WHAT?! Credit Union To Monitor Accounts Block Purchases Of Guns Ammo: Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News

Posted in: Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News, News, Patriots



➡ Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News discusses the Georgia Credit Union which has a rule that stops payments for buying guns or bullets. Lots of people are upset about this. They’re encouraged to see if their banks also have the same rules.

➡ Personal details are easy to find on the internet these days. This info can range from official records to private info. But a service called “DeleteMe” can help make your info harder to find.

➡ “DeleteMe” works by getting rid of personal info from search engines and data broker websites. In less than a week, users get a full report, and the service continues to remove info all year. Since 2011, “DeleteMe” has been the best tool for getting personal info off the web.

➡ The Georgia United Credit Union responded to complaints about their rule by saying it only applies to person-to-person payments. But they can still track and block purchases for the items they list, including guns and bullets.

➡ The speaker suggests viewers think about whether they should stay with the Georgia United Credit Union or any other banks with the same rules. They also suggest viewers use “DeleteMe” to get personal info off the internet. Finally, they remind viewers to stay alert and take care of their personal safety.


Guys and gals, this should anger you immensely and I want you to check with your lending institutions to see if this affects you. The Georgia credit Union will block payments if you choose to buy a gun or ammo. Yeah, you can’t even use your own money in your own account to buy lawful things. Let us talk about this, but first I want to thank the sponsor, the video, and that is delete me.

Guys and gals, in today’s digital age, so much of our personal information is online. From marriage licenses to birth certificates, driver’s licenses to voter registrations. All that and much, much more can be found online. What if we could help control just how available our information is online? That’s why I choose Deleteme. Here’s how it works. First, you submit your personal information for removal from search engines and data broker sites.

Then the deleteme experts find and remove your personal information, kicking off the removal process. Once you join delete me, you’ll receive a detailed delete me report within seven days of submitting your information for removal. What makes Delete me even better is that they will remove your personal data and information regularly all year long. Plus, delete me is the number one personal data removal tool. Since 2011, I’ve joined Delete me to help remove my information, and if you’re looking to do the same, I recommend you check out delete me to help head on over to the link in the description.

It’s joineddeletme. com GG 20 and enter code GG 20 to save 20% and start your journey on deleting your personal information. Thanks to delete me for sponsoring this video. Guys, this is a doozy. Now I will start this out by saying it is quite possible that most banking institutions will have something like this in your user agreement, which is why I’m asking you all to check it immediately.

Let me jump right into it. Here is right on their app. It’s the Georgia United Credit union and this is their user agreement. If I can get that to there you go. Boom. All right, I will link right to this down below so that you can see it with your own eyes. And if you scroll down to the p two p section, which is the person to person, that’s like if I’m going to use my banking system to send you money because I bought something from you, then that’s p two p person to person.

Now I’m going to show you this screenshot here and we’re going to go to number seven, which is prohibited payments says the following types of payments are prohibited through the service and we have the right, but not the obligation, to monitor for, block, cancel and or reverse such payments. A. Payments to persons or entities located in prohibited territories, including any territory outside the United States. Pretty standard stuff.

B. Payments that violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation. Again, pretty standard stuff. Here’s the interesting part. C payments related to and some of these you might not agree with as well. One. Tobacco products two. Prescription drugs and devices three. Narcotics, steroids, controlled substances and other products that present a risk to consumer safety four. Drug paraphernalia five. Ammunition, firearms or firearm parts or related accessories six. Weapons or knives regulated under applicable law.

As you can imagine, there’s been a huge to do where people are pissed off, and rightfully so. How I use my money to buy anything in this country. Law abiding, not doing anything wrong. I’m not buying anything illegal. I’m buying lawful things. Whether it’s a bottle opener or a Glock, they’re lawful. I should be able to use my money no matter how I choose. However, here’s a response that the credit union put out on Twitter amidst the kickback that they’re getting.

They said yesterday recently part of our account agreement was shared without full context, causing confusion. The information shared only pertains to person to person payments and does not reflect how members can use their money. The terms stated are standard applying for most payment services. So what they’re saying is, yeah, you still can’t do it. They’re saying you can use your money, you just can’t use it to buy those items.

They can monitor you and deny your purchases if you purchase guns, ammunition or parts or accessories. Isn’t that something? Guys and gals, the clamps are coming down. It’s time to join together, my friends. 2024 is going to be an interesting year. It’s time to take the country back. Let me know what you think. But down below and if you a if before we shut off this video or sign off, if you are a member of the Georgia United Credit Union, you might want to cancel your service.

If you are a member of any credit union, any bank, you might want to check your terms of service, your user agreements. Yeah, a lot of people are going to be like, just buy it in cash. Yeah, it’s always an option too, right? But many, many people utilize their debit system, their credit system, their credit union, for obvious reasons, and they shouldn’t be able to tell you what you can buy as long as you’re not being a criminal, right? Amazing what this world has come to.

Let me know what you think down below. A link to their user agreement will be down below so you can see the whole thing. But I read to you that section p two p person to person, and they reserve the right to not allow you to purchase guns or ammunition with your own money. But they’re going to tweet and say, oh, no, it’s misleading. No, it’s what it says right in the agreement.

Guys, until we see each other again, be safe, stay vigilant. Carry a gun to keep you, your friends, your family, your community safe. Check out, delete me, and have a great day. I’ll see you all in the next one. Take care. .

See more of Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News on his Public Channel and the MPN Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News channel.


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anger over credit union restrictions banking institutions blocking ammunition payments DeleteMe DeleteMe personal information removal DeleteMe service review Georgia Credit Union gun purchase policy Georgia United Credit Union policy backlash how DeleteMe works monitoring gun and ammunition purchases person-to-person payment restrictions personal data removal tools reconsidering Georgia United Credit Union membership reducing online personal data availability

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