Why Raw Milk is in the Globalist Crosshairs | The David Knight Show




➡ This article discusses the growing debate in America over raw milk. It highlights a rise in demand for raw milk, with people arguing for the right to choose what they consume. However, there are concerns about the health risks associated with raw milk, such as harmful bacteria. The article also mentions a bill in Louisiana to lift the ban on raw milk, reflecting the ongoing controversy.
➡ The text discusses the controversy around mask-wearing, with some arguing it’s a sign of obedience rather than a health measure. It also touches on the debate over personal freedoms, with the author criticizing those who enforce mask-wearing but deny freedom in other areas. The text also mentions concerns about the spread of bird flu and its potential impact on food supply, with the author expressing skepticism about the severity of the threat. Lastly, the author thanks listeners for their support and discusses the benefits of raw milk and supporting local farms.
➡ The article discusses concerns about a potential bird flu outbreak, with various sources warning about the risk of transmission, especially at country fairs where different animals are brought together. The author criticizes the media’s alarmist approach and suggests that maintaining cleanliness and knowing your farmers can help prevent the spread of the disease. The article also touches on other topics like the healthiness of milk and eggs, and the importance of critical thinking.


This is an article that was put out on mainstream media and it was picked up and pushed by drudge over the weekend. How milk became the new culture war dividing America. Yeah. Clever. Yeah, culture, as in, if you don’t have milk, folks, you’re not going to have cultures, you’re not going to have yogurt things. For more than 130 years. That said, Americans have been instructed that drinking milk that comes directly from the cows udder can be dangerous. Well, they began with a lie. Not more than 130 years, as a matter of fact. Non homogenized milk and other things like that.

I don’t know if it was unpasteurized, but non homogenized milk was available when we were kids, Karen and I. And now they’re using Gwyneth Paltrow as a poster child. First thing, they go straight to Gwyneth Paltrow because they want to portray people who want raw milk as being as crazy as she is. Market data suggests there’s been at least a 20% increase in the demand for raw milk in the last year. And state politicians are facing demands to liberalize decades old food safety laws. As I said before, they focus on raw milk because this is one way to wean people off of the illusion of corporate food.

It really has become a dividing line to get people to focus on local farms and things like that. And that’s one of the reasons why they want to attack it. It’s not for health reasons. This week, the latest bill to repeal an outright ban on raw milk hit the governor’s desk in Louisiana. The bill assigned to make it possible for Louisianans to buy raw milk from a normal shop, albeit with a warning in capital letters that it is not for human consumption. But everyone, including legislators, know that instruction will be ignored. You know, why don’t they just use the campaigns that was so successful for the FDA? For ivermectin? This is for horses, y’all.

Let’s put that on there. This is for horses. Come on. Courses for horses. The product of an unlikely alliance between health food enthusiasts and the libertarian right, which sees raw milk bands as another example of shady federal officials eroding the freedom of american consumers. The big push behind the raw milk campaign is that people want to be able to choose what they’re putting into their bodies, said a representative of the farm and ranch Freedom alliance. There’s a lot more understanding now than there was in the 1950s, I said, when pasteurization became widespread. A lot more understanding about the benefits of unprocessed food and probiotic encouraging foods such as raw milk.

Since 1987, the US FDA says that 143 deaths from various illnesses in the US have been linked to raw milk. Wow. If that were true, and I don’t for a minute believe that it is, actually, but think about that. How many people die every year in swimming pools? We’re going to ban that everywhere. And you know, what would that work out to over all those years? From 1987 to today, that works out to about four deaths per 300 million people a year. Even if that were true, how many activities can we get involved in that have that low risk? Not very many.

And quite frankly, when we look at the food supply we frequently have, they’re trying to scare people. Raw milk can contain salmonella, E. Coli, various other harmful bacteria. Do you remember all the recalls of spinach or lettuce or vegetables that had E. Coli or other things like that? Yeah, things like that can happen. Do you remember how blue barrel ice cream almost went out of business because of listeria and they were using homogenized and pasteurized milk, but their machine wasn’t cleaned properly, so they got Listeria and they had people die from that listeria. So you could have pasteurized milk and put it through dirty machines and listeria.

