What You MISSED in the Tucker-Putin Interview! | Dr. Steve Turley

Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots



➡ Dr. Steve Turley talks about how The Tucker Putin interview highlighted key points about Russia’s history and its current mindset. Putin emphasized the importance of understanding Russia’s 1200-year history and its focus on building as a civilization state. He also confirmed that NATO’s expansion was the reason for his invasion of Ukraine. The interview also touched on the role of religion in Russia and the Eurasian sphere, and Putin’s desire for Russia to lead in AI, but without compromising human dignity.
➡ While our leader struggled to give a short press conference, Putin managed to deliver a two-hour university lecture. This difference was very noticeable. The text also invites you to join a group of patriots who are trying to build a new economy based on faith, family, and freedom.


So Les and Joyce Pilgrim want to talk a little bit more about the Tucker interview. I know you addressed this on Friday in the live stream, but let’s look big picture here. What are the most important points made in the Tucker Putin interview that need to be stressed? I’m going off a bit of the top my head here, but these are the things that impress me. I read a little bit a couple of the articles.

I mean, there were like five takeaways and so forth that would help if I had the notes in front of me. But first and foremost, that 1st 30 minutes of when he gave Tucker that 1200 year history lesson, that fits perfectly with Putin’s now twelve year emphasis on building Russia as a civilization state. So the historical backdrop to what’s happening today stretching back over the last thousand years, will give you a sense of the kind of mentality that’s operating now in Russia, in China, in their own 2500 year context, in India, in their own 3000 year context, in Turkey, in their 1200 year context, in Saudi Arabia, in Iran, in the Sahel region of Africa.

That’s booting out the last vestiges of french colonialism. That’ll give you a real sense that the ancient, remember, the thesis of, part of the thesis of a new conservative age is rising. But specifically the thesis of the civilization state and civilizational populism in general is that the old ancient civilizations are rising again now. They’re rising in a modern form. But every culture has the seeds of its own renewal.

That’s Piterum Sorakin, the russian american sociologist who founded the sociology department at Harvard. He argued that every dilapidating secular sensate age ends up functioning much like compost, the rot, societal rot function like compost to reawaken the religious sacred seeds that gave birth to the civilization in the first place. And those seeds rise up again, and that’s what we’re seeing throughout the world. So his history lesson that he gave to Tucker, I think, was fully concomitant with this new consciousness, for lack of better term, not to sound too new agey, but this new collective consciousness rooted in the reawakening of the ancient religious civilizations of the world.

Because ancient civilizations were all basically the civilizations of the gods, as it were, all over the world. It just doesn’t matter which one. You look at the egyptian, babylonian, greek, Roman, Chinese, Indian, Tsarist, Russian. I mean, they’re all empires of heaven on earth, and those sacred seeds are rising up again. So that’s basic. It’s happening here as well. It’s going to be harder here because globalism has taken such strong root in our nation.

So we’ll probably be the last one. But boy, with Trump in place, who’s embodying a lot of these transitional dynamics, he should be able to hasten and quicken that transition even here as well. But it may happen in Europe just this year with the European Parliament elections, where the european parliament may actually go civilizational populace for the first time in terms of its majority. So that’s the first thing, as I think we saw the evidence of the civilization state.

The second thing is he confirmed absolutely that it was NATO expansion that was the reason for his invasion of Ukraine, that he had warned the powers that be at NATO back at the Munich conference. And again, I always forget it. I think it’s 2006 and maybe 2007 and maybe 2000, and I forget it’s right around that range in the late 2000s, that was a NATO conference like he talked about with talking to Clinton when he was an underling to Yeltsin back in, I think it was 98, say, hey, if we want to join NATO, could we? And Clinton originally said, yeah, no problem.

