progress because that’s a bill that other people will be paying.

El Sissy is going to be eating whatever he wants to eat, right? Don’t you Egyptians dare say that you would rather eat than build and progress. If the price of the nation’s progress and prosperity is to go hungry and thirsty, then let us not eat or drink. Let them eat bugs. Don’t undermine the cause of our nation and make us the world’s laughingstock. Stand fast. Transform the cruel circumstances that we are going through into a gift.

The harder you stand fast, the sooner the economic crisis will pass. It’s not a gift. It’s a gift. And of course, you’ve heard essentially the same thing from our fearless leader Biden, who, you know, he puts these sanctions on everything he goes. It’s going to be tough, but in the end, it’s going to be worth it because we’re going to get rid of this form of energy that we’re using right now.

Well, as we look at Davos, the questions still arise. As to the conservatives who went there. Of course, we have Javier Malai is presented as a conservative, and we have the president of Heritage foundation, the biggest conservative think tank. Both of them went to Venezuela. And publicly, Javier Malays’speech was excellent. He had all the points on individual liberty and the economy and things like that. As I pointed out last week, he responded the criticism from Maduro.

He said he never expected such praise from a globalist dictator. He said, I did not expect such praise. Impoverishing socialist Maduro, saying that I am a historical mistake in Latin America confirms that we’re on the right path. Long live liberty. He’s somewhat undecided about him. We’ll have to see what he has to say. But there’s a lot of things that indicate that something may not be quite right.

Winepress expresses some of my concerns, saying that they think that he’s a globalist puppet, actually, and making the case that as their theme was laughably called rebuilding trust. What do they do? They bring in Malaya, they bring in the president of the Heritage foundation. Is that how they’re going to try to reestablish public trust? Is that going to be how they are going to tell us? Don’t know.

We’ve got Dallas’s number and they’re not going to threaten you because we know what they are and we just told them to their face what they are. And so you don’t have to worry about it anymore. Just go back to sleep, that type of thing. We’ve got leaders who are going to oppose them. So you don’t need to worry about what Davos is saying. Is that what that was really about? Is that the way they want to rebuild trust? See, I think that’s what’s going on with Trump, frankly.

Like his predecessors, argentinian president Malai is listed by the World Economic Forum as a contributor to its agenda. In fact, he has consistently represented the positions of the World Economic Forum in the recent past. So he wasn’t just somebody. You look at this, and we’ve had people like Dan Crenshaw, we’ve got people like Tulsi Gabbard, and they show up there as World Economic Forum young leaders and things.

And of course, Vivek Ramaswamy says, well, they never asked me. And he said he was going to sue them, I think, to get his name taken off of their website. And they took it down. You could have a situation where somebody gets their name. I don’t know if that’s really what was going on with him or not. When you look at his pharmaceutical connections, maybe he was pushing for that.

Nevertheless, just having being identified as a world economic Forum leader, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re a part of them, doesn’t necessarily mean that if you go there multiple times that you are sympathetic to the organization. As we’ve seen Governor Kemp and Youngkin and others and Trump and all this going there. I, on the other hand, I start to say, well, it certainly looks to me like I would lean the other way.

I would lean into saying that they’re globalists. But as wine press points out, Javier Malai was initially against vaccination, but he’s argued for mandatory vaccination during the coronavirus cris. So again, like Trump, he’s saying, well, I know these vaccines, I got some real concerns about them and maybe about autism and some other things like that. But then when it comes in the coronavirus, they’re right there with everybody else.

Malai Trump. And so he was also on the side of the Zelensky regime in the ukrainian war. And he stands right there shoulder to shoulder with Netanyahu in the current Gaza war as well. And so he talks tough, but we’ve seen that before. He also borrowed Trump’s slogan and rebranded it to fit his country, make Argentina great again. So we got our own MaGa. As a matter of fact, I see here a tip and a comment from Stealth Patriot.

Thank you for the tip. Appreciate that. Says Marina Abramovich said that Donald Trump is the magician to wake up the world. Maga, which also means witch, is the fifth degree in the church of Satan. Yeah, and he said, there’s a video link that I posted on today’s comments about that. As a matter of fact, that’s also pointed out by Winepress. So again, use that term Maga. These are the individuals who act as spokespersons for the philosophy of the Church of Satan, says the Church of Satan.

