Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots



➡ The speaker criticizes Vice President Kamala Harris’s concept of an “opportunity economy,” suggesting it’s a scheme for wealth control by the elite. They argue that the wealth gap has increased, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, with billionaires gaining more control over various sectors. However, they highlight a rising movement of “Patriot entrepreneurs” aiming to take back control from the elites. The speaker also promotes an upcoming event featuring various influential figures, which aims to support this movement.
➡ The text discusses the importance of perseverance and active participation in fighting for one’s beliefs, particularly in the face of discouragement or opposition. It highlights the need for courage and authenticity in business and personal life, and the power of collective action. The text also mentions an upcoming conference in Orlando, Florida, which aims to gather like-minded individuals to stand up against tyranny and promote values of faith, family, and freedom. The conference will feature speakers who have successfully built their own platforms and businesses in line with these values.
➡ The speaker is excited about an upcoming event in Orlando, Florida on October 10th and 11th, where attendees can meet influential speakers like Trump Junior, Tucker Carlson, and Russell Brand. The event is free with a promo code and is aimed at promoting a parallel economy and reclaiming the country. The speaker looks forward to meeting attendees and emphasizes the event’s focus on faith, family, and freedom.


So, I was raised as a middle-class kid. I grew up a middle-class kid. I grew up a middle-class kid. I believe in the ambition, the aspirations, the dreams of the American people. You know, we have ambitions and aspirations and dreams. The ambition, the aspiration, the dream. I started my career as a prosecutor. I was a career prosecutor for most of my career. Having a background as a prosecutor. I intend to create an opportunity economy. Developing and creating an opportunity economy. What I imagine and believe and call an opportunity economy. But the problem with her is that this whole thing about opportunity economy has not really sort of worked out very well for people.

She has been vice president for the past three years. And when Donald Trump talks about these things, he talks about things that people understand. He talks about oil, drilling for oil. He talks about taxes, which people pay. He talks about regulations, which people realize makes things more expensive and has done a lot to bring us all this inflation. And, you know, he just has a very vivid way of talking about it and plans that people know actually have worked in the past. And people look at where they are now and where they’ve been for the past three years and they’re like, I’m not buying it.

There’s a track record there. Hey gang, it’s me, Dr. Steve and Kamala Harris’s plot or better her conniving scheme to convince you in the nation of the promise of her opportunity economy is really in the end just a blanketed term for elitist wealth control. You know, she may as well be saying I’m going to suck away as much money out of the economy and redistribute those funds to the elites bureaucrats and billionaire class at the top as I can because the more control they have at the top in power and wealth the more they can control and manipulate the citizens and frankly the world.

So what does that mean? What means that now is the time perhaps more than ever to really be considering where and how we are spending our money as Patriots as you know, this is one of my passions. I talk about this all the time on the channel. It really is a key concept a central tenet of everything we’re doing here at Turley talks. It’s been a massive concentration in my work my life. I just wrote a chapter of it my book on fight how mega and the Trump and the mega movement are changing the world.

It’s been a passion of mine and that of course is the parallel economy. You see the wealth of the richest individuals on Earth has grown exponentially over the last several years five years ago 400 billionaires own half the world’s assets today that number is shrunk to just a hundred billionaires here at home in the United States back in 1965 CEOs and major companies they were paid around 20 times as much as their average employee today that number shot up to 350 times as much the elites are seeing their wages reach unprecedented levels at the very same time workers wages are completely stagnant to make it even worse that gap between wage earners and the elite it’s only exacerbated since the covid pandemic in fact 2020 mark the largest increase in the share of global billionaires wealth available on record listen a global pandemic with government mandates orchestrated by the bureaucrats resulted in money out of your pockets and directly into the pockets of the world’s billionaires who then leverage the quite frankly puppets in Washington DC to move even more money away from the people and into their own pockets via other initiatives scandals backhanded deals and subsidies and these billionaires our own infrastructure are our technology they own everything they own our banking systems.