And so there’s no perfect solution. What these people trying to do is to scare you into thinking that you can live in a bacteria free world. Well see, we can have zero Covid, we can have zero carbon, we can have zero traffic deaths. That’s their vision. Zero thing. We can have zero bacteria. If we all drink pasteurized milk. Well, you also lose the good stuff as well. But then when you get to the homogenized stuff, that becomes really bad for you. And so were able to buy over the counter here locally, theres a local dairy that we can get milk that is still pasteurized, so you dont have to get into a club and everything.

And if you get the raw milk, its like three times as much. But its not homogenized, which is a really bad thing. And its got a lot more cream. See, part of that. And I had an excellent interview with a lady. We should rebroadcast that soon because it’s come back up again. Talked about the history of raw milk. She talked about how over the history of civilization, that was always what people were drinking. And where did this come from? Well, when people started moving into Chicago and they started having really dirty, unsanitary situations, people were getting sick because just like I talked about Listeria and an ice cream factory, they, it was just dirty production.

So that gave them the ammunition for doing the pasteurization. And then as far as the homogenization goes, if they homogenized the milk, then you don’t notice how much cream they have skimmed off of this stuff. The stuff that we get from the local dairy is actually very cream colored compared to the store bought milk, which is bleached white because it has, even if you get whole milk, it’s got very little cream compared to this stuff here. So again, trying to scare people with a number of deaths that they have taken over nearly a 40 year period, it just never ends.

You know, we have to be able to see through their tactics and critically think about how the FDA is trying to use these scare tactics. 147 people killed from raw milk. Well, that’s just like, you know, these people that they claim got bird flu from cows. You know, isn’t it interesting that they’re not getting it from any chickens or anything like that, but they’re getting the bird flu from cows. And all these cases, what was it? It was pink eye and there was no respiratory involvement. There was no fever. It was pink eye because they’re working in a dirty environment.

Same thing like we’re talking about with Listeria. Our citizens, one of the guys, I think, had a cough or something, but that was, it wasn’t flu. It wasn’t anything serious. Our citizens have the right to buy those products even though they have risks associated with them. Are there any risks with a vaccine? Oh, yeah. We were told that the benefits outweighed the risk. We were told, weren’t we, that, oh, yeah, something happens to some of these people, but it’s rare. It’s rare. Well, it is rare for anything to happen to anybody from drinking raw milk. Truly is, even by their own statistics, far more rare than people getting sick with their pharmaceutical products, especially the Trump shots.

Drinking raw milk has become an act of civil resistance. No, it’s become an act of critical thinking. Turning point USA. It’s got a t shirt out. Got raw milk, said far right. Outlets like Infowars and the blaze have been promoting raw milk. See, this is just in the same way that they’re talking about Gwyneth Paltrow. They’ll throw in these orange just to scare people. And who would read mainstream media? Just like the COVID B’s, said another person. I don’t need metabolically unhealthy politicians and obese bureaucrats watching out for my health. And I would also throw in mentally ill trainees like Rachel Levine, Dick Devine.

In January, an amish farmer in Pennsylvania drew national attention after being raided by the police who suspected correctly says Yahoo. Correctly, that it was selling unlicensed raw milk and eggnog. Hey. Yeah. Hey, kid, you got a permit for that lemonade stand? Hey, he doesn’t call on the SWAT team. You know, you could start arresting people. SWAT teaming people over egg nog? Seriously? Professor Donald Schaffner, a food science expert. Oh, we got an expert. And we got somebody with a professor title. He’s not an MD, he’s a professor. He professes to be an expert. He is associated with Rutgers.

