URGENT! American Economy On The Brink Of Collapse! New Signs Emerging.. | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots




➡ In this David Nino Rodriguez discussion, Colin Plume, the founder of Noble Gold, emphasizes the importance of investing in tangible assets like gold and silver, especially during economic crises. He explains that central banks are buying gold to protect their assets and currency, and countries like Argentina are leveraging their gold to pay off debts. The conversation also touches on the possibility of returning to a gold-backed system, which could potentially increase the value of gold. Lastly, they discuss the decline of the dollar’s value and the importance of preserving wealth through tangible assets.
➡ Silver, like oil in the late 1800s and early 1900s, has the potential to be a significant economic opportunity as the world transitions away from oil. With its current value at $30, silver is being bought in large quantities, even in seven-figure transactions. It can be used as a bartering tool in case of economic collapse, and is more practical for trading than gold. Additionally, investing in gold and silver can provide a safety net against inflation and can be easily liquidated when needed, making it a good choice for retirement savings.

➡ The speaker believes that the price of silver, currently around $30, could rise to $60 in the next few years, especially if the government stimulates the economy by increasing the money supply. He also suggests that the demand for silver will increase due to its use in data centers, which are expected to quadruple due to technological advancements worldwide. The speaker encourages diversification of investments and recommends his company, Noble Gold, for its personalized customer service. He warns of turbulent times ahead and advises protecting wealth with gold and silver investments.


What’s up, folks? Welcome to Nino’s Corner.tv. I’m joined with Colin Plume. I guess you’re the founder of Noble Gold, correct, Colin? I am, yep. Founder, day-to-day operator. Used to be when we started every job at the company and we’ve expanded since then and sold a few billion dollars in gold and silver over the last few years. Well, I got to tell you this. Everyone I talk to, everyone on my, my audience knows with most guests that I bring on, I would say 95% of them and above say get gold and silver. That’s how serious of a time we’re coming into.

The economic problems that we’re getting ready to, that we are in right now, by the way, are getting ready to get a lot, lot worse. Look no further than the ports that are going to be going on strike tomorrow. There’s a lot of things happening that’s just furthering the damage of this, this economic catastrophe, you know? And so when I bring people like you on, it really brings some, I guess, sobriety to the, to what we are dealing with. It’s, it’s almost like it’s here. It’s go time. You got to invest in something you can count on.

Yeah, it’s all about assets. I think that’s what people are realizing more and more that you have to have, you know, something tangible, something that has a limited supply, something that you can use. You know, you look at Central Bank buying of gold this year, just tremendous amounts of tons and tons of gold. And it’s interesting because, you know, you look at a central bank and they can buy anything. They can buy any asset that they want. Why are they buying, why are they continuing to buy gold, even at the price that is today, which is the most common question we get, you know, why should I buy today? And it’s like, well, for a central bank, what they’re looking to do is they want to use it either to leverage or to protect their assets and also their currency.

So you have a situation right now with Argentina, for instance, they’re shipping a lot of their gold to London right now. And the reason they’re doing that is that they want to use the gold that they own to barter against and, and to borrow money against. And that’s a big thing that central banks do is they use it to bar. It’s the perfect collateral for any country that’s, that’s looking to do that. And so Argentina, as we know, has had heavy, heavy inflation, double digit inflation. And so they need to pay off some debts. So their goal is to leverage some of their gold, put it in London for a while and hopefully pay off some of their debts and then later, you know, be able to repatriate that gold and take it back to Argentina.

And we’ll see if that story does just happen for them. Let me ask you this because I had a question and it just came up today from a friend of mine to ask one of my guests and it was, here’s a good question of finance for your one. I’m not going to say the guest name on here, but if we go back to the constitutional dollar, how can contractual obligations be enforced at the values or terms of the fiat dollars in which they were penned are no longer in existence. So basically a lot of people, a lot of my audience feels we’re going to go back to go back note and and that’s what we cover extensively on my program.

And then the answer was the business of America is business. We will do a transition, but it will be painful for most. That’s why I discuss constitutional money frequently. Bed reserved notes are not. So basically a lot of people on my show are saying how we’re going to transition into the system when this is all said and done when the dust settles. I believe that the system needs to be completely taken down and revamped and go back to a gold back note. And I’ve been told that that people that have owned the gold and silver are going to come out on the other end of this very well.

