Will The US COLLAPSE before MAGA TRIUMPHS?!? Dr. Steve Turley

Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots



➡ Dr. Steve Turley discusses the future of the United States, suggesting that a ground-up populist revolt could lead to a new class of politicians who represent the people’s interests. It emphasizes that there will always be an elite class, but the goal is to have a balance between the wealthy and the rest of society. The article also mentions the rise of MAGA states and the potential for them to break off as their own countries. Lastly, it promotes a natural pain reliever called ConocB two, which is used by UFC fighters.


America the free has been an amazing insider for years and years and always asks such good questions. So the question is, how do you see the United States being reborn? Will it take a full scale collapse like the Soviet Union or MAGA states breaking off as their own countries, or a ground up populist revolt that will bring a completely new class of politicians who will stand done for our agenda? So it’s the last one that we’re hoping for.

That’s the one we’re hoping for. We’re always going to have an elite. You’re always going to have an elite. No way around. You’re always going to have society vertically defined. Right? Jordan Peterson taught us all about the Pareto principle. Even in communist governments. You always had, I know it’s astonishing to even think about it, but Ocasio Cortez is an elite socialist. She’s made it to the top of social.

You’re always going to have a top, but you want what Aristotle referred to, what was the term that he used? I think it was something like an aristoculism of some kind. You want a balance between the haves and the have nots, the few and the many haves being the ones who are very wealthy. You’re always going to have super wealthy in whatever society you have. You even have it in China, for heaven’s sakes.

You’re always going to have a wealthy, relatively speaking, and they’re going to be a few. They’re going to be at the top of the pyramid, and then you’re going to have the rest of us who are not. We’re not George Soros’s, we’re not wealthy, and by any stretch that Madison ace, we’re doing well. But again, historically and relatively speaking in terms of planetary population, but you’re always going to have an aristocracy in the people.

For Aristotle, there were only two options. Either the aristocracy was going to turn into an oligarchy and rule the people and basically punish them into compliance, which is what we have now in what we call our neo feudal, our refutilized situation in DC and in Davos and in Brussels, or you’re going to have the French Revolution, where the people rise up and basically execute their elites. But you just have to wait a generation.

You’re going to get a whole new set of elites, right? You’re always going to have the elites. So either one of these just don’t work long term. Eventually, people are going to rebel against their elites, but once they kill off their elites, you’re just going to get some new ones. So what you want is a balance. You want elite who are going to represent the values, interests, concerns of people.

And that’s what makes Trump so amazing. He’s the embodiment of that aristotelian ideal of the billionaire blue collar. But first, how many UFC fans do we have out there? We know that the one and only Donald Trump is a huge UFC fan, as are the fighters of him. But have you ever wondered what they do to manage their pain? Well, you don’t have to, because a fellow patriot and good friend to this channel is precisely the one who provides relief to that pain, and he’s here to do the same for you.

You know, gang, as we age, aches and pains we think of are normal, but they don’t have to be. And that’s where the groundbreaking medical scientist Clint Winters comes in. You’ve seen Clint on Fox. You’ve seen him on this channel. He’s a world renowned health expert who’s unveiled a natural pain reliever that’s taking the world by storm. It’s called Conocb two. It’s the 100% drug free way to get full body pain relief without dangerous meds.

And it’s the official pain reliever for the fighters in the UFC. And the best news, ConocB two has no documented side effects after years of private testing. It’s absolutely the future of relief. So whatever you do, make sure to click on that link below and check out Clint’s amazingly informative report on how ConocB two is changing lives by providing safe and powerful relief at a fraction of the cost of pain pills.

Click on that link below right now. So that’s what you want, ideally, and I think we’re getting that. We’re seeing that a lot of our. I mean, you see someone like a Vivek Ramaswami, very, very successful venture capitalist. He’s earned tens of millions of dollars. He’s 100% grounded in the wisdom and virtues of the civilizational populism. He definitely sees the evils of globalism and sees the virtues of siding with civilizational populism.

So we’re seeing, know all of Peter Thiel and the like. So hopefully, that’s what happens. But in the meantime, I think, really, the more research I do, to be honest with you, America free, the more I’m convinced it’s already happening. And what’s already happening is it’s very much. There is a ground up populist revolt of MAgA, states that have not yet broken off as their own countries, but they probably could.

What makes this hard is that in the vast majority of our counties and state governments and the like, local governments, patriots, maga folk, christian conservatives, they don’t run as patriots. They don’t run for office as patriots. They don’t run for office as christian conservatives. They don’t run for office as MAGA. These are more federal national terms. What they do is they run for office as a mom or they run for office as a concerned father, or they run for office as a concerned member of the community.

For the last 20 years, they are running for office via localist relational identities, where Maga, christian conservatism, patriotism is a given. So it’s not something that’s championed as separating me from, as over and against this insane New York socialist representative over there. And so what that does, the fact that our folk in literally 80% of the counties and districts across the country are running and winning in elections where everyone, literally everyone, is a mega hardcore conservative christian person.

The hard part with that is it doesn’t get the publicity, it doesn’t get the notoriety of being the win that it actually is. So one of the things that I’ve been doing a lot of late and what I’m trying to do to incorporate in our videos, because most of my videos, of course, are national news, I’m wanting to tail end the videos with some local success stories of exactly what you’re talking about.

Where we’re seeing evidence of magistates rising up at local levels, county levels, state levels, where we’re seeing our values, our interests, and our concerns being legislated and being defended and being lived out in 80% of our country, which it is. Which it is. 80% of land mass, which it is. And it’s hard for us because it doesn’t make the headlines, because there’s nothing partisan about it. Everybody who’s voting is already a patriot.

They’re already christian conservatives. They just live and breathe this stuff. So it makes it very hard for it to bubble up in the partisan rancor that dominates the headlines today. So I think we already have a very strong, very powerful MAGA superstate. It’s already there. I mean, Greg Abbott’s approval numbers are through the roof right now. It’s already there. And whether or not it breaks away and whether or not Washington finally just implodes like the Soviet Polar bureau, remains to be seen.

We’ll just have to see. But I’m hoping that over time, the health of that maga, what I just like to call superstate. Obviously, it’s an informal like state that comes together around shared values, not administratively, but that MAGA superstate hopefully will be the greenhouse that produces extraordinary political actors who could go into the federal government as our elite, our Aristo populace, and rule on our behalf in such a way that I should say, represent us on our behalf in such a way that is true to faith, family and freedom at a federal level, the way that Trump did, in a way that Reagan largely did.

And that’s my hope. But your other two options, the first and the second one, are every bit as plausible. We’ll just have to see how time plays itself out. I hope you enjoyed that clip of my Monday night Insiders club livestream. Join us live next week by clicking on the link in the description below and joining the coalition of patriots worldwide, building a parallel economy to return to our roots of faith, family and freedom.

Click below. Right now. .

See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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balance between wealthy and society Conocb two natural pain reliever elite class in America future of United States politics new class of politicians populist revolt in America potential secession of MAGA states representation of people's interests in politics rise of MAGA states UFC fighters pain relief methods

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