He says, what we know is that when that virus infects a dairy cow or one of the localized sites of the infection and the utter, the cow that milk those cows produce is absolutely loaded with bird flu. Bird flu has been around for 20 years and now this year is such a tell, isn’t it, that they have to focus on meat and dairy for bird flu? With respect to the question of food being natural, he said, well, arsenic is natural, sharks are natural, and they’ll kill you. This is the kind of logic that they have. And at the same time, the Washington Post is complaining that masks are going from being mandated to criminalized in some states.

So they argue against you being able to choose the milk, but they do want you to have the ability to choose to wear a mask, and they don’t want to defend the, the efficacy or the harm of the masks either. State legislators and law enforcement are reinstating dormant laws that criminalize mask wearing. They had this around because the Ku Klux Klan, they had it around because of bank robberies. You walk into a bank wearing a mask, we kind of think what you’re going to do is rob the place. Right? But now they said this is coming after immunocompromised Americans.

And so they’re going to give you a lot of anecdotal stuff about people who are afraid and fear that they need to wear the mask. The day after the North Carolina House of Representatives passed their anti masking bill in June in response to the pro palestinian protests at the University of North Carolina, Sherry Stewart said a man confronted her for wearing a surgical mask when she walked into an auto service center in the Raleigh area. Well, it’s because it’s not protection, because it’s mental illness. And, you know, I don’t care if I’m not going to confront somebody if they’re wearing a mask, but they’re trying to pretend without any evidence whatsoever in the Washington Post that some of these people who are having chemotherapy for cancer, that they’ve got to have it.

Well, no, they don’t. It’s not going to help them at all. As a matter of fact, it’ll make things worse. The mask, you know, you eliminate waste through your mouth as well as to other areas at different times, and that mask traps it. It’s filthy. You can just. You can see the acne on a lot of people’s faces because of the mask. And of course, it doesn’t work. As I pointed out many times going back 2002, New South Wales, they got so authoritarian about people wearing masks. We’re telling people in 2002, when the SARS scare went through Asia, they said, if you tell people that these N 95 masks are going to protect them against a virus, we’re going to find you $100,000.

And they had a study to back it up to show these things don’t work. But common sense tells you that they don’t either. So again, they will. They will claim that people ought to have the freedom to wear these things. And I would say people do have the freedom to wear a mask if they want, but they will adamantly deny that you have the freedom to eat the food that you want to eat, to get something at a local farm. I don’t understand when there is a political protest, exactly how the authorities plan to sort out those who are wearing masks for health purposes versus those who are wearing masks to protect their identity.

Well, what they don’t understand is that all masks are political. The people who think that they’re doing it for medical reasons are doing it even if they don’t realize it for political reasons. They were propagandized. They were lied to to do this. This is a sign of obedience to these same people, the same people who are saying I should be able to wear my mask. They were telling you, screw your freedom. You wear the mask, you stay 6ft away from me. People like Arnold Schwarzenegger, they didn’t care about your freedom. They didn’t care about your body, your choice.

They don’t care about any of that stuff. It’s all a lie. This is. We see these same people who said, my body, my choice about abortion. They were the ones who were pushing the masks on everybody. They want you to bow to their irrational fears and superstitions, to their non science in the same way that they demand that you use their pronouns. And I’m not going to bow to any of that stuff, just like I won’t use their pronouns either. The Biden administration has asked Amazon to hide vaccine critical books during the pandemic who would have thought, right? And yet look at how they are about all of these tranny grooming books that they’re pushing out for kids at a very, very young age.

It truly is amazing. Some more tips and I want to thank people and thank Marty for matching these today. Thank you, Marty. Scott l thank you very much. $5 tip on Sal. Thank you. Self patriot. Thank you. Let me throw in a little extra since Marty’s been trying to match tips. I hate that it has to be a nail biter at the end of every month. I do, too. I’m going to have to try to get started on this earlier. It’s crazy. Syrian girl. Raw milk is also an amazing health food and more people are clueing into it.

