Workers are Now Demanding $30 an Hour | I Allegedly

Posted in: I Allegedly, News, Patriots



➡ I Allegedly talks about the rising demand for a $30 minimum wage, particularly in California, and the potential consequences of such a hike. It also touches on the issue of a per-mile tax in San Diego, which could significantly increase costs for drivers. The video also shares a story about a coffee shop in Philadelphia that closed after employees attempted to unionize, leaving them jobless. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of financial responsibility and warns of a potential global financial crisis.


Hey, it’s Dan. Welcome back. You’re watching IAllegedly. And I’ve got a good one for you today. Some outside the Ritz Carlton. Walking at the park. It’s a beautiful spot, guys. For the price of parking, guys, you get this beautiful park and everybody hanging out. But we’re going to talk about the chaos that is these people that now want $30 an hour minimum wage. The $20 is not good enough. We want $30. Or else. Or else. Okay? So please, take a second, hit the like button, subscribe to the channel. Don’t forget to look at Trade Genius.

But let’s get right into it. You know, April 1st was a very pivotal point here in California. And for the rest of the country, because fast food workers here got $20 an hour. And it was a big, big deal because what it’s done is it’s made it so that people are like, well, I’m more $20 an hour. Everywhere. For everything. No matter what you do. Now, the problem with that is that a lot of these people thought that this was going to be the thing that was going to make it so that they could, you know, basically live high in the hog.

And you know what? Just not enough. The economy has been destroyed. Inflation is through the roof. None of us make enough money right now. So if you are an hourly wage employee, you do not make enough money right now to get by and to keep up with the inflationary spike. They lied to us yesterday and told us with a 3.3 percent, hey, it’s going in the right direction. Please understand this. And this is very simple. They need it to look like it’s going down so they can justify a rate cut. And there will be two. Most likely one in September and one after the election.

And again, I don’t care who gets elected. They’re going to do this to make things look good. But they’re not good. You know they’re not good. So these workers here in California are $1,030 an hour. That is insanity. It’s Looneyville, guys. And where this comes from is you’ve got hospitality workers in the hotel industry. In certain cities, in certain counties, you’re going to be getting $23 an hour at some point this year. And this is a contract that’s been worked out. And are they worth it? I’m not going to say yes or no. But what it’s going to do is make your hotel room be more expensive.

It’s that simple. So San Diego County wants to raise the minimum wage to $25 for everybody. You want to work in San Diego? You know, go ahead. $25 an hour. San Diego also has the politicians that are pushing this per-mile tax. And the per-mile tax is insane, guys. I drive 40,000 miles a year. I don’t care what economical car I drive to go to work. I spend more money than the average bear on gas. And I pay more in a gas tax here, living in California. It’s over $1.24 right now, alone in gas taxes. So with that being said, I pay more in taxes right now.

But they want to charge us, in some estimates, $0.31 a mile. Okay, think about that. $0.31 a mile. You know, I have weeks that I drive over 1,000 miles. So it’s going to cost me another $310 to go driving. It’s insane, guys. Could you imagine at the end of the year when you have to set an appointment and drive into one of these depots and have them check your mileage that it would be, you know, oh, Dan, okay, you owe us, you know, just $12,000. Can you write me a check for that before you can’t drive the car? Listen, we’re going to give you 14 days to pay it.

Or you’re going to have to pay up. That’s insane, guys. It’s absolutely insane. So $30 an hour is nuts. And again, everybody wants their handout. I want to tell you about a coffee house in Philadelphia. This is great. Ori Phibush owns OCF Coffee, and he had three locations. And on June 6th, he was hit with a notice from his employees that they wanted to unionize. Now, understand this. Coffee House, 45 employees, they make between $23 and $25 an hour, as it is right now. But they wanted to unionize. So what did he do on Monday of this week? Hey, I’m sad, but you guys want to pull the shenanigans? I’m closing.

So now they don’t have a job. How’s that? Okay, there’s a slang term, and I can’t say the word on it, but it’s F around and find out. Well, that’s what they did. Now, once again, a lot of people have benefited from unions. I don’t think baristas need to unionize. 45 employees are now out of a job because of this guy. Read the stories below because it’s fantastic. But again, it’s the man. Hey, you know what? We’re being taken advantage of. Really? You’re worried about cream in somebody’s coffee at $23 to $25 an hour, and you are not paid enough.

