The text discusses various topics including a car accident, saving money, a rude restaurant experience, the importance of using a VPN for online privacy, the decline in wine sales, the risks of adjustable loans, the importance of reducing debt, and the controversy over value meals at fast food chains. It also mentions a court ruling on non-compete agreements and a significant drop in Ford’s stock.
Car companies are struggling with issues like recalls and problems with electric and self-driving cars. This has led to a decrease in sales and some models, like GM’s self-driving car, being discontinued. The high cost of cars is also causing changes in the industry, with more difficulties expected in the next six months.
I talked about the city of Orange, California Orange, California has such a financial deficit that They are going to put in the ballot a half percent increase for Sales tax and it would be on the ballot for 10 years and this would fix the budget Or would it and is that fair because you guys don’t want to cut costs you guys don’t want to get rid of people And the city’s not making any money well That’s the problem I mean you know you can only raise trash fees so much and you know different fees to the cities and business license fee and building Permits and things like that so much within a city that it’s you know reasonable my buddy Dave And I had breakfast this morning, and we were talking about how the city of Seal Beach is experiencing the same thing and that they have you know Tens of million dollars deficit, and they’re going to propose the exact same thing and then out of the blue Which is in the story below the city of Buena Park They’re attributing what I’m about to tell you to the fact that they need more police officers They need 15 more police officers, and the only way to do this is to raise your sales tax so guys This is happening all over the place Not at the driving range and seems like nobody’s hitting any balls right now, but We are seeing this all over the place now Here’s the thing with Everything that’s happening right now people cannot afford to move my last video I showed you how ridiculous real estate was but they anticipate think about this because this numbers Staggering and that is Two and five people 40% feel that they there’s no way they could ever move from where where they are at right now that they are in fact stuck Living in the city that they’re living in That’s pretty sad when you think about that nobody wants to be stuck You know and just upside down all the airlines, you know over the course of Balls They won’t let you hit right now, that’s why nobody’s hitting just figure that out so With the crowd strike debacle you have things like Delta Airlines they anticipate Delta Airlines is going to lose 500 million dollars in profit from this debacle that’s crazy BMW has recalled another 300,000 vehicles and The vehicles when they get rear-ended people get more damage than they would have if they didn’t do this recall so I wonder what the recall is gonna be if it’s gonna be airbags or what it is and You know Microsoft’s gonna lose you know five billion dollars in value as a result of As a result of the crowd strike debacle as well I mean guys do you care if Microsoft loses any money? I could care less if Microsoft loses a dime personally Next thing coffee prices It’s a coffee shortage right now and you’re going to see coffee prices spike as much as 40% Nectar of the gods the worst news that you’ve heard in weeks is that coffee prices are gonna go down go up.
Excuse me It’s never that you know, hey got great news. We’ve produced a bunch of coffee and things are fantastic Um two things in the automotive industry that were fascinating was Elon Musk Stock fell 12% with Tesla and again if you noticed lately politically man, they are out to get this guy and You guys know I’m not an EV car guy to say the least but the fact that they are just burying this guy lately is beyond belief and It’s funny Bill Ackman Runs Pershing Square. He wants to set up a new fund an investment fund and All the advertisements are Oh Bill Ackman’s a Trump supporter now.
I’m like Bill Ackman’s a billionaire. He’s made a lot of money. I don’t again I don’t sit there and go who’d you vote for when you sit there and hire somebody if you want some investment advice Are you gonna really sit there and politically rip people apart? Yes, people are gonna do that and I guess that’s how stupid and divided this is so You know, the idea is not to beat your brains out for the rest of your life We talked about in one of my last videos about how broke people were and how they have no retirement at all Nothing at all.
Nothing saved and again, you can sit there and say that’s their fault That’s not the point. The point is is that they’re not going to get ahead and to sit there and say all they got to do is get to Social Security and then people get there and then they’re living with somebody else and I’m telling you there’s so many people did this story about six eight months ago about people that Were overpaid in the Social Security and the government said hey you owe us a hundred and six thousand dollars You have to pay it back.
So we won’t give you Social Security for You know 22 months all these wild figures like that So people are sleeping in their cars and things like this because of how upside down they are So it’s awful. So Tesla they’re off 12% and You know think about this 76% of June’s income tax 76% went to pay debt Isn’t that wild to think about? I Again, I love filming up here, but it’s just I am telling you it’s like it’s like idiotville when it comes to this is a golf course and more people shanking balls into the crowd and Into cars and things like that.