I can’t even buy rock of fear at the farm now. Fast as they can produce and bottle it, it sells off. Yeah, yeah. Whipping post. And you know, even when it is something that is expensive like that, if it’s got health benefits for you, just think about how expensive hospitals and medications and doctors are. You know, there is, when I look at food and, you know, we talk to somebody who is mentioning organic food and things like that, whether or not depending on where you are, it varies in terms of the premium that you have to pay for different things.

But I think when it comes to milk and eggs and stuff like that, we’re trying to, we’ve got a whole bunch of kids, kids, a whole bunch of chicks now. And hopefully they’re going to start laying eggs pretty soon. They’re a few months old now, but they still haven’t gotten any eggs. But we’re going to have eggs coming out of, out of our ears if they all are laying. We don’t know how many of them yet. Our roosters, we got some suspicions, but because some of them, how old are they? Would you say? About three or four months maybe.

Yeah, they’re not laying yet. Whipping post here in west Virginia. We can sell raw milk. We’re setting up to use our goats for milk. Yeah, that’s good. Yeah. I know somebody here is a listener and we have, we get some raw goat milk from him as well. Ap rumble seed goat milk and cheese are really pretty good. If we don’t support small farms, we’ll all have to choose. All we’ll have to choose from are the satanic death cult corporations. Yeah. Paladin poultry buy organic food only. They’re putting the vaccine and farmed animals now. Yeah, we talked about that.

The, they’ve been doing it for a while in pork and so that’s one of the reasons I said before, I said, why aren’t they squealing about the pigs? Right. Why are they? Bird flu. But they’re not really paying that much attention to chickens this year. They killed millions and millions of them last year, but this year they’re really going after the cows. Why? Well, they want to bag and tag them, essentially. And I said, and why aren’t they talking about pigs? Well, the pig producers made peace with them a long time ago. Syrian girl says there are states that there were states that could only sell raw milk as pet food.

I think still are. But obviously everybody knows that people are buying it for their own consumption. They’ve never proven illness caused by raw milk. Raw milk has natural anti pathogens that kill off dangerous germs, unlike pasteurized milk, where the antipathogens are killed by the heat. Well, again, I think maybe what they should do is they should force everybody to put on the raw milk. This is for horses, y’all, because that works so well with ivermectin. But now they’re focusing on county fairs. This is a story from the wine press. Again, it’s all about the cows, right? Because you’re going to have a lot of cows at the county fair.

They’re not worried about. Pigs are already vaccinating the kid, the pigs. And so now it’s at the county fairs. I want to scare everybody about this. Since 2021, wine press has been covering the purported, let’s see. Oh, tornado. Thank you very much for the tip. I really do appreciate that. And thank you, everybody, and thank you, Marty, for matching the tips today. Thank you. Wine press has been covering the reported spread of bird flu around the world. This has been going on for years, and they’ve been culling massive amounts of chickens and creating egg shortages in the years past.

But this year, the target is meat and dairy. It has nothing to do with flu or pandemic. It has to do with our food. Uh, Robert Redfield, four times. It’s inevitable we’re going to have bird flu, and it’s inevitable it’s going to kill a have mortality rate of 25% to 50%. This guy is such an incredible liar. There’s absolutely no way that he knows any of that, especially the 25% to 50%. That’s why I said, these people have jumped the shark. They’ve gone so far overboard, they’ve lost all credibility. Hopefully. I mean, that’s absolute nonsense. You can’t even say that a human has gotten it.

And yet 25% to 50% mortality. The University of Minnesota said the american population has little to no pre existing immunity to the bird flu circulating on dairy and poultry farms. Well, I guess we don’t need it if it just gives you pink eye. I have had pink eye. Didn’t kill me. Had it when I was a kid. Script news says bird flu could potentially spread. Now that country fair season is beginning. Yeah. We’re going to have cows, chickens, goats, dogs and cats living together. It’s the end of the world. Just like right out of ghostbusters. Right.

