WARNING For NH! DeSantis Exits Race Endorses Trump? What?!? David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡  David Nino Rodriguezalks about how amazed they are that they can reach so many people through YouTube from their home. They also discuss how they invite different guests on their show, even if they don’t always agree with them. They mention some products and their website, and they hint at some upcoming guests and topics for their show. Lastly, they express some frustration about a sports team and hint at some political changes.
➡ A guy named Vivek Rameshrumi warned about something mysterious happening. DeSantis, a political figure, has stopped running for a position and is now supporting Mr. T. People are wondering where DeSantis’s supporters will go now. The speaker believes that Mr. T is smart and doesn’t make mistakes, even when people think he does. He also mentions a contest he’s running and talks about some news stories.
➡ A lady named NH is questioning if Mr. T is fit to be president because he mixed her up with someone else in a speech. She thinks it’s important for a president to be mentally sharp. Meanwhile, a man named Ron DeSantis has stopped trying to become president and is now supporting Mr. T. There’s a big vote happening soon, and some people think NH might win because she could get votes from people who don’t usually vote for her party.
➡ A man who moved to the U.S. when he was seven supports legal immigration. He also talks about a problem in New York City where migrants have been leaving trash and waste in a park and on people’s doorsteps. This has been happening since the city removed portable toilets from the park. The man also discusses a famous actor, Alec Baldwin, who was charged for accidentally shooting someone on a movie set, and a protest at the Sundance Film Festival.
➡ People protested at Sundance against the Biden administration’s stance on Israel, causing traffic issues. In Oakland, car thefts are happening a lot, but police can’t stop it because it’s considered nonviolent. Rick Harrison’s son, Adam, sadly died from an overdose. Lastly, fewer young people want to have kids, especially those worried about the environment.
➡ Nino’s Corner TV is a cool place to watch exciting stuff. Scott Bennett, who is always amazing, will be on it. It’s also where you can find the uncut version of this show if you’re watching it late. The show is edited to make sure everything is okay.


Good morning. Good morning, everybody. You know what I find weird about this whole YouTube thing is that I can’t believe that I could just be in my kitchen making myself some coffee, come into my office, sit down here and reach thousands and millions of people a month from my little studio here. Blows my mind. I mean, it was just when they called me for Fox News, right? They’re like, well, and this is when I really realized how technology and everything has to.

If you want to do a hit piece or if you want hit piece, if you wanted to go on Fox or anything like that, you used to have to go to a studio and they would mic you up. You’d have to be there in the studio. They had all the technology there. That’s where you had to do. You had to go down to the studio, a local studio, so they could air it from there.

Now I have this little really piece of shit laptop, and everything is done from here. And it just blows my mind. Blows my mind, like, how things have changed so fast, so incredibly fast. And don’t you guys find that fascinating? I talked to each of you, by the way. I really feel like even though I’ve never seen any of you, some of you I have, especially the trolls.

But I got to say, I really feel like we’re all family. So welcome, black sheep family. I’m glad you’re here with me today. I don’t know if you guys saw those last two videos with Bo Pony and Mike Z, but I feel like they’re pretty productive. I think they’re good. You know, a lot of you say all the know. I don’t understand why you get mad at me about my guests, about what my guests say.

I lay it out for you all to play it out. I’d be doing a disservice if I only put who I wanted to hear on my show. Sometimes I put people on there that I think are bullish and people that you like that I don’t agree with, but I put them on there for you. And I’m not throwing stones at Bo. I love Bo. I like boney. But.

But I get a lot of backlash for everybody that I have on whether it’s Juanito, Scott, Gene. I mean, just name one and I get shit for it. Folks. You could venmo me. D Hyphen Rod 1977 D Hyphen Rod 1977 when the lights go out on Amazon. Get it on Amazon. Leave it on his review, the mexican mix, my mama’s book where she goes slumming with a know.

I’m like, the only dark featured one in my family, to be honest with you. Everyone else is, like, blonde hair, really light, complexed. I don’t think I look like a widow. I think I look pretty mexicano, if you ask me. Folks, get your. My patriot supply. My patriot supply. Mps get buckets of food. This is a new one. I usually don’t do reads for this, but I think you might need it this year.

You can’t handle the truth. The truth is, the clowns running this joint live for chaos. Many of our problems can be solved overnight, but they let them be. Destruction fuels them. Folks, if you can’t handle the truth, you’ll need to visit my website. Prepare with Nino. It’s down there below for mps. You’ll get $60 off a much needed four week emergency food kit from my Patriot supply, the country’s largest preparedness company.

My patriot supply is your fighting chance at survival. Earn. Eat right in emergencies. With this four week food kit from my patriot supply, I got six months worth of food. That’s what I was told to get, buckets of food. You could just put it on the shelf and it works quite amazing. I got it because you think, I’m going to go get rice. I’m going to go get beans.