The people that don’t are going to be in a lot of trouble. Do you agree with that? Yeah, and I would think and this is the thing I think about is and I’m hearing the same thing. A lot of people are asking about that. But you know, and I do think history repeats itself. So when we were on a gold back system and you look at what happened in the early nineteen thirties, this is what happened. So basically gold was priced at twenty dollars and about seventy cents per ounce. And then they basically said, that’s it.

We’re not going to use gold in the world anymore in the U.S. You’re not going to be able to use your twenty dollar gold piece. You’re going to need to turn that in. And they told everyone to turn that in. And this is where I tell people, beware of this situation, because I’ll tell you what happened. In nineteen thirty two, they said gold was worth twenty dollars and sixty seven cents. This is where the U.S. was able to control the price of gold. They told everyone to dump their gold and turn it in the next year.

They changed the price of gold from twenty dollars to sixty seven cents to thirty five dollars. So what you don’t want to do is you don’t want to lose fifty nine percent of your value and listen to the government and turn your gold in. So what you’re going to do is and if this happens again, you’re going to hoard your gold. And, you know, they had stipulations that you could do it back then and you’re going to keep it and you’re going to wait and you’re going to wait it through. Because if people think the prices are high now, wait till that happens.

I mean, if you look at that scenario, twenty dollars and sixty seven cents to thirty five dollars. If that happened today, gold’s at twenty six hundred. That means the gold we’d be trading closely. What’s that gold at right now? It’s about twenty six hundred dollars. Yeah. Last time we talked to you, it was like twenty one. Yeah. Yeah. It’s moved. It’s moved tremendously since we. Is it silver up to thirty something right now or what is it? Yeah. Silver’s above thirty. It’s hovering right there. A lot of the talk has been already. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

And so what I say is that if we do go back to a gold back standard and that’s where we’re going, where could gold potentially go? And so we’re in the midst of this bull run. It just started to happen. And, you know, these are the things that that may be concerned because you have Kamala talking about doing price controls. Well, price controls is what they did in nineteen thirty two. Right. They told everybody the price bill was twenty dollars and sixty seven cents. And then the next year they changed that price. We should never be talking about price controls.

It’s a free market. The only time that we’ve ever had price controls and they don’t work. But the only time we do it is during war. And that’s, you know, we’re short on things. World War Two. During different times, World War One, you need certain things, elements. You know, the government needs these things. So you do those things. But if you’re not in a full on war, you never talk about price controls because you create all these supply and demand issues and you create an artificial market that ends up making things just more expensive. And what my audience needs to know is it’s not the price of gold that’s going up.

It’s the price of the dollar going down. Yes, correct. Exactly. Yeah. And that’s not so scary about this. Right. Right. I mean, people are of this dollar is declining, folks. You need to have something that you can preserve your wealth. So when we do go in conspiracy, right, I have to put it this allegedly. We go back to a go back note. You’ll have something. Right. I mean, otherwise nothing. Right. Well, and you just have to look at the charts. So when when interest rates are high, which they were for almost three years, when interest rates are high and they lower them dramatically, go back the last 40 years and see what happens.

Because in essence, what they’re saying is that they’re making the dollar weaker. Right. By then, keeping rates up high, the dollar in theory should have been stronger. But what happened to gold? Gold has been rising through this whole time. But now they’re no further than the BRICS nations. They’re all ditching the dollar going with gold. Correct. Correct. Absolutely. So you’ve had gold. It’s already made a bull run. Now, a lot of people are talking about silver. And, you know, I talk about this a lot in my book, Silver is the New Oil, which is going to come out pretty much any day.

I finished it finally. And I and I have really specific charts that talk about what silver can do in this next world, in this next economy. And I really talk about I do think that silver is the opportunity that oil was in the late 1800s, early 1900s. I think it has the same potential to do the similar things that we’ve done. And we are transitioning. I mean, you look at the Middle East, you look at different parts of the world. They’re all moving away from oil. Yes, they still have oil. We still use it. We still need it.

