What Are They Going to Force Feed Us Next?

Posted in: I Allegedly, News, Patriots



➡ Dan discusses the challenges of electric vehicles (EVs), including high costs, lack of charging stations, and potential control over electricity. He also mentions that many people who bought EVs are considering switching back to combustion cars. Additionally, he talks about the interest of young people in affordable cars, regardless of their origin, and criticizes the push for EVs without proper infrastructure and affordability. Lastly, he questions what will be the next trend that consumers will be forced to accept.
➡ The speaker discusses the current economic situation, highlighting job layoffs, high unemployment rates, and inflation. He also mentions the real estate market, where houses are not selling as quickly as expected, and the struggle of people to keep up with the cost of living. He criticizes the administration for painting a rosy picture of the economy, while many people are struggling financially. Lastly, he mentions various news, including Elon Musk’s overpayment issue in Australia, water restrictions affecting Idaho farmers, Tupperware moving its last American plant to Mexico, and a summer camp initiative by Mike Rowe and Chick-fil-a.
➡ California is considering a mileage tax that could cost the average family up to $3,000 more per year to maintain their car. This is on top of existing costs like car payments, maintenance, gas, and insurance. Critics argue that it’s unfair for officials, who don’t pay for their own vehicles, to impose this tax on regular citizens.


Hey it’s Dan, welcome back. You’re watching IAllegedly and I’ve got a good one for you today because I want to know what are we gonna be for said next? What’s next? What’s what’s the next thing that we’re gonna be told this is how you do it? And kind of sick of all this. So like, subscribe, today we have a sponsor Dr. Amy but let’s get right into it. Now let’s start with a few things. First thing is the EV car situation. You know, the EV car thing was a great idea if you want to save energy and have an inexpensive car.

The idea of a $25,000 car would be great. The only problem is is that there are not $25,000 EV cars out there and it’s been proven to be very expensive. Not everybody can afford this. People finance this and have payments. I’ve had people send me payments that are you know $2,000 a month for their EV cars. It’s insane. Now people can afford this. Some people can spend that kind of money on a car payment as you know ludicrous that sounds. But here’s the thing, a couple of stats. The Biden administration was going to build you know 75,000 charging stations.

They have built eight eight charging stations in since you know January 2021. Well you know what we didn’t figure out was the regulations with what it would take to get people through you know the permitting process. You know you understand this guys. You just can’t go out and build a building. Especially here in California. Especially here at the beach. This is crazy though. Okay you have all these different things that you have to you know contend with. Coastal Commission, Environmental Impact Report. How is my house gonna do this? Here in Laguna Beach, this is insane.

If you build a room addition, you have to put up sticks and string and let people know what it’s gonna look like. So your neighbors can drive by and vote on if they don’t like the high school. You know Dan’s room addition is gonna block my view. I don’t want that thing there. So I’m gonna vote against it and it destroys the possibility of you getting your house improved. Now what if Gladys hates you up the street because you think she’s a fat cow and all she does is cut you off and tell you that your dog barks too much.

Do you know what I mean? Oh damn that’s terrible. Things like that don’t have it. It happens every day of the week. But these people everybody controls your life and you’re supposed to you know go along with this. This EV car debacle. Just wanted to walk down the street because the flowers are so beautiful. The EV car debacle is insane. Okay people that have bought these cars, 46% of the people that have bought EV cars have said that on their next purchase it’ll be a combustion car. And what’s the reason? It’s not what you think.

Some people like the environmental stuff, some people like it, but they hit the lack of charging stations, the lack of charging stations. And my friend was driving back to Vegas today and she says you know what would I have done if I needed to charge my car if I if I had a you know an electric car because I needed gas and and I had shared the dogs in the car and she stopped and she goes I was there less than five minutes I put enough gas in the car to get back on the road so I didn’t have to talk to anybody but I look over and I wish you would have taken a picture but there were lines of cars waiting to charge their cars.

