We Have Enough Barbershops Laundromats and Hair Shops… Anton Says Broke People Stay Stagnant | The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels



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➡ The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels speaker encourages listeners to strive for self-improvement and not settle for mediocrity. They emphasize the importance of stepping out of one’s comfort zone, experiencing new environments, and finding inspiration to better oneself. They also highlight the need to surround oneself with people who push you to be the best version of yourself. Lastly, they urge listeners to dream bigger and not limit themselves to common or traditional paths, but to aim for more ambitious goals.

➡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of a positive mindset and collaboration for success, using the example of a hotel project in Detroit. He criticizes those who harbor negativity and jealousy, stating that such attitudes only hinder personal growth and success. He encourages listeners to seek ways to contribute to successful ventures instead of resenting them. Lastly, he advises distancing oneself from negative individuals to expedite personal success and growth.



For some of y’all to be sticking around as long as y’all have, and I know I have a lot of silent supporters—a lot of people that tune in and watch the show but never comment, right? For some of y’all to be sticking around and watching on a regular basis, year after year, and still dusty—I’m not going to take responsibility for that. You have to make your own life choices. You gotta really want to level up. Like, you gotta wake up and say, “You know what? I just want to be a different person.”

This is not even me going off; this is not even me ranting. This is just a real-life conversation. Don’t y’all wake up sometimes and be like, “Man, I want to be better”? Like, do you still want to just be—and I don’t want to paint a vivid picture because, you know, I’m good at that. I could talk about you riding around with no license, no insurance, and all of that stuff. But at some point, don’t you be like, “Man, I want more for myself”? Instead of whining and complaining and being sad that somebody else is rich and stuff, do y’all ever—like when I went out to Miami, right? I lived in Miami during the pandemic for like four months.

I was doing really, really, really well for myself. I mean, I was doing incredibly well. I had been significantly wealthy according to hood standards, you know? I was certainly several million up. Net worth was booming and exploding. When I rolled down to go over from Miami to Miami Beach, you leave Biscayne and you drive over to Miami Beach. You see this big black boat—now, you thought I was going to say something else, but I got that in my pants. You see this big black boat, and it’s a superyacht. It’s a superyacht, and it just gave me some motivation like I’ve never seen before.

I didn’t look at that and say, “You know what? These rich people, they just get on my nerves. I wonder how many products they had to sell to get that boat.” I never felt like that, you know what I’m saying? As a matter of fact, when I lived in Miami for those four months, I almost felt at home. I almost felt at home because when I went over to the Design District or when I was over on Brickell and stuff like that, the cars that I drive here that y’all love me for are normal there. That then gave me more motivation.

When I saw people moving and shaking and doing their thing, I thought to myself, “It’s time to turn it up.” That’s why it’s important for you to get out of your comfort zone, to get out and see the world, and to experience things. When you live in a downtown environment, for a lot of y’all—shoutout to all of the super chats; I’m definitely going to be reading those shortly—you see that same yacht arise. When you live in a downtown area, it changes you.

Because when you go outside—and this is the difference between living in the city and living in the suburbs—you realize that, you know what? “I got some work to do on myself.” People are putting in effort. They’re working, they’re moving, they’re biking, they’re exercising. People are walking around; they’ve got on their Sunday’s best as far as their dress shoes and boots. The women are putting in the effort; they’re doing their hair. They usually go to the gym before or after they go out to their jobs or whatever meetings they have going on.

You see content creators; you see businesses going up. People are really putting their best foot forward. You become a part of your environment. That’s one of the reasons why it’s important and why I will probably always have a place right in the heart of the city. It gives you more motivation and inspiration because everybody is fit; everybody takes care of business. If you go to Miami, you might be a hot four or five to them in Miami. But, you know, in your small suburban town, you were a nine or a ten, you know what I’m saying?

And that’s not a bad thing. It’s not to say that you’re inferior, but it tells you that you can’t be content. You’ve got to continue to push. You’ve got to continue to motivate yourself. I don’t mean that everybody is a good person or nothing, but what I am saying is that you’ve got to find your inspiration. You’ve got to find the thing that pushes you. You’ve got to find the people and surround yourself with them—not just because you’ve been with them for a long time, but people who’ll push you to be the best version of yourself.

That’s the goal of what I do. Whether I’m trying to motivate you by getting on you and saying that you’re being a little bit too dusty, or I’m trying to inspire you by showing you the results and the receipts, you can’t take everything to be negative. You can’t be dusty and have that dusty mindset where everything that somebody says isn’t inspirational or motivational. It’s probably just because you’ve been in your circle too long, and you’re surrounded by people who are just like you.

What I’ve found is that people with that hater mentality hang around others with that same mentality. They’re inspired by other people who feel the same way. It’s being passed on, and they’re sharing it with each other. If anyone in their group ever says, “You know what? I want to do something different,” the other haters will rein them in. They’ll convince them, “Hey man, you’re not better than anybody else. Who do you think you are?” Let’s rein it in.

I don’t want to be around that type of energy. I don’t need those types of people around me. Where I’m going, I don’t need that. I want something better for myself and the people around me. I don’t want to be in a space where everyone keeps saying, “Oh man, you need to make sure that you’re street smart.” I don’t want to be street smart anymore. I want to be corporate thugging, you know what I’m saying?

