Winning at State Level: Entire DEI Department FIRED at One State University

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ The Republicans and DeSantis have made laws against hate speech, which some people don’t agree with. However, they’ve also tackled diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in colleges, which some people support. They’ve taken over a small college and stopped DEI staff from working in Florida universities. The University of Florida was the first to follow this rule, closing their DEI office and using the money for hiring new teachers. Other states are also considering limiting DEI programs in their colleges.


What the Republicans and DeSantis have done in terms of hate speech. I don’t think there should ever be any hate speech laws, especially not criminal laws. And they did that, and that’s reprehensible. However, having said that, and I oppose that, I support what they’ve done with DEi, and we need to understand that the real fountainhead for all this stuff is the colleges. That’s really where this is coming out.

And he and others have taken that on. They’ve actually taken over a small college. I think it’s in Sarasota, maybe it’s kind of a spin off from the University of South Florida in Tampa where I went. And wow, that place was crazy. When I went there 50 years ago, they had some full on Marxists that were there. I didn’t even argue with them. I just dropped their class.

This is a waste of time. And would start over again with some other instructor, some other different class. But anyway, they’ve already done this in a small college. And then the legislature passed and the governor signed an act saying that none of the Florida universities would have DEI staff. And so the first one to comply with this, evidently, I don’t see that anybody else has done it. University of Florida.

I don’t see that FSU or USF or any others have done it. They fired all of their DEi people. Effective immediately to comply with the Florida Board of Governors Regulation on prohibited expenditures. The University of Florida has closed the office of the chief diversity officer, eliminated DEI positions and administrative appointments, and halted DEI focused contracts with outside vendors, said a statement from the provost. Approximately $5 million in funds previously allocated to DEI initiatives will now be reallocated into a faculty recruitment fund.

Maybe they could even get some people who are not full on Marxist as faculty. That’d be an interesting change. In January, Florida’s board of governors voted to ban state funding on DEI programs across all public universities in the state. But again, it seems like the University of Florida is the first one to do it so far. Ben Sass, the former congressman, went there. He was a Republican, but a lot of people kind of saw him as a really kind of left leaning, quote unquote moderate type of Republican.

But he became the president. Maybe that’s why they’re doing it first. Florida is one of a dozen state legislatures that have introduced or passed bills to limit or to eliminate DEI programs in state colleges or universities. If your state is not one of these, then make sure that it is. We need to get rid of these things again. Like I said, this is the fountainhead of this marxist theory that is there.

The news comes about one week after college fix had an exclusive investigative report noting that the University of Florida employs one administrator for every four undergraduates. I think they’re a little bit heavy on the administration side, don’t you, with some of the administrative overhead related to the university’s DEI initiatives. Yeah, they’re spending $5 million a year on DEI. University of Florida’s DEi initiatives consisted of equivalent of 24 full time employees.

The initiatives cost the university $5. 3 million. 3. 3 million of it is state funded. The chief diversity officer, Marcia McGriff, she doesn’t spell that with a T, two F’s, but she should have spelled it with a McGrift. McGrift made $300,000 a year pushing this DEi stuff, according to public records. And that was back in November, 2022. Maybe she got a raise last year, gave herself a raise.

Probably did. Look, this is the point of this, too. We’re not helpless, we’re not hopeless. We can do something about this. It can be fixed at the state level. Imagine this. We’ve got Biden as president and you just had Florida kill Dei in their university system. How did that happen? It’s the money, it’s how you control things. It’s how you control things. It’s how the state government can control this stuff.

They give money out to these universities and then if they don’t do what they like, they pull it back. Obama, through the Department of Education and all these other presidents have said, well, we would like for you to teach this. We’d like for you to put boys in the girls’bathrooms and showers. And if you don’t do that, they pull the money away. And then Trump says, we’d like for you to lock down people, keep them 6ft apart, have them wear masks, give them fines, beat them up, do all the rest of this stuff.

And I’ve got a vaccines know, help me with all of this stuff. And he pays them. He pays them. He pays the hospitals to kill people. He pays them to do it. And if they don’t do it, they pull the money back. That’s how it works the federal level. That’s how it works to the president, how it works with the governors. That’s why it’s important for two things.

First of all, you don’t need to get control of the federal government to make a change. You can change it at the state level and you can change it at the local level as well. And you can change it at the personal level. When we’re talking about education, it always amazes me to see people who have the motivation to create a private school, or they have the motivation to homeschool their children, and then they come around and they beg for a government handout.

Do you realize what you’re doing to yourself? You’re putting chains on yourself with this money. The money are chains and strings that will be used to control you. And if you get the right person in, they can start yanking those chains around and pull those dei people that are paying themselves $300,000 a year right out of the university. The David Knight show is a critical thinking super spreader.

If you’ve been exposed to logic by listening to the David Knight show, please do your part and try not to spread it. Financial support or simply telling others about the show causes this dangerous information to spread. Father, people have to trust me. I mean, trust the science. Wear your mask, take your vaccine. Don’t ask questions. Using free speech to free minds. It’s the David Knight show. .

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disagreement over hate speech laws diversity equity inclusion in colleges funds redirection for new teachers hiring impact of Republican laws on DEI programs limiting DEI programs in other states Republicans DeSantis hate speech laws small college takeover by Republicans stopping DEI staff in Florida universities support for DEI in colleges University of Florida DEI office closure

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