Why AI is Like Smearing Poop on a Balloon

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ Google’s AI suggested a peculiar method for potty training children, which involves smearing poop on a balloon. This idea was based on a misunderstanding of a popular video where substances like shaving cream or peanut butter were used instead. The AI’s suggestion has raised questions about its ability to make accurate decisions, such as approving home loans or rentals. However, it’s important to note that this method is not a traditional way of potty training and may not be suitable for everyone.


A.I. Parenting tips. Now these are the, you know, this is the AI that’s going to make decisions about whether or not you should be able to get a home loan or move into a rental place, all these types of things. And the question is about Google’s AI, telling parents, giving parents the tip on how to potty train their young children, telling them that they need to smear poop on a balloon. I think smearing poop on a balloon is why you potty train them. How to teach wiping poo during potty training. The AI says make it fun.

You can try a balloon bathroom activity where you have your child practice reaching around to wipe the balloon. Well, this may be a excrement hits the fan scenario. That thing pops, right? The idea, and where did it get this idea? It looked at a video that’s out there that is one of the high ranking videos. And what the person was doing was they were showing shaving cream, or they were showing peanut butter or something like that, being put this on the balloon and teach your kid about wiping, you know, using this poo, you know, quote, unquote, poop.

Well, AI didn’t get the fact that that was not actually poo. First of all, secondly, I don’t know who came up with this kind of crazy idea. Anyway, I mean, do you really need to, you really need to model wiping by putting, I don’t think you’re going to need to do this Travis. I’m not giving you any parenting tips here, but except I would say this is absolutely not the way it has been taught for many, many generations. If you do this and it worked out for you, that’s fine. Don’t write me any letters.

I don’t want to know. But they emphasize shaving cream or peanut butter, but Google AI did not get that memo. So when we asked Google point blank, whether it was a good idea to wipe poop on a balloon, it said yes. And then it broke down the balloon method in detail, telling us that we should use a little bit of poop, start with a small amount of poop. Yeah. And then you can build up to big amounts of poop until it pops. And so again, it came from, it’s misunderstanding, but those are the, that’s what we should have making decisions.

And in Nevada, they’ve already, California grab a nuisance wants to do it for a lot of different departments, but in Nevada, they’ve already started putting AI in charge of deciding whether or not somebody should be able to get unemployment benefits and paid Google. The same people are telling you to put poop on a balloon. They got these wonderful experts with their science, you know, the science like PCR stuff and everything. And, and here’s the problem. This, these kinds of decisions as a bring in artificial intelligence into government, into banking, into, you know, rental property, AI is going to rapidly be seen as unchallengeable because Hey, it’s an expert.

It’s the computer. It’s science, right? It’s all, and 50 years ago, they were telling people, don’t trust this simply because you got a computer printout garbage in garbage out just because somebody did a computer model or a program that doesn’t make it right. This does not have some special anointing from God because it’s a computer printout, you know, with somebody who, who put that in for as a human, who put that in there and, and they all humans are putting all kinds of bias and, and nonsense into the AI stuff as well.

But nevertheless, that memo, just like the usual poop on the balloon, the fact that you don’t give real credibility to these computer printouts, that’s somehow been lost on people. That’s harder to understand than the fact that the AI would think that it was poop on the balloon. Uh, people think that this is real truth because it came out of a computer. The common man. They created common core and dumbed down our children. They created common past to track and control us. They’re commons project to make sure the commoners own nothing and the communist future.

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AI decision making in home loans approval AI's ability to make accurate decisions AI's misunderstanding of shaving cream or peanut butter use in potty training Google AI potty training method misunderstanding of popular potty training video non-traditional potty training methods smearing poop on balloon for potty training suitability of AI suggested potty training

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