But they’re long term. We’re thinking about making some significant changes. And I think that when you look at silver sitting at thirty dollars still today, I think it’s a tremendous opportunity. And we’ve just at Noble Gold and we’re, you know, one small microcosm of what’s going on. We’ve seen tremendous buying of silver. Many seven figure transactions in the last 60 days have been in silver alone. So let me ask you this. A lot of people ask me and I’m going to ask you, well, what do I do? I mean, if the economy busts and the dollar’s worth nothing, how do I buy anything with silver? How do I buy anything with gold? I mean, is it going to get to that type of desperate situation? Well, silver would be the perfect metal.

How do you get change back from silver? But all I got is a silver coin here. Yeah, yeah. No, I mean, listen, you can exchange silver for dollars or silver for other items, right? I mean, it’s a bartering instrument. A lot of people that I know keep silver in that specific situation. They’ll buy silver coins. They’ll buy silver rounds that are sitting at thirty dollars. And those are easy to change. I don’t know if we’re going to get to that point. But if we did get to that point, silver would make a lot more sense for trading and bartering than gold.

I’ve heard that for a short time period, a short window, cash will be king for a while. And then as we come out, like in other words, you’re going to need to have cash on you to buy small items, to buy this, to buy that. And then as the duration lasts longer, then that’s when things get pretty severe. I think people like if you went back like 20 years ago or even let’s just say 16 years ago when I got into the gold business, I think there’s there was this thing about keeping a certain amount of cash.

But I think people are going much less into cash than they ever have. I think they’re they feel safer and having their money because at the end of the day, if the if the banks are paying four percent or five percent, you know, gold this year is what almost 30 percent up. They know that inflation is really dramatically much higher. If whatever a bank’s going to pay you to keep money there, you got to know that they’re making three or four times on your money. So the goal is to get the money to your returns to hit something like that.

And nobody can guarantee what the returns are going to be in any investment. But the goal is, is you want to try to get money earning a better return to keep your cost of living the same. Dude, I just went to the the mini store down here at the hotel lobby. And I was like, wait, what? Fifty something bucks for Tylenol, a couple of waters and like gum. And I was like, this is this this can’t be right. And I looked at it again. I’m like, no, it’s right. This is absurd. This is crazy. It’s happening to the dollar right now.

And it costs me 70 bucks, dude. Yeah. And you know, why is because people are traveling. Hospitality is really shrinking and down. And so hotels and these kind of places, they know that, you know, maybe a person was going to take one or two trips a year. Maybe they’re only going to take one trip a year. And so they still have the same cost to run that that hotel. They still have the same. So what they’re going to do is they’re just going to you know what? People are traveling less. We’re just going to charge more to cover just to make sure that we can cover, you know, what we’re doing and keep things open for us.

And you know, it’s interesting about hotels in Vegas and behind the scenes, a lot of things are happening. But a lot of assets are being purchased in Vegas. A lot of hotels are being purchased. A lot of things are being acquired just as the real estate, a big real estate company just bought three or four hotels on the street. And they just bought the real estate. Was one of them the Mirage? The Mirage was bought about a few years ago. But but the Venetian and the wind and a lot of these were just bought. The land was just bought.

And because people just want assets. People that’s that’s the thing people don’t realize right now is that you have all these fractional investments, these equities, all these things out there that seem sexy and fun. But right now, when you’re in a geopolitical tension, you know, we have who knows what’s going to be president. All these wars. It’s a flight to safety. That’s the key right now. It’s all about a flight to safety. If we ever get back to more normal economy where the GDP is growing and we have a more healthy economy, then you could take some more of these risks.

But in times like things, when things are really in trouble, that’s when people are going to have this flight to assets they understand. And that’s why gold and silver really surged. You know, silver is like your shelter in place. It’s like your insurance. You’re it’s like your inflation insurance. That’s that’s in essence what you’re buying. And I think people are really seeing that, you know, day to day. Obviously, their electricity costs, all their energy costs are going up. So they’re looking at something that’s really that safety. And the beauty is it’s unlike real estate when they need it.

And they have to let you know this year. We have a lot of people with noble gold that are retired and they need this money to live on. And they have it in their IRA and they’ve converted it. They can sell it. You know, if they need money to loan, they can sell it at any day, any day. There’s no waiting period. There’s no nothing. You call us. You need money. You sell it. And you know, the thing that’s really been interesting about us is that we don’t consider ourselves like an investment firm because we don’t control your assets just because we have a lot of gold and silver in storage.