They own our health care. They own our education. But the amazing thing here is in America. There’s a movement. There’s a massive uprising happening Patriot entrepreneurs are rising up and taking back the country from the elites. Joining me today is a good friend of mine. Matthew Smith. Matt is president of Public Square Advisors and he’s executive director of the Public Square Business Summit which quite frankly is the parallel economy capital of the world and they’re hosting their national meeting in Orlando, Florida in just a couple of weeks and listen to this lineup.

You ready for this? They got Donald Trump Junior. He’ll be there. They got Tucker Carlson. They’ve got Russell Brand and to top it all off. They got RFK Junior and yours truly will be there as well. Yes. I know they’ll all be warming up the stage for me, right? So all of this is just to say you got to join us. You do not want to miss this gathering of the rising Patriot economy. It’s on October 10th and 11th in Orlando, Florida, and if you click on the link description below if you scan the QR code on the screen and use promo code Turley guess what gang you can get a free ticket to the event completely free.

It’s worth like $200. You’ll see it on the website. That’s how passionate I am about you guys diving into the parallel economy and taking back our country. So gang please take this seriously. Don’t just grab a ticket if you don’t plan on coming. Like I said, I’ll be there. I’ll be speaking and I’ll also be hosting a meeting greet as well where we can all get pictures together and fellowship really looking forward to meeting as many of you as can make it. It’ll be so wonderful. All right. So Matt, I can’t wait for this conference.

Great to see you man. It’s a thanks for being here really looking forward to this lineup. It’s incredible. Incredible. It’s absolutely incredible. And thank you for having me Dr. Steve. No, it’s an honor man. Well, let’s deal with some of the more sobering issues. We’re just bringing up in your opinion. Just what’s going on here? You’re on the front lines of this Kamala Harris is trying to sell us this opportunity economy without very many details. Of course, well after she tells us how she grew up in a middle-class family and the like but where and everybody likes lawns, right? Everybody likes lawn.

That’s her line. What’s your what’s up in your view? What is this opportunity economy really? Well, I think that’s part of her word salad. Dr. Steve, I think that’s kind of part of the words that she puts together that really have no meaning and they’re pretty empty and unfortunately, you know Main Street and Wall Street have been there’s been a disconnect there for a very long time and you know people who are investors they see the stock market and they think that the economy is booming but no one’s actually having conversations with small to medium-sized businesses, which we do every day to understand the stresses and the pain that they’re actually feeling just conducting business on an everyday, you know on an everyday standpoint.

I mean from hiring from training from regulations increase taxes and just so much uncertainty. It’s it’s the stress that small to medium-sized businesses feel in this country is absolutely immense and I don’t think the average person understands how much stress your average business owner is under right now. In your view in the end who if you want to name names go ahead, but I you know or you could be generalized here who’s behind this? I mean, who are some of the key figures driving this? Yeah, I think it’s simple.

I mean, you’re asking my opinion. I think it’s the World Economic Forum. I think it’s the global elitist. I think it’s you know, Vice President Kamala Harris. I mean, this has been part of their plan for a long time, you know people on the left, you know, they’ve been saying since Clower and Piven, you know through chaos comes order and you know, look at the pandemic look at the chaos and look at the additional control that they were they were able to seize again through chaos comes order and that’s something that you know, it’s been part of their plan.

They play the long game there. They’re not stupid. Ladies and gentlemen, they are very smart and they know exactly what they’re doing and you know, this will come to some good news. But right now we are up against a very intelligent hard-working diligent foe and we have the power to fight back and the parallel economy Public Square red balloon your audience. We have the power and we have the assets to fight back. We just what we have to shed is we have to shed this belief that we’re the silent majority again, a very intelligent ploy that the left put on us.

We’re not the silent majority. We are the courageous patriotic crowd majority and we need to we need to own that. Yes, we need to mobilize and move. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, it’s so interesting the way you say how patient they are because if you think about all the catastrophes they’ve had in the past, you know, what McGovern and Carter and you know, Dukakis and Mondale. I mean they’ve had they’ve had some electoral disasters and yet they just kept coming and coming and coming. They never I mean, I guess it’s their religion when all said and done statism is their religion.