It’s your time worth oh no I’m doing so much for the environment no it’s ridiculous at this point now here is the crazy thing okay with it with the EV cars you know China has all these EV cars out there which I didn’t know you know this BYD is their big car company and they want to sell here but we can’t do it because of all these rules with the Chinese and with how they would probably spy on us like tiktok and things like that the crazy crazy part of this was that there is a car company here Polestar Polestar and I had no idea that Polestar is a Volvo company that’s what we were told no no no the CCP owns 24% of that company okay China China okay owns 24% of that company and the funny thing about that is with their 24% that they own they’re concerned about you know these people are gonna listen to I would get in a Polestar car and I would just slam GG paying that’s all I would do is just tell him he likes farm animals and stuff like that I would just say crazy crazy stuff so it would go back there so you know anyways forget the CCP but but kids today said 76% of the young kids between 20 and 35 said that they would consider buying a Chinese car and they would love a Chinese car but it gets down to when you break it down it’s not the Chinese stuff and you hear that you hear the you hear the headline and you go oh my god the kids want to buy a Chinese car no the kids want a cheap car tell me what the cheap starter car is right now there is no such thing and don’t say Honda Accord for 38 grand that don’t say that because there used to be ten thousand fifteen thousand dollar little little boxes that these kids would buy out of college and they would be able to have a life and do that so what is that now you know what I mean so there is no car like that but we have been force-fed this whole thing with the EV cars and it’s not working but I also believe that when they control electricity which is what they’d want to do here in California is they have rolling blackouts but you don’t think they’re gonna have rolling blackouts in your car you don’t think they’re gonna say you can’t drive and you can’t park your car and you you know you you have to park your car you can’t go out I mean this is crazy guys it’s absolutely crazy so a lot more to cover let me know what you think about this would you buy a Chinese car I wouldn’t wouldn’t buy it to save my life but you know patriotism and all that stuff here tell me the best American car company because they’re trying to you know Ford and GM Stellantis is trying to you know shove these cars down our throat so their manufacturing is horrible their EV cars are horrible they’re you know again I asked this question and I asked any four dealerships the four dealerships that were forced to pay one million dollars and then you don’t need to pay that and now they’re telling the four dealerships that they’re not gonna give them their money back yeah we just charge that fee and that’s the way it is how screwed are they okay you pay a million dollars and you don’t get your money back to be a Ford certified EV car company they waived that now and now they’re not giving them their money back but what are we gonna be force-fed next that’s the question let’s talk about our sponsor dr.

