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➡ Mark Dice talks about how Joe was forced to leave his position due to internal issues within his party. Now, Kamala Harris is being praised and promoted, especially among younger generations who support her policies. However, some believe she was chosen as VP only because she’s a black woman, aiming to attract the black vote. Despite this, the values of diversity, equality, and inclusion are seen as America’s core strengths.


Last night, old Joe’s caretakers allowed him to say goodbye to the American people after he was sadly forced out of office by an internal power struggle within the Democrat party, trying to read a teleprompter script that they had prepared for him, which didn’t go over as well as the neat little letter that they forged his name on. Ben Franklin was asked, as he emerged from the convention going on, whether the founders have given America a monarchy republic, Franklin’s response was a republic, if you can keep it. Well, we are doing everything we can to try to keep it, and thank god Donald Trump survived, otherwise it surely would have been lost.

And now all of the Operation Mockingbird assets are singing in concert about how amazing and qualified Kamala Harris is. She’s gone from cringe to cool in 24 hours, says Van Jones stunned at Camelface’s TikTok phenomenon, because the communist Chinese who obviously control the algorithms over on TikTok are doing everything they can to try to boost her image and promote the videos that are somehow framing her as cool. One of those useful idiots TikTok twits is Harry Sisson, who was welcomed on the internet. But the clips from Harris’s first campaign rally, that was just a few hours ago, are flooding TikTok.

So what are you seeing and what are you hearing from people that’s different from what you heard before? Let me just translate that setup for you. What talking points have your handlers prepared for you, sissy, to share with our audience here on CNN? Yeah, you know, Aaron, it just feels like this energy has been injected into the Democratic Party. There’s like an excitement that I haven’t really felt since 2020. And I think people are real. And excitement in 2020. And they’re excited for old Joe in 2020. I think people are really lining up behind Kamala Harris.

She’s more in line with like younger generations. She has policy that younger generations support, and people are really feeling her candidacy. And like you just mentioned the rally, the crowd there was insane, enthusiastic, excited. And we’re kind of just seeing that also in person, but also online as well. And get a load of this beauty from Newsweek Magazine, Donald Trump supporters are flipping to Kamala Harris, according to a new poll. I got news for you, Newsweek, there isn’t a single person on planet Earth who even remotely thought about or was leaning towards supporting Donald Trump, and now is flipped to support camel face because she is the DEI candidate.

She is the DEI VP chosen by old Joe only because she’s a black woman, desperately trying to pander to the black vote. A lot of the Democrats, the liberal media now upset that we’re just pointing out this fact that’s from USA Today. DEI candidate, what’s behind the GOP attacks on Kamala Harris? I’m sorry, but all we’re doing is citing the very recent that Joe Biden said that he chose her as his VP in the first place. To me, the values of diversity, equality, inclusion, are literally, and that’s not kidding, the core strengths of America.

That’s why I’m proud to have the most diverse administration history that taps into the full talents of our country and starts at the top with the vice president. Diversity is our strength, they say, as Rachel Strife continues to be a primary source of conflict in the United States of America. Paid for by Kamala Harris. And since our country has been invaded by an army of over 8 million illegal aliens under the Biden Harris administration, despite Cackla being supposedly in charge of the border, the border czar pretending that she was gonna stop that problem.

Now the media is claiming that she never had anything to do with the border at all. This from Time Magazine, camel face Harris was never Biden’s border czar. Here’s what she really did. Well, she didn’t do nothing. She helped allow the invasion to happen and guess that the American people telling them everything was just fine. Would you call the border secure? The border is secure. We’re gonna have 2 million people cross this border for the first time ever. That’s in one year, by the way. 2 million in one year. Confident this border is secure.

And it actually credit to Chuck Todd, who’s probably tired of the criminal invaders now taking over his neighborhood as well. You can only hang out in his ivory tower over the Hamptons for so long before finally the invaders find him too. We have a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation, including ours and our administration. And while the liberal media is pretending that she had nothing to do with the border crisis whatsoever, thanks to the power of the Internet, we have a clip of old Joe admitting that she was at one time tasked with pretending to stop the problem.

Folks, it’s just some folks coming across the border. Not an invading army, not 8 million criminal invaders who have no business being here, let alone staying here, let alone sucking off of the government teat in our tax dollars. This from Axios, one of these online wastes of cyberspace. The Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the borders are title, which she never actually had. That’s interesting because here is an article from Axios a few years ago after she was appointed by Joe Biden as the borders are. And thank God, Donald Trump is back to his usual self.

He was a little subdued during his speech at the RNC, which is totally understandable, having PTSD undoubtedly coming on stage again after being nearly assassinated. But here he is in North Carolina sounding like his old self again. For three and a half years, Lion Kamala Harris has been the ultra liberal driving force behind every single Biden catastrophe. She is a radical left lunatic who will destroy our country. If she ever gets the chance to get into office, we’re not gonna let that happen. You know, I was supposed to be nice. They say something happened to me when I got shot.

I became nice. And when you’re dealing with these people, they’re very dangerous people. When you’re dealing with them, you can’t be too nice. He really can’t be. So if you don’t mind, I’m not going to be nice. Is that okay? Now, that’s the Donald Trump that we love. And this is the new t-shirt that everyone loves. It’s the fight for Trump shirt. You should order from my online store at markdice.com or click the link in the description below. And through today, I think today’s the last day the email from the distributor said two Friday.

It didn’t say through Friday. It said two Friday. So I think it ends today. You can save 20% off anything by using the promo code heatwave20 at the checkout. So head on over to markdice.com or click the link in the description below, enter the promo code heatwave20 at the checkout to save 20% off your fight for Trump shirt or any of my awesome designs and check them out. [tr:trw].

See more of Mark Dice on their Public Channel and the MPN Mark Dice channel.


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attracting the black vote equality in America inclusion as America's strength internal issues within party Joe forced to leave position Kamala Harris black woman VP Kamala Harris chosen as VP Kamala Harris policies Kamala Harris praised Kamala Harris promoted values of diversity in America younger generations support Kamala Harris

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