It’s actually in the client’s name. It’s not our name, but we did some calculations on what’s actually in storage and how much is there. And it’s amazing how much money and how much wealth has been created over the last few years for people that have bought gold and silver from us. And so even though it’s not ours, it’s theirs. I mean, we’re talking billions of dollars in growth over the last few years that have happened, people that have converted into gold IRAs and silver IRAs. And now, you know, they’re in retirement. They may need the money.

Maybe they want to travel. Maybe they want to do it and they have this gold there ready to sell at any time. And people are living off this and they’re, you know, they’re trying to have a normal and healthy retirement, which is, I think, the goal for everybody listening and everybody is you want to have the same quality of life. When you’re not working and that’s the beauty behind it. So also while we’re here, if anyone does have an IRA with us, it’s coming up the end of the year. If you need to do a required mandatory distribution, please call us now.

We need to take some time to do that. So we want to make sure we get ahead of it. If you don’t liquidate before the end of the year, the IRS comes after you. So you don’t want to have that happen. You want to get ahead of them. And the rules are quite draconian. If you don’t liquidate in that year, they’ll tax you up to 50 percent. Oh, my God. Yeah, it’s crazy. It’s it’s a really sad. So if anyone has an RMD that they had, if you’re above 70 and a half and you have to start taking it out, call us.

Let’s get that handle for you. But it is a good time right now. People are looking at gold and silver and they’re just happy that they got into it. And they’re able to keep up with all the rapid increase in prices and pretty much everything that we’re, you know, needing to live on day to day. I’ve always been told I’ve had like Jim Willie on and a few other financial experts that have come on. And they’ve always said the big indicators when when silver reaches above what 30 is it that 30 is a threshold. I mean, all time high is still 50.

So, you know, I still think I mean, there’s so few assets in the world that are in high demand that are still below the price of its all time high. Right. I mean, gold is blown through its all time high broke blow through 2000. But silver still sitting in a 30 dollar range. You know, it’s one of those metals that it is volatile. You know, I will tell people it’s a volatile metal. You know, a dollar up a dollar down can happen very easily. But I think if they if you look at that 50 and I in my book, I talk about I really think 60 is the number that I would be really looking at.

And I do think we’re going to hit that number in the next few years. But that’s I mean, I mean, when you say we’re out of like on. Would you say this is out of the ordinary? What’s happening right now? Would you say that it could happen probably and could it happen in months? 60 years. I think 60, the number of six because it’d have to blow through 50. It really depends on if they’re going to do quantitative easing or not. I think they are going to do it next year. I think they are going to do.

They’re going to try to stimulate open up the money supply. If they do that, then I think 60 could happen faster. If they don’t. That everything is going to close to like it’s going to be business as usual. I’m saying that I don’t believe that. I don’t believe this is going to be business as usual. I think we’re coming into a huge, huge train wreck. And there’s going to be a transfer of power in every sense of the word and things are going to change. See, people don’t add that into the equation. Do you at least think about that? Are you like, well, there could be I mean, call it conspiracy, call it whatever you want.

Look what’s happening right now. I mean, this is what’s happening. You know, for me, I always look at what happened in history. And I look at the gold price every day, silver and the trends and what happened. And I just try to like, I try to think of like what’s happening today. Did it already happen in the past? And what is the Federal Reserve gone? Let’s say, let’s say Mr. T gets in and all those things happen. Let’s say there is a possibility we go back to the gold bone. I mean, that’s going to be a game changer, correct? That would be.

Bricks is already doing it. Why wouldn’t we do it? Yeah. The brick nation. Yeah. They’re meeting the brick nations are meeting in Russia, October 22nd, 23rd. I’m just saying, I mean, it seems to me like any of those things absolutely. I always I’m conservative. So I look at like conservative. I look at what could potentially happen. And I just kind of look at what happened in history. And I just look at even if none of those things happen and I don’t know if they are. But if you just look at the demand for silver, if you just look at like, you know, all these data centers, like the amount of silver they need, they need gold too.

