What a Shocker!




➡ The article discusses various reactions to Thanksgiving, including a critique of MSNBC’s Joy Reed’s message to Trump supporters, Elon Musk’s Thanksgiving celebration with Donald Trump, and the backlash against the idea that Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving special is racist. It also mentions a trend of liberals opting out of Thanksgiving with their conservative relatives, and ends with James Carville’s advice to the Democratic party for the 2028 campaign.
➡ The article discusses a decrease in the number of Americans interested in businesses’ DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) stances from 68% in 2021 to 53% in 2024. The author suggests this indicates a decline in “wokeism”. The article also promotes a Black Friday sale on markdice.com, offering a 20% discount on various items, including themed t-shirts and sweatshirts.


Happy Black Friday, everyone, even though it’s now officially the Christmas season. I thought we would take one moment to do a final Thanksgiving wrap-up because I’m sure we’re all extra thankful this year for the liberal meltdowns which are destined to provide us four more years of joy. And speaking of joy, the ironically named Joy Reed, the angry black woman over on MSNBC, had this final Thanksgiving Day message for whoever still watches MSNBC. Congrats. You got your way. Wait, she’s actually talking to Trump supporters, which is very weird because I’m the only Trump supporter who watches MSNBC.

And he even got away with breaking the law. Yay! But if you expect the 73 million who voted for the prosecutor, not the felon, and particularly the 92% of black women who voted for Kamala to give you a cookie for your vote, a trophy, a hug, a high five, you might be asking too much. No, we don’t want to hear from you at all. We want you to stay away from us. If we want to eat with you, we will. But if we just want some peace over the holidays and we don’t want to put up with your trolling while we eat our Tofurky, get over it.

Stop acting like we owe you and for God’s sakes, stop whining. It’s embarrassing. Our Thanksgiving. Our choice. Could their projection get any worse? We’re not the ones whining. We’re the ones celebrating. Joy then later had another meltdown after JD Vance shared this hilarious meme showing him and Donald Trump serving up the popular vote for Thanksgiving. What is happening here? What? Well, what is happening here? What is happening? What’s happening here? What’s happening here? Over on CNN, they’re upset that Donald Trump and Elon Musk were celebrating Thanksgiving together down in Mar-a-Lago. Elon Musk getting chummy with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago for Thanksgiving.

They were apparently dancing in their chairs to YMCA. And, you know, there’s Barron Trump next to the president-elect, but there’s Elon Musk right next to him in his ex-sweater, I think, in a blazer. It’s all really creepy, but money talks, and it’s clear that Elon Musk has a motive here. He sees by cozying up to Donald Trump, he’s going to have influence in ways that he’s never had before, that just being, I mean, he’s had a lot of influence being the richest man in the world, but this is a whole different thing.

He’s literally taking on the role of, you know, favorite son, first lady, and shadow president. This is scary stuff for people, and the fact that as a country and in the world, geopolitics are going to be influenced by this guy going through whatever psychosis of, you know, processing he’s going through should scare the hell out of everybody. Stay tuned, because we’re funny about to cover this video, but you know what else might scare people is if you show up to Christmas dinner wearing a drumcloth sweatshirt, or a t-shirt if you’re in warmer climates, or the new Bag of Christmas and Happy Four More Years shirt, which you can also get 20% off of them and everything from markdice.com this whole weekend by using the promo code Black Friday at the checkout.

So get your cat lives matter shirt, your Trump fight fight fight shirt, any of my awesome designs, all available in a t-shirt, long sleeve, and a hoodie, and a whole bunch of different colors as well. So head on over to markdice.com or click the link in the description below and check them out. The meltdown of Thanksgiving continues with the Republicans Against Trump Twitter account posting this video, which Donald Trump had posted on True Social, this meme, showing again that they don’t understand memes, because the left are memes, noting that Donald Trump just posted this bizarre video on his social media accounts, adding it’s going to be four long years.

It certainly is. If this turkey tastes half as good as it looks, I think we’re all in for a very big treat. Save the neck for me, Clark. Okay, Adam. They believe this year many liberals decided to cancel themselves from Thanksgiving dinner in order to save the rest of their family the misery of having to be in their company. You do not need to spend Thanksgiving with your MAGA relatives. You can in fact opt out. Here’s the lowdown. I live with my mother. We have a great relationship. We are both very anti schmump and I had asked, can you please not invite your brother this year and his wife to Thanksgiving every year? It’s an issue.

They show up. They don’t contribute. My uncle complains. It’s a whole thing. But the key point here this year, though, is that they are gold star schmumpty dumpties. So I don’t want to be around them. So I asked, but ultimately my grandmother wants them there. It’s her son and my mom is going to listen to what her mother wants and respect that because she’s in her eighties. And I’m like, fair, you’re hosting, you’re doing the work. You get to decide who you want to invite. I, however, can choose to just not be there.

