VCDL Lobby Day Speech (1.15.24) Complete w/Karen Interruption

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➡ The speaker was upset when his Facebook account was blocked because he shared his beliefs about freedom. He thanks everyone who came to the Capitol in Virginia even if it was difficult for them, and discusses how important the event is to the whole country. He mentions that he had to write his speech many times and encourages the crowd to be loud to attract attention.

➡ The speaker visited places with important historical significance to gain inspiration and reflects on the desires of the country’s founders, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He disagrees with existing gun control laws and proposed legislation, emphasizing that responsible gun owners aren’t the issue. He calls on Virginians to oppose what he views as unlawful restrictions on gun rights, encouraging them to stay driven, determined, and united in the fight to protect these rights.

➡ The speaker encourages people to get involved in their local community and defend their rights. He believes every citizen has a role in preserving freedom and upholding the constitution. He emphasizes the importance of being proactive, whether that takes the form of casual conversations, sending emails, or giving speeches at community events. The speaker insists that participation and taking action is vital not only for the current generation but also for future ones in Virginia and around the country.

➡ Drawing on his own law enforcement experiences, the speaker highlights the importance of the oaths they took to protect and uphold the U.S. constitution. He advises law enforcement officers to remember their commitments and resist any measures that counter constitutional rights. He concludes by urging all citizens to make their voices heard, have respectful dialogues with lawmakers, and actively participate in community events to guarantee a secure, free future. He also reminds them of the essential right to bear arms for personal and community protection.


That’s good. Y’all hear me? I can’t hear you. All right. So I had to take my hat and gloves off because I got challenged because I’m originally from New England, so this isn’t really cold. And I rewrote this speech because I woke up today and I had my account suspended for telling the truth and showing freedom things on Facebook. So I rewrote this speech with a little bit of anger.

There’s a little bit of bite into it, and I’m going to need you guys to get involved. Thank you. First off, thank you to Phil and the entire VCDL team for having me back here. Thank you to the other speakers, and thank you to the delegates that are we by us, being here at the Virginia state Capitol sends a message. And believe me when I tell you that the rest of the country’s eyes are on you right now.

And like I mentioned, I rewrote this speech again today. It was actually the fourth time I rewrote it in the last three days. But first, let’s make some noise. If you were here at a previous lobby day, make some noise. If you’re going to be here at next year’s lobby day, make some noise. All right, now, the next thing I’m going to ask you to do is make enough noise where they hear you in that building and the governor hears you over there, and they hear you in the Capitol, and all the cops surrounding us and all the drones and the helicopters hear, USA.

USA. USA, y’all. Boy, do I feel safe when I walk past those signs that ban guns here. For some reason, they don’t like barrettas or firecrackers. But I feel really safe here. And that’s what got me banned on Facebook this morning was that post. So it’s funny to me that the United States Supreme Court, not too long ago said that in order for any government restriction or infringement on the second amendment, for anything to stand, it must be consistent with this nation’s history on firearm regulation.

Anybody here, including boys in blue or drone pilots, show me somewhere in the constitution where it says you can put up those signs and make our rights go away on this ground here. Anybody. That’s unconstitutional. That’s why we’re here. Because people in those buildings think they know more than you. They think they can control you. And our forefathers died to stop this stuff. Signs can’t make your right null and void.

Fake dotted lines on a map don’t make your rights null and void. But for some reason, we’ve been guided into that like a bunch of sheep, where we think maybe we should just comply. No more. 24 is a different year, y’all. Over the last three days, I’ve traveled this state in search of motivation on what I wanted to say to you guys today. And I figured I wanted to talk about motivation, determination, and solidarity.

On Friday, I visited Mount Vernon, which is the home of our first president, the general George Washington, a founding father. It was extremely powerful. If you have not made that trip, do it. You have no excuse. You live a lot closer than I do. Saturday, I visited Monticello, the home of the author of the Declaration of Independence. You guys heard of that? Also the second governor of Virginia, the first secretary of state, the second vice president, and the third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson.

Do you think that those two Virginians would be happy that we have to be here doing what we’re doing now? They’re probably rolling in their graves right now. Both of these men, like their brethren, just like them, had huge roles in creating the longest running experiment this planet has ever seen, a constitutional republic that they called the United States of America. And it’s on us to keep it that way.

They knew that if they were able to motivate the colonies, that their dream of a free country had a chance. They knew that if they could keep those colonists determined, they could defeat tyranny. The strongest army and navy in the world, just a bunch of farmers with some muskets. They knew that if Americans did not stand together in solidarity, then the whole idea that we were endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, among those being life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness would go down the drain and not get passed down to the next generation.

Almost 250 years ago, these brilliant men knew that we had to fight tyranny at every single step and couldn’t give an inch. But we’re here again. Four years ago, tens of thousands of american patriots stood right where we are right now. Some estimates said 75,000 folks, not a single incident. They left it cleaner than when they showed up. We didn’t need the police. We didn’t need drones. We didn’t need helicopters.

None of it. We are not the problem. The criminals are. Those signs aren’t going to stop any criminal from walking onto this area right here. None of it. Thank you so much. I appreciate you. Hey, guys, let me hear you. If you were here four years ago, make some noise. Let me hear you. If you love this country and will stand for their rights, more importantly, let me hear you.

If you think that other people who don’t think the same way that we do, still have their right to disagree. That’s called patriotism, y’all. And patriotism is amazing. It’s a huge statement that you all made four years ago. Now, all the cops, if we were doing this, they’d be down here locking these people up. But because it’s gun owners, they’re going to stand there with their hands in the pockets.