So I hate having my back turn to to this right now, but that’s that person that said that about the 76% of the money was our main man Elon Musk said this and that America’s going broke We don’t have the money To live there is a cash crisis. There is a money crisis Cities don’t have the money municipalities don’t have the money states don’t have the money You know, there’s a funny funny story going on right now here in California and that Gavin Newsom issues an executive order stating that all homeless encampments are going to be cleaned up Well, is this guy gonna run for president? Is it gonna be vice president? Is that what’s gonna happen? And again 12th amendment I don’t think he can but we’ll see so if he runs for president what you’re gonna have is guys like me with all my footage of all those homeless encampments and Everybody else who lives from California that’s been in an unsafe situation.
They’re gonna show things like this. So Now They’re gonna clean it all up now They’re gonna get these junkies and all these people that are stealing from everybody off the street It’s funny now. It is absolutely funny now. Well, we have to do this. It’s time. It’s time to move them indoors They need the dignity of being inside Okay, didn’t need it when they were robbing people, you know last week, but now they need the dignity to be inside So hopefully get cable and they hope they get reality TV.
There’s a bunch of good shows you know, you can watch reruns of Love Island, but let me know what you think about this guy’s because I Know so many families that as we’re as we are told that gross domestic product went through the roof And again, it goes down to government spending if the government spending was not there It would be upside down the one thing they didn’t talk about in all those reports and Charles Payne I saw a great interview with him Yesterday he was talking about how wait a second.
Look at people savings account people do not have savings accounts right now That’s critical guys people need to have money sucked away for a rainy day They can’t and remember you’ve heard these figures $400 $1,000 they don’t have any money to get by if there’s an emergency right now And and I tell people this you’ve got to have I don’t care how in debt you are You have to have an emergency sun fund socked away so that if something happens and again driving the car and went off into a parking lot and Something broke in the car they hit the underside and on the sway bar I was like, huh never seen that happen before and My buddy’s like, oh take the pictures and take it to that that shopping center.
They’ll have to pay for that I’m not dealing with that guys. No But the idea with it is thank God I’ve got a little bit of cash put aside that I can go get the car fixed right now. Okay so Let me know what you think about this. How are you cutting back? How are you saving money? people that don’t want to eat out there was a restaurant tender greens that Was so rude to me one night when I was with my kids and we had all ordered food It’s one of those places that you walk down and pick what you want And then they make the plates we get up front to pay and the guy was scoffed at me because they wouldn’t take cash I’m like, well, I don’t have a card on my wallet with me Guess you’re not gonna eat and they just felt bankruptcy.
So Okay should have taken cash that night maybe wouldn’t be bank Let’s talk about our sponsor private internet access VPN a VPN is a virtual private network. I’m telling you guys this is something that Next month it will be two years that I’ve been talking about this company and I use this product prior to them becoming a sponsor It is absolutely amazing. What it does is it gives you a level of encryption From your cell phone from your computers your tablets, whatever to any website that you go to on the web It gives you a level of encryption to where no one can see what you’re doing No one can see your search history.
It gives you complete anonymity and privacy. It is important It is pennies a day to have this product They give us 83% off here at I allegedly was the product of the year for two years in a row And I’m telling you so many of you have taken advantage of this It is absolutely amazing and I’m telling you you need to have a VPN The cool thing about a VPN also is that if you like sports or anything that is regional as far as the Olympics hockey You know football anything and you want to change your location with the click of one button You can do it.
All you have to do is change the location in the VPN. It’s that simple There’s no hardware to install you literally press one button and you have yourself Your VPN protection I’ve shown you guys this a bunch of times and I I love showing my friends this but literally when you Open up your app You have your app. There’s no hardware to install on any computer You press one button and look when it turns green like that I can go online and I’m fully protected I want you to do us a favor and let’s play a game where everybody shares their internet search history over the course of wow Let’s just say a month.
Okay No, guys, you don’t want that you want the privacy check out private internet access today Use the link below and save 83% the company’s fantastic Number one rated for a good reason check them out today and save big It’s in the drink Now to run with this theme that there’s a cash crunch think about this California wineries, there’s hundreds of them here in California Vintage wine estates is one of the largest Wine producers in the world and they just filed for chapter 13. They say that they did an over expansion They built larger facilities added people.