On their website, they say, we have titles such as magister, Magistra, Magus and Maga in the church of Satan. So just a coincidence, I’m sure, right? Malai is a showman. And that’s the other thing that gave me pause about him. He’s a little bit too much of an actor, a little bit too much with the antics with the chainsaw and things like that and yelling and screaming and cursing.

To me, that is always a troubling thing to see that in somebody. I think we ought to have. It looks like a demagogue instead of a statesman when you see that type of things. That’s another thing about him that gives me concern. But I think that looking at Malai, looking at Maloney in Italy and looking at how it’s too soon to say whether he’s doing the right thing or betraying his promises, but certainly we know that Maloney is full of Maloney in Italy.

How she campaigned again, just like Donald Trump. We’re going to control immigration. She’s done exactly the opposite. And she has been one of these people who has hung out with the leaders on every occasion, these globalist leaders. So he is another one of these celebrity politicians. So in that regard, he’s very much like Trump as well. Just weeks after his election, he immediately backtracked on most of his campaign promises, such as renewing Argentina’s pledge for the Paris climate agreement.

Foundational. The Paris climate agreement. And so this free market guy, as I said before, the climate thing is the centerpiece right now. The climate MacGuffin is the centerpiece for moving their agenda forward and for creating a global id, a global carbon tax, and all the rest of this stuff. And Javier Malay renewed their pledge to the Paris climate accord. Now, even the environmentalists understand the Paris climate accord is a fraud.

Even the people who believe that the world is going to melt down tomorrow know that it’s a fraud. And they said this doesn’t address this at all, because it gives a free pass to China and a free pass to India, the two countries that are the biggest and dirtiest producers of energy anywhere. They said this is nothing other than a redistribution of wealth. They said that when it first went through back in 2015, the wacko alarmist environmentalists said it was a redistribution of wealth.

So why do you have people like Trump and Javier Malai supporting it? So again, is it about rebuilding trust? And as the wine press points out, goes back and reminds people about the trust. Remember the trust, Felix Durzinski and the Czecha and how they ran all of the opposition. You see, that’s what’s really going on. You want to know what’s going on with these? You know, the easiest way to.

There’s books about it. But I think the best example and most entertaining example is look at Sam Neal’s Riley Ace of Spies series, that I think it was done by the BBC. And in that you see how the russian intelligence agency, the Czecha and Darshinsky, Felix Darshinski, who was running that, they created all of these anti bolshevik organizations outside of Russia and they funded them and they knew who the people were and they had their own people in there.

And if they were not on board with him, people like Sidmund Riley, they would lure him back in and they killed him. And he was the model that Ian Fleming used for James Bond. That’s how the real James Bond wound up. He got snookered by the trust, just like american conservatives are getting snookered by MAGA today. So again, rebuilding trust. This is the Heritage foundation saying, you are the problem, and he slams the Davos globalists to their face.

Right. And accept that, since their key thing is id and censorship, misinformation, disinformation, that’s their number one thing. But of course, right behind that is the global id. What is the record of the Heritage foundation in terms of defending free speech? Well, again, the Heritage foundation, just like the biggest conservative think tank and the biggest libertarian think tank, Cato Institute, were on the wrong side of the issue when it came to social media censorship.

They said, corporations can do whatever they want, and we don’t want the government telling a corporation what to do. But the corporation can tell you what you can say or do, and that’s exactly wrong. Again, going back to the Supreme Court decision back in 1946, Marsh versus Alabama, they said even though the public square in this coal town is privately owned, they cannot shut down free speech, even if the public square is privately owned.

Twitter and all these other places were public square, digital public square. And so that’s the principle that we ought to look at. The David Knight show is a critical thinking super spreader. If you’ve been exposed to logic by listening to the David Knight show, please do your part and try not to spread it. Financial support or simply telling others about the show causes this dangerous information to spread favour.

People have to trust me. I mean, trust the science. Wear your mask, take your vaccine scene, don’t ask questions. Using free speech to free minds. It’s the David Knight show. .

See more of The David Knight Show on their Public Channel and the MPN The David Knight Show channel.


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Argentina president World Economic Forum digital ID cards controversy Dutch queen digital ID European Commission president digital ID global organizations controlling leaders leaders breaking promises leaders controlling people criticism Paris climate agreement controversy questioning authority trustworthiness societal disagreements and business leaders vaccination status tracking world business leaders false information worldwide climate change taxes

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