I got some rice. I got rice. And then I saw there was a hole in the rice and then I saw mice, okay? Mice in the rice, okay, so I have a mice problem. I have a mouse problem. So I had to take care of that. I guess you could eat mice during the apocalypse, can’t you? Maybe I can bait them in with my rice, catch the mice and cook them.

But nothing gets into the buckets of food. Nothing gets into the buckets of food. Spotify. Nino’s corner. Telegram, Nino’s corner getter. Nino’s corner. Rumble. Nino’s corner. Like, I changed my voice. Up. True social. David Rodriguez Boxer, Instagram. David Nino Rodriguez Boxer. Twitter. Nino boxer. Patriotware. com. Bing. Right there. Get yourself some cool gear. Mama Joe love. Thank you very much, baby. Sexual chocolate. All right, Ninoscorner tv. So go to Patriot where? Tell me what you want to see in there.

We got some new cool shit up there. They’re always sending me new designs. They’re badass. Sometimes I design this stuff myself. Gene decode is up right now. Talking about those portals to the underverse is amazing. This guy, man. This guy. This guy, man. First of all, he gets some very good intel. He would not share with me where he gets his intel, but I can tell just talking to him, the guy knows his stuff.

I’ve asked around about him and they say he’s very connected. The guy is a genius, in my opinion. Very brilliant man. I love having him on the show. Love having him on the show. Talks about the portals to the underverse, how they’re accessing that with CERN. You all be the judge. I lay it out. We’re going to play out. Scott Bennett is coming up tonight. Foreman Mike is back talking about border issues.

I’m going to have Vince from Sham wow. He’s getting very political these days. I like him. He’s very politically charged and he’s funny. I like the guy. I think he’s underrated and he deserves a the I like the sham wow guy. You can’t blame me. Laura Aboli is coming on. John de Souza is coming on. Thank you, Rebecca Noel. Victor Avilov is coming back on. Talking about border issues.

Mike King. This is going to be big. All right, folks. This is going to be really big. Mike King is coming on. There’s a huge documentary on Hitler. This guy is going to bring a different perspective to all that stuff. So it’s worth listening to. Now. You got to have an open mind. You got to have a real open mind for this. Even I do because I’m kind of like, what are you talking about, Mike? It’s a different perspective.

So this we’re going to be putting up on Nino’s corner tv. I don’t think I have the balls to put this out. Oh, man. Now I don’t have the balls to put this out publicly. This is too big. It’s too crazy. That’s going to be on Ninoscorner tv. So Mike King coming back, Scott McKay will be the general in the general’s ten. Put your hands together for Scott McKay.

That’s going to be 05:00 p. m. January 25. This just in a few days. So we’re all going to get together. Talk about tactical civics. The next month I have Kathy O’Brien and the ghost double teaming. Then I got Jason Sherka coming on and then I might have Mike King. I might bring Mike King on as a general. So I got an exciting lineup coming on. All right, folks, you might want to turn it down or turn it up, baby.

Yeah. All right, here we go. Coming at you live for the apocalypse, folks. Yeah, baby. Yeah. Let’s go. All right, so the cream of the crop will rise to the top, right? Oh, by the way, how do you guys like those Kansas City swifts? Did you cringe for me? Oh, God. You know, I don’t watch teams to lose. That doesn’t happen. That’s not my character. But this time, fuck.

Oh, how annoying. It’s just so annoying. Why is it annoying? I don’t understand why it’s so annoying. Why is it annoying? Why is it annoying? I don’t know. But for some reason, just looking at those two, I’m like, am I the only 01:00 a. m. . I? The only one? It’s so annoying. It’s so fucking annoying. I don’t know. It’s annoying. Mark vain, thank you very much. All right, folks, let’s get into this because things are about to get shaken up politically.

That was the last video I did and they already are. Was I right? It’s happening. But I’m giving a warning on New Hampshire because I feel just like I said about it’s only, it’s about which one they pick. All very, okay, I got to be very careful in this broadcast because guess why? Guess why, folks. Because she’s protected on flufftube. You know who I’m talking about? The only one left.

I got to be real careful with her name. The only one left. Now that DeSantis is out, she’s protected on here. You can’t say anything bad. Okay? So understand what I’m laying down. So warning for New Hampshire. I don’t know. Is it the comeback kid? Is the comeback kid going to come out and just pull the rug out from everybody? Look, I don’t know. I don’t know. First of all, I’m going to say, I don’t know.

This is a hunch, but we know some funny business is going to happen. So Vivek himself, Vivek Rameshrumi came out and gave a warning. He gave a warning and said what they’re getting ready to do, didn’t he? What they’re plotting, what they’re planning. I said expect anything. Now with DeSantis dropping out now with DeSantis dropping out and giving his endorsement to Trump, because, folks, he has to. He has to.

It’s not like he can be like, I’m going to give it to the girl, Haley. It’s not like that. He has to show his support for Mr. T optics. It’s a safe face. But now that he’s out and the race is so tight, it’s a nail biter, folks. It’s a real nail biter. The only state in the country, the only state in the country that this one’s, everyone’s on their edge of their seats.