They have too many Grapes and people are not drinking wine like they used to drink during the pandemic Everybody stayed at home and honey. Don’t forget to bring home a couple bottles a couple bottles of wine Okay, I can’t even say that’s so much anyways Not so fast people are not enjoying themselves and doing things like that people are not drinking wine beer Spirits things like that sales are off for all that stuff that right now guys. It’s often absolute ton So with that you’re seeing this more and more and more One thing that blows me away In the UK is and Steven sent me this one You have these mortgages that are written for two years and five years I’m telling you guys you want the kiss of death get an adjustable loan Because you can sit that’s the interest rates are gonna go down down.
That’s the only way to go Okay, they have loans right now that they write for a two-year period The last two-year period to today was a complete nightmare There’s such a real estate crunch and houses are very expensive in the uk that they’ve got These two-year deals for six percent now. They have a deal. That’s just under four percent Just under four percent if you lock it in for five years and uh, you have to have 40 percent down Okay, so listen, you know those houses we looked at in the last video 1.3 million dollars multiply that get 40 of that figure write a check tough guy again You can negotiate anything guys You don’t have to be there But to sit there and be told that you’re gonna have a fixed rate mortgage for only Four or five years or two years is insane That talking about putting yourself in a fight in financial distress and the threat everybody thinks things are going to continue I’m an old man guys and the older I get I want to have peace of mind and less stress and less bills So that I can go if I want to go on a vacation or I want to go and have dinner with a friend Or go to a ball game or something.
I have that luxury And you want that guys you want to not be stressed. You don’t want to go to bed at night Stressed out about money. You don’t want to wake up owing people money. I’m telling you It’s the worst thing in the world. I’ve been there and it is awful Get yourself out of debt and look at this look at ways to cut back. You have to take responsibility for this right now It’s the only thing that’s going to work I talked about you know I talked about Governor hair gel and his plan my next favorite thing is uh, you know We talked a lot in the last week about pizza and about how tough the pizza business is right now but Domino’s, you know the ceo got to get his name again Anyways, it’s not on here It was a great article out of the new york post talking about all these value meals that you get from mcdonald’s and from Kfc and from burger king and from sonic and all this stuff where you can get a you know A dollar 99 hot dog and things like that.
It’s ridiculous. He says these are not value meals They don’t offer any nutrition any food last time. I checked guys. I haven’t seen Any nutritional let’s say listen, let’s go eat some pizza Okay, and also the deep fried tater tots that they sell smacked in cheese don’t really ring, you know Boy, this is healthy. I’ve never thought of that. It’s always football and baseball food with domino’s So domino’s is crying foul that these are not value meals that they don’t they don’t add value and they don’t add anything healthy Okay It’s like it’s like a drug dealer saying But my drugs aren’t as bad as your drugs, you know, it’s like ridiculous.
So let me know what you think about all that I’m gonna finish this video, uh with these last few stories and the first one is a judge blocked the biden administration’s Call for to get rid of non-compete agreements I am you know, you know, they say that uh about 60 percent of us Live our lives with non-compete agreements Around us and certain ones of them are illegal now You can’t have an employer make you sign a non-compete agreement to get paid last time. I talked about this I had dozens of people write me.
I could not get my severance package Without signing my non-compete agreement. Well now they determine that that’s illegal and that’s been upheld by an appellate court So there’s that You know ford and gm i’m gonna end the video with this have serious problems my buddy tk from tk’s garage I’m telling you man. This guy isn’t I love car guys. I just love motor heads. I love guys that know about stuff like this I love guys that when you sit there and go Hey, what do you think about this car if they don’t know about they know somebody who does and they can tell you oh Don’t buy a service is issued transmission goes out about 40,000 miles They know all these things about these cars, but ford sales are so bad They had an 18 stock drop in one day one day On uh, you know late this week and the problem with that is that that is just the kiss of death People are not buying these cars.
They have to revamp. They’ve had recalls They’ve had the debacle with the ev cars and it’s just catching up with them now The next thing that’s crazy is gm is getting rid of their crews the self-driving You know car Uh that they’ve tested and you know had for so long. I mean those things are a mess I love the stories you guys have sent me especially in san francisco and in Phoenix those two areas are really testing those self-driving like waymoos and stuff like that And these things get lost and they circle around blocks and people end up late for meetings and stuff I don’t want to do this yet.
Maybe someday maybe someday, but not today, but all three Us automakers the big three Stellantis gm and ford with ford’s 18 drop. They all took a hit so Good luck guys cars are too expensive people are spending, you know, thousand dollar a month car payments You’re you’re going to see the industry change big time. It’s going to get worse in the next six months get ready Correct me if i’m wrong reach out any time. Hello at Make sure you sign up for the email. Uh a list because one is going out Immediately.
Okay. I will see you guys very soon