So this year, I’ll save you any more misery from having to listen to this obvious single mother who goes on to say that she opted to take her kids to Universal Studios this year instead. This crazy cat lady has obviously been spending too much time on TikTok and thinks that in the future, nobody’s going to celebrate Thanksgiving anymore because it’s right. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but someday, this holiday that a lot of us celebrate, not me anymore, but I once did, will no longer be a thing.

I know that’s like blows people’s minds to hear, or maybe it makes some people happy to hear that. But yeah, someday this won’t be a thing. And the idea of celebrating a holiday that is founded on genocide and stolen land will just be seen and viewed as completely 100% absurd. Notice the nose ring, almost always the nose ring, that’s the new more subtle form of fluorescent colored hair. These are the same lunatics that came up with the idea that Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving special is racist because there’s a brief scene where Franklin, the only black character in the show, the token black kid, is seated at one side of the table all by himself.

This may have actually started as a meme, people joking about how crazy the lunatics are that they might say something like this, but then they took it and ran with it and then actually believed it. And it started making headlines years ago. This was probably the original meme. Never forget that Charlie Brown had Franklin sitting alone on his own side of the table for Thanksgiving, which actually, if you think about it, it’s probably the best seat because then he can make eye contact, he could talk, they have conversations with everybody.

But Apple Plus, Apple streaming service released a new Charlie Brown cartoon called Welcome Home Franklin, which focuses on Franklin moving into the neighborhood and becoming friends with the other peanuts gang. Then it was hailed as finally fixing the racist seating arrangement decades after airing the controversial Thanksgiving special, which originally aired, I think, back in the 1960s. Hey Franklin, we see a new seat over here. Do you know you found your home and you’re surrounded by good friends. Here’s Kamala Harris drowning your misery last night. Decision desk can now officially project that Donald Trump will become the 47th president of the United States.

That’s from meme maker, Il Dondo Trumpo. And while artificial intelligence may ultimately end up destroying the human race, it sure is great for making memes in the meantime. Meanwhile, Rosie O’Donnell getting tired of talking to her cats is continuing to make TikTok videos. This one warning about the dangers of Thanksgiving. Well, hey everybody, it’s Thursday Thanksgiving. But trying to stay on the happy, happy side of life and not, you know, obsess on that either, but it’s hard to avoid it when it’s so blatantly obvious when you look at the parallels that we have been here before as a, as a world.

When democracy falls, you know, fascism takes its place, right? Capitalism. And it’s come. And people, I think, are in for a shock. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. And fascism’s coming to America. Better get ready. There are a small number of Democrats, however, who never really became infected with wokeism. They only got maybe stage two of Trump’s arrangement syndrome. Like old school operative James Carville, who is very upset about losing and offering these solutions to try to save what’s left of his Democrat party next election. If I were running a 2028 campaign and I had some little snot-nosed 23-year-old saying, I’m going to resign if you don’t do this, not only would I fire that motherfucker on the spot, I would find out who hired them and fire that person on the spot.

I’m really not interested in your uninformed, stupid, jackass opinion as to whether you’re going Joe Rogan or not. Finally, the backlash against roughness is going full swing. Full swing meaning half the country, about half the country, the normal people are still left in America, are finally tired of hearing about it. How do people feel about companies taking even a stand on the issue? Now, this is where it gets very interesting because here we have a real-time trend, so let’s take a look at it. Businesses, DEI public stands. Important to know back in 2021, so we can go all the way back then, right? Just after the summer of George Floyd, which of course was back in 2020, how important did folks think it was to know the DEI stances of businesses? These are people lying on the surveys hoping that they don’t get fired.

There’s no way in hell that 69% of Americans after the Black Lives Matter insurgency of 2020 supported companies engaging in DEI training. It was 68%. It was 68%. Look at where we are now in 2024. A real decrease. Just 53% of Americans want to know of businesses DEI stance. So what we’ve seen here is back. What we’ve seen here is wokeism is going into remission in many of the lunatics who have been infected with it. Thankfully, it’s about time and it’s about time for you to start doing your Christmas shopping and save 20% off from everything from markdice.com this weekend by using the promo code Black Friday at the checkout.

And that includes the return of the Trump Claus sweatshirt and t-shirt, the new MAGA Christmas and Happy Four More Years shirts, or any of my awesome designs. Gooding the Libertiers month, Cat Lives Matter shirt, Trussic Trump fight fight fight, Trump and the Matrix, Christus King, Libero the Finding Gear, the Teflon Don, all available in a t-shirt and long sleeve and a hoodie, and a whole bunch of different colors as well. So head on over to markdice.com or click the link in the description below, enter the promo code Black Friday this weekend, save 20% off of everything and check them out.


See more of Mark Dice on their Public Channel and the MPN Mark Dice channel.



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