Think about what I just said. That’s insane right now. So let me know what you think about this. Let me know if you think I’m totally off base with this or you think I have something here because I think it’s ridiculous right now. I think it’s ridiculous. Now, Bob Kudla runs Trade Genius. Bob Kudla is nice enough to come out and support the channel, answer your questions. And again, hello at is the email address. Bob’s been trading for a long time. Bob has made some great predictions, and I’d say 95% of them come true and accurate.

But he is predicting a very rough sea between now and election day for the economy, which doesn’t matter because you can make money regardless of where you’re at. Don’t be afraid of the bear. Don’t fear the bear, is what he says, even if you go into a bear market. But look at to see his bundles and see his discounts. And one thing that he wants to do is he has these trading seminars that sell out around the country. And he’s like, Dan, for your audience, I’ll do this. You know, we can have a trading day and have everybody come out and I can show them how to do this and teach them.

I think that would be the coolest thing to do in August. We should really let me know if you guys are interested in this. We’d make a weekend of it here in Orange County, do some fun stuff, and let me know if that’s something you guys would like to do. But this place is beautiful. Dana Point, beautiful spot right next to the Ritz Carlton. Let me know what you guys think. You have to be on the same page with your partners, spouse and yourself financially right now. It is critical that you are not kidding yourself with where things are at, where you’re at financially.

I heard a promo that was sent to me from the Dave Ramsey show where a woman called in to complain about her husband who knew he was going to get fired from his job but to make himself feel better went out and spent $300,000 on a McLaren car. And Dave Ramsey was just dumbfounded and said, you know, this guy’s dangerous. It’s a dangerous human being that would do this to himself and to you and to anybody he cared about. You’ve got to be on the same page financially, guys. If you’re not, it’s over.

The number one reason for divorce is financial, guys. It’s not infidelity. It’s not spiritual. It’s the fact that you have money problems and it’s going to create chaos in your lives. And what we’re headed into right now is going to be the worst time in the history of our country and the world. Global financial situations are going to break out everywhere. People write me from Canada, from the UK, South America, Ireland. What are they? Just the idiots that are having money problems? No. They’re all having the same problem. As soon as you accept that this is where the world is at right now, you’ll be better off, okay? Now, James sent me a great picture of Kraft Ranch Dressing and this says it all when it comes to shrinkflation.

475 milliliters was one size. The new one is 425. Who’s going to notice? Well, not only is it more expensive for the 425, but it’s noticeably smaller. This is what they’re doing to us. It’s the shrinkflation. Now, layoffs are all around us, guys. It’s absolutely chaotic. FedEx just announced 2,000 executives. How many executives work in the UK and Europe for FedEx? Would you ever guess 2,000 executives? A lot more than that, and they’re firing and letting go 2,000 people that are executives for FedEx right now because of the global shipping dropout.

Global shipping dropout. Global demand is off. It’s that simple. Now, that says it all right there, but the next thing is Hollywood. Hollywood is completely broken and nobody wants to go back. Now, 30 years ago, I wanted to be a screenwriter, and did everything I could to break into Hollywood and optioned some scripts, sold a script, wrote a script for a movie that got made. It was great. Fantastic. Since that time, the industry pays people literally a tenth to write a script than what they paid me back then, and that was 20 years ago, guys, so it’s a horrible industry.

One thing that happened was the pandemic sent everybody home and it sent film production to a halt. It just stopped, so what happened was, okay, well, once this gets done, everything will go back to normal and everybody will have jobs. You have to understand the writers that create the product, you’ve got the producers that make things, you put the money together, put the actors together, then you’ve got the actors, you’ve got the production people that make the movies from sound to cameras to everything like that. It’s all these different niches.

Some are union, some are non-union, whatever, okay? That’s not the point. The point is that there’s no work for these people right now. It is absolutely done right now, and the audience is not coming back right now. Think about this. Five years ago, you’d turn on your TV or your radio and you would hear promos from movies. Every week, there would be anywhere from two to four movies, depending on the size of the movie and the competition. Not anymore, guys. That’s done. Rarely do you hear that, and the movies that are coming out right now are a few and far between, and I went and saw the movie The Fall Guy in the theater.