Biting their nails. They don’t know who’s going to take it. Now that DeSantis is out and he gives his endorsement to Mr. T, where are his votes going to go? Could they go to nh? Kind of funny. Same abbreviation as New Hampshire, right? Nh, yeah, I’m right. So think about this for a second. Where are the people that, do you understand how they’re going to try to make this look realistic? They’re going to try to make it look like, oh, well, she came from behind because everyone that was going for DeSantis just decided to go for her.

And second, you really need to be paying attention to the game being played right now because Mr. T does not make mistakes. And a lot of people are jumping on him and making fun of him because he made a mistake. He’s not losing his cognitive abilities due to age. Nothing Mr. T says is a careless mistake. But they could be. They could be comms. He’s trolling, folks. He’s trolling the deep state.

That’s what he’s doing. There’s always a double or triple meaning there’s always a double or triple meaning to his misspelling or seemingly careless remarks. There’s always something there if you’re paying attention. Do you guys understand? Give me a thumbs up if you know what I’m saying here? You’re picking up what I’m laying down. And what’s even better about this, those of us who are paying attention, what’s even better about all of this? What’s even better is that the other side has no idea they’re being trolled.

They have no idea that all of this is being done on purpose. So he confused her with Pelosi. Now, he didn’t. No, he didn’t. There’s something there. What it is, I don’t know, but there’s something there. There is something there. And he did that on purpose to let them know. Hey, motherfuckers. Gotcha. Get what I’m saying? Yeah. Someone said they got MsM to admit it was not so.

Gosh, folks, I hope I’m doing a good job. I know I lose some subs because I’m not blunt enough, but I’m tiptoeing and dancing on eggshells here on flufftube. And those of you that have stuck with me, I appreciate your loyalty. Please like, and share the hell out of this video. Like and share it. I still have the contest going. I told you. $1,000 for first place, 2nd, 500 and $250, 3rd place.

And I think I’m going to announce the winners at the end of February, early March. So if you’re sharing my video, make proof of it, show it, send me screenshots. I’ll pick the first, second, and third place winners. So I follow some accounts for certain reasons, and I like to watch shadow of Ezra. I like some of his posts. I like a lot of people’s posts on there.

A lot of people have their fingers on the pulse. But he said the final battle, remember this day. And I’m going to read back what he wrote here, and I might have to be vague on some of it. Atlas air Boeing 747 eight from Miami international airport catches fire while in flight. House Republicans have introduced legislation to defund the we fuck grand jury indicts Alec Baldwin with invalidary manslaughter and rush shooting hospitals in Denmark.

Colorado have been doing this. I can’t say this. The UK military has carried out its first high power firing of a laser against aerial targets with weapon using a intense beam of light to cut through drones. Maine legislature drafts bill to become transgender safe haven. What do you know for children? Nikki Haley will never be vice president for Mr. T. According to Alexander Soros, Mr. T is already the president of the United States to the people and the WEF.

Nova Scotia man has been charged for starting the eastern canadian province’s largest ever wildfire, which burned for one month in 2023. There’s a lot here, folks, and some of it I don’t want to talk about on flufftube, but I’m going to say Mr. T has got nh when I say nh. I’m not talking about New Hampshire. I’m talking about Nikki. Oh, Nikki, you’re so fine. You’re so fine.

You’re so fine. Nicky. Whatever. Remember that song? Oh, Mickey. Mickey. That’s what it was. Mickey, you’re so. You guys. How many of you remember that song? Shit. Anyway. All right, so he’s got her on something. Mr. T bizarrely blames NH for security elapses on J six, apparently making her up with linking her up with. Mixing her up. Sorry. With Nancy Pelosi. Now, why would he do that? During a rally speech, Mr.

T appeared to mix up NH with NP Nancy Pelosi. He blamed NH for security lapses on January 6, despite NH having no official role. Then. Really, why would he mix that up? This guy’s a genius. He’s wicked smart. He knows what he’s doing. The latest gaffe comes amid increased speculation about Mr. T’s cognitive ability. So now remember, folks, you want to appear weak, where you’re really strong. Art of war.

So Mr. T appeared to mix up former House speaker Nancy Pelosi and GOP presidential candidate NH in a rambling rally speech. Mr. T was speaking about the crowd size at the Concord, New Hampshire, rally on Friday when he claimed that the press does not report on NH. Smaller crowds. Debbie Clover, thank you. Thank you very much. He then switched topics to the Capitol. Right. And bizarrely blamed NH for security lapses.

Now, why would he do that, by the way? They never report the crowd on January 6. You know, nh, nh, nh, you know they do. You know, they just. What? You know they do. You know, they destroyed all information, all of the evidence, everything. Deleted and destroyed all of it. All of it. Because of lots of things Mr. T said, like, nh is in charge of security. We offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, national guards, whatever they want.