Amy dr. Amy is a board certified physician and natural nutritionist who has spent decades going out and trying to get people to eat better and to realize that things that we’re putting in our bodies can actually be harmful when they’re considered to be health foods if you go to three harmful foods comm forward slash Dan you can see dr. Amy’s video and she can explain this to you but think about this we have things here in the United States that are considered health foods that are actually causing us harm and in some countries are actually banned you cannot get them because they’re unsafe but here they call them health food go to three harmful foods comm forward slash Dan the number three and check it out today but you can reverse you know joint pain belly fat you know things that make us sluggish and unhealthy so check it out today do this now and get yourself control of your weight control of your health but check out three harmful foods comm forward slash Dan use the link below I always love meeting you guys when I go out and film I met Bill and Donna took pictures with them here’s pictures was great such nice people they’re from Dan everything you’ve said is spot-on so I appreciate that plus I want to remind you guys we just had an email go out check your spam filter and make sure that you get to read the email because I have a nice Father’s Day message too so take a look at that now the next thing is the Biden economy you know what we’re being for said is that everything is great if we tell you it’s great it’s got to be great no it doesn’t work that way you know people are getting laid off people know people that are getting laid off you know I interviewed Bob Kudla this last week he had a friend of his that got laid off making almost 400 grand a year where do you find those jobs seriously now the guy’s a highly skilled you know executive for a big company but where do you find another $400,000 a year job you don’t you don’t you don’t you don’t you know I’m a fat old man in his late 50s they’re not gonna hire me you know put put my resume together and you know they’d rather pay somebody you know one-fifth of what they would pay me and bring them in but the idea with the economy the idea of the job numbers the job numbers are a mess right now guys you know every time they tell us how all these people are getting laid off you know it’s much worse than they’re telling us that’s the truth you know that that you know the unemployment numbers are much higher you know that the inflationary numbers are much higher and again they may do some 25% basis point bump you know and cut in the interest rates but it’s going to do nothing because what’s happening right now is you’re having more and more people you know not be able to sell their house right now houses are sitting on the market longer and then the big lie is oh there’s you know there’s just no inventory people want to sell their houses guys go look go look at Zillow in Southern California 9 2 7 0 5 go look at 9 2 7 8 0 you know look at just start 9 2 7 8 1 you know all this all that stuff you know go look at the Zillow with different regular cities okay Tustin North Tustin placenta you know places like that and all you see is all these stuff that’s been sitting there on the market and then my favorite is price reduction but we’re being told that inflation is no big deal we’re being told that the numbers you know for the economy are great where you have all these people getting laid off time and again people do not have extra money to purchase anything right now in their in their own lives just don’t have any money to go out to dinner and you know I just I’m blown away at the real estate problem but I’m also blown away at the number of people right now that a staff that I heard you know 38% of the people out there have no mortgage people in my age group that had enough common sense to pay their house off so all they do is pay your taxes and again you never own your home you never own your home try not paying your property taxes watch what happens they’ll sell your house try not try not paying your home or association fees and they’ll sell your house so the point is is that these people have zero mortgages okay zero mortgages 38 and a half percent now with that you know the rest of the people have all these low rates 96% they say of the older mortgages are fixed rate mortgages but the largest percentage of new loans right now are the adjustable listen go buy this house get it now get yourself in and refinance it what if okay what if it just doesn’t the interest rates don’t go down and what if your job changes what are you gonna do seriously what do you do during that time nobody wants to answer that but the job numbers the inflationary numbers you know the the fact that your income okay has not gone up over the last 20 years to keep up with inflation to where you’re making less money today than you did you know 15 years ago percentage-wise and I get a kick out of the people that talk about yeah Dan all these people have their houses paid off the largest percentage of houses paid off Mississippi and and West Virginia now I’m not laughing at Mississippi and West Virginia but as I started looking at houses that are a hundred thousand a hundred and fifty thousand yeah they should have those houses paid off shouldn’t carry a mortgage for a hundred grand but these people gotten by they go out and bike trucks that cost a hundred thousand dollars I know a guy that just bought a truck for a hundred thousand dollars and asked him what drug he was on you know for that that’s what we’re seeing right now we’re seeing this lie that everything is good and we’re being force-fed that the economy is great through the administration which I’m just I’m sick of it I’m sick of it are you sick of it do you think that this is ridiculous because you guys write me and by the way you guys have sent me such cool gifts in the last two weeks I’m in pictures of my kids Fenway Park memorials all the stuff that you guys sent me is just the coolest stuff ever and I really do appreciate it but my kids as they start their adulthood and they start trying to save money and earn money I’d like to say that they’re successful but this is insane because they’re experiencing the real world with what things cost Wow dad rent in Boston is outrageous yeah it is you know so they’re living this you know that I don’t want to say the dream but they’re living reality right now and but you know you’re being told you know by the administration that everything’s great and you have you know there’s all this money and you’re doing better than ever and it’s some people there’s a tremendous amount of very rich people that don’t have a rest of us are down here remember that so let me know what you think about that so far just a quick video today too got a lot of stuff to get done a lot of people to meet but anyways let me know what you think what are we gonna be force-fed next a few things to finish this you know Elon Musk bought Twitter in 2023 one thing that happened was you know it’s an international company and he gave severance packages to people around the globe bye here’s your money now he is demanding in Australia that people give back the overpayments because one thing that they did was because the conversion from American money to Australian money you know whatever that’s called dollars yen ripples whatever you want to call your Australian money there were huge overpayments made to these people and now he’s saying you need to give us this money back and some people got as much as forty six thousand five hundred dollars back and he’s threatening to sue them the people are freaking out you know it’s just terrible that he did this to these people know it’s they got overpaid it would be no difference and because everybody hates this guy right now they make it a big deal so kind of interesting see what’s gonna happen with that the Idaho farmers on real trouble right now because the government is curtailing the water use so Idaho potatoes alfalfa all the stuff they grow there is being cut back your farms that have water rights and they’re cutting this back so these people are not gonna be able to grow things and the curtailment is you know there’s farms that have you know thousands of acres and they cannot grow things I was just gonna be a bare plot of land and they’re not gonna get paid for don’t tell me that they’re gonna be given government subsidies they’re gonna be able to do nothing but watch it be dry soil so this is terrible because whenever things like this happen it’s not today it’s six months from now 12 months from now that’s when we’re affected by the the lack of crops and things like that so bad bad thing right now Tupperware going out of business Tupperware is getting rid of its last remaining American plant and moving to Mexico and a hundred people are gonna lose their jobs here in the States and again this has been hanging on forever and when we were kids and your mom would go to the Tupperware parties they were fun come back with gifts and she’d buy all the things to seal stuff up with and it was fun okay that was nice but there’s been so many knockoffs and so many other products that just couldn’t compete and the expense of their manufacturing here in the States made it possible so there’s that Mike Rowe you know the guy from dirty jobs he’s talking about this summer camp that I thought when I first read it I said ah it’s just okay and then as I started reading it that’s kind of cool he teamed up with Chick-fil-a the restaurant chain and they’re gonna have a summer camp for kids right now where they’re gonna go out and they’re gonna have 200 people that are gonna have their camp for 35 bucks and these eight to twelve year olds are gonna get to go in the back and see how Chick-fil-a is rent do all the you know so think about spend a week working at the fast food joint I think that that’s kind of cool especially when you’re a kid you can see how food’s made so final final story is they want to have a mileage tax here in California and the mileage tax is insane because Dr.

Michael sent me this and I want you to think about this the average family okay forget that Dan drives a lot forget that but the average family goes out and it’s gonna cost them $3,000 a year more to own your vehicle in addition your car payment in addition to your expenses maintenance gas insurance everything that you have it’s gonna cost you as much as $3,000 more to maintain your car here in California that mileage tax goes through and again the bureaucratic fat tax that get their cars paid for that don’t pay registration don’t pay maintenance don’t pay anything on their vehicles are gonna tell you that you’re gonna have to pay this so it’s Looneyville guys it’s absolutely insane but again it’s really easy for somebody else to spend somebody else’s money have you ever noticed that so these politicians are just really good at it so please don’t forget to the like button please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and you want to email me it’s hello what I allegedly comm plus just had an email go out guys so check your spam filter okay so just had that go out and it was great nice little Father’s Day message for everybody okay onward and upward guys I appreciate everything you guys do all the gifts all the emails everything I’ll see you soon you

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challenges of electric vehicles control over electricity for EVs criticism of EV infrastructure current economic situation discussion high cost of EVs inflation impact on economy job layoffs and high unemployment lack of EV charging stations next consumer trend in vehicles slow real estate market switching back to combustion cars from EVs young people's interest in affordable cars

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