It was just a light-hearted movie. It was fun, not going to win any awards. It didn’t change my life. It wasn’t The Godfather or Rocky. It wasn’t anything like that, but two weeks later, it was on my streaming service, and I’m like, wait a second, why would I go to the theater? Why don’t I pay all that money if it’s going to be free two weeks from now? So that’s the problem, and then they had the strikes, and the problem with the strikes is just made it so that nothing got done, but these people are starving to death right now.

Hollywood is completely broken, and you guys, I know, I’m going to get a ton of people say, oh, this is great. It’s amazing. I am telling you, this is the way that you have to do things in this world, and it’s not just Hollywood that you need to make your own mark in this world. Make your own movies, make your own TV shows, create your own videos, do everything on your own. You don’t need the big studios for this. I have people that I have met. I met a lot of YouTubers and a lot of different production people, Instagram models, all these different people that are in this industry, in the creative space.

Let’s just put it that way. And they can’t, to save their lives, get a movie part right now. They can’t get an acting part right now. The actors that are getting hired, you know, my daughter has a friend who, she says, he’s got a look that’s kind of ambiguous. So he can play the criminal one day, and you can put him in a suit, and he can be the lawyer the next day. So this guy is getting all this bit work and side work, but is it making him rich? Absolutely not. Is it paying his rent? Yes, that’s it.

Getting by, doing this stuff. Now, the idea with all this is that Hollywood is done. Everybody’s moved on, it will never be the same. Tell me what TV show you watch right now, that you go, oh hey, every Thursday I watch Friends, or I watch Seinfeld, or anything like that. It’s done, guys. There’s nothing on TV that you have to watch right now. Sporting events, that’s to each his own. I have the problem with politics being mixed into anything that I do, keep it to yourself, guys, because I’m not allowed to talk about it here.

You guys freak out if I go someplace. And again, I made the offer to go to the three political rallies, and I got an offer from one place, and I had some people say, you do that. Okay, okay. The other two people are out there, and no one will be there. There’s one of them here in Orange County tonight that’s speaking. I didn’t get an invite. And they go, you should show up at that. I’m not going to show up for this guy. No, not a chance. Okay? If I get an invite, the press pass, and put to the front of the line like it did before, I’ll do that.

So let me know what you think about this, guys. But everything, nothing is the same, and people are demanding more money, more than ever. I’m going to finish this video with these last few stories. And it was just announced that more people are filing bankruptcy and able to discharge their student loan debt through bankruptcy. One woman, 58 years old, had $158,000 in student loan debt. What did you get? What kind of degree did you get for $158,000? Seriously. Again, if you paid $1,000 a month towards your principal, it would take you 158 months, which people don’t do that.

Nobody’s getting jobs at a worthless college scam. So let me know what you think about that. Elon Musk and Tesla just laid off 6,000 more people, 6,000 more people in California and Texas, for a total of 14,000 layoffs. And it’s to streamline the company to make it more profitable towards the future. I mean, that’s crazy, guys. 14,000 people total. 14,000 people lost their jobs at Tesla right now. Okay, okay. Toyota announced last week that they falsified some records and they lost $15 billion in market value in a day. $15 billion in a day.

Wild. Last story, which is very interesting, is the company called Coach is a bus company. They were purchased by a hedge fund for $270 million. And they couldn’t make money because COVID hit. And the ridership, what did ridership drop off? Let’s play a little game real quick. How many people did not take the bus? It was a 90% decrease, and it’s never recovered. So they cannot make any money. So these mega buses that you don’t see driving down the freeways anymore are a perfect example. These companies are losing money, and nobody’s booking a mega bus right now.

So with that being said, it’s just… Guys, if you know where things are at, then you’re fine. Then you’re okay. You know what I mean? It’s that simple. It’s that simple. Please don’t forget to hit the like button. Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel. Onward and upward. I hope the weather is beautiful here. I was in Las Vegas. It was 110 degrees here. I’m at the beach, and it’s 70, and it is heaven on a stick. Okay? Email me hello at, and I will see you guys very soon. Okay?


See more of I Allegedly on their Public Channel and the MPN I Allegedly channel.


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effects of minimum wage increase financial crisis prevention tips importance of financial responsibility increased costs for drivers in San Diego per-mile tax in San Diego Philadelphia coffee shop closure potential consequences of minimum wage hike rising demand for $30 minimum wage in California San Diego per-mile tax implications unionization unionization and job loss warning of potential global financial crisis

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