VP Walz FAKE Campaign Exposed Further!

Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ The article claims that Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign and Tim Walz’s military career are both fabricated. It alleges that Harris was falsely appointed as vice president and is now falsely running for president. The article also accuses Walz of lying about his military service, stating that he avoided deployment and ran for Congress instead. It suggests that these deceptions are finally being exposed and criticized.


So at this point we all know that everything about this Kamala Harris presidential campaign is completely fake. I mean this is a woman who was installed as the fake vice president after a fake and rigged 2020 presidential election and who lied to the American people for three and a half years about the health of Joe Biden before suddenly agreeing he’s so sick and has been so sick for so long that he can’t run for re-election and that she has to take his place on the ballot. Without winning a single vote by the way.

So when we say that this is a fake campaign, it’s no exaggeration. It was set up by the party bosses, nobody voted for Kamala, and when we zoom out just a little bit and we look at the Harris-Walls ticket, Kamala’s mandate to seek the presidency isn’t the only thing that’s completely and totally fake. So is Tim Walz’s military career. Keep hearing about how Tim Walz, the Democrats pick for VP, is some kind of a citizen-soldier national guard war hero who became the governor of Minnesota and rose from the ashes of Minneapolis to be tagged as Kamala’s running mate.

The ashes that by the way he’s responsible for after allowing the city to be set ablaze. But you know there’s one key problem with that story. It’s fake. It’s not true. It’s a lie. Tim Walz’s entire political career has been built on the fake lie that he’s a former command sergeant major in the Minnesota Army National Guard who deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and carried an assault rifle in the combat. Those are his words. But in reality, he was never there. Yeah, Tim Walz was a member of the Minnesota National Guard. He was a master sergeant.

He was set to be promoted to command sergeant major and deployed to Iraq, but instead he weaseled his way into retirement and ran for Congress. And he let another guy go to war in his place. A man called Tom Barrens. And this isn’t even really news because Tom has been talking about this since at least 2018 when Governor Walz launched his initial run for governor. But he was ignored. Nobody would listen to him. But now they’re finally starting to pay attention and just recently a reporter visited Tom Barrens at his farm in Minnesota to hear the story.

Take a look. He’s back again to wage a public war of words against Tim Walz. He abandoned us. You know, what the hell kind of leader does that? As soon as the shots were fired in Iraq, he turned and ran the other way and hung his hat up and quit. We’ll get to Barrens’ new message for voters in a moment. But this all starts years earlier when Barrens says Walz misleading statements about his military service first led him to come forward in the fall of 2018. So you try to get this message out.

The Minnesota’s largest newspaper checks it out, says it’s 100% true, but yet refuses to print. When I hung the phone up, I said, what the hell is this, North Korea? Back in 2005, a warning order went out to the 1st Battalion 125th Field Artillery to mobilize for a mission to Iraq. At the time, Walz served as the unit’s highest non-commissioned officer. But months later, Walz would retire from the guard, avoid the deployment and run for Congress. Tom Barrens was next in line for the position and was asked to take his place. I was like, well, for Pete’s sake, this guy quit.

And if I say I’m not going to do it, what the hell kind of leadership is that? So listening to a real command, Sergeant Major exposed Tim Walz as revealing enough. But there’s even more to this story. Just recently, Walz’s former battalion commander absolutely destroyed Walz in a Facebook post, writing part that quote, I do not regret that Tim Walz retired early from the Minnesota Army National Guard, did not complete the Sergeant Major Academy, broke his enlistment contract, or did not successfully complete any assignment as a Sergeant Major. Unwittingly, he got out of the way for a better leadership.

It is an affront to the non-commissioned officer’s corps that he continues to glom onto the title of Command Sergeant Major end quote. So by the way, the rest of that Tom Barren story can be found on our Rumble channel. We’ll post the entire interview. It’s actually very revealing, but how embarrassing. I mean, what does it say about our country that some stolen Valor fake soldier is about to be installed as vice president and be a heartbeat away from being commander in chief, able and absolutely willing to send American troops into harm’s way.

You know, it gets worse. When Tim Walz was a member of Congress, he took his military service lies even further. He lied to members of a Gold Star family about deploying to Afghanistan and then suffering from PTSD. This sat right in front of the C-SPAN cameras. He looked veterans directly in the eyes. He looked at Gold Star family and the American people right in the face and he lied. He tried to imply that he was deployed to Afghanistan and he tried to say that when he came home, he wasn’t given enough mental health support.

Only Tim Walz was never in Afghanistan. He went to Italy for a while, but never Afghanistan. This is Tim Walz as a member of Congress lying about his military record. And both of you with your keen understanding of how this works, especially from National Guard families, I can tell you this. Having been one of those that came back, we were in support of OEF, but being sitting in there with OEF, OIF veterans, when we came back, they showed us the horse whisper and told us to be nice when we went home. And that was the extent of it.