But but it’s it’s something I try to remind Patriots of to you know, they were so discouraged in 2020. I’m like look. Yeah, that was rough. But imagine us being liberals back in 84, you know, we watch 49 states go red, you know, imagine us being liberals back in the Carter era, the Dukakis era where 40 nations went red. You just have to keep fighting and it just seems that’s the key. Isn’t it? You have to keep going. You have to keep but you got it. You can’t be this isn’t a spectator sport.

You’ve got to get some skin in the game. You’re absolutely right. Dr. Steve and and you know, they’re they’re they also have a great ground game. I mean think about they’ve seized control of our public education system. I mean so indoctrinating our kids and that’s something that’s very important to public square is taking care of our children and and protecting every life, which is one of our the only pro diaper your audience should hear this. Every life is one of our brands. It is the only the only pro-life diaper company in the world period full-stop.

That’s what it is. And it just yeah, and you just have to let you just have to simmer on that a little bit like wait a minute. Now you telling me that diaper companies are not pro-life diaper companies work against the very object of of their service. Every single one. Yeah, it’s tragic, but you know, but but through through this and through this evil the opportunity to be good and to be kind and lead with your faith and lead with your convictions and just offer a platform for people to make other other decisions with I mean, we feel very strongly that you know, seven trillion dollars and over a hundred million people voted with Christian conservative values in the 2020 election and we have not served them and that’s one of the things great about public square.

We’re not a you know, we don’t believe this cancel culture where we believe in building something that’s special. Where people can just direct their purchasing decisions get off the sidelines stop complaining about it. Let’s give you some solutions and direct direct the power of Commerce to people that don’t hate you. It’s actually pretty simple, but it’s prolific and it’s powerful at the same time. Yeah, it’s it’s Civilisationalist. It’s beautiful. Like you’re saying you’re building you’re not you’re not complaining and you’re not building bunkers and hiding the buildings you’re you’re literally building civilization a parallel civilization.

I love it. That’s why I’m just I’m such a supporter of what you guys are doing in your opinion. Just how did we get here? How do we get into this this this economic mess? I cited some of those stats, you know, just the the haves and the have-nots gap just growing exponentially. You mentioned how the left is basically taking over our cultural institutions. Is it is it something akin to that? Because I’m just seeing with the rise of inflation the middle class are just getting squeezed out man. They can’t buy a home.

They can’t get a car loan. You know, how did we get here? You know, I think gosh, I think if you boil it down one is all of the evils that we talked about earlier that have been quietly working against us and playing the long game, but I also think that the average person unfortunately has been complacent and has been hey, you know, I you know, I really don’t want to not put the mask sign up in my business because I really don’t want to deal with that or I really don’t or I’ll wear the mask because you know, I just don’t want to have people yell at me at the grocery store.

And I think those are all things that slowly they’re all tests. They’re all sharkbumps if you will, you know, and it’s like how can we slowly control people and how much can we get away with without them saying enough’s enough and I think that that is you know, again, that’s that’s part of what we’re building here is to have a peaceful patriotic kind Christ built like solution for people to to also have courage and to show that hey friend, you’re not in this alone. There are millions hundreds. There’s millions of people that are that are here with you.

You just have to get off the sidelines. Yes. Wow, so encouraging and that’s of course with the conference is all about we’ve got the this awesome parallel economy conference. It’s a Orlando, Florida. It’s just a couple of weeks October 10th and 11th. You got some big names man, Trump’s Tucker’s Russell Brands RFK’s people could just click on the link below or scan the QR code to register give us a if you don’t mind give us a sneak peek of what people can expect from the conference. Yeah, I mean what you can expect is courage Liberty and strength and and Patriots from all around the world continuing to stand up against tyranny powered by faith family and freedom and you will see people again, I’ve talked about this a number of times during our brief conversation, but when you have a power when you have the power of numbers and you have people saying if I can just be authentic and if I can run my business this way if I can draw a line in the sand again in a kind way.

I mean this isn’t doom and gloom. It’s can I run the business the way that I want to the way that is consistent with my core values and and can I be authentic and we what we want people to know and believe in their hearts is yes, you can. Yes, you’ll be well received and not only will you be well received but you will thrive because consumers are dying for authenticity. They’re dying for people to do business with that don’t hate them and we’re going to show people the water is warm.