It’s okay. But what happened is, four years ago, the delegates here, who are anti gun, anti american, anti freedom, they realized that they kicked a hornet’s nest. There’s a hornet right here. But once again, we’re here at the Virginia State Capitol, surrounded by local, state, and Capitol police. And I’m here to tell you that there’s probably a few feds mixed in. But we’re here using our first amendment right, the free speech and assembly.

All right, y’all, there’s like 54 cops here. If someone wants to come do their job, that’s fine. Still now, y’all, that is 100% irrefutable proof that we are not the problem. You. Now, like I said, we’re here again. Four years after they realized that they had screwed up. We’re surrounded by police because they thought we were going to do what she did. But that’s her right. But we’re not the problems, y’all.

And we’re here to ensure that Washington and Jefferson and many others didn’t sacrifice everything for us to drop the ball. For those keeping score this year, these anti american, anti freedom, Democrat communists here in Virginia are at it again. It’s a full court press. Why are we here? Because they want to make it illegal for anyone under 21 to buy any kind of firearm. Put a 5% tax on guns and ammunition so they can use our second amendment money to take away our right by using it for a gun violence intervention program.

They want to require a three day waiting period to purchase firearms. If that’s not enough, there’s another bill to make it a five day waiting period. They can’t even get theirselves on the same page. They want to stop NRA and USCCA certified firearms instructors from teaching courses that keep people safe and teach them how to use those tools. And they want it to be government controlled because government fixes everything.

They want to prohibit concealed carry in restaurants that just happen to serve alcohol. They want to ban semiautomatic rifles and magazines that hold more than ten rounds because that 11th round makes you John Wick. I didn’t even realize that I was that good? I guess I just need to play with that 11th round more often. They want to make semiautomatic rifle possession illegal for anyone under 21 years of age.

When those same folks, those same adults were the ones who made this country free. It’s amazing. They want to ban carry in hospitals, emergency rooms, and other places that provide mental health and developmental services. They want to make unserialized guns illegal. Now get this, even ones before the Gun Control act of 1968, that’s when they required serial numbers. So all the guns that the government, the federal government says you don’t need to have serial numbers on, well, this building wants you to do that.

Now, that’s insane. It’s absolutely hilarious on how disconnected they really are. They want to take away the gun rights of people who live in a home where someone who just happened to be the subject of an unconstitutional red flag gun confiscation. They even want to expand that gun confiscation. And more. There’s more. I just got too mad and I threw my phone when I was writing that. So they’ve obviously forgotten what happened four years ago.

And we are calling on you, Virginia. It is your time to get motivated, to tell your legislators to back down. It is your time to be determined to get involved, not just today, but every day. It doesn’t take long to contact your legislators, no matter where you live in the state. A phone works, an email works. Talking to friends at the water fountain works. Spreading the word in your neighborhood, at your church, in your community works.

And that’s what we need. We need people to get involved. It’s your time to stand shoulder to shoulder with your american patriots here in Virginia in solidarity. Why? Because we need you. Why? Because Virginia needs you. Why? Because your children and your grandchildren need you. So that we can pass on freedom to the next generation. I live in Tennessee, just south of Bristol, but I am in Virginia at least five times a month.

The world is watching America right now like never before. Are we going to be a free country or are we going to be communist? Things like this? Make the decision, y’all. Please get involved. The people in that building and that building and the men and women surrounding us at this event today in uniform, even those ones on the rooftop behind me and the ones flying the whirlybird, they all took an oath to protect and defend the United States constitution at all costs.

Yet we’re here again. They took that oath. And every single one of these bills is a direct violation of our United States constitution, your Virginia constitution, and your unalienable right given to us by our creator to be free. We don’t get our rights from people in a shiny white building. Not a single one of those bills, not a single one of those folks walking in circles will stop anybody from walking past a sign who’s doing criminal acts.

Criminals are criminals. That’s actually part of the definition, if you look it up. Now, I want to add that I was in law enforcement for more than two decades. Don’t hold it against me. I always said I was the most constitutional cop to lace them up. And it got me into a lot of trouble with guys in the station. But you need to know, especially the law enforcement folks, they need to know that their oath means something.

I took two oaths, one with the United States Navy and one as a law enforcement officer. My oath still stands today. I will protect and defend at all costs. And no tyranny can be carried out if law enforcement doesn’t do it because delegates aren’t coming to kick your door in. That would be funny. All they need to do is stand with the constitution and the rest will take care of itself.

We’re at a crossroads in this country’s history, y’all. We’ve already strayed way too far from what the founding fathers had established. Now is the time to take back control of government. Not just this government, all government. From school board meetings where it’s been injected with wokeness and craziness all the way up to DC. We the people have the power. We, the people are their bosses. We the people have backed off for far too long.

Get involved. I hope that you will get determined. I hope that you will get motivated. And I hope that you will stand with everybody else in solidarity. The time is now. Make your voices heard, guys and gals. I hope you want to go in the buildings and speak with your delegates. That’s why you’re here. They absolutely need to hear from you. They hear from the groups like moms demand action in every town for gun safety.

They’re bust in by the thousands. The problem is, most of us have jobs and we don’t get paid to travel in buses. Please take the time to ensure your children’s freedom and go in and tell these folks to back down. Thank you all for coming to the Virginia Citizens Defense League 21st lobby day. And I hope that I can see you at the 22nd lobby day. We the people, y’all.

Never forget it. Be safe, stay vigilant, and carry a gun to keep you, your friends, your family and your community safe. Folks died for that. Thank you. Six months. Y’all already. .


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citizen role in maintaining freedom community involvement for rights protection criticism of current gun regulations Facebook account suspension controversy founders' intent for life liberty and happiness freedom of speech at Virginia Capitol historical site visits for motivation importance of oaths national significance of freedom events proactive actions for constitutional upholding rewriting speech for public attention unconstitutional infringements on gun rights

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