Posted in: Gregory Mannarino, News, Patriots



➡ Gregory Mannarino talks about the fact that there’s a lot of fighting happening in the world right now, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to stop anytime soon. The government is spending a lot of money on these wars, like in Israel and Ukraine. The person speaking in this text doesn’t like how the people in charge of money are handling things. He suggests that buying silver might be a good way to protect your money from the problems he sees coming.
➡ This person is saying that if we know our enemy and what they want, we can’t lose. They want to hear your thoughts and remind you that we’re all in this together. They also mention a live stream later and thank everyone for sharing and liking their videos, which helps more people see them. They end by saying they care about everyone and will see them later.


It’s okay, everybody. Here we go. It’s me, Gregory Manorino. Monday, February 5, 2024. And war continues to rage on here and there is no end in sight. Open ended, as you and I would expect here because of the mechanism. And it’s frankly sickening. But that is, it’s the way it is. I’ll tell you something else that’sickening here. How about this new bipartisan deal? Another nearly $120,000,000,000 to fund the war in Israel, the war in Ukraine, and also, don’t forget, for border security, you can’t make this stuff up.

If you try two people. We are living in twilight zone on the grandest scale. All right, anyway, let’s take a look over at this market here. So over the weekend, obviously we know what happened. And I mean, you want to talk about, wow, do you find it at all? And I want to hear from you on this interesting that this new war was launched right at the market close 04:00 p.

m. . Friday. Generally that’s the standard procedure. You all know this or on the weekends, anything to kind of not have it immediately affect the stock market because it always overreacts. Now let’s talk more about that. So this morning, as I am doing this video blog, trading doesn’t start for about an hour and 40 minutes. You got stock futures lower, okay? You got commodities lower. You got a knee jerk higher in the dollar.

Nothing dramatic, but higher nonetheless. That’s the fear trade. You and I covered this just yesterday, how this more than likely would play out. Another interesting phenomenon is this ten year yield. The ten year yield is actually nudged a little bit higher. Why? A couple of things going on. Number one, you would expect this kind of an action to more than likely immediately cause the ten year yield to drop.

But Jay Powell, yellowstain, vomitous mess puke that he is, I can’t stand the man. I can’t stand listening to him. I can’t stand looking at him. You know my take on it. Okay. I don’t think there’s a person on this earth, maybe you, who despises central bankers more than I do. It’s the truth because we know who they are. They are the enemy. They are destroying the world, bringing the world economy to its knees, destroying the consumer, went out of their way to create inflation and unfortunately, they have become the world government anyway.

So over the weekend here, Yellowstain pal Puke came out telling the markets to be patient with regard to rate hikes moving forward. And the market doesn’t like to hear that again? The market wants to be reassured that rate cuts are coming. Rate cuts are coming. Rate cuts are coming. But what came out of his mouth was enough to overcome anything going on here with this new war, which is going to go on.

It’s protracted, open ended. So we get a little bump higher. But I want you to look at this. This is interesting. This is a three month chart of the ten year yield, what it has done. What do you think of that? What do you notice here? What do you notice? You see that trajectory? It’s going to continue this. Get a better look at it. Lovely. This is going to continue despite what comes out of its mouth in light of current events, obviously, and a lot of this is the war.

This war is going to go on. This war is going to expand all of these wars. Now let’s see, we’re funding Israel, we’re funding Ukraine, obviously our own war coalition partners, again, none of which are BRICS nations here. This is going to require more funding as well. And what does that do? More cash pulled into the now people. Nobody, and I mean nobody has nailed this to the wall better than you and I.

We got this so down, so cold. It is frankly unfreaking believable. It’s not that we’re smarter than anybody else, because frankly we’re not. But we’re paying attention, we’re raising our awareness, and not only are we doing that, we’re taking action. Like I always tell you, believe me, I like to come out here and talk about these things with all of you, but you got to put this together in a way that you can understand what you need to do.

And everybody’s different, okay? But the bottom line is if we realize, let’s just put a couple of other things together here, okay? If we realize that the mechanism of pulling more cash into the now is going to continue on in perpetuity until it just doesn’t, if we understand that this mechanism, again, war expanding war, creates more need for borrowed dollars than any other endeavor on the earth, and we realize because of that, global debt is going to blow up even more.

