Wheres a Cop When You Need One at a Rally? | The David Knight Show

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ The The David Knight Show discusses the issue of gun control, highlighting various viewpoints and incidents. It mentions mass shootings and suggests that gun control might not be the solution, as criminals can still obtain guns. The text also discusses the idea of banning certain political party members from owning guns, referencing a similar situation in Germany. It ends by suggesting that the best defense against criminals with guns might be for law-abiding citizens to also have guns.


I wasn’t the only one that mentioned gun control. Now, I’m not allowed to say gun control even when Trump’s not hurt, you see. And when we talk about the mass shootings, yes, it is a tragedy, as I pointed out, of the people who were hurt there, but we’ve had, you know, every weekend in Chicago, you know, we’ve got dozens of people in that Democrat gun controlled area that are being shot by Democrats. Trump was shot by a Democrat. These other people at the rally were killed by a Democrat, a Democrat with guns.

Maybe that’s what we should ban, Democrats with guns. That’s kind of what they did with the AFD in Germany. If you’re a member of this political party, you’re not allowed to own a gun. That’s what we should do with Democrats, I guess. I’m just joking. But anyway, Stink Uygur of the Young Turds jumped in immediately, said, well, if there’s anything in the world that could get Republicans to reconsider gun control is what happened today. But even that won’t do it. No, you know, the only thing that would get Republicans, Stink, to reconsider gun control is if it’s suggested by Donald Trump.

And then they’ll reconsider it, you know, because it’s 4D chess. You know that it’s not really taking away the gun. It’s because it’s being done by Trump. It’s okay. The vaccine’s okay. It’s sugar water. The red flags and stuff. That’s, you know, look, Trump’s red flag. Take the gun, do the due process later. That was a red flag about Trump. That was Trump’s red flag. That was telling you red flagging him as somebody who is not trustworthy, somebody who is dishonest, who is an oath breaker, who violated his oath to the Constitution like he violated his oath to his wives.

And sure enough, immediately, this was trending on Twitter. Shooting Spurs calls for stricter gun control. It was everywhere. There it is right there, breaking it down. There’s one of them down there, the BBC. A spray of bullets shatters a nation’s illusion of security. Yeah. And then we have this. Everywhere. We’ve got Grant Stern. If only the laws that you helped pass in Florida were made national, this senseless tragedy that cost an innocent rally goer their life and injured two others could have been potentially averted. Thank you all for what you do. It’s just a sign that the gun reform now will happen.

Another one, an assault weapon ban would have prevented Thomas Matthew Crooks from owning that AR-15. Wouldn’t it? Wouldn’t it? I guess, you know, since we had, since we had bans on drugs, nobody has any marijuana anymore, right? Nobody has any fentanyl or heroin or cocaine, none of that stuff. Because we banned all that stuff. Shannon Watts armed security didn’t stop the gunman at the store in Buffalo or a nightclub in Orlando. They couldn’t prevent shootings at schools in Santa Fe. And now even Secret Service can’t stop a shooting at a political rally in Pennsylvania.

Sounds like they’re writing the script for Trump. Ron Philipowski. I continue to believe that Americans should not be allowed to purchase assault weapon, although I realize that Trump and most Republicans believe an unfettered right for people to freely acquire the arsenals of their choice. That’s right. That’s right. I’m not making any apologies, Ron. This is a guy who used to be a Republican when it paid his rent. And then when he got fired by DeSantis, now he’s become a professional Republican critic that pays his bills. You know, he will use his, he will abuse the first amendment.

And I’m fine with him abusing the first amendment. There’s nothing that we can do to stop criminals from getting guns. The best thing that we can do is have guns ourselves. Let me just ask you this, Ron. What do you think if the people at the rally, all those Trump supporters who are saying, gunman, gunman, gunman, right? Police come do something, right? You can’t call the police even at a rally where they’re all standing around everywhere and get them to do anything. Are you kidding me? You want to, you want to make everything dependent, your safety dependent on the police? That, that rally, I think made the case once and for all that you can’t outsource your own safety to the police or the secret service.

They got snipers everywhere. They got cops everywhere. They got people fitted up in military SWAT team outfits and all the rest of this stuff. And yet the people, if they had had firearms, what do you think would have happened if they hadn’t disarmed all of the Trump supporters who went there? What if they all pulled out their weapons and started shooting at that guy when the police wouldn’t do it, when the secret service wouldn’t or couldn’t do it, right? What if they had the guns to protect themselves? Just think about that. See, that’s the whole key.

It’s just, just like the school shootings. Yeah. The government couldn’t protect the students at the school. The government couldn’t protect Trump. That’s something you can’t outsource. You’ve got to do it yourself. You’ve got to have that right to protect yourself, that God given right. Well, maybe the do nothing Congress will pass a law. They said, well, you know, Trump didn’t need the Congress to pass a law. Yeah. Congress all the time just forgets about the second amendment as if that never existed. And they pass laws and you have the Supreme court that does the same type of thing.

But Trump said, I can do it now. I can do it. He said a new precedent with all of that. I can violate the constitution on my own. I can take the guns and do the due process later. I can do a bump stock man. I can do a pistol brace band just by executive order. No, you can’t. And for right now, the Supreme court narrowly agreed, but Hey, you know, the politically appointed Supreme court changes that all change as well. You see this article here, this is coming from the independent in the UK.

Trump is nearly killed with an AR style rifle that he resisted calls to ban. I really don’t think it’s going to be that long after Trump becomes president before he does some gun control and you’re going to have heroes, quote unquote heroes like Jason Aldean. He’ll be right there high fiving him doing it. Kid rock will be shielding him with his own body from any criticism. And remember the rock ribbed conservative Reagan. Do you remember what he did when he was shot when his, uh, press secretary Brady was putting a wheelchair disabled and Sarah Brady puts together that gun control group and they violated the constitution with a Brady bill.

You had sheriff Mac, uh, fought that and one in the Supreme court, or just like Mike Cargill fought the bump stock and one. You see these, uh, presidents, these are public and presidents are malleable and it matters more to them. What happens to their friends or how they appear in public that matters far more to them than your God given rights or the constitution that they swore to have held the top hold. Uh, that’s just the plain truth folks. False news has become all too common on social media, more people. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.

This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy. Break free from the usual script with a David Knight show, a fresh perspective, bringing you genuine insights on current events. But if the show is going to stay on the air, we’ll need your continued support. Sharing the show, subscribing, and even just hitting the like button all help.

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See more of The David Knight Show on their Public Channel and the MPN The David Knight Show channel.


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banning political party members from owning guns best defense against gun crime criminals obtaining guns defense against criminals with guns Germany gun control laws gun control debate viewpoints gun control not the solution law-abiding citizens owning guns mass shootings and gun control political party members and gun ownership

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