They need all the data centers too. But the amount of data centers we need today and right now, 4% of the world’s data centers are here in the US and it’s going to continue to grow and grow. And they say we need to quadruple the amount of data centers we need because of this, the way that the world is set up. I mean, there’s a lot of the world that’s still catching up in terms of technology, right? A lot of countries in Africa, all over the world that still haven’t, you know, second, third world countries that are still trying to catch up.

Once they do catch up, everyone’s on their phone, right? Everyone’s on the gadgets we’re on now. They’re all going to need data. Silver is a big component. So I just look at industrial uses. I look at what happened in the past. And yes, I mean, listen, if things do go haywire, if they go quantitative easing, there’s all these scenarios that can happen. But at the end of the day, I think it’s a good time for people to diversify. I think it’s a good time for people to look at what we do. I know you can talk a lot about it on your show.

And so, yeah, if anyone that’s interested, you know, contact us. Let’s talk to a live person. You know, we’ve partnered for a long time and we’re all about customer service. Call us. Talk to somebody here in the US. We’re unlike any other company. We’re not like trying to push you to some bot or do something online. Yeah, that’s what I love about your company. You talk to a person, you have great customer service. Correct. You help people. You hold people’s hand along the way. Correct. Absolutely. That’s the key to it all. We want we want high level, white, white glove service.

And I think people love that. And I think when you’re talking about investment that is going to go through some some very interesting times, you want to be able to call back in and say, hey, I got a question or, you know, what’s going on my account or whatever it is. You know, you want that. I don’t think people just want to only look online at what’s going on with their finances and what’s going on with their future. They want to they want to talk to a live person. And that’s what we really focus on at Noble Gold.

What I can say from what I know, all the people that I’ve had on my shows is that we are heading into a very turbulent time that I know that I do know. And it’s going to be very it’s going to be a lot of choppy water folks. It’s a we are heading into a storm. And I would say protect your wealth with gold and silver. That’s just the most common sense thing I can I can come up with. So, and I really appreciate you coming on. If you had a crystal ball, what would you say? Why would you what would you say you think it could go up to by the end of the year? Well, it depends who wins the election, I would say.

If you look at if you look at when Obama won his second when Obama won his second. I think 90 days after that the U.S. Met sold more silver Eagles than in the history of U.S. Met after that. And obviously times are different. You know, things are different now. But that was the last time we had, you know, something kind of where people were really concerned. So I think that’s really what it is. There’s a lot of things happening. The Fed, you know, is so tied into the government. Right. As much as they’re supposed to be independent, they really are.

So I think the things to keep in mind are if unemployment, if true unemployment numbers continue to go up, they’re going to do something drastic. And I think that’s why I think quantitative easing is going to because, you know, big corporations right now are like, they’re not ready to hire. They’re not. They’re not, you know, they’re not really looking to grow. And what would push them to grow is is money getting cheaper. And so I think that if I don’t. Nobody wants to work. Nobody wants to work before. That’s. I got to tell you when I was checking in at the hotel here, I couldn’t believe how long the line was.

And then every time someone at the front desk helped somebody, they would stop what they’re doing after they helped somebody and go back. And I don’t know what take a cigarette break. I don’t know what they were doing. But dude, customer service is like, I don’t care anymore. It’s like, it’s unbelievable what I’m witnessing here. Like, and Gen Z. I mean, it’s just like, I don’t know. I don’t know where all this is going. Folks, get your gold and silver. That’s all I can say. That’s what I do know. So I don’t know. Colin, I thank you for coming on.

Where do people find you? Noble gold investments or they can just call in eight seven seven six four six five three four seven. Mention you heard us on the show and we will take good care of you and give you all the information you need. And even if you’re just at the beginning of your journey, you know, call us. Let us send free information. You know, let me get you on the list for my book. Let me let’s let’s have let’s have a dialogue and ultimately get you the right information for you to make an informed decision when you’re ready or hit the link below, folks.

It’s as easy as that. Get started. Get your gold and silver. Colin, thank you so much for joining me. Thanks, David. [tr:trw].

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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Argentina gold debt payment central banks buying gold Colin Plume Noble Gold current value of silver decline of dollar value economic crises and gold investment gold-backed system importance of gold and silver investment investing in tangible assets large quantity silver transactions preserving wealth through tangible assets silver as economic opportunity transition away from oil value of gold increase

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