But then later on that night at dinner, yeah, talk to my people. They said, no, no way, it’s not going to happen. But first, gang, our good friend Mike Lindell needs your help. Mike is one of the strongest patriots working tirelessly for the America first and MAGA movements in this country, and also happens to be a very close friend to this channel. As you know, from election integrity to protecting american businesses, Mike really does it all.

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At least as far as he was concerned. Eastern Ukraine, east of the Nippa river, the russian speaking side of Ukraine, you’re done. You have officially reversed the cuban missile crisis. You’re now doing what Khrushchev tried to do with Cuba, you’re now doing with Ukraine. You go there, we will act. And we did. We did. Within a year, we offered Ukraine membership because we were kings of the world.

And again, he pointed that out. We were a unipolar world where the United States was the sole superpower and wrote the rules for the rest of the world. That’s what a rules based order is all about. The liberal international order is all about. And Putin recognized around that 2008 period that the only way Russia’s national security can be protected, ultimately, is if Russia rose up as a civilizational state big enough to take on globalism and interrupt the unipolar world with what’s called a multipolar world, where Russia and China and India and Turkey and Iran and Saudi Arabia all begin to ally with each other in order to push back against secular, liberal globalism.

So we affirmed that this war is ultimately about that. That’s what this is about. It’s not about democracy. Ha. It’s a joke, and I think everyone sees it. It’s not about. I said this the other day. Ask Gonzalo Lira what he thinks about our war on behalf of democracy. He’s now dead. He was arrested. He’s a youtuber, if you don’t know. He’s a youtuber who was very critical of Ukraine.

He got arrested for no reason other than making YouTube videos for being critical of Ukraine. He was beaten and killed in prison in a ukrainian prison. This isn’t democracy. This is insane. Zelensky suspended all elections. There were no elections coming in Ukraine. So it’s absolutely absurd. So I think that was the second big takeaway that what we have argued consistently for nearly two years, that this is ultimately a battle over whether we will have a unipolar world or a multipolar world.

That’s what we argued from day one, is about the maintenance of the liberal international order and making everybody with their hands in the coffers of the military industrial complex, very, very rich. I mean, it’s always with money. But the liberal international order maintains that lucrative affluence. He affirmed that. He affirmed that the United States destroyed the pipeline. Was, that was a big affirmation. There were a couple of other things that they got into that I found interesting.

I mean, again, he affirmed the role of religion and the importance of religion in the russo orthosphere. Again, he wasn’t even talking about Russia. He was talking about the eurasian sphere, including Ukraine. Well, eastern Ukraine and Georgia and the like and Armenia and Belarus. And that is not to be interrupted by a secular liberal insanity. We will defend that orthosphere against your universalist liberalism. Those were some of the major takeaways for me in terms of the things he was talking about.

Also, just the AI. I found the AI question very interesting, where again, he affirmed that the most important thing is we maintain the dignity of our humanity in the midst of it. We want to be number one in AI. He was very open about that. He’s been that we have many ways, a global culture war on AI. Both Russia and China want to be at the forefront because Putin has said he who controls AI ultimately controls the world.

So he wants to control AI, but he does not want AI to interfere with the essence of what it means to be human. So that means AI must always be a servant and never a master. So again, this is happening at the exact same time. And that would probably be the final takeaway. It’s happening at the exact same time that our incontinent in chief tried to give a press conference, and he couldn’t even give a ten minute one without it just being a disaster.

As opposed to this two hour university lecture that we were given by Putin. It was an extraordinary contrast. I hope you enjoyed that clip of my Monday night insiders club livestream. Join us live next week by clicking on the link in the description below and joining the coalition of patriots worldwide, building a parallel economy to return to our roots of faith, family and freedom. Click below right now.


See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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civilization state building Russia Eurasian sphere religion faith based economy building family centered economy freedom in human dignity in AI leader's short press conference NATO's expansion reason new economy patriots religion role in Russia Russia's AI leadership Russia's history understanding Tucker Putin interview insights two-hour university lecture by Putin Ukraine invasion by Putin

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