That was in 2004. Now I’m proud to say that because of the people sitting in here and people who came before me, things have changed over the last four years. They have not changed enough. But Mr. Kennedy is following and moving something forward that the late Senator from Minnesota, Senator Wellstone, advocated so clearly mental health parity and this issue of de-stigmatizing mental health, of understanding. And I being in there and knowing as a First Sergeant, know exactly what you’re saying and watching as people aren’t trained on this, that there is a discrimination that goes against a soldier who has the courage, the fortitude, and as you said, the insight to admit this.

So there’s a couple of things I want to ask you. It doesn’t get any worse than that. We’re just going to cut it off right there. It doesn’t get any more disgusting, any more vile. Tim Walz is a fat loser, ostensibly a homosexual who likes to groom kids and has to lie about masculine achievements in his life because in reality, he doesn’t have any. He’s known for turning his state over to a bunch of communist perverts and Somalians. And that’s about it. This is unbelievable that we’re even considering this. For more on this story and somebody who’s been following us, Paul Reyes, a good friend of the program who’s been on multiple times.

Paul, thank you so much for coming back. I mean, this is disgusting. It is. It’s a bore. It is disgusting. Let me show you something. I want to show you something. Yeah, my viewers that right there. It’s my grandfather. That’s a soldier, not this young man right here, which is me. But that’s my grandfather, served in the second grade war. He doesn’t like, he didn’t ever like, he never liked to tell himself and speak about his accolades and what he did. But he served his country proudly. And this guy, this clown, this loser, the shill for, we know who he’s a shill for.

He’s a Zionist puppet. They all are. This is what they do, Stu. They lie. They put up these fake facades. They tout all these accolades and accomplishments. And it pisses me off because I used to call people out just like him. He’s half the reason why I got out, to be honest. I did 13 years in the Army, four years active duty, 25th idea over in Hawaii, came over, did another nine California Army National Guard full-time out of the third largest train facility in the Western region in Camp Roberts. And I got out of there because it was too top heavy with too many punks like that dude that I would call out as an E6.

I got an E6 promotable staff sergeant. I can’t believe somebody hasn’t grabbed him walls by his clown ears and dragged him out into the street and beat the shit out of him for pretending to be a combat war veteran when he ran. He ran on his own people and sent other men to go die in his place so that he could be the pay puppet of the Israeli pay masters. It’s disgusting. I can’t believe somebody hasn’t pummeled the shit out of this guy. I don’t, I don’t understand it either. And I’m, my views are just like you.

I feel like it’s not even stupidity anymore because how stupid can you be? We know, you know we can look into your record. I can’t let alone somebody like yourself that has the resources. So you’re going to come on live television, run for the second highest office in the nation on a lie like that when you know we can look it up. We can look, but they can do it. They can do it and they can get away with it because just like COVID-19 was a novel coronavirus that nobody knew anything about.

Just like the safe and effective vaccines, just like the 2020 election being the most integrity filled upright election in American history, the most secure election ever, just like Israel being our greatest ally and Hamas committing a genocide, just like Vladimir Putin waking up one day and deciding to go be a war criminal and conquer Ukraine. Just like the world health organization is here to help you. The government is here to help you. The world economic forum knows best. The fed is a great thing and pay more taxes because you need more infrastructure.

Just like all of these things, all of these lies, the ghost of Keith, the bombing of maternity wards, the causes of wars, uh, the reasons for wars, the actual events of wars, all of them are all lies, but the Zionist funded black rock funded Rothschild funded media that also by the way, funds every military intervention that we participate in and regime changes and nation rebuilding and the spreading of democracy, which turns out to be some pretty deadly and dangerous. Just like that, they can use their media to cover up for all of the things that Tim Walz is saying.

Yeah, I, I, and it, mine boggles me that I, I talk to people all the time, Stu and I, I tell them, look, it’s not about being down on, on, on Jews in Israel, but it is what it is. Our administration is run by them. If they were so good and in the benefit for our country, why is our country is so much. That’s a question that we’re going to continue to ask in the upcoming film. Occupied will be out on the Stu Peter’s network exclusively this fall. We don’t know what video hosting platforms will have the testicular fortitude to air it.

So go to occupied film.com for early access to that game changer. Paul Reyes, I’m out of time. Thank you so much for being here. We appreciate it. Appreciate Stu. There’s a whole bunch of stories that have to be dug into, rethought, reconsidered, and in some cases completely discarded. As modern Americans, we’ve been spoon fed this dumbed down cartoonish, simplified version of history. It’s all fake. It’s all. Everything that we have been taught is part of a self-serving narrative written by the people who will say and do anything to keep us on a leash.

Now, this version of history, some big name corrupt families like the Rockefellers and the Roth Childs and their many associates are credited over and over and over again with propelling human development. Throughout the late 18 and early 1900s, almost every major American city was burnt to the ground. What if we really are quite literally living atop the ashes of an advanced civilization that’s been hidden from us for our entire lives? I’m going to ask you for your undivided attention, because I’m going to tell you about what could possibly be the most important life-saving supplement that I have ever talked about.

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Criticism of Kamala Harris's presidential campaign Criticism of Tim Walz's military service. Deceptions in political careers Exposing political deceptions Kamala Harris false presidential campaign Kamala Harris falsely appointed vice president Tim Walz avoiding deployment Tim Walz fabricated military career Tim Walz running for Congress

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