Why Did the Cop Dressed as a Chicken NOT Cross the Road? | The David Knight Show

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show




➡ The David Knight Show talks about how in San Francisco, police are dressing up in chicken costumes to catch drivers who don’t stop at zebra crossings. This unusual method results in many tickets, with fines ranging from $12,000 to $16,000. However, some people argue that zebra crossings give pedestrians a false sense of safety and are a bad idea. Meanwhile, the city is experiencing a significant increase in violent crime and shoplifting, raising questions about police priorities.



I’m here in San Francisco as they show cops dressing up in an inflatable chicken costume to catch speeding drivers. Yeah. Yeah. My question is, if they’re going to try to catch speeding drivers, shouldn’t they dress up as roadrunner? Um, and as the driver says, what he’s doing is he’s not actually trying to catch speeding drivers. He’s trying to catch drivers who go through the zebra crossing while the chicken is trying to cross the road to the other side. Frankly, if I saw that guy on the side of the road, I would not think that he was even necessarily trying to get to the other side.

He looks like somebody who’s all dressed up in a stupid costume in order to sell something. Except he’s not really selling anything. He’s handing out tickets. Massive amounts of tickets. Whenever they do this, they hand out between $12,000 and $16,000 worth of this stuff. Thirty to forty citations. Up to $400. So, okay. It’s a real take. You see, in a city where violent crime is exploding, where crime in general is exploding, where big box retailers who are funded by Wall Street can’t even stay open because of all the shoplifting. The cops are chickening out. They’re going to give people tickets for these zebra crossings.

The government ought to be fined for setting up zebra crossings. I think they’re very dangerous. Travis said he doesn’t even think San Francisco has any zebras. Your mic is way down, though. They don’t have any sense, do they? But when you set up these zebra crossings, it gives pedestrians a false sense of protection, right? Many of them would just, oh, got a zebra crossing. I’m just going to walk through the street. It’s up to the cars to stop, right? Well, you’ve got the right of way, but you may wind up being dead right.

And a lot of people are just looking at their phones, just going to step right out into the street. They have these things all over the place in Gatlinburg. But Gatlinburg, when you’re going right down downtown Gatlinburg, Tennessee, it’s really like a street fair. And, you know, nobody drives fast there. And everybody, the sidewalks are packed and people will step up. But you’re going to really watch out, even if you’re driving along like 10 miles an hour. You never know. Somebody’s just going to walk up there and just step right into the street because, hey, it’s a zebra crossing.

I’m fine. These things are a bad idea, an accident waiting to happen. But again, these cops don’t care about crime. They only care about ripping people off with these fines that are out there. So again, they’re going to get, you know, 30 to 40 citations, up to $400 a piece. We’re looking at, you know, 12,000, $16,000 in a day. Good job. Let’s do that again. And they’ve done it over and over again. After the police performed this exercise at the same crosswalk previously, somebody with a sense of humor put up a chicken crossing sign nearby.

So all this is happening while homicides in San Francisco have gone up by 83%. 83% nearly doubled. Overall, violent crime went up 4%. Non-violent crime, like shoplifting, is shutting down major big box stores. But this is what, I showed this yesterday, and this is what really concerns me, because this is what is coming. You know, the cops walking, once they get us out of our cars, finally, you know, this is a big dream, nobody owning cars. Once they get us out of their cars, they’re just going to come up to people and say, your identity papers, please, you know, like occupied France or something.

Open up your phone. I need to be able to see into your phone. Let me look, see if you’ve got anything in there that I could be offended by. If I’m offended by anything in there, I’ll call that hate speech. And in Ireland, you can go to jail just for having this something that somebody else put up on your phone that they find hateful. Now, if you post it, you go to jail for five years if they find it on your phone a year. If you refuse to open up your phone and let these, these tyrants scroll through your personal effects, well, that’s a 5,000 pound fine in Ireland.

Yeah, it never ends, does it? They will always have time to come after the people who aren’t doing anything to find a crime while they ignore the actual crimes that are being committed out there. So, you know, we’re protected against that type of thing. That’s happening in the UK, right? We would never have that here in America because we got the Fourth Amendment that protects the people’s right to be secure in their person’s houses, papers, and effects without a specific warrant, talking about crime, specifically mentioning the things and the places and the reasons while you’re looking and so forth.

Yeah, we got the Fourth Amendment, so we don’t have to worry about that. Well, the Fourth Amendment doesn’t apply. And the Supreme Court, even under supposedly conservative and textual-based literalist Scalia, said no. You know, he made the argument Fourth Amendment doesn’t apply with the TSA. Well, if it doesn’t apply with the TSA, they’re going to find exceptions everywhere. That’s it, look at it. Well, you’ve got a cash-strapped zoo in the European Union, as a matter of fact, it is in Norway. I’m sorry, Finland, Finland. Their largest zoo is going to have to return the Chinese pandas.

I wonder if they’d accept some cops dressed as chickens in return because the pandas must be really expensive. You know, they just eat, they’ve got a very selective diet. They’re into greens, primarily bamboo, I guess. And remember, it was back in May that we showed this Chinese zoo. I mean, even the Chinese can’t afford to keep pandas in bamboo, feeding them and all the rest of the stuff. Because back in May, we had these chow chow dogs that the zoo had painted up to look like pandas. Everybody knows they’re not pandas. And people are laughing about the fact that they’re not pandas.

But of course, you know, the dogs are kind of cute. And we’ll just go along with a fantasy. We do that all the time, don’t we? We just play along with a fantasy. So I don’t know what the deal is with the pandas, why they are so expensive. I do know that they have a 15-year lease with China. The zoo pays an annual fee to China of about $1.1 million. Oh, okay, so there’s that, plus the cost of bamboo. So I guess these pandas have turned into something of a white elephant for the zoo there.

The largest privately owned zoo got these pandas back in January of 2018, nine months after Xi Jinping visited the country and signed a joint agreement of protection for the animals. So they’re going to, I guess, Finland wants to protect pandas, but they don’t have any, okay? Oh, I’ll loan you some pandas for a million dollars a year so you can protect them. I thought it was kind of funny. The name of the zoo is the Atari Zoo. It’s like the video game, except it’s spelled A-H-T-A-R-I. I imagine it’s still pronounced Atari.

They’ve had financial difficulties because of lockdowns. And the lockdowns, they said, have changed people’s patterns. They don’t go to the zoo. I guess maybe they don’t like to be reminded that they themselves were locked up, you know? Yeah, they locked us up like zoo animals. I don’t think I want to go to the zoo anymore. Maybe they have a new empathy for the animals that are locked up since they were treated like animals by their government, just like our government under Trump treated us like animals. And you want to know something else? You can find all the links to everywhere to watch or listen to the show at TheDavidNightShow.com.

That’s a website. [tr:trw].

See more of The David Knight Show on their Public Channel and the MPN The David Knight Show channel.


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controversy over police in chicken costumes debate on zebra crossings safety effectiveness of zebra crossings high fines for not stopping at zebra crossings increase in San Francisco violent crime pedestrian safety at zebra crossings police priorities in San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco police chicken costumes San Francisco shoplifting rates unusual traffic violation methods zebra crossing safety methods

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