They turned it down. They don’t want to talk about it. These are very dishonest people. As he made the blunder, the crowd appeared to get silent because they’re probably thinking to themselves, how could he make such a mistake? There’s something there. I’m going to bet 90% certainty. If I had to bet as a gambling man, there’s something there, and I’d put my chips on that. I put my chips on that and say, there’s a reason he’s tying these two together.

You guys get what I’m saying? Do you agree with me? If you don’t agree with me, that’s fine. That’s totally fine. This is just my opinion. I’m saying what I see here is strategy, and I see it as a shot across the bow, letting them know we got you on something. I don’t know we got you’re. That’s why I say this is called a calm. He’s always making these type of misspellings and remarks, and people just troll him for that.

Trolling him for. Huh? So, nh, you know who that is now? Nh is now. You know who bans daily mail from future campaign events after publishing repeat and resurfaced allegations that she did something bad. She did something very bad against her husband. You know what that is? Don’t put it in there. God, I hate doing this. I hate it. Honestly. I know it’s annoying. I know it’s a little bit annoying the way I relay the news, but it’s the way I have to do it on flufftube.

So let me ask you this. Can you give me a thumbs up if you think I do it? I’m doing a good job. If you like the way I do it, it’s the only way I can do it on here. So I hope that you guys appreciate what I’m trying to do here. Okay? Thank you so much. Rumble. Rumble. Go to rumble. There’s nobody there. Okay, let me explain this to you that don’t seem to get it, that you just Rumble already has the niche crowd there.

I would not gain anybody on rumble flufftube. On the contrary, does not. It has the normies. And what am I, pied piper of the normies? Normies. Normies. You get what I’m doing here? It would have zero effect on rumble because everyone that pays attention to this shit is over there. This is different. Rumble is like, I don’t know, cinemax and YouTube is like HBO. Does that make any sense to you? Do you get what I’m saying here? You guys could get death.

Got a ramble. It would do no service. And none of you ever go to my rumble. None of you go to my rumble. None of you do. You all say to go to Rumble, but why do I have 287,000 followers on flufftube and 70 something on Rumble? If you were serious about me going there, you would go there, but you’re not, so stop giving me shit about that.

Nh questions Mr. T’s mental fitness as he seems to confuse her with Nancy Pelosi. So nh on Saturday questioned whether Mr. T is mentally capable of serving as president again after he repeatedly seemed to confuse her with former US House speaker Nancy Pelosi in a campaign speech. So, see, they’re taking the bait on this. That’s how I see this. They’re actually taking the bait on this. Like, oh, look, maybe behind closed doors, they’re sitting there talking with each other, like going, oh, shit, he knows.

He knows. But look, let’s push it to the audience. Let’s push it to the crowd like he’s losing his cognitive abilities. That’s the best way to spin this right now. Gaslight and know, because what do we complain about with Biden? He’s not all there, right? So they’re doing this now, gaslighting with Mr. T. So that’s what she’s going to run on, folks. I’m telling you, I feel like there could be some kind of upset with nh.

I’m going to read you the percentages right now, and you tell me what you see happening here. So the attacks on Mr. T’s age may be at a tipping point. Mr. T is 77 years old. After he repeatedly mixed her up with Nancy Pelosi during his speech last night. NH wants voters to know that. She wants to make sure you know that. But we’re too smart, right, folks? We’re all too smart here.

I’m not saying anything in derogatory, but when you’re dealing with the pressures of the presidency, we can’t have someone else that we question whether they’re mentally fit to do this, she said Saturday. We can’t. On Fox News, she continued that focus. These are people making decisions on the future of our economy. Do we really want them throwing out names and getting things wrong when they’re 80 and having to deal with Putin and Z and Kim Jong un from North Korea? We can’t do that.

So she’s saying, let me do that. No. A fox in the chicken coop. And I don’t think any of my audience is going to fall for this. Ron DeSantis ends presidential campaign before New Hampshire primary Florida governor Ron DeSantis is ending his 2024 republican presidential campaign after failing to overtake rival Mr. T in polling or in the early vote. DeSantis made the announcement in a video posted on social media on Sunday.

You know, this just ate him alive. This just ruined him. This just destroyed his soul. With less than 48 hours until voting in New Hampshire’s primary, the second state in the nominating race, we don’t have a clear path to victory, DeSantis said in a video, which he said was filmed in Florida. He then endorsed Mr. T. He then endorsed Mr. T, a primary opponent whom he was increasingly criticized on the trial on the trail.

So what they’re hoping here is this, and this is what I’ve been told over and over and over. They’re banking on a conviction. They’re hoping Mr. T gets thrown in jail. And then it’s Haley and DeSantis. They come together. They got their plans. You know what they’re doing in the background. You know what’s happening in the background. Don’t worry. Do not worry. We’re going to be throwing more charges on him.