What do you want to do? What do you want to do about it? Okay, well, let’s see what’s the best thing to do right here. Get yourself some physical silver, okay? Period. That’s, in my opinion, the best way to bet against this hyperbubble in debt that we have, which is about to take off even more. So what did we outline at the end of last year? You remember war, expanding war, war in 24.

That’s just part of this. The next phase here, and it’s going all right now, is so called governments around the world, none more so than right here and in the UK. This is going to be unprecedented. The amount of borrowing or government spending that is going to occur, and that is going to again, fuel this global debt hyperbubble even more so. And what is that going to do? Create more inflation as it’s designed to do.

It’s going to obviously devalue the currency as it’s meant to do. You have to understand, and you and I have covered this again since probably day one. Excuse me. Here, central banks continue their relentless attack on their own currencies. What are they doing? What is all this all about really? What is the core they’re working towards a new system, a new paradigm, a new set of rules. You all know that the new system must be brought to its knees first.

They have to create more slaves to the system, more dependency on the system, and that’s exactly what they are doing right now. So again, look, does this sound familiar to you? It’s only the stuff that you and I have been talking about since time immemorial here. So let’s just recap here. War rages on, and it’s not going to stop. Hundreds of billions of more dollars are going to be created out of nothing.

Bipartisan deals because it’s the right thing to do. Of course that’s how it’s being sold to people here. More funding for the Israel war, more funding for Ukraine war, more funding for our war. And the world is at war, and this is going to get a lot worse. And again, the propaganda is going to tell you where to look, why you should look there, pay attention to this and everything freaking else, because they can’t have you focus on what’s happening.

You understand? It’s all deception, it’s all a distraction on a grand scale. So, as I said, stock futures lower right now, Nijerk higher in the dollar. Commodities under pressure, including crude oil. Right now, nothing dramatic. Ten year yield, nudged a little higher. Okay? And that’s off of Powell. But remember the trajectory. It’s always about the long term picture here. And that is lower. And I’m telling you, it’s going much lower.

With this knee jerk higher in the dollar, that’s gonna burn off, too. Okay? All this is gonna prove to be very bullish for the stock market. Again, this is a selection year, presidential selection year, okay? There are still a lot of people that believe in a system that’s dead. Their hope is that maybe this time is going to be different. It’s not going to be different, people. If our votes counted, you wouldn’t be allowed to vote.

That’s my take on it. I guess you’re entitled to your own opinion on it, but that’s just the way it is here. We have no representation anymore. You want proof on it? How many hundreds of billions of dollars did you vote to fund the Israel war? To fund Ukraine war? Did you vote for this new undeclared war? This is a war. You realize that, right? But no, it’s being told to you as.

What is it? It’s retaliatory. It’s kinetic, it’s a. Whatever it is, okay. Anything but a war. And we know the mechanism behind this. Absolutely freaking crazy. It’s crazy, but what else would you expect here? Anyway, so that’s the story this morning. That’s where we are. I hoped I brought all of you up to speed. You know what to do here. Okay. That’s the beauty of, I think, this blog, people of action, are those that follow this blog.

People who are looking to understand what’s actually going on. People who know how to gauge where cash is moving through the markets and why. And that gives us, again, an insurmountable edge. It makes us invincible, in my view. We’ve nailed this to the wall so absolutely, perfectly, it’s almost like supernatural. But it isn’t. Because, again, it’s just cause and effect. Cause and effect. If we know who our enemy is and we know what they want, well, it’s just too simple, at least in my view.

But I want to hear from you on this, people. Let me know where you stand. Let me know what you think about this and everything else. All right? Look, we got each other’s backs, always. I got yours, you got mine. How can we lose again? I will see all of you later. Four, five p. M. Eastern for my live stream. And I love the fact that we’re getting more people there.

I think it’s a fantastic thing. And that’s because of you. That’s not me. It’s all of you. Getting these videos out there, sharing these videos, giving these videos a thumbs up, which allows the algorithms to pick them up. All right, it’s up to you. You want people to hear this stuff again, it’s up to you. All right, love you all from the heart. I’ll see you later. Bye.


See more of Gregory Mannarino on their Public Channel and the MPN Gregory Mannarino channel.


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expressing care in times of conflict financial implications of wars in Israel and Ukraine global conflict impact on economy government spending on wars importance of sharing and liking videos investing in silver during conflict live stream discussions on global conflict protecting money during war understanding enemy strategies unity in conflict

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