Come on in like you will welcome you with open arms with kindness with Liberty with faith with family. I mean, how cool is that dark Steve? It’s it’s it’s the Kingdom. How’s it get cooler than that? I mean, this is it’s what it means to be human. Is it but and and look at the speakers you have lined up because they’re all walking the talk. Aren’t they right? Don Trump Junior Trump was on the front lines of of the parallel economy. So his dad gets gets cancelled by Twitter and and by Facebook and what did they do? Do they wallow and complain? No, they start building their own alternative networks.

Tucker Carlson. I mean, he’s more popular now than he was on Fox Russell Brand Russell Brand’s with the biggest person. I was on Rumble right now. And then of course Robert can’t Robert can’t got cancelled everywhere and he’s more popular as more of a platform now than ever. I mean, so you guys are it’s not just it’s not just an idea that you’re putting forward. It’s not just a conference. It really is the a congregation of like-minded Patriots who were walking the talk. Well, and we’re also showing dr. Steve. You’re absolutely right.

What we’re also building is we’re building an ecosystem that’s impenetrable to the forces of cancellation and take a minute to absorb that your audience needs to take a minute to understand that means banking solutions. That means payment solutions. That means all types of other services that businesses need to thrive and we’re delivering that and we’re we’re showing not only, you know, can you thrive because the business will be there, but you’ll also be protected because we are creating this impenetrable ecosystem for businesses and Patriot for like-minded patriotic values-aligned businesses to thrive.

If you are an economic professional or retiree and then an investor or I mean simply anyone that has a vested interest in the future of this economy or this country you need to be at this summit period full-stop. Yeah, yeah, I was just going to ask you so this and again, I get the vibes so completely from you guys. This isn’t just for entrepreneurs or business people or so forth. This is this is for anyone who wants to see basically the future of civilization right out of civilization based on faith family and freedom.

And hope and hope. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah, you read our speakers too. I also want to highlight, you know, Robbie Starbuck. He’s a oh, okay. Yeah, no, I know. Well, yeah, it’s me and he’s destroyed. Yeah, I single-handedly spot back against tractor supply John Deere most and cores and he’s winning and they’re listening like and he’ll be there. So I mean again, just do you’re saying the same everything you said and our incredible list. But again, someone Robbie Starbuck that wasn’t known, you know, five years ago just took a stand and and he’s what he’s doing is so powerful and we’re so proud to have him as well.

Oh, he’s crushing it. Oh, he’s actually just just adjust with a Twitter feed. That’s all you need. Your pen is mightier than the sword. All you need is that Twitter feed information and company after company after company is folding and throwing away their DEI nonsense. Oh, it’s just it’s so cool. This is going to be so exciting gang. You got to be there. Like I said, I’ll be there. I can’t wait to see and meet so many of you next month in Orlando, Florida. It’s October 10th and 11th. Remember if you click on the link in the description below your scan the QR code and use promo code Turley, you can actually get a free ticket to the event completely free.

That’s how passionate I am about you guys diving into the parallel economy and taking back our country. They have some great great speakers lined up. You heard it Trump Junior Tucker Carlson Russell Brand RFK like I said, they’ll all be warming up the stage for yours truly and we’ll all be getting together and having a great time. I can’t wait to meet and greet so many of you you’re not going to want to miss it as you could hear. I mean, you’re going to be on the front lines of the rising civilization dedicated to faith family and freedom.

I mean, it doesn’t get better than that click on the link below or scan that QR code. I look forward to seeing all you guys next month and Matt. I look forward to seeing you man. Thanks for joining us. Thank you everyone. Welcome to the resistance. We’ll see you in Florida. [tr:trw].

See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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billionaires gaining control conference against tyranny in Orlando courage and authenticity in business influential figures supporting Patriot entrepreneurs Kamala Harris opportunity economy criticism perseverance in fighting for beliefs power of collective action promoting values of faith family freedom rising Patriot entrepreneurs movement successful business platforms aligned with values upcoming event wealth control by elite wealth gap increase during COVID-19

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