Either he will voluntarily step away or he will be convicted. So what do I do right now? What do I do? You just stay behind the shadows. Let us do the work. Let us do all the work. We will bring you back into the limelight. Do I just like my evil voice? Yeah, I agree with you. Mr. T recruits South Carolina leaders to undermine NH ahead of NH primary.

You like how I did that one? So Manchester, New Hampshire, the New Hampshire primary may be two days away or one day tomorrow, right? Is it tomorrow? But Mr. T is surrounding himself with South Carolina Republicans. A day after receiving the endorsement of General Tim Scott or Senator Tim Scott, a former opponent, Mr. T on Saturday deployed an even larger show of support from South Carolina to try to undercut former UN ambassador and South Carolina governor.

Nh, that’s all you got to say? UN ambassador? Really? Nh here in nH. And assertive dominance in the primary, which heads to the Palmetto state next month. So look, Palmetto state next month. So it’s a amber, love you back. Is it today? I mean, it’s tomorrow, right? We’re going to find out tomorrow. Am I correct in saying this? Can you guys help me out here for a second? It’s tomorrow, right? YouTube blocked my like, wow, that’s just.

That’s wild. So listen to this article right here. Haley absolutely could win New Hampshire. GOP chairman says absolutely could win New Hampshire. I’m telling you, folks, I’m expecting some crazy, crazy shit. Haley’s challenge to Mr. T for the republican presidential nomination could receive a boost next Tuesday from New Hampshire’s more moderate electorate and the ability of independents to vote in the GOP primaries. Chris Anger said Saturday Mr.

Tia suggested that a strong performance by Haley would be less legitimate because she would rely largely on independent voters. While Democrats cannot vote in the first in the nation primary, independent or undeclared voters can register as Republicans on election day and participate. So here it is. They’re giving you the reason that she’s going to come from behind the comeback kid and upset him. She’s going to upset Mr.

T. This is their way of holding on until they can get a conviction. So they got to make it realistic. And I’m going to go into here and say why? And I think she’s going to absorb. They’re going to say all the DeSantis voters just went for Haley. So let’s just talk about on 120 24 what it looks like right now. DeSantis at 6%, Haley 44%, Mr. T 46%.

So he’s only beating her by two. Other is 2%, undecided is 9%. I got a funny feeling about this one, folks, and I’m sure you do, too. Do you all agree with me on this? Do you all agree with me on this? It seems to me like, I don’t know, they’re making it real believable. That’s all I’m saying. Not to be taken lightly. Lawyer who ditched Mr. T says ex president could be convicted.

Mr. T is facing serious cases from legitimate prosecutors who could end up getting a conviction against the former president, according to Joe Tocopina. Such a weird name. Tocopina, who recently left Trump’s legal team. Tokopina, who earlier in the Saturday MSNBC interview opened up about the reasoning for leaving team Trump, was also asked about which case against his former client could possibly go the distance. Tokopima seemed to think that the federal cases are more worrisome for Mr.

T than the two local criminal cases. The two federal cases are serious cases, he says, if they are not to be taken lightly, they are not to be taken lightly. Let’s put it that way. Toko Pina said before the host, al Sharpton, asked him if the conviction is possible. So he’s saying Toko Pina is even saying, absolutely, it’s possible. Absolutely. This guy could be convicted. Now, do I believe? I just don’t.

Let’s get into some border news, senator. Democratic Senator John Fetterman, breaking with his party once again says migration crisis threatens to destroy the american dream. As another 300,000 people approach the southern border in hopes of crossing into the US. It is out of control. I talked to Foreman Mike about this. Victor Abula. I’m here on the border. It’s insanity. And we did a little video on the border.

Myself and Ron partain. We did some footage on the video. We’re going to be putting that out. Ron supposedly editing it. Hello, Ron, are you there? So we got some cool footage. Like I said, he got a little too close for comfort to that train. I was like, hey, you should get some footage of the train. He’s like, yeah, not a bad idea. He walked right up to the train, a moving train, like, I’m talking eight inches away from it.

I don’t know, but it was so close that I was sitting there going, oh, this is going to be some footage that I don’t think is going to make it on fluff tube, if you know what I’m saying. Anyway, he got the picture. He got the train. We got a lot of footage of the wall. We got a lot of footage of us out there shooting in the desert.

Just some cool stuff, life on the borderland. So I’ll be putting that up pretty soon when he’s done editing it. So, Ron, hurry up. So Democrat Senator John Fetterman, 54, voices concerns about the border crisis. Fetterman, whose wife arrived in the US as an undocumented immigrant at age seven, insisted he’s a proponent of legal migration as he spoke to CNN on Friday. He has broken from the far left on his party by showing strong support for, you know, shit in one hand, wishing the other.

We’ll see which one fills up faster. They’re all the same, man. They’re all the same. All the same. Yeah. Oh, doppelganger. Yeah. What do you guys think about that? Do you guys think that’s the real. I mean, I’ve seen, like, six photos of him, and I’m like, man, each one looks different. All these guys, man. All these guys. It’s like, what is the real photo? It’s almost like, you got to see him in person.