Infections continue to spread among cow herds. What’s going to be like when we bring all these different cow herds together at the country fair? It’s going to be total chaos. It’s going to be a bird flu apocalypse. Roughly every week or so, wine press has highlighted a smattering of some of the latest headlines. And just listen to this. What they’ve pulled together, this is from popular science. Can we prevent a bird flu pandemic in humans? Yeah, stop talking about it. Politico avian flu spread and cows not being tracked posing greater risk of human transmission. Yeah, right.

This one from GBN. Health warnings over new pandemic with 50% mortality rate after first human death is confirmed. That’s not even as bad as Michael Snyder and zero Hedge saying this. Now that we’ve had somebody just drop dead from bird flu and it’s like they didn’t even have it as they went. They said in Mexico. Right. World Health Organizations. But since when, Michael, has the World Health Organization been your go to standard for information? Unbelievable. USA Today. Concerns grow as gigantic bird flu outbreak. And so now we’ve got gigantic bird flu. This is pterodactyls are going to give this to us.

And you really don’t want to get the pterodactyl fluid. No. Gigantic bird flu outbreak runs rampant in us dairy herds. That’s USA Today, CNN. We aren’t doing enough about the risk of bird flu, but we can, we can do more. Yeah. We can ban cows and milk and bird flu. Experts sound alarm over testing as cases. Sage, sage. We’re flying blind, says the Daily Express. Yeah, blind. Leading the blind into another pandemic. Opinion. Bird flu is a real threat. Here’s a way to fight it, says the LA Times, Tampa Free Press. CDC has a million bird flu tests ready.

But experts fear repeat of COVID missteps. Yeah, that’s what I fear as well. The lies, the propaganda, the superstition that they pushed on us. Ten alarming facts you should know about rapidly spreading bird flu. If you own a cat or dog. Uh oh, cat and dog flu, too. They don’t care about cats and dogs. They’re coming after our food supply. House digest. Should you take your bird feeder down during avian influenza this summer? It’s just ridiculous. And those are the headlines that were, that were curated by Wine press. Now they’re telling, here’s another quote from humans can actually transmit bird flu to other animals by walking on soil and then going to another farm.

That’s, they’re trying to sell everything. It’s just like they tried to sell the idea that people were dropping dead doing home gardening. So stop that home gardening. It’s not the vaccine that’s causing people have sudden death. It’s when you, and it’s not even labor and a hot sun or something in your home garden. It’s just you stirring up the soil. It’s going to release these mysterious things that are going to make you drop dead suddenly, you know, it’s plissken. Snake plissken. I thought you were dead. Thank you very much for the tip, though. Thank you. Glad to help.

He says, thank you. Paladin poultry. On their new food ranking list, they rated sugary cereals as healthier than eggs. That’s right. Yeah. You don’t want the stuff made by God. You want general mills. Atomic dog. I knew a dairy farmer. He used to say milk is perfectly healthy as long as the cow doesn’t have mastitis. He drank milk from the cow. Often healthy as a horse. Yeah. Know who your, uh, who your farmers are, right? And if you know them, and if you go to their farm and they’re fine with you walking around and looking at the farm and all the rest of stuff, I mean, you can look to see if the place is clean or not.

And what we’re talking about, you know, the so called bird flu these farmhands got, it’s probably because these farm hands didn’t wash their farm hands and rub their eyes. And, you know, it’s, it is a lot of work to try to keep things like that clean. But, you know, go there, meet the people, see what they’re like, and see what the farm is like. The David Knight show is a critical thinking super spreader. If youve been exposed to logic by listening to the David Knight show, please do your part and try not to spread it. Financial support or simply telling others about the show causes this dangerous information to spread.

Father, people have to trust me. I mean, trust the science. Wear your mask, take your vaccine. Don’t ask questions. Using free speech to free minds. It’s the David Knight show.

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