…I don’t want to be in meetings with the hood anymore. Listen, we’ve got enough soul food restaurants. We’ve got enough Black churches on every single corner. We’ve got enough car washes, enough laundromats—you know what I’m saying? We have enough of them. Have you ever tried to think about a startup that’s much more impactful? Something that’ll change the world? We’ve got enough ATM machine operators, enough Amazon workers—we’ve got more than enough.

We’ve got enough of those. You can be more than just opening up a hood spot. You can be more than just being a pastor of a church. You can be more than just buying a laundromat and being a coin machine operator. We’ve got enough beauty salons, enough people selling hair, enough barber shops, enough adult entertainment spots. We’ve got enough of all the hood dreams. We’ve got enough rappers, enough football players, enough liquor stores, enough mobile car washes. We’ve got enough of all of that, you know what I’m saying?

Have you ever dreamed bigger? Have you ever had anybody that motivated you to be even more than what you thought you could be? We’ve got enough day clubs, enough night spots, enough bottles, and enough sections in the club. You ain’t never been around anyone who was talking about doing something bigger? I was talking to a guy today—honest to God. I went downstairs to get my hot chocolate because, you know, I usually drink tea or hot chocolate.

I went downstairs, and the guy sitting next to me at the game—one of the reasons you want to get those types of tickets and be in those spaces is because you network effectively. The guy sitting next to me at the game is the same guy who built my building. He built this building and is also building the hotel space. Him and his investor group were inviting me to come into meetings because they wanted to see where I could fit in and all of this stuff.

We’re having these conversations, and I say, “Yeah, man, I see they’re working hard, even on New Year’s Eve.” He said, “Yeah, let me tell you what’s going on, Anton.” This is why you want to be in the know—because you know I could put you in touch with this guy or that guy. I asked, “What’s going on?” He said, “You know why they’re working on New Year’s Eve? You know why they’re working almost every single day except for major holidays?” I said, “Why?”

He said, “Because we’ve got all this type of business coming into Detroit. We’ve got to be done by the end of 2026 with this hotel. If you’ve seen that AC Hotel that just got built on Woodward, it’s because we’ve got the Final Four coming to Detroit in 2027. We’ve got to have the kinks worked out on this; we’ve got to have this done. So on and so forth.” I said, “Oh, okay. So where do I fit into this? It’s important because I’ve got the biggest voice in the city.”

He said, “Okay, okay, listen. Let me show you something. I did this, and this is happening, and the Michigan GOP is doing that.” The conversations are different. We’re talking about expanding the footprint, where you fit in, where I fit in, and how we can work together. Those are the types of conversations we need to be having. But because we’re such haters—let me just call it what it is—we hate when someone in the culture is doing well.

We hate progress. We hate seeing somebody else winning. Instead of saying, “How can I be a part of that team? Where can I add value?” we say, “See, y’all making another man rich.” Ain’t you tired of that? You’re not tired of that? That eats you alive. When you go to sleep at night, you don’t feel good. When you wake up in the morning with that hater mentality, you’re hoping for someone else’s downfall.

You want to see somebody break up. You want to see someone go to jail. You want to see their business close. You want to see them get de-platformed. You want to censor free speech. You just want all the negative things. You’ve never asked, “Hey man, how did you get there?” You’ve got to fix you. Let me just say this last thing.

Being negative is not going to stop anybody else from getting richer. Being negative is not going to slow down opportunities for winners. Winners win. They figure it out. It doesn’t stop anything for anybody else. It just teaches them how to avoid certain types of people and creates a better filter. Moving the way you move isn’t going to stop you from not being able to retire when you get older and end up being a greeter at Walmart. Winners win. Winners keep winning.

It doesn’t slow down the movement. All you’re doing is shooting yourself in the foot and preventing yourself from being more successful. You’ve got to clear the way. Eliminate that negativity. Listen, the hater isn’t going to hear this, but maybe we can pull one of them out of the dust mites. This is really a message for people with an abundance mindset who need to divest themselves from people with a negative mentality.

You’ve got to clear the way for yourself to elevate. I’m not speaking to the haters. I’m giving the blueprint to those who need to identify the people dragging them down and let them go. If somebody’s always crying, always whining, always talking about “woe is me,” get away from them. They will drag your spirit down, slow you down, and have you feeling sad all day long because, for some reason, they can’t get it together.

Get away from that negative spirit. You’re going to be successful anyway, but you can expedite the process by eliminating those people. Let them be dusty somewhere else. Let them lean on someone else and take their energy. If somebody is always sad, always has something wrong, and never contributes positively to anyone else’s life, get away from that spirit. That kind of energy has broken more people than you can imagine, and you could be next.

You don’t want to be on the broken spirit list. Get away from that. There’s no money in it. There’s no success in it. Some of the people y’all hate the most—look at them—they just keep winning. I hate the Kardashians, facts. They’re toxic as hell. But for some reason, they keep winning. Why? They get more hate and more negative press than anyone else, but somehow, they keep building businesses, launching shows, and running up the bag.

They don’t care about the negativity. They don’t even read the comments. They don’t see you. They don’t see the hate. Next year is the year of abundance—abundant mentality, abundant love, abundant relationships, abundant blessings, and abundant money. Let’s run it up. Let’s move forward and leave the negativity behind. Let’s focus on winning, on building, and on elevating ourselves and those around us.


See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.


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