I don’t like, I feel like we’re in Scooby Doo, and then we’re going to be like, who is he, really? We rip off their mask and like, oh, it was Hillary all along. I don’t know. But just saying it seems really. I don’t know. I look at these people, and there’s just certain things I see that I’m like, and I know this stuff exists, by the way. I know it exists.

I talk to people, and they tell me this stuff exists, and I’ll even go as far as maybe clones exist. I don’t know. I’m leaning more towards a breakaway species or aliens. I don’t know. Have we always been imprisoned on this planet? I think the plot is much thicker than we, uh. I can get into this another time, especially with gene decode. I could talk about this all day with gene decode.

I got to tell you that. New York City neighborhood. Neighborhood turn into giant toilet as migrants litter park with poop, leave cups of urine on doorsteps. Migrants outside of East Village intake center have been crappy neighbors. Since November, thousands of adult migrants have waited outside the former St. Brigid School of East 7th street and overflow into Tompkins Square park to score bed in the city’s shelter system after their 30 day and 60 day stay limits expired.

But shit hit the fan, literally. And the sidewalks and streets last week’s when the city’s park department yanked a trio of porta potties from the park. Why would they do that? Why would they take those away? The lose have become so filthy that workers gave up on maintaining them. The workers aren’t even maintaining them anymore. You know what? I say we do, and I’m serious about this. Everyone who voted for B.

Biden, I think when the dust settles, I think you should do some community service. I think that’s what you owe America. Just my opinion. Some community service, all of you. For the stress and hell you put us all through for the last four years. And that’s being nice. And that’s being really nice. I’m not even kidding. I’m not even kidding. In the past week, locals and volunteers said they’ve spotted cups filled with urine and feces around the park’s entrance near the former school.

So this is next to a kid’s school where there’s piss and shit all over the place. Most of them want to pee in plastic cups, rather, the ground. Why? And leave them on people’s doorsteps, said longtime resident Garrett Roso, 64, who said he spotted a dozen cups filled with urine and feces. This is next to a school. Imagine your kids were going here. You go to Mexico. And I used to fight in Mexico.

I fought in Mexico. I don’t know how many times. And you will just see somebody just pop a squat and take a shit right on the sidewalk. Every time I’ve been there, I’ve seen this. And people just look away like, oh, that’s just normal. And now that’s happening here. Especially if you go to San Francisco. Go to San Francisco. You’ll turn one corner and smell fresh seafood. Then you’ll turn and take a left on the next corner and smell fresh feces.

It’s like, make up your mind. I did want seafood, but now I want to vomit. I was hungry. I wanted to go eat maybe some mahimai, maybe some red snapper. But now I just want to vomit because I smell shit. That’s San Francisco in a nutshell. Very confusing. I get hungry and then I get nauseated. I get hungry and then I get nauseated. Journalists who try to cancel Novik, what’s his name, the tennis player, Zholgovic, over not taking the you know what collapses and dies while covering the australian open.

Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Garrett. I don’t want to say that. Grand jury indicts Alec Baldwin in fatal shooting of cinematographer, a movie set in New Mexico. What do you guys think about this? Do you think Alec Baldwin should go to jail for mean, I don’t understand this too well, because I would think to myself, would it be the props guy who put a real gun there? I mean, wouldn’t that be his fault? I don’t understand.

A grand jury indicted Alec Baldwin on Friday, and I don’t like Alec Baldwin. I’m going to say it right now. I don’t like the guy. And I know a lot of you are probably rooting for him to go to jail. But let’s think about this for a second. Unless this was all planned. Maybe it was all planned, but they indicted Alec Baldwin on Friday on an involuntary manslaughter charge in 2021.

Fatal shooting during a rehearsal on a movie set in New Mexico reviving a dormant case against the A list actor in Santa Fe. Just right up the street. A grand jury indicted Alec Baldwin on Friday on an involuntary manslaughter charge in 2001. Failed shooting during a rehearsal on a movie set in New Mexico reviving a dormant case against the actor. Special prosecutors brought the case before a grand jury in Santa Fe this week, months after receiving a new analysis.

The gun that was used on the gun that was used, they declined to answer questions. After spending about a day and a half presenting their case to the grand jury, defense attorneys for Baldwin indicated they’ll fight the charge. I don’t know how I feel about this. Look, I don’t like the guy. I’m going to say that. But wasn’t the gun supposed to be fake? I don’t know. I don’t know.

Sundance. Guess what happened at Sundance? I’ve been to Sundance, by the way, I had a terrible experience at Sundance. You guys want to hear my Sundance story? So I went to Sundance film festival and I can’t remember why I was there. I think I just wanted a party. I got hit on a lot when I was there, especially by guys. Okay? One guy came up to me, he’s like, hey, so are you here for the wrestling documentary? I was like, what are you talking about? I’m a heavyweight boxer.

Oh, that’s pretty nice. Jesus Christ. Oh, boy. He offered me, he said, do you want to come sit in my whirlpool, my jacuzzi? After the party here I was at a variety party. That’s what it was, a variety magazine party. And he asked me and he’s like, hey, so you need a ride home? And it was probably about two in the morning, 132 in the morning. And I remember I had a fever, 103 degree fever.

Like, I was sick, I was sweating, I was pale. I don’t know what happened, man. I got real sick. It was freezing outside. I just wanted to go home and go to sleep. And the guy’s talking to me and he’s like, do you want me to give you a ride home? And I’m like, not really because I could see where he was coming from. And then he had a friend with him and he oldest friend in his.

Ooh. Oh, gosh. I don’t know if I can say this on YouTube. I heard what he said, okay. He was going to bend me over the couch, okay. At least that’s what he thought and I heard him and I looked at him and I go, what’d you say? I heard, oh, we just play around that way. We just play around that way. I go ask, oh, he had something to do.

He had something to do with the Superman movie. He had something to do with the Superman movie. I remember that now. Yep. He had something to do with it. I’m not going to say what his part was, but he has something to do with it. Anyway, I called him out in front of the whole party, and they didn’t like that. They did not like that. But I was just so sick and I was sweating, you know, those, like, I felt cold, but I was hot.

It was weird. It was like, man, I was really. The whole. The whole Sundance Film festival, I was stuck in a condo and I just stayed there for three days. I didn’t even want to fly out. I was that sick. I needed emergency care. So Sundance gets shut down pro palestinian protest closes main street Melissa Barrera among demonstrators update so update with more details. Chanting the controversial line, from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.

Melissa Barrera joined almost 100 pro palestinian protesters Tuesday today at the Sundance Film Festival, marching halfway up park city’s main street in the snow. The protesters were under heavy police surveillance and swarmed by media. With a huge media spotlight that Sundance attracts every year. Capturing the attention of cameras and reporters were clearly part of the purpose of the demo Sunday, slamming the Biden administration’s stance on Israel and strong allegiance with the you know what over the horrors and command murderous attack on Israel October 7, protesters recycled an old anti Vietnam war chant.

So they shut down Sundance because of this. My problem is I don’t mind protesting. I don’t mind it. But it’s when you get in the way of traffic. Whatever happens, I’m sorry. You’re an idiot, okay? If you’re sitting there laying on the streets blocking traffic and let’s say a woman’s pregnant, about to give birth, someone needs to go to the hospital, their dad’s dying, their grandpa’s dying, and you have the balls to block traffic, whatever happens, happens.

That’s my opinion. Exclusive. The most dangerous square mile in America, folks. The most dangerous square mile in America. Do you know that one of the most dangerous freeways in the fucking country is right here in El Paso? It used to be Pisano before they put the fence, but, yeah, they used to run across the border and put two by fours with nails in it, flatten cars tires, put boulders in the road, cars would hit it.

They’d go carjack, take everything out of there. People would die. That was most. From what I understand, that used to be the most dangerous stretch of highway there was. So the most dangerous square mile in America. Crime hotspot in Oakland, where gas stations and in n outs are hit by brazen car thieves dozens of times a day, not a week, not a month, not a year, dozens of times a day.

But cops say they’re powerless to stop it. Why you don’t go arrest these people and put them in jail? Okay? These gas stations within a single mile near Oakland airport are struck a dozen times a day or more by brazen vehicle thieves, according to police. But, wow. Cops told this syndicate there are powerless to halt the crimes because they are classed as nonviolent, and added that the situation is worse than ever.

So you speeding, they’ll stop you for a ticket, right, going 5 miles over the speed limit. But they’re not going to stop these thieves because they’re nonviolent. They’re nonviolent, they don’t mean any harm. They just want some food. They just need some money. So if you steal a vehicle, you’re not going to get stopped. Vehicle thefts have risen 50% in Oakland, with 12,956 incidents reported in 2023. This is why they’re doing it, because they know they’re not going to get busted.

They know that the cops aren’t going to do shit. Cops aren’t doing their jobs. Leading some officers to criticize the city’s progressive crime policies. What a mess. What a mess. You guys hear about this? Pawn stars Rick Harrison son Adam dead at 39 after overdose. Man, oh man, this is terrible. The Harrison family tells TMZ. Our family is extremely saddened by the death of Adam. We ask for privacy as we grieve his loss.

Rick Harrison’s son Adam has died under tragic circumstances, TMZ has learned. A rep for the Pond stars reality star tells us Adam recently died from a fatal overdose. And we’re told the family only just found out today. At this time. It’s unclear where Adam was exactly when he passed, and the specific circumstance are also unknown at this time. Las Vegas Metro PD tells us they’re investigating the case.

Sad. So Adam was one of Rick’s three kids, all boys, and he’s been mostly off the radar in terms of Rick’s show and the store. Word is Adam helped out on the world famous gold and silver pawn shop once upon a time, but has since stepped away to do his own thing. So he wasn’t a fan of the spotlight he didn’t like to be in the limelight, so he was normal.

He was a normal person. He didn’t give a shit about fame. And dies at 39 years old from an overdose. Apparent overdose. Sad. Let’s get to some what the fuck news, shall we? In what the fuck news. In what the fuck news. Childless future. Now I say, this is what the fuck news, because I think generation Z is fucking doomed. Doomed. It’s like, can we start over? Can we go back? So birth rates are plunging, and then right here it says, as millennials decide against being parents.

So if you think millennials are doing this, think about generation Z. That’s going to be who’s taking care of us? Generation Z. They can’t even take care of themselves. Less than a fifth of millennials, specifically those between ages 26 and 35, are certain that they want to become parents one day. This inclination further diminishes among individuals with pronounced environmental concerns, because the environment is so much more important than furthering the species to them.

Simply put, four and five young millennials want to remain childless, especially if they dwell on climate change concerns. Oh, my gosh. It’s just too hot outside. It’s just way too hot outside to bring a child onto this earth. The study, conducted by University of Southampton and the Generations and Gender program, gathered insights on attitudes towards children, family and various political issues. Think about it. I’ve always said this.

I think marriage is going to be obsolete in 30 years. I don’t think anyone’s going to be getting married anymore. If it goes this direction. If it goes this direction, nobody will ever get married again. You think I’m wrong on that? I think I’m right. It involved a sample of 7000 individuals ranging from 18 to 59 years old in the UK. The findings revealed a correlation with the nation’s declining birth rates, highlighting a drop in the number of young adults planning to have children.

Only 19% of younger millennials express a definitive desire to have children, while 30% lean towards possibly or probably wanting children. Among older millennials, between 36 and 41, 36% were certain they will not have children, and 20% were leaning towards not having them ever, whatever that means. The percentage of millennials who are disinclined to have children increases among those with stronger environmental concerns. Because if you care about the environment, you don’t have kids.

We’re a problem to this planet. Don’t you know that? However, the trend appears different for generation Z. So it says here that 60% of generation Z asked, did not want kids. Wow. They care about the planet more than furthering their legacy of the human species? I don’t think so. I think there’s a chance for generation Z. I can only hope and pray there is a chance if, and I agree with that, I think there’s a chance only if we turn this around.

But it’s going to take a gear shift and a big uturn. That’s the way I see it. That’s how I see this playing out. I don’t know how you. The direction where the trajectory we’re going right now is pretty bad, folks, but I do feel a lot of people are waking up. I do feel a lot of people are waking up. A lot more people are reaching out to my show.

I do my best to do what I can in my corner of this planet to wake people up. But it seems to me sometimes, man, I got to tell you, folks, man, it gets tiring. It gets tiring dealing with some of these emails, some of these trolls. It’s just like, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. All right, are you done with my face? You want to kick me in the nuts now? Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.

It never ends. A lot of you say, like, oh, you have it great. You get on YouTube. You do what you want to do. Fuck, no. Fuck, no. You guys have no idea. Zero idea what I fucking go through. Fuck that. Boxing was a breeze. Boxing was a breeze. At least I could get in there. And now I got people talking about my boxing career. He never fought anybody.

36 bums. Yeah, 36 commission, okay? 36 of them. It’s sad. Sad. There’s a lot of jealous fucking people out there, man. Nino stopped with Polly. Who’s Polly? Bo Pony. Who are you talking about? Polly. You don’t need to agree with my guests. I don’t ask you to agree with them. Like I said, I’m bringing them on to state their case. You all decide. What do you get mad at me about? I don’t understand this.

Yeah, so a lot of people do. Like bony. I don’t know. Back in the day, I used to be able to just crack someone over the head if I didn’t like. I can’t do that anymore. And what’s even crazier, social media has opened up this door of this pit, of this trap door to hell that you really just have to ignore everybody. That’s the only way to get.

That’s the only thing. I mean, you just can’t fall into it. This low vibrational cesspool of shit that just wants to suck you into the underverse to the hell do you guys like that? Gene decode that Gene decode interview on Nino’s corner tv. It’s fire, isn’t it? Wow. It is fire. I’ll be putting up Scott Bennett today. That’s also fire, man. He always brings it, doesn’t he? He always brings it to Nino’s corner tv, folks, get to Nino’s corner tv.

It’s going to be your one stop shop for everything that’s gonna be happening. Rebecca Noel. Thank you. Thank you very much. All right, folks, I’m out of here. And the new heavyweight champion of podcasting and the black sheep of broadcasting. Folks, I’m out of here. Remember, if you’re watching this late, the unedited version will be on Nino’s corner tv. If you’re wondering why it’s chopped up and things like that, it’s because I got an editor to keep me safe.

All right, guys, I